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Posts posted by MrOnu

  1. Am I the only one who had this weird idea about the draft where you could see the WWE switching the same wrestler every frickin' time a "random" pick is made ? It would have been an hilarious, and Russorific, idea to mess with people. Title pictures looks a bit wacky with both world belts possibly on RAW and both midcard belts on SD. It opens up a lot of storyline possibilities though, so I am curious to see what they will do about it.


    My interest in Dolph Ziggler has unfortunately dropped a lot. Could he look even more generic than monday night ? Way to kill his different look !

  2. Good thing Michael Cole told us Dolph has a new attitude, 'cause I didn't see anything different in his ring work. I'm not sold on his new look, it will take some time to not come off as generic as it first looked.


    I really like Shaemus for all the small things he does to show that he cares and he's actually telling a story. Like kicking the Cobra off the hand of Santinello. That's paying attention to smaller details for a better overall picture.

  3. And there's go my very slim hope of a heel turn from Cena by attacking the Rock at Wrestlemania... I knew it was not going to happen, but at least, they could have let me dreamin' about it. Now, they ruined that with the RAW closing segment. At least, it didn't end up like I thought : A-Ri getting his ass whooped once again while Miz runs away.


    I have to agree with Juggalo. 4 to 6 weeks ago, Wrestlemania looked very bland and uninteresting, but oh boy things have changed ! They even got me interested in Taker which hadn't happen in many years (sorry, not a fan of HBK).

  4. The Corre needs a better entrance song.


    Actually, I wish they'd go back to using in house songs for entrance music. These crappy wannabe commercial rock songs are so aggravating and all sound the same.


    Well, to attract casual mainstream fans, you have to prentend you're into mainstream stuff too. Using music from popular bands helps that, just like bringing in Snooki. It's not always a hit though, they had and will have some misses.

  5. Finnaly watched RAW and I'm still impressed by the fact The Miz was booked strong for once ! That made up for the lame verbal exchange he had earlier with Cena. Fake doctor notes to make unfunny jokes? Really ?


    Maybe I was in bad mood, 'cause I didn't feel that Rock promo's either. I'm still wondering what was his point... At least, HHH promo was a good buildup for his match and the HBK video was very well done.

  6. I personally wish we could get some more build up and do the HHH vs Taker Next year. We already have two potentionaly good match ups between Sheamus vs HHH and Taker vs Barrett


    With a Taker vs HHH match up, where the hell does this leave Barrett or even Sheamus. These two guys can potentionally give these realtive newbies a WM rub and put on an excellent match with them.


    Barrett could be thrown in a multi-man tag match pitting Nexus againt Corre. Something along the lines of Barret/Slater/Gabriel/Jackson vs Otunga/Ryan/McGuillicuty/Harris that would still keep Punk in match against Orton (even thought I think they might go fatal four way with Miz and Cena).


    As Sheamus, well, it's not like his stock is very high at the moment. He's probably going to end up in a multi-man filler match somewhere in the undercard. There's always one match thrown together just to get a PPV bonus to more wrestlers.

  7. X-Pac heat might be a stretched out concept, but I think in general, there are a few workers out there that are/were stuck in such bad characters that a small portion of the audience switch channel automaticaly. LayCool does that to me. Their gimmick is beyond irritating for me and can't watch their skits. For some, it's a sign they are generating a good amout of heel heat; for others, this kind of character crosses an invisible line where the good becomes bad.


    Wrestlemania looks a bit weak on paper so far, but it reflects the current state of the company. They are severely thin in star power as not enough new stars were created in the last years. They don't have to be Cena's level of popularity, but they need at least a few shooting stars (aka stars that draw a lot even if they don't last long). I also think the WWE painted themselves in a corner by trying to out themselves with every Wrestlemania, but that's another story.

  8. Not fond of CM Punk taking over Nexus. I mean, I like Punk, but I've always felt putting an established star into Nexus would defeat the whole purpose of the group. It changes Nexus from a unique faction born of circumstance, to just-another-stable. It might end up being good, a continuation of the Straight Edge Society, but it's not special to me.


    I think Nexus stopped being different months ago when they put away any kind of motivations behind their actions. At first, they had something against the current powers in place then it moved to being only a groupe of young heels going against the top face for no special reason.

  9. After reading comments here, I'm thinking of watching the replay of this show. That would be my first ever RoH show, maybe not the better introduction I could get I guess, but I've become interested in the Steen vs Generico feud after the came in my hometown for a totally unrelated wrestling event and reading about them. Steen is from three area, he's here every month for a local show and he's really impressive (and a nice guy too!). I think our local promotion also uses Steen contacts to get top American independant wrestlers to come over once in a while. I've had the pleasure of seing Corino, Cabana and Davey Richards recently in our very own bingo hall.


    If I had to pick any other event as an introduction to RoH, what would you recommand ?

  10. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the show. I didn't watch because I didn't find the card interesting enough and I usually have pretty low standards for an internet wrestling fan. Too much gimmick matchs in one night for my tastes and not enough hopes for a turning point in the storylines.


    And now the big question is : will John Morrison drop the ball ? With a very minor question : what's left to do with Nexus now that Cena destroyed them ?

  11. Survivor Series was average, but my opinion might be biased, there's so many things in the card I just didn't care about to begin with. On the other hand, the PPV was supposed to be all about the main event and it lived up to that expectations.


    Bryan/Dibiase : You know what struck me watching this ? Maryse and Ted are not even remontely close to being a couple or even just a unit. They look so distant most of the time, they are not believable on this aspect and it really drags the angle down. It's not really what Ted needed to come out of his shell. Match was good for an opener, poor Ted looks to be stuck in midcard limbo for a long time if he doesn't find his persona quickly.


    The more I hear Michael Cole with anyone but Lawler, the more I think Lawler is the problem. He doesn't know how to respond to Cole unlike Striker or Matthews. Sometimes it just feels like Lawler doesn't even care anymore.


    Poor Shaemus. From being World champion to losing clean to John Morrison. Good match though. Good match between Ziggler and Kaval, would have stole the show given the same amount of time Ziggler got with Bryan last month. Survivor match was an okay filler with everyone doing their part (bonus points for DASHING Cody Rhodes in this one). I absolutely dislike Rey Mysterio, it pains me to see him win everytime, but I'll admit the match filled its purpose.


    At this point, I honestly stopped watching for some time. I didn't pay money for this, but my time is still more valuable than a diva match or any Kane match for that matter. Of course I came back for Santino. That guy is pure comedy gold and I wouldn't miss a second of his antics.


    The main event was what I expected. Wade Barrett has very generic and rather limited offense, he's not ready to main event even less carry the promotion, so I expected a lot of restholds, punches and kicks, which is what we got. Match was a bit too long though as it really exposed the weakness in Barrett. Logically speaking, both endings (free or fired) were possibles. You could create really good scenarios with both and I was curious to see which one the WWE would take. The finish was a tad unoriginal, but I think overall they played well the emotional aspect of this. Would have been better with a crowd not dead, but that's another story. Cena stayed true to his persona with tends to indicate that he will be a face upon his return... and that's when the twist could happen. If he comes back exactly as he was, I agree, all this story was a waste of time. Something has to change, but he doesn't even have to turn heel, he just needs a new side in his persona.

  12. There are severall possibilities for the Cena/Nexus angle. Right wow, with Cena and Otunga as tag champs, they could use the freebird rule just to piss Cena off or they could use it to fuel a rebellion from the inside with Otunga based on the hints we had in the last few weeks. They played the clarity of the orders card last night, so now they still can make Cena bend the rules to a maximum and eventually force to do heel things. We all know it's going to end as the self-destruction of the group, it's just a matter of how and when... and if Cena fully turns heel in the process.


    Having said this, I think they had the wrong main event last night. Orton/Barrett was a pain to watch and the crowd mostly sat on their hands. The Elimination match would have been a better choice as it's always better to end the night on high note of celebration. Sidenote : we all know Danielson can go, but I was really impress by the wrestling level Ziggler can showcase.

  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Celt" data-cite="The Celt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Kane upsets the 411mania roundtable (although not your's truly) by retain against UT via Paul Bearer turning and giving Kane the almighty power of a lighted urn! I suspect this could go all the way to Wrestlemania now.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Please no. Just no. I'm with the Dallas crowd on this one : don't care about this feud. In fact, I actually turned off the feed after the diva bout. Yes, that does mean that I somewhat watched this one and not the main event. That's pretty sad, but I understand I'm in the minority on this one.</p>
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