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  • Birthday 10/19/2001

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  1. I really need to download this database for this, I love the idea with Bellatrix Lovelace and Enola Blum (I don't know how to pronounce it) and I love a good detective gimmick. Are they a tag team or 2 solo wrestlers ? And if they are a team, what is the name of it ?
  2. I see part 5 and part 6 alpha, you don't see the two before your post about their disappearance ?
  3. Maybe you should wait alpha before doing your scouting, I already told Martel about some things to change because of an error like Asuka Watanabe.
  4. You know, I think you're a little bit harsh on Porsche. After all, we all know that with a little bit of luck, she could be the female Sam Strong lol. (I think her bio is still one of my favorites, I found it really funny the first time I read it.) And Hermanas de Pestilencia are one of my favorite faction, often I hire them all and they become a supernatural part of another bigger faction.
  5. It's time for me to retry this challenge, now with a better understanding of the game. My company will still be the Forever Wrestling Association, however I changed the owner (it's Pablo Rodriguez now so I have a good Road agent for cheap) and I'm in the Tri State. I also changed my stats a bit because in my first try, I made a mistake and gave myself 760 points. This time, I hope my character will not get a concussion at my second show ever.
  6. I just saw this mod and it seems really interesting. I will definitely try it when he is ready. I just have one question, can you tell me an exemple of a "Yet to Debut worker" in this mod ? Also on the side, but I'm always surprised to come across a discussion about Ace Attorney on a wrestling game forum, I find it really cool.
  7. One thing I hate with the Carnie in the Cverse is that, when he harass someone like Kitty Katz or Joy, there is no consequences with Meathead McAulie or Phil Myart. They should beat his ass, quit the company and then beat his ass again. I approve the action to end his career here.
  8. I found two guys, The Thunderbird Brothers, that seems to be from this mod (they are not in the default database) in my fused database, but they don't have pictures for the two of them, and they are a tag team who is supposed to be with great chemistry however they had bad chemistry when I made them a tag team in my game.
  9. Hello, I'm pretty sure it's just an error but I don't know if it was mentioned or corrected before but Reina is not supposed to be jamaican, right ? Because in my game, she was by default.
  10. I pray for the poor wrestler on the CWA roster with this monstrosity in my game.
  11. I was thinking but all this women hardcore wrestlers would be a great addition to the SNP women division in lavelleuk mod. But maybe they are not sexy enough for the Carnie.
  12. Sometimes, I just hate myself because I'm distracted and I post a message where I forgot to remove a "not" and it makes me say the opposite of what I wanted to say lol. And yes, it's realistic that the hardcore wrestlers are not really safe people. New Jack would be proud of them.
  13. Cordule Julien feels like a Dana Brooke in the future with this description, just someone here, a good hand but not more than a midcard girl. It could be a challenge to try and make her a star. On a another thought, it seems the trainers in Central Asia and Russia are not really fond of the idea of "safety" in their wrestling.
  14. I was making the changes that alpha posted here, and I found some mistakes: There is an error with Cyber Mizuki, the pronouns are set on "he/him" but her bio say "she/her". Diego Cuerno is a Mexican but he can't speak spanish lol. Haruto Inoue is "white" but he is a japanese guy. Maybe he need to get the attribute "stud athlete" because of his bio. Riki Jingping is also as white and not asian. Shanti Hansda is an indian women with the wrong pronouns, she need to be available in India and to speak Hindi maybe. Also, a "easily marketable" attribute and "prodigy" could be good with her bio. Trisha Sen has the wrong pronouns and maybe she could speak basic spanish (from Texas and available in Mexico). I think it's all I see for now.
  15. If I need to choose, I like The Villainess and Black Machismo, but more The Villainess.
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