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Everything posted by Aidenw723

  1. I finally got another roll after hitting large size. 29. “Golden boy” You can’t put a foot wrong in the ring at the moment, add “Midas Touch” to your attributes
  2. Yes, you should ask the original creators.
  3. Road To Glorys are the only saves where the main event being a 99 is bad.
  4. EOY5 - 22. “Snow To An Eskimo” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Selling skill Wrestler Of The Year - 13. "The Man of 1004 holds!" You got stretched by a technical master, +10 to your Technical skill
  5. My first 100. 3 years on TEW, over 2 months in this save. And I got my first 100. Only problem is it wasn't a ppv event.
  6. Ok. So now I know that my character is 100% capable of pulling a 100. Also this match gave me the almost there achievement. 14. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +10 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill
  7. I finally did it. No not beat the road to glory. But I booked a 90 rated show. 28. “The RTG Movement” The fans love you, Yes! Yes! Yes!, add “Groundswell of support” to your attributes
  8. Oh. My. Goodness. I thought I would only make 20 - 30 in the power 500. But after winning young wrestler of the year, this happened. EOY4: 52. "Internet Sensation" One of your wrestlers (random roll from the list) has become an internet video hit due to a pirate recording of his last match. +2 pop for your company in every area that you already have popularity in and +10 pop for the wrestler in all areas: It landed on 1, which ended up being me SWF Aaron Phoenix Top 100: 37. “Acknowledge me!”. Your T-shirts are selling quick! Add ‘Easily Marketable’ to your character. Add +5 to your Star Quality: I already has a marketing dream Top 50: 39. “Run Forest Run”. You outshine everyone athletically. Add ‘Stud Athlete’ to your character. Add +10 across Power, Athleticism and Stamina Top 10: 9. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter
  9. Just to let you know, no. This isn't dead. In fact I've been playing this save everyday. So to give an update, I didn't have a 100 rated match, but I just had my first individual 100 rated performance.
  10. Although I didn't get the 100 rating I wanted, I got a 91 match rating. But sadly, the event only got an 89, one down from 90. But I main evented a legendary ppv too. 38. “User Character 3:16”. You can’t print t-shirts quickly enough! Add ‘A Marketing Dream’ to you character. Add +10 to your Star Quality 17. "Chance to Train" You have been offered the chance to train with a Wrestling Legend. Gain +20 points to spend on any Fundamental skill. (Basics, Selling, Consistency, Safety & Psychology) I didn't add the attribute as I already had it.
  11. For those of you wondering, this save is not finished. In fact I've been on this everyday, I'm at the Supreme Challenge 19. I'm in my first SWF PPV main event, and I'm entering as SWF North American champion. I'm fighting Sean McFly, who is World and Television champion (a title I added). So basically a winner takes all. I'm looking for this save to become the fastest in game road to glory. So I need advice. With the information I'm about to put down, how can I get a 100 rating? As not only will this beat my road to glory, it will be my first 100 (although not my first 5 star/99 rating) in my 3 years of playing TEW. Also, Sean McFly has a poor gimmick. What should I do with that? And Also, should I change my road agent notes? An this is be held in Tri State for those who need it. Aaron Phoenix Attributes Sean McFly Attributes
  12. Congratulations on you beating the road to glory. Also, it took longer than expected for SWF to hit big again. 13. "The Man of 1004 holds!" You got stretched by a technical master, +10 to your Technical skill
  13. I wasn't on screen, but it involved me at least. 14. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +10 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill
  14. 6. "Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligible. Out of 17 older wrestlers, it landed on 12, which is Sam Keith.
  15. EOY3 - 53. “Viral Video” A promo you cut is all over the internet. +10 Pop across entire base country I also barely entered the top 250 as I was only 1 point from falling short 23. “Quick Learner” You suddenly have an eureka moment in the ring +10 to Experience Skill
  16. Well SWF is in their worst position all game. This is only due to a lack of stars, and the absence of Christian Faith. So my main thing is pushing younger stars like Tommy Cornell, Masked Patriot (unmask to John Justice), and many more. And I also disbanded EILL.
  17. First SWF show was an 81 which passes 75, because its SWF. 16. “Hit The Bricks” You live in the gym. +20 to spend on physical skills. (Athleticism, Toughness, Stamina, Power)
  18. That XFW run was short. So some context. Earlier in the year SWF had fallen to medium, mostly due to them keeping Christian Faith as figure head even after he went into politics way back in July 1997. It was only when they fell to medium that they finally gave in. After less than 2 months in XFW, Sam Keith stepped down, which was relieving as the XFW environment was basically ECW's and the 1999 - 2001 WCW backstage culture mixed up into one. Even shockingly, ECW was putting on better shows when I was still with them, and I also had better matches, so that didn't go as expected, plus, no extra achievements. But it fortunately helped me be more know across the east coast. So, now I book a medium, soon to be big company. 45. "Fight Anyone" You never back down, add "Plays Badass Well" and “Dynamo” to your attributes I already had bad ass so I only added Dynamo.
  19. So to remove the pain killer thing, I just had to press myself for talk to worker. Also, when I joined XFW, they were in an alliance with MOSC, and they were in debt. So I disbanded them, and now I have tv deals in North England and the Midlands.
  20. Well I didn't need to cheat, because in September 1999, Randall The Vandal stepped down as XFW booker, so I applied, and got the job. So now I'm in a small company. 30. “Casting Call" You have been cast in a small TV show, next stop Hollywood! +10 points to spend across Charisma and Acting. Also add TV Actor to Misc for your character. If previously your character had "TV Actor" add "Movie Star" I also don't know how pain killer abuser got there.
  21. In fact, would it be cheating to make another user as a jobber for company a level above me and make them booker to resign right after, so I can become the booker? I'll wait for answers before I do it, but for now, I'm stuck with ECW.
  22. Immediately, The Wolverine was taken by HGC, and now I'm taking Lance Henderson... I can't wait to transfer
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