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Everything posted by angeldelayette

  1. Thank you to everyone for the predictions. I really do appreciate them. I hope that everyone reading is enjoying the diary so far. If you are, make sure you put in a nomination for diary of the month. I won't ever nominate myself. But I hope I am good enough to get some nods. Thank you again to everyone.
  2. NEWS: WCW MONDAY NITRO PREVIEW! Predictions List: Big Bubba Rogers vs. Lex Luger Comments: Psicosis vs. Rey Misterio, Jr. Comments: Benoit & Malenko vs. American Males Comments: WCW United States Title Match Sting defends vs. Vader Comments: Comments On Diary In General: TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #USTitleMatch © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW
  3. Sunday Week 4 September 1995 WCW FALL BRAWL Announcers Talk WCW Fall Brawl starts at the announce booth with Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan welcoming everyone to Asheville, North Carolina for this great show. Heenan says that this will be a historic show for the humanoids because this will be the end of Hulkamania. Bischoff says he's not sure about that. He says that Hulkamania usually wins out. Heenan tells him not to ruin this moment for him. Bischoff says, instead, they will go to the ring for the opening contest. Match #1 Sabu(w/The Sheik) vs. Ultimate Warrior The opening contest features two wrestlers who couldn't be more different. Sabu only, briefly, gets the advantage when The Sheik distracts The Ultimate Warrior. Sabu gets a two count with a springboard legdrop. With the kickout, Warrior grabs the ropes and begins shaking them, ignoring punches and forearm shots by Sabu. Warrior gets to his feet and begins running the ropes, hitting clotheslines and leaping shoulderblocks on Sabu. He catches Sabu with the atomic drop before lifting him up with the Gorilla Press. He drops Sabu behind him and then bounces off the ropes -- Big Splash! Warrior makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three! Warrior scores the win at 3:42! Ultimate Warrior p. Sabu =51 Checking On Savage From that moment, we go backstage where we see Randy Savage seated on a chair with his ribs all taped up. Hulk Hogan walks into the room and shakes hands with Savage, saying he wants to know how Savage feels. Savage says he's a little sore but he's ready to get out there with those Dungeon of Doomers, yeah. Hogan says he's glad to hear him say that but just to be sure he's going to have Savage bat clean up in the match tonight. Savage frowns but says whatever you say. Hogan says they are going to walk away tonight when that match is over and celebrate in North Carolina. Hogan turns and leaves the dressing room. While he is seated there alone, Savage winces, holding his ribs for a moment. Match #2 Brian Pillman vs. Johnny B. Badd It's time for our second match of the night and this one features two high flyers in Brian Pillman and Johnny B. Badd. To begin the match, though, Badd begins dancing around Pillman and throwing in some boxing punches. Some hard jabs to Pillman, while keeping away from him. Pillman chases Badd into the corner and Badd moves, shoving Pillman back-first into the corner and then throwing some punches to the body and then to the face. Pillman exits the ring to break things up but gets caught with a suicide dive by Badd! The action returns in the ring and Badd is in control for the next several minutes. All that changes when Badd goes for the Shooting Star Press and catches nothing but mat. Pillman goes into control, working to wear Badd down with a few restholds. Pillman continues the control a little over ten minutes into the contest. He locks Badd in a seated abdominal stretch but Badd manages to make it to the ropes. Badd fires back with a few punches to Pillman, getting the crowd behind him. Badd gets to his feet and goes for a clothesline but Pillman ducks and Badd connects with the official! Badd sees what he's done and begins checking on the official. Pillman crawls over to Badd's corner and picks up the Badd Blaster, that confetti cannon that Badd brings to the ring with him. Badd turns from the referee and walks over to Pillman. Pillman shoots the confetti in the face of Badd, stunning him! Pillman crawls onto the apron and pulls himself up. He leaps up onto the top rope -- Air Pillman! Pillman connects! Pillman crawls over and grabs the referee before covering Badd: One, Two, Three! Brian Pillman wins at 18:38! Brian Pillman p. Johnny B. Badd =76 What Does Everybody Want? We go to the backstage area where a conversation can be heard. One man seems to be building himself up, while the other is cutting him down. It appears to be two separate voices. The camera begins walking toward the conversation and then swings around inside a room to reveal a new WCW signee that the announcers name as Al Snow. But instead of there being another man there with him, he appears to be talking with a mannequin head and doing the other voice himself. They seem to be having an argument amongst themselves that leads Snow to hit the head against the wall and then apologize for doing it. He cradles the mannequin head against his chest and we go to the ring. Match #3 Vader vs. The Renegade Our next match is one that was made one day ago on WCW Saturday Night as Vader steps in the ring against The Renegade. This is a one-sided match as Vader does to The Renegade what he did to Randy Savage last Monday night. Vader throws The Renegade with a German suplex and then hits him with the body avalanche in the corner. Vader hits The Renegade with a short-arm clothesline and then stomps on him, rubbing his boot in the face of The Renegade. After a few more moves, Vader grabs The Renegade and drops him with a Powerbomb. A second consecutive Powerbomb is made before the referee steps in and stops the match. Vader looks at the fallen Renegade and sneers as his arm is raised. Vader picks up the victory at 7:42! Vader d. The Renegade =65 Flair For The Win Ashville, North Carolina! Ric Flair is here and ready for his match tonight against Arn Anderson. Flair says that tonight they are in Ric Flair Country. Flair says that Anderson was great as his number two but he's not Ric Flair. Nobody in this company is a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing son of a gun! Flair reminds everyone that tonight a former member of the Horsemen is going to win. That means the champagne is on ice and the girls are ready. But, Flair says, that champagne is going to be victory champagne when he puts Arn Anderson's shoulders on the mat and he's left looking at the lights. Flair reminds everyone that to be the man, you've got to beat the man and he will always be the man. Flair releases a 'Whoo!' before we go to the ring. Match #4 WCW World Television Title Match Diamond Dallas Page(w/Diamond Doll) defends vs. Jim Duggan Our first title match of the evening features Diamond Dallas Page defending the WCW World Television title against 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan. As soon as the bell sounds, Duggan gets a 'USA' chant going with the crowd and he starts off strong on DDP. A body slam results in a one count on the champion. Duggan Irish whips DDP but DDP reverses and DDP follows in with a corner clothesline. DDP sends Duggan to the ropes and catches him with a tilt-a-whirl slam! A little more back and forth between the two leads to both men catching double clotheslines. The crowd is behind Duggan and he is the first to reach his feet. He moves into a corner and gets set up there in the three point stance. DDP gets to his feet and Duggan charges -- Diamond Cutter! DDP catches Duggan with the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere! DDP makes the cover: One, Two, Three! DDP gets the win at 7:42! Diamond Dallas Page p. Jim Duggan =61 Nobody Puts Out This Heat We go to Mean Gene Okerlund, who is standing by with Sensuous Sherri and Harlem Heat. Okerlund says they are just a few moments away from competing for the WCW World Tag Team titles. Booker T steps up and says that he's seen what the Steiner Brothers are made of and he calls them soft. He says that they didn't have to grow up in the projects like he and his brother did. They didn't have to fight for everything. In fact, they had this title match handed to them. That's right, says Stevie Ray. Ray says that tonight they are going to prove which brother tag team is the best in the business. He says that nobody is going to put out their heat. Sherri says she couldn't have said it better herself before we go to the ring for this match. Match #5 WCW World Tag Team Titles Match Harlem Heat(w/Sensuous Sherri) vs. Steiner Brothers This match will definitely be remembered for a few things, not the least of which is determining a new WCW World Tag Team Championship team. It features two brother teams going at it. Steiner Brothers get the advantage early on, sending Booker T and Stevie Ray from the ring with a Steinerline to Ray and an overhead belly-to-belly suplex to Booker. Rick drops on all fours with Scott standing over him in their pose. Back in the ring, Rick is forced into the corner of Harlem Heat and he plays the face-in-peril. Booker and Stevie use quick tags in and out to keep the advantage, scoring a few near falls on Rick Steiner. Stevie lifts Rick up in an elevated bearhug and Booker hits the Harlem Sidekick! Rick gets covered but there's only a two count. Booker T moves Rick against the ropes and hits another Harlem Sidekick. Rick goes over the top rope and hits on the edge of the apron before falling outside the ring. Stevie Ray tosses Rick back in the ring and he manages a weak Steinerline on Booker T before quickly tagging out to his brother. Scott Steiner comes in with Steinerlines for everyone! EMTs come out from the back checking on Rick Steiner and they are having to take him out on a stretcher! Scott Steiner shows his power by throwing Stevie Ray with a Northern Lights suplex. Scott knocks Booker T off the apron and then signals for the Frankensteiner. He sends Ray to the ropes -- Frankensteiner! Scott makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three! Steiner Brothers win the WCW World Tag Team titles at 16:08! But is Rick Steiner going to make it? Steiner Brothers p. Harlem Heat =71 History Of The Giant And Hawk A video plays showcasing the feud that has built between The Giant and Road Warrior Hawk. This started on an episode of WCW Saturday Night when The Giant came out and attacked Hawk, leading to The Giant chokeslamming him. Tonight will be the first time these two men step in the ring together in a match. Which side will win out, veteran or youth? Make sure you keep watching and you'll find out! Match #6 The Giant(w/The Taskmaster) vs. Road Warrior Hawk The sixth match is here tonight as The Giant steps in the ring in a brawl against Road Warrior Hawk. The two men meet in the ring with Hawk not willing to back down. Hawk hits The Giant with a few forearm smashes to the chest and then bounces off the ropes. He hits The Giant with a shoulderblock but The Giant doesn't move! The Giant roars. Hawk bounces off the ropes again and then hits a leaping shoulderblock and The Giant staggers back a foot. Hawk bounces off the ropes again and The Giant flings him to the side. The Giant picks up Hawk and drops him with a sidewalk slam before playing to the crowd. The Taskmaster laughs at ringside as The Giant begins to dominate the match. The Giant strikes with a headbutt and then sends Hawk to the corner. He rushes in and hits a back avalanche in the corner before striking with several back elbows. The Giant continues this control for several more minutes before he grabs Hawk by the throat. He lifts Hawk up to the sky and then drops him with the Chokeslam! The Giant makes the cover: One, Two, Three! The Giant wins at 10:28! The Giant p. Road Warrior Hawk =63 The Franchise Returns At the top of the staging, Gene Okerlund stands and talks about the WCW hotline. He says that he has an exclusive on the status of Rick Steiner for the hotline so make sure you call and find out what happened to the WCW World Tag Team Champion. With that being said, he makes the announcement that he is going to bring the latest signing of WCW out here to give a few words. He introduces the former WCW World Tag Team Champion Shane Douglas! Douglas walks out, smiling and laughing before joining Okerlund. He adjusts Okerlund's suit and says that The Franchise is here. He talks about being in an inferior company just a few weeks ago. However, someone as smart as he is belongs here in WCW. Douglas says that he has returned to WCW to win the WCW World Heavyweight title. He says that singles success eluded him in his last run in WCW but it is time for The Franchise to rise up and claim the gold that truly belongs to him. Douglas says he is putting Hulk Hogan on notice because by the end of next year he will be the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Douglas laughs and pats Okerlund on the shoulder and Okerlund sends us to a video. History Of Arn Anderson And Ric Flair This video features the history between Arn Anderson and Ric Flair. It goes all the way back to Ric Flair being introduced as a cousin to the Anderson family. Highlights of Flair and Anderson are shown from their time in the Horsemen. Then we are shown Flair getting angry at Anderson for losing and Anderson turning on Flair. We are shown the highlights of the recent attacks by Arn Anderson on Ric Flair. What will happen when these two former friends collide? We're about to find out! Match #7 Arn Anderson vs. Ric Flair Arn Anderson comes out to the ring first and steps inside one of the two rings. Ric Flair comes out with his usual black and white robe. Flair enters the ring and takes off the robe before walking to the center of the ring with Anderson. Flair tells Anderson they can walk away friends right now. Anderson responds with a slap and shoves Flair to the mat. Flair pulls himself up and locks up with Anderson. Anderson backs Flair into the corner and throws a few punches. Flair fires back with several chops to the chest. It's a battle back and forth in the opening minute before Anderson takes Flair down. Anderson throws some more heavy handed punches before Flair rolls out of the ring. Flair paces a few steps and then steps back in the ring, catching a knee to the gut by Anderson. Double A locks Flair in a hammerlock and then hits a body slam and he begins focusing on the arm of Flair. He gives a stomp to the arm and then locks in an armbar. Several minutes are spent with Anderson in control. He is focusing mostly on that right arm of Flair. He manages to send Flair to the ropes -- Spinebuster! He connects with the big spinebuster seven minutes into the contest. Anderson makes the cover: ...1... ...2... Kickout! Arn Anderson gets up and continues to focus on Ric Flair, sending him out of the ring. Anderson grabs the arm of Flair and rams him shoulder-first into the ring post. Flair cries out in pain, staggering away. Anderson rolls in and out of the ring, restarting the count. He grabs Flair, who turns and pokes Anderson in the eye! Anderson staggers at this and Flair uses his off hand to lay in a few knife edge chops! Flair rolls Anderson in the ring and he joins him inside. Flair turns his attention to the right leg of Anderson. He stomps on it and then draws the leg over the bottom rope. Flair leaps and hits a seated senton on the leg. Flair does a strut but he has to shake some more feeling into his arm. Flair moves Anderson to the center of the ring and at the thirteen minute mark, he locks in the Figure Four leglock! Anderson shakes his head, refusing to submit. Flair can't lift himself on one side because of the injured arm. He leans more on the left side and that helps Anderson turn the Figure Four. They roll over until they reach the ropes and the hold has to be broken. Flair rolls Anderson into a small package: ...1... ...2... ...3..NO! KICKOUT! With the match in question, Brian Pillman comes walking down to ringside. The crowd boos this moment as it has been a pretty clean bout between Arn Anderson and Ric Flair so far. Both men slowly reach their feet and it becomes a war of attrition as they battle it out in the center of the ring. Anderson gets the advantage and Irish whips Flair into the corner. Flair flips up and over and runs along the apron before climbing the turnbuckle. He gets caught, though, and sent to the mat with a body slam. Anderson grabs his knee for a moment in pain before staggering over to Flair. Flair rolls Anderson up: One, Two, Three, Four, Five! What in the --? The referee was distracted by Brian Pillman, who climbed up on the apron! Flair releases the roll up and gets to his feet, staggering over to Pillman and grabbing him by the shirt. Anderson slowly starts to recover in the ring and he rushes Flair, knocking Flair's head into Pillman's! Pillman falls off the apron and Flair turns -- Anderson DDT! Anderson makes the cover, sliding his feet on the ropes: ...1... ...2... ...3! Arn Anderson p. Ric Flair =81 Will Sting Make The Save? The crowd boos this turn of events. Arn Anderson has cheated to defeat Ric Flair. The bell has sounded and Anderson gets up, putting the boots to Flair. We've seen this before. Brian Pillman gets up from outside the ring and joins the beatdown in the ring. Pillman grabs Flair by the face and stretches out his cheeks right in front of the camera. Pillman laughs as Anderson sets up Flair for another Anderson DDT. Before he can hit, here comes Sting! Sting rushes down to the ring and slides inside. He ducks a clothesline from Pillman and throws some punches before clotheslining Pillman over the top rope. He ducks a punch attempt from Anderson, hitting an atomic drop that sends Anderson over the top rope. The two bad guys back away from the ring. Inside the ring, Sting looks down at the fallen Flair. He reaches a hand out and helps Flair to his feet. The two give each other a staredown. Sting gives a slight nod to Flair and then exits the ring, walking to the back on his own. What does this mean? Make sure you tune in to Nitro to see if we can find out. End Of Hulkamania?? In the backstage area, The Taskmaster is hyping up The Dungeon Of Doom. He has Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac there. The Taskmaster says that tonight is the night that they end something that has been a force for good for years. He says that tonight the darkness of The Dungeon Of Doom takes over the land. The Taskmaster laughs an evil laugh and says that tonight they destroy Hulk Hogan. Match #8 War Games Match The Dungeon Of Doom (Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac) vs. Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Lex Luger and Sting It's time for War Games! For those of you unfamiliar with War Games, it's simple. Two rings are enclosed by a steel cage. One man starts for each team and then they alternate sending members out until all members are in the ring. Then the match can only be won by submission or surrender. The two men to start off War Games are Sting and Zodiac. Zodiac enters the ring doing the YES! NO! YES! NO! It throws Sting off a little bit. But this first five minute period is mostly dominated by the man called Sting. Sting hits a Stinger Splash on Zodiac in the corner and then locks on an early Scorpion Deathlock. Zodiac is left laying there in pain as it is announced that a coin flip has been done in the back and The Dungeon Of Doom won. That means that they will get the next man in the ring. Sting releases the Scorpion Deathlock and focuses his attention on the door, waiting to see who the next man will be. The Shark comes out from the back and comes down to the ring. As soon as The Shark hits the ring, Zodiac attacks Sting from behind. Sting was too focused on The Shark. Zodiac locks in a sleeperhold on Sting! The Shark takes the opportunity to throw some punches to the chest of Sting. Sting struggles in the hold and drops Zodiac with a jawbreaker. Sting quickly moves into the second ring to catch his breath. He gets followed by The Shark. The Shark and Sting throw punches back and forth until The Shark whips Sting into the corner. The Shark follows in with an avalanche in the corner. As soon as he hits that move, the bell sounds for the next competitor. Here comes The Total Pack -- WAIT, Randy Savage is rushing past him! Savage wants in this match! Savage climbs in and Luger has to make his way to the back. Savage hits Zodiac with a clothesline and then climbs the turnbuckle. He hits The Shark with a double axehandle into that second ring. Savage helps Sting up and they hit The Shark with a double clothesline. Zodiac staggers into that second ring and strikes Savage in the ribs. Zodiac sends Savage into the corner and climbs up, throwing punches and yelling YES! NO! with each punch he sends down. Sting fires punches at The Shark and then goes over to help Savage. As soon as Sting hits Zodiac the bell sounds. Meng comes out from the back and walks down to the ring. Meng steps inside and moves to the second ring where everyone else is. Meng throws a punch to Sting and then locks him in the Tongan Death Grip. There are brawls taking place all around this ring. The Shark grabs Savage and tosses him into the first ring, joining him in that ring. The Shark picks up Savage and hits a body slam before bouncing off the ropes and hitting the seated senton right on the ribs of Savage! In the other ring, Meng and Zodiac are double teaming Sting. Zodiac locks in a sleeperhold at the same time that Meng has the Tongan Death Grip. Sting is fading out. He gets dropped before Meng and Zodiac join The Shark in the other ring. They each take turns stomping on Savage and working over his ribs until the bell sounds. This time, here comes Hulk Hogan! Hogan comes rushing out from the back and steps in the ring, facing off with three members of The Dungeon Of Doom! Hogan begins throwing punches, hitting everything that moves. Hogan drops Meng and Zodiac with a double clothesline! Hogan climbs into the other ring and begins slapping Sting. He helps Sting up to his feet The two men enter ring one and go right after The Shark! Hogan and Sting hit a double clothesline and then Hogan shows his strength when he lifts The Shark up for a body slam. Sting helps him keep him up and they both bring The Shark down to the mat. Zodiac moves in and rakes the eyes of Sting. Zodiac goes for a Piledriver but Hogan blocks it, pushing Sting back down. Sting elevates Zodiac with a back body drop and the bell sounds. The last member of The Dungeon Of Doom, Kamala, enters the ring. Kamala goes right after Randy Savage, picking him up and body slamming him before hitting a big Kamala Splash! Kamala beats his chest and then turns toward Hogan. Kamala and Hogan meet in the center of the ring and begin exchanging blows. Hogan gets the advantage there for a moment before Meng grabs Hogan from behind. Meng hits a headbutt to the back of the head and Kamala hits the headbutt to the front of the head. The Shark is back on his feet and he attacks Sting. Meng and Kamala are working over Hogan, The Shark is battling Sting and Randy Savage has gotten back to his feet to battle Zodiac in the second ring. Savage body slams Zodiac before heading to the top turnbuckle. He leaps with the Diving Elbow Drop! As this happens, the bell sounds. It's time for the final participant in War Games and that is Lex Luger! Luger rushes down to the ring and he immediately helps Hogan in the two on one fight. As soon as Luger is in, The Match Beyond has begun. Luger catches Meng with the running forearm smash. He showcases his strength with the powerslam on The Shark! Luger checks on Sting for a moment before moving to the other ring and going face to face with Randy Savage. Luger picks up Zodiac and throws some punches. He bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Zodiac ducks and Luger hits Savage with the clothesline! In the other ring, Hogan hits The Shark with the big boot and then the Legdrop! Luger ignores what he did to Savage and picks up Zodiac -- Human Torture Rack! Zodiac struggles in the moment but he is forced to submit. Team Hulk Hogan wins the War Games match at 29:55. Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Lex Luger and Sting d. The Dungeon Of Doom =78 The Giant Smashes The bell has sounded and War Games is over. But we're not done yet. The Taskmaster and The Giant come walking down to the ring. The Giant steps inside the cage and grabs the nearest man, Sting, dropping him with a chokeslam! Lex Luger comes rushing in and strikes The Giant. The Giant staggers but then grabs Luger and hits him with the chokeslam! Randy Savage is down in the other ring. Hulk Hogan rushes The Giant with punches. The two men begin exchanging blows until The Giant grabs Hogan by the throat, choking him down to the mat. Suddenly, Savage comes flying out of nowhere with the flying double axehandle on Giant! NO! The Giant grabs him by the throat out of the air. The Giant hits both Hogan and Savage with a double chokeslam. The Giant roars as The Taskmaster smiles. The Dungeon Of Doom may have lost War Games but The Giant walks away a clear winner tonight. We'll see you tomorrow for Monday Nitro!
  4. NEWS: WCW FALL BRAWL PREVIEW! Predictions List: Sabu vs. Ultimate Warrior Comments: Brian Pillman vs. Johnny B. Badd Comments: Vader vs. The Renegade Comments: WCW World Television Title Match Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Jim Duggan Comments: WCW World Tag Team Titles Match Harlem Heat vs. Steiner Brothers Comments: The Giant vs. Road Warrior Hawk Comments: Arn Anderson vs. Ric Flair Comments: War Games Match The Dungeon Of Doom (Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac) vs. Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Lex Luger and Sting Comments: Comments On Diary In General: TAGS: @WCW – #FallBrawl – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #WarGames © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW
  5. Saturday Week 4 September 1995 WCW Saturday Night Hype For War Games A video plays hyping Hulk Hogan, Sting, Randy Savage and Lex Luger vs. Kamala, Meng, The Shark and Zodiac. Match #1 In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Steiner Brothers(Scott-67. Rick-63) defeated Barrio Brothers(Sierra-30, Santana-28) in 6:47 when Scott Steiner pinned Ricky Santana...55 Flair For The Win In a promo, Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair. Flair talks about his upcoming match with Arn Anderson. He says that he hates fighting with the man that was once his best friend but he's going to prove that he's still the man. He warns Arn Anderson that to be the man, you have to beat the man. Then, he turns his attention to Sting. He, once again, asks Sting to watch his back this Sunday at Fall Brawl. Mr. Wonderful In a pre-taped promo, Paul Orndorff talks about what happened last week with Johnny B. Badd. Orndorff promises more destruction of Badd. He says he willl be in attendance for the match between Badd and Brian Pillman at Fall Brawl. Who knows what will happen? Match #2 In an extremely short match, Harlem Heat(Booker-55, Ray-53) defeated Hardy Boyz(Matt-48, Jeff-35) in 4:41 when Booker T pinned Jeff Hardy with a Harlem Hangover. Jeff Hardy was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...46 Who's The Man? In a promo, Gene Okerlund interviews Vader. Vader talks about what he did to Randy Savage on Nitro. He says that this is just the beginning of this new indestructible Vader. He says he is returning to his past roots. The interview is interrupted by The Renegade. The Renegade says that Vader is not honorable and needs to be put in his place. Vader laughs and says he'll meet The Renegade in the ring tomorrow at Fall Brawl before walking away. Match #3 In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Ric Flair(91) defeated Dean Malenko(78) in 15:31 by submission with a Figure-Four Leg Lock...89 High Flying Attack Post-Match, Brian Pillman rushes out to the ring to attack Ric Flair. Flair fights back and the two exchange punches and chops before Flair knocks Pillman to the mat. Flair locks Pillman in the Figure Four until officials rush out to break things up. Flair struts in the ring as the show comes to a close.
  6. Monday Week 4 September 1995 WCW Monday Nitro Fight In The Parking Lot The show begins with a video from earlier tonight. We see the two teams from War Games doing battle in the parking lot of Desert Sun Stadium in Yuma, Arizona. Hulk Hogan is doing battle with The Shark, Sting is doing battle with Zodiac, Lex Luger is battling Kamala and Randy Savage is battling Meng. Meng throws Savage over a car and then joins Kamala in battling Luger. WCW security comes rushing in from the arena to break these eight men apart. Head of WCW Security Doug Dillinger announces that all eight of these men will not be allowed in the building tonight, except for Randy Savage. Savage can only stay because he has a match tonight. It takes quite a few members of security to separate these men but no one will separate them this Sunday at Fall Brawl! Macho Madness We go live inside the arena where the music begins to play for the Macho Man Randy Savage. Savage comes out, looking slightly worse for wear due to the fight earlier in the parking lot. Savage hypes the War Games match, saying that the Dungeon of Doom is going to look worse on Sunday when the Macho Madness runs all over them. Savage promises to bring that madness to the ring inside the two-ring steel cage. He is interrupted by the arrival of his opponent for later tonight, Vader. Vader walks down to the ring and steps inside. He looks Savage up and down, sneering at him. Vader says that Savage is not going to make it to Fall Brawl this Sunday. Vader promises that Savage is going to leave this arena on a stretcher and then in an ambulance. Savage says it wouldn't be the first time he left on a stretcher but before he does he is going to take a big chunk out of Vader. Savage hits Vader with the microphone and the two begin brawling in the ring. Savage actually gets the advantage, heading to the top turnbuckle. He hits Vader with the top rope double axehandle! Vader falls out of the ring and begins backing up but the match will take place later on tonight. Savage celebrates in the ring for a few moments before exiting and high fiving the fans on the way to the back. Match #1 The Great Muta and Harlem Heat vs. The Renegade and Steiner Brothers Time for the first match of the go-home show. It is a strong six man tag team encounter as Sherri's group takes on The Renegade and Steiner Brothers. The Renegade was definitely the weak link in the contest and it showed. Early on in the match, Steiner Brothers took control, knocking both Booker T and Stevie Ray down with Steinerlines. Rick throws Booker with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. It ends with the Steiner Brothers in the ring. Rick runs around barking and then drops to all fours with Scott standing over him. The match is pretty open between all six men, letting them all get their momentum during the contest. Rick played the face-in-peril before tagging out to The Renegade. The Renegade comes in with a few clotheslines. All six men do battle with Renegade and The Great Muta as the two legal men. With the referee distracted, Renegade is hit with the Asian mist by Muta, blinding him. Muta strikes with a kick, knocking Renegade to his knees. Muta bounces off the ropes and hits the Shining Wizard! Muta makes a cover: One, Two, Three! The Great Muta and Harlem Heat win at 10:22! The Great Muta and Harlem Heat p. The Renegade and Steiner Brothers =73 Second Fiddle No More Going to the ramp, we see Gene Okerlund! Mean Gene talks about calling the WCW hotline. He tells everyone to call and they'll find out about a brand new hiring that will be making his WCW debut very soon. Now, he calls out his special guest and that is Double A Arn Anderson! Anderson comes down to the ramp and Okerlund asks him his thoughts less than a week away from Fall Brawl. Anderson says that his entire life has come to this moment. He says that he is looking forward to facing the man he used to call his best friend but now he calls his enemy. He says he spent too many years playing second fiddle to the Nature Boy. Sunday he will prove that he should have been the one winning World titles. He says that Fall Brawl will begin a new life for The Enforcer. Anderson holds up four fingers and then turns them upside down, signifying the end of the Horsemen. With that, we go up to the ring for our next contest. Match #2 Terry Richards vs. Ultimate Warrior After a commercial, Terry Richards is waiting inside the ring. Ultimate Warrior comes running in from the back, sliding in under the bottom rope. He begins shaking the ropes on all four sides, getting the crowd into it. As Warrior stands there waiting for the bell, Eric Bischoff tells everyone that they shouldn't switch to the competition. He says there's going to be a WWF Heavyweight title match but the big man is going to beat the former Mark Callous by count out. When the bell sounds, Warrior is dominant over Richards. He hits him with clotheslines and a big atomic drop. Warrior plays to the crowd and then catches Richards with several leaping shoulder blocks and then lifts him up in the gorilla press slam. He drops Richards behind him and then bounces off the ropes -- Big Splash! Warrior makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Warrior gets the win at 2:15! Ultimate Warrior p. Terry Richards =55 ROAR! We go to a pre-taped interview with The Taskmaster and The Giant. The Taskmaster says that Fall Brawl is going to be a huge night for the Dungeon of Doom and what could be bigger than his giant? Taskmaster says that this Sunday The Giant is going to put pain, misery and violence on Road Warrior Hawk. The Taskmaster says that this Giant is the chosen one and the future WCW World Heavyweight Champion. That means that Hawk is simply going to be a dead bird along the golden street that the Giant walks. At the end of Fall Brawl, it will be the end of the Road Warriors and the end of Hulkamania. It will be a good night. Sullivan laughs evily and we go to the ring for our main event. Match #3 Vader vs. Randy Savage It is main event time and we've got two top brawlers in the ring facing off. As soon as the bell rings, Savage rushes across the ring and leaps into the arms of Vader. Savage throws forearm shots and punches and then bites the nose of Vader. Vader releases Savage, shaking his head as he backs up in a corner. Savage rushes in and catches Vader with a splash in the corner and then climbs up, raining punches down on Vader. He gets to ten before he drops down and then tries to body slam Vader but Vader falls on top of him, scoring a two count. Vader picks up Savage, Irish whipping him hard into the corner. Savage bounces out of the corner and Vader ducks a clothesline attempt. Vader grabs Savage from behind and throws him with a German suplex! Vader is now going slow and methodical as he gains control. He grabs Savage and hits him with a short-arm clothesline before stepping on his throat for the count of four. Vader yells at the referee before turning his attention back to Savage. Vader throws Savage out of the ring and joins him there at ringside. Vader Irish whips Savage into the guardrail before hitting him with the body avalanche. As Vader maintains control, we go to our final commercial break. Coming back from commercial, the fight is back in the ring. Vader locks Randy Savage in the bear hug but releases only a few moments in. He sets up Savage on the mat and then goes to the turnbuckle. He climbs up all the way to the top and goes for the Vadersault but Savage rolls out of the way! Vader crashes and burns onto the mat. The fans get behind Savage with chants and claps and stomps trying to give him that second wind. Savage uses the ropes to climb to his feet at the same time Vader is getting up. Savage rushes over and hits Vader with a high knee to the back, sending him face-first into the corner. Savage grabs Vader by the head and begins hitting his head into the top turnbuckle. He does ten times on the top and then ten more on the middle turnbuckle. The Macho Man climbs to the top turnbuckle and then leaps, hitting Vader with the double axehandle from the top turnbuckle. Vader goes down and Savage heads back to the top turnbuckle. He raises his arms and then leaps for the flying elbow drop but Vader gets his leg up! Savage crashes into the boot of Vader. Both men are down and the referee begins to count. At four, both men begin to stir. At six, Vader reaches his feet. He grabs Savage and drops him with a side belly to belly suplex. Vader picks up Savage again and hits him with the Powerbomb! Vader throws up the 'V' symbol and asks 'Who's the man?!?!' Vader grabs Savage and hits him with a second Powerbomb! The referee checks on Savage but Vader moves the referee back. Vader climbs to the second turnbuckle and then hits the Vader Bomb! Vader goes for the cover: One, Two, Vader pulls Savage up! He shakes his head and sets up Savage for another Powerbomb. Savage is not moving at all! The referee steps in and immediately calls for the bell, telling Vader it's over! Vader d. Randy Savage =82 Will Savage Survive? Randy Savage has definitely suffered in the previous match but Vader doesn't go for that extra Powerbomb. Instead, he raises up the 'V' symbol and then exits the ring. Savage is laying out on the mat and officials and EMTs come out to check on the Macho Man. They are calling for a stretcher. Instead, though, they get The Taskmaster and The Giant! The crowd boos as The Taskmaster leads The Giant to the ring. The Giant throws people out of his way and grabs a fallen Savage by the throat. The Giant lifts Savage in the air before dropping him with a Chokeslam in the middle of the ring. Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan and Steve McMichael all wonder if Randy Savage will even make it to War Games this Sunday. The Giant hits a second Chokeslam on the lifeless Savage. The Taskmaster leads The Giant out of the ring as officials walk in and pull Savage out of the ring and onto a stretcher. They put him in a neck brace as a precaution and the show ends with Savage being wheeled out to an ambulance just like Vader said would happen earlier.
  7. NEWS: WCW MONDAY NITRO PREVIEW! Predictions List: The Great Muta and Harlem Heat vs. The Renegade and Steiner Brothers Comments: Terry Richards vs. Ultimate Warrior Comments: Vader vs. Randy Savage Comments: Comments On Diary In General: TAGS: @WCW – #Nitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #VadervSavage © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW
  8. Saturday Week 3 September 1995 WCW Saturday Night Still Not Joining Forces WCW Saturday Night begins with Gene Okerlund talking with Sting about what happened to Ric Flair last Monday. Sting says that he is sorry about what happened but he is still not going to join forces with Flair against Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman. He says that he will always do the right thing because that's who he is. But he has to focus on War Games. Match #1 In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Johnny B. Badd(55) defeated Paul Orndorff(54) in 10:16 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press...61 Sore Loser Johnny B. Badd celebrates his victory before he is attacked from behind by Paul Orndorff. Orndorff drops Badd with a Piledriver in the middle of the ring. He rolls out and passes by Brian Pillman. Pillman enters the ring and attacks Badd, taking him out with a lead pipe before exiting the ring as security steps in. Genius Corner Lanny Poffo hosts the Genius Corner. Poffo announces that the WCW World Tag Team titles have been held up due to Dick Slater suffering a concussion. He announces that the titles will be on the line at Fall Brawl as Steiner Brothers face his guests tonight and they are Harlem Heat. Poffo welcomes Harlem Heat with Sensuous Sherri. Sherri says that Harlem Heat is going to win the WCW World Tag Team titles for the third time. Booker T and Stevie Ray hype the match with Steiner Brothers, promising to bring the WCW World Tag Team titles back to Sensuous Sherri. Poffo sends us to the ring for our next tag team encounter. Match #2 In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Benoit(79) and Malenko(68) defeated Nasty Boys(Knobbs-54, Sags-52) in 6:25 when Chris Benoit pinned Jerry Sags. In terms of in-ring work, Chris Benoit was head and shoulders above everyone else...70 HO! At the staging, Gene Okerlund talks about the WCW hotline before bringing out Jim Duggan as his guest. Okerlund asks Duggan about his upcoming match against Diamond Dallas Page. Duggan says that he is going to run right through DDP with his running clothesline and take the WCW World Television title, tough guy! Duggan gives a big thumbs up and we go to a video. Monday Nitro Highlights from Monday Nitro are shown, including Ric Flair defeating Brian Pillman and then being attacked by Pillman and Arn Anderson. The brawl between Vader and Randy Savage is shown with the announcement that these two men go one on one this Monday on Nitro. Match #3 In a decent match, Diamond Dallas Page(59) defeated Jushin Thunder Liger(51) in 9:28 by pinfall. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number two of the WCW World Television title. Ultimate Decision Gene Okerlund interviews Ultimate Warrior. Okerlund asks Warrior about his plans here. Warrior says that the gods have come forth to tell him that he will not participate in War Games. But he will be there for Fall Brawl against a mystery opponent. Not only will he be there for Fall Brawl but this Monday night he will take on whatever wrestler wants to step up to him. He snarls and growls and Okerlund thanks everyone for watching and we'll see everyone this Monday for Nitro.
  9. Monday Week 3 September 1995 WCW Monday Nitro Be My Friend WCW Monday Nitro begins with the arrival of Ric Flair coming down to the ring. Flair gives a strut and reminds everyone that in less than two weeks he steps in the ring with his former best friend, his former Enforcer Arn Anderson. Flair reminds Anderson that diamonds are forever and so is Ric Flair. Then he turns his attention to the very first episode of Monday Nitro where former Horsemen member Sting saved him. He invites Sting to come out to the ring and talk with him. After a few moments, Sting's music hits and here comes the WCW Franchise. Sting climbs in the ring with a microphone and asks Flair what he wants. Flair says he wants to tell Sting thank you for saving him two weeks ago. Then, he asks Sting to stand with him against Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman. He says he needs someone he can trust. Sting says that he cannot trust Flair. Sting says that he's fallen for Flair's tricks before and been burned too many times. Flair says he's a different man and offers a handshake. Sting shakes his head and wishes Flair good luck in his match tonight with Brian Pillman. Sting drops the microphone and exits the ring, walking to the back. Flair stands in the ring for a few moments more before exiting and high fiving the fans on his way to the back. Match #1: WCW World Television Title Match Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Johnny B. Badd Our first match of the night is a defense of the WCW World Television title. Diamond Dallas Page and Johnny B. Badd don't seem to click in the ring and it made for an awkward bout. DDP showed off his skills in this bout, hitting Badd with the Diamond Clash for a two count. Badd comes back with the Badd Day, a super frankensteiner. In the end, though, Badd goes for the Shooting Star Press and it gets reversed into a Diamond Cutter. DDP makes the cover and gets the three count at 6:33 for his first defense of the World Television title. Diamond Dallas Page p. Johnny B. Badd =58 Fall Brawl Control Center A video begins to play as Diamond Dallas Page celebrates in the ring. Gene Okerlund welcomes everyone to the Fall Brawl Control Center. He talks about some of the matches lined up for the show, including War Games and The Giant taking on Road Warrior Hawk. Then he makes the announcement that a new match has been signed for the show. This match features Brian Pillman against the man that we just saw in the ring, Johnny B. Badd. He sends us to a promo featuring Brian Pillman. Pillman laughs and says that he was just told that he will be stepping in the ring with someone who's not on his level at Fall Brawl. Pillman says that Badd's boxing skills won't be anything compared with Pillman's high flying. Pillman laughs again and says he'll see Johnny at Fall Brawl. Match #2 Zodiac vs. Road Warrior Hawk A pretty basic match here as Road Warrior Hawk takes on Zodiac from The Dungeon Of Doom. Both sides are looking for more momentum as we head toward Fall Brawl. Eric Bischoff reminds everyone that Hawk will take on The Giant at Fall Brawl, while Zodiac will be part of War Games. Hawk shows a good mixture of speed and strength in this contest as he dominates from the beginning. He catches Zodiac with a big boot and then a military press dropping Zodiac behind him. Bischoff says there's no reason to turn channels to the competition. He can tell you that former WCW wrestler Mark Callous teams up with Shawn Michaels to defeat Razor and Diesel by count out. Back in the ring, Zodiac suddenly slides out of the ring. He begins shouting 'YES, NO, YES, NO!' He turns and walks up the aisle with The Taskmaster trying to get him to focus. Instead, Zodiac disappears backstage and Hawk gets the win by count out at 5:42. Road Warrior Hawk d. Zodiac =63 Backstage Brawl Eric Bischoff says there is something going on backstage. We go back to the catering area where we see a slightly staggered Vader standing there. The camera pulls back to show Randy Savage leaping off a table with a double axehandle onto Vader. Bischoff reminds everyone that Vader was supposed to be the fourth man on Team Hulk Hogan but declined it. Savage throws some punches but Vader fights back, flooring Savage with a clothesline. Vader bounces Savage off the table and then drops him with a body slam. Vader stomps on Savage as security and officials step in to break things up. Bischoff says he's happy he put some cameras backstage as you never know what might happen here on the live edition of WCW Monday Nitro. With that, we move to our main event. Match #3 Brian Pillman vs. Ric Flair This main event match features two veterans of the squared circle. Ric Flair has been wrestling since 1972 and Brian Pillman has been around wrestling since 1986. The two men lock up and Flair backs Pillman up into the corner. Flair laces into Pillman with three straight knife-edge chops. Pillman finally staggers out of the corner and Flair strikes him with a forearm shot to the back of the neck. Flair immediately goes for the Figure Four but Pillman rolls him into an inside cradle for a two count. Both men get to their feet and Pillman begins speeding things up. Pillman catches Flair with a dropkick and then Irish whips Flair into the corner. Flair flips up and over the corner and runs along the apron. Flair climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps but Pillman catches him with a dropkick. The speedy Pillman takes control both in and out of the ring. He throws Flair through the ropes and then catches Flair with a diving crossbody over the top rope. Pillman picks up Flair and whips him into the guardrail before catching Flair with a few chops. The action returns inside the ring where Pillman goes for the Air Pillman. Flair moves out of the way but Pillman lands on his feet. When he lands, though, he tweaks his right knee and staggers slightly. As we go to commercial, Flair strikes Pillman with a chopblock to that right knee. Back from commercial and Ric Flair is in control over Brian Pillman. According to the announcers, he has been focusing on that right knee of Pillman during the break. Flair lays Pillman out in the middle of the ring and bounces off the ropes. He does a little strut before he drops a knee across the face of Pillman. He makes a cover but only gets a two count. Flair picks up Pillman and drops his shin across his knee before saying he's going to take Pillman to school. He goes for the Figure Four but Pillman uses his free leg to kick Flair off. Pillman manages to pull himself to his feet and meet Flair in the center of the ring. The two begin exchanging punches and chops. Pillman rakes the eyes of Flair and manages to body slam Flair but grabs his knee afterward. He begins sucking it up and heads out onto the apron, waiting for Flair to get to his feet. Pillman leaps onto the top rope but his knee gives out and he collapses to the mat. Flair sees this and rolls Pillman into a jackknife pin: One, Two, Three! Ric Flair scores the victory at 16:07! Ric Flair p. Brian Pillman =78 2 On 1 Always Wins Ric Flair has picked up the win in our main event but things don't end there. Arn Anderson comes racing out from the back and enters the ring. He grabs Flair and drops him with a Double A Spinebuster. Anderson slides out of the ring and reaches beneath it, pulling a tire iron out from underneath the ring. He slides inside and begins striking Flair with the tire iron in the forehead again and again. Flair's forehead is broken open and he begins to bleed heavily. Flair cries out for help but there's no one to help him as Anderson strikes him again. Brian Pillman manages to pull himself up and he puts some boots to Flair with his good leg. Both Pillman and Anderson stand over Flair, standing tall. We are less than two weeks away from Arn Anderson versus Ric Flair one on one. Anderson and Pillman exit the ring before officials have to come out to the ring to help Flair to the back. Hulk's Decision HE'S AMERICAN MADE! The crowd cheers as Hulk Hogan comes out from the back and walks to the ring. Hogan has made a promise that he will make a decision when it comes to War Games tonight. He enters the ring and begins by inviting both Lex Luger and Ultimate Warrior to the ring. Both men make their entrances to cheers from the crowd. Hogan shakes hands with both of them before saying that this is a very difficult decision that he has to make. He gives them each a chance to tell him why they should be the fourth member. Luger talks about being a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He says he was the first person that was asked to be on the team. Warrior, I think, says he was built for this as he is a warrior and this is War Games. Warrior says that what he needs is a warrior on his War Games team. Hogan says that he has made the decision and that decision is that Lex Luger will be the fourth man. He shakes hands with Luger and says he trusts him to beat the Dungeon Of Doom. Warrior, I'm pretty sure, says he is alright with the decision. He says he will be watching the victory from the back. Luger says he's going to prove he belongs here where the big boys play. All three men pose in the ring as the show comes to an end. We'll see you Saturday for WCW Saturday Night.
  10. Looking forward to this one, Historian. You always do an amazing amount of work. MAW is definitely a promotion that I see as difficult, simply because it's meant to be just a developmental promotion only. Good luck on this one.
  11. NEWS: WCW MONDAY NITRO PREVIEW! Predictions List: WCW World Television Title Match Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Johnny B. Badd Comments: Zodiac vs. Road Warrior Hawk Comments: Brian Pillman vs. Ric Flair Comments: Comments On Diary In General: TAGS: @WCW – #Nitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #PillmanvFlair © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW
  12. Hey The Blonde Bomber. Thanks for the words and the positive vibes. Stupid recurring kidney stones can really set me back.
  13. Hey Kijar! It's great to see you still around here, whether you're just lurking or a daily user. Glad that you have enjoyed the new diary so far. I was in the ER last night/this morning so I am going to be a little slow right now.
  14. Saturday Week 2 September 1995 WCW Saturday Night Match #1 In an extremely short match, The Great Muta(66) and Harlem Heat(Booker-56, Stevie-53) defeated Mr. JL(51) and Hardy Boyz(Matt-45, Jeff-33) in 5:17 when The Great Muta pinned Matt Hardy with a Shining Wizard. In terms of in-ring work, The Great Muta was head and shoulders above everyone else. Jeff Hardy was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...51 The Nature Boy Ric Flair is interviewed by Gene Okerlund. Flair hypes his matches against Brian Pillman and Arn Anderson. Flair says that this Monday he takes Pillman to school. Guerrero Coming Soon A music video is shown to promote Eddy Guerrero. He is coming soon to WCW television. Match #2 In a decent match, Dean Malenko(71) defeated Joey Maggs(31) in 6:28 by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf...68 Feel The Bang! Diamond Dallas Page is interviewed by Gene Okerlund. Okerlund congratulates DDP on winning the WCW World Television title. DDP says it was only a matter of time before he got gold. Okerlund asks DDP about the challenge of Jim Duggan. DDP says that if Duggan wants to go into early retirement he will let him feel the bang. Match #3 In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Jim Duggan(52) defeated Big Bubba Rogers(67) in 7:35 by pinfall with a Running Clotheline Tackle...68 Returning Soon To WCW A music video is shown to promote Vader. He will be returning soon to WCW. Match #4 In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Randy Savage(79) and Ultimate Warrior(69) defeated Blue Bloods(Regal-79, Eaton-62) in 10:25 when Ultimate Warrior submitted Earl Robert Eaton...83 The Dungeon Of Doom The Taskmaster is surrounded by The Shark, Kamala, Meng and Zodiac at the interview area. The Taskmaster hypes the upcoming War Games match and says it doesn't matter whether Team Hulk Hogan chooses Lex Luger or Ultimate Warrior. He says that this is the time when The Dungeon Of Doom destroys Hulkamania. The Dungeon Of Doom pose as the show comes to an end. Zodiac stands there shouting yes and no the entire time.
  15. Thank you to everyone who made predictions and replied and made comments. I really appreciate hearing from all of you. === Monday Week 2 September 1995 WCW Monday Nitro Stylin and Profilin This second edition of WCW Monday Nitro begins in the ring with Gene Okerlund. Okerlund welcomes everyone to Monday Nitro and then announces his guest coming to the ring, The Nature Boy Ric Flair! The crowd cheers as 2001 begins to play. Ric Flair comes out, twirling around in his sea blue robe. He walks down to the ring and steps inside, strutting across and releasing a 'Whoo!' Okerlund begins by asking Flair about his feud with Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman. Mean Whoo Gene! I just want to ask you one thing right here and right now: what's causing all this?!?! Whoo! Flair says he's the one causing it along with Sting himself. He says that he is thankful for what Sting did last week. He says that he is one that taught Arn Anderson to do the things that he has done and now he has to do battle with Ric Flair's Monster at Fall Brawl. He reminds Anderson AND Pillman that diamonds are forever and so is Ric... The music for Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman interrupts Flair's words and out from the back come the two men. Double A steps into the ring, while Pillman basically dances around the ringside area, waving his arms in a crazy manner. Anderson tells Flair that he's not the teacher. Anderson says that Flair was and is the student when it comes to the Anderson way. Anderson says he will prove that at Fall Brawl because he didn't show Flair everything that he knows. Flair says he is still heartbroken that he lost the man he considered to be his best friend. Pillman slides in the ring and calls Flair selfish. He says that Flair wouldn't let any of the spotlight shine on his supposed best friend. Flair tells Pillman to shut up because the men are talking. Pillman slaps Flair and asks if that proves he's a man at this table. Flair smiles slowly and tells Pillman that what that earns him is a shot at being taken to school next week on Monday Nitro. Pillman immediately agrees and Anderson just shakes his head for a moment. Pillman goes for a punch but Anderson stops him, grabbing his arm. Anderson says it's time to go and he leaves with Pillman. Flair ends things by saying that to be the man, you have to beat the man. Whoo! Flair shakes hands with Okerlund before the two exit the ring and head to the back before our first match. Match #1 Kamala and The Shark vs. Randy Savage and Sting Our first match of the evening is a tag team encounter featuring four of the men who will compete in War Games at Fall Brawl. This is a hard-hitting contest between all four men that sees Sting play the role of face-in-peril in the corner of The Dungeon Of Doom. Kamala strikes Sting with a headbutt and a backhand chop before turning things over to The Shark. The Shark takes his time with Sting, stepping on his chest and then walking off. The Shark locks Sting in a bearhug and referee Randy Anderson raises Sting's arm once, twice, three ti -- NO! Sting's arm stays up and he begins throwing punches. He gets released from the bearhug and a double clothesline sends both men to the mat. Tags are made on both sides with Randy Savage climbing to the top turnbuckle and hitting Kamala with a double axehandle. Savage hits The Shark with a clothesline sending The Shark to the floor beside The Taskmaster. In the ring, Kamala pulls himself up in a corner and Sting hits the Stinger Splash. Randy Savage climbs to the top turnbuckle -- Flying Elbowdrop! Savage makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Randy Savage and Sting p. Kamala and The Shark =54 The Genius Corner Now it's time to go to the corner, The Genius Corner. This segment is hosted by Lanny Poffo, who welcomes everyone to his corner of the world. Poffo says that on occasion he will allow people to come into his corner and talk about the upcoming moments in professional wrestling. He announces that his first guest is one half of the team that won the Iron Team tournament in 1989. This is Road Warrior Hawk! Hawk comes out and walks over, shaking hands with Poffo. Poffo begins by asking Hawk about what happened on WCW Saturday Night. The fight between him and The Giant is shown in a split-screen. Well, Hawk says, The Giant made the biggest mistake of his life. Hawk reminds Poffo that he's been around for a long time, while The Giant is still a young pup. He goes to continue but here comes The Taskmaster and The Giant. The Taskmaster says that Hawk was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He says that The Giant was hungry and looking to eat. Hawk responds that they should put this in the right place at the right time and that means a match at Fall Brawl. The Taskmaster laughs an evil laugh, calling Hawk an idiot. Hawk responds with a right hand, flooring The Taskmaster. The Giant steps forward and says he accepts the challenge. The Giant and Hawk start to brawl before security steps in and breaks things up. Poffo says this was The Genius Corner and now we're heading back to the ring. Match #2 Chris Benoit vs. Chris Kanyon Our second match of the night features two tough young wrestlers looking to make their name and an impact in professional wrestling. During the opening minutes of the match, Eric Bischoff warns viewers that they shouldn't turn the channel to their competition. Bischoff says there is a terrible main event where Bam Bam Bigelow, Razor Ramon and the 1-2-3 Kid defeat Million Dollar Corporation members King Kong Bundy, Sycho Sid and Tatanka. Back in the ring, Benoit catches Kanyon with a dragon screw leg whip. Benoit hits a diving legdrop for a two count. Kanyon fights back and catches Benoit with a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker for a two count. Benoit comes back and drops Kanyon with a Dragon suplex, no bridge all impact. He heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps, catching Kanyon with a diving headbutt! Benoit makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Chris Benoit p. Chris Kanyon =65 World Tag Team Titles At the top of the ramp come the WCW World Tag Team Champions Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck escorted by Col. Robert Parker. Parker says that he has the best tag team in WCW in the Studd Stable with two veterans of professional wrestling. Parker says that they are both upset over the fact that they have not been asked to be on Monday Nitro. He says they should have been the stars of this brand new show and that his Great Grandfather wouldn't take this sitting down and neither will he. But he is interrupted by the return to WCW of Rick and Scott, The Steiner Brothers! The crowd cheers as the two men from the University of Michigan walk down and go face to face with the Studd Stable members. Rick begins barking, getting the crowd to bark along with him. Parker says how dare they interrupt this moment with the tag team champions. Scott says that they interrupted because he and his brother want a shot at the tag team titles. Dick Slater reminds Scott that the last time Scott looked him in the face he broke Scott's arm. He says he will gladly do it again. Then, Bunkhouse Buck accepts the challenge for a match at Fall Brawl defending the WCW World Tag Team titles. Scott smiles and says they'll see them there. Rick jogs around a little more, barking before The Steiner Brothers head to the back and we head to a video. Sherri Brings The Heat This video features a pre-taped promo featuring Sensuous Sherri and Harlem Heat. Sherri reminds everyone that she has the best brother tag team in this promotion and any promotion throughout the land. Sherri says that she is bringing Harlem Heat right to the top. She says it doesn't matter who steps in their path, whether it's the Studd Stable or whether it's The Steiner Brothers, who jumped the line, by the way. Speaking of going right to the top. She announces that she has a brand new man that's going right to the top of World Championship Wrestling. While Harlem Heat dominate the tag team division, this man will dominate the singles division. She reintroduces to WCW, The Great Muta! Muta walks into the screen and does a few martial arts moves before smiling and then blowing mist into the camera. That turns the screen to dark and we go to the ring. Match #3: WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Hulk Hogan defends vs. Lex Luger It's main event time and this is the biggest match in the history of WCW Monday Nitro! An initial lockup sees Lex Luger actually pushing Hulk Hogan back into the corner. Luger breaks at the count of four, takes a couple of steps back and flexes his muscles. They lock up again and Hogan backs Luger into the corner this time. Hogan breaks at the count of four, takes a couple of steps back and poses in front of Luger. The two men circle each other again and Hogan locks Luger in a headlock. Hogan grinds in on this move, looking to wear down The Total Package. Luger finally pulls him back to the ropes and shoots Hogan across. Luger and Hogan hit each other with shoulderblocks but neither man falls to the mat. They stare at each other and then both bounce off the ropes and hit each other again but neither man backs off. A third time both men go for a clothesline and both connect with them. Both men fall to the mat. With both men down, The Giant comes walking out from the back and stands at ringside as we go to commercial. Back from commercial, Lex Luger has taken control of the match. He picks up Hulk Hogan and drops him with a hanging vertical suplex in the middle of the ring. Luger makes the cover but only gets a one count. Luger continues in control for several minutes in the ring before he tosses Hogan outside the ring at the feet of The Giant. Luger steps back so the referee is always watching. The Giant looks down at Hogan but doesn't do anything. Hogan manages to pull himself up using the apron of the ring and climbs inside. Luger goes right back on the attack. For the next several minutes, Luger is in control. He finally sends Hogan to the ropes and catches him with a powerslam! Luger makes the cover: One, Two, BIG KICKOUT! Hogan gets to his knees, shaking his head and drawing in the power from all the Hulkamaniacs. Luger throws a punch but Hogan ignores it. Another punch is ignored as Hogan gets to his feet. Hogan points to Luger and waggles his finger. Luger's next punch is blocked. Another punch is blocked and then Hogan starts throwing the punches. Hogan grabs Luger by the arm and the two of them turn right into a double clothesline from The Giant! Referee Nick Patrick immediately calls for the bell at 15:51. Hulk Hogan Draws Lex Luger =70 A Giant Attack Gets Thwarted The Giant roars over the fallen bodies of Lex Luger and Hulk Hogan. He grabs referee Nick Patrick and throws him across the ring. Then he turns his attention back to Luger and Hogan. The Giant drops to a knee and places his hands around the throats of Luger and Hogan. Luger and Hogan try to fight from underneath but The Giant shows his strength in holding them both down. Here comes Sting and The Macho Man Randy Savage. Savage climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps, hitting The Giant with a double axehandle to the back of the head. This breaks the hold on Luger and Hogan. Savage and Sting begin throwing kicks and punches and anything they can do to The Giant. The Giant manages to get to his feet but Savage and Sting send him over the top rope to the floor with a double clothesline. The Giant lands on his feet outside the ring. Savage stares down The Giant as Sting helps Hulk Hogan and Lex Luger to their feet. We go to our final commercial break of the night as The Giant heads to the back. The Ultimate Decision Back from commercial and Hulk Hogan has a microphone. He looks at The Total Package Lex Luger and tries to talk but his throat is hurting because of what The Giant did to him. It takes a few moments of swallowing for him to finally ask Luger what his answer is. Will Lex Luger join their team at Fall Brawl, at War Games? Randy Savage intercepts the microphone before Luger can answer. Savage goes face to face with Luger and says that he has never trusted him and never will trust him. Savage says that this doesn't make for a good partnership. However, he is not someone without a plan. He says that there is one man that he thinks everyone can agree on for a partner at War Games. He tells this person to come out to the ring and join them all. The crowd is absolutely stunned as music begins to play and out from the back comes Ultimate Warrior! Warrior gets himself fired up at the top of the ramp and then runs his way down to the ring, sliding inside. He beats his chest and brings his arms up and down, breathing out. Savage hands Warrior the microphone and he says that he is ready for WAR! A few snarls and growls come out. Sting gets on the microphone and says that it is good to see Warrior again. But he is on the side of Lex Luger for this one moment, this one time. Sting and Luger stand on one side of the ring and Savage and Warrior stand on the other side of the ring with Hulk Hogan standing in the middle. Hogan looks to both sides and says that, as the captain of this team, he will make his decision next week on Nitro. Savage and Sting go face to face, while Warrior and Luger go face to face. This is how the show ends. We'll see you Saturday night for WCW Saturday Night!
  16. NEWS: WCW MONDAY NITRO PREVIEW! Predictions List: Kamala and The Shark vs. Randy Savage and Sting Comments: Chris Benoit vs. Chris Kanyon Comments: WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Hulk Hogan defends vs. Lex Luger Comments: Comments On Diary In General: TAGS: @WCW – #Nitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #HoganvLuger © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW
  17. Saturday Week 1 September 1995 WCW Saturday Night Match #1 In a decent match, Road Warrior Hawk(67) defeated Scott Norton(44) in 9:38 by pinfall with a Flying Fistdrop...57 Giant Attack Post-Match, The Giant comes out and begins to brawl with Road Warrior Hawk. Hawk shows a lot of fight but is eventually dropped with a chokeslam by The Giant. The Giant stands over him and roars. Hacksaw, HO! At the staging area, Gene Okerlund interviews Jim Duggan. Duggan challenges the winner of tonight's WCW World Television title match between The Renegade and Diamond Dallas Page. He wants that match at Fall Brawl. Match #2 In a poor match, Jushin Thunder Liger(46) defeated Sabu(52) in 5:48 by pinfall with a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster...53 Disco Fever! A music video is shown to promote the debut of Disco Inferno. Disco fever is coming soon to WCW. Match #3 In a terrible match, American Males(Bagwell-41, Riggs-38) defeated Barrio Brothers(Sierra-28, Santana-26) in 3:56 when Marcus Bagwell pinned Fidel Sierra with a Yellow Jacket Suplex...28 This Monday On Nitro A video plays hyping Lex Luger vs. Hulk Hogan. This includes Luger winning the WCW World Heavyweight title back in 1991. A split-screen shows the World title wins by both Luger and Hogan side by side. Match #4 In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Diamond Dallas Page(55) defeated The Renegade(32) in 9:54 by pinfall. Diamond Dallas Page wins the WCW World Television title...52 Macho Man At the staging area, Gene Okerlund interviews Randy Savage. Okerlund asks Savage about the arrival of Lex Luger. Savage says he doesn't trust Luger and that he will make his thoughts known this Monday on Nitro. Okerlund thanks everyone for coming and the show comes to an end.
  18. Monday Week 1 September 1995 WCW Monday Nitro Match #1: WCW United States Title Match Sting defends vs. Ric Flair WCW Monday Nitro begins in the Duluth Entertainment Center in Duluth, Minnesota. The crowd cheers the arrival of two fan favorites in the WCW United States Champion Sting and the Nature Boy Ric Flair. The match itself is a solid back and forth contest with both men showing off their abilities in the ring. At around the five minute mark, Sting goes for a knee in the corner but Flair moves and Sting strikes the corner with his knee. Flair goes right after the knee of Sting, using a kneebreaker before placing Sting's knee over the bottom rope. He leaps up and comes seated down on Sting's knee. Flair goes for the Figure Four but Sting rolls it into a small package for a two count. The crowd gets behind Sting as the two men get to their feet. Sting manages to reverse an Irish whip, sending Flair up and over the corner and onto the apron. Flair rushes down the apron and climbs to the top where he's met by Sting. Sting takes him down with a body slam but then grabs his knee, grimacing in pain. Moments later, Sting Irish whips Flair into a corner and then hits him with the Stinger Splash. Sting grabs the legs of the fallen Flair and twists him into the Scorpion Deathlock. Flair shakes his head, trying to reach for the ropes. Sting moves them into the center of the ring and Flair has no choice but to submit. Sting d. Ric Flair =81 What Does Sting Do? Sting gets the WCW United States title belt and holds it up in the air before exiting the ring. As he walks down the aisle, Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman come running from the back to the ring. Pillman strikes Ric Flair from behind with a double sledge. Double A grabs Flair and drops him with the Spinebuster! Pillman slides out of the ring and grabs a chair before sliding back in. Anderson pulls Flair up and holds him as Pillman brings the chair back. Sting grabs the chair from Pillman's hands! The crowd cheers as he swings the chair wildly, sending both Anderson and Pillman rushing from the ring. Sting drops the chair before helping Flair to his feet. The two men go face to face for a moment before Sting just turns and exits the ring, walking to the back. Feel The Bang! Time for a pre-taped promo. This one features Diamond Dallas Page alongside Diamond Doll. He begins by saying that The Renegade has five more days to enjoy holding the WCW World Television title because this Saturday the belt is coming around his slim and trim waist. Renegade, you're only one second away from being absolutely dropped by the Diamond Cutter. In the main event, this Saturday night, I will be walking away as the new WCW World Television Champion and you will walk away feeling the BANG! DDP raises the diamond sign and brings it down with the bang before we cut to the ring. Match #2 Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Thunder Liger Our second match of the night is a high flying contest as Brian Pillman comes back out to the ring to face Japanese legend Jushin Thunder Liger. Clips of a previous contest between the two are shown on a split-screen while in the ring the two wrestlers exchange holds. Neither man comes out with the advantage and they both end up on their feet, drawing an applause from the crowd. During this moment, Eric Bischoff tells the fans that they have no reason to flip over to their competitor tonight because they are not even on television tonight. Liger gets the early advantage and manages to get Pillman up on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up and then hits the top rope frankensteiner. Liger makes a cover but gets a two count only. He locks Pillman in the Oni-Koroshi, a reverse double arm bar but Pillman refuses to submit. The momentum shifts when Liger goes for the Brainbuster but Pillman manages to shift and fall behind him. Pillman drops Liger with a chop block and then continues on the attack. A missile dropkick from the top turnbuckle only gets a two count. The end comes when Pillman locks Liger up in the victory roll, holding his shoulders down for the three count. Brian Pillman p. Jushin Thunder Liger =67 Dungeon Of Doom The focus turns to the ramp where Gene Okerlund is standing by. Okerlund says he hopes that everyone is enjoying this night's very first Monday Nitro from Duluth, Minnesota. Okerlund welcomes down the Dungeon of Doom's own The Taskmaster and The Giant. The crowd boos in the background as The Taskmaster and The Giant walk down to the ramp. Okerlund begins by asking them about their plans for Fall Brawl. The Taskmaster says that he is going to hold back The Giant from competing in War Games. However, the rest of the Dungeon of Doom should be enough. He points to The Giant and says that this man is the next WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He says that this man will end Hulk Hogan and end Hulkamania, whatever's left of him after War Games. Okerlund wraps things up and we head to commercial. When It Comes Crashing Down Back from commercial, we are at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. There is a crowd of people standing around Gene Okerlund and Hulk Hogan. Okerlund speaks up first, saying that they are there at Pastamania's opening this week at the Mall of America. But Hogan will be in Duluth on Monday to face Big Bubba Rogers on the very first Monday Nitro. Hogan takes the microphone and, well, let me tell you something, Mean Gene! Pastamania is running wild here in Bloomington and the Mall of America, brother! Hogan says that this is exciting but what's even more exciting is the very first Monday Nitro, dudes! That is where all the Hulkamaniacs are going to watch Hulk Hogan battle that evil nasty Big Bubba Rogers. Hogan says that he has the power of Hulkamania running through his veins, brother. That means that Rogers is due for a big crash and collapse with a body slam and a big leg drop and a one two three. But there's also War Games to talk about, brother. He notes that his team of himself, Sting and Randy Savage are one dude short. But he can promise they'll be at full power come Fall Brawl and that Hulkamania will be at full power on Monday Nitro, brother. He's got just one question to ask Big Bubba Rogers and that's whatcha gonna do when the power of Hulkamania, Pastamania and all these Hulkamaniacs runs wild on you?!?!? Hogan high fives some of the fans and starts posing and taking some pictures as we go to the ring for our main event. Match #3: WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Hulk Hogan defends vs. Big Bubba Rogers Our main event encounter features Hulk Hogan defending the WCW World Heavyweight title against the Dungeon of Doom's Big Bubba Rogers. Eric Bischoff talks about setting up some cameras backstage to catch things that might happen backstage. Hogan stalls a little in the beginning, cupping his ear to the fans and getting the Hulkamaniacs into the match. When they finally lock up, Rogers shoves Hogan back into a corner and throws a few cheap shot forearm smashes to the face of Hogan. A lot of restholds are used next, including Rogers locking Hogan in the abdominal stretch and then a bearhug. In the bearhug, Hogan's arm is lifted and it falls once, twice but not the third time! Hogan throws some punches as a Hogan chant fills the arena. The bearhug is broken and Hogan bounces off the ropes -- Bubba Slam! Rogers plants Hogan and makes the cover: One, Two, BIG KICKOUT! Hogan shakes his head and stares at Rogers, getting to his feet. He waggles his fingers at Rogers but Rogers moves in for a punch but it's blocked! Hogan fires three punches and then sends Rogers to the ropes -- Big Boot! Hogan bounces off the ropes -- Leg Drop! Hogan makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Hulk Hogan p. Big Bubba Rogers =81 Surprise Arrival Hulk Hogan has scored the victory! He begins posing in the ring and is joined by Sting and Randy Savage! The three men who are on a War Games team at Fall Brawl pose together in the ring. As they pose, attention goes to the crowd. The commentators talk about someone walking through the crowd and heading toward the ring. The focus turns to the arrival and return of Lex Luger! Luger leaps over the guardrail and climbs into the ring. He gives a handshake and a hug to Sting before turning his attention to Hulk Hogan, looking at the WCW World Heavyweight title belt. Luger is given a microphone. The Total Package says that he has returned to WCW to face the best wrestlers in the world. He says he is here where the big boys play and he wants to face the biggest boy in the land. That means taking on the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Luger challenges Hogan to a match next week on Nitro for the title. Hogan takes a moment, looking Luger up and down, then he agrees to the match, brother. He shakes hands with Luger and then turns back to Sting and Savage. He does a huddle with them, talking with them off-microphone. When the huddle breaks, Savage does not look happy. Hogan asks Luger if he will be their fourth member for War Games at the end of the month. Luger paces a moment and then says he will give them an answer next week. Luger and Savage go face to face for a moment and then Luger turns to go face to face with Hogan. The show comes to an end with Luger and Hogan going face to face.
  19. This will be the very first episode of Monday Nitro. I've been watching some of the Reliving the Wars on YouTube as well. They are fun to watch. Glad to see you're excited as I am excited about this one too. I hope that I can live up to the work of others and to my own past work.
  20. NEWS: WCW MONDAY NITRO PREVIEW! Predictions List: WCW United States Title Match Sting defends vs. Ric Flair Comments: Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Thunder Liger Comments: WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Hulk Hogan defends vs. Big Bubba Rogers Comments: Comments On Diary In General: TAGS: @WCW – #Nitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #HoganvRogers © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW
  21. Readers, I am sorry to say that this is where things are going to end. My life is getting rather busy right now. I am preparing for a move next year, among other things. If I get some time, I will come back here. Thank you for reading.
  22. WCW Fall Brawl Sunday Week 4 September 1995 Location: Generic Venue (South East) Attendance: 40,000 Overall Rating: 80 PPV Buyrate: 5.76 Hype For The Night In a video, Eric Bischoff hypes the matches tonight. His focus is on Eddy Guerrero versus Jushin Thunder Liger and Hulk Hogan defending the WCW World Heavyweight title against The Giant. Match #1 Power & Glory vs. American Males In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Power(51) & Glory(43) defeated American Males(Bagwell-47, Riggs-43) in 14:48 when Paul Roma pinned Marcus Bagwell with a Power-Plex. Power & Glory p. American Males =48 Hulkamania Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan. Hogan hypes his match with The Giant, stating that he has beaten giants before and he's going to do the same tonight. He asks The Giant whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild over you. Match #2 Big Bubba Rogers vs. Cobra In an extremely short match, Big Bubba Rogers(64) defeated Cobra(40) in 1:59 by pinfall with a Bubba Slam. Big Bubba Rogers p. Cobra =63 The Reveal A man walks out to the ring wearing a mask. He stands in the middle of the ring and is given a microphone. He says that what he would like to have right now is for all you fat, out-of-shape sweathogs to keep the noise down while he takes his mask off and shows them what a real man is supposed to look like. He cues his music up and then removes the mask to reveal Rick Rude. He does a hip swivel and then is ready for his match. Match #3 Rick Rude vs. Mr. JL In an extremely short match, Rick Rude(57) defeated Mr. JL(51) in 1:57 by pinfall with a Rude Awakening. Rick Rude p. Mr. JL =61 Latin Heat Eddy Guerrero had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Jushin Thunder Liger. Changes Tonight At the announce booth, Eric Bischoff announces that Steiner Brothers are not in the building. They will be replaced in their match tonight with Nasty Boys. The card, as always, is subject to change. Match #4 Eddy Guerrero vs. Jushin Thunder Liger In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Eddy Guerrero(77) defeated Jushin Thunder Liger(55) in 22:32 by pinfall after using a foreign object. Eddy Guerrero p. Jushin Thunder Liger =76 Brawl Backstage Paul Orndorff and Jim Duggan are backstage; an argument breaks out, and they start brawling with each other. The brawl takes them to the ring and leads to the start of their match. Match #5 Paul Orndorff vs. Jim Duggan In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Jim Duggan(56) defeated Paul Orndorff(53) in 10:41 by pinfall with a Running Clotheline Tackle. Jim Duggan p. Paul Orndorff =61 Nasty Sensation Nasty Boys had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick. Match #6: WCW World Tag Team Titles Match Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater defend vs. Nasty Boys In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Bunkhouse Buck(47) and Dirty Dick(60) defeated Nasty Boys(Knobbs-58, Sags-56) in 10:30 when Dick Slater pinned Jerry Sags with a Leaping Piledriver. Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick make defence number four of the WCW World Tag Team titles. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater p. Nasty Boys =65 Horsemen Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman cut a promo hyping their upcoming six man match with Lex Luger, Randy Savage and Sting. Match #7 Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman vs. Randy Savage, Lex Luger and Sting In an exceptional match, Ric Flair(88), Arn Anderson(75) and Brian Pillman(86) defeated Randy Savage(89) and Luger(83) & Sting(82) in 25:06 when Ric Flair submitted Sting with a Figure-Four Leg Lock after blatantly cheating. Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman d. Randy Savage, Lex Luger and Sting =84 Night Of The Giant The Taskmaster had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between his client The Giant and Hulk Hogan. Match #8: WCW Heavyweight Title Match Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Giant In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Hulk Hogan(77) defeated The Giant(69) in a Cage match in 15:11 by pinfall with a Leg Drop. Hulk Hogan makes defence number eight of the WCW World Heavyweight title. Hulk Hogan p. The Giant =80 An Angry Giant Having picked up the victory, Hulk Hogan celebrates in the ring. The Giant slowly gets up and then attacks Hogan. He drops Hogan with the Chokeslam and grabs the WCW World Heavyweight title belt. He raises it up and leaves the ring with the belt as the show goes off the air.
  23. Readers, I am sorry to say that this is where things are going to end. My life is getting rather busy right now. I am preparing for a move next year, among other things. If I get some time, I will come back here. Thank you for reading.
  24. USPW Liberty And Justice Saturday Week 4 March 2020 Location: Rowland Stadium (Mid Atlantic) Attendance: 63,908 Overall Rating: 89 TV Rating: 12,847,608 Sam Keith Narration In the opening, Sam Keith narrates the highlights from the USPW draft program which ocured this past Friday night. The first person selected for American Wrestling was Nicky Champion. The first person selected for Friday Night Fights was Joss Thompson. Any wrestlers not selected that night can sign with any brand they choose. Match #1 In a decent match, Alicia Strong(74) defeated Faith McGee(42) in 15:30 by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic...70 Family Pride In a promo, Casey Valentine talks about being the newest member of Friday Night Fights. He says it's going to be Fight Night. Then, he hypes his upcoming match against Kirk Jameson. He warns Maryam Vega not to get in his way. He says he is picking up this victory so he can continue to show family pride. Match #2: USPW World Tag Team Titles Match In an extremely short match, Jett(67) & Moor(72) defeated The Nation Of Filth(Grunt-40, Stink-34) in 4:07 when Jacob Jett pinned Grunt with a Jett Take Off. Jett & Moor make defence number nine of the USPW World Tag Team titles...54 The Marksman Maryam Vega had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between her client Kirk Jameson and Casey Valentine. She address Valentine's threat toward her but reminds him that he would never hit a woman, right? Match #3 In a decent match, Casey Valentine(71) defeated Kirk Jameson(59) in 10:43 by pinfall with a Deep Impact...72 Will Justice Be Here Tomorrow? James Justice comes down to the ring. Justice talks about how this might be his last match tonight in this company. He decided to put his career on the line against Rich Money because he knew it would be a sure way of getting a title match. He says he's not planning on retiring. In fact, he is going to leave tonight as the new USPW World Champion, dudes! Justice celebrates early in the ring down with the crowd as we go elsewhere. It's All Business Backstage, Rich Money is shown watching the monitor. He turns and has Dusty Ducont and Sterling Whitlock by his side. Money says that it's a laugh that James Justice thinks he will walk away as the new USPW World Champion. Money says that all that is going to happen is that James Justice will retire. Ducont looks menacing and Whitlock states that they will help make sure that happens. Money slips a few hundred dollar bills to both Dusty Ducont and Sterling Whitlock. Money reminds everyone that money makes things happen. Match #4 In a decent match, Running Wolf(81) defeated Funky Fedora(54) in 9:58 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer...79 USPW Soda Machine Backstage. Dusty Ducont and Sterling Whitlock attack James Justice at the USPW Soda Machine. Ducont pushes the soda machine over. He then drops Justice with a Thrown Powerbomb on the soda machine. Will James Justice be able to wrestle tonight? Selfie Queen Jaime Quine had an interview hyping her upcoming singles match with Pariah. Quine takes a few selfies and then says the next selfie she will take will be of her holding the USPW Women's title belt. Match #5: USPW Women's Title Match In a decent match, Pariah(68) defeated Jaime Quine(74) in 10:11 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. Pariah makes defence number one of the USPW Women's title...79 The Match Starts Backstage Steve Frehley had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Bulldozer Brandon Smith, stating that he never accepted a no holds barred match because he's a wrestler not a brawler. As Frehley is talking, Bulldozer Brandon Smith shows up and begins a fight between the two. It starts backstage and then spills out onto the ramp. Bulldozer knocks Frehley into the barricade and then drags him into the ring. The bell sounds and the match has begun. Match #6 In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Steve Frehley(85) defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith(74) in 14:55 by count out...77 Justice Will Wrestle Backstage, Lionel Greenwood comes to the trainer's area where James Justice is being looked at. Greenwood asks Justice if he will be able to wrestle against Rich Money tonight. Justice says that, no matter what the doctors say, he will be in the match and he will win the USPW World title. Greenwood says that you heard it here from James Justice. Let's go back to the ring. Brawl Backstage Nicky Champion is backstage and he is..walking. He turns a corner and comes across Dreadnought. The two suddenly start brawling backstage. Officials try to break things up but cannot do so. Sam Keith steps in and tries to get them separated but, again, they are still fighting. Keith calls their match tonight off and orders security to get them both from the building. The Complete Package Joss Thompson comes down to the ring. Thompson gets on the microphone and says it was no surprise that he was the first man selected by the new television show. When you want the best, you come to The Complete Package. Aaron Andrews interrupts him, standing at the top of the ramp. He reminds Thompson that he was selected in the top ten. There have been busts at number one, like JaMarcus Russell. But Double A us going to be the best on the new television show. Andrews charges down to the ring and slides inside. Punches are thrown by both sides and the referee calls for the bell. Match #7 In a superb match, Aaron Andrews(83) defeated Joss Thompson(86) in 9:52 by pinfall with a Flying Body Press...91 Where Is Davids Going Backstage, Des Davids enters the office of Sam Keith. Davids asks Keith where he's going after tonight. Keith replies that it's a decision that will have to be made. After a moment, Keith puts Davids on Friday Night Fights. Davids promises to take over that show before walking out. It's time for the main event. Match #8 In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Rich Money(79) defeated James Justice(60) in 14:45 by pinfall with a Dollars From Heaven. Rich Money makes defence number twelve of the USPW World title...82 Goodbye Justice The match is over and James Justice slowly gets to his feet. He looks over at Rich Money, the man that ended his career. Money says that this is Justice's platform tonight before walking off. Justice thanks the fans for the past 12 years. He says that the only thing that's for sure about him is that nothing is for sure, dudes. Justice leaves to a Justice chant. As Justice leaves, the show comes to a close.
  25. USPW American Wrestling Wednesday Week 4 March 2020 Location: Illinois State Park (Great Lakes) Attendance: 15,000 Overall Rating: 84 TV Rating: 11,097,999 Nicky Champion Nicky Champion comes down to the ring. Champion shows a replay of Dreadnought attacking him last week. Back to Champion, he says that Dreadnought accepted his open challenge and that means he's going to take out a second generation wrestler at Liberty And Justice. Champion levels a few more threats at Dreadnought before reminding him that Champion is more than just a name. Champion exits the ring and heads to the back. Match #1 In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Jacob Jett(63) defeated Grunt(33) in 11:21 when Grunt intentionally got disqualified...60 Nation Of Filth Julius Moor and Jacob Jett are celebrating Jett's victory in the ring. The Nation Of Filth run in and attack, beating them down into the mat. Justice For Andrews And Davids Backstage, Aaron Andrews and Des Davids talk about their upcoming match tonight against Rich Money and Joss Thompson. Andrews thanks Davids for being his partner tonight. Davids says he wants to show the world what he can do now and if that comes in a tag team match tonight then so be it. Andrews says they both have the opportunity to prove that Rich Money is a weak champion. James Justice approaches them both. He tells them to leave a little piece of Money for him. Justice shakes hands with Andrews and Davids. Match #2 In an extremely short match, Steve Frehley(83) defeated Remmy Skye(28) in 3:37 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet...69 Money For Two Birds Backstage, Rich Money approaches Joss Thompson. Money slips Thompson a few hundred dollar bills in return for Thompson being his partner. They talk about the upcoming match against Aaron Andrews and Des Davids. Thompson says he wants a fight with Andrews so it killed two birds with one stone. Match #3 In a decent match, Alicia Strong(77) defeated Suzanne Brazzle(38) in 14:54 by pinfall with an Angel Driver...70 Hour #2 New Women's Champion Interrupted Pariah comes down to the ring with her USPW Women's Championship belt. She says she is proud to be champion and will continue to be champion following Liberty And Justice. She is interrupted by Jaime Quine. Quine comes down to the ring and goes face to face with Pariah. Quine reiterates what she said before about taking Pariah lightly. Pariah sticks the belt in Quine's face and then takes a step back. Quine strikes immediately with the K.O. Kick. Quine takes a selfie with the fallen Pariah before exiting the ring. Match #4 In a decent match, Running Wolf(82) defeated Zeus(51) in 9:34 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer...76 The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Rich Money take on James Justice. Justice Backstage, James Justice talks about his long career here in USPW. Justice talks about being a former USPW World Champion and a former USPW World Tag Team Champion. Now, he is looking to become a two time USPW World Champion when fighting Rich Money. He says that this is going to end with justice being served. Match #5 In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Kirk Jameson(59) defeated Jimmy Chipolata(27) in 5:49 by submission with a Kirk-Hold...53 The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Steve Frehley take on Bulldozer Brandon Smith. Dark Destroyer Backstage, Steve Frehley talks about being the best in the building. That will include at Liberty And Justice when he steps in the ring with Bulldozer Brandon Smith. He tells Bulldozer that he needs to know his role and keep his mouth shut. Being placed in a match with Bulldozer, I didn't ask why me, I asked try me. Just bring it. Frehley says he is looking forward to doing this match and when he wins, because he will win, he will be able to say that finally Steve Frehley has come back to the top. Frehley raises an eyebrow and we go to the ring for our main event. Match #6 In a superb match, Aaron Andrews(81) and Des Davids(72) defeated Rich Money(79) and Joss Thompson(87) in 14:42 when Aaron Andrews pinned Rich Money with a Flying Body Press...87 Wild Brawl Post-Match, Aaron Andrews and Des Davids celebrate their victory. They are jumped from behind by Rich Money and Joss Thompson. The attack builds toward a brawl between the four men. Andrews catches Money with a Standing Hot Shot. On the other side of the ring, Davids hits Thompson with the Quarterback Sack. Money and Thompson roll out of the ring. Aaron Andrews and Des Davids stand tall in the ring to end the show.
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