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Bad Collin

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Everything posted by Bad Collin

  1. Thanks. This is going to be a zero loyalty RTG, the first chance he gets George is leaping across the pond. I've never been able to get a job with one of the big three so i'll probably end up building up a regional promotion but you never know...
  2. Here is "Glorious" George Green If you're wondering about the debt i'm already a month in. I started a dynasty too, hopefully I can keep up: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=547337
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="defizzle" data-cite="defizzle" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Meet Ryan Shaw<p> </p><p> He will take the book of 3 Lion Wrestling, with Jackie Goldstein as owner.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's my company name too! Great minds think alike.</p>
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jon The GOAT" data-cite="Jon The GOAT" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This may be dumb but could it be your events are set as weekly so fans see it as less important? Not sure.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It was that. My Annual event has an expected attendance of 46. I'm going to stick with it, finding a workaround seems too gamey.</p>
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blake Trask" data-cite="Blake Trask" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What is the industry like?<p> </p><p> I've not started RTGing yet but I do have a 0/0/0/0 going and I have been getting 40-60 fans with 0 pop.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's in the 80s!</p><p> </p><p> I was getting 40-50 in my demo runs too</p>
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="awesomenessofme1" data-cite="awesomenessofme1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Considering you aren't going to be making any money on ticket sales early on, it's probably worth it to give tickets away for free. The popularity gain difference is noticeable.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's very good idea. I switched to free and my expected attendance for the next show jumped from 14 to 24.</p>
  7. How is everyone's attendances? So far i've had 7, 12 and 13! Does 0 momentum have more of an effect this year?
  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Justin" data-cite="Justin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm setting up my RtG, and I'm wondering what parameters make for a "cheap owner" that I can assign to the starting fed.<p> </p><p> Any help?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like to use a cheap but talented worker. That way you can push yourself and the owner as top stars and not worry about poaching from bigger promotions.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaded" data-cite="Jaded" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>BC, just wanted to say a big thanks for all your work getting the rule set sorted out for this!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> My pleasure my man. RTG is always my favourite way to play TEW and I enjoyed testing out the new systems.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dogking" data-cite="Dogking" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I hired six workers for monthly events in my backyard promotions. I am still losing around 6 hundred dollars a month and probably wont survive the first year.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You won't go bust in the first 18 months. If you run weekly shows you will easily become profitable before this time.</p>
  9. Finances were never usually an issue for this challenge. Whenever I failed it was because my character hit a low skill or pop cap. Plus, we only had four people complete the challenge on the last game so a few more this time would be good.
  10. RTG Hall of Fame: 2016 Hall of Fame: Samayel (Soxfan93) Samayel and Pablo Rodriguez beat Tommy Cornell and Soul Taker OLLIE Lucha Libre - Sunday Wk 3 2003 (16 years) David Arnold (CRDaredevil05) David Arnold beat Aaron Stevens Iowa Pro Wrestling - Hostile Intent 2022 - Sunday Wk 3 November 2022 (5 years 11 months) Arutha Hawke (Bad Collin) Angry Gilmore and Luis Figo Manico beat Arutha Hawke and Walter Morgan National Wrestling Federation Britwar - Thursday Wk 2 2002 (5 years 7 months) Calvin King (Chisoku) Canadian Destroyers (Calvin King and Tayler Morton) beat Team Dynasty (Shuji Inukai and Yoshimi Mushashibo) Nokori Professional Wrestling - Nokori Grand Prix: day 1 - Monday Wk 1 June 2002 (5 years 6 months) 2020 Hall of Fame: Calvin King (Chisoku) Calvin King defeated Jay Chord Pro Wrestling Eternal - PWE Unscripted - Sunday, Week 4, April 2026 (5 years, 4 months) Raymond Mathers (Evilman) CV22 Mod Tsubouchi & Furusawa defeated Notorious and Booths Matter Big Smack Wrestling - BSW Clash 76 - Monday, Week 2, July 2027 (5 years, 7 months) Revel (Evilman) CV97 Mod Tommy Cornell defeated Revel FUSION - The Last Dance 2005 - Sunday, Week 4, December 2006 (9 Years) Chloe Chaos (Bad Collin) Chloe Chaos defeated Shiori Jippensha Valkrie Pro Wrestling - Winter Warfare 2029 - Saturday, Week 4, December 2029 (10 Years) Aaron Phoenix (Aidenw723) CV97 Mod Aaron Phoenix defeated Yosuke Narita Supreme Wrestling Federation - Supreme Challenge 21 - Thursday, Week 2, July 2002 (5 Years, 7 Months) 'Superperm' Kevin Burn (Bad Collin) CV77 Mod Rocket Burn (Kevin Burn and Ryusei Kanai) drew with Wild Men (Robbie Gordon and Major Havoc) QUEST Heritage Wrestling - Quest Calling XXIX - Saturday, Week 2, May 1983 (6 years, 5 months)
  11. FAQ's and Rule Clarifications: What is the best way to start? Sponsorship money is your best source of income early on so your best bet is to run one or two shows a month and set your ticket prices to free or very cheap. Before long you will be bringing in enough sponorship money to make profit each month and this should enable you to pay off the early debt before you go bankrupt. "Why is the new roll list so OP? I want to use the old list!" Calm down, the old list is below if you want to use it: 1. "Friends with Benefits" You gain one Working Agreement (you may try a different company if you are rejected) OR you can join an existing Alliance (assuming they let you in) OR you may invite another company to join your alliance (you may try a different company if you are rejected). 2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you) 3. "Trusted Companion" You gain the Loyalty of one of your roster (random roll from the list of your current roster). 4. "Chance Encounter" While on holiday abroad you have befriended a wrestler and offered them a job (choose a wrestler in another regional area who is unemployed, make them active in your area and create a Strong Friendship between you and them) 5. "Lean On Me" Gain Strong Friendship with random wrestler in your promotion. Any addictions from your character's and your new friend’s attributes are set to Former. 6. "Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligible. 7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… (use your own discretion if you need to work out if they are the parent of any children you may have. IF you are separated you may choose to start dating someone else, or start over again with them) 8. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Prestige 9. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter 10. "Paging Dr Zahorian" Your owner thinks the roster looks a bit small. Hire a 'dirty doctor' using the backstage rules menu 11. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add the Drinker attribute. 12. "Like A Chimney" Add "Smoker" to your characters addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Smoker" or "Former Smoker" if previously a Heavy Smoker. 13. “P-A-R-T-why? Cos I Gotta!” Add "Soft Drug User" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Soft Drug User" or "Former Soft Drug User" if previously a Heavy Soft Drug User. 14. “UHHHHHHH, WHAT A RUSHHHHHHHH” Add "Hard Drug User" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Hard Drug User" or "Former Hard Drug User" if previously a Heavy Hard Drug User. 15. "Painkillers are mankind's way of saying 'just watch me'" Add "Pain Killer Abuser" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Pain Killer Abuser" or "Former Pain Killer Abuser" if previously a Heavy Pain Killer Abuser. 16. "I told [WWE] to have Triple H pick me up in a limo, then we could go test together. They never asked again" Add "Steroid User" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Steroid User" or "Former Steroid User" if previously a Heavy Steroid User. 17. “I Fought The Law And The Law Won”* Add "Chequered Past" to your character's personality. If you have this already upgrade to "Often in Trouble" and if needed, "Most Wanted" 18. "Genetically Challenged" Sometimes people ARE just big boned or just can't keep the weight on - you're one of them. Randomly roll and add either the ‘Fat Genes’ or ‘Skinny Genes’ attribute to your character 19. "'Tis but a scratch" Those bumps and injuries are really starting to add up, add either Troublesome Neck, Back, Shoulder or Knee to your character 20. "My Only Addiction is Wrestling" Add "Straight Edge" to your character's addictions. Change any current addictions to Former. Future rolls that roll addictions will be lost (and unable to be rerolled) 21. “Nose To The Grindstone” You have devoted yourself to training in the ring +5 any Primary skill of your choice 22. "Fists and Feet of Fury" Heavy bag, speed bag, heavy bag, speed bag…you’ve been working hard, +5 to your Brawling, Puroresu or Hardcore skill 23. "The Man of 1004 holds!" You got stretched by a technical master, +5 to your Technical skill 24. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +5 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill 25. “Innovator of Violence” You’ve invented a new move and it’s the talk of the industry, add “Hot New Move” to your attributes 26. “If you smeeeeeeeeeeelll!!” That new catchphrase of yours has really caught on, you heard someone in the street say it! Add “Hot New Catchphrase” to your attributes 27. “RTGdow” Everyone is in the industry is talking about your recent performances, add “Flavour of the Month” to your attributes 28. “I lost my smile” You are going through a tough time, add “Personal Issues” to your attributes 29. “The RTG Movement” The fans love you, Yes! Yes! Yes!, add “Groundswell of support” to your attributes 30. “Golden boy” You can’t put a foot wrong in the ring at the moment, add “Midas Touch” to your attributes 31. “Hit The Bricks” You live in the gym. +10 to spend on physical skills. (Athleticism, Toughness, Stamina, Power) 32. "Chance to Train" You have been offered the chance to train with a Wrestling Legend. Gain +20 points to spend on any Fundamental skill. (Basics, Selling, Consistency, Safety & Psychology) 33. “A Bumpy Ride” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Basics skill 34. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Psychology skill 35. “You Can Dance If You Wanna” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Safety skill 36. “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill 37. “Snow To An Eskimo” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Selling skill 38. “Casting Call" You have been cast in a small TV show, next stop Hollywood! +5 points to spend across Charisma and Acting. Also add TV Actor to Misc for your character. If previously your character had "TV Actor" add "Movie Star" 39. "The Real Rock n' Rolla" You've filled in for a band member one night, who now wants to you tour with them as a result. +5 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone. Also add Musician to Misc for your character. If rolled 3 times upgrade to Famous Musician 40. "As Real As It Gets" The World of Professional Fighting called you out and you delivered. Add +5 between Toughness and Menace. Add either MMA Fighter, Boxer or Pro Martial Artist to your character 41. "Runaway Runway" Can't always be easy being a wrestler, at least you've got your modelling career to fall back on. +5 points to spend between Sex Appeal and Star Quality. Add Modelling Experience to your character 42. “They Love Me… They Hate Me…" You have gotten better at making the fans cheer for you or boo you. Can increase either your Babyface or Heel Performance by one stage (Base -> Better -> Amazing etc.) 43. "This here's what you call Domination" You've discovered a new found ability to Dominate, add "Plays Dominant Well" and “Squash Master” to your attributes 44. “Super Awesome Wrestling-A-Go-Go: Electric Boogaloo” You are suddenly hilarious, add "Plays Comedy Well" and “Comedy worker” to your attributes 45. “It’s Not Arrogance If You Can Back It Up” You've now got a bit of swagger in your step, add "Plays Swagger Well" and “Selfish Performer” to your attributes 46. "Living the Gimmick" You are now comfortable playing a role and you know it takes time to build a story, add "Plays Gimmicky/Cartoonish Well" and “Slow and Steady” to your attributes 47. "Fight Anyone" You never back down, add "Plays Badass Well" and “Dynamo” to your attributes 48. “Train, Fight, Hurt People, Repeat” Everything you do looks like it hurts, add "Plays Legitimate Well" and “Explosive ring style” to your attributes 49. "It's not the size of the dog, it's the size of the fight" You now like fighting from underneath, add "Plays Weasely/Underdog Well" and “Giving Performer” to your attributes 50. "Grounded in Reality" You've discovered a new found ability to play Realistic gimmicks and prefer to have back up, add "Plays Realistic Well" and “Tag Team Specialist” to your attributes 51. "He's got the whole world in his hands" You've discovered a new found ability to play Mysterious/Occult gimmicks, add "Plays Mysterious/Occult Well" and “High pain threshold” to your attributes 52. "Marching to their own beat" You are now a few sandwiches short of a picnic, add "Plays Offbeat/Unstable Well" and “Scatter-brained” to their attribute 53. "Step Into The Light" You get your 15 minutes of fame. +5 Pop across entire base country 54. "Internet Sensation" One of your wrestlers (random roll from the list) has become an internet video hit due to a pirate recording of his last match. +2 pop for your company in every area that you already have popularity in and +10 pop for the wrestler in all areas
  12. THE ROAD TO GLORY CHALLENGE ------ Your goal is to actively rise through the ranks of the wrestling business and star in a Big, Large or Titanic promotion's PPV main event with an 100 rating. You begin as an 18 year old custom made wrestler as the Head Booker of a local created 0/0/0/1000 backyard fed. Throughout the challenge you must always be the booker not the owner as following owner goals is a key part of this challenge. ------- CHARACTER STATS Age: 18 (If playing the default Cornellverse your birthday should fall between January 2001 and December 2001) Reputation: Lowest Potential: Excellent in all categories or random if you wish. You can allocate your skills one of two ways: 1. Allocate 750 skill points Skills: Your character starts with Resilience 100, Reputation 50, Experience 0 and Respect 0. You have 750 Points to spend on other skills. (No skill may exceed 75 to begin with) 2. Use the Quick Skill Creation tool Use the following settings: Top Row Left - Set to 'trainee' Top Row Middle - Pick from Brawler, Technician, High Flier, Spot Monkey or Hardcore Brawler Top Row Right - Set to 'Whose skills are average' Bottom Row Left - Set to 'of average athleticism' Bottom Row Middle - Set to 'Somewhat entertaining' Bottom Row Right - Set to 'Who looks like a star' Then click 'create'. Just should just click this once, if you are unhappy with your stats after the first click then you can create your character using method 1. Then make the following changes: - No skill should be higher than 75 (except resilience). If any stat is above 75 then change it to 75 - Set Resilience to 100 - Set Reputation to 50 - Set Respect to 0 - Experience should be 0 - Move points between Sex Appeal and Menace if you wish ------ ATTRIBUTES Attributes will be added via mystery boxes as the game progresses. You can add up to three gimmick performance attributes (e.g. plays dominant well) as long as they are balanced out by adding the same number of negative gimmick performance attributes (e.g. Can't play comedy) ------- POPULARITY Set to 0 everywhere, you are starting from the bottom here. ------ STARTING PROMOTION You start with a 0/0/0/1000 Promotion. That means it has 0 Popularity, 0 Momentum, 0 Prestige and $1000 in the bank. Edit the promotion into the database before you begin the game, it is recommended that you select an owner who will be cheap and put him on a PPA deal. Choose whatever product you want for your promotion ------ CHANGING PROMOTIONS When you are ready to move on from your starting company you can take a booking job in a promotion 1 level larger than your current employer (or your previous if you are currently unemployed). For the purposes of this challenge Big, Large and Titanic count as the same level. If you drive your promotion bankrupt then you may only accept your next position with a company of the same size or lower than they were when they closed. You may not create Company Pacts unless the AI initiates them OR you get an End Of Year roll specifying that you may do so. ------ USER PREFERENCES Everything that affects gameplay should be left as default, making the game that little bit harder. You can change cosmetic preferences such as 'Enable coloured text' and 'Enable drag and drop booking' but not anything that affects gameplay such as 'Booking times', 'Momentum' and 'Repetitive booking penalty'. If you wish you can activate the pre-booking requirements and bonuses. ------ ACHIEVEMENTS New to RTG in 2020 are achievements. Previously you would get a mystery box roll at the end of every year, now you can roll when you first achieve the following: Match Grades First Step - Earn a Match Grade of 50 or More With Your Wrestler Taking the Next Step - Earn a Match Grade of 75 or More With Your Wrestler Becoming Elite - Earn a Match Grade of 90 or More With Your Wrestler Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler Event Grades Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50 A True Alternative - Produce an Event Card of 75 Hottest Thing In The Industry - Produce an Event Card of 90 Company Growth Hello World - Work for a Tiny company Not So Small After All - Work for a Small company We Are The Moment - Work for a Medium company The Road To Glory - Work for a Big company Larger than life - Work for a Large company Unsinkable - Work for a Titanic company Power 500 Into The Bubble - Debut in the Power 500 Going Places - Break into the Top 250 Turn of A Centenary - Break into the Top 100 A Select Few- Break into the Top 50 Best of the Best- Break into the Top 10 Misc Legendary Angle - Be involved in a 100 Rated Angle Legendary Show - Book a 100 rated show Legendary Event - Have one of your events reach Legendary importance or win the main event of an already legendary show Legendary Year - Win wrester of the year in the annual awards -------------------- THE MYSTERY BOX When you complete a year or first complete an achievement, roll randomly on this list as an added bonus. This is for the RTG Challenge, but would also work to spice up normal games. This list was updated in July 2022 with all of the negative rolls removed and increased stat boosts. This was because after two years no one had completed the challenge yet and it does seem a lot harder to get 100 rated matches. If you want more challenge then the old list is in the FAQ's section. [Flavour Rolls] 1. "Friends with Benefits" You gain one Working Agreement (you may try a different company if you are rejected) OR you can join an existing Alliance (assuming they let you in) OR you may invite another company to join your alliance (you may try a different company if you are rejected). 2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you) 3. "Trusted Companion" You gain the Loyalty of one of your roster (random roll from the list of your current roster). 4. "Chance Encounter" While on holiday abroad you have befriended a wrestler and offered them a job (choose a wrestler in another regional area who is unemployed, make them active in your area and create a Strong Friendship between you and them) 5. "Lean On Me" Gain Strong Friendship with random wrestler in your promotion. Any addictions from your character's and your new friend’s attributes are set to Former. 6. "Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligible. 7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… (use your own discretion if you need to work out if they are the parent of any children you may have. IF you are separated you may choose to start dating someone else, or start over again with them) 8. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Prestige 9. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter 10. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add the Drinker attribute. [stats Boosts] 11. “Nose To The Grindstone” You have devoted yourself to training in the ring +10 any Primary skill of your choice 12. "Fists and Feet of Fury" Heavy bag, speed bag, heavy bag, speed bag…you’ve been working hard, +10 to your Brawling, Puroresu or Hardcore skill 13. "The Man of 1004 holds!" You got stretched by a technical master, +10 to your Technical skill 14. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +10 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill 15. “Innovator of Violence” You’ve invented a new move and it’s the talk of the industry, add “Hot New Move” to your attributes 16. “Hit The Bricks” You live in the gym. +20 to spend on physical skills. (Athleticism, Toughness, Stamina, Power) 17. "Chance to Train" You have been offered the chance to train with a Wrestling Legend. Gain +20 points to spend on any Fundamental skill. (Basics, Selling, Consistency, Safety & Psychology) 18. “A Bumpy Ride” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Basics skill 19. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Psychology skill 20. “You Can Dance If You Wanna” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Safety skill 21. “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Consistency skill 22. “Snow To An Eskimo” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Selling skill 23. “Quick Learner” You suddenly have an eureka moment in the ring +10 to Experience Skill 24. “The X-Factor” You have devoted your holiday season to learning how to present yourself better +10 to Star Quality 25. “It’s a skirt!” You have devoted your holiday season to learning Colour Commentary from the masters +60 to Colour [Attributes] 26. “If you smeeeeeeeeeeelll!!” That new catchphrase of yours has really caught on, you heard someone in the street say it! Add “Hot New Catchphrase” to your attributes 27. “RTGlaw” Everyone is in the industry is talking about your recent performances, add “Flavour of the Month” to your attributes 28. “The RTG Movement” The fans love you, Yes! Yes! Yes!, add “Groundswell of support” to your attributes 29. “Golden boy” You can’t put a foot wrong in the ring at the moment, add “Midas Touch” to your attributes 30. “Casting Call" You have been cast in a small TV show, next stop Hollywood! +10 points to spend across Charisma and Acting. Also add TV Actor to Misc for your character. If previously your character had "TV Actor" add "Movie Star" 31. "The Real Rock n' Rolla" You've filled in for a band member one night, who now wants to you tour with them as a result. +10 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone. Also add Musician to Misc for your character. If rolled 3 times upgrade to Famous Musician 32. "As Real As It Gets" The World of Professional Fighting called you out and you delivered. Add +10 between Toughness and Menace. Add either MMA Fighter, Boxer or Pro Martial Artist to your character 33. "Runaway Runway" Can't always be easy being a wrestler, at least you've got your modelling career to fall back on. +10 points to spend between Sex Appeal and Star Quality. Add Modelling Experience to your character 34. “Pain is weakness leaving the body” Your match performance is not affected as much by injury because you are a tough SOB. Add ‘High Pain Threshold to you character. Add +10 points across Resilience and Toughness 35. “Whose line is it anyway?” You have taken some improv training to get better on the mic. Add ‘Improv Training’ to your character. +10 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone. 36. “Master of wit and repartee”. Your improve training went really well. Add ‘Shoots from the Lip’ to your character. +15 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone. 37. “Acknowledge me!”. Your T-shirts are selling quick! Add ‘Easily Marketable’ to your character. Add +5 to your Star Quality 38. “User Character 3:16”. You can’t print t-shirts quickly enough! Add ‘A Marketing Dream’ to you character. Add +10 to your Star Quality 39. “Run Forest Run”. You outshine everyone athletically. Add ‘Stud Athlete’ to your character. Add +10 across Power, Athleticism and Stamina 40. “The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.” You feel like you could do this forever. Add ‘Age is just a Number’ to your character. Add +10 across Resilience and Stamina [Gimmicks. If you roll from this section you can also increase your babyface or heel performance one level; base > better as a babyface/heel > amazing babyface/heel] 41. "This here's what you call Domination" You've discovered a new found ability to Dominate, add "Plays Dominant Well" and “Squash Master” to your attributes 42. “Super Awesome Wrestling-A-Go-Go: Electric Boogaloo” You are suddenly hilarious, add "Plays Comedy Well" and “Comedy worker” to your attributes 43. “It’s Not Arrogance If You Can Back It Up” You've now got a bit of swagger in your step, add "Plays Swagger Well" and “Selfish Performer” to your attributes if you choose. 44. "Living the Gimmick" You are now comfortable playing a role and you know it takes time to build a story, add "Plays Gimmicky/Cartoonish Well" and “Slow and Steady” to your attributes if you choose 45. "Fight Anyone" You never back down, add "Plays Badass Well" and “Dynamo” to your attributes 46. “Train, Fight, Hurt People, Repeat” Everything you do looks like it hurts, add "Plays Legitimate Well" and “Explosive ring style” to your attributes if you choose 47. "It's not the size of the dog, it's the size of the fight" You now like fighting from underneath, add "Plays Weasely/Underdog Well" and “Giving Performer” to your attributes 48. "Grounded in Reality" You've discovered a new found ability to play Realistic gimmicks and prefer to have back up, add "Plays Realistic Well" and “Tag Team Specialist” to your attributes 49. "He's got the whole world in his hands" You've discovered a new found ability to play Mysterious/Occult gimmicks, add "Plays Mysterious/Occult Well" and “High pain threshold” to your attributes 50. "Marching to their own beat" You are now a few sandwiches short of a picnic, add "Plays Offbeat/Unstable Well" and “Scatter-brained” to their attribute if you choose [Popularity Boosts] 51. "Step Into The Light" You get your 15 minutes of fame. +5 Pop across entire base country 52. "Internet Sensation" One of your wrestlers (random roll from the list) has become an internet video hit due to a pirate recording of his last match. +2 pop for your company in every area that you already have popularity in and +10 pop for the wrestler in all areas 53. “Viral Video” A promo you cut is all over the internet. +10 Pop across entire base country 54. “Grab the Brass Ring” A phrase from a podcast you did is burned into wrestling fans memories. +5 pop across the world. If you are looking for an online way to roll a custom sided dice, Id suggest here http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm (Look under Full Roll). Random.org is also very useful for random numbers: https://www.random.org/ Alternatively, you can use a deck of cards to roll for you as the numbers have been deliberately limited so that you can use a standard deck plus jokers to do the roll for you. ROLL AMNESTY Has your user character had terrible luck with rolls? Struggling to get anywhere with a soft and hard drug using smoker? Once per character you can use a roll amnesty and wipe all of your prior rolls (good and bad).
  13. What kind of matches should be allowed to complete the challenge? Last time around three challenges were completed with tags and one with singles. Should I specify tags and singles only? Or even just singles?
  14. I've got a plan for some post-challenge achievements this time around.
  15. Excellent question. My assumption was that it would be only for matches you are involved in but reading the descriptions again it looks like Sean McG intended these to be for any matches within your promotion. I'm going to make it clearer that these are your matches and re-jig them a bit. I think that if the matches don't involve you it might be too easy to get these achievements.
  16. What did you have in mind? Powergaming is not the issue but I don't want any choices on here which you would be stupid not to take. The idea is to have varied characters as much as possible. I think people can choose a few attributes (max three?) that help gimmicks as long as they choose an equal number of negative gimmick attributes. It's in the spirit of the challenge as we were able to choose gimmick performance stats under the previous system. Personally i'm going to wait for the mystery boxes and see how my character develops.
  17. I love that Adam pulled an all nighter to get this over the line. Luckily I have a very busy work day ahead so i'm not going to be sitting here waiting.
  18. If we're going to be pedantic then a couple is only two things... 1. Thanks, these rules have been written by a lot of people over a number of years so any corrections are appreciated. Plus, it's always important to quote Python correctly 2. I'll add something about this. I think if you enable pre-booking you should get the bonuses too. I'm not sure how powerful these bonuses are though. 3. I'm waiting for more feedback on this 4. Thanks, added 5. I've got a plan for this, watch this space 6. It's always been hard to get jobs with big companies so I think you should be able to unlock this achievement this way. I have added a bit extra to this wording for this one.
  19. You should be good to go my friend. Here are the final(ish) rules for 2020: Any last calls for changes? I want to post this up as soon as the game drops Thanks to everyone for suggestions.
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