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Posts posted by Macca316

  1. Looked for assistance in the Creatives got something for you thread, but the guys there are quite unsure of the thunderverse so figured I'd try with you guys here.


    Question is:


    "Playing as AWF in the thunderverse and am building up to the formation of a heel stable based around the members feeling they've been unfairly treated and not been given fair shots.


    I'll be kick starting it with Sean Riley turning heel and reforming their tag team "Dead or Alive"


    Shortly after they will be joined by Drake Richards, Johnny Hollywood (who hasn't won a match in over 5 months) and potentially Mountain Albert.


    I'm stuck on a name for them, I want the vibe of the group to be similar to TNA'a Main Event Mafia, however instead of safeguarding their position, they'll essentially be a group of bitter veterans looking to seize what they feel no matter the number of bodies they need to step over to get there.


    Help much appreciated"

  2. I still maintain that DA2 is not a bad video game. However, it's an absolutely terrible Dragon Age: Origins sequel. :p The bar was set high, and DA2 was not the game most people (myself included) wanted.


    Am I the minority of people who found the story to be enjoyable? maybe not as big and bold a story as Origins but it was a smaller scale personal story that i found to be for the majority highly enjoyable.

  3. i love Dragon Age 2, after completing it, i finally read reviews and was stunned about how people thought it was bad


    only thing i don't like, is too many random battles, that take ages to plow through, but i love it anyway


    Also addicted to Fallout New Vegas, forgot how much i love it, i have Veronica as a companion the first time i have used her, as i always stick with Boone


    I read no reviews but have since seen on forums and talking to people that it was apparently really bad.


    While I agree with some points, every dungeon being almost a carbon copy of each other, Some of the people who didn't enjoy ther story... I'm not saying their wrong... but their wrong the story is just as good if not better than DA:O its a more personal story... easpecially if playing as a Mage.

  4. I love how enough people wanted it that BioWare actually made it an option. I'm really looking forward to Inquisition, I just hope that it actually lives up to my cautious optimism. But you never know with any game these days.


    (Yet I've still pre-ordered it and WWE 2K15)


    I am so deep into that franchise as a fan that even if its terrible I'll love and play the hell out of it...


    Did the same with DA2 even though alot of people claim its terrible.


    I got WWE 2K15 for the PS3 as at current don't have a ps4... Yeah it's the same game largly but i'm enjoying it... and one split second moment has easily made this purchase worth while for me,


    was playing as a downloaded Hideo Itami against Fandango and the guy that made the Itami had given him a slap as one of his punches, Fandango jumped off the top rope and thanks to janky physics I managed to b*tch slap Fandango out of mid air...


    Was pretty awesome.

  5. Don't have to tell me twice, Kilmarnock born and raised (unfortunately :p).


    Tying it back to wrestling, nice to see the WWE use the Network for exciting post-RAW stuff. Stuff that should really be able to be seen worldwide by now. :rolleyes:


    I would feel robbed by this if I was a current viewer of the WWE product, solely because I would have been robbed of being distracted from Rusev's matches by Lana...


    I don't have Sky, can't be bothered with VPN's and was excited for a UK launch of the Network so I could watch again.


    Robbed I tell ye... robbed.

  6. Where do you stand on this? :p




    Its still jam...


    Jelly is something served at little kids parties which is usually nuclear in colour and is set...


    Jam is and has alway will be something that is spread on toast or sandwiches.


    Although I will preface my opinions by saying I'm not English, I'm Scottish... Scotland is a land of such delicacies of Deep Fried Mars bar, Deep Fried Pizza and Haggis so my opinions on what is food or what classifactions food falls under may be slightly off lol :p

  7. Americans insist on removing the letter "u" from words that originally have the letter in. You also refer to chips as fries and crisps as chips. Strange folk :p


    I'm honestly a little gutted that I couldn't sign up for the Network tonight, but I know I can wait, hopefully it won't be too long a wait, though. A little explanation wouldn't have gone a miss, even if they just blamed it on technical difficulties. Ah well.


    And don't get me started on Peanut butter and Jelly...


    JELLY!?! JELLY!?!


    I think you'll find its Jam.

  8. Yeah, well it looks all right (all right :p). But that doesn't mean much nowadays, and has never meant much tbh.


    I fully intend on playing a dwarf at some point just to romance The Iron Bull just to see if said dwarf gets ripped in two by The Iron Bull :p

  9. Cena also put over Bryan last year and at WrestleMania. And he's put over Lesnar twice. They've definitely used Cena better on PPVs since the Nexus days (except for Bray who was the fall guy to build up Cena so they could feed him to Lesnar). The problem is they still protect him more than anyone on Raw.


    Agreed, Who knows if Wyatt will recover from that.


    I don't blame Cena completely. Cena is just a guy going out there doing the job he's told to.


    Is he over protected? Absolutly.


    Is he forced down our throats? Most certainly.


    Cena could stand up to Vince and Trips for the "smaller guy" he's about to steam roll through the momentum of but at the same time, whether we like it or not Cena has been and is the guy currently.


    WWE has blown some golden chances over that time but at the same time it could be argued as much that very few have stepped up like Cena did during Vince's ruthless agression speel, a number have tried Bryan has come close but got injured, Punk did come close, he was the number 2 face in terms of Merch and at one point even beat Cena in sale.


    I would say however now WWE find themselves in a great position, they have at least 3 super marketable guys in Rollins, Ambrose and Reigns that if built correctly can take the torch from Cena should he wish to give it;


    Not to mention alot of guys in NXT who could go far, and the midcard Ziggler can finally step up, Sheamus, The Miz (again), Cesaro could also.


    Cena will be needed for the forseeable future but it makes sense havining him work with these guys as long as he just doesn't steam roll them and kill the momentum, He hasn't got the ego of Hogan, Cena will job when he has to.


    Sorry for the wall of text there lol

  10. Why do the WWE feel the need to involve John Cena with every hot feud or upcoming star? He has killed the momentum of every push and story in the last year! Bray Wyatt, CM Punk,The Shield, Ryback (when he had momentum) and now the excellent Ambrose/Rollins feud. I guess WWE are just going to rely on Cena for the next 10 years because they are killing any chance of others getting over constantly throwing him into feuds he doesn't need to be in.


    I'd agree somewhat there but to say he killed the momentum of The Shield who were the hottest stable of talent for 18 months to 2 years and are now hands down the future stars of the business and the next generation is absurd.


    Also the same applys to Punk, one of the hottest talents of the past few years and someone who fought from almost the lower midcards right up to main event and one of the longest title runs in recent history.


    I'd say he did more to kill the momentum of the Nexus and Wade Barrett, but Punk and The Shield I have to respectfully disagree sir.

  11. I like to get a house first, store all my items there, choose a quest, choose my weapon, armor, items, etc. and roleplay into finishing the quest. No fast travel, no buying potions, no looting armor or weapons (who carries multiple armors?). I enjoy just focusing on one quest at a time even if its one of the radiant quests.


    For me I just go down the line one at a time. If I want 'quickie' quests I'll look at one of the hundreds of side quests I still have yet to do. If I want something longer I'll pick a main quest that perks my interest at the time.


    What I personally hate is having Joe Farmer's wooden bow, or some random Bard's lute stuck in my inventory as a quest item for a quest I don't even HAVE yet. Can't drop it, it's a quest item and it still tacks onto your carry limit...grr....


    I like to clear one town at a time and if I get a quest that takes me away from the area I set it aside for later.


    Rarely a quest is time-constrained, so just stack 'em up. I don't see the problem of being 'overwhelmed'. :p If you're unsure which one to pick, just randomly select one? Or activate the markers all at once and go to the nearest?


    I should get back to Skyrim now that it's going smoothly (by disabling some mods like ImmersiveCreatures, though it's non-scripted). But I just finally started playing Baldur's Gate EE. So far I see little new stuff, but meh. And there's Divinity that I still need to play. And cardgames take heaps of my time. Just received a beta key for HEX (finally). The game is almost exactly like Magic the Gathering, except slightly less mana-screw and some extra effects that are simply not possible with physical cards. Quite fun, but no way to get any boosters apart from paying? That's a pity. As long as it offers little extras I'm going to stick with the physical cardgames like Star Wars, Netrunner and Game of Thrones.


    Cheers guys for the advise, that certainly helps.


    also you guys do you prefer playing 1st or 3rd person?


    I prefer 1st but my wife prefers 3rd...


    I feel in 3rd the character takes up too much of the screen.

  12. Question for those who play/have played or have simply dabbled in Skyrim.


    How do you stop getting so overwhelmed with quests? I don't mean avoiding picking them up but I mean like I usually have so many that I never know what to do and in this game just the simple asct of traveling somewhere else to carry out a step in the quest usually results in you gaining like 10 more quests.


    I've played a few saves on the 360 but usually kinda burn out for this reason, just recently got a PS3 copy after selling my 360 and all the games and I'm looking for tips before I start.




  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Swanton825" data-cite="The Swanton825" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Jesus Christ! Jeff must be in a constant haze from painkillers (and likely other assorted drugs) to do something that stupid!<p> </p><p> So what's the point of even bringing the six sides back? TNA spent the last four years convincing their fans that the traditional ring was better and then they just go back to six sides. It's like committing to a concept is pure horror for management.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think its really; </p><p> </p><p> 1. They want to be a bit different, the six sided ring was different and gave them a sense of identity they don't have at the moment. </p><p> </p><p> 2. They gave the fans a choice to express their voice, they spoke and want 6 sides, TNA are going to pander to what fans they still have. </p><p> </p><p> Personally I always enjoyed the 6 sided ring and was sad to see it go, I understand from a wrestler standpoint its impact is alot harder on the body but I always thought it was better for multiman matches on account of feeling bigger.</p><p> </p><p> Also apparently before the first NYC show Kurt Angle got on the mic and said TNA is rebooting its self (again!!) </p><p> </p><p> I personally think that TNA have reboot themselves more than any other company in the history of wrestling, Each reboot (minus the Hogan Era) has always started off with the best of intentions but then their trademark questionable booking always seems to set back in and things seem to go to pot. </p><p> </p><p> As a fan of the company I hope that this most current reboot works for them but really at this point I think that they need to "reboot" the booking team/management.</p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rickymex" data-cite="Rickymex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yes.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That plus her personality seems really nice and she seems very humble. </p><p> </p><p> There was a documentary on one of the british TV channels about her and her family, very interesting.</p>
  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rhar4577" data-cite="rhar4577" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Got to love that production team sometimes <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Gotta love Summer Rae... didn't really have an oppinion on her before that other than she was blonde and kinda hot. </p><p> </p><p> Don't really get to watch any WWE but the divas I keep up with are now Summer Rae, AJ (when she was around) Lana (hot and even though that accent is fake its very hot) and Paige... mainly cos I'm british and biased but there is always a part of me that finds the pale goth chicks with piercings pretty hot. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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