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About ToxicDogma

  • Birthday 09/08/1988

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  1. Couple of request, if you don't mind. Is there any chance we could get an Octagon Jr. (Golden Magic version) in the .gif format? I keep forgetting to move over the one I did myself and after losing it the 6th time I don't have the will to do it again, haha. Same again for Myzteziz Jr. If not then no worries, I'll figure them out again!
  2. Hate to be a pest but does anyone have the batch action required for turning the Free Picture .jpgs into .gifs?
  3. A little TNA setup I made for myself to give a whirl. If anyone has any of the old TNA titles that would be great.
  4. I may have missed it but does anyone have a decent quality MLW Featherweight title pic I could use, please?
  5. Is anyone else having trouble getting the file to download? Mine keeps restarting and it's driving me mental. Other things seem to download fine. Edit: Nevermind, my PC has just decided it will download from anywhere but MediaFire...
  6. Would someone be able to create either a modern Wrestle-1 Result championship belt? Either that or a full pack of Pro Wrestling Zero1 titles with their logo and a modern feel. Failing that some advice on how to do titles myself as I just want a save with some nice looking belts!
  7. https://imgur.com/IKujupp Like this? Just had a quick go of it before I have to head out. Hope it does the trick
  8. This likely won't be everyone's cup of tea but I am doing a Lucha Underground save and made some graphics for it Figured I'd share for a change! Logo: https://imgur.com/WTTgWIw Banner: https://imgur.com/ZxnfWAn TV: https://imgur.com/Li7erW1 Events: https://imgur.com/hq8Kg6S https://imgur.com/bJpEJdV https://imgur.com/FgygnHI Other: https://imgur.com/9VUB8xm
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