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Everything posted by GreatreDRagon

  1. Wolf Hawkins Chris Flynn Doc Hammond Mighty Mo Matt Hocking Freddy Huggins Jack Jackson
  2. How will TCW survive without Mighty Meaty? (RIP Tana's career)
  3. ‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] J-B Cash Kenobi High & Sebastian Koller [vs] Luke Cool & The Demolishers ‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Doomsday w/ The House of Business Rolling Johnny Stones [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver Beast Bantom [vs] ‘All Business’ Edward Cornell w/ The House of Business
  4. Hey, thanks for the support 🙂 Thank you👍. I had big plans for Bilous in my save so I made that render for her. Then she immediately announced she was retiring and I barely got to use the picture!
  5. BCG Animal Harker | Bunrakuken Torii | Findlay O'Farraday | Funakoshi | Ichiro Mitsukuri | Koyo Kinoshita Mabuchi Furusawa | Razan Okamoto | SUKI x 2 | Takenori Doi | Tanyu Toshusai EXODUS 2010 Commander Kawagishi x 2 | Jotaro Tanaka | Kuemon Hotta | Orange Tsuchie Pretty Okakura | Shimpei Hirose | Shirai Yanagawa | Tsuneyo Yanagimoto PGHW Bussho Makiguchi | Chojiro Kitoaji } Kozue Kawashima | Magnum Kobe Reaver + Hell Monkey alt | SATO | Seiji Jimbo Unemployed Battle Sakata | Big Boss Emperor x 2 | Eiichi Umehara | Hiroshi Morisue Koichi Kajiwara | Kuniyoshi Kawamura | Nakayama x 3 Ryu Kajahara | Sozen Ishinomori | Toyokuni Hardcore | Yuta Isono + Alt + Young Lion
  6. Taking a break from playing Britain for a bit Back to Japan Funakoshi Bunrakuken Torii SUKI Mabuchi Furusawa Razan Okamoto Yuta Isono (old render tweaked & re-sized)
  7. Non-Title Match… If The Underdogs win, they earn a 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title shot: The Underdogs (Joe Simpson & Michael X) [vs] The Brat Pack (Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Thurston Darcy III) ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ Bedlam [vs] ‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu ??? [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason The Lee FamiLee (Gorilla Lee & JK Lee) [vs] Edison Silva & Kelvin Badberry Welsh Dragon [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton w/ Wade Orson
  8. I'm not great at making logos but I've thrown a few together over the years
  9. This is where I'll post my renders and anything else I make for TEW. I've mainly made this thread for organizational purposes and re-renders of my older pictures. I don't want to spam the official thread with a bunch of characters I've already rendered before. Feel free to use any renders I make for mods as long as credit is given. I do NOT give permission for renders or anything else I create and post on this forum to be put through AI. Please feel free to use these renders in diaries on this forum if you like, you don't need to ask my permission for that. 21CW Adam Matravers | Andrew Lee | Assassin | Apollo Prince | Beast Bantom Buff Martinez | BW Eddie | Cliff King | Compton Valence | Daniel Black Francis Doomsday | Edward Cornell | Grave Digger | JB Cash | Kathleen Lee Kelly Martin | Kevin Jones | Lance Martin | Langton Herring | Leigh Burton Luke Cool | Mark Adonis | Mass Hulk | Phillip Cooper x 2 Ricky Storm | Sebastian Koller | Sifu | Tommy Cornell | Viktor Beskov War Machine | Yuri Iliakov Britain Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan (The Northern Lights) | Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson (Black Country Boys) Lone Wolf | Padraig O'Hearne Europe Bam Bam Johansson | Clubber Kohl | Cub Balowicz | Fabian Schwarz | Hans Piccard Hercules Johansson | Karen Bilous | Landon Mallory | Lauro Girodano x 2 Lothar Prime | Michael Gregory | Paolo Gandalfini | Steffen Strucker | Thea Davis Walker van Cleer | Zofia Jankovic
  10. Adam Matravers Kevin Jones The Demolishers (Langton Herring & Compton Valence) Kathleen Lee Zap Powerson Will Beaumont
  11. J-B Cash Absolutely Flawless (Kelly & Lance Martin) Thea Davis Zofia Jankovic Rob Edwards
  12. Vedmore goes into business for himself I played the first ever show for my developmental company to make sure they crowned a champion. This match was the the final of a 1-night 8-man tournament and a title win was supposed to help groom Makinen towards a strong spot on my main roster. Now he's out for 14 months. After I told Vedmore not to DDT the guy for real...
  13. Apollo Prince [vs] J-B Cash Beast Bantom [vs] Luke Cool Local Talent [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby Kenobi High (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole) [vs] Doomsday & BW Eddie w/ The House of Business Evan Alpass [vs] Blackheart w/ Grave Digger ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers
  14. Thanks mate. Honestly my style developed from trying to copy King Bison haha. Also took a bit of influence from shipshirt. I like their cartoonish style but it's harder for me to replicate. Sure no problem Plus some others Phillip Cooper Apollo Prince Kian Owens Grave Digger BW Eddie
  15. More Britain Men of Steel (Mark Adonis & Mass Hulk) Buff Martinez Doomsday Daniel Black Francis Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu (Ricky Storm & Sifu) Lone Wolf
  16. Some from Britain Beast Bantom Sebastian Koller Andrew Lee War Machine Leigh Burton The Red Devils (Viktor Beskov & Yuri Iliakov) Lothar Prime
  17. Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Vicki Company ‘The Immovable Object’ Brickhouse Balder [vs] Ruin w/ Nightmare ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester [vs] Edison Silva ‘D-B-F’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] Lone Wolf Landon Mallory [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Ozzie Invasion
  18. Marty Scurll vs Goldberg Ilja Dragunov & Bryan Daniels vs Edge & Aleksandr 'Vertigo' Klaptsov Andrei Arlovski vs Ivan Markov Lykos Gym vs The Arrows Of Russia For the mystery signing I'm just going to keep guessing Aleister/Malakai Black
  19. Europe Walker van Cleer Landon Mallory Lauro Giordano Michael Gregory The Bern Boys (Fabian Schwarz & Hans Piccard) Paolo Gandalfini Bam Bam & Hercules Johansson Steffen Strucker The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)
  20. MAIN EVENT: The Bloody Hand (Fujimaro Tansho, Gekko Otsu and SOSEKI) vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew Challengers vs Champions: Arnoud Vox and Sheikh Abdul-Wahid vs Kyushichi Mizumaki and Masa Kahaya Death Smile vs Shi Yuuto Ryuji Kodaka vs Yura Malakyan BJ Powers & Teddy Windham vs Sugita Kamoto & Tsutomu Honda
  21. Beast Bantom [vs] Rolling Johnny Stones ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers [vs] Luke Cool ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby Assassin [vs] ‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar Boulder & Flynn [vs] The Demolishers (Compton Valence & Langton Herring) ‘The Squashasaurus’ Roly Muckletruck [vs] ‘All Business’ Edward Cornell w/ The House of Business
  22. Bouncing around the timelines a bit. Here's more 2007. The DeColts (Alex, Steve Jack & Ricky) Eddie Chandler Damian Carvill Nate Johnson Shane Nelson Zeus Maxmillion
  23. Sunday January Week 3, 2007 - CGC Title Bout Wrestling MATCH 1:... Stunning Stuart warms up in his corner. He gives the crowd a big smile and wave. Adrian Garcia has joined commentary again, still on the look out for new talent. Stuart is the exact opposite of what a prospect of The Elite should be. His wide eyed innocent smile should have disqualified him from even trialing for a spot and yet here he is, taking a chance on the road to money and fame. Stuart's excitement shrivels and dies the instant his opponent emerges. Dan DaLay lumbers to the ring. The hulking man's laugh syncs with Garcia's cackling over commentary. The most notable, and frankly baffling, part of this match came when Stuart had the gall to try and lock up with DaLay. The big man hoisted Stuart up by his twig arms, threw him half way across the ring into the turnbuckles, then charged the young man in the corner. DaLay didn't even throw a clothesline. He literally just ran at Stuart and flattened him. DaLay toyed around for another minute then hit the DaLay Down (Belly-to-Belly Piledriver) and stomped his foot down on Stuart's chest for the cover and the 3 count. Rating: **1/2 ANGLE: The War Has Just Begun Garcia joins DaLay in the ring and raises his client's arm. He grabs a mic and John Maverick and Eddie Chandler sulk down to the ring. They harden their faces with scowls but their footsteps are timid. They must stand tall with their team mates in the very ring they were pinned in two nights ago. Garcia: "I'd like to take a minute out of everyone's time to say congratulations. I wanna give a big congratulations to The DeColt boys, Steve, Jack and Alex, let's give them a hand. You boy put up a great fight. You gave blood, sweat, and I bet there were even some fans around the country shedding a few tears for you. You overcame the odds. But you paid a hell of a price didn't you? I hear two out of three of you boys have been ordered not to compete tonight. Hey that reminds me, is Alex out of hospital yet? When you called us out you said you wanted to finally see who the better team was. And now here, in the aftermath of Elimination, we've put half your family out of action. The World Champion got pinned in the middle of this ring! So let me as ask you boys something, do you really feel like you won?" The crowd pop out of their seats. Ricky and Jack, with a bandage patched across his forehead, stride out to the stage to answer The Elite. "Do we feel like we won? To tell you the truth, I'm feeling a lot of things right now. I'm feeling this goddamn gash on my head throb every time I stand. I'm... WE... definitely feel like we've got some unfinished business we needa take care of tonight. YOU might feel like you accomplished something Friday night. Like always, you threw cheap shots, you broke the rules, and you did everything you could to break us. Now our older brothers are on the shelf. And the funny thing is, WE. STILL. BEAT YOU! It cost us two DeColts to beat you on Friday and we've got two more here to finish the job. The CGC fans are gonna see The DeColts kick some ass again tonight!" Rating: ***1/4 ANGLE: Powell and Zeus Backstage We return from a commercial break to Ryan Powell and Zeus Maxmillion backstage. Zeus: "So what do you think your chances are?" Powell: "He's gonna sign me, man, he has to. I took the World Champ to the limit, I lead our team to the win on Friday, I got- Zeus: "YOU lead the team? Powell: Yeah, of course. Zeus: Huh. I don't remember it like that. Powell: I'm the one who gave Mr. Garcia the idea for a trial, I was the only guy who'd ever won a championship on our team, I got the win for our team, so yeah, I was the leader. Zeus: Well I remember doing all the work, you sneaking in and pinning a guy I already had beat. Powell: Like I just said, I was the team leader. I decided you'd done enough so I tagged in and sent you to stand on the sidelines, which you did, while I got the win. Zeus: Okay. If it means that much to you, you were the leader. But if you ever steal a win from me again, I'm gonna bounce your head off the ring canvas, you understand? Powell: I'll crack my knee against your face you stupid meathead! Garcia: There's my boys! Just the two studs I was looking for. Powell and Zeus are nose to nose. Garcia hurries over and they break away from each other. Garcia: "Great work on Friday guys, you really shone out there. Sorry I didn't hang around to talk afterwards, you know, business calls. Anyway, I was so impressed by your teamwork that I wanna see you two in action again tonight! How's that sound? Zeus and Powell glare at each other. Powell hesitates and the Greek speaks first. Zeus: "I'll fight anyone you put in front of me." He glares at Powell again. "Anyone." Powell: "I do anything it takes sir." Garcia: That's great guys! Okay you two go warm up and get ready to give The DeColts hell. I'm counting on you okay? Great. See you soon. Rating: *** MATCH 2: Damian Carvill vs. Tempest Appleby VS This match was a squash, plain and simple. Carvill, hot off his surprise debut at Elimination, showcases his impressive athleticism. The match only passes the 3 minute mark because Carvill took his time to trash talk the crowd while Appleby struggled to stand then planted him back down with the Nature Calls (Satellite DDT). Carvill gets an easy win. Rating: **1/4 ANGLE: Medical Update on The DeColts We see footage recapping the Elimination main event. Dan DaLay's vicious assault on Alex DeColt. John Maverick pinning the unconscious champion. The Elite taking out Jack. Then Steve DeColt overcoming the odds and beating Maverick and Chandler by himself. Unseen footage plays of Steve collapsing after the main event and Jack and Ricky helping him walk back to his locker room. Alex is loaded into the back of an ambulance with a brace around his neck. Commentary tells us Alex has a concussion and is unable to compete for a minimum of 3 weeks. Steve, although not severely injured, has been ordered by doctors not to train or compete this week so he can recover from the damage he took on Friday. Rating: ***1/2 MATCH 3: Jon Jetson vs. Christian Price VS Commentary tell us that Jetson demanded this match. At Elimination Price injured Ed Monton's knee and now Jetson aims to get a measure of revenge for his tag team partner. Price has youth on his side but is hesitant to engage with the veteran. Jetson takes advantage of the timid youngster and rattles him with heavy handed strikes. Price starts to get his head into the match towards the end but Jetson gets a decisive win in just over 7 minutes. Jetson returns backstage, satisfied with his result, and leaves Price to pout in the ring. Rating: ** ANGLE: Title Match Set For Next Week We see another recap from Elimination, this time showing when The Specialists and Soldiers of Fortune beat Tag Champions Youth Energy and The Varsity Boys. Next week The Specialists will challenge Youth Energy for the CGC World Tag Team Titles. Rating: *** MATCH 4: Jack & Ricky DeColt vs. Ryan Powell & Zeus Maxmillion VS Jack and Ricky as a duo are the least experienced team in the DeColt family. However they've been training together for most of their lives. They quickly take control of the match. Powell and Zeus can't get any momentum going. They fight all out like singles wrestler but get overwhelmed by the precision and teamwork of The DeColts. The tide turns when Powell buckles Ricky with a boot to the kneecap. The Elite prospect pounces on DeColt and wails on him. Ricky fights to fire back up. In his desperation to keep the advantage Powell tags in Zeus. They show their first moment of teamwork and plant Ricky with a double suplex. Zeus slams Ricky with his arsenal of power moves. Shoulder charges, clotheslines, snap powerslam. Zeus signals for the Thunder Bolt (Dominator). He wraps his arms around Ricky and throws him up to his shoulder - Ricky twists and clamps his legs around Zeus' head then throws him with a hurricanrana! Both men are down. The crowd scream for Ricky. Jack pounds on the turnbuckle. Zeus staggers up. He turns around and dives for Ricky's legs. Ricky throws himself forward. He gets the tag! Jack bursts into the ring and flattens Zeus. He springs off the ropes and charges through Zeus again. The Greek manages to fire up and fight back. The match turns into a fist fight. Both men try to out brawl each other. Zeus' willpower is dominated by the brutality of Jack's wild force. Powell is screaming for the tag. Jack picks up Zeus. The Greek sways on his feet, too groggy to see Jack clasp round his head with The End of Days (Dragon Sleeper). Zeus squirms in his trap. He blindly swings for Jack's face and tugs to escape but he's fading. Jack drags him to the corner and tags Ricky in. The young DeColt goes to the top rope, flies through the air and drives his elbow into Zeus' sternum and Jack drops at the same time for a reverse DDT. Ricky covers Zeus while Jack stares down Powell. Powell just stands and watches. The DeColt's defeat Powell and Zeus by pinfall. Rating: ***1/4 ANGLE: Post-Match Attack The referee raises Jack and Ricky's arms. Adrian Garcia strides out with The Elite and orders them to attack. The three fighters march to the ring in formation with DaLay as the tip of the spear. Jack and Ricky spring back and size up their rivals. The Elite step up on the ring apron and Powell tries to creep in with them. Zeus staggers to his feet but The Elite shove the prospects out of their way and face off with The two DeColts. Silent stand off. Just as DaLay is about to lunge forward Zeus jumps back up and shoves him back. The Greek eyes out each members of The Elite. Taken aback, they start to close in on Zeus and he shifts his foot back and clenches his fists. This distraction gives Steve DeColt enough time to race through the entrance curtain and hobble down to ringside. He's got two steel chairs and he throws one up to Jack. The Elite bail out of the ring and retreat back up the ramp as the DeColt boys stay ready for a fight. Zeus and Powell back off as The DeColts and The Elite stare down to close the show. Rating: ***1/4 Final Show Rating: ***1/4
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