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Everything posted by AboardTheArk

  1. Lovely comment! Thank you so much. -I agree on the merits of the Vibert's Voice format. It was mostly chosen because I am terrible at writing promos and angles and it helps me get to the point of them, but there's definitely some good characterization. When I said on my last post it had gotten kind of boring, I meant due to the shows being similar both in quality and booking. I will try to flex my booking muscles more later on because I am envisioning this diary to be long term (which is why now that it's early days I've been getting through shows quickly, as it's the part of the save when we suck and the new roster needs to be established). Poking fun at "hm, why would this segment get a 41 instead of the others" as Phil Vibert is indeed very fun for me too. -Killer Karson bombing instantly is big heartbreak for me, but the injuries to my biggest tag team contenders are also annoying. But we persevere. I will get even more stubborn in my attempts to push this guy because most future Power House graduates absolutely suck from what I've seen. -Thanks, I agree that it's been the most imaginative piece of booking so far, the rest is a bit of just moving parts for popularity's sake, but you gotta do it when all your roster has chilly momentum. And getting up his momentum and popularity is the reason I got him to wrestle, because his promos and interference had only got him up to "Recognisable".
  2. Wrestling is just so damn BIG in the 2022 Cverse mod that playing a company this small will truly be a challenge and an experience. Best of luck!
  3. I am just getting through these shows before the Wrestlefestival so the fun begins after the next couple shows. That being said, I don't want to make it a slog to read, so I have a trick up my sleeve to do something different in the next few days for the next show. Just to not have you guys reading the same things and the guy I am writing as burying the show (besides, I am hoping we get good enough so that we don't have to bury the show soon-ish lol). Match Card For Predictions for next week's Title Bout Wrestling Killer Karson & Charlie Homicide vs Skip Beau & Clause Reed Sterling Whitlock vs Jamie Atherton Intrepid Ian Identity & Team CD vs Gopher & The Ant & Curtis Mobstar Brett Fraser vs Gargantuan Generation Z vs The Predators Ozzie Golden vs Whippy The Clown
  4. Vibert's Voice, Ep. 144 - Tuesday, Week 1 of March 2018 [...]This week we're kind of getting it out of the way, because it's a bit of a Groundhog Day situation. CGC are running the George Kinneal Gymnasium this PPV cycle, and they keep missing on something extra that will push the shows from 'fine' to 'pretty good!'. Title Bout Wrestling is becoming a slog, but I have news that are verified and I called my sources and they told me I can just say it. Hugh Ancrie, known to wrestling fans as Mr. Impact is not getting his contract picked up by NOTBPW for no apparent reason, there's both rumors of 'rubbing the female talent the wrong way backstage' to 'they wanted room for some new House of Stone talent and with the integrated rosters someone has to be chopped for room' so, no one knows why. But, one thing we know for sure is that he has agreed on a PPA deal with CGC to debut sometime in April. This is huge as we are talking about the first House of Stone graduate to be signed to the company since Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson were there. A historic move and it will be interesting to see how they handle him, he'd for sure debut as one of the biggest names on the roster. Oh and something else... there's one more. He's coming. It's big. And I know both that I don't know who exactly it is (I have my guesses though) and that if I said it I would not be allowed to enter British Columbia without a small army. Now, on to the actual show! SEGMENT 1: Jamie Atherton opens the show, informing the fans that now that he's oh so closer to fulfilling his ambitions, representing the indie movement in the relic that is CGC, he made a deal with Matchmaker Extraordinaire Alex DeColt. He will actually be wrestling on Television (or CGC's sorry equivalent) as long as he's allowed to choose the stipulation of the #1 Contender's match between him and Joey Poison for the DeColt Wrestlefestival's Night 1. And his choice is very simple: He can't get disqualified, but Joey Poison can. Solid delivery, I think he went a bit too hard on ripping on his own promotion and it was some of his weakest material, but this is an exciting twist to the PPV match. I maintain that since he got what he wanted he could just be wrestling now though because this felt a bit redundant and the crowd didn't love it either. 48. MATCH 1: So, the tag team tournament rolls on, and Killer Karson's tag team partner is an exciting independent talent and trainee of legend Larry Wood, Charlie Homicide! An ironic twist as I think the pairing of the two is meant to have Charlie be Billy Wood and Karson be Larry Wood, the fiery brawler and the hyper-athletic monster. This is a move I would generally be all for, unfortunately they had very obviously negative chemistry. Absolutely heartbreaking. Thankfully, Gopher & The Ant managed to carry the match so that it's not unwatchable, but all they got for their troubles was Intrepid Ian Identity interfering and costing them the match as Killer Karson pinned Ant-Man with a Killer Boot. 36 SEGMENT 2: Post-match, as Ian was laughing at the losing team and was about to take a mic to taunt them, Ant-Man hit a huge suicide dive and started unloading on Intrepid Ian Identity, but he had to sell the match so he lost the upper hand fairly quickly, and that's when security staff came in. This definitely adds some heat but wasn't a great segment in execution- be it the camera missing half the suicide dive spot or Ant-Man not selling for long enough, or Topher Smith just standing there. 41. MATCH 2: The other tag team tournament qualifier, Zeus & Stevie vs Team CD. Zeus & Stevie are guarantee of decent quality, the youngsters aren't too green, and this was fine action. Stevie is a pro at getting sympathy, Zeus is still explosive and smooth, and the kids are good at selling. Maximillion made Chucky D tap with the Olympian Clutch. Evergreen. 43. SEGMENT 3: Alexander Robinson is backstage with his silent protege and cuts a promo on Gargantuan's assault, calling him a monstrosity the likes of which are much only by Dread himself. He says that he's no blind to the fact the new generation is bound to step up, which is why he arranged for Sterling Whitlock to come in with him and support him in the CGC expedition. Alexander ends the promo by saying Gargantuan at the end of the day isn't something he hasn't come across before stylistically, he just needs to show the genetic freak that alongside PRIDE and the quest for GLORY, he needs to remember to have HONOUR. Cute promo, a bit of a mess in flow but Alex was never the greatest speaker of all time. 44. MATCH 3: Alexander Robinson & Sterling Whitlock vs Blockbuster & Gargantuan This felt like a modern day Elite Tag Series match with the way everyone hit as hard as they could, the tag spots were mostly about breaking someone's face and a lot of the finishing sequence was about countering to not get hit by devastating sequences. It was also a modern day Elite Tag Series match in the sense that it wouldn't have been as coveted in better times. Nevertheless I really liked this match with how the rest of the show went, and I appreciated Alex making that youngin' Blockbuster tap with the Crucifix Armbar. 54. SEGMENT 4: Backstage. Jenny Playmate. Joey Poison is there, and yeah we have definitely settled into a routine that needs to be broken out of soon. Joey is asked about Jamie's stipulation and how he'll be forced to adapt. He says that Jamie is out of his depth and despite the stipulation being pretty lopsided, confidence is no substitute for skill and experience. Short and sweet, finally. 61 MATCH 4: Jamie Atherton debuts against one half of the tag team champions, Dermott Ayres. Dermott forces Jamie to stay grounded for most of the match, helping to make it more impressive when Jamie hits his 5 moves of doom (missile dropkick, cannonball, hair-pull snapmare, shining wizard, Lightning Bolt). It was a showcase without burying Ayres who really made his life hell for a while, but the winner was obvious, especially with Joey seemingly not willing to partake in mind games. 45. MATCH 5: Skip Beau, Brett Fraser & Clause Reed vs Dan DaLay, Intrepid Ian Identity & Ozzie Golden. Clause Reed is not ready for a TV Main Event, and dragged down an otherwise fine matchup. 20 minutes of decent work, a lot of these guys don't really have direction and aren't feuding with each other. The more I think about it this was the worst TV Main event we've gotten from them for a while. Nevertheless, Ozzie Golden pinned the rookie. 44. As much as I am a bit disappointed, I liked one match quite a bit, there's one hot program between Jamie and Joey (that could get hotter and it should in my opinion, they kept them separate for no reason this week), and it feels like I am starting to get who are Adrian's guys more clearly each week that passes. Therefore I am not dropping below last week's 47, even though part of me wants to.
  5. ΤHIS SUNDAY, WEEK 4 OF FEBRUARY 2018, CATCH CGC TITLE BOUT WRESTLING LIVE FROM THE GEORGE KINNEAL GYMNASIUM FOR ANOTHER NIGHT OF BREATHTAKING ACTION. TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AND AT A VERY REASONABLE PRICE!!! Another edition of Title Bout Wrestling promises another night of exciting wrestling action! The Tag Team #1 Contender tournament continues with two exciting matches, and a mystery partner! Alexander Robinson has an interval in his Japan tour and he teams up with the Prideful Prodigy Sterling Whitlock to go up against the monsters Gargantuan and Blockbuster! Jamie Atherton has come to a special agreement with Alex DeColt and will be making his in ring debut for CGC! And a huge 6 man tag match pits bullies against valiant combatants! Don't miss out on Channel Six at a very reasonable 00:30 timeslot! Match Card For Predictions Alexander Robinson & Sterling Whitlock vs Gargantuan & Blockbuster Jamie Atherton vs Dermott Ayres Zeus & Stevie vs Team CD Gopher & The Ant vs Killer Karson & ??? Skip Beau, Brett Fraser & Clause Reed vs Dan DaLay, Intrepid Ian Identity & Ozzie Golden
  6. Vibert's Voice, Ep. 143 - Tuesday, Week 4 of February 2018 As we transition to this week's CGC segment, I have to say that I caught bits and pieces of Luck Of The Draw and, in the best way possible, it was actually very comparable to what your average high-independent wrestling company can offer you (other than the notable exceptions of CZCW and some puro, of course). So, kudos to CGC because we hadn't been here for a while. Having said that, the trend of Title Bout Wrestling being a kind of weak show in terms of lacking something great continues, as they're back to selling out the George Kinneal Gymnasium. SEGMENT 1: Intrepid Ian Identity comes out, and his face is absolutely glowing. His smile is so big his teeth are about to declare independence from Canada as a sovereign state. And he spends quite a bit of time gloating about not only defeating Donte Dunn but also running him out of CGC AND the entire province of British Columbia. Just a step closer to making destiny happen, he says before the new #1 contender, Ant-Man comes out. He shows some promo fire that had never made it to ACPW programming, talking about how Ian acts confident because he's able to constantly cheat, and in a fair fight he just doesn't measure up. The way he sees it, it's just another underdog fight to win, and usually his opponents are bigger students of the sport of wrestling. He also puts over the match Ian is about to have later on with Topher Smith, saying he doubts Ian can beat his partner, especially if his mind is set on destinies that aren't in play in the now. Good start, for some reason even if he has the ingredients Ian just hasn't figured out how to make his promos half a step better, and he keeps getting lower ratings from me than the other elite talkers in the company, Ant-Man was great though. A 49. MATCH 1: CGC World Tag Team Titles #1 Contender Tournament Quarter-Final Clause Reed & Skip Beau vs Drake Young and Philippe LaGrenier. LaGrenier kept doing a more comedic routine to his usual offense, posing way more than usual and not keeping up his sequences until Drake gave him positive reinforcement, which to me was a bit distracting, but the babyfaces gaining control was satisfying and to me this was the best Skip Beau performance so far in the year, he's really starting to come into his own- and Skip hit a Flow Down on Drake Young for the win. 37 SEGMENT 2: Backstage Interview of Jenny Playmate trying to drag words out of Gargantuan, who is allowed next to her only with the presence of about 12 security members. One of them is distractingly looking straight at the camera. What she manages to gather is that Gargantuan attacked Alexander Robinson due to disdain. He's a fighting machine that is eternal in his prime, has been since 1997, but CGC relies on aging wrestlers who become less of a challenge every passing day of their lives, and Alexander Robinson is the biggest offender of this. Which is why, at the Wrestlefestival Gargantuan once and for all will end his ambitions at being a big time player in CGC. This was probably as good as a Gargantuan talking segment could ever been, and the reason is that Jenny carried most of the weight. 54. MATCH 2: Intrepid Ian Identity vs Topher Smith. Ant-Man was on guest commentary duty, and Topher had what I would consider a breakout performance, staying in the contest for 20 whole minutes and showcasing some excellent agility and creative offense. The Gopher was extremely effective at frustrating the champ who was trying to prove he can win a match clean, but at the end of the day what swung the contest was Intrepid Ian Identity being lucky- Topher missed on a Plancha attempt to the outside, hit himself on the barricade and that gave Ian the opportunity to throw him face first into the steel post. From that point on, Ian Identity hitting the Identity theft was just an inevitability. 46. MATCH 3: CGC World Tag Team Titles #1 Contender Tournament Quarter-Final Thunder & Lightning vs Generation Z. There was only one way this could end, and the veterans did indeed win swiftly. There was only one issue that came out of this match though... Lightning Lomas picked up a back injury after a botched Double knee drive from Flip Simkins and will be out for a couple months while he's dealing with it. A sour win for Thunder & Lightning, who now that they're out I can say were heavily rumored to be the winners of the tournament because they "are Wrestlefestival worthy". The match was nothing to write home about. 32. MATCH 4: Gargantuan vs Sterling Whitlock. This was quite the physical fight, I can see why Whitlock was signed given he hasn't done too much down in Puerto Rico so far. But in truth, everything was carried by Gargantuan's awe-inspiring presence. He just let this kid hit him as hard as possible multiple times and he just responded by making him hurt. This went 8 minutes but especially for a CGC Monster match it's like it was 14-15 minutes of wrestling content. Match of the night easily, and Gargantuan ended things with an ULTIMATE BACKBREAKAHHHH... yeah I am not saying it this way again. 52. SEGMENT 3: Joey Poison has a mic in the ring, and he pours his heart out. He and Whippy achieved magic. It was one of the best moments of his career, and would have been the best if not for the abrupt interference of this bratty newcomer. Joey has given everything to CGC and he hasn't gotten nearly enough back, and he's tired. He wants his title shot rectified against Whippy, and- Jamie Atherton's music hits. The Cockiest Man Alive joins Joey in the ring, and finally explains his actions. Joey Poison has been a pillar of this promotion, but could never make a big enough impact. A legend in a small pond, and in the big leagues all he has achieved is well, make them smaller. Jamie felt like after he had achieved everything in ACPW and got the CGC call, he needed to make one thing sure: that he doesn't end up like Joey Poison. So he bided his time until he could be instantly inserted into the world title picture. And letting Whippy lose and attacking him after wouldn't have the same effect now, would it? Joey is about to attack him, but Jamie gets out of the ring and says he has an olive branch to offer. He spoke to the Matchmaker Extraordinaire of CGC, and he has booked a match. For Night 1 of The DeColt Wrestlefestival. Jamie Atherton vs Joey Poison. Winner faces Whippy The Clown for the big, shiny, gold belt on Night 2. Joey says he's on, Jamie says that he hopes Joey can arrive there since he has Blockbuster to face tonight and, this was probably the best segment they have done this year. Shockingly good. Goes slightly down due to the crowds outside Alberta still not being too into Jamie, but they were booing him loudly by the end. 66. MATCH 5: Blockbuster vs Joey Poison. Blockbuster can't hold his own in a 20 minute main event match is how I would describe this match very shortly. Joey gave a great performance and this was fine, but not on the level of main event match we've gotten accustomed to- and that level isn't even as high as CGC has given us in good times. This was a 2017 CGC match, basically, except refreshingly Joey Poison got Blockbuster into the Antidote's Web and walked away with a huge victory. 45. Overall, yeah. A good main event away from a pretty damn good show. TV ratings remain at the same 11K-ish level which is why I am not mentioning them- get out of the graveyard and then we'll talk. Other than that, a 49 show, a promise of a couple hot programs for The DeColt Wrestlefestival, and bad omens on the tag team tournament front.
  7. Thank you for the kind words. I agree that this scenario is really intriguing, even the mere concept of no DeColt wrestling for the company truly highlights the fall from grace (the 2022 mod is also really interesting, the roster is trash but you have two megastars, which has its own in-game complications for a nice save/diary, but IDK if I want to be tied to CGC so much given Self's absolutely incredible past diaries). I think I'm doing aggressively fine, I am not that good at booking Sports Entertainment stuff which is why I've not attempted it too much other than being family friendly and my feuds don't have as much heat as I wanted, but I've gone a few weeks ahead of the diary in the save and some exciting stuff happens. Our run post-Wrestlefestival and into Ultimate Showdown will be some Actual Good Wrestling™ so...stay tuned guys and thanks for the support!
  8. OFFICIAL CANADIAN GOLDEN COMBAT PRESS RELEASE Canadian Golden Combat has come to terms with the following Combatants on their release: -Prometheus -Taylor Kidd -Bash -Smash -Donte Dunn* We wish them all luck in their future endeavors and guarantee to keep bolstering our roster with the best wrestling talent in the world in order to continue our recovery period. (*He got an offer from QPW and he was angry here so I just let him go there.) (later that day, on Twitter) The Predators have announced their intent to use their Rematch Clause at Night 1 of the DeColt Wrestlefestival! In the aftermath of that decision, CGC Management decided the creation of a #1 Contender's Tag Team Tournament between 8 teams, 6 of which are full-time CGC teams you already know of. The brackets are as follows. Generation Z vs Thunder and Lightning Team CD vs Zeus and Stevie The Gopher & The Ant vs Killer Karson & ??? Clause Reed & Skip Beau vs Drake Young & Philippe LaGrenier (after Drake Young beat him in a game of Rock paper scissors and forced the French-Canadian Perfection to team up with him!**) Exciting action between teams of the revamped CGC tag division, and the tournament begins on Sunday's Title Bout Wrestling! (**Philippe decided to become a comedy wrestler, I don't have major plans for him now but I'm working on it) Title Bout Wrestling Match Card For Predictions Joey Poison vs Blockbuster Gargantuan vs Sterling Whitlock Generation Z vs Thunder & Lightning Topher Smith vs Intrepid Ian Identity Clause Reed & Skip Beau vs Drake Young & Philippe LaGrenier I will probably not stop doing the little promotion posts for the weekly show card, I just didn't want to bog down this post too much with info.
  9. CGC Luck Of The Draw 2018: Report Held in: Vancouver Attendance: 1,122 people (up from Elimination by 150ish) PPV Buys: 14,240 (down from Elimination by 900) Match 1 #1 Contender's Match for the Canadian Championship Ant-man vs Curtis Mobstar Curtis Mobstar opened Elimination against Ant-man's partner, Topher Smith, and he opens the next Event as well. This match was all action, all-killer-no-filler wrestling, transitioning smoothly from spot to spot, from big bomb thrown to the next. In the end, this was resolved by a factor that is surprising: Ant-man's built in toughness. He's more used to being ragdolled around than Curtis Mobstar, and was able to recover quicker from the damage as we hit the later stages of the contest. An Avalanche Powerslam gave him the win, and a chance at his first singles title in CGC, so early on in his career! Rating: 47 Match 2 Big Bad Brawl Rules Clause Reed vs Killer Karson A clash of Titans followed up, and the Big Bad Brawl rules took full effect as both contenders instantly went out of the ring to grab weapons. What followed was a Jedi-esque Chair Fight, broken kendo sticks and even part of a tree trunk being used as chaos ensued! After a few minutes, the fight went back to the ring, and soon Killer Karson capitalized on Reed's ring rust and hit the Killer Boot... only to hit it two more times because he wanted to Boot his opponent over the top rope for the win! It wasn't the cleanest match in company history, but it certainly was a Big Bad Brawl Between Badasses! Rating: 26 Angle 1 Killer Karson grabbed the mic after the match and he said that if these would be the consequences of him hurting lesser wrestlers, Alex DeColt will soon have to hire an entire new roster. Very menacing, but it'll be sure to tick off some people backstage... Rating: 26 Match 3 Brett Fraser & Skip Beau vs Blockbuster & Prometheus A collision that can only be likened to the Big Bang itself reached its big, chaotic consclusion as these giants brawled to the limit for ten glorious minutes. First off the monsters isolated Brett Fraser who could only fight back in short spurts to no avail, but then he got Skip Beau in, who rushed the ring like a Bull in a China shop and momentarily took out both opponents. He then hit all his signature offense before getting Prometheus up for the Flow Down- only to be interrupted by Blockbuster barreling in. Brett Fraser having recovered evened the odds and took both himself and Blockbuster out, allowing Skip Beau to catch Prometheus in a Choke Spinebuster maneuver we haven't seen from him before for the win. Rating: 49 Match 4 CGC World Tag Team Championships Montreal Mafia vs The Predators © The Predators may have managed to shock Tough and Glorious, but here they were on the back foot immediately against the relentless action the Montreal Mafia provide at their best. This was a contest about the wiley veterans trying to delay the inevitable, and they did so for about 16 minutes- at that point, Marc Raisin hit a huge Raisin D'Etre on Nathan Black, as Dermott Ayres took Warren Technique out with a huge Roundhouse Kick, allowing his partner to secure the pin and the title win! Huge title change!! Rating: 55(!!) Match 5 Alexander Robinson (w/Sterling Whitlock) vs Dan DaLay A rather slow-paced affair, the first of the show, and one that led to a quite methodical approach from the two veterans- both known for the punishment they have dished out and taken over the years. There have definitely been more fun matches in company history, but the point is Dan's hubris caught up to him as his gloating to the crowd after hitting a particularly nasty blow that made Alexander bleed allowed his opponent to recover enough to hit the famous combo of straightjacket German Suplex and Canadian Violence to get the win. Rating: 41 Angle 2 After the contest, Alexander and Sterling were victims of a brutal assault from Gargantuan! It seems that their arrival has angered people as two attacks in two weeks is a record for non DeColt wrestlers in CGC... We are sure Gargantuan's motives will be explained as soon as possible, as well as the two new additions to the company will get a chance to exact revenge upon him. Rating: 49 Match 6 CGC Canadian Championship Donte Dunn vs Intrepid Ian Identity © This was personal. Donte has had a lot of tough luck in the past 12 months, but Ian's betrayal stinged the most. A man he thought wanted to give the fans a better product and justice against the bully that is Prometheus, really was an opportunistic weasel who wanted to fast-track his way to the top... as he did here, taking the opportunity to rake Donte's eyes whenever the referee wasn't looking, and using that damage to plant him on his head repeatedly. After Donte made a valiant comeback but didn't pin him enough to secure the win after a Spinning Wheel kick, the result couldn't be avoided. Eye rake, Identity Theft, 1. 2. 3. Champ retains. Rating: 51 Angle 3 A short music video played highlighting Joey Poison's and Whippy The Clown's strives towards the top, implying it's time for Joey to emulate Whippy's final step and become from one of the most beloved, officially one of the most legendary CGC wrestlers. Rating: 42 Main Event CGC World Championship Joey Poison vs Whippy The Clown What. A. Match. These two men had great chemistry and it was visible from the get go. Tight groundwork sequences getting all the more gritty and leading to big bombs thrown, all taking bigger and bigger tolls on the two Combatants. Around 24(!!!) minutes in, Joey Poison found the oppening to hit a sequence that would lead to his known finisher... only for Whippy to shove the referee in his way, who took the brunt of a huge lariat. Both men were in shocked and tried to fight the rest of the match, and Joey once again took advantage, hitting the Antidote's Web. But as he went to make the cover, he was met by a huge chairshot from Jamie Atherton! Cocky as hell Jamie absolutely unleashed on Joey, put Whippy's unconscious body on top of him, and went out as referee Russell Eicke came to his senses and brutally counted the pin. Shattered dreams for Joey Poison, and the message Jamie Atherton was promising was sent after all! Rating: 57 (would have been better due to chemistry but brutal face/face dynamic...) Overall rating: 57
  10. CGC LUCK OF THE DRAW - FRIDAY WEEK 3 OF FEBRUARY 2018 FROM VANCOUVER - TICKETS ON SALE! CGC World Championship Match Joey Poison vs Whippy The Clown © Challenger Joey Poison wants to fulfill the dream run in the same way Whippy did back in October. He's riding some excellent momentum, but Whippy has shown his more serious side and the fact that while he respects Joey, he does not fear him and will do anything to keep his title! This is an exciting in-ring matchup as well, probably the most technical in the company for the world title since legends Larry Vessey and Eric Tyler faced each other for the title back in 1996 at the Wrestlefestival. Grudge Singles Match Alexander Robinson (W/Sterling Whitlock) vs Dan DaLay Beloved Canadian wrestling legend Alexander Robinson made his sensational debut at Valentine Day's Violence, but Dan DaLay took offense, recognizing legendary status only by what has been achieved in CGC. While this makes sense, his disrespectful, violent outburst caused the interference of Robinson's prodigy and led to what will surely be a heated contest. CGC Canadian Championship Match Donte Dunn v Intrepid Ian Identity © A feud that was ignited after Ian hit a low blow on Donte Dunn to win the Canadian title, Donte has been on a tear in the past month, and absolutely p'd off at the champion. This will surely be violent and angry, but can Donte Dunn keep his focus on the prize? Because the champion's advantage and dirty tricks are big obstacles to overcome! CGC World Tag Team Championships Match Montreal Mafia vs The Predators © The Predators shocked the world at Eliminaton by ending Tough and Glorious' excellent run with the gold, but their first defense is no joke. Montreal Mafia are not only talented and hungry, they're also in scintilating form and have shown a newfound maturity and respect for wrestling the way you'd want a CGC Combatant to do. Grudge Tag Team Match Skip Beau & Brett Fraser vs Blockbuster & Prometheus These four men have been at each others throats recently, with the monsters' disrespectful attitude and comfortability to break the rules to get a win being something especially the veteran has taken offense to. Skip Beau continues to impress people with his new aggression, but he lost to Blockbuster on Title Bout Wrestling due to Prometheus' interference. This one will not be pretty, but it will be awesome. #1 Contender for the Canadian Championship match Ant-Man vs Curtis Mobstar Out of all the newcomers of 2018, these two have had the most early success, and Alex DeColt decided to reward them with a fight for a title shot. They both are tough workers who don't back down, but one has to wonder wether the size difference will catch up to the mighty Ant-Man, or will his raw strength overcome Curtis Mobstar's tenacity. Big Bad Brawl Match Clause Reed vs Killer Karson Killer Karson has made quite the destructive impression early on in his CGC career, especially at Valentine Day's Violence when he took out Stevie Grayson. Given that Stevie is in no condition to wrestle, it was decided Killer Karson should pick on someone his own size! Clause Reed made a sensational debut at Elimination, but he had a minor injury that prevented him from having matches and get that momentum into more wins. He's now at 100% and ready to teach this bully a lesson! This match will be contested under Big Bad Brawl rules, where there's no count-outs, no Disqualifications, but matches can not only be won by pinfall/submission/Stoppage, but also by throwing the opponent off the top rope, humiliating a fellow giant! Match Card For Predictions CGC World Championship Joey Poison vs Whippy The Clown © CGC Canadian Championship Donte Dunn vs Intrepid Ian Identity © CGC World Tag Team Championships Montreal Mafia vs The Predators © Alexander Robinson (W/Sterling Whitlock) vs Dan DaLay Brett Fraser & Skip Beau vs Blockbuster & Prometheus #1 Contender's match for the Canadian Championship Ant-man vs Curtis Mobstar Big Bad Brawl Rules Clause Reed vs Killer Karson
  11. Vibert's Voice - Ep. 142, Tuesday 3rd Week of February 2018 And yeah, the summation is that I am still shocked they actually pulled the trigger on El Curso winning the title. These characters usually just exist to put the tecnico over, especially when we're talking about the one man rivalling El Patron in terms of overness in the history of lucha libre. Another MOTY contender too. But with that, we move on to, uh, Valentine Day's Violence, which is just another edition of Title Bout Wrestling. And honestly, a slightly weaker one in order to not give away too much of the PPV card, I assume. SEGMENT 1: The show opens with a huge 4-man brawl between Skip Beau, Blockbuster, Brett Fraser, and Prometheus. They ruin a lot of the easily-destroyable entrance set, but in the end no one seems to take an upper hand. That's when Alex DeColt's music hits, and the boss himself came out to deliver the news. At Luck Of The Draw, this will be resolved in a tag team match. Skip Beau and Brett Fraser vs Blockbuster and Prometheus. Clearly a move to not have the duds caused by lack of chemistry, if the match doesn't go too long it'll be fun. This was also a very intense way to start the show in the best way possible, so this segment gets a 55. MATCH 1: Curtis Mobstar vs Stevie Grayson was a surprisingly quick-paced match, that suffered from low crowd reaction. They didn't buy Stevie possibly winning at any point, and he didn't. Mobstar planted him with the Flattener DDT in 10 minutes, and that was that. 42. SEGMENT 2: The fun was saved for after the match, when as Stevie was recovering in the ring, Killer Karson came out and absolutely decimated him, hitting his Killer Boot twice and slamming him overhead out of the ring. Going for this unstoppable monster type thing might suit Karson more, and this gets a 35. SEGMENT 3: We go backstage, where there is a segment of Adrian Garcia sitting down champion Intrepid Ian Identity and challenger Donte Dunn, and asking them questions from the fans about the match at the PPV. This was fine but the content was very much generic. 46 MATCH 2: Generation Z vs Team CD. Well, Gen Z got a new valet, a young cheerleader called Lizzie Spellman. Perhaps this is why they got the win here, as this was a slight repackaging of their act. Nevertheless, I've talked about depushing Danny Draper as he's still improving, he's still further along than either members of Gen Z and therefore this match wasn't very good. Flip Simkins pinned Chucky D after a crossbody. A 31. SEGMENT 4: Jamie Atherton is backstage getting interviewed by Jenny Playmate, and the content of his promo is about CGC management wisening up and not trying to book him a match this week, but as 'punishment' they didn't give him a debut for Luck Of The Draw. He says Luck Of The Draw isn't thinking big enough, but regardless after that show all everyone will be talking about is Jamie Atherton, and that's a guarantee. Good promo, setting up some actual intrigue on where this story is going. A 68. MATCH 3: Ant-Man vs Drake Young in a tables match. The problem with this one is simple: Drake Young isn't a wrestler. He's a manager trapped in a wrestler. He has good timing and him weaseling out of Ant-Man's moves was entertaining, but his offense looks so bad and he gets a lot of it in matches against undercarders. Thankfully, Ant-Man slammed him through a table in an acceptable amount of time, and we move on. 36. MATCH 4: Alexander Robinson vs Ozzie Golden. The gaijin legend debuted by beating Ozzie in a fairly entertaining match, with CGC clearly wanting to capitalize on his status. It makes sense, and it sucks for Ozzie that Flash got a major concussion because rumors are they'd be the tag team champions right now. He didn't get buried here, it was a nice competitive contest, but Robinson always seemed closer to 'in control'. 49. SEGMENT 5: After the match, Dan DaLay hit the ring and started wailing on Robinson, saying he is not welcome in CGC, which is his damn company. After a brutal beatdown, Robinson got saved by his protege, Sterling Whitlock, who is also making his CGC debut. The crowd in attendance didn't recognize the connection which is unfortunate, but it was put over by commentary. Dan laid a challenge to Robinson for Luck Of The Draw, and this was good stuff although you'd rather the build not happen 4 days before the event. 40. MATCH 5: Six Man Tag Main Event, Champions vs Challengers. Simple format, they honestly do too many of these tag matches instead of building real heat in a feud, although Whippy vs Joey has been a tiny bit better in that regard. The match was expectedly solid, with every worker here being relatively hot over the past month. It actually got slightly less time than the usual CGC TV main event in the Garcia era, slotting below 18 minutes, but those were well used and ended with Joey Poison hitting the Antidote's Web on Nathan Black for the win. 52. SEGMENT 6: Post match we get the final staredown between Whippy and Joey for Luck Of The Draw, and Whippy extends a handshake of respect. A nice moment considering Whippy acting slightly more heelish during the build, and the last thing the company needs is more heels. 47. Overall, this was definitely a bit of a dip in quality, but it was to be expected when the card was announced. Luck Of The Draw should be better than elimination, with more of the newer acts being built up and two very possible winners in the main event that the fans would both like to see win. The show's grade is a 50, and I'll see you all next Tuesday.
  12. SIX MAN TAG MATCH Nelson Callum, Xavi Ferrara and a mystery partner vs. Ernest Youngman and Rich & Famou$ (w. Venus Angeletti) Always go with the mystery partner PSW NATIONAL TITLE MATCH Sayeed Ali © vs. Tank Bradley Sayeed Ali is the next ace when the main guys inevitably get poached PSW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Samoan Destruction Inc. © vs. The Samoan Pit Bulls (w. Travis Century) Just my vibe that the pit bulls are just here to put the champs over PLUS Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester Devil May Care vs. Reckless Antix Teddy Powell vs. Wicked Lester Dustin Deuce vs. ZomBoy Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Fernando Fernandez Canadian Hardcore vs. Little Bill & Big Jeb
  13. I finally caught up with this behemoth of a thread. Some silly notes/opinions: TCW: There's a bit of chaos factor that at first put me off, trying "too hard" to establish these global stars, but it actually makes a lot of sense, a) with the avatar Historian's gimmick and b) with so many TCW diaries running, you gotta do something different. The Chord hot shot as well was really well executed and it usually takes longer for a player to do it (it took me till December 2020 in my personal save). SWF: Perhaps it was the botched brand split but I thought the booking was better than the grades for quite a while. The company is clearly in transit and seems like a tough job, but also perhaps the booker was too gun-shy? Giving away big matches on TV definitely seems to help! Mikey Lau is getting crowned soon, and I think it will be after we get the obligatory Golden vs Remo match (especially since this understandably is moving slow so you can't be like 'oh he's getting the title late 2021' or whatever). USPW: A job extremely well done, especially with the hiring limitations. Maybe you can say it was played safe, but honestly "burying" Nicky Champion like that and resisting the urge to just do a Jack Bruce nostalgia run took some balls. Tag division is a bit dead but that happens in almost every TEW save ever, I am trying to use mine in my CGC diary and it's a miserable failure. All in all, very entertaining from everyone, I also enjoy the in-character recaps quite a lot. I mean, after all this time you all know you're doing something very right, but after spending so many hours I wanted to chime in.
  14. CGC PRESENTS A SPECIAL EDITION OF TITLE BOUT WRESTLING! VALENTINE DAY'S VIOLENCE LIVE FROM SURREY! A special, spicy, splendid night of Sports Entertainment is coming to all of you this Sunday, in a celebration of love, hate and wrestling, the final show before "Luck Of The Draw"! Champions and Challengers battle as Whippy the Clown and The Predators go up against Joey Poison and the Montreal Mafia! We have a Pretty Boys Quarrel as Generation Z goes up against Team CD, both young strapping tandems trying to turn their fortunes around. Canadian Legend Alexander Robinson makes his CGC Debut going up against the talented Ozzie Golden!! Stevie Grayson goes toe to toe with Curtis Mobstar! And Drake Young has been running his mouth on social media about how Ant-Man is too small to be a star, completely ignoring his own stature, therefore Alex DeColt himself ordered for a match so that he's taught his lesson. Drake Young vs Ant-Man in a Tables Match! Don't miss out, buy a ticket today or catch us on Channel Six at midnight!! Match Card For Predictions: Whippy The Clown & The Predators vs Joey Poison & The Montreal Mafia Alexander Robinson vs Ozzie Golden Tables Match Ant-Man vs Drake Young Generation Z vs Team CD Stevie Grayson vs Curtis Mobstar
  15. Vibert's Voice - Ep. 141, 2nd Tuesday of February 2018 And yeah, to me it's absolutely insane to run Rich Money vs Rocky Golden anywhere except the main event of Total Mayhem. Just business-wise. But man, what an absolute 5 star classic they put on. A match that we will be pointing to for years, even if it got a minimal 4 week build and was sold on "well, it's these two". It was indeed These Two, and they delivered what I do not think will be surpassed as Match Of The Year. What a feather in Rocky Golden's very feathery cap, this win. Rich, please as you age just work everywhere to challenge for every world title. NOTBPW, SOTBPW, WLW, you name it. Anyway, other than Malice In Wonderland that I didn't have time to cover last week, we have to do the surprisingly popular CGC segment. Last Sunday's show was ran from a little venue up in Calgary, they drew 338 people and it was another fun little show, although it didn't keep up the upward trajectory of the past couple ones. But let's dive in a bit more specifically. MATCH 1: The show once again opened straight with a match, as Gopher & The Ant faced off Team CD. Solid action from the young guys here, nothing spectacular sadly, but still. It seems like they are depushing Danny Draper as there's a lot more experienced heels on the show than there were a couple months ago, and I think that's a fine choice as he is still improving. His potential is massive and if the company starts getting healthier, we will see him realize it. Anyway, Ant-Man hit a huge Powerslam on Chucky Dorrance for the win, and this match gets a 41. SEGMENT 1: A new guy off of the DeColt Powerhouse made his debut, a big man called Killer Karson. The guy looks menacing and he was given mic time here which was shocking, although he mostly looked at the camera and proclaimed that his opponent would die, he still had presence and a nice, deep, rough voice. A bit of a nothing segment but you know there's worse first impressions to be made. A 31. MATCH 2: His soon-to-be-dead opponent was resident punching bag Alistair Shufflebottom. Sadly, they did not click at all. The timing was awful on everything, they blew a spot very visibly and couldn't mask it with good improvisation. Karson doesn't seem ready for TV matches unless he's guided through it. Very much one of the worst matches in company history. Karson hit a big powerbomb for the win. If there's any silver lining, is that Killer Karson is an absolutely impressive mover and athlete. He was doing stuff that no one else his size in the company can approximate, and there's many of them. But still, it will be interesting to see his utilization. Maybe he performs well next week and it's forgotten, maybe they take months to complement his training. Tilll then, this gets an 18. SEGMENT 2: After Intrepid Ian Identity's heel turn, Jenny Playmate has transitioned into a backstage interviewer role. In this instance, she's interviewing the champ Whippy The Clown, and she asks him about his attitude the last two weeks. He seems extra confident in his ability to dispatch Joey Poison, going as far as to help him beat Gargantuan to get #1 contendership. Whippy explains that he has spent months doing battle with all the monsters CGC Management has to offer, and it's refreshing to get to have a real wrestling match. Everything else is just the innate competitiveness he has. He says Joey is an incredible worker and colleague, but one thing he's not is world champion, and mutual respect will not get in the way of defending his belt. This was a really well put promo that put a wrestling edge in the match -a tendency in the Adrian Garcia era to get some less Sports Entertainment vibes in the product. This will get a 61 rating. MATCH 3: We get the first of the two tag team championship competitors singles matches, as Dermott Ayres battles Warren Technique, and I kid you not, they had a 15 minute matwork technical match in a CGC TV show! This is a statement of intent as far as I'm concerned, and it was real good work between the guys too. Dermott kept going for the back to set up the Montreal Crab and Warren insisted on the head damage to lock his STF in. It wasn't the most advanced match ever but they told a nice, neat story, and Warren Technique won by shoot headbutting Dermott before locking in the STF. A real treat, and a grade of 49 which is consistent as the best match that doesn't feature main eventers in the company. SEGMENT 3: We get to the "Jamie Atherton refuses to wrestle" portion of the show. I'm going to be honest, I don't like the repetition of the angle, but it's good, classic booking. This time he was slandering the Calgary Flames, and said he refuses to wrestle in a city that can't even win a Stanley Cup. Honestly, this is a new record for most heat he has gotten, so I will not penalize it too much. What intrigues me is his insistence that he will debut in the biggest stage possible- are they really going to delay this until the Wrestlefestival or is he talking about Luck Of The Draw? 65. MATCH 4: Nice little six man action as the babyfaces Zeus Maximillion, Skip Beau and Brett Fraser go up against the heels Blockbuster, Curtis Mobstar and Philippe LaGrenier. What instantly surprised me pleasantly was how everyone got about equal time to shine and everyone looked good. This was an extremely well worked match for its standards and the fact that not even everyone in this match is in a feud right now. Also, in a pleasant surprise, the babyfaces won when Skip Beau hit Mobstar with the Flow Down. Yet another 49 for a midcarder contest, I am telling you the signs of improvement are there! MATCH 5: Then followed the second match between contenders for the tag titles as Marc Raisin went up against Nathan Black and got a win that would have been surprising if Dermott hadn't lost earlier. The action was crisp and the match didn't last as long, but it was slightly less compelling than the previous match due to the predictability factor. Raisin won with the Raisin D'Etre springboard forearm, a move that looks really damn good. 46. MATCH 6: Last 40 minutes of the show were all wrestling and while I like it, it didn't sit that well with the crowd. They're supposed to be more alive for a stacked main event than this, as Intrepid Ian Identity and Whippy the Clown faced Donte Dunn and Joey Poison in front of 300 mostly silent people. Well, until the good match woke em up and had them cheering like crazy for the hot tag on Donte- who they seem intent to keep as relevant as possible even if he's probably not winning the Canadian title feud- who cleared house and made Ian submit! Donte got him in the Fujiwara Armbar and Ian tapped within miliseconds to protect his arm. 20 minutes of good action, and a lot of tension between Whippy and Joey. This gets a 53. Overall, the show did its job but had one big dud and didn't hit the highs of last week. Nevertheless, the watchability of the product shines in almost everything they do, and there's more to come. I have heard a rumor of a couple great signings, but I cannot expose them and risk my friendship with Mr. Garcia himself. This week's show gets a 51, as the (self-inflicted) damage done in CGC keeps slowly healing itself.
  16. Hell yes! I loved a lot of things about the 2018 mod (and I have an active diary on it that is supposed to run for many more months) so I was super excited about this one. The scale seems absolutely insane! I will leave quite a few comments as I dive in but this seems like a job very well done.
  17. OLLIE is great to play with. I have found the finances get really easy if you get the best broadcasting deal possible (and it's available from the start) but man, the matches and feuds you can make with that excellent roster. Plus, the Lucha indie scene is by far the strongest in the game. Some awesome hires to make. Looking forward to see what's in store!
  18. CGC ARRIVES IN CALGARY! TITLE BOUT WRESTLING, LIVE WEEK 1 OF FEBRUARY 2018! A TV "Super Card" is presented for CGC's glorious return to the beautiful city of Calgary. Champions and contenders clash as the main event will be Whippy The Clown and Interpid Ian Identity vs Donte Dunn and Joey Poison! Nathan Black faces Marc Raisin and Dermott Ayers faces Warren Technique, as the strife for momentum towards Luck Of The Draw commences! We also have a treat of a Six Man Tag with Zeus Maximillion, Brett Fraser and Skip Beau team up to face Blockbuster, Curtis Mobstar and Philippe LaGrenier. That plus more, live on Channel Six! Match Card For Predictions Whippy The Clown & Interpid Ian Identity vs Donte Dunn & Joey Poison Killer Karson vs Alistair Shufflebottom Marc Raisin vs Nathan Black Blockbuster, Curtis Mobstar & Philippe LaGrenier vs Brett Fraser, SKip Beau & Zeus Maximillion Dermott Ayers vs Warren Technique Team CD vs Gopher & The Ant
  19. 5 shows down. It was messy. Difficult. There wasn't as much as I hoped to work with, the crowd has been decentivized to care. But goddamn, the guys worked hard. And I think I didn't do too much stupid stuff, so that helped. The most important part looking at the picture was getting in a guy that would be loyal to me. Dan and Chance, they're Alex guys, even if Dan has been absolutely gracious letting me know that whoever I want to put over, he'll do the job. That man breathes CGC. But still, that meant that if he had to choose between me doing okay or me being replaced, he'd probably feed into Alex's thought process. So I brought Stewart Ferdinand. Extra points because he's a tried and true WRESTLING guy. And that has helped so much with the match lay-outs, the wrestlers respect him. They care about his input, and I do too. The thing that troubles me is the booking itself. We very much do not have enough big matches for two nights of the Wrestlefestival. So the undercard will be TV matches and the semi-mains will be fine. We also have too many heels- that might be my fault but you gotta sign the most promising and most available guys. I can not afford poaching Joshua Taylor to get huge matches whenever he's on the screen. So who's left? Mobstar is a fiery brawler that can talk. Jamie is the best talker in the company who can also wrestle and he's a surefire star. The tag teams were desperately needed otherwise I would be wasting Montreal Mafia's potential. So, to balance things out the question is with the outgoings. And the thing is, Prometheus is leaving ASAP. His contract is ass, he can't wrestle, he's not intimidating to me when you have the other big guys. But then... there's this guy who's coming from the Power House. And he's perfect. He's pretty much overshadowing all my big guys that aren't Gargantuan in terms of talent. He can actually ****ing run without losing his breath. He might be making some more guys expendable... and opening spots for more guys. I realized I had lit a cigarette I was letting burn without smoking. Fun. There's many questions to answer and solve, but some of the problems are positive headaches- there's many guys I believe in right now, I just have to get things out of them that resonate with the crowd. Donte might be a lost cause unless I wanted to sacrifice Ian- and I don't. He is very much one of my top guys now and in the future. And there's a big ace up my sleeve to get his heel run more over after this feud is done with.
  20. Vibert's Voice - Ep. 140, Tuesday, 1st Week of February 2018 ...And we're back to our CGC segment, with the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling! It's been a good month for my new favorite underdog in wrestling, and we wrap up January with a show from a library event hall that could barely fit high risk moves, but I digress. The show itself was actually pretty good! MATCH 1: We open straight with a wrestling match, which is one of the best ways to open a wrestling show, as we get Donte Dunn vs Philippe LaGrenier. This match is trying to heat-up Donte after his repeated failures the past 7 months, with his big title match being used to make Intrepid Ian Identity his momentum seems to have cratered. So, he gets a big W here against a very good wrestler who just made his return! Perhaps not the wisest booking decision as both guys needed a win, but this match was actually really good and heated for an opener. Donte got the win after a Spinning Wheel Kick, and the match is good enough for a 47. SEGMENT 1: Post-Match Intrepid Ian Identity went in and attacked Donte Dunn. Not much to say other than they've ruined Donte Dunn and he's not over at all. He should either be repackaged or mercifully released to save his career, because he's an otherwise good worker. Most of Canadian wrestling would love to have him. 31 MATCH 2: We moved on to Gargantuan vs Ant-Man, and it was so fun! It was not a squash, although Gargantuan dominated, they got 11 minutes to work which is insane, Ant-Man got some incredible underdog offense in (and it really helps that they're running the past few shows on ACPW stronghold towns), we even got a spot where Ant-Man bodyslammed the giant! They did not have to go this hard on a random TV match, and Gargantuan hit that Ultimate Backbreaker for the win more viciously than usual. 54 SEGMENT 2: The show goes backstage where we see the Montreal Mafia and the Tag Team Champions The Predators arguing about a potential title shot, the Montreal Mafia feeling how beating the greatest tag team in history they deserve a match, especially as the Predators were merely a replacement, and the argument and refutation from the champions leads to a brawl that is broken apart by backstage staff. These guys can't talk much so the feud might get awkward, this was serviceable though. 39 SEGMENT 3: A nice touch as there's a fairly hasty change of scenery and we get a small backstage interview with Dapper Danny Draper who puts over himself and Team CD and says he'll have to focus on a single division in other to get to enjoy championship gold as soon as possible. Well-delivered even if not the most interesting words ever uttered. 48 MATCH 3: Generation Z vs Thunder & Lightning wasn't very good, but it was a break of high flying action. Not much to say other than the right team won, as Lightning Lomas pinned Alyx Winters after 9 minutes. 31 MATCH 4: Next up is Dan DaLay vs Zeus Maximillion, and this was really put over as Dan's first match after the "brutal" (not really) Falls Count Anywhere match at Elimination, which made it all the more 'logical' when Zeus Maximillion pulled a very welcome upset. The match itself was aggressively fine, but when Zeus hit the Thunderbolt for the pin, the crowd erupted at the shocking thought of a beloved babyface going over a monster heel. 42 SEGMENT 4: Jamie Atherton came out to delay his in-ring debut again, this time talking about how the venue isn't suitable for a man of his talent and how "the librarians would come and cancel the show for noise complaints", while also continuously putting over the fact that when he does debut it will be huge and it will catapult him towards the CGC World title. A cute promo but a bit worse than the novelty of hearing it for the first time last week. Nonetheless, this guy gets the most heel heat of anyone on TV for CGC. 69 MATCH 5: Blockbuster vs Brett Fraser is the semi-main and... they didn't click at all. Thankfully a better affair than that awful match Blockbuster had against Skip Beau last week, but that's to be put on the veteran savvy of Brett Fraser. They hit each other super hard, it was very competitive, Brett got a real good near fall on a big boot/backdrop combo, but a big ringside brawl between Prometheus and Skip Beau distracted him long enough for Blockbuster to get him with the Buster Bomb. 44. MATCH 6: Main Event time between Joey Poison and Ozzie Golden, and the champion Whippy The Clown is on commentary, putting over the action. They got 20 minutes and they produced the best match the company has put on this year- and hence also this month so let's cool our jets. Ozzie is really good and will hopefully not be lost with the plethora of heels that are on TV (I've heard some rumors that should aleviate these concerns, but I am not trying to get into the aggregating business). Joey has incredible babyface fire, to the point where you got to wonder where they're going with this feud, because Whippy is their guy but Joey might just be a little bit better, and having two straight babyface World Champions might be the move in a post-DeColt world. Anyway, Joey caught Ozzie in the Antidote's Web, and this match gets a whole 57. SEGMENT 5: After the bell rang, Whippy went in the ring and had a big staredown with Joey, brandishing his belt over his head to make a statement. This, coupled with last week's elimination to help Joey make me think they're teasing a heel turn for Whippy, which I would personally not be a fan of. But with the Wrestlefestival approaching, maybe it'd delay a to my view inevitable Joey Poison win? Regardless, the crowd liked it, it's a popular way to close a show, this gets a 50. Overall, this show had their two best TV matches this year and it's the first TV show without a squash match they've had, which to me shows they're getting closer to trusting their guys to put on some actually compelling TV. I don't know if they can keep having each show be better than the last because they don't have enough guys that are built up yet, but regardless this has been a solid month for them, the first in over 18 months. Whole show also gets a 57.
  21. I really appreciate the predictions, not following up on them with replies since you're the only one posting em so far and hence it's really easy to keep up. CGC Presents Title Bout Wrestling Live from the Entertainment Suite of the Bonnie Doon Public Library! Sunday 4th Week of January! Big card as we rev up towards Luck Of The Draw. Gargantuan will be taking out his frustrations for last week's loss at the bright and promising Ant-Man! A huge match between two CGC legends as Dan DaLay makes his return post-Elimination to face off against Zeus Maximillion! Donte Dunn continues his path to prepare for the challenge of Intrepid Ian Identity as he has to go up against The French Canadian Perfection Philippe LaGrenier! Thunder & Lightning will face Generation Z in a match-up of promising young teams! Their feud got interrupted by injury, but the #1 contender to the world title Joey Poison will have to beat Ozzie Golden as he presents for the match of his life! And for our main event, Brett Fraser saved Skip Beau from his clutches last week, and now he faces the consequences as he fights Blockbuster one on one! Don't miss your chance to buy a ticket or watch live through Channel Six! Match Card For Predictions Brett Fraser vs Blockbuster Ant-Man vs Gargantuan Joey Poison vs Ozzie Golden Generation Z vs Thunder & Lightning Zeus Maximilion vs Dan DaLay Donte Dunn vs Philippe LaGrenier
  22. PSW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Nelson Callum © vs. Ernest Youngman (w. Venus Angeletti) No one can resist Ernest Youngman, plus a title change allows you to run this again till the next challenger is built up, cause this guys are in their own league right now. PSW NATIONAL TITLE MATCH Sayeed Ali © vs. Jebediah I will never predict against Sayeed Ali. PSW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Samoan Destruction Inc. © vs. Rich & Famous With the way I predicted the other two title matches, makes sense. PLUS Madman Boone vs. Ash Campbell Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Xavi Ferrara Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester Devil May Care vs. Reckless Antix Teddy Powell vs. Dustin Deuce Wicked Lester vs. Happy Elwood
  23. Vibert's Voice - Ep. 139, Tuesday Week 4 January 2018 Just imagine having a match so well worked, the crowd buys into it so much, it's so well executed, that there's a DQ finish and not only does no one complain, it's still the early leader for MOTY. Hats off to SOTBPW and of course to the four men. El Leon & Cerebro work incredibly as a team and also did great work to put over the heel veterans of Soul Taker and Pablo Rodriguez, and the DQ finish itself, they got absolutely mauled. I guess since we're still in January, we can officially call it Match of the Month- with one eye directed towards Malice in Wonderland. But enough about the best things in wrestling, because we have another show of Title Bout Wrestling to cover this week! They travelled to Edmonton the same day ACPW was running Uprising which was interesting, and they offered what was probably the best episode of the show in months. SEGMENT 1: The show opened with Joey Poison coming out and opening his heart out about how he has never gotten an 1-on-1 CGC World title match, then being interrupted by Gargantuan who has been destroying everyone on his path, saying he has been kept away from the title picture despite being the biggest force in the company. After a bit of classic sports entertainment bickering, the Champ Whippy The Clown came out, fresh off his pretty good defense vs Dan DaLay, and announced a #1 contender's match for the title in the main event of tonight's show. Despite my short recap here, this segment went longer and had some really good work, especially on Joey's part and his very emotional delivery. This gets a 62, which is the highest I've given a CGC segment in this short series. MATCH 1: First match is a bit of a warm-up, as Curtis Mobstar destroys Alan Parent in 4 minutes. They did good work in that timespan but it's clear that they don't have enough for the heels they've signed yet and they're just keeping them strong as they're new signings. Has Philippe LeGrenier even appeared a second time? Regardless, for what it was this gets a 36. SEGMENT 2: Jamie Atherton came to the ring with a mic and he said that he was getting ready to make his illustrious CGC in-ring debut...and then he found out they were coming to Edmonton, and he outright refused to wrestle tonight. Not only is Edmonton an absolutely terrible city with fans that couldn't tell a chickenwing from a cattle mutilation, it's an ACPW stronghold and he's trying to leave that phase of his career behind and make a fresh new start. He promises that his debut will be 'on the biggest stage possible' and he gets the loudest boos a heel has taken in a long time in the company, probably due to the fans knowing him well from his ACPW time. This was flat out great, the best thing CGC have done and will do on this show, and a good promo that would fit in a bigger company. The rating is a 72. MATCH 2: The newest CGC debut to keep the streak is the team of Thunder and Lightning, the greatest team in Canadian Independent Wrestling history. The 7 time 4C Champions came in and had a very fun match against Gopher and the Ant, exchanging rapid action for 12 minutes, before Lightning Lomas pinned Ant-Man with his huge Exploder Suplex. This was a treat, although they can do even bigger versions of this match, especially as the teams get over. 42. SEGMENT 3: We head backstage in a lavish looking locker room, as Intrepid Ian Identity is sitting with his newly won Canadian Title draped on his shoulder, wearing a suit and with a glass of champagne in his hand. The content of his promo is about the Champion's purse and how he couldn't leave anything to chance at Elimination because he needed the access to the new, championship-winning lavish life he is about to lead. This was a bit basic, but it got the job done as far as making the crowd hate him. However, the extremely impressive work of the previous segments we got makes me want to rate this lower, and it gets a 43. MATCH 3: The next match was Blockbuster vs Skip Beau, a match advertised as a wild brawl between the beefiest of the beefy in the company, but unfortunately the two didn't click at all. It was very sloppy, their hits either missed or were too stiff in a non-good way, and Blockbuster almost got gassed despite the match only being 6 minutes long. Mercifully, Prometheus did an interference spot where he clubbed Skip while the ref was busy checking on Blockbuster's eye, then Blockbuster hit a Buster Bomb to end this match. It was fun to watch them stiff each other so this gets a very lenient 32. SEGMENT 4: Post-Match, the two heels continued assaulting Skip Beau and hitting tandem big-man offense and Brett Fraser came out for the save, looking incredible while hitting forearms on the two and getting them out of the ring. This was fun but it still has the bitter taste of the match before and gets a 42. MATCH 4: The #1 Contender's match for the Canadian Title, this was mostly a chance to showcase Donte Dunn and Dapper Danny Draper, as we already know who's feuding with Intrepid Ian Identity. Nevertheless, Danny continues to improve with every match and he's only 19, and Donte has good offense despite the fact the crowd keeps not caring about him. They got 11 minutes and Donte pinned him with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Short and sweet. 44 MATCH 5: The Best of 3 Series between the Montreal Mafia and Zeus and Stevie has been a highlight of the show this past month, and it ends here in a two out of three falls match that was really fun and a slightly better version of the last two matches. Zeus and Stevie took the lead and we got to watch the Mafia work as underdogs which was really fun, a role they excel in and they didn't get to showcase it enough working as heels. They leveld the playing field with a Double Decker and we got a very chaotic, almost Lucha-like final fall where both teams hit tandem offense and got double nearfalls, the match kind of defaulting into a Tornado Tag as both wanted to get the victory desperately. In the end, Dermott Ayres got Zeus Maximillion in a Montreal Crab and the tanned GrecoCanadian had to tap out. 48. SEGMENT 5: After the match both teams showed respect for each other and shaked hands, completing the Montreal Mafia's face turn. The show definitely needs more faces, so this is only positive in my book. However, one can't help but notice the crowd did not care for this segment at all, and thus it only gets a 24. MAIN EVENT: Gargantuan vs Joey Poison could headline a PPV, and thus it's good that they didn't give away a PPV level match but merely a TV level match here. The action was good however, and surprisingly it wasn't Gargantuan wrecking Joey but fairly even. At the end of the day though, Gargantuan did get his control segment in, and it looked like he would secure the win and the title match, when Whippy The Clown interfered to distract him and allow Joey Poison to roll the monster up and get the #1 contendership! A pleasant surprise to get a face vs face match that isn't DeColt vs DeColt for the first time in all 26 years of the promotion, and protecting Gargantuan who is a big draw in the process. A 50 from me. All in all, this felt like the most important TV show they've run in a while, the filler was very little, the stuff that didn't land had actual intent behind it instead of just being a filler match to get someone over, and the promos were especially highly regarded. A big improvement and big rise in grade from me, as this week's show will get a 55. By the way, this increase in quality didn't really get matched by an increase in viewership. 317 people in attendance and merely 11,535 people watching on Channel Six. And moving on to the news portion...
  24. Aftermath from Elimination! Contender match and more! 3rd Sunday of January 2018, CGC Presents Title Bout Wrestling LIVE from Edmonton! An exciting edition of Title Bout Wrestling is in store for all of you, as we enter the run towards Luck Of The Draw: Donte Dunn faces off against Dapper Danny Draper with the winner facing Intrepid Ian Identity for the Canadian title. Montreal Mafia and Zeus & Stevie complete their exciting series in what will be a 2 out of 3 falls tag team match. Blockbuster and Skip Beau collide in a battle of Titans. We hear from Intrepid Ian Identity after his shocking actions at Elimination. And there's rumors of yet another exciting debut boosting Canada's most exciting division! Don't miss out, live on Channel Six! Match Card For Predictions: #1 Contender's Match for the World title Gargantuan vs Joey Poison Best Of Three Series Decider Montreal Mafia vs Zeus and Stevie Blockbuster vs Skip Beau #1 Contender's Match for the Canadian title Donte Dunn vs Dapper Danny Draper Curtis Mobstar vs Alan Parent The Gopher & The Ant vs ??? and ????
  25. Extremely promising start! I have debated trying to evolve PSW in a save before but that very staleness pushed me away, honestly with the right talent pipeline and the degree in which the AI makes money in that company usually you can make the big 3 a (otherwise very overmatched for you) big 4 in not too long.
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