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Everything posted by Acamality

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Henderson" data-cite="Henderson" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53565" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I agree that the balance of the mod may need tweaked. It is the original deal that started with the mod.<p> </p><p> The problem I have with high requirements is looking at it from a realistic level. As far back as when wrestling first went mainstream in the 80's, there were far more "misses" on shows than successes. Could you really rate the overall show grade of most PPV's higher than and 85?</p><p> </p><p> I think it's very short-sighted thinking to say it's because of my lack of ability in playing the game. I'm not putting on bad shows. I'm considered to be "striking gold" in my overall show rating, yet the network is still unhappy because I scored a 77 as opposed to an 85. Would it not make more sense to be viewed on success by how the overall show was viewed or came off, rather than a subjective number?</p><p> </p><p> Additionally, in the case of Time Warner, where they actually own the wrestling company, it would make no sense from a business standpoint to kick your own company off your network. WCW put on very lackluster shows prior to the wrestling boom and they remained Prime Time. WCW Saturday Night was a B show after Nitro kicked off and they remained on at 6:05 PM for two hours.</p><p> </p><p> 65 isn't my comfort level, I was just using that as an example as compared to real life. Wrestling in general puts on very poor shows, yet they continue to hold their TV deals. If the WWF was kicked off programming for poor shows, they wouldn't have survived after 1995.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> You're still ignoring the main point two other posters have made here. If you can't confidently hit 85 for your Prime Time spot, which isn't that unrealistic, you should be looking to take a different slot or make a deal with a smaller broadcaster. Prime Time needs to have the best shows to keep their audience, so obviously the broadcaster should be looking for top-tier wrestling from one of the best companies while filling out the other slots with smaller companies. An afternoon slot might be more your company's current level until you can more consistently have better shows without spamming.</p><p> </p><p> If one company is hitting 77's, but 3 big companies are hitting 89s, it makes sense that prime time would be an 85 minimum.</p>
  2. Damn, the first is perfect, I love the design. The second and third are also great. Might incorporate them as generic event or stable logos, maybe. Thanks a lot!
  3. Alrighty, have a couple requests if anyone wants to take a shot. Logo & Banner for Road to Glory run: Pro-Wrestling STORM An Ontario based Respectful Wrestling company in the RWC mod. If anyone likes making event banners, some of their important events are Phoenix Rising (Season Finale) Rock and Ruin (Basically rock music festival with some cage matches, maybe) Thunderstruck Night of Chaos (Halloween event, lots of multi-man matches) Path to Greatness (Big Battle Royale event)
  4. After some ideas in a thread I made + discord, I'm going to try running a Canadian Lucha Libre company headed by Canadian Dragon. Would love for a company logo and/or banner for it, if anyone feels up to it. Lucha Libre del Norte Full creative freedom. Only idea I have is making Canadian Dragon's mask a focal point for it, maybe, but I'm not sure.
  5. Actually, I really like that idea. Start a company around 40 pop, get some lucha workers in and see if it can take off. Could open a women's division with Pinky Perez too, I know she'll go like anywhere at the start. Does Canadian Dragon have any direct disciples? I know he runs the Dragon Academy, but don't think he has any direct disciples like Acid I/II kinda thing.
  6. I’ve been using default Cornellverse with minor edits/additions.
  7. So I’m looking to get back into TEW with a new save since I’ve been having a craving and just got a 2nd monitor, but I need some help deciding what to do. Product: I think I want to go with Tres Ring Circus so I can toy with Lucha de Apuestas and play with some more dangerous match types. Company: I like playing a custom company or at with least some custom workers, I’m just not sure what size to go with. Part of me wants to start small with a couple custom workers and build from there, but I worry it might get stale. On the other hand a medium size is nice since you have some money to play with for tv etc., but then you can’t really deal with exclusive contracts or bigger events or playing with other companies. Any ideas would be great! Location: Finally I can’t seem to decide where to play. I liked Canada but it lacks companies and local workers to play around with, and I’m not sure if autogens could fix that or not. tl:dr, picked a product, but need some ideas for what size and location company to run. Any ideas or fun rules to play with are also welcome!
  8. I'm pretty sure there's a requirement. Like at a certain merch level and company size, only stars and up sell merch, something like that. And I think at a lower level Heels don't sell merch? If someone can be more precise though, please do.
  9. I've only played 2 saves very much, but in both I ran into having a large roster. In the first it's not so bad as I have a lot of mediocre workers that just job for the roster, and I like most of my workers. In the other, it's hard deciding who to push, and my midcard isn't quite good enough to give me the ratings I need to maintain pop. I also suffer from being biased toward my heels a lot. I just enjoy their designs a lot more and they're way more fun to book most of the time.
  10. For one, the penalties listed beneath their performances. Depending on your product, their popularity will also affect the match rating by some amount. If you open the Dirt Sheet it'll give you more info on penalties/bonuses etc.
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gungner" data-cite="Gungner" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If a team has awful chemistry, at which point (number) experience does that become neutral?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Since you didn't get an answer, I think it's 50 experience? I'm not positive on that though, so if anyone else knows for sure please correct me.</p>
  12. <p>So I want one of my workers to take a singles alliance title, but the current holder refuses to work on my company because he had bad morale when he last left. Any way to fix that, or am I just stuck waiting until another company makes him lose it?</p><p> </p><p> I know there's vacate title and alter champ, but I assume those have penalties for using.</p>
  13. I have yet to have anyone leave (Just retirements and a band member), but I'd agree it's good to have in, but giving no notice kinda sucks if you get no recompense for them just dipping without even giving at least one more show for you.
  14. I like the idea. I have some workers that I bring in for a set # of appearances just to take part in a storyline before they're released. Though I tend to worry that with a small roster I won't have enough variety with matches/storylines and it leads to the bloat.
  15. So what kind of rosters do you guys like to run? I went with MAW for my very first game a few months ago and stuck mostly with the default, but it wasn't long before I jumped into creating my own company (With a couple created workers). I started with similar stats to ACPW (I wanted to end up rivaling and overtaking them), with slightly less pop. I hit Small within the year, and then noticed my worker count seemed really high. A year in I have 48 wrestlers (A few are temporary), and a lot of them are still unimportant. I guess I've learned I prefer bigger rosters. I've managed to work out my main eventers, midcarders, and jobbers, it's just a matter of getting my midcarders (and 2 or 3 main eventers) out of unimportant. I think I just like a variety of workers, and then my roster fills out more because I like adding other workers to give a variety of wrestlers for my better wrestlers to beat on.
  16. Once you have an excursion deal set up with a company, go to the worker's page, and click "Send Away" (Same way you release them, etc.). There should be an excursion option. It will breaks your contract with the worker (And databook says you must pay off the contract, if that would be neccessary) and they go work at the other company for however many years the excursion lasts (If the company accepts), and then they return to the worker pool (Not your roster) when it's over. Also, apparently the company can release the excursion worker, though it'll cause a relation penalty with you.
  17. Does cancelling a show have any effect? E.x. if I have 3 events, and 1 monthly event, and I don't want to run the monthly on the months I have those other 3 events, instead of making it dormant for the month could I just Cancel the show? (I have pre-booking turned off). Speaking of.. Does making events dormant affect them at all?
  18. Made my own company, looking to get a couple things for it. I'm no GIMP master, so not picky, and y'all have whatever freedoms needed. Currently called Ontario Wrestling Revival. A company intending to overtake its rivals and actually make it to a competitive international level. Been using the CGC logo, so maybe a.. reimagining of theirs? I particularly like the gold background with some kind of Canadian symbol. On another note, if anyone likes making event logos, I have a season finale OWR: Phoenix Rising a Royal Rumble-esque May event OWR: Path to Greatness, and a tv show OWR: Fighting Fit
  19. I'd like to think I'm pretty decent at storylines. I find it best to decide how you want it to end, as others have said. "Okay so I need wrestler x to lose the title... Which face could I have feud with him to take it?" Or.. "Wrestler x needs to be pushed, who is someone close but lower in popularity he can feud with and eventually end with a victory.." What I struggle with is longer storylines... E.x. I have champion feuding with guy who is gonna take his title. How do you have that storyline go a few months and not just be filled with a ton of angles? You can't have them fight too often because of that penalty (unless you turn it off), so I usually just try to sprinkle in tag or multi-contender matches where one of the feuders wins over an extra member.
  20. Psychology and In-Ring stats (Unsure how much of a combination of fundamentals and basics, but likely both) are important. I managed to pull off two good Spectacles as a Small company. Both were a 1v1, and in one case the workers had 70-80 Psychology, 60s in their basics (Brawling etc), and 60s-70s in their fundamentals. Steal the Show probably works fine with anyone that's capable of calling a match in the ring, just make sure they have decent stamina too, because it applies All Out too. I've done 2 battle royals (One with timed entries). None of my workers complained about losing (Even the guy who complains about *every* loss, though the winner was one of my other Stars). You can pick the Winner, Runnner-Up, and 3 finalists, plus some other stuff like Top Eliminations and (in timed entries) longest survival. I had a mix of my top workers and some lower tier workers and got an alright score on it, so it seems to use every worker in calculations.
  21. Is there a way to block storyline progress in a match? For example, twice now I've had a storyline advance during a pre-show match where only a single member of the match is a Major worker (Some random Pre-Show 2v2 I ran to give them all experience, and only the one worker is even involved in the storyline). I know you can force advance, and end, but I don't see anything to ensure no storyline it advanced. It'd be nice since I use pre-shows to give low experience workers that didn't fit into the event/show some match time. Frustrating when a big storyline is advanced for no reason.
  22. Another few questions... How important are Road Agents for matches? Playing MAW and I had Sam Keith leave me the day of a match, leaving me without an agent. Is it worth canceling my monthly so my new choice can hopefully accept a contract? Speaking of, what attributes are good for them? Colour so they can also announce? Do booking and business skill do anything for them? Finally - Can owners also wrestle in their own company and does it do anything positive or negative? For my first game I just picked David Avatar, the ref. Probably good because Jay Fair went off to TCW pretty quickly.
  23. If I have a Kayfabe Injury stoppage, am I able to avoid having a worker in matches for a little bit before giving them a return, or will they still get upset about not being in certain events?
  24. Can anyone explain masks to me? (I've only casually watched wrestling here and there, and mostly Youtube or reading about it, so I'm still trying to figure out simple stuff like how often title fights and such happen, so there's a lot to learn) For ex, in the Worker editor you can set their Mask to No, Weak, Medium, etc. I'm unsure exactly what this means, because it seems it doesn't only relate to Lucha masks.
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