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Posts posted by djskeemask

  1. 32 minutes ago, The Swanton825 said:

    I wrestled and managed around Northeast Tennessee, didn't last long though. Probably not even a year total if you don't count the time I left and came back. I had a serious attitude problem back then that didn't do me any favors. I believe the one name I got to stick past a couple of shows was Mike Magnum so there might be a School of Morton video or two of my shoddy wrestling floating around still if you feel like torturing yourself lol.

    If you really want to do give the business a try without actually wrestling, I would suggest looking to see if anyone is willing to train you as a ref. Good refs are few and far between so even decent ones are always in demand.

    And to keep from going too far off topic, I know he's just a celebrity guest and all who's there to get more eyes on Hook and the product in general, but Action Bronson bragging about going to the effort to train at Create-A-Pro yet had it put in his contract with AEW that he doesn't have to bump rubs me the wrong way.

    It's funny you mention refereeing. That's a job I would love to do. I'm also weird in that I was a 'fan' of certain refs back in the day, or at least knew who most of them were. All the Hebners were like the main eventers of refs in my childhood. Mostly Earl or Dave (twins who used this as an angle to pure gold). To name off some (in no particular order): Brian Hebner, Danny Davis (one of the greatest 'heel' referees), Joey Marella, Tim White, Mike Chioda, Red Shoes Uno (NJPW), Aubrey Edwards (who was also a video game developer!), Nick Patrick, Charles Robinson and we can't forget Jack Doan! I know there is probably more I'm forgetting, but those are the names that are not forgotten in my mind.

    I think Hook has a decent following now and doesn't need Bronson to bring in more. TBH, I couldn't care less about Bronson being in AEW. Flash in the pan, especially with a no-bump clause.

  2. 5 minutes ago, The Swanton825 said:

    I actually almost put in a bit at the end sympathizing with her because I myself cut a ton of bad promos when I tried to wrestle so I know how hard it is to improv a promo in front of a tiny crowd, much less an AEW-sized one. She can totally recover, but I worry she'll try to double down on what's not working instead of moving on. Owen's a great example of that. He'd trip up, brush himself off and try again next time like nothing happened.

    I am STILL a fan of Owen. If you haven't seen his WWE DVD, it is a great documentary and full of amazing matches.

    I am curious about you being a wrestler! I have a few friends that have had some local success. I grew up in the Quad Cities in Illinois. One of those cities is Davenport, where Seth Rollins is from. I didn't know him but it's cool to see someone local make it so far. Another guy that dated my cousin some years ago, "The Natural" Nate Alsin, actually made it onto cagematch.net. Check him out. Can I ask your ring name and where you wrestled? I've thought about spamming the local companies about working for them, not as a wrestler, but pretty much any other role.

    I would imagine a smaller crowd would almost be worse than a full arena. A gym/hall crowd of let's say 300 people, everyone is so close to the ring and can see you sweat and probably, with less crowd noise, hear the nervousness and nuances of your voice.

  3. On 9/13/2022 at 9:04 PM, TigerClawTV said:

    New fan of the series here. Been playing a ton of 2013 as well as WS3 (The ones over on Steam). It's clear to me I"m going to want to move up to a more recent version. Can I get some detail on the differences between 16 and 20? Would it be worth it for me to jump right to TEW2020 since I never played 2016 and thus dont have any long running save file?

    I have 16 and 20 installed (and EWR for nostalgia and easy games). After playing 2020 exclusively for nearly a year, probably more, I went back to 2016. There are pros and cons to both, but they all depend on your play style. Also, check out the mods for each one, that could influence your decision. But like @Kubikiri Asa said, try the demos. (Hint: read his profile and check his site. The mod lists are a little easier to read.) I believe the demos are the full version, but only playable for a certain amount of in-game time. Like run a company for a month or something like that, but all the options are available!

    • Thanks 2
  4. 25 minutes ago, TigerClawTV said:

    Io Shirai loses to Alexa Bliss. It's not even real and I'm like "C'mon man".

    Good post!

    Thanks! I enjoyed it myself. I'm hoping my details are ok. I know, as a reader, I don't like reading every single move of a match. I would much rather read a summary. Regarding Shirai and Alexa, that was actually the AI's decision. I couldn't decide on who to have win. Playing that save for my own entertainment, I hadn't been following everyone's performance levels. Even though I don't play with morale on for fantasy's sake, since it still functions with it off, I try to keep everyone happy. I tend to have a feeling when someone is going to complain about losing to another worker. I had a feeling Bliss would complain if I had Shirai win.

    Also, to you or any other readers. I'm curious how you want the 2 Darks displayed. The day they are held (booked before the A shows) or the day they are shown?

  5. 11 minutes ago, The Swanton825 said:

    I know, right? Marina lures you in with a promo that seems like it's going somewhere at first before she loses the plot and, instead of wrapping it up, goes ballistic for no reason at all screaming "YOU DON'T KNOW ME" after spending the whole promo talking about how everyone knows her. Meanwhile, poor Vickie's standing in the corner doing her absolute best to hide how embarrassing the whole segment is.

    I'm sure she can recover. I mean back when Owen Hart was constantly cutting promos backstage, I can remember at least a handful of flubs and errant messages. He was known for it in my circle of friends. We would actually take bets on whether he would have a clean promo or not. He still became one of wrestling's top talents. Please don't confuse me for saying Shafir is anywhere near Hart's level. Just saying that she can come around.

  6. On 9/4/2022 at 1:21 PM, djskeemask said:

    Can anyone with more knowledge of the new forum re-format the front page? For now, Asaemon, who I believe is the same one from here has a good index for 2020...

    @Kubikiri Asa is that you Asaemon? If so, great page at bethebooker!

    edit: Nevermind, just glanced at your profile. Pretty obvious that it is you! Lol. Keep up the good work my friend! I've watched some vids on PWS and I'm an avid Steam user. If you're on Steam, add me, bjthedeejay11683. I will most likely buy PWS at some point. I better stop. Probably shouldn't advertise another game here. LOL

  7. 6 hours ago, Fleisch said:

    First weekend of October I will be starting work on the Chronicles: The Territories modern day fantasy mod. I'm looking for a mid/end January release (the data will likely start July 22). Of course these plans could change based on unexpected real life factors but (staying healthy) this is what I'm hoping for.

    I may have overlooked it, but what is the backstory on this upcoming mod? I've always been a fan of your work, so my interest is piqued.

  8. 57 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

    Tonight on AEW Dark Elevation (which totally exists despite what some might claim) Marina Shafir cut a... I guess you can call it a "promo", and wrestling Twitter has some thoughts about it.

    LOL...I'm glad you finished that thought. My immature brain immediately went to "cut a fart" 🤣

    What were the thoughts? I don't care to get on Twitter much

  9. My memory is horrible. I know I have had some REALLY interesting ones in real life mods that turned out to be a great pairing. I'm working on a newer AEW save for my dynasty now so I will share if I come across some. I do remember an older save. Ruby Soho (Ruby Riott then) seemed to have chemistry teaming with anyone I threw her with so I went on a misfit hiring spree. Abadon, Christina Von Eerie, some others with a wild side or a punk/goth gimmick. Put together a 8 women stable called Riott Squadd. They ended up with all the gold.

  10. aew-all-elite-wrestling-logo-0884F90C11-seeklogo.com.png

    Friday, Week 4 of September

    AEW Rampage.jpg
    Coleman Coliseum in Baton Rouge, LA (13,523)


    El Desperado_Alt.jpg  VS  Danny Limelight.jpg
    El Desperado vs. Rivera

    We open up the pre-show with a singles stable vs. stable match. El Desperado representing #Stronghearts and Rivera representing LAX. The crowd were not very involved and the wrestling was pretty tame. I guess that's why we hold pre-show matches! Rivera won with Capi Ku.

    Danny Limelight.jpg
    Rating: 54


    Cima.jpgEl Lindaman_Alt.jpgT-Hawk_Alt.jpg  VS  Aaron Solo_Alt2.jpgAnthony Ogogo.jpgNick Comoroto_Alt2.jpg
    #Stronghearts (CIMA, El Lindaman, T-Hawk) vs. The Factory (Aaron Solo, Anthony Ogogo, Nick Comoroto)

    This match didn't feature many eventful spots and the crowd didn't really seem too enthused. El Lindaman made the pin with a Locomotion Tiger Suplex.

    El Lindaman_Alt.jpg
    Rating: 55


    Orange Cassidy_Alt.jpgCousin Jake_Alt.jpg  VS  Jeff Parker.jpgMatt Menard.jpg
    Something Orange (Orange Cassidy & Jake Something) vs. 2point0 (Angelo Parker & Matt Menard)

    With this match we saw the debut of Jake Something who has joined forces with Best Friends and formed Something Orange with Orange Cassidy. JAS was represented by their henchmen 2point0. This match popped the crowd a few times and they seemed interested in Jake Something. It was pretty obvious that Cassidy and Something were somewhat of an odd pairing and didn't really click as a team. We will see if they will continue with this tag team. Orange Cassidy eventually beat Parker with a Beach Break.

    Orange Cassidy_Alt.jpg
    Rating: 58


    Main Show

    Excalibur_Alt.jpgJim Ross_Alt.jpgTony Schiavone_Alt.jpg

    After some intro pyro, we cut to our fearless commentary team as they recap the pre-show and run down the main show card. They all also commented on all the additions and changes to the landscape of the roster and alliances/rivalries. JR gave El Desperado a rousing endorsement, which in the wrestling world is as good as gold! Although the tag team didn't work out so well, they all seemed to be impressed with the debut of Jake Something complimenting his look and in-ring talent. Now let's get right into the action.

    Giulia_Alt.jpg  VS  Bianca Blair_Alt2.jpg
    Giulia vs. Bianca Belair

    It's amazing that a top talent from Japan in Giulia is one of the workers that is lower on the list of talent in the women's division. This division has been hugely boosted after the takeover of Triple H. He has also claimed this will not be a beauty contest like the WWE. He will scouting for in-ring talent, with good looks being a plus. Moving on, Bianca Belair won this match, despite looking off her game, to a seemingly uninterested crowd.

    Bianca Blair_Alt2.jpg
    Rating: 64


    KENTA_Alt3.jpg  VS  Wheeler Yuta_Alt.jpg With William Regal_Alt4.jpg
    KENTA vs. Wheeler Yuta w/William Regal

    Regal came out and took his chair with our commentary team and said hi to Tony, JR, and "The Masked Man". Always a pleasure when Sir Regal takes a seat at the table. As expected, KENTA and Yuta's similar styles meshed really well making for a decent match. In fact, they were so evenly matched that the match ended in a double pinfall! It won't count as a win or loss for either man, but will definitely be remember as a good match. Even Regal showed respect for KENTA, complimenting him in his commentary. Could this be a future friendship in the making. Time will tell.

    Rating: 74

    Claudio Castagnoli

    Wheeler and Yuta met again in the center of the ring. Claudio's music hits and the crowd goes insane. He comes down to the ring to explain the situation and why he is no longer ROH Champ. Tony Khan and Mick Foley decided to vacate the title and keep the title in ROH's hands. The companies will be working more separately to give them their own new identities. Claudio agreed with this path and relinquished the title willingly and happily. He says he will be setting his sights on AEW's World Title now that his "shoulder feels naked". With that announcement the crowd erupts again and BCC exit to backstage.

    Rating: 60


     Dustin Rhodes_Alt.jpgDarby Allin_Alt6.jpgSting_Alt7.jpg  VS  Rush_Alt.jpgAngel Ortiz_Alt.jpgMike Draztik_Alt.jpg
    Dustin Rhodes and Darby Allin & Sting vs. LAX (Rush, Ortiz, Santana)
    Street Fight Match

    This match had some good spots and a great crowd reaction. Fans were quick to point out the team of painted faces. That was until they got a glimpse of the raw power of Rush and the excellent teamwork of Ortiz & Santana. A very back and forth match. LAX finally got the upper hand after Darby Allin got brawling with Ortiz all the way to the cheap seats. Ortiz got some momentum and Rush and Santana joined them. All three of LAX grabbed Allin and threw him off the 3rd deck onto a table! (Crazy bump) That wasn't good enough for Rush, who grabbed him and carried him back to the ring, hit La Lanza and got the pin for LAX.

    Rating: 78


    Carmella_Alt.jpg  VS  Kris Statlander_Alt4.jpg
    Carmella vs. Kris Statlander

    A short match, but decent wrestling and crowd reaction. Statlander won pretty quickly with a Big Bang Theory.

    Kris Statlander_Alt4.jpg
    Rating: 70


    Moose_Alt3.jpgSara Del Ray.jpgShawn Spears_Alt2.jpg

    Before we catch their match, we catch a verbal war between Moose and Shawn Spears. Mooses manager, Sara Amato, officiates the exchange.

    Rating: 77

    Moose_Alt3.jpg With Sara Del Ray.jpg  AEW TNT_Alt2.jpg  Shawn Spears_Alt2.jpg
    Moose (C) w/Sara Amato vs. Shawn Spears
    AEW TNT Title Match

    This match had great action and good crowd response. This was expected to be a squash match for Moose to brush up his skills. However, Spears held his own throughout the match. Even getting some good offense in. Moose prevailed in the end with his Game Breaker for the win for his 2nd defense.

    AEW TNT_Alt2.jpg
    Rating: 76

    Lance Archer_Alt2.jpg

    As Moose turned to the crowd before exiting the stage, Lance Archer came out of nowhere and surprised Moose. Archer got a couple good hits in on an exhausted Moose, eventually Power bombing him onto the equipment on the side of the stage. (Stunt bump) Archer turns and leaves Moose laid out cold. It looks like Archer still misses 'his' TNT Title.

    Rating: 79


    Io Shirai_Alt5.jpg  VS  Alexa Bliss_Alt19.jpg
    Io Shirai vs. Alexa Bliss

    Another showcase of our blooming Women's division. The two didn't seem to click all that well. Alexa also seemed to not bring her A game. However, this match showed a great back and forth between the two, with both getting a fairly even amount of offense in. Io Shirai showed off some Joshi moves that American crowds may have never seen before. The crowd loved this match, getting fairly vocal at a couple points. Bliss eventually hit a Twisted Bliss to nab the victory.

    Alexa Bliss_Alt19.jpg
    Rating: 71


    Will Ospreay_Alt4.jpgKevin Owens_Alt3.jpgPaul Heyman_Alt2.jpg

    We cut to a backstage split screen with Paul Heyman immediately taking control to hype up his man Kevin Steen making him look even better. Steen says a few generic things and comments on Ospreay "going soft". This is in reference to Will and the rest of United Empire seemingly taking a babyface role here after coming over to AEW. Ospreay rebuts in a way only he can, also throwing in some 'off color' language to show that he hasn't totally lost his edge. Everyone performed well and the crowd definitely liked this segment.

    Rating: 85

    Will Ospreay_Alt4.jpg  VS  Kevin Owens_Alt3.jpg With Paul Heyman_Alt2.jpg
    Will Ospreay vs. Kevin Steen w/Paul Heyman

    This match was top notch. It seemed both men were pulling out all the stops and even moves we have never seen either of them perform before. We even saw Steen trying to keep up with the agility of Ospreay. The crowd ate it up too. We heard the inevitable "This is awesome!" chant. Ospreay even recieved a "Fight Will Fight" chant in reference to a Steen catchphrase. We have one more match to go, but this could have easily been the Main Event. Heyman did some good work at ringside, causing a couple distractions that benefitted Steen. One distraction gave him the upper hand and he was able to hit the Pop-Up Powerbomb on Ospreay for the 1-2-3.

    Kevin Owens_Alt3.jpg
    Rating: 85


    Main Event
    Cash Wheeler_Alt2.jpgDax Harwood_Alt2.jpg  VS  Nick Jackson_Alt5.jpgMatt Jackson_Alt6.jpg
    F.T.R. (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. The Young Bucks (Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson)
    Tables Elimination Match

    This match has been requested again and again by seemingly every fan. Countless matches between these two teams have always satisfied. This one was no exception! Cash Wheeler surprised everyone eliminating Nick Jackson first through TWO tables. Of course Matt had Dax somewhat subdued and went right after Cash in a fury of revenge moves. He eventually put Cash through a table. This left a good singles matchup between Dax and Matt Jackson. The two battled back and forth. Matt got Dax on the top rope to hit him with a super-plex. However, it seemed that Dax was playing possum to lure him in. He reversed the super-plex with ease and sent Matt through the ringside table that is setup at every show.

    Dax Harwood_Alt2.jpg
    Rating: 88


    Excalibur_Alt.jpgJim Ross_Alt.jpgTony Schiavone_Alt.jpg

    We close out our show with some highlights and recaps of the events of the night. Also, we get some news from Triple H for these guys to present to us! In the aftermath of tonight's events and No Mercy coming up tomorrow night, some matches have been announced! Tomorrow night we will see...


    Moose_Alt3.jpg  AEW TNT_Alt2.jpg  Lance Archer_Alt2.jpg
    Moose vs. Lance Archer
    AEW TNT Title Match


    Darby Allin_Alt6.jpg  VS  Rush_Alt.jpg
    Darby Allin vs. Rush
    Allin attempts to get his revenge on Rush...in a STEEL CAGE!


    Cash Wheeler_Alt2.jpgDax Harwood_Alt2.jpg  AEW Tag Team.jpg  Nate Coy.jpgLuchasaurus_Alt.jpg
    F.T.R. vs. Jurassic Express
    AEW Tag Team Titles
    FTR earned their shot at Jurassic Express's Tag Team Titles.

    No word yet on if we will see the Trios Titles. (Jurassic Express are 2/3 owners of those as well.) Although with the other 1/3 being our World Champ Drew Mcintyre, it is likely he will be defending that. To whom, it is unclear. Join us tomorrow night to find out!


    Jim Ross_Alt.jpg

    Goodnight everyone!

    (Total Rating: 83)(Increased Popularity in 45 Regions)

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, TigerClawTV said:

    You aren't wrong about impact. Its a smaller thing for sure. But if you want to see ol' Trey at his best, look up Trey Miguel vs. Mike Bailey. Classic match that is miles above the impact standard. If I had more time I would try and find it myself to post it here.

    Don't know how much you follow Japan's companies. Okada is getting a little stale, at least in my eyes. However, he is still one of the top wrestlers in the world, imo. I know it's a little hard to follow with the language barrier. But NJPW has really upped their game over the last few years and even opened up New Japan of America, a sister company here in the USA. They are also introducing an IWGP Women's Title in November which will be showcased at their events and fought for by women from Stardom. Bushiroad owns both Stardom and NJPW, so they are also sister companies. But Kevin Kelly is doing commentary with another guy in English for most of New Japan's current events. Most shows are great the whole way through, but if you just want to check out a few matches, I suggest signing up for New Japan World. It is their version of WWE Network. You can get a free account or a paid account. There is plenty of English stuff on there and even the free stuff that isn't in English is worth checking out. I had an issue with my American debit card not wanting to work with their Japanese pay system, so I'm stuck with free. If you want to get a glimpse of Stardom, they have a youtube channel (We Are STARDOM is their name on Twitter, Instagram and youtube) with episodes on there. Usually the episode will focus on a certain worker or show a couple recent matches. Worth taking a look at if you are interested. I'm still amazed at the increase in their production values over the last few years. Enough rambling, I have some Rampage results to post!!

    I also wanted to mention to everyone. If you have some booking ideas for your fav workers or anyone on the roster, maybe even a prospect for me to look into from another company, feel free to shoot me a private message. I won't brush you off and I love talking wrestling with fellow fans. Just ask @Strech! Also, I would like some suggestions or some sites for HTML formatting my results and Dynasty related posts. Mostly looking for help with maybe bordering with AEW colors and some better organization and maybe a better way to add my pictures. Right now I'm just using the forums upload and inserting as I type it.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, TigerClawTV said:

    -Kazuchika Okada vs. Trey Miguel

    This is the part that I really found interesting. I'm a fan of Impact. Trey Miquel's matches are always awesome.

    I came across him in my 'Hidden Gems'. I am pretty impressed with him. I don't watch Impact. I'm mostly into AEW, NJPW, and recently Stardom. Trey is putting in an average of about 70 for his performances. I may have to youtube some real life performances.

    In other news, I should have more posted later today. I was hoping to get it done this morning, but life gets in the way.

    • Like 1
  13. Wanted to do a little cheap advertising. I finally got all basic info posted for my new dynasty. It is an alternate AEW. I had some issues come up today and didn't get everything I wanted to done. But health issues come first. Dark: Elevation is posted with Rampage to be posted in the morning. Hope you guys enjoy!



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. aew-all-elite-wrestling-logo-0884F90C11-seeklogo.com.png

    AEW Dark Elevation.jpg

    Excalibur_Alt.jpgJim Ross_Alt.jpgTony Schiavone_Alt.jpg

    Our announce team kick us off immediately handing us over to their friend Taz who is with Hook.


    Hook remains silent and his father, Taz hypes him up. He claims that with him having his back and the confidence that the FTW belt has brought to Hook there is no stopping him now.

    Rating: 68

    Player Uno.jpgStu Grayson_Alt.jpg  VS  Anthony Bowens.jpgMax Caster_Alt.jpg With Billy Gunn_Alt.jpg
    Super Smash Brothers vs. The Acclaimed w/Billy Gunn

    The crowd didn't really seem too into this match, despite having some great action. The match went back and forth. Billy Gunn also did some good work at ringside. In the end, Player Dos pinned Anthony Bowens with a Fatality!

    Rating: 73

    Kazuchika Okada_Alt3.jpg  VS  Trey Miguel_Alt2.jpg
    Kazuchika Okada vs. Trey Miguel

    A decent reaction from the crowd led to these two putting on a pretty decent match. Although Okada picked up the pin, the match was assumed to be a squash but Miguel held his own against this legend of Japan. Miguel may be a surprise star in the making. Okada hit the Heavy Rain to make the pinfall.

    Rating: 71

    Brody King_Alt2.jpg  VS  Flip Gordon_Alt6.jpg
    Brody King vs. Flip Gordon

    Brody came out alone, leaving the House of Black backstage. Both wrestlers put in a really good effort and it showed in this decent match that got a good response from the crowd as well. Brody King won with the All Seeing Eye.

    Rating: 71

    Trent Barreta_Alt3.jpg  VS  Christopher Daniels_Alt5.jpg
    Trent Barreta vs. Christopher Daniels

    A good back and forth match. Both men pulled out some inventive moves. They seemed to have awakened the crowd. Trent eventually landed a Crunchy for the win.

    Rating: 73

    Tetsuya Naito_Alt.jpg & Keith Lee_Alt7.jpgShane Strickland.jpg With Big Show_Alt2.jpg
    Sin Cara_Alt2.jpgAngel Ortiz_Alt.jpgMike Draztik_Alt.jpg
    Tetsuya Naito & Swerve In Our Glory w/Paul Wight vs. LAX (Sin Cara, Ortiz, and Santana)

    This match showed some great wrestling and some really good spots. The crowd absolutely loved it. This could have been the main event on any show. Tetsuya Naito showed us why he is so beloved in Japan. He instantly connected with the American crowd and won them over. He also won the match pinning Sin Cara (who was the weakest link) with Destino. Also, Paul Wight continued to show why Keith and Swerve enjoy having him at ringside, showcasing their amazing chemistry. Even though they lost LAX still looked strong out there and performed well to showcase the new stable.

    Rating: 81

    Lance Archer_Alt2.jpg
    Lance Archer

    We cut to backstage with Lance Archer. He shows his anger and fire as he unleashes on one of our newest acquisitions, Moose. Moose came in and in his debut match defeated Lance Archer for his TNT title. Archer addresses this and claims it can't and won't happen again. That is if the title is defended and retained at No Mercy. (As Elevation would be aired after No Mercy). Lance looked strong and furthered his aggressive gimmick.

    Rating: 76

    Riho.jpg  VS  Mandy Rose_Alt.jpg
    Riho vs. Mandy Rose

    In our final match for tonight's Elevation, we see overseas star Riho take on Mandy Rose representing the newly minted Rose Garden. The match was pretty evenly matched. Rose started gaining momentum just as Riho surprised her with a Gannosuke Clutch to win the match. The crowd seemed to love this one. Also, the commentary team mentioned that Triple H may be making a habit of having our women close out some shows in the main event.

    Rating: 75

    Excalibur_Alt.jpgJim Ross_Alt.jpgTony Schiavone_Alt.jpg

    We close our show with our commentary team recapping the show.

    Show Rating: 76

  15. aew-all-elite-wrestling-logo-0884F90C11-seeklogo.com.png

    Tony Schiavone_Alt.jpg

    Welcome ladies and gentleman. We have a speech that will be broadcast with our live broadcast of Rampage, before we kick off Dark: Elevation. I'll hand it over to you, Triple H!

    Triple H_Alt11.jpg

    Welcome everybody! It's great to be here in my new home at All Elite Wrestling! I am truly honored to be the man in charge here. No disrespect to Mr. Tony Khan, but I plan on taking this company to a whole new level. As you can tell already, I have brought in a ton of new talent and some friends from a former employer. Oh wait! I forgot we can acknowledge other companies on our programming. The environment with Vince's scandal and worker morale on the failing product were a couple reasons I decided to leave WWE. Also, the atmosphere here and the potential to build my own product is what led me here. I have brought in talent, known and obscure, from all over the globe! From the indies, to Japan, to Mexico, to WWE. I have scoured the planet and am attempting to bring you some major talents. You won't know them all, yet. But you will! To give you a better idea of our structure. Ring Of Honor will remain a part of us as our development area. That company will be led by Tony Khan with Mick Foley working creative. I look forward to seeing what that company spawns. There is already a full roster full of talent just waiting for a call-up. I have released some press releases in the last couple days outlining our TV & PPV Events, Champions, and Roster. I will be utilizing some special matches on a more regular basis. Those include ladder matches, table matches, cage matches, and a few more surprises here and there. Don't worry, no more lingerie matches! (He winks to the camera). Another unique thing we will have going on here. I have talked to TK about spending money on this and he is on board. I will buy out name and gimmick trademarks for any wrestler that we acquire, if that is what they wish. It will give us some familiar faces and make it easier to follow your favorite wrestlers from another company. I have not yet scheduled anything for our PPV No Mercy to be held tomorrow night. However, if anything comes up I will definitely inform the commentary team to have them let you viewers know. I look forward to taking the helm here. No pun intended. That's all I have for now. Enjoy tonight's entertainment!!

    Tony Schiavone_Alt.jpg

    There you have it folks. Stay tuned for Dark: Elevation and Rampage!

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  16. aew-all-elite-wrestling-logo-0884F90C11-seeklogo.com.png

    Friday, Week 4

    Tony Schiavone_Alt.jpgTriple H_Alt11.jpg

    Tony: With the influx of new viewers brought in by Triple H's takeover, he will be addressing the fans later on today with a State of the Union sort of speech in a precursor to tonight's shows, Dark: Elevation and Rampage. He will go over the results of last month's All Out for those that missed it or are just now tuning in to our product. His take on future matches and match types will also be addressed. That's all the info on the speech we have for now. It is rumored, however, that there may be match announcements for our upcoming event No Mercy to take place tomorrow night live on PPV! Stay tuned.

    • Like 1
  17. 10 minutes ago, Strech said:

    Best of Luck! The Million Dollar Dynasty looks wild! Will be interesting to watch their story and this diary unfold!

    Just finished up with injuries and a short little paragraph while you sent this at the bottom describing some workers that people might not know.

    I appreciate the kind words pal! I should be thanking you, as you were one of my inspirations. I'm still not sure what I'm doing with the Dynasty yet. I wasn't really planning on a stable but after I signed DiBiase (I've always been a fan since I was a kid) I noticed there was a stable logo "The Dynasty" in my photo pack. So I decided to put that together for now. I brought in Kevin Nash to support Triple H with the takeover and he kinda just seemed like a good fit to be an occasional wrestler and bouncer in that stable. Not sure if I'm gonna have DiBiase go crazy and offer a 'paycheck' to join to a lot of people or just keep it small. My LAX stable is REALLY strong. Lots of talent there.

  18. 5 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

    The GM mode for the AEW game won't let you book more than one women's match per show.

    That's what my TEW save is for. BTW, I'm starting to work on a Dynasty for that save. Check it out in the Dynasty section. Stables posted just now. Working on posting more info posts. I won't book anymore events until I get all my info posted. I still haven't decided on a format for my shows yet. But in my game, Dark Elevation and Rampage are the shows for "tonight" and I have a PPV, No Mercy 2022 scheduled for the following night. I run a schedule of Dark/Dynamite same night shown diff days, same with Elevation/Rampage. PPVs are 4th Saturday of the month

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