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Everything posted by FINisher

  1. Really liking when Sin Cara and Mysterio do the Prime Time Players taunt EDIT: Even better, Cena promo, the crowd was booing at him: "Vickie running a clean show is like me learning a new wrestling move! How many did I have, five, four? I'm kinda sure it was five? Do tackles count!? Of course they do!"
  2. ^ I have to agree. At the start I used to hate Ryback but slowly I've started to change my mind. Will be interesting to see what will happen in the upcoming months.
  3. At the end of RAW there was a contract signing. Cena, Punk and Vince promoed a little while until Cena started saying the line 'Feed, me, more!" over and over again, jumping out of the ring, letting Ryback sign the contract for the match. Huge "Feed Me More" chants on Ryback's match earlier and at the end of the show. Ryback slammed Punk's head to the table then did his finisher.
  4. They are booing Hardy very heavily and cheering for Aries. This will be interesting.
  5. lol Ray and Sting did the Doomsday Device 3rd A&8's guy ran in, the captured guy Parks broke handcuffs and started beating the third villain. Now getting tables. 4th guy runs in and puts Ray trough the table to get the victory. It was DQ rules, Hogan made it so at the start of the PPV. Now post-match beatdown. Five villains now in the ring. Hogan comes to save. Omg this is not the 80's.. Hogan is dropping them one by one. One guy left standing in the ring. They're gonna remove his mask.. .. .. D-VON DUDLEY!!! Knew it. Ray is shocked. Kinda, lackluster-ish. After the Jarrett/Bischoff choices.. Ray is in tears: 'Why?.." LOL "This is awkward" chant. Time for the main event.
  6. Tara wins the knockouts title from Tessmacher. Post-match introduces her bf (a complete nobody for me). Now it's time for Aces & 8's vs. Sting and Bully Ray.
  7. HOLY HELL Kazarian O.O Hernandez was at the apron, Kazarian top rope. He did a hurricanrana, landing extremely badly on the ground. Right after that AJ Styles did a huge move, hopping from one side of the ring to another side's ropes and then outside. Outstanding match. Hopefully Kaz is okay. OK Kazarian is okay. Got really scary for a moment. BME! Two count! The awesome match continues! Wow. Chavo and Hernandez won. Fans are booing. Lackluster ending to a great match and people seem to be genuinely disappointed of the winners of the match. Ugh.. Riding on Eddie's name. I don't like it. It's been too long I think. Yes I was right, women's match next.
  8. Let me answer 4: pretty much the same reason Snow vs. Ryan was just now. It's the perfect show theory. You must have highs and lows in the show. Perhaps after tag match is the women's match.
  9. Live recap: RVD d. Zima Ion for the X-Division champ. Samoa Joe d. Magnus to retain. Storm vs. Roode going on. Storm is busted wide open. Good matches thus far, all of em. King Mo hasn't done anything yet, altough his looks have been awesome at times "O.O" when Storm DDT Roode outside. Holy hell Storm is bleeding. His face is completely red, crimson mask.. Sick. Omg they just went trough an annoncer's table. The wooden one, not the glass one. Roode speared Storm into it whilst Storm did a DDT. Looked weird yet effective. Crowd chanting this is awesome. Great, bloody brawl this far. SUPERKICK! Just two. Hebner should retire, his counts suck nowadays. It was clearly a three and you could see how he stopped his hand. Sure Roodes fault too. Roode goes for the pin! two. THUMBTACKS! Storm on top rope, Roode picks up a bag and spreads thumbtacks all over. Storm pushes Roode ontot the tacks! Oh the brutality. Storm goes for elbow drop, connects. ROODE KICKS OUT BUH GAWD! Low blows to both guys. Drinking beer. Storm smashes a beer bottle to Roode's head! SUPERKICK! Roode falls on tacks! Storm wins! Great match. Snow vs. Ryan. Borefest. I wish this would end already. Ryan kicked out of Snow Ploug (or whatever the name of the move was. What a disgrace). Time for some head! lol Snow got dropped outside, Ryan went for baseball slide, Snow lifted the curtain and trapped him between the curtain and the ring. OMFG Matt Morgan comes from the crowd and boots Snows head off. Morgan and Ryan shake hands. Three-way Tag team match next. MotN coming up. Daniels & Kazarian promo, great promo. Kazarian has learned a lot trough the years. lol Daniels "The world tag team champions.. of the world.."
  10. You know, I started wondering.. Why the name 'Aces and Eights'? I actually work as a card dealer, the hand is very much known as the "Dead Man's Hand" as some of you may know, especially Americans. The thing is that it's AA88, two pair. Black cards. But in a five card draw there's always the fifth card. It's been argued that the fifth card was a Queen or a Jack. Or that it wasn't even drawn as Wild Bill held the four cards and only draw one, he may not have gotten it before he got shot as the tale tells. Sting resembles me of Joker in someway, his facepaint. Could he be the 'fifth card' as it were? You know. Or could it be the Jack, maybe double J as in Jeff Jarrett. There has to be something behind the name choice and something related to cards, poker, suits and so on.
  11. Has anyone had any experience with the TNAdemand thingy? Online PPV and such. I've used WWE's and it's been very good, easy and so on but I have no experience with TNA. It was actually quite hard to even locate that site in the first place.
  12. Really off-topic but I just have to say this: Money In The Bank 2011 John Cena Vs CM Punk. That's the pinnacle, the highest peak of WWE in my eyes for past.. 7-8 years or so. Easily in my Top 5 best matches of all time. I just watched it again and it brought me back to that day. It was like 6AM, sun was rising. It was one of my first PPV's I've bought from WWE online. I was so hyped. So so hyped. Troughout that match I laughed, cried, jumped up on my chair.. Everything. Last five minutes I had my headphones on almost max volume as I kept staring at the screen. Every twist and turn filled with emotions. I so so wanted Punk to win. 1.. 2.. 3! .. I think the whole building heard me shout and jump in joy. It was the single best thing in wrestling in years. I couldn't believe it, I just couldn't. I couldn't get barely any sleep that night. Fast forward to this day: Meh. Nothing really changed, did it? I was so filled with hope. Hope for a better WWE. Hope for change. -.- But for that one evening. For that one match. I was the wrestling fan, the kid I used to when I was, what, 10-14.. And it was a great feeling.
  13. I don't know if you guys noticed but Sin Cara got unmasked on RAW for a few seconds. Click on the link to see it, I think putting url is better than a straight /img tag if people don't want to see how the guy actually looks like. http://www.wzronline.com/wp-content/gallery/sin-cara-unmasked-on-raw/001.jpg
  14. I actually thought that CM Punk or Cena would go for a stunner after that rock bottom Cena doing the german doesn't really change my opinion about him: The move really wasn't that great and last time I checked doing one special top rope move in ten years doesn't make you a wrestling god. Speaking of which, I loved the 'that is wrestling' chant when CM Punk did the.. Inverted STF or whatever the name of the move is. Haven't played enough wrestling games nowadays, the names of the moves begin to elude me as I grow old. Quite sad actually -.-
  15. I really liked the masked ending to the fourway match. Started pretty sloppy and slow but ended really well I think. Same goes for the tag team match, really liked the ending there. Altough winning the tag titles by accident really drops the prestige of the championship. Rest of the matches fall into the 'meh' category. Sheamus is being made new Cena it seems. It's just silly. And every single time the match goes the same way. You've seen one Sheamus match, you've seen them all. I didn't like the main event to be honest with you. Cena-Punk has been done oh so many times already and each encounter is in fresh memory too. The bridging german suplex was different but immediatly when the threecount came I knew it was going to be a double threecount.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z8Bfds92Cc&feature=g-u-u Funniest thing I've seen in a while. I love that guy's channel and the wrestling vids he does
  17. Wth are you guys talking about? I mean, you're not talking about the ending? You're not talking about the guy who was driving the car to which CM Punk went into!?
  18. Sure people being idiots is kinda funny for a while but after living on this earth for over 25 years it starts getting less and less funny each year. I'm very much a misanthropist and have been all of my life when I think about it. Also when I realise that a person I've met is, well, how'd you say.. A few leftovers short of a bread pudding.. You know, not all the dots are on the dice. A few dollars short of a paycheck.. A few leaves short of a bush.. I get so uncomfortable. It's the most disturbing feeling to me, I just want to get away from that person as quickly as possible. I usually try to avoid this thread as much as possible since I know that I'd just fill it up with me going on long tirades for page after page after page.. If I get the momentum going.
  19. This: http://horatio.naurunappula.com/screen/68/a1/68a16b973120c690/0/953149.jpg I can't stand stupid people. It's 6:06AM here and I'm just so filled up with rage right now that I can't get any sleep.
  20. 1+, I do too. Really, really great RAW that we haven't seen in such a long time to be honest. I wish it was like this every week. When the ref got knocked out in the end and Punk came back to the ring and was going to GTS I was like no no no no no Cena's gonna reverse it, I just knew it.. But then.
  21. Really bad fact mistake by King about MitB not being cashed in a way that the champion has knowledge in advance: RVD cashed in in One Night Stand against Cena, right? King said it's never been done in advance.
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