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Everything posted by AboardTheArk

  1. CGC ELIMINATION XVI: REPORT Attendance: 974 people PPV buys: 15,143 Match 1: Curtis Mobstar vs Topher Smith An interesting clash of styles with the energetic high flyer against the (nowadays borderline) brawler as they set a great pace for the rest of the show over 12 minutes. A very evenly matched contest between the two, Mobstar counters a flying forearm into the Flattener DDT for the win. Result: Mobstar wins via pinfall after Flattener DDT Rating: 39 Match 2: Montreal Mafia vs Zeus and Stevie The contest went on for 16 minutes and it was very different from the first match a couple weeks ago, with the Montreal Mafia showcasing adaptability and cutting on the ring perfectly to eliminate Stevie Grayson about halfway in the contest. Then they proceed to double team Zeus in an endless heat segment that is cut off by a short comeback fueled by inhuman strength and an elimination of Marc Raisin, but the damage is already done and a bit after he taps to the Montreal Crab of Dermott Ayres. Result: Montreal Mafia win with an elimination order of Stevie Grayson-Marc Raisin-Zeus Maximillion. Rating: 46 (same as the TV match) Angle 1: Big Debut The fans are treated to some unfamilliar music as Jamie Atherton makes his way to the ring to announce himself as the new big arrival in Canadian Golden Combat. He puts his ACPW past and title reigns over, referencing his dominance over new arrivals Ant-Man and Topher Smith for comparison, and set his sights straight to the top of the company, citing his desire to be world champion by the end of 2018. Rating: 44 Match 3: Gargantuan vs Ozzie Golden A valiant effort from Ozzie, but the deck was stacked against him as Gargantuan shrugged off his every comeback attempt and after 9 minutes of kind of underrated action put him down with the Ultimate Backbreaker. Result: Gargantuan wins via Ultimate Backbreaker Rating: 53 Match 4: Skip Beau & Clause Reed vs Team CD An interesting choice for mystery partner, the debuting Reed is a young Canadian portraying a lumberjack gimmick who has been honing his craft at the TITAN Factory under the tutelage of the great Dread. He was a bit green here in a starring role as a hot babyface, it was definitely cathartic dominance from him and Skip against the young heels, and Clause Reed hit a Lumberjack Lariat on Chucky Dorrance for the pin after 12 minutes. Result: Skip & Reed win after Reed pins Chucky D with a Lumberjack Lariat. Rating: 34 Match 5: The Predators vs Tough and Glorious ©, for the CGC World Tag Team Titles The ol' rule of wrestling prevailed in this one, with the substitutes picking up the win and shocking the crowd in the process, giving a downer ending to one of the best tag team title runs in modern company history. The match was very back and forth, and the faces looked in control after an absolutely brutal hot tag sequence by Brett Fraser, but shockingly the tides turned and Nathan Black hit his signature Spinning Bulldog (Black Dog Down) for the win after 15 minutes. Result: The Predators win via pinfall with Nathan Black hitting a Black Dog Down on Brett Fraser. Rating: 48 Match 6: Elimination Three Way: Intrepid Ian Identity vs Donte Dunn vs Prometheus © for the CGC Canadian Title This got a bit more time than every match before it, and most of it was spent on the babyfaces trying to take down Prometheus and (mostly) failing, until they threw him to the ringpost outside in a rare display of a mean streak from CGC babyfaces, which turned the match around and Donte Dunn eliminated Prometheus with a huge spinning wheel kick in around 12 minutes. After that they had an enjoyable mini match for 6 minutes, until Donte Dunn bumped on the ref, started checking on him and Ian hit him with a vicious low blow before hitting the Identity Theft twice, waking the ref up and scoring the fall to win his first singles title. Result: Donte Dunn eliminates Prometheus, Intrepid Ian Identity eliminates Donte Dunn after turning heel to win. Rating: 44 (Prometheus sandbagging) Angle 2: We got treated to a short hype video for the world title match that recapped the violent path of Dan DaLay and Whippy's courageous defenses against other monsters in the company (45). Main Event: Falls Count Anywhere match for the CGC World Championship: Dan DaLay vs Whippy The Clown © They gave this match 24 minutes and the two men used that time well, essentially giving a brawling tour of the 'backstage area' of the Langley Civic Centre (obviously post an opening stretch in the ring) and having mostly Whippy bump for Dan, before they came back to ringside for the finishing few minutes, with the match ending after Whippy hit a frog splash on Dan DaLay to break the Announce Table and pin him. It was fine for a very explicitly non-hardcore version of an arena-wide stipulation. Result: Whippy The Clown retains via Frog Splash. Rating: 55 (MOTN) Overall the show felt like a success with nothing extraordinary going on. There's a bit of an identity shift in the priorities of the promotion, but there's no creative stamp from the new booking team yet, which will presumably become more apparent longer term. Overall rating is a successful 53.
  2. CGC ELIMINATION XVI - LIVE FRIDAY WEEK 3 OF JANUARY 2018 FROM THE LANGLEY CIVIC CENTRE - DON'T MISS OUT, BUY A TICKET TODAY! CGC World Championship Match - Falls Count Anywhere Dan DaLay vs Whippy The Clown © Whippy's title run has been a beautiful fairytale for CGC fans, a long serving veteran rewarded for years of excellence and entertainment by getting hot at the right time and beating the monster Annihilus. But Dan DaLay's path of destruction for the past month has been unlike anything he has faced during this title reign. This match couldn't be contained to the ring so it was decided to make this CGC's first ever Falls Count Anywhere match! Can the champion pull out another gutsy defense or will the Manitoba Monster claim his 4th world title? CGC Canadian Championship Match - Three Way Elimination Intrepid Ian Identity vs Donte Dunn vs Prometheus © Prometheus had grown content not wrestling on TV and wanted to take the day off at Elimination as well, but Alex DeColt restored order when he made this a three way match. Ian and Donte are both extremely hungry to vanquish the monstrous Prometheus and capture gold, but can they cooperate or are they doomed to fall to the machine? CGC World Tag Team Titles Match Nathan Black & Warren Technique (The Predators) vs Brett Fraser and Joey Poison (Tough and Glorious) © After Flash's terrible injury on Sunday, The Predators have stepped up to give Tough and Glorious an extremely tough challenge. Will they take advantage and walk out champions or will Tough and Glorious continue their all-time great title reign? Special Singles Match Ozzie Golden vs Gargantuan Ozzie will be competing in the singles ranks for the foreseeable future, and this is a Golden opportunity for him to work towards a title shot. Gargantuan also wants to keep his momentum, having set his eyes on the ultimate prize and Whippy The Clown. Grudge Tag Team Match Dapper Danny Draper & Chucky Dorrance (Team CD) vs Skip Beau & ???? (IF ANYONE) After Team CD set their sights on tormenting Skip Beau, he responded by showing a more violent side to him. He needs a tag team partner to beat them, but the question is will he have one. Best Of Three Series Match #2 - Elimination Tag Team Match Dermott Ayres & Marc Raisin (The Montreal Mafia) vs Zeus Maximillion & Stevie Grayson The Montreal Mafia took exception to losing against what is perhaps the greatest tag team in company history and challenged them to continue their contest. This match will be contested in elimination rules as opposed to a straight tag team match, which will allow different strategies to shine. Special Singles Match Curtis Mobstar vs Topher Smith Both newcomers have started their CGC careers with great momentum, so them clashing here is as unpredictable as exciting. Expect this to steal the show! Match Card For Predictions CGC World Title Match - Falls Count Anywhere Dan DaLay vs Whippy The Clown © CGC Canadian Title Match Donte Dunn vs Intrepid Ian Identity vs Prometheus © CGC World Tag Team Titles Match The Predators vs Tough and Glorious Ozzie Golden vs Gargantuan The Montreal Mafia vs Zeus & Stevie Team CD vs Skip Beau & ???? Curtis Mobstar vs Topher Smith
  3. Vibert’s Voice - Ep. 138, Tuesday Week 3 2018 …So yeah. We know it’s a matter of ‘when’ not ‘if’, but we don’t have any more concrete news than that. But enough about Matthew Keith starting his MMA career, let’s get into our newest segment- an episode of Title Bout Wrestling means a review of said episode from yours truly! This episode of Title Bout Wrestling was held once again at the George Kinneal Gymnasium, but this time in front of 281 people- a whopping +2! Business is booming for CGC. The TV rating was 12,940 viewers, slightly down but a negligent difference in my opinion. Let’s dive in: MATCH 1: Ant-Man and Brady Prince open the show to continue what has been an okay introductory mini feud for the youngsters. They got 10 minutes, they did fine but they could have done better work and the crowd was dead for most of the duration. Ant-Man pinned Brady after an Antidote that woke the crowd up because the gimmick of being small and strong is extremely easy to get over. Nevertheless this gets merely a 28 from me. MATCH 2: Straight into another match? Okay! This one can sort of count as a segment as Philippe LeGrenier made his return to the company, and absence makes the heart grow fonder clearly as he got quite a pop. To the point where the ensuing match with Alan Parent wasn’t as good as it could have been if those two “clicked” better, but the crowd was super hot all the way and commentary did a good job putting over the triumphant return of Philippe, who in 12 minutes ended things with his Quebec Falcon Arrow. This is good enough for a 39, honestly. SEGMENT 1: We move backstage where we see Intrepid Ian Identity cut a promo with Donte Dunn just standing next to him looking pretty. Ian gets 6 minutes to talk about how Prometheus is everything wrong with the company and his destruction in the ring can only compare with his bad attitude, but he and Donte are there to liberate the title and help usher in a new age for the company, while Donte is there to just hype him up and get a catchphrase in? I mean, the promo itself was good but I feel like this derails the segment a bit and it cannot get in the 50’s like the best segments last week. A 41 will suffice for the mic work. MATCH 3: An exciting debut for the company’s newest signing, Mobstar, who gets a first name (his former indie name of Curtis) and gets the assignment of absolutely wrecking Alistair Shufflebottom. The crowd didn’t know who he was but they both did good work and made the debutant look really good. Mobstar flattened Alistair with a DDT in 7 minutes, and this is definitely a run to watch, as he does not fit the usual profile of a CGC signing. 31 from me. SEGMENT 2: After the match, they gave him a good 4 minutes to cut an introductory promo, where he talked about how much he struggled to get to a spotlight this big (which, honestly, not much bigger than he’s known to at this stage), but then made the turn that established him as a heel, where he absolutely ripped into the roster for being soft, and put over how he is here to show everyone that he is “Hard to the Core” and will destroy every CGC wrestler thrown his way. It was all said with conviction but it didn’t move the paying crowd and also felt scripted and watered down, and therefore gets a 29. MATCH 4: The 8-man tag followed up, and it was an absolute blast. A whirlwind of action for 14 minutes, we even saw Gargantuan actually sprint in the ring. Everyone got their moves in, they looked threatening, and Gargantuan Choke Slammed Zeus at the end to be protected even though he doesn’t have a story going. Now, one would expect me to bury this as a bad decision, but this guy is ridiculous. He should be in one of the big three eating babies alive and destroying reputable workers, he’s fine enough in the ring and his body looks like straight out of a cartoon. I suspect the only reason he’s not getting the title in like, two weeks is that the fans need to get something different to regain their trust for the company back after the last monster heel reign which was disastrous. This gets a 49 for being slightly cluttered but very fun. MATCH 5: Danny Draper vs Skip Beau got 12 minutes. About 11 of them were Skip manhandling Danny, charging at him and maybe sometimes hitting the turnbuckle letting him get some offense in. This could have been shorter for what it was but in general showcasing them made sense. The finish was Chucky Dorrance running in and trying to trap Skip’s foot between the ropes, getting stomped in the face for it, and Danny capitalizing to get Skip Beau in the Crucifix Pin for the win. This was fine but these two could have had a better match, even with Danny still being a newcomer. 41. SEGMENT 3: Danny retreated to the stage alongside Chucky and asked for a mic from the crew, which he used to completely bully Skip about how he’s “aloof” and “not actually tough” and that he can’t handle the numbers’ game. He advised him that he has to find a tag team partner for Elimination, otherwise these two will destroy him in a handicap match. Skip responded that he’ll find a partner which should worry them, because Team CD can’t handle a fair fight. A bit of a weak rebuttal, but the crowd actually ate everything up! Danny was especially good, and while I still am complaining about one part of the feud really being just a bystander, this was better than last week’s angle and also gets a 41. MATCH 6: Main Event time, and this was a classic Elimination 6 Man Tag, and the second straight 20+ minute main event, showing that Adrian is personally spoiling me. They did good work, everyone was protected no matter the elimination order (which was Fraser-Flash-Whippy-Dan-Ozzie), and it ended when Joey Poison hit the Antidote’s Web on Ozzie Golden. A solid 52 for a solid main event. SEGMENT 4: There was a big post match brawl after it but it fell flat because Flash didn’t participate -apparently suffering a concussion during the match. Due to the numbers’ advantage the faces stood tall, and the question is what happens with the tag team match at Elimination (and obviously, how soon will Flash be okay, concussions are really tricky in wrestling, I wish him great health and a swift recovery). In the unimportant part of this, a rating of 29 for the show ending angle. Overall, two really good matches, positive movement in the debuts front, and an unfortunate close to the show that isn’t really anyone’s fault, this feels like another 48 rating for CGC. We won’t cover Elimination, but the TV aftermath for sure. Till next time, I’m Phil Vibert, and you’ve been listening to Vibert’s Voice, sponsored by Manscaped.
  4. 2nd Sunday of January 2018, CGC Presents Title Bout Wrestling! Live from the George Kinneal Gymnasium. The go-home show for Elimination XVI is absolutely stacked folks! Here's what's in store: "Parental Abuse" Alan Parent, one of CGC's most gifted technicians and beloved wrestlers has his hands full as he faces a mystery opponent. Our sources here at CGC.com say that this is a return that will "shock the system" in the company. Ant-man, off of his incredible tag team debut will have to prove why he's the Tiny Dynamo against the muscle of Old-School, Brady Prince! After last week's incident, Skip Beau is out for revenge and will have to keep his rage in check against Dapper Danny Draper. The run of debuts continue as management shakes up the roster, with an unannounced debut match. A huge 8-,man tag team match will pit Intrepid Ian Identity, Donte Dunn, Zeus & Stevie against The Montreal Mafia and the giants Blockbuster and Gargantuan- Prometheus, one of the biggest stars in the company, does not wrestle on live TV, which makes his dominance all the most devastating for the fans, the paying customer and beating heart of the company. As this years Elimination was deemed too high-stakes to run the usual type card- especially with the risk of DaLay further hurting the world champion, we will get the classic Elimination-type Six Man Tag Team Match on Sunday's Main Event! The Champions Tough and Glorious and Whippy The Clown will clash against the Challengers Canadian Blondes and Dan DaLay. Match Card For Predictions Alan Parent vs Philippe LaGrenier Ant-Man vs Brady Prince Skip Beau vs Dapper Danny Draper Alistair Shufflebottom vs Curtis Mobstar (GSW's Mobstar) Intrepid Ian Identity, Donte Dunn, Zeus & Stevie vs Gargantuan, Blockbuster and the Montreal Mafia Canadian Blondes and DanDaLay vs Joey Poison, Brett Fraser and Whippy The Clown
  5. Thank you both! This is fairly uncharted ground so I am just trying to make it fun to follow a save that won't really have us putting on godly shows or poaching superstars because the finances are... not great!
  6. VIBERT'S VOICE EP. 137, TUESDAY WEEK 2 JANUARY 2018. Hello and welcome to another edition of Vibert’s Voice, the only wrestling podcast where a rich guy who is not in the business anymore tells you what is good and bad in wrestling today. Thankfully, this week I am still Phil Vibert, and today I thought it could be the start of something a little different for the pod. You see, with news that there’s a change in booker in CGC, my old job, and my good friend Adrian Garcia getting the book, I think it’s a good idea to keep up with what the company does. They have many guys I know, and with the Alex DeColt influence, the potential for disaster makes them as must-watch as them pulling through and providing good wrestling. Besides, this pod has been lacking in Sports Entertainment style coverage since I don’t like to do SWF. So without further ado, let’s get into it. This week’s CGC Title Bout Wrestling was held in front of 279 people at the George Kinneal Gymnasium, a sentence that paints the picture of how rough things have been getting ever since I left in 2014. The ratings are pretty brutal, at 13,070 viewers, but then again, they’re on Channel Six and shown in the graveyard tv slot, so I guess till they have shown they can bounce back this is the norm. They’re on TV basically exclusively so that the panic of ‘oh my God they don’t have a TV deal anymore’ doesn’t set in and further damage the prestige of the company. SEGMENT 1: We start the show with the Contract Signing segment for the World Title match between Dan DaLay and Whippy The Clown. There’s mostly posturing and Adrian himself -as the mouth of the management/Alex DeColt- running down the negotiations between both sides lawyers to make this happen, and how Dan’s request for this to be a Falls Count Anywhere match got accepted. He also mentioned how the contract requires a no-aggression agreement, to which Dan DaLay responded by attacking Whippy before signing his part of the contract. I thought this segment was perfectly fine, but regardless I have an issue with making your champion seem so weak. He didn’t talk for too long in this and got his ass kicked. I get that this is about making it seem like the odds are too stacked against him, but when his opponent is Alex’s best bud, there’s always the chance of a burial. Also, them having a two man booth meant that it was a one man booth for this segment, which was a little funny. I can’t go higher than a 57, on this one. MATCH 1: Next, The Montreal Mafia and Zeus & Stevie come out. They work hard, have a decent match, they even get the crowd in it by the end, but man. Dermott and Marc just have no momentum with them. It’s a shock even to me that this was a close encounter, that it got around 14 minutes, and at the end of the day, that it was fine. But I still have to penalize it- in my mind, you can’t sleepwalk your way into 70-80 rated matches when there’s no hot crowd and the match isn’t a big deal. So, with Zeus pinning Marc after a Thunderbolt, these guys get a 46 from me, which is good- 2.5 stars. An average wrestling match. Wrestling is really having a boom period, isn’t it?. SEGMENT 2: After the match Dermott and Marc jump the vets and attack them, then go on a mic to demand a best of three series, or I guess that this is match one of a best of three series. The crowd didn’t give them much heat, they aren’t the most comfortable talkers in the world, I’ll go with a 26. MATCH 2: Next, a non-advertised match we got in order to, I assume fill some TV time, and Blockbuster destroyed their kid Flip Simkins -what a name, eh?- in 8 minutes. Flip got a couple good hope spots and showed some guts that I assume were to turn him babyface since for some reason he and his tag team partner were presented as face and heel, and the BusterBomb ended this before it got too long. This gets a 31 for me, because there was no doubt about the winner and despite the fact BlockBuster is much better than the Annihulus and Prometheus of this world, he’s not good enough to make a squash match this long worth watching. MATCH 3: This was followed up with…another slightly overlong squash, as Skip Beau wrecked the life out of Drake Young before ending him with a Flow Down. It was a bit cathartic as with his “Geek” character, he has been a bit of a gentle giant. Overall, this match was shorter, there wasn’t a green rookie in it, and Skip is a much better mover and athlete than Blockbuster, so it gets a 38. SEGMENT 3: After the match, we have an angle where Dapper Danny Draper and Chucky Dorrance came out (apparently calling themselves Team CD from now on) and started verbally ripping into Skip and his gimmick (in kayfabe, thankfully). Skip responded by destroying Chucky D with Danny Draper barely getting out unscathed. This was clearly an attempt to change Skip’s presentation and gimmick, and I think it worked, but it will get some minus points because Chucky was kind of just standing there since his purpose was to eat shit, plus all these guys are promising but none of them are really over yet. I’m thinking this deserves about 34. MATCH 4: The next match is Ant-Man and Topher Smith vs Buck Graham and Brady Prince. This was a decent introduction for the new team that got all their stuff in and got to look good and likable for the crowd in attendance, but at the end of the day, poor Buck isn’t supposed to be on national television at this point, and it was painfully obvious, with the newcomers picking up the W after 10 minutes after Ant-Man hit a huge powerslam on Buck Graham. Still, Gopher and the Ant are a good team that should prove to be popular with the CGC crowd. A generous 31 here. MATCH 5: Then we had the match that intrigued me the most, Intrepid Ian Identity vs Donte Dunn. These guys can both work and have presence, even if they ruined Dunn’s push last year to begin the woeful Annihilus run. And work they did, as they really had an all out brawl for over 15 minutes that just looked great and got the crowd really invested…until they pulled the ol’ sports entertainment no contest with the champion Prometheus getting involved. This gets a 35 just for really disappointing me as soon as I thought I’d rate something high-ish. SEGMENT 4: They did rectify it a bit by pulling the classic ‘The champ says there ain’t no #1 contender so he doesn’t have to defend, babyface authority figure tells him it’s actually a triple threat now’ segment, with mr. DeColt himself doing the honors. And he was damn good here, showing that you never really forget how to work a crowd. Then the babyfaces both attacked Prometheus and stood tall. This segment will get a 55, good stuff all around. MATCH 6: The main event was the tag titles match between the Canadian Blondes and Tough and Glorious, and it was match of the night for sure. They got 22 minutes which is really a breath of fresh air in that company lately and just did a good wrestling match with proper heat segments and a kickass hot tag for Brett Fraser, who even at 46 years old is a pro’s pro. Joey picked up the pin on Flash with an Antidote’s Web, and this match picks up a rating of 53.” SEGMENT 5: After the match they ran a short angle where the heels swore revenge at Elimination, this is fine, but the crowd was actually hot due to these guys’ work and I’ll award a 47. I’d rather not get the same match with a clean finish twice in two weeks, but considering the company’s rebuilding stage, it does make some sense. All in all, this was two hours of TV that weren’t embarrassing and put the spotlight on some of the younger guys on the roster, ending with a main event that wouldn’t look weird as a match on some of the companies that are doing much better than CGC. I am thinking the overall show gets a 48. Hopefully this is just the start for my friends up North, because I do intend on keeping this series up and I’d like to keep seeing improvement. But now, let’s get to our next segment…
  7. 1st Sunday of January 2018, CGC Presents Title Bout Wrestling! Live from the George Kinneal Gymnasium. The card we have in store for you: The CGC's faithful favorite geek, Skip Beau faces off against the loudest mouth in British Columbia, Drake Young. The Montreal Mafia will have their hands full as they face the experienced team of Zeus & Stevie. We have a special debut for all of you, with the Canadian independent scene's favorite team "The Ant & The Goph" facing off against the Old School's representatives, Maryland alliance, a team that remembers the good ol' days where these small, flippy kids weren't on national TV. Later on, two of CGC's brightest prospects collide for a shot at the Canadian Title as Intrepid Ian Identity battles "The Barbados Barbarian" Donte Dunn, with the winner facing the beast Prometheus at Elimination. And for our main event of Title Bout Wrestling, we have a title match as the Canadian Blonds attempt to dethrone Tough and Glorious, seeing their reign as CGC World Tag Team champions a slight against "real tag teams". An absolutely stacked show that will also include a contract signing for the CGC World Title Match between Dan DaLay and Whippy The Clown and much more, don't miss out! Match Card For Predictions: Skip Beau vs Drake Young The Montreal Mafia (Dermott Ayres & Marc Raisin) vs Zeus & Stevie (Zeus Maximillion & Stevie Grayson) The Gopher & The Ant (Ant-Man & Topher Smith) vs The Maryland Alliance (Brady Prince & Buck Graham) #1 Contender's Match for the Canadian Title Intrepid Ian Identity vs Donte Dunn CGC World Tag Team Championship Match The Canadian Blonds (Ozzie Golden & Flash) vs Tough And Glorious (Joey Poison & Brett Fraser) Thank you all for your encouraging first comments!
  8. Vancouver, late December 2017, CGC HQ. It was a shitty night. And a rainy one. Alex had called us in for some extra production work, although that was probably code for rewriting Sunday's show. Not the ideal way to spend my Friday, but I'd manage. I left my raincoat outside the office and went in, surprised to only find the boss in, waiting for me. Alex: "Take a seat, Adrian." Shit. I took a seat and expected to be wished luck in my future endeavors. Alex: "So, as you can tell, this isn't a regular meeting. I am here to make a really important announcement to you. As you know the past few months we have had quite a lot of extra workload to get the regular programming out, and the process has been less than smooth." An understatement. Alex De Colt's ever deteriorating patience and mental state has been a strain and cloud hanging over all of us, as have been the constant rewrites and...weird recruitment choices. Alex: "This is why I made the very tough choice to take a bit of a step back and pass the book along. This was a decision based mostly on loyalty and longevity, and you've been one of the best and longest serving members of this company. Specifically, third longest! But Chance wasn't interested, and Dan was disqualified as he'd basically just ask me about any choice and it'd be like I still have the book. Which means that... if you want it, you are the new head booker of Canadian Golden Combat." I almost jumped from my seat. Not only had I wanted to get the book (any book, even) for quite a while, but also pleasant surprises hadn't been in abundance lately in De Colt land. Garcia: "I'd love to, Alex. But you have to understand I need assurances about my job." Alex: "It's simple. You get a bit over two years to reverse the decline. You need to build a roster like it was in the 05-12 golden age. Versatility in the wrestlers, recognizable stars, many valid world champions. We have some good prospects, some loyal vets that our core fanbase loves. You can do it. But if it all gets worse, well, the good ol' times won't save your job." I nodded. There was some things to work with. I'd just need to fire the Bash-and-Smash-es of the world and get to business. Alex: "Besides, I hope that the news that I step back from the day-to-day help us attract talent. You know how the carny media has it out for me just cause NOTBPW is more 'modern'." Garcia: "Speaking of which, boss. How do you feel about a women's division? Now that the Stones integrated the rosters we could win back the favor of a lot of purists." Alex: "There's not the talent out there at the moment ready to be signed. If we can poach a couple of big free agents you are free to do anything you want recruitment wise- within reason. I will let you know of more specifics at a later date. For now, dismissed!" We shook hands and I thanked him, and now the cloud was hanging only above my head. Better for the kids in the locker room that way. He stopped me as I was about to close the door. Alex: "And thank you for stepping up!" I smiled and was on my way. I guess it's easier for the boss to take responsibility for... a part of the downturn in business when he won't take responsibility for alienating all of the superstars from his self-annointed golden age and making them leave the company. But that's what a boss does, isn't it? Alex: "First order of business: Does 'Title Bout Wrestling' need a title match every week, or would it be too dumb of a gimmick?"
  9. Hello, everyone! As an avid TEW player for the past couple of years, playing the 2010 release and buying 2020 last autumn, I was always fascinated by the CornellVerse, but especially I have been drawn to struggling companies. TCW, GCG, OLLIE and DIW have been my longest and most successful save files (alongside NYCW when I just wanted to put the entire east coast indy scene in one place and see what happens). After downloading this mod a couple months ago, without much time to check it out, I was drawn to the CGC narrative. This was a company that had a lot of my favorite wrestlers in the 2010 version, and the changes of basically everyone other than Joey and Whippy being gone is very intriguing. So I decided I should do what I do best in this game and that is claw my way to save a sinking ship, and most likely fail. This diairy will be my first attempt at doing something like this, and I am Greek so bear with any mistakes with my english, everything that is messed up I will try to clarify lol. This dynasty will be updated between TV shows probably more often than once a week, with more time being left for the PPVs and predictions to roll in. My avatar will be Adrian Garcia, with an introductory write-up about how this comes to be and what the first moves of the save will be. I will try my best to give some visual access to what is going on in-game, but you will probably have to rely on big blocks of text mostly. All feedback is appreciated, but I will keep trucking along regardless because this save seems a lot of fun! Thanks to lavelleuk who made this mod, the countless people who work on enhancing the TEW experience, and everyone who is going to be along for the ride.
  10. Hello, everyone! As an avid TEW player for the past couple of years, playing the 2010 release and buying 2020 last autumn, I was always fascinated by the CornellVerse, but especially I have been drawn to struggling companies. TCW, GCG, OLLIE and DIW have been my longest and most successful save files (alongside NYCW when I just wanted to put the entire east coast indy scene in one place and see what happens). After downloading this mod a couple months ago, without much time to check it out, I was drawn to the CGC narrative. This was a company that had a lot of my favorite wrestlers in the 2010 version, and the changes of basically everyone other than Joey and Whippy being gone is very intriguing. So I decided I should do what I do best in this game and that is claw my way to save a sinking ship, and most likely fail. This diairy will be my first attempt at doing something like this, and I am Greek so bear with any mistakes with my english, everything that is messed up I will try to clarify lol. This dynasty will be updated between TV shows probably more often than once a week, with more time being left for the PPVs and predictions to roll in. My avatar will be Adrian Garcia, with an introductory write-up about how this comes to be and what the first moves of the save will be. I will try my best to give some visual access to what is going on in-game, but you will probably have to rely on big blocks of text mostly. All feedback is appreciated, but I will keep trucking along regardless because this save seems a lot of fun! Thanks to lavelleuk who made this mod, the countless people who work on enhancing the TEW experience, and everyone who is going to be along for the ride.
  11. So, I have weighed in a lot of options the past couple of days. Many databases, many concepts, what I would be more comfortable writing. I discounted a couple saves that would be too easy (I love OLLIE but in every database they seem to be a walk in the park to succeed with, might do one with them later). I decided I am heading to Canada and CGC in the 2018 Alt C-Verse database. Introductory posts are coming very soon. Thanks to everyone in the forum for fostering this awesome community over nearly two decades.
  12. I've been reading diaries the past few days on here and they're all incredible. I was thinking of starting one up myself but I feel like I have to ask- are there any specific requirements/rules/suggestions I should know about? I realize this has probably been answered multiple times but this forum is a bit too vast for my patience. Thank you all in advance!
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