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Posts posted by Blessed



    Mina Nakamura (left), Yumi Tanaka (middle), Aya Suzuki (Right)

    Now obviously everybody has heard of the international sensation that is J-Pop band SUGARCRASH! The trio lit up the charts with hits such as Glitter Glow and Twinkle Breeze. Their family friendly, dance move laden songs were instant hits and made the group huge stars over night. But the Idol life isn't for everybody. 


    The group teased for a few days that they had a very special announcement coming, but nobody could've seen what was coming. The lead singer of the group Mina Nakamura announced that it had been their dreams to pursue wrestling and that they had been training for a long time in preparation. But what followed was a montage nobody was ready for.


    The three released a training compilation that revealed they definitely weren't going for the traditional Japanese style. The video began with Tanaka hitting an unnamed wrestler over the head with a light tube, before Aya Suzuki hit Candy Crush - a move we were shocked to learn was a top rope DDT onto thumbtacks. From there the violence was non-stop, if Deathmatch Kawaii wasn't already a style then it definitely is now.


    It is unknown where exactly the group are going to go in wrestling, but three violence loving Idols will certainly bring eyes wherever they end up. 


    The video ended with Nakamura proudly explaining "Make sure you watch, someone might die." Before clapping her hands excitedly. 

    • Like 3
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  2. 7 hours ago, SammyT93 said:

    If you are doing plenty more from America would you consider a few more Native American girls? I like the look of Kaya Ama and would love to have enough to build a stable.

    I will consider it once I'm done with my list, I'm not from the US and know very little of Native American cultures and often I draw inspiration from stuff I know about be it history, culture, sport or music. Kaya was a fun character though, I'll see if I can make any others!

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

    Super happy at the thought of 2.0

    If I was to make some suggestions in case you haven't decided on who to create as of yet. I would say Western Europe, British Isles, Oceania, India and Mexico are the best places for extra female workers.  Most of the expansions have added a fair few Joshi, US and Canadian and GHA has filled out Eastern Europe massively with his Women & Central Asia one. The other 5 regions are a bit more sparse.  

    With Oceania - ZEN likes Comedy flavoured workers and people playing there would probably welcome people who fit that mode. ZEN seems to be one of the most popular companies to play with it's more colourful style. People with good looks, acting and mic skills could be set as Managers and On Screen and RAW might pick them up.  Theres also not many Maori, Aboriginal or Islanders in game (Fijian, Tongan, Samoan, New Caledonia etc)

    India's company snatches up Historian's 5 female workers straight away so any you create will almost certainly get work in game.

    Italy, France & Iberia dont have a lot of options.  Martel's FWP has a few but they are future workers.  There isn't really companies there right now but some expansions do add those and 2 or 3 from that area might find work especially if they are made available for the British Isles too.

    With the Isles and Mexico people do play in those regions a lot and the choices for Women there are a bit limited.  Mexico always feels odd to me with it's relative sparse amount of Luchadoras (as well as the seemingly inexplicable lack of Exoticos and Mini's of the most popular Luchadors). The fact there is 1 Masked Female wrestler in the default pics sort of sums it up.  Both The Isles and Mexico are set up to make it a bit hard to push Womens wrestling as the options are small right now.   So there is a good chance people who wanted to do women's wrestling in those regions would appreciate any new workers. 

    Appreciate the feedback as always Alpha. I will be honest, I've never really gotten into the European or UK scene in the Cverse, so haven't felt a great deal of inspiration to create workers for there. On the last pack, I created the Krakow Hit Squad as my first three creations then did basically nothing else. I have a fun idea for a French character, that will most likely make it in but I'm not sure how much they are going to get past that.


    I'd expect plenty more from Japan and America, just because those are the areas I play. Will try to add some more masked Luchadoras, though I find the characters a bit more challenging to put together. 


    As for Oceania and ZEN specifically, I think that's a good idea. It's not a promotion I'm very familiar with but I think once I get through my planned list I may have a look at it and see if I can't come up with some characters that would fit the style.

    • Like 1
  4. Was going to edit the title but decided against it as I'm in the VERY early stages, but over the last few days I've started planning out pack 2. I originally wanted to add some promotions but decided against it, at least for this pack. Maybe in the future. 


    Let's tease a wrestler shall we?




    "The Firestorm" Jade Carter


    Growing up, a pre-firestorm Jade Carter had one main ambition in life. Hollywood. She wanted to be the female equivalent of the 1980s movie stars that her dad constantly idolised. The quick witted, unbeatable hero that brings down an international crime syndicate, saving the white house while smoking cigars and firing a machine gun that seemingly never has to reload. Well that was a dream that Jade accomplished in 2017 with the release of "MaSHEen Gun." The Movie was very poorly received by critics, who felt that Carter was about 40 years late with this performance. 


    But the reaction of movie goers was surprisingly much more positive, who felt Carter was just what Hollywood was missing. Unfortunately Hollywood didn't really agree as apparently Jade on and off screen isn't much different. So where do you go if you're a tall, athletic, good looking actor with an ego? Pro-wrestling of course. Just don't expect her to be willing to do any jobs. 


    Moving past her bad attitude, Carter has a big social media following that will make her appealing and in the right promotion her hyper-patriotism could be an easy way to print money. 

    • Like 4
  5. On 9/12/2024 at 11:37 AM, Scarlet-Left said:

    A bit of a wild comment to make but I've been perusing the forums (after an absence during which I literally missed the entire announcement and release of the game), and getting more and more tempted but this was what tipped me over the edge and convinced me to buy TEW IX.

    The Jumping Bomb Angels are my favourite tag team of all time, and these girls remind me a lot of them. I look forward to pushing them to the moon.

    this comment really made me happy. This was my first ever attempt at a mod, I found it hard but also rewarding. I'm really glad to know it had an impact for others. Thanks for letting me know! 

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, knkmaster69 said:

    maybe this isn't the right place to ask but I'm not sure how to import the workers into the database, is there a place I can go to see how I'd do that/could anyone here tell me how to actually get these workers into my database?

    1) Moves

    2) Movesets

    3) Workers

    4) Graduations

    5) Worker Relationships

    6) Tag Teams


    1 hour ago, MikeSc said:

    You mind if I use your pics to update my 150+ women characters I added to the database?  Not good with graphics, so was using only the in-game stuff.

    I'm not fully sure I understand, but I'm going to say no if you're planning on uploading. I created the renders with those specific characters in mind, don't want them going to other characters. Obviously if it's for private use, knock yourself out. 

    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

    I'm doing a diary 


    Are all gainfully employed by me down in Tijuana but someone else became a star


    Admittedly I had to put some paint on her and change her name to do it


    Dama de las Pesadillas (Lady of Nightmares).  I had underestimated her because she's built to be dull like her Mum but for an insignificant fed like mine she's been golden putting on bangers regularly. 


    Hera got picked up by 5SSW in May.


    I used her as a jobber on a show and she did pretty well but my roster is overstuffed as it is.

    Thanks for bringing some fun to my game.  


    This is excellent, thanks for the kind words. Your feedback has been instrumental throughout. Will definitely be checking out your diary when I get the chance!

    • Like 1
  8. On 9/3/2024 at 7:23 PM, Altgov said:

    Hello, I'm pretty sure it's just an error but I don't know if it was mentioned or corrected before but Reina is not supposed to be jamaican, right ? Because in my game, she was by default.

    that is definitely a mistake lmao. Will fix it when I get another update out. 


    I've been in the process of moving, so not been active on the forum, but hope people are enjoying!

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Theheel said:

    Really like how you started this with the Who Killed AAA story

    When I was watching that vice doc on who killed WCW, I thought that'd be a fun way to start a diary and it seemed a good fit. Glad you enjoyed. 


    And thanks to everyone for predicting, especially because there are a lot of new characters. I'll give it a couple of days then the first show will go up!

  10. 6 hours ago, Crychon said:

    Is it intended that Rina & Yumi Hatoyama have no familial relationship and a Strong Dislike? It doesn't seem so from their bios.

    I'm guessing you meant to mark Siblings in the Family Relationship and tabbed an extra time?

    Edited to add:  I also think Chloe's a bit off.  It shows her as 5'8" and 234 pounds with a skinny body type.

    Thanks for the feedback, yeah tabbed once too many. 


    As for the weight, if you see any others at 234 it means I've forgotten to change them. 


    The Hatoyama's was a glaring issue, so I've fixed it. Update 1.2 now available

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks for all the feedback on this, glad to see people on board. Now the mod is out of the way, full steam ahead!



    In the sort of Carny move that would make the oldest and most cunning of promoters smile, 21 year old Sara Stardust showed a lot of guile to use a documentary to promote the launch of her brand new promotion out of the ashes of AAA. 

    After the documentary aired, the third generation Stardust took to social media to unveil the match card for ARW Volume 1: From the Ashes

    The first card very much incapsulates what the young Stardust wants the promotion to be. A main event featuring two AAA alumni in Devil’s Daughter and Katherine Goodlooks. The show is also full of talented multi-sport athletes including the controversial “Ruthless” Riley Quinn and Trinity Douglas. There is also international stars including Catalina Vazquez , Luz Estrella and a mother daughter tag team in the form of Concepcion & Valeria Gomez.


    ARW Volume 1: From the Ashes - Predictions


    Devil’s Daughter vs Katherine Goodlooks

    Christy Higgins vs “Ruthless” Riley Quinn

    Mellow Flashhart vs Catalina Vazquez  

    Lila Storm vs Isabelle Laurent

    Suzanne Brazzle vs Trinity Douglas

    Luz Estrella vs Lauryn Carter

    Concepcion & Valeria Gomez vs Local Talents


    • Like 2
  12. Huge thanks to everyone for the feedback, I'm glad to hear people are enjoying the mod. I will get an updated one out. 


    Everybody should have a moveset so those that don't is definitely an oversight, I also wasn't even aware they could be modified further 😅


    Sex appeal isn't really something I looked at or put much thought into, I'll be honest. I'll fix the ones that have been pointed out. 

    Thanks again and let me know if you spot anything else!

    • Like 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

    Firstly thank you very much

    Now for the issues - Only 1 of which is major


    Mika Satomi - Worst Worker in the world - all stats 0, Cant speak Japanese based in Japan only active in USA.  Easy enough to miss one worker when you have to do so much.


     Devils Granddaughter has a Sex Appeal of 60 ... you are a Liar!  Unless they have changed it and the max Sex Appeal is now 60 that number seems way too low for this pic. 


    Hera is ... White ... I mean she looks Asian but maybe it's the make-up or just the AI referencing J-Horror.  What I do have an issue with is the Sex appeal 7 .... really .... the girl in that pic is hideous ... really?  Thats one Sexy Corpse Bride.  One of the great issues with AI and Women is they do tend to get prettied up no matter what you instruct them to do.  In this case you obviously meant for her to be scary but what you got was scary sexy. The pic just doesn't match the data.




    Oh that Mika Satomi one is annoying as she's supposed to be an elite tier wrestler. Will definitely fix that. As for Hera, yeah I went back and forth because I could not make a render I like, so that is a result of about 5 different character bios and like 20 renders 😂


    Will fix those and get an update out later, many thanks for the feedback!

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