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Everything posted by ace1193

  1. hey was looking at your WOTI post saying what is missing as u may add too it Stardom company, sol ruca & tiffany stratton etc :)

  2. Is this used with genesis 8 models u got link of stuff u bought to make the renders these are sooo good!!
  3. is there the background templates for this like the galaxy and the event templates too?
  4. Does this pack have a discord it would be hugely popular as I love these pics my favorite picture pack
  5. So excited for this so i could do my own x-men run if i wanted too this sounds so cool!!
  6. Is it me or since this update advancing days have gone slower using RWC June mod and that is usually super quick but since update it is so slow is there a fix too this or a hotfix coming is anyone else getting slower advance days it's like 5 minutes each time which is putting me off and I don't want it too
  7. Is there any mods like Diablo X that has comics video game mods that are updated or anything?
  8. Is there any fantasy mods on here, like superheroes or anything like this? 😁
  9. I love this game but finding as my game gets longer in years. It takes around week 1 Friday or Saturday it can take up to a hour to simulate it takes the enjoyment out of it, I hope this gets patched as this game is incredible but that hour simulate really puts me off hopefully this will get fixed in a patch.
  10. Trying to get people back who have left the business but I don't know how I go to in game editor click wrestler I want but don't know how then their unwilling to negotiate so frustrating using a WWE mod too
  11. Is there pictures for every weightclass WEFF belt, if so how do i find or upload them
  12. Anyone got any new skins i'd love the blue one too be made pink or any other cool skins anyone know anyone who does cool skins
  13. <p>how id you do the titles</p><p> </p><p> how did you make these titles?</p>
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