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Everything posted by PH71

  1. Sean O'Haire head-loss at Nitro?! There was reportedly more drama backstage in WCW this week as this time it was Sean O'Haire's turn to express his unhappiness at Shane McMahon's booking. Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo were booked to come up just short to Fit's Fight Club this week, with the story being that O'Haire tried to cheat their way through by purposely letting Dave Taylor blow out his shoulder at the gym earlier in the show. Rather than get a bye or have Finlay compete in a handicap match, Bischoff agreed that Tajiri could take Taylor's place and it was Tajiri, thanks in part to some Poison Mist, who got the big win for Fit's Fight Club. Sean O'Haire was reportedly very unhappy at this booking. It is said that at one point the Road Agent involved in the match, Terry Funk, even offered to change the ending of the match so Palumbo took the fall and O'Haire was still kept strong, but O'Haire was still very unhappy and said it was more that he didn't think Tajiri and Fit Finlay should be going over him and Palumbo. This is not thought to have gone down well with Funk, Shane McMahon or other backroom officials at WCW given Tajiri is a highly thought of young talent and Fit Finlay is a respected veteran performer who is also a road agent and part of Shane's inner circle of experienced guys in the back. Shane does highly rate Sean O'Haire as a potential future talent, but he's reportedly pretty unhappy with how O'Haire behaved this week on Nitro. It is thought this loss is part of O'Haire and Palumbo's ongoing storyline but O'Haire couldn't look past the loss. This adds to the woes Shane has suffered in recent weeks, with both Kanyon and Hugh Morrus also both getting angry and unhappy about how they've been booked. Shane is thought to have laughed at one point to a trusted adviser and said how his expectation of coming to WCW would be that he'd have loads of problems with the big stars, like Scott Hall, Booker T and DDP, but in actual fact it's been the younger talent and mid-card guys who could potentially one day be big stars who have been giving him all the drama about how they're being booked. Sean O'Haire, much like Kanyon and Hugh Morrus, is now thought to be a marked man by Shane, whilst he highly rates both O'Haire and Kanyon so he will show them a little leeway, he isn't keen on the idea of handing out big pushes to guys who will then bitch and moan every time they're not booked to win a match. It is thought that Shane ensured Sean O'Haire took the pin in this match as a result of his actions on Nitro.
  2. Nitro Episode 19: Wednesday 05 September 2001 Live late-night on FX 6,701 crowd from Chicago, Illinois Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Arn Anderson ----------------------------------------------- Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway' Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com) Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from CHICAGO!!!! Jerry Lawler excitedly says we're here in the Windy City, the fans here in Chicago aren't afraid to make a little noise and Tony I think tonight will be no exception! That's right, Jerry, says Tony, we've got a big show for you tonight folks, Fit's Fight Club will take on Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo to determine the #1 contenders for the WCW World World Tag Team Championship, the WCW World Tag Team Champions themselves, Team Canada will also be in action later tonight, as will 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes. We will also hear from Eric Bischoff tonight who it's safe to say is not happy about what happened to him last week with the debuting Chyna, (Lawler laughs), we'll also hear more from Shane McMahon about his plans for the currently vacated WCW United States Championship, our very own JJ Dillon will have an in-ring interview with Curt Hennig's son, Joe Hennig, about his father's loss at Mayhem, but right now folks we've got our WCW World Heavyweight Champion in action to open the show! ----- Match 1: Barry Horowicz vs Scott Hall (with The Sandman) Horowicz is already in the ring. Arn Anderson hypes him up as a 22 year veteran, Lawler chimes in asking if in those 22 years he's got 22 wins? ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com) Hall comes out driven by The Sandman in his trademark Bentley. Sandman gets the car door and still doesn't look 100 percent after the Book-End he took through a limo at Mayhem. The two come down to the ring with Hall strutting with his WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The match is a dominant win for Scott Hall who spends much of the match toying with Horowicz, taking his time, show-boating and embarrassing the experienced vet. Hall eventually gets bored and gets the win through the Razor's Edge. Scott Hall wins via pinfall - (7.02) - (59 rated) --- After the match Scott calls for a mic and The Sandman gives it to him. Scott Hall says tonight he embarrassed a washed up, beat up, old has-been and at Fall Brawl he's got the chance to do the same thing in the main event. Hall says 'Dr Death' Steve Williams doesn't scare him. Who's he beaten to get a title shot? Mike Sanders? Really? Scott says he doesn't think Steve Williams deserves a shot, but that works just fine for him and if he's got to send him back to Japan for good then he'll gladly do it. AJPW Steve Williams 1st Theme Song - "I Love It Loud" (With 1st Tron) (RIP) (youtube.com) 'Dr Death' Steve Williams comes out at the ramp looking intense, with Jimmy Hart by his side. 'Dr Death' says people have been writing him off his whole life. That just plays into his hands and at Fall Brawl he has the biggest opportunity of his life, it's an opportunity that he doesn't plan on wasting and Scott I might be a washed up, beat up, old has-been, but if I am, then what does that make you? Scott says he's in the prime of his life both personally and professionally. He says this is one last run for 'Dr Death' and he's afraid at Fall Brawl that run will be out of gas. Jimmy Hart starts talking but Scott cuts him off. Scott Hall says be quiet music man. (fans boo). Scott says he respects Jimmy Hart as a manager, a great mind of the business and whilst he's no Jim Johnson he can still make a hell of an entrance theme. But Hall says that Jimmy Hart has backed the wrong horse if he thought coming back to wrestling management with Steve Williams was a good use of his twilight years. Hall says that's okay as after Fall Brawl he'll send Jimmy Hart back to the recording studio for good. Jimmy Hart starts ranting and raving about how Scott Hall thinks he's god's gift to this industry but he's spent his whole career clinging onto more talented friends who have helped him politically. Hart says Hall only won the title through cheating and he's sure that Scott will try to cheat at Fall Brawl too, so Jimmy says, I've already taken the liberty of speaking with Eric Bischoff about the arrangements for the match at Fall Brawl. Scott Hall looks annoyed and starts asking what he's talking about. Jimmy Hart says Bischoff has given 'Dr Death' the chance to earn the stipulation at Fall Brawl. Hart says in tonight's main event it will be 'Dr Death' Steve Williams vs The Sandman! Sandman looks pumped Jimmy Hart goes on to say that if Steve Williams wins tonight then at Fall Brawl the main event will have all outside interference banned... with any outside interference resulting in a D-Q and in the event of a D-Q for outside interference, the title WILL be able to change hands! Oh boy! says Lawler. That's one hell of a potential stipulation for 'Dr Death' says Arn Anderson. Scott Hall looks furious in the ring. He starts shouting at The Sandman off the mic seeming to tell him he has to win that match in the main event. 'Dr Death' finishes the segment by staring down The Sandman and saying he'll see him later tonight! (Freestyle segment with Scott Hall, The Sandman, 'Dr Death' and Jimmy Hart) - (87 rated) ------ We see a short clip of Joey Styles saying as the FX Consultant Producer for Panic! and now WCW generally, he's here to show you the footage that Shane McMahon doesn't want you to see! We see a few short clips of Sabu defending the WCW United States Championship in his recent match in IWA Mid-South with Ian Rotten in a Barbed Wire match. The clip then cuts out to Shane McMahon in the middle of the ring with Rob Van Dam behind him. Shane is holding a microphone looking annoyed up at the screen. Shane says he knows Bill Alfonso, Sabu, Joey Styles and The Extreme Alliance might be trying to convince the world that Sabu is the recognised WCW United States Champion, but Shane says WCW does not recognise Sabu's reign. (mixed reaction from the crowd) Shane says he has thought about what to do with the vacated WCW United States Championship, whether to hold a tournament for it, but since Rob Van Dam never officially lost the belt, in his eyes he thinks Rob Van Dam could very well still be the champion in many people's eyes. RVD looks a bit confused. Shane says he is in the process of securing a new WCW United States Championship belt and it is his intention to award that belt to Rob Van Dam next week live on Nitro! (mixed reaction from the crowd) RVD takes the mic from Shane McMahon and he says Shane, look I lost that belt to Sabu, I'm happy to help you win that belt back from him, trust me nobody wants that more than I do, but you can't just give me a belt and say I'm the champion! I don't want to win a belt in the wrong way like that! WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com) Oh boy, says Tony Schiavone. Booker T comes out with a microphone looking red hot. He makes his way to the ring and stands off against RVD a bit. Booker T addresses RVD and says oh you don't want to win a belt in the wrong way, huh?! Well I didn't see you taking the moral high ground when I was still the United States Champion and your boy Alfonso ran me down so you had an easy ride to take that belt from me! RVD on the mic says he had no idea that night that it was Fonzie who did that. RVD says he's a big believer in the universe, positive and negative energy, karma, and he thought that night the universe just wanted to him to win that belt. He thought someone else had targeted Booker T and yes whilst it seemed a bit of a cheap win, ultimately he could only control what he could control, Booker T was medically cleared and competing so what, was he meant to just take a dive and let Booker keep the belt? Booker says he doesn't care about RVD's karma sutra or CPD induced delusions about the universe. Booker says he's still not sure if he can trust Van Dam but if there's one thing he does agree with him on is that he believes in Karma. Booker says KARMA IS A BITCH and Bill Alfonso's got a bucket load heading his way if I got anything to do with it! Shane starts to tell Booker and RVD to calm down when the big screen suddenly shows Sabu, Bill Alfonso and the rest of The Extreme Alliance in a warehouse type background Bill Alfonso says to Booker T that he's glad he ran him down and if he had the chance he'd do it all again! Booker in the ring is furious at this. Booker starts demanding Alfonso to come down to the ring. Alfonso says surely Booker's not stupid enough to think that's going to happen. Alfonso says Shane didn't believe that Sabu would go to IWA Mid-South to defend the WCW United States Championship, but unlike a McMahon, Sabu's word is good as gold, just like the gold that he's still holding. Alfonso asks Shane if he's ready to meet their demands of Sabu, Alfonso, Dreamer and The Chair Swingin' Freaks getting WCW contracts Shane McMahon says he won't be held hostage into meeting the demands of The Extreme Alliance. Shane says it doesn't matter if Sabu goes to some tiny indie company to defend the belt that he stole from WCW. Ian Rotten is Axl's brother anyway so he was probably in on the whole thing, it was just a trick to try and get concessions from me but it's not going to happen! Rob Van Dam says he thinks he will be medically cleared by Friday, although we see he's still got a big strap on his ankle which Arn Anderson points out. RVD goes onto say that if Shane wants to make the match for him versus Sabu for the title vs contracts then he's willing to do it, but Shane shuts him down. Sabu then says if you still won't negotiate then we will now proceed to the next part of our plan! In the background Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney lift up chairs with the Mexican flag on them. We're going to Mexico, baby! shouts Tommy Dreamer What?! asks Tony Schiavone. Rob Van Dam, Booker T and Shane look confused in the ring. Bill Alfonso says this Friday Night, we won't be at Panic! in Milwaukee, we'll be in Guadalajara, Jalisco, for CMLL Domingos de Coliseo... where it will be the WCW United States Champion, THE HOMICIDAL.... GENOCIDAL.... SUICIDAL... DEATH-DEFYING MANIAC....SABU..... putting his title on the line against SILVER KING!!! VIVA LA MEXICO! says Sabu In the ring we see a shocked and annoyed looking Shane, Booker and RVD. On commentary Tony Schiavone says well folks at home for the less aware, far from being a tiny independent promotion, CMLL is the biggest wrestling promotion in all of Mexico and Sabu now plans on putting the WCW United States Championship on the line live at a CMLL show! Silver King, himself a former WCW star, is no joke and there's obviously a chance that Sabu could lose that belt, and hell I'm sure CMLL would love to get their hands on a belt as decorated as the WCW United States Championship! A real tough decision for Shane McMahon, says Arn Anderson, as Jerry Lawler says why doesn't he just send some guys down to Mexico and take the belt back by force! (Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Rob Van Dam, Booker T and The Extreme Alliance) - (84 rated) ----- Match 2: 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes (with Dusty Rhodes) vs Mark Jindrak (with Shawn Stasiak & Stacy Keibler) OFFICIAL AEW ENTRANCE THEME | "THE NATURAL" DUSTIN RHODES (youtube.com) Mark Jindrak 4th Titantron (2004-2005) (youtube.com) Well folks, next up tonight we've got Dustin Rhodes in action against Mark Jindrak. Dustin a 12 year vet at this point in his career, Jindrak still just 2 years in the business, we're hearing he's taking extra classes at the Power Plant, he's a young guy who knows he's gotta work hard to get better at his craft and what better opportunity to showcase that tonight against 'The Natural'? This match gets a nice amount of time and shows off both Rhodes and Jindrak. Rhodes gets more of the offence in but Jindrak is far from getting dominated and at various points looks like he might be able to sneak a win. The ending of the match comes when Dustin Rhodes hits a Final Cut and seems to have the match won. Shawn Stasiak gets animated at ringside and tries to distract the referee. Dusty Rhodes isn't having any of it and comes over to Shawn Stasiak and stands up to him. Stasiak gets right in Dustin's face. The ref tells them to stop arguing. In the distraction we see Mark Jindrak go for a roll-up on Dustin Rhodes, the ref quickly turns round and makes a 3 count but Dustin kicks out at 2. Dustin then immediately hits a Canadian Destroyer on Mark Jindrak before getting the 1-2-3, with Stasiak looking annoyed at ringside. Dustin Rhodes wins via pinfall - (10.04) - (57 rated) ----- After the match Shawn Stasiak gets a mic and starts sarcastically congratulating Dustin Rhodes who is in the ring celebrating the victory with his father Dusty Rhodes. Stasiak says it warms his heart to see father and son celebrating in the ring... he says he's heard all about how Dustin and Dusty have had their differences behind the scenes. He said he saw one interview where Dustin laughed at how at one point he hadn't spoke to his father in over a year. Dustin and Dusty look a bit uncomfortable in the ring at this. Stasiak says it must be nice Dustin, to be such an asshole to your father that you wouldn't speak to him in over a year. Do you know, I haven't spoken to my father in 4 years... because he's dead! It makes me sick, Dustin, that you take your father for granted! That you have his wealth of experience, one of, if not THE most decorated wrestlers in the history of this business and what do you have to show for it? It's no wonder you're a disappointment to him! Dustin looks pissed off, Dusty looks annoyed but also slightly uncomfortable now. Dustin starts shouting at him to come and get some if he wants some. On the mic Stasiak says next week he wants to challenge a Rhodes to a match on Nitro... but not you Dustin... I want to face your father! Dusty starts shouting back at Stasiak and agrees to the match much to Dustin's annoyance. Freestyle segment with Dustin Rhodes, Dusty Rhodes and Shawn Stasiak - (72 rated) ----- We see a clip of Dave Taylor working out in the gym which the commentators say is a clip from earlier today. He sees O'Haire and Palumbo. He tells them he's a big fan of both of their work and all the effort they've both put in since graduating from the Power Plant. He wishes them both the best of luck in their match against Finlay and him later tonight. They thank him and keep working out. Taylor then asks if one of them will spot him on the bench press. They say sure. Taylor is bench pressing without too much issue with Palumbo helping him out. Taylor goes up a weight and struggles a bit, Palumbo goes to help him out but O'Haire grabs him which stops him from helping Taylor immediately. Palumbo shrugs him off and helps Taylor but the delay has caused Taylor some pain as he cries out. Are you alright Dave? asks Palumbo as Dave Taylor sits up and says he needs to go see a doctor and get some ice. Freestyle segment of Dave Taylor & Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo - (56 rated) --- In the ring we see JJ Dillon with Joe Hennig, Curt Hennig's 21 year old. JJ Dillon says thanks Joe for joining us tonight. To those who don't know Joe Hennig, of course, son of Curt Hennig, what is it you do son? Joe Hennig says well JJ, I recently graduated from North Hennepin Community College with an Associates of Science degree in Business Computer Systems and Management. Wow, says JJ, that sounds very impressive! Joe thanks JJ and says it's nothing really. I also enjoy Ice Fishing, Football, Fantasy Football of course and I've always loved pro wrestling too. Any burning desire to follow in your father's footsteps and lace up some boots, son? asks JJ Joe Hennig says of course I've always wanted to follow in my father and grandfather's footsteps in the ring, for now that's not where my path is, I'm looking to just keep my head down and make some money in a real job to provide for my family. But never say never and I'm sure one day I might get in the ring. Well I can't wait to see it, says JJ. Now about your father, Joe, since he lost at Mayhem in that brutal cage match with his long-time friend and protégé, Scott Hall, he's not quite been himself, nobody can get hold of him and he's refusing to engage with WCW staff, fans, friends or even family like yourself. I'm sure he's disappointed at the loss, what would you say to him if he's listening tonight? Joe says no matter what happens he's proud of his Dad. He says his Dad gave 100 percent, sure Scott Hall got in his head, but Joe says he's proud of the account his Dad gave of himself and that he can held his head up high. WCW Buff Bagwell 4th Theme Song - "Buff Daddy" (With Tron) (youtube.com) Wait a minute... Buff Bagwell? asks Tony. What's he doing out here? Buff Bagwell comes strolling out with Buff Daddy V by his side. JJ and Joe Hennig in the ring look uncomfortable. Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy eventually get into the ring. Buff grabs a mic and says to Joe "Look Kid, I get it... you're just trying to make your Daddy feel better, but I'm sure your Daddy didn't raise no liar. The fact is, Curt blew it at Mayhem. He has to live with that for the rest of his life. That he was good enough to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, but Scott Hall got in his head and he choked. Face the facts, kid, your Dad is a LOSER!" Joe Hennig gets hot and you can see him looking to square off with Buff Bagwell, but Bagwell is much bigger than him and has the even bigger Buff Daddy V by his side. Bagwell laughs at him and says "what, what's the Computer Systems nerd going to do against me, ehh? You're a loser, just like your father!" says Buff, before slapping Joe Hennig in the face who falls over. Curt Hennig 2nd WCW Theme Alternate Version (youtube.com) We see Curt Hennig dash down the ring with a steel chair in hand to protect his son. Buff Bagwell gets out of the ring quickly to avoid him, but he's instructed Buff Daddy V to take him out. Curt Hennig smashes the chair into Buff Daddy V several times who reels in pain before sort of falling out of the ring onto the outside. Curt Hennig shouts at Bagwell before checking on Joe who seems annoyed and hurt by what's happened. Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V & Curt Hennig - (68 rated) ------ Match 3: Lenny Lane & Lodi vs Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) (with Carl Ouellet) Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com) Lane & Lodi are already in the ring as Team Canada make their way to the ring with their WCW World Tag Team Championship belts Well, says Tony, we're not sure exactly who will face them at Fall Brawl, looking at Dave Taylor's potential injury earlier in the gym I guess O'Haire & Palumbo would have to be favourites, but Team Canada can't worry too much about that now. That's right, Tony, says Arn, who says they must focus on what's ahead of them tonight in this non-title match. Lane & Lodi get a bit of offence in but it's a mostly dominant performance from the champions. They get the win when we see their new combination again, with Lance Storm hitting a super-kick on Lodi who then goes straight into an Awesome Bomb from Mike Awesome. Team Canada win via pinfall - (7.34) - (61 rated) --- After the match they briefly celebrate but then Storm is on the mic Lance Storm says if he can be serious for a moment... Team Canada still has some unfinished business with Elix Skipper. Skipper needs to be humbled and this Friday on Panic! Team Canada will do just that, as Storm says they're putting out the challenge - Elix Skipper vs Carl Ouellet! WCW THEMES: Elix Skipper "Primetime Elix Skipper" (youtube.com) Elix Skipper comes out with Kid Romeo and he says you're on Storm! This Friday Night, Elix Skipper will beat Carl Ouellet and it will be on PRIME TIME!!!! Freestyle segment with Team Canada and Elix Skipper - (45 rated) ----- In Shane's office we see Eric Bischoff sitting in a wheelchair with Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat standing behind the wheelchair. Across the other side of the office we see Sable and a disgruntled looking Chyna. There's a few random well dressed people. One of them introduces himself as Bischoff's attorney and another introduces themselves as a legal adviser for WCW. The WCW legal adviser says to Sable and Chyna that Mr Bischoff has suffered quite catastrophic injuries as a result of Chyna but he has agreed not to press charges against Sable, Chyna and WCW on one condition. Chyna stands there looking non-plussed whilst Sable asks what the conditions are. Bischoff says his condition is that Chyna is suspended from all in-ring activities for the entire month. Sable says that's not fair, that would mean Chyna wouldn't be able to face Akira Hokuto for the WCW World Women's Championship at Fall Brawl. The WCW attorney says, with respect, that's the least of Chyna and Sable's worries at this time. Sable looks furious but resigned to defeat. She walks out of the office with Chyna and says Bischoff hasn't heard the end of this. Thank you Gentleman, pleasure doing business with you says Bischoff, as he shakes the attorney's hands before they leave. Steamboat says to Bischoff he thinks he's making a mistake, Chyna and Hokuto could be a great match, but Bischoff says Chyna has to pay for what she did, I might not walk for months! Suddenly, all 3 of the MexiCruisers come into the office. Juvi, Super Crazy and Psychosis say how 'Sexy' Brian Lawler and The Sons of the South cheated in the Battle Royale last week and that Lawler doesn't deserve to be #1 contender to the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship! Super Crazy and Psychosis were robbed, where's the justice round here?! Bischoff says if they want justice they should get some attorneys. If not, then get your own justice! The MexiCruisers look annoyed and leave Bischoff's office. Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff, Sable, Chyna, Ricky Steamboat and The MexiCruisers - (63 rated) ---- We see Torrie Wilson backstage with Billy Kidman and Shane Helms. They are preparing her for her match tonight. Torrie says it's a huge opportunity for her to get a singles win and she's not going to let the threat of Vampiro and those freaks coming after her stop it. Kidman says him and Helms will be at ringside to make sure she's safe and nothing will happen to her. Torrie says she will be fine, Kidman being over protective is just stressing her out. She goes to get a quick breath of fresh air out by a window. Kidman says to Helms that he's sorry about the issues they had before. Kidman says he over-reacted and shouldn't have been such an asshole to Shane. He says he didn't trust him at the time, but now Helms has earned his trust. Helms seems genuinely pleased by this and says he just has to to the bathroom before the match and will see Kidman and Torrie out there. We see Wilson chilling outside at a window ledge getting some air. She looks stressed and worried but also determined ahead of her match tonight. She hears a noise. She jumps and looks scared. Who is it? she asks, but nobody responds. She looks worried again but then she looks up and she sees The Hurricane! Hurricane! she says excitedly. I haven't seen you in a while. Hey Torrie, says The Hurricane. I'm sorry, I've been real busy, there's a lot of trouble round these parts, lot of cats stuck up trees, you know the drill. Torrie asks Hurricane if he'll be watching out for her tonight. She says she's worried about Vampiro and fReEk-sHoW! Hurricane says she's right to be worried. They're some scary ass dudes. The Hurricane says he'll always look after Torrie, he says she's a beautiful girl and has a beautiful future in the women's division in WCW... he wishes her luck in the match tonight then disappears. Freestyle segment with Shane Helms, Billy Kidman, Torrie Wilson and The Hurricane - (53 rated) ----- Match 4: Cynthia Lynch vs Torrie Wilson (with Billy Kidman) Torrie Wilson - Need A Little Time (Official Theme) (youtube.com) Cynthia Lynch is already in the ring as we see Torrie Wilson come out with Billy Kidman but Shane Helms is nowhere to be seen. Kidman seems like he's looking around for Helms, when just as Wilson gets into the ring and stares off with Lynch the screen at the top of the ramp shows a commotion backstage. We see Shane Helms being helped by medical staff outside of the men's bathroom backstage. He looks like he's been jumped and looks in a really bad way. Schiavone says it doesn't look like Helms will be offering any support at ringside if that damned fReEk-sHoW! does show up tonight! Kidman looks a bit concerned but tells Torrie to get on with the match. The match itself is not too long as both of the women are still quite inexperienced and not really at that great of a level. Kidman offers advice to Wilson at various points throughout the match and eventually she manages to catch the unexpecting Lynch with a Tornado DDT to get the win! Lynch looks quite hurt by this and sells the DDT bump quite hard, leading to the ref to check on her after the match. Torrie Wilson wins via pinfall - (5.21) - (32 rated) ---- After the match Kidman raises Torrie's hand in victory and she looks happy with the win. Twiztid - We Don't Die (Official Music video) (youtube.com) We hear the fReEk-sHoW! theme and all of a sudden we see Vampiro jump in through the crowd and rAgE? yEs! and mOrE-bId! climb out from the under the ring. Torrie looks terrified and Kidman stands in-front of her to protect her. The referee who was still looking at Lynch comes to stand them down but they pretend to attack the ref who looks so terrified he leaves the ring. Vampiro, rAgE-yEs! and mOrE-bId! get in the ring and like a pack of dogs start taking down Kidman. He gets a few shots in but it's a 3 on 1 mugging, he can't do anything. Once he's down they look at Torrie Wilson and eye her up. The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com) Suddenly from out of nowhere we see The Hurricane who runs in from the top of the apron. mOrE-bId! goes after him but Hurricane smashes him with a fore arm. rAgE-yEs! is next, he gets out of the ring just as Hurricane gets to the bottom. He goes for The Hurricane but Hurricane counters, then hits a Chokeslam to him onto the floor on the outside. In this distraction Kidman has bundled Torrie and himself out of the ring and they get behind The Hurricane who leads them to safety at the top of the entrance ramp. They stare down at Vampiro and Vampiro mouths towards the trio that this is not over. mOrE-bId! and rAgE-yEs! return to the ring in considerable pain licking their wounds. Vampiro comforts the two of them. The segment seems like it's going to end when suddenly Vampiro looks over at Cynthia Lynch who is still down in the ring. He considers this and then signals to mOrE-bId! and rAgE-yEs? Now wait a damn minute, says Tony! What sick plans do they have for poor Cynthia Lynch here?! Vampiro pours his trademark pouch of Faygo over Cynthia Lynch so her face and blonde hair is covered in purple. "Good God! says Tony. The lights then go off. When the lights come back on Vampiro, fReEk-sHoW! and Cynthia Lynch are gone. My god! Tony says. What happened to Cynthia Lynch?! She's been taken, he says in despair. Lawler says she shouldn't have stopped working for her Pimp, this wouldn't have happened on The Godfather's watch! Freestyle segment with Torrie Wilson, Billy Kidman, Vampiro, fReEk-sHoW! and Cynthia Lynch - (52 rated) ---- We see Shane McMahon, Booker T and Rob Van Dam backstage Shane, Booker T and RVD are talking about what they're going to do about The Extreme Alliance when suddenly DDP and Kanyon come in. DDP says, Shane, me and Chris have been talking and we've got an idea. We got our own beef with The Extreme Alliance, we'd love to get our hands on them too, especially Chris here. Kanyon says he wants Shane to send DDP, Kanyon, Booker T and Rob Van Dam to Mexico this Friday Night! Kanyon says if The Extreme Alliance wanna play silly games, then they'll get silly prizes, as this Friday night we'll storm the CMLL show and take back that WCW United States Championship by force! Shane says he loves the idea. He says Rob Van Dam isn't medically cleared and he can't let him travel to Mexico, but he will book the tickets for Booker T, Kanyon and DDP. He says he's spoken to CMLL's owner who won't listen to him as they want the match on their show to sell tickets and potentially get the US title for their own. Shane says DDP, Kanyon and Booker T should try and ambush them before the show begins or after it finishes. DDP, Kanyon and Booker T reassure Shane that they won't let WCW down! Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, DDP and Kanyon - (92 rated) ---- Match 5: Saemon Daemon (with Djinni Parisi & Dawn-Macaria) vs Terry Funk (with Christopher Daniels) Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com) Before the match Dawn-Macaria cuts a promo where she says The Fugitive of Heaven who walks among you mere mortals will soon be brought back to where he belongs Terry Funk's Titantron Entrance Video feat. ''Road To Texas'' Theme [HD] (youtube.com) This match gets a decent amount of time. Djinni Parisi keeps trying to get involved at ringside but Christopher Daniels prevents him from doing so. Funk and Daemon have a good match with neither one really having the better of them Daemon has the superior speed and agility but Funk uses his experience to good use. The end of the match comes when Dawn-Macaria gets on the apron and starts a demonic chant. Jerry Lawler says she sounds like my ex-wife. Schiavone says he thinks Stevie Ray has already made that joke. The ring apron launches fire pyro which causes Funk to be distracted and Saemon Daemon goes for a Fireman's Carry Inverted DDT, but Funk manages to counter out of it and he pushes Daemon back towards the ropes where he runs into Dawn-Macaria who he clatters into and she lands on the outside falling onto Djinni Parisi. Daemon looks shocked at what's happened. He then turns around, gets kicked by Funk who then hits him with a massive DDT. Funk goes for the pin and he gets it! 1-2-3! Funk is the winner! Terry Funk wins via pinfall - (5.21) - (51 rated) Well folks, says Tony, Dawn-Macaria and The Underworld tried their demonic tricks here tonight, but Terry Funk is no stranger to demonic tricks! Damn right, Tony, says Jerry, he grew up in Amarillo! ---- In Shane's office we see a disgruntled looking Sable Dave Taylor comes in with a pack of ice on his shoulder. Sable asks if he's okay, he says he's not medically cleared to compete tonight, accident in the gym. Sable says oh what does that mean for your tag team match tonight? Dave says it's okay, Bischoff has said Finlay can team with Tajiri tonight instead. Sable says she wishes she had a ready made replacement for her WCW World Women's Championship match at Fall Brawl. With Chyna banned from competing for the rest of the month, her big match is ruined. She's had Akira Hokuto vs the best WCW has to offer, the best Japan has to offer and the best Mexico has to offer, she was looking forward to seeing a big clash between Akira Hokuto and the best the WWF had to offer... Dave Taylor says to Sable that she shouldn't worry. When one door closes, another opens. Dave says he knows a woman in England who he can call for her. She's a fighting woman. A former British Champion. Just say the word and I'll get her down to TV next Wednesday. Sable says she's willing to give this British woman a match next week on Nitro. If she can win it, then she will put her in the match against Akira Hokuto for the WCW World Women's Championship at Fall Brawl. Taylor agrees. Freestyle segment with Dave Taylor and Sable - (50 rated) ----- Match 6: Final of a Tag Team Tournament to determine the #1 Contenders to the WCW World Tag Team Championship at Fall Brawl Fit's Fight Club (Fit Finlay & Tajiri) vs Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) Finlay's 2006 v2 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Lambeg v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com) As Finlay and Tajiri come out Tony says how it seemed like Sean O'Haire tried to ensure Dave Taylor was injured and not able to compete in this match tonight. But Eric Bischoff let Fit's Fight Club have Tajiri fill in instead, do you think that's right given it was Finaly & Taylor who won at the Semi Final stage, Arn? Arn Anderson said of course it's fair. They're a stable and if they choose to have a different man in a different round that's their perogative. Ultimately O'Haire thought he was going to be able to get them into a handicap match situation and it's backfired. That's life, son. WWE: Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire Theme "Freestyle Hombre" Download (youtube.com) This match gets a decent amount of time with all 4 men getting to showcase themselves in this match. It's an even match and really seems like it could go either way with the fans perhaps rooting for Tajiri more than anyone else but where it's sort of a heel/vs heel match there's no clear favourite with the fans. The conclusion of the match comes when O'Haire has Tajiri in the Widow Maker. It looks like the match is over when Tajiri manages to counter out of it and manages to spit Green Mist in O'Haire's eyes. O'Haire sells it like crazy and is in complete agony as he falls to his knees rubbing his eyes. Finlay charges into the ring and tackles Palumbo off the apron, before Tajiri hits a vicious Buzzsaw Kick to O'Haire before getting the victory. 'Sinister' James Mitchell looks annoyed watching on at ringside. Fit's Fight Club win via pinfall - (9.30) - (62 rated) A big win tonight for Fit's Fight Club says Tony on commentary as Finlay celebrates by lifting Tajiri up in the air. They will face Team Canada at Fall Brawl! ----- The Sons of the South Promo 'Sexy' Brian Lawler says that The MexiCruisers have been to see Joey Styles and got themselves a match with The Sons of the South this week on Friday. If it's justice you want, amigos, then it's justice you will get! All 3 of us have been waiting for justice on our names and legacies since the day we were born, so on Friday we put some respect on our names! David Flair and Erik Watts say people have under-estimated them for too long and on Friday they will show they're no pushovers and not to be ignored just like they did when they cost Super Crazy and Psychosis a shot at the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship! Freestyle segment with The Sons of the South - (57 rated) ----- As we come back from break Scott Hall is already at the announce desk for this match. Scott Hall cuts a promo where he says he has full faith in The Sandman doing what needs to be done and they've got a strategy. Scott Hall says he doesn't fear death so he certainly doesn't fear 'Dr Death' During this period we also see pre recorded promos from The Sandman and 'Dr Death' where both hype up the match and their chances of winning. Freestyle segment with Scott Hall, The Sandman and 'Dr Death' - (93 rated) ----- Match 7 / Main Event: 'Dr Death' Steve Williams (with Jimmy Hart) vs The Sandman If 'Dr Death' wins, then at Fall Brawl, all outside interference will be banned and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship can be won by DQ if there is interference AJPW Steve Williams 1st Theme Song - "I Love It Loud" (With 1st Tron) (RIP) (youtube.com) 'Dr Death' comes out with Jimmy Hart first and makes his way to the ring looking confident as he passes Scott Hall on the commentary desk at the entrance ramp Sandman Theme (youtube.com) The Sandman then comes out with his Singapore Cane which the announcers remind the fans he won't be able to use during this match as it's a regular singles match. This match resembles more of a bar-room brawl than a wrestling match The Sandman just wants a fight and 'Dr Death' seems more than willing to give him one. Arn Anderson questions Scott Hall on the strategy of The Sandman doing this, as not many can go toe to toe with 'Dr Death' like that. Scott Hall says that's what Jim Ross thought, Arn, and look how that turned out! Jerry Lawler starts laughing at the Brawl For All reference. 'Dr Death' seems to have the better of The Sandman, who to his credit isn't going down but also is at a point in the match where he's surviving rather than putting in much offence himself. Williams notices an opening and he hits a huge clothesline on The Sandman who hits the deck and rolls out of the ring. On the outside he looks in some bother. Well, Champ, it looks like your boy is down! says Arn. Scott says he's not worried, Sandman knows the plan. The ref starts to count out The Sandman as 'Dr Death' watches on. The ref gets to 8 before The Sandman rolls into the ring and then immediately rolls back out of it. Scott Hall then throws his headset down and gets on the entrance ramp and begins to slowly walk his way to the ring. 'Dr Death' loses concentration of The Sandman for a few seconds whilst noticing this and Jimmy Hart despite shouting can't quite get his attention before The Sandman races back into the ring and smashes into the back of Steve Williams with his Singapore Cane. 'Dr Death' hits the deck as the referee calls for the bell. 'Dr Death' Steve Williams wins via DQ - (6.21) - (63 rated) Steve Williams is on the floor and once this happens The Sandman starts to target 'Dr Death's quad smashing it many many times with the Singapore Cane as Scott Hall looks on and laughs. This looks like it was the plan all along! says Tony. I think Scott Hall knew The Sandman, especially still banged up, couldn't beat 'Dr Death' tonight, but he could beat him up! This will mean at Fall Brawl all interference will be banned with the title able to pass via DQ, but will 'Dr Death' even make it to Fall Brawl. Scott Hall starts stomping on Williams' quad as Jimmy Hart is begging for some back-up. Barry Windham 9th WCW Theme 'Road To Glory (Underscore)' (youtube.com) Just as he does that Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda come pouring out the back and at seeing that Scott Hall and The Sandman see their moment to leave as they bail out the ring. The show goes off air with Windham & Rotunda checking on 'Dr Death' who is smashing the ring mat and swearing in pain holding his quad that Scott Hall and The Sandman targeted. --- Show Rating: 78 1.04 TV rating (784K viewers)
  3. WCW to invest $150K in the Power Plant It is being reported today that Shane McMahon has signed off $150,000 in new investment in WCW's training facility, the WCW Power Plant. Shane and the higher ups in WCW are keen to improve the training they can offer at the performance centre for both existing and new talent coming through WCW. The $150,000 is a one off investment, but Shane is also committing an extra $5-10K a month ongoing as well. It is thought that this investment has only been signed off once WCW started making a monthly profit again. From what we know at least 8 existing members of the WCW roster are taking extra classes at the WCW Power Plant to improve, they are rumoured to be: AJ Styles, Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Meiko Satomura, Sean O'Haire, Shawn Stasiak, Stacy Keibler & Torrie Wilson.
  4. Detroit, Michigan to see big match for 'Dr Death'! This week on Nitro we got confirmation that the match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at the upcoming Fall Brawl PPV will see current champion Scott Hall take on 'Dr Death' Steve Williams, who won a Beat The Clock challenge on Nitro to earn the right to a shot at the championship. Williams is a former NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight champion, also winning the UWF Heavyweight championship and the Triple Crown Heavyweight championship in All Japan Pro Wrestling. The only other confirmed match so far will see the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship on the line, with Juventud Guerrera defending against the recently debuted 'Sexy' Brian Lawler. It is thought that Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) will defend their WCW World Tag Team Championship at the PPV event too, with a match between Fit's Fight Club (Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor) and Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo set to take place this week on Nitro to determine who will be getting their shot in Michigan.
  5. Johnny Ace signs for WWF WCW announced today it had mutually parted ways with John Laurinaitis. 'Johnny Ace', who has been playing the on-screen role of "Head of Talent Relations" has been off-screen for a little while as he had requested his release when he was offered a back-office job by Vince McMahon in WWF. Shane McMahon has ultimately made the call to let him go as he didn't want to have someone around who would rather be elsewhere.
  6. Sabu retains WCW United States Championship against Ian Rotten at IWA Mid-South Barbed Wire, Bombs & Blood Fans in attendance were left in shock as Sabu actually turned up and defended the WCW United States Championship at an Indiana Hardcore Indie show owned by Ian Rotten. The match was a bloody duel with barbed wire ropes, chairs and bats all involved with both men covered in blood by the end of the match. Sabu lifted the title at the end of the show to a decent reaction at the bumper crowd of 600 fans, it is thought that IWA Mid South basically doubled the amount of tickets they sold after this week's WCW promos which hyped up the match which led to them selling out the venue they hosted the show in. It is not known if this is a one off or whether Sabu will continue to defend the WCW United States Championship at random shows not affiliated with WCW, although for storyline purposes at least Shane McMahon and WCW do not recognise his reign as champion. * -Obviously taking a few creative liberties with this storyline as we don't control IWA Mid-South and in the game this match didn't happen, but I had this idea for the storyline and thought I'd roll with it
  7. Friday Night Panic! Episode 5: Friday 31st August 2001 Live late-night on FX 7,283 crowd from Newark, New Jersey Announcers: Joey Styles, Scott Hudson & Stevie Ray ------------------------------------- Show opens up with Sum 41's 'Fat Lip' Fat Lip (youtube.com) Joey Styles on commentary welcomes fans to Friday Night Panic! live in New Jersey! He says we've got a lot in store tonight, including Sabu and The Extreme Alliance give their demands to Shane McMahon for the return of the WCW United States Championship... plus, we've got in our main event a Triangle Tag team match to determine who will face Fit's Fight Club in a #1 Contender match next week with Windham & Rotunda vs O'Haire & Palumbo vs The Harris brothers, also in action tonight we see DDP & Kanyon take on Lash LeRoux & Kwee Wee, but first off we open the show with the former WCW World Cruiserweight champion, Shane Helms, in singles action! ----- Match 1: Shane Helms vs Sterling James Keenan (local talent) Keenan is already in the ring before the match begins. WCW: "Sugar" Shane Helms [Theme Song] - "Vertebreaker" (youtube.com) Whilst not a complete squash match it is Shane Helms who gets most of the offence in against the local talent. Keenan looks to make a bit of a comeback but is quickly put down by Helms' superior ring-work and high-flying ability. Helms gets the win with a Vertebreaker Shane Helms wins via pinfall - (5.49) - (54 rated) --- After the match Shane Helms raises his arm in victory when suddenly the lights go out Twiztid - We Don't Die (Official Music video) (youtube.com) When the lights come back on we see Vampiro standing at the top of the entrance ramp staring down Shane Helms. Helms shouts out to Vampiro to come on down if he wants a fight. Vampiro laughs at Helms and with a mic he says he's not out here to start a war with Helms. Vampiro says he's out here to send out a message to Billy Kidman, that weird freak The Hurricane and anyone else who thinks they want to get in his way now he's back in WCW. Vampiro says Kidman you wanted a freakshow, well if you want some I'll give it to ya!! On the screen we see a big messed up Juggalo style banner reading "fReEk-sHoW!" Helms looks baffled. Vampiro says it is now time to introduce my newest creations... suddenly from under the ring we see two heavily face painted and messed up looking Juggalo style wrestlers. Is that? Is that Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias? wonders Scott Hudson. Oh hell no! says Stevie Ray. Those cats are looking real fruity now, boy! Vampiro says whilst pointing to Shannon Moore - "This is... mOrE-bId!" And to your right, he says whilst pointing to Evan Karagias - "That's his partner... rAgE? yEs!" When I found these boys they'd been left helpless by the society of today... told that to be masculine and a man today you must be a metrosexual pop star... their own failure at becoming pop stars left them frail and damaged... but rest assured I have healed them" "If that's what they look like healed I'd hate to see what they looked like frail and damaged!" says Joey Styles on commentary. "I grew up in New York, I seen plenty of guys lookin' like that, and they ain't the kinda guys you wanna let your women or kids near, Joey, if you dig!" Shane Helms continues to look baffled in the ring when Vampiro makes a sudden command to former 3 Count duo and instantly they both rush into the ring and start attacking Helms. Helms holds his grounds but the numbers game is too much for him. Vampiro laughs and slowly walks down to the ring, eventually getting in the ring and joining the beat down This would be a good time for someone to make a save, says Scott, perhaps that Hurricane fellow we saw at Mayhem? But nobody comes out as they continue to beat on Helms until suddenly- WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) (youtube.com) That's Billy Kidman! shouts Hudson. He's had his differences with Shane Helms in the past few months, but he's had more problems with Vampiro recently! Kidman rushes to the ring with a steel chair in hand. He slides into the ring and Vampiro, mOrE-bId! and rAgE? yEs! make a swift exit before the lights go out and when they come back on they're gone. Kidman is seen checking on Helms in the ring. Ah hell no I've had enough of this spooky-ass s*** for one show, says Stevie Ray Freestyle segment with Shane Helms, Vampiro & fReEk-sHoW! (rAgE? yEs! & mOrE-bId!) - (56 rated) ----- Dustin Rhodes promo We see Dustin Rhodes in the back with his father Dusty Rhodes. Dustin says at Mayhem he restored the pride in the Rhodes Family legacy after Buff Bagwell and Buff Daddy V thought they would try to tarnish it. Dustin says his father is a legend of this business and any enemy of his is an enemy of mine! Dusty says to Dustin he appreciates that, son, and son, I know we ain't always been getting along so great these past few years, but Dustin, whether you 'The Natural', whether you the Gold paint wearing guy in Stanford, or whether you that weird Uncle Fester guy, I know you just doing you and- Dustin interrupts his Father and says Dad I know I haven't had the best of gimmicks, the best of luck in this industry, I know I'm still living in your shadow and I haven't done half as much as you did in this great business... Dusty says that's not what I'm saying, Dustin baby, what I'm saying is you still got it all and you got it all ahead of you, son! You're 32 years young Dustin baby, and let me tell you something, that's still a young man in this business! You still got time to win the big one, baby! Dustin says he's doing his best and he's back here in WCW to do just that as Dustin Rhodes, not as Goldust... Dustin says he feels like he's in the best shape of his life, he feels more determined thatn ever before and next week on Nitro he will beat whatever is put in front of him! Freestyle segment with Dustin Rhodes & Dusty Rhodes - (71 rated) ----- Shane McMahon promo Shane comes out and demands Sabu and The Extreme Alliance get out here right now to state their demands... but nobody comes out Joey Styles gets up from the announce desk and he says that Sabu and The Extreme Alliance haven't arrived yet, they see their segment as more of a main event type segment. Shane starts going off on one and Joey Styles interrupts saying, oh sorry Shane, did I forget when the WCW United States Champion, Sabu, or any of the other members of The Extreme Alliance were WCW contracted talent? They can turn up whenever they like Shane huffs and puffs and says he knows some fans were hoping to see Sabu take on Rob Van Dam for the WCW United States Championship in a rematch tonight (fans cheer loud) but I'm afraid our doctors haven't cleared Rob Van Dam to compete tonight as he's suffering from a heavily injured ankle, he's damn near lucky not to have broken it at Mayhem. Shane says rest assured he will make sure the WCW United States Championship returns to WCW tonight and that even if he can't get the physical belt back the records book will NOT show that Sabu is the current champion! Shane says he will have exciting news about how he will crown a new WCW United States Champion next week on Nitro! Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon (98 rated) ----- Match 2: DDP & Kanyon vs Kwee Wee & Lash LeRoux When we return from the advert break the announcers hype up this match with Kwee Wee and Lash LeRoux asking for this match after being frustrated with how Kanyon has been acting backstage. WCW Lash LeRoux Theme (Runnin' Away) (youtube.com) WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com) WCW Chris Kanyon 2nd Theme (youtube.com) This match gets a decent amount of time and against the odds despite not being in great form both Kwee Wee and Lash LeRoux are determined to get something out of this match and their frustration and aggressive mean this match is far from a squash and actually quite an even match. DDP & Kanyon both seem a bit bashed up still from their Dumpster match at Mayhem and it shows, with both men not showing the usual speed and agility they might have. The ending of the match comes after Kanyon has been beaten down by both the other guys for a while, he manages to just about get the hot tag and on the hot tag DDP gets a great crowd reaction and after clotheslining Lash LeRoux out the ring he hits a Diamond Cutter on the legal man Kwee Wee and gets the win for his team. DDP & Kanyon win via pinfall - (8.04) - (55 rated) ----- Tag Team Promo We see a quick pre-recorded promo where all 3 teams competing in the main event make their case for winning the titles Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda say they're unbeaten against the WCW World Tag Team Champions, Team Canada, and tonight they're going to take the first step to making sure they get in that match at Mayhem, where there will be a winner for the titles and it will be them! The Harris Brothers say they know a lot of people will be questioning their credentials tonight but they're credentials are that they're two big bastards who ain't scared of going toe to toe with anybody! Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo are in the gym. Palumbo says they've not had many opportunities since losing the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts but tonight they show to the world and especially to Canada that they're the future of Tag Team wrestling! Sean O'Haire says the powers at be have been keeping them down in the shadows for months, but with Mr Mitchell's help he knows they can get to where they belong again. Palumbo doesn't look too impressed Freestyle segment with the above 3 teams - (51 rated) ---- 'Real Talk with Roddy' with Chavo Guerrero Jr Roddy Piper is having a sit down interview with Chavo Roddy asks Chavo how is feeling after back to back PPV losses for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship title against the champion, Juventud Guerrera. Chavo says he was robbed at Bash at the Beach, but he got a win against Juvi on TV and then at Mayhem he did beat Juvi 1 out of the 3 times, so when you look at it, they're really at 2-2, so making it out like I've lost twice is just wrong, Roddy. Roddy says Chavo is just making excuses for himself. When it really mattered he couldn't get the job done Chavo says is this what you imagined doing when you retired, Roddy? Instead of helping younger guys, the next generation, you just do these interviews criticising guys who have lost big matches? Piper says he's a professional and he doesn't mind asking the tough questions that other interviewers are afraid to ask. He asks Chavo what's next for his career then? He can't just mope around feeling sorry for himself. Chavo says he's feeling just fine and he's feeling optimistic about what the future has in store for him. Chavo says a Guerrero doesn't take anything for granted and a Guerrero takes what he has to by any means neccessary. Chavo then walks out looking annoyed at Piper, but just as he leaves the room he bumps into Disco Inferno. Oh sorry Chavo, I didn't see you there. Chavo sizes up to Disco Inferno. Disco says hey chill Chavo old buddy old pal, long-time no see. Chavo says he's a Guerrero. He doesn't have any chill. Disco says he saw Chavo's big match with Juvi, a great match, shame about the loss, but I've always rated you Chavo, he says. Chavo says you're a smart guy then, but I don't trust you. See you later, loser. Freestyle segment with Roddy Piper, Chavo Guerrero Jr & Disco Inferno - (52 rated) ----- Match 3 / Main Event: Triangle Match as part of a tournament to determine the #1 Contenders to the WCW World Tag Team Championship. This is the Semi Final, with the winning team proceeding to the final which will take place next week live on Nitro Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda vs Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) vs The Harris Brothers Barry Windham 9th WCW Theme 'Road To Glory (Underscore)' (youtube.com) WWE: Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire Theme "Freestyle Hombre" Download (youtube.com) TNA: 2005 Harris Brothers Theme (Big Twins) (youtube.com) This match is an open bout with no 1 team particularly dominating the match. All 4 men in this match are big, bulky and comfortable brawling so it has the feel of a real fight at various times. Windham & Rotunda appear to be the favourites to get the win and they're on top of the match before 'Sinister' James Mitchell starts arguing with the referee about a fast pinfall on Palumbo that only gets a 2 count. The Harris Brothers both then storm the ring and clear Windham & Rotunda over the the top rope. Palumbo takes out Ron Harris and they start brawling on the outside. Meanwhile, in the ring, Sean O'Haire manages to connect with a Widow Maker on Don Harris to get the victory. O'Haire & Palumbo win via pinfall - (6.51) - (58 rated) Well it's Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo who will face Fit's Fight Club next week on Nitro, says Scott Hudson, but that seemed like an assist for their manager 'Sinister' James Mitchell! ----- Steve Corino promo The WCW FXtreme Television Champion, with Don Callis in the background, seems furious after missing out on the chance to compete for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Fall Brawl. Corino says he blames Kid Kash and Kid Kash alone for why he didn't get his shot at the Big Gold Belt. He says next week he'll be waiting and if Kid Kash has any balls he'll come out to fight him like a man! Don Callis says the only difference is next week Corino isn't against the clock... so he's not going to get your match over and done with that quickly, he wants you to suffer! Freestyle segment with Steve Corino & Don Callis - (59 rated) ---- On the screen at the entrance ramp we see Sabu, with the WCW United States Championship, Bill Alfonso and alongside them the rest of The Extreme Alliance, Tommy Dreamer & The Chair Swingin' Freaks, Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten. They seem to be in a parking lot of somewhere near the venue. In the ring we see Shane McMahon with a microphone and Rob Van Dam standing next to him with some kind of ankle brace on one of his ankles. Shane says they've not got much time left on this show. He can see that The Extreme Alliance weren't man enough to show up in person which is disappointing but not unexpected. Shane says as far as he sees it Sabu is not the WCW United States Champion so if that's the only leverage they've got then they're not in any position to make any demands of him. Bill Alfonso says unlike Steve Corino and The Sandman, Sabu is loyal to his friends. His demands are simple. If Shane McMahon wants the WCW United States Championship to return to WCW, then he must give Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, The Chair Swingin' Freaks and of course, me, Bill Alfonso, fair and multi-year contracts with WCW. Shane just laughs at them RVD grabs a mic and says you see Fonsi what I don't understand is that you had a WCW contract with me for months. You threw all that away, you threw our friendship and mutual respect away, for what? To represent your pal, Sabu? He's not got a contract with WCW and Shane won't give him one, just seems like a stupid move from a stupid guy, I'm better off without you anyway Bill! Alfonso laughs and says he ditched RVD for Sabu because Sabu is a much better proposition. Alfonso says Van Dam has it all in the ring, but nothing in his head. Alfonso says Van Dam doesn't have the mentality to make it to the top of this industry. Van Dam would rather be a big fish in a small pond, hell that's why you signed with WCW instead of the WWF, right? Fans boo Alfonso says everything you got in WCW you got because of me! Van Dam says that's a lie, he earned everything he got! Alfonso says the only reason you even won that WCW United States Championship was because I RAN DOWN BOOKER T and softened him up for you!!! Fans are all shocked. Oh Hell No!! shouts Stevie Ray on the announce desk, "Book ain't here tonight, but for damn sure I ain't letting this s*** slide!" slamming down his set and heading down into the ring. Stevie Ray starts shouting at Rob Van Dam saying he knew Van Dam was involved in that and that Booker should've never trusted him! Rob Van Dam on the mic is apologetic saying he had no idea about that Alfonso on the mic says of course Van Dam knew nothing about it! You think he'd have signed something like that off? If he'd known it was me he probably would've refused to compete against Booker. Rob doesn't have that DAWG in him! He's not ruthless enough to make it to the top! Give him enough money to buy his own body weight in weed and beer and he doesn't give a damn about anything else! Well I'm sick of supporting failure so from now on I've thrown my hat in with Sabu and together we can take Sabu and The Extreme Alliance to the top of this industry! Shane McMahon says there will be no contracts for Alfonso, Sabu, Dreamer or Mahoney and Rotten. Sabu on the mic says if that's the case then Saturday Night he will put the WCW United States Championship on the line against Ian Rotten in IWA Mid-South! Sabu says of course he hopes he wins that match, but if he doesn't, it means the legacy and one of the most highly decorated titles in all of pro wrestling will belong to Ian Rotten and his hardcore indie promotion! Shane says he doesn't believe Sabu would put the title on the line and risk losing all the leverage he's got. Rob Van Dam on the mic says next week he's sure he will be medically cleared and if Sabu is man enough, then Nitro, Panic!, whichever one it is, how about Sabu puts the WCW United States Championship on the line against him in a rematch! Winner takes all! If RVD wins, he gets the title and The Extreme Alliance are history! If Sabu wins, then all of the Extreme Alliance and Sabu get WCW contracts! Alfonso, Sabu and the other members of The Extreme Alliance all murmur that this would be a good deal for them. Shane McMahon shuts this down and says that simply won't be happening! Sabu says well in that case, we'll speak again next week on Nitro, Shane, be sure to check the results of the IWA Mid-South show on Saturday to see if I still even possess your precious WCW United States Championship! And your plan to crown a new WCW United States Champion that isn't me? Good luck with that, kid! Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Rob Van Dam, Bill Alfonso & The Extreme Alliance - (94 rated) Show Rating: 77 1.02 TV rating (773K viewers)
  8. Brian Christopher is the newest member of the WCW roster! Brian Christopher, formerly 'Grand Master Sexay' in the 'Too Cool' group in the WWF, where he was a 1 time WWF World Tag Team champion with Scotty 2 Hotty, debuted on Nitro last night as 'Sexy' Brian Lawler. He came out to Right Said Fred's 'I'm Too Sexy' and then after aligning himself with 'The Sons of the South' (David Flair & Erik Watts) he won an Open Battle Royale to become the new #1 Contender to Juventud Guerrera's WCW World Cruiserweight Championship. Brian Christopher was released from WWF due to being caught drug-running between the Canadian and United States border, but this does not seem to have put WCW off from hiring him now the heat seems to have died down after a few months. It is also rumoured he had potentially been hired as a sweetener to get Jerry 'The King' Lawler into the company, given Brian is his son, although on-air at least 'The King' denied having any knowledge of his son's signing to WCW. The choice to use the Brian Lawler name seemed a no brainer and it is thought the 'Sexy' moniker is a playful nod to his big run as Grand Master Sexay in the WWF. WWF are exploring legal action against WCW for a number of issues in recent times in relation to stars using gimmicks or names, but the biggest point of contention is Chyna. Whilst it was rumoured that Chyna would sign with WCW after being released from WWF, many expected her to go by her birth name, Joanie Laurer, but it is thought that Chyna herself is adamant she will be keeping the name despite WWF having initially trademarked it. There was much debate before her debut as to whether she would be allowed to use it, WCW of course did not wish to get sued, but Chyna has actually legally changed her name via deed-poll to Chyna to get around this in the interim period.
  9. Chyna signs for WCW! The landscape of women's wrestling changed last night as Chyna debuted on Nitro. Chyna, who spent 4 months of this year as WWF Women's Champion, failed to agree a new deal with WWF and was released just over 1 month ago. It is thought that WWF couldn't come to terms with an agreement and felt that Chyna valued herself too highly, with the former Intercontinental Champion demanding a salary dwarfing anything any of their other women are getting. It is also rumoured that her previous relationship with Triple H didn't help things given he is now dating Stephanie McMahon. WWF's loss was clearly WCW's gain as Shane McMahon used his previous professional relationship with Chyna to help convince her to sign with WCW. It is believed that when Shane McMahon decided to start pushing women's wrestling as a more serious and interesting part of the card he had no idea that Chyna would become available, so her release has come at a perfect time for WCW who will add serious legitimacy and star power to their women's division by bringing in one of the biggest female stars of the last few years. Some in WWF believe that they could have done with doing more to keep Chyna purely to stop her from going to WCW, but Jim Ross and especially Vince McMahon just didn't value her at what she was asking for, whereas for Shane McMahon she will likely be worth every dollar. It was thought at first that Chyna might move permanently to Japan for a few years, as she also signed with All Japan Women's Pro Wrestling (AJW) on a written contract, before getting an exclusive written offer from WCW which she accepted. To Shane's credit he has been happy for AJW to use Chyna intermittently, where this summer she made history as the first ever woman from outside of Japan to win the Japan Grand Prix. This led to a block-buster match with WWWA World Champion, Kaoru Ito, who just about managed to retain her title.
  10. Nitro Episode 18: Wednesday 29 August 2001 Live late-night on FX 7,496 crowd from New York City Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Arn Anderson ----------------------------------------------- Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com) Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from NEW YORK CITY!! Jerry Lawler excitedly says we're here in the City that never sleeps, the Big Apple, the City of Dreams and you know speaking of dreams here is someone living their dream, it's the WCW World Heavyweight Champion! ----- ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com) We see Scott Hall driven towards the entrance ramp way in his trademark Bentley. The Sandman gets out of the Bentley to open the door for Hall but he's visibly very injured and is hunched over holding his back in a lot of pain. He doesn't look happy to be there at all. Scott Hall triumphantly walks to the ring with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship looking very pleased with himself. The Sandman reluctantly grabs Hall a mic once he's in the ring. Sandman looks terrible and unhappy. Scott Hall gets on the mic and says "Hey yo, New York" and then does a too sweet gesture. Scott Hall says at Mayhem is long-time friend, mentor and most recently, enemy, Curt Hennig, gave the best he had. Curt put in the performance of his life to try and take my title from me. He did his best. Some might say he put in a perfect performance but his perfect performance just isn't good enough to beat The Bad Guy! Scott says people doubted him. They said without The Sandman or any other interference he couldn't get the job done... he then spends a little while berating The Sandman telling him that he failed him and if he wants to keep his job in WCW and his job as Scott Hall's personal driver then he better not EVER fail him again! The Sandman looks hot and like he might fight Hall but then seems to calm down and moves past it. Scott continues - BUT I'm still on top of this company and there ain't nobody in it that can throw me off the top of this mountain! WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com) Booker T comes out to a big pop. Booker looks a bit banged up from his Parking Lot Brawl with The Sandman at Mayhem, but it has to be said he looks in much better shape than The Sandman himself. The Sandman looks angry upon seeing Booker come out. Booker T on a mic says everyone in this company knows the only reason you took that title from me in the first place was by cheating. Booker says you might have got the better of Curt at Mayhem, but that was only because you played on his pride... the difference between you and Curt is that you don't have no pride! Scott Hall says who needs pride when you have gold and then lifts up the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Booker says at Mayhem he proved that he deserves a shot at taking that gold back from Scott. He might not have destroyed Scott's Bentley, that can wait for another day, but he did destroy Scott's driver, he knocked him out and at Fall Brawl if Scott has any pride he knows the only real challenger for that title is Booker T!! WWE Theme - Eric Bischoff "I'm Back" (youtube.com) Bischoff comes out to the surprise of Booker T. Bischoff has a mic and he says whilst he was impressed with Booker T's performance at Mayhem, the new era of WCW should not be based on blind nepotism but also based on competition and form. Bischoff says he will give Booker an opportunity to challenge Scott Hall at Mayhem, but he says that there are several other guys who are in-form and deserving of the chance to have a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Booker says that's fine, I got no problem beating any man on this roster to get my chance at that sucka standing in the ring! Eric Bischoff says tonight will see a Beat The Clock Challenge tournament to determine the number 1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Fall Brawl. Bischoff says he plans to reward the 4 most in-form men in WCW with a chance to win a shot against Scott Hall. Bischoff announces the competitors as Booker T... one half of the newly crowned WCW World Tag Team Champions, Lance Storm.... the WCW FXtreme Television Champion, Steve Corino... and finally... 'Dr Death' Steve Williams! All 4 men will compete in matches tonight. The man who can beat their opponent in the quickest time-frame will become the number 1 contender... Bischoff says best of luck Booker, we'll see you out here for the main event... Freestyle segment with Scott Hall, The Sandman, Booker T and Eric Bischoff - (87 rated) ---- Vampiro promo In a dark room Vampiro is laughing and sends a warning to the WCW locker-room. He says what you saw at Mayhem is just the beginning... this Friday night on Panic! the world will get to see the Freak Show that I have created... And this a message to The Hurricane... I don't know who you are... I don't know where you came from, but let me tell you something brother, you can wear your mask, you can put on your silly green cape... but your days round here are numbered! (59 rated) ---- Tony, Jerry and Arn are at the desk and they're excitedly talking about the Beat The Clock Challenge. Tony says we've had confirmation of the 4 matches that will take place tonight in it: In our main event we will see Booker T vs Jason Jett, 'Dr Death' Steve Williams will be in action against former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Mike Sanders, one half of the newly crowned WCW World Tag Team Champions, Lance Storm will take on formal Team Canada stable-mate and WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Elix Skipper and in our opening bout of the evening we've got: ----- Match 1: Beat The Clock Challenge to determine #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Schiavone talks about the rules of the Beat The Clock Challenge and that it is between Corino, Storm, Williams and Booker T. If any of their opponents win they don't get a shot at the title. Lawler mentions how in these matches the opponent may not even need to "win" the match to avoid defeat, as whilst this first match will go the distance with Corino setting the pace, in all of the 3 other matches the match will only go on until Corino's time, so in the 2nd match the other guy doesn't need to win to avoid defeat they just need to beat the clock, as does the challenger. Steve Corino (with Don Callis) vs Jamie Knoble (with Kid Kash) - The WCW FXtreme Television Championship is not on the line in this match The Pitbulls 2006 - "Show Me the Cash" WWE Entrance Theme (youtube.com) ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com) Don Callis barks instructions to Steve Corino who has put his WCW FXtreme Television title to one side. As the bell rings Corino is immediately onto Knoble trying to do as much damage in as little time as possible. He takes Knoble out with a stiff punch and then gets him on the ground and is kicking him and then with his foot choking him viciously as Knoble holds onto the bottom rope. Kid Kash immediately jumps to the apron demanding the ref intervene. The ref begins to count to 5 when Corino stops choking Knoble and hits a stiff punch onto Kid Kash knocking him off the apron. Well, Tony, Steve Corino, that's my pick for the Beat The Clock Challenge says Lawler. I think this could be over very quickly. In the distraction of this Jamie Knoble manages to get a school-boy roll-up pin but he only gets a 1 count before a furious Corino starts beating on him again. Knoble scrambles to his feet as an excited and determined Steve Corino grabs onto Knoble and hits an Old School Expulsion on Knoble. Well that could be all she wrote, says Tony. Just under 2 minutes on the clock and this could be some benchmark to set for Corino adds Lawler. Corino pins Knoble and the ref counts for the 1...2...3--- NO KID KASH BREAKS UP THE COUNT!!! Kid Kash who Corino viciously punched off the apron has come back at Corino with a vengeance here! screams Tony. He can't do that! says Lawler. A furious Don Callis gets on the apron screaming at the ref. The ref notices what has happened and starts shouting and josting with Kid Kash before immediately telling Kid Kash he's banned from ring-side and must leave immediately! Corino is furious and whilst Kid Kash is arguing with the referee he hits an Old School Expulsion on Kid Kash. Knoble is still in a bad way in the ring but is just about managing to crawl to the ropes to bring himself to his feet. Corino grabs him and puts him in a Sleeper hold and then takes him down to the matt. It takes about 4-5 seconds before the referee calls for the bell as Corino has choked him out! Steve Corino wins via submission - (3.10) - (60 rated) Well that's a win for Steve Corino says Tony, a good time for sure but will that extra minute or so caused by Kid Kash cost Corino a shot at the title? ---- JJ Dillon standing by with Eric Bischoff JJ says fans will be asking tonight what's the current situation with the WCW United States Championship? Sabu of The Extreme Alliance now holds the title and he's not a member of the active roster? Bischoff says the Chairman and CEO of WCW, Shane McMahon, is still in ongoing consultation with WCW's legal team regarding this matter. That's all we are willing to say at this time. But do I as WCW General Manager consider Sabu to be the official holder of the WCW United States Championship? Absolutely not, JJ! Well, alright, says JJ. And I take it you asked for this time with me because you also have several other matches you wanted to announce for the fans tonight and later this week on Panic! That's right, JJ, says Bischoff. Team Canada won the WCW World Tag Team Championship this past Sunday at Mayhem and I can confirm that The Nu Road Warriors do not have a rematch clause. They, alongside several other teams, will have a chance to make themselves the next #1 contenders though. 6 teams will fight it out for the chance to take on Team Canada. This week will see two Triangle matches, with the two winners of those Triangle matches going on to face each other next week live on Nitro. Later tonight on Nitro will see: The Nu Road Warriors vs Fit's Fight Club vs Shawn Stasiak & Mark Jindrak Then on Friday Night Panic! we will see: Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo vs Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda vs The Harris Brothers Eric goes on to say he can also confirm an update on the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship and who will get to challenge Juventud Guerrera for his title next. There are a lot of new and exciting cruiserweights that have joined WCW and help make that show great. I've always championed the cruiserweights JJ and I always will. So later tonight we have a special Open Battle Royale where anyone within the qualifying weight who has never been a WCW World Cruiserweight Champion before will get the chance to win a shot against Juvi. Well that's big news for the United States, World Tag Team and World Cruiserweight Championship titles says Tony. Several big-time tag team matches, a huge over the top rope Cruiserweight Battle Royale later tonight and the shocking news that it seems like we have no recognised WCW United States Champion! Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon & Eric Bischoff - (56 rated) ---- Team Canada promo in the back Lance Storm and Mike Awesome stand facing the camera with the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts. Carl Ouellet stands looking menacing in the background holding a Canadian flag. Lance Storm looks happy as he says Good Evening, New York (boos from crowd) we stand before you the greatest tag team in the entire world. We have dethroned The Nu Road Warriors and WCW has now entered a new age, not of outlaws, not of road warriors, but of proud Canadian patriots (boos) Mike Awesome says you can boo all you want New York, it just makes our victory all the more sweet. We've worked hard for this moment and now we've got these belts we ain't giving them up without a fight! Lance Storm says if he can be serious for a moment... not only have we got our hands on the WCW World Tag Team Championship, but I, have been graced with a chance to have a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship... giving me the chance as a proud Canadian to be a double-crown champion in WCW. Let me just say, it's about damn time I got given a shot at the Big Gold Belt. I've worked hard to get to this moment and you can bet your- Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo come into set. Carl Ouellet sizes up to them. Storm and Awesome look over at them unimpressed. Oh hey, Lance, says Skipper. Just thought I'd pop by and say congrats on winning the tag belts, but er, the Big Gold Belt? Well your Beat The Clock challenge match is against PRIME TIME Elix Skipper, so I just thought I'd make sure you didn't get your hopes up now, eyy, as I promise you, you will RUN OUT OF TIME before you beat PRIME TIME!! Skipper and Kid Romeo then abruptly leave as a furious Storm and Awesome look on. Freestyle segment with Team Canada & Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo - (52 rated) ----- Match 2: Akira Hokuto (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) vs Tylene Buck - Non-Title match, if Tylene Buck wins she gets a future shot at the WCW World Women's Championship Tylene Buck is already in the ring. Akira Hokuto 4th - Pacific Zone (WCW Official Theme) (youtube.com) Well, Arn, Akira Hokuto retained that championship at Mayhem against La Diabolica, she's now in action tonight against the inexperienced Tylene Buck, do you think Buck has any chance of a victory tonight? Anderson says this is a free-hit for Buck. She has nothing to lose here tonight except the match. The title isn't on the line so some champions could get complacent in a match like this thinking they can just turn up and win. Do I think that's Hokuto? Well from what I've seen of her she's clinical and ruthless, so I don't fancy Buck's chances, but anything can happen in wrestling, that's the beauty of it! Tylene Buck starts the match aggressively but this ends up looking rash as the calm, patient and experienced champion Hokuto waits for the right moment to pick her off. Hokuto gets in several hard hitting strikes and puts Buck in several painful holds, tiring her out, before eventually hitting a Northern Light Suplex to get the win. Akira Hokuto wins via pinfall - (4.10) - (32 rated) After the match 'Sinister' James Mitchell presents his client with her WCW World Women's Championship and she holds it aloft in the ring as if to say that there is nobody in WCW who can take it away from her. ---- Fit's Fight Club in the back Fit Finlay says tonight is a big night for Fit's Fight Club. Tajiri has a big opportunity as one of the favourites to win the Open Battle Royale to become #1 Contender for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship and Dave Taylor and himself have a great opportunity to win their Triangle match to challenge for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Stasiak and Jindrak come into shot. Stasiak says that Finlay and Taylor are lucky their road agents in Shane McMahon's pocket otherwise they wouldn't even be in the match. Finlay and Taylor get hot and tell Stasiak to watch his mouth. Jindrak says, what you gonna do, fire us? Stasiak and Jindrak laugh before walking off. Freestyle segment with Fit's Fight Club and Stasiak & Jindrak - (35 rated) ---- DDP and Kanyon in the back. Kanyon is furious. He says The Extreme Alliance screwed them over at Mayhem, they dumped them in the trash, when it's those bastards who belong in the trash! DDP tells Kanyon he needs to calm down, you win some, you lose some, no big deal. Kanyon says it is a big deal! He was the most in-form wrestler in the company, now because he lost to The Extreme Alliance he didn't get a shot in the Beat The Clock challenge, Bischoff even put in Steve Corino, another ex-Extreme Alliance guy. How's Corino getting a shot before him? Steve Williams has been in the company 3 minutes but he gets a shot over me?? Lash LeRoux and Kwee Wee come into shot. Kwee Wee asks Kanyon if he's done whining yet? Kanyon gets hot, calm down Chris says DDP. Kwee Wee says ever since Shane McMahon took over the company Kanyon has been featured every week on TV, he gets big wins on TV, big wins on PPV, but none of that is enough to feed his enormous ego. Kanyon tells Kwee Wee to shut up. Lash LeRoux says since Shane took over the company there's a lot of guys in the back who can't get a look in or ain't doing so great. But the way we see it Chris, you're doing just fine. We don't like your attitude much, but if you're pissed off, if you want to release some tension, you feel like a match... well how's about it, us 2 vs you 2, live on Friday Night Panic? Kanyon says he'd happily beat their asses right now but if they want to wait until Friday then he's got no problem with it. DDP just laughs and says oh brother. Freestyle segment with DDP & Kanyon and Lash LeRoux & Kwee Wee - (70 rated) ---- Outside of Curt Hennig's locker-room we see JJ Dillon knocking with no response. JJ says he's tried to get viewers an insight into how Curt Hennig is feeling after his loss in the big match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Mayhem but he hasn't had a response so far. JJ knocks again, then opens the door and we see a disappointed and annoy Curt Hennig come to the door. Look JJ, Curt says, I got a lot of respect for you, but this isn't a good time. Do you have anything to say to the WCW fans who were rooting for your this past Sunday, Curt? You came so close to greatness, Curt, it was a great match, the Champ just got in your head, that's all. Curt says that he's his own biggest critic and he knows that Scott Hall didn't beat him at Mayhem, he beat himself. And he'll beat himself up about that moment for the rest of his professional career. That was his shot at the big one and he blew it, now if you don't mind JJ, I have nothing further to say. Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Curt Hennig - (68 rated) ----- Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson backstage. Kidman tells Torrie it's okay, Vampiro isn't here tonight and besides he's spoken to management about what happened at Mayhem. He is sure that WCW is a safe place for Torrie to be. Torrie doesn't look so sure. Shane Helms comes into set and Kidman gets visibly annoyed. Helms says he was sorry to see what happened to Kidman and Wilson at Mayhem. He couldn't get out there quick enough as he was in catering at the time watching on a monitor. He's just glad The Hurricane, whoever the hell that dude was, was there to save them. Kidman says he has his suspicions on who The Hurricane might be... Shane asks, who? But Kidman doesn't say. Helms says it's harder to trust people round here each day, he knows Kidman doesn't trust him, but he says he trusts you and Torrie more than most round here. Freestyle segment with Kidman, Torrie and Shane Helms - (46 rated) ---- Match 3: Beat The Clock Challenge to be #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Lance Storm (with Mike Awesome and Carl Ouellet) vs Elix Skipper (with Kid Romeo) Lance Storm must beat Steve Corino's time of 3.10 seconds or the match will end in a draw. WCW THEMES: Elix Skipper "Primetime Elix Skipper" (youtube.com) Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com) Mike Awesome joins the announcers at the commentary desk holding both of the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts whilst Carl Ouellet stands guard at ringside. Arn Anderson asks Mike Awesome what Lance Storm's strategy is in the match. Awesome says Storm is just going to get the job done. The match begins and Lance Storm comes flying out the gates trying to get at Elix Skipper with a clothesline, but Skipper ducks out of it, runs the ropes and then rolls out of the ring. Storm looks out the ring furious. Ouellet goes towards Skipper as the ref starts counting him out but Kid Romeo steps in to prevent him from getting involved. A furious Ouellet stares down Kid Romeo who despite the size advantage doesn't back down until Ouellet punches him several times and then throws him into the barricade. Elix Skipper hits a drop-kick on Ouellet who goes into the barricade himself as the ref gets to a 5 count. Skipper slides back into the ring as Awesome on commentary mentions that Skipper is proving himself to be a coward. Storm is still trying to get hold of Skipper who uses agility and high-flying counters to avoid Storm making contact with him. Storm eventually manages to grab Skipper and starts grappling with him. I make that 1 minute already, Mike, and Storm's not really got that much offence in yet, says Tony. Awesome says that Lance still has plenty of time. Storm does get some offence in now with some rough strikes and kicks, but Skipper eventually manages to get some momentum back with a cross-body from a spring-board on the rope. Meanwhile, on the outside, Ouellet and Kid Romeo begin to brawl again and this time the referee from the ring shouts out at both of them indicating that both men are now banned from ringside. Ouellet argues with the referee until he gets flattened by Skipper hitting a crossbody on him from the top rope to the outside. Storm is back to his feet and sees Skipper on the outside again. This time Storm quickly gets out of the ring and chases over to Skipper, he starts trading blows with him on the outside before throwing him back into the ring. The two fight for a bit in the ring before Storm manages to hit a massive drop-kick on Skipper and goes for the pin. If he can get this then Storm would have the win! says Tony 1-2... but Skipper has his foot on the rope! Lance Storm only has about 30 seconds left to get a victory here, says Lawler, are you nervous Mike? Awesome says Storm only needs 3 seconds to get a pin. In a desperate bid to get the win Storm stomps on Skipper a few times before putting him into the Canadian Maple Leaf submission! Lance Storm puts all of his effort into the submission. I make that 20 seconds now, says Tony. Surely Skipper can't hold out? Skipper looks determined but like he's in an awful lot of pain. Storm keeps piling more pressure on as Awesome says on commentary that Skipper has to tap out, he has no choice. He's held on for 10 seconds here, says Tony, can Skipper stop Storm from going for the title?! As the clock counts down Storm looks nervous but determined to get the win. 5-4-3-2 Skipper is about to tap... but he just holds out! The match finishes in a draw - (3.10) - (57 rated) Skipper starts tapping out immediately as the clock chimes. Storm is furious, Kid Romeo who was still at ringside slides into the ring, rescues Skipper and then they make a quick exit from the ring. Storm looks on shell-shocked at not getting the win, whilst Mike Awesome rages on commentary saying that Romeo and Skipper will pay for this as the last shot before break is Elix Skipper looking very happy with himself. ----- JJ Dillon with 'Dr Death' Steve Williams and Jimmy Hart JJ asks Steve how he is feeling about his match later tonight. Lance Storm just failed to beat Corino's time, do you see that benchmark time as something you can beat? 'Dr Death' says since he got back here in WCW he's been demolishing everyone they've put before him... he don't see any reason why tonight will be any different. Williams says he's been waiting his whole career for a chance like this and he's not going to waste it! Jimmy Hart adds that his client is the most under-rated guy in American professional wrestling. Jimmy says he came back to management for one reason and one reason only - because he thought he could take 'Dr Death' to the pinnacle of this sport! And tonight he makes a big step in doing just that! Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, 'Dr Death' and Jimmy Hart - (48 rated) ---- Joey Styles is seen on screen from the production truck. Joey cuts a quick promo where he says he knows that Shane McMahon, the big wigs in WCW and all the fans and wrestlers in the back are keen to hear from the NEWWWW WCW United States Champion and whilst Shane McMahon has refused to put the now hottest free agent in wrestling, Sabu, on TV, as a representative of FX, Joey has taken the decision that WCW viewers want to hear from him. He puts a tape in and then we see the tape... Sabu stands in front of the screen with the WCW United States Championship and Bill Alfonso, with Tommy Dreamer and The Chair Swingin' Freaks in the background Bill Alfonso says a lot of people will be asking why he turned on Rob Van Dam... well that can wait for now... for now this is Sabu's moment! Sabu is the WCW United States Champion whether Shane McMahon wants to recognise that or not... the fans all know what happened... everyone in the back knows what happened... and Shane, if you don't want to recognise Sabu as champion, if you don't want to let him defend that belt on WCW television... well he's going to defend that belt like the champion he is! Tony Schiavone asks what Alfonso's talking about! Axl Rotten comes into frame and he says THIS SATURDAY NIGHT... LIVE IN INDIANA... IWA MID SOUTH... BARBED WIRE, BOMBS AND BLOOD... THE HOMICIDAL... GENOCIDAL... SUICIDAL... DEATH DEFYING MANIAC... SABU... PUTS THE WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP ON THE LINE IN THE MAIN EVENT AGAINST MY BROTHER IAN ROTTEN WHO JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE THE OWNER OF THE COMPANY... IN A BARBED WIRE ROPE MATCH!!! What?! asks Jerry Lawler Sabu then comes to the stage and says if you don't want that match to go ahead Shane, then you can hear my list of demands live on Friday Night Panic! where we'll all be there waitin' for you... Freestyle segment with Joey Styles, Bill Alfonso, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer and the Chair Swingin' Freaks - (48 rated) ----- Match 4: Triangle Match as part of a tournament to determine the #1 Contenders to the WCW World Tag Team Championship. This is the Semi Final, with the winning team proceeding to the final which will take place next week live on Nitro Fit's Fight Club (Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor) (with Tajiri) vs Shawn Stasiak & Mark Jindrak (with Stacy Keibler) vs The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog) Well big news about the WCW United States Championship there, says Tony, but now we've got action in relation to the WCW World Tag Team Championship... 3 teams now set to make their claim for a shot at it... who's your pick here guys? Arn says that Finlay and Dave Taylor have more experience than most, it comes down to whether The Nu Road Warriors can get on the same page chemistry-wise tonight. Stasiak & Jindrak are perhaps the dark horses. Finlay's 2006 v2 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Lambeg v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com) WCW Shawn Stasiak 4th Theme Song - "Stasiak Theme" (With Tron) (youtube.com) Road Warriors Theme Song (youtube.com) This match sees all 3 teams vying for victory. The match gets a decent amount of time and goes about 10 minutes. The Nu Road Warriors start the match off strong, but eventually Stasiak and Jindrak get into the match and look like they are the dominant force with Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor both taken out on the outside. The match reaches its conclusion when The Nu Road Warriors get back some momentum and Road Warrior Dog hits a clothesline on Stasiak who crashes down to the outside into Dave Taylor. The Nu Road Warriors have Jindrak up for a Doomsday Device but they seem to take their time a bit after the mishap that cost them the titles at Mayhem. This delay causes huge problems for them as whilst Animal has Jindrak up, Fit Finlay rolls into the ring and hits a suplex on Animal taking both him and Jindrak who was on his shoulders out in one blow. Road Warrior Dog from the top rope then jumps down from the top rope and goes to start fighting with Finlay but Finlay picks him up and hits a Celtic Cross! Finlay pins Road Warrior Dog and he gets the 1-2-3 as Animal and Jindrak's attempt to break up the pin are too late! That's a big win for Fit's Fight Club says Tony on commentary. Their experience got them the victory tonight, says Arn. The Nu Road Warriors look devastated at having lost, whilst Jindrak and Stasiak look annoyed. Fit's Fight Club wins via pinfall - (9.28) - (45 rated) ----- Shane's office with Shane McMahon and Rob Van Dam Shane is looking defeated. This awful mess is all your doing! Shane says to Van Dam. You had the match won, you had Sabu beat, but you let that idiot get in your head, you were more concerned about taking him out then you were at winning that title! You're meant to be a team player in this company Rob! Mr Wednesday Nitro! RVD gets defensive and says it wasn't his fault Alfonso turned on him how was he meant to see that coming? If Alfonso hadn't gotten involved and Shane hadn't delayed him at the entrance ramp then RVD would've flattened Sabu, taken out a big part of The Extreme Alliance who have been causing CHAOS in WCW since you took over... and then kept hold of the WCW United States Championship. The way I see it, you book the match, Friday Night Panic, Sabu vs RVD for the WCW United States Championship... and I'll get that title back! Shane says to hell with that! He doesn't recognise Sabu's reign and on Friday Night Panic! it doesn't matter what his demands are! He's not giving into them! RVD says Sabu is the champion, the fans know it, the boys know, it's part of WCW's title history now and Shane can either accept that and work on getting the title back to a WCW guy like Mr Wednesday Nitro himself, or he'll just look stupid, you want Sabu to defend that title against Ian Rotten in a Barbed Wire match for some indie promotion? Cause that's what's going to happen unless you smooth things out on Friday. Shane isn't happy and says it should be RVD smoothing out the mess that HE created... but he says he expects RVD at Friday Night Panic! and he will be there too. Shane asks RVD if he is medically cleared to compete... RVD hesitates but says he's never listened to doctor's that much anyway, it's just advice, right? Shane looks concerned. Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon and Rob Van Dam - (85 rated) ---- Match 5: Beat The Clock Challenge to be #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship 'Dr Death' Steve Williams (with Jimmy Hart) vs Mike Sanders 'Dr Death' must beat Steve Corino's time of 3 minutes 10 seconds or the match ends in a draw Mike Sanders WCW Custom Entrance Video (youtube.com) AJPW Steve Williams 1st Theme Song - "I Love It Loud" (With 1st Tron) (RIP) (youtube.com) Well Jerry, do you think 'Dr Death' has what it takes to beat Corino's time? asks Schiavone You wouldn't bet against him that's for sure Tony! says Lawler 'Dr Death' comes storming out the gates aggressively against Sanders who makes a mistake in trying to go toe to toe with the man basically double his size. Williams nails Sanders with a huge clothesline that completely knocks the wind out of him. 'Dr Death' is my pick for this whole thing, guys! says Lawler excitedly. Steve Williams gets Mike Sanders up and hits a big backdrop driver! He pulls Sanders to his feet and puts him up for the Doctor Bomb and he nails him! 'Dr Death' goes for the pin and he gets the 1-2-3! 'Dr Death' Steve Williams wins via pinfall - (0.38) - (42 rated) My god, what domination! says Tony Arn Anderson adds that 'Dr Death' has not just beaten but he has blown Corino's time out the park. He's got the win with just 38 seconds on the clock! --- Backstage we see Booker T watching on at a monitor with Sharmell and his brother Stevie Ray Booker looks a bit concerned but Stevie Ray and Sharmell are giving him a pep talk telling him that he's still got this. JJ Dillon comes onto the scene and says, Booker, a quick word, your reaction to that knowing in the main event you need to beat a time of 38 seconds? 'Dr Death' has to be the favourite now doesn't he? Booker looks at JJ then into the camera. Booker says he ain't been the favourite for anything in his entire life. But he stands before the WCW fans as a former WCW United States Champion, 6 time Television Champion, 10 TIME World Tag Team Champion with my brother Stevie Ray... and a 4 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion... so JJ... can I beat anyone on this roster in a better time than 38 seconds? Of course I can! I'm one of the most decorated athletes in all of WCW history... I know I deserve this shot against Scott Hall after he screwed me out of MY championship and damn it tonight I get that win and at Fall Brawl I take back what's rightfully mine! Now CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKA?!?! Freestyle segment with Booker T, Stevie Ray, Sharmell and JJ Dillon - (84 rated) --- In the ring we see a table with a couple of chairs and a contract. Born To Be Wild (youtube.com) Sable comes to the ring and gets a microphone. Sable says at WCW Mayhem, we saw one of the best women's matches in WCW history when the WCW World Women's Champion, Akira Hokuto, put her title on the line against former enemy and one of the best luchadora's that Mexico has ever seen, La Diabolica. Akira Hokuto retained that title... and the question on everyone's mind is who's next for her? She's defeated the best WCW has to offer, one of the best Japan has to offer, one of the best Mexico has to offer... well WCW fans I'm really excited to announce the newest addition to the WCW roster and my pick to challenge Akira Hokuto in a block-buster match at Fall Brawl WWE Theme - Eric Bischoff "I'm Back" (youtube.com) Wait a minute, says Tony. Akira Hokuto vs Eric Bischoff at Fall Brawl?? exclaims Jerry. I hope it isn't a Bra and Panties match! Eric Bischoff slowly walks towards the ring with a look of annoyance and unhappiness on his face. Sable is furious. Sable says "Eric, I've had enough of you... but this... this is crossing the line! Who do you think you are- Bischoff cuts her off saying "Well Sable, let me tell you sweetheart, the feeling is mutual. As the General Manager of WCW I gotta say I'm tired of your narcissitic self-promoting segments where you pretend to care and hype up the women in your so called Women's Division, when really it's all just about you. Sable says "That's a lie, Eric. My job here is to- Bischoff cuts her off again and says - "What? Your job is to put yourself on TV front and center taking the spotlight away from the women every week? And what are you talking about? Making a big song and dance about this announcement tonight. A block-buster match at Fall Brawl? Really? When you've probably just signed some other women from Japan or Mexico that American wrestling fans have never even heard of apart from a few marks sitting at home in their mum's basement?? Sable says "That's where you're wrong Eric. I've signed a woman who is going to change the face of the WCW Women's division forever... change the face of WCW and Nitro itself!" "Oh give me a break!" says Bischoff. "You're damaging our show with these outlandish claims and quite frankly I think it's time I put a stop to it!" Bischoff looks angry, Sable looks a bit concerned as Bischoff starts to slowly walk towards her. TNA Chyna Theme Hell On Heels (youtube.com) Who is it? Who's Sable signed? asks Schiavone. CHYNA in big letters lights up the entrance ramp screen CHYNA?!?! shouts Schiavone. "THE CHYNA?!" demands Jerry Lawler Chyna walks out to a huge pop as Bischoff turns round looking shocked. Chyna walks down to the ring as the fans and announcers are both surprised. Well folks, says Tony. Chyna, a former 2 time Intercontinental Champion, she had a dominant 4 month reign as WWF Women's Champion earlier this year, it only ended in July shortly before they couldn't agree terms on a new contract... but I don't think anyone thought Chyna would turn up on Nitro like this! The hottest free agent in all of women's wrestling looks like she's set to sign a WCW contract right here tonight! adds Arn Anderson Chyna gets in the ring and seems to tower over both Sable and even Bischoff looks a bit intimidated. Bischoff looks up and down at her like he's seen a ghost or something. Sable smiles, Chyna looks at Sable and Sable gives her a quick nod. Chyna out of nowhere nails Bischoff with a kick in the nuts! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! laughs Jerry Lawler hysterically on commentary. Schiavone says "oh boy, Eric's taken a sore one there, I'm not sure many could say it was undeserved given his contempt shown for Sable in the last few months here" Chyna then grabs Bischoff by the mid-riff and she looks like she's going to lift him up for a Powerbomb! "Oh no, I don't think that's such a good idea, Chyna!" says Tony, as Lawler pipes up that he thinks Bischoff is going for a ride! Chyna lifts up Bischoff for a Powerbomb and then slams him through the table that had the contract on it! Bischoff goes straight through the table and looks destroyed in the ring. "Oh my god!" sighs Tony, as Arn Anderson says he thinks Eric is knocked out cold. Chyna manages to fish out the contract and a pen from the wreckage she has left in her weight and then she signs the WCW contract before dumping it on top of Bischoff's lifeless body. The segment ends with Sable lifting Chyna's hand in victory in the ring. The landscape of women's wrestling in WCW has changed tonight! says Tony. CHYNA IS HERE IN WCW!! Freestyle segment with Sable, Eric Bischoff and Chyna - (54 rated) ----- Match 6: 15 Man Open Cruiserweight Championship #1 Contender Battle Royale: Any Cruiserweight who has never been WCW World Cruiserweight Champion can compete Tony Schiavone hypes up this match and then says that 1 of the entrants in this match we're told is a "Wildcard" entree who only signed his WCW contract tonight! In the ring already we see Nova of the b.w.o, Christopher Daniels, Kid Kash, Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang of the Jung Dragons, Kid Romeo, as well as AJ Styles and Air Paris of Air Raid. WCW Juventud Guerrera 2nd Theme Song - "Summer Nights In Spain" (With 2nd Tron) (youtube.com) The WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Juventud Guerrera comes out to join the announcers for this match. They ask Juvi if he has any preference and he says look guys I don't care who I face. I'm the best Cruiserweight in this place, man. Nobody is on my level, I proved that already, man. On the outside we have Blue Meanie supporting Nova, Terry Funk with Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper supporting Kid Romeo Full Blooded ltalians (FBI) 2nd Titantron (with 2nd Theme) (youtube.com) We see Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke come out, both competing in the match, accompanied by Johnny Stamboli. ECW Mikey Whipwreck Custom Titantron (youtube.com) Next out is Mikey Whipwreck who comes out looking excited to take part in the match and get a potential title shot Tajiri's 2001 v1 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Imperial City" Theme [HD] (youtube.com) Tajiri comes out with Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor in support of him from Fit's Fight Club, Finlay is giving lots of advice to Tajiri as he comes out. Mexicools - theme and Titantron Video (youtube.com) Juvi gets up to clap as his two friends and stable-mates Psychosis and Super Crazy come out together. Well they're coming out together, as have several other teams and friends in this match, says Arn, but when it comes to fighting for a chance at that title it's every man for himself. Would you want to face Super Crazy or Psychosis, Juvi, asks Tony Look Tony, they're my bro's you know but when it comes to the gold we will battle for it, man. They're great wrestlers. They deserve a chance for sure, we will see, if one of them wins, I'm sure we'll have the match of the night whenever we have that match for the title, man. Tony then gets up and with a microphone says in the absence of the General Manager, Eric Bischoff, who I hear has been taken to a local hospital (fans cheer) I hereby announce the newest member of the WCW roster and the wildcard in this match... a man many of you, including you Jerry (Jerry acts surprised)... please give it up for 'SEXY' BRIAN LAWLER!!! Right Said Fred - I`m Too Sexy (1991) (youtube.com) WHAT?!?! demands Jerry Lawler, as we see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler rush out and dance at the entrance ramp. Oh come on Jerry, don't say you didn't know your own son had signed for tonight! says Tony, as Jerry Lawler protets he had no idea about it. The Crusierweights in the ring look down a bit surprised as Brian Lawler takes in a decent pop from the crowd. 'Sexy' Brian Lawler of course a former 1 time Tag Team Champion... tonight he'll be making his claim to get his hands on the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship! Nobody's getting their hands on my title, man, says Juvi. As Lawler gets in the ring the bell rings and the match begins! The first minute of the match sees mayhem with everyone going at it. The Jung Dragons are fighting The F.B.I with Air Raid battling the two MexiCruisers in the ring, with everyone else duking it out amongst themselves. The first elimination sees Psychosis throw Air Paris over the top-rope, Paris manages to stay on the apron but he then takes a drop-kick from Super Crazy which sends him crashing out. Jimmy Yang is the next man out as Little Guido manages to clothesline him over the ropes and out of the match. Kid Romeo goes on an attacking frenzy with Elix Skipper cheering him on from the outside. With Skipper's encouragement Romeo manages to elimate Tony Mamaluke, much to Little Guido's annoyance. Just as this happens we see Carl Ouellet come out from the back. What's he doing here? demands Schiavone. Carl Ouellet of Team Canada, I don't like this. Elix Skipper runs over to Ouellet and gets a big smack in the mouth which takes him out. Ouellet walks towards the bottom of the ramp facing down at Kid Romeo, who is looking over at him, but this distraction gives 'Sexy' Brian Lawler the opening he needs as he dumps the distracted Kid Romeo out. Carl Ouellet smiles as if to say job done and walks off. I think that was sabotage for what happened earlier tonight with Lance Storm! says Tony in disgust. Meanwhile, in the ring we see Psychosis and Super Crazy battling Nova and Mikey Whipwreck. Little Guido is trading blows in the corner with Christopher Daniels. Just as we see that we see Tajiri hit a raelly stiff kick to AJ Styles before he hits another higher kick which sends the rookie flying over the rope! Fit Finlay shouts on his encouragement from the outside. Kaz Hayashi and Lawler are trading blows in the ring, Hayashi hits him with a lot of stiff kicks and Arn Anderson mentions he doesn't think 'Sexy' Brian Lawler wants to trade kicks with a guy like Hayashi, but just as he says this Psychosis hits a hurricanrana onto Nova, who goes crashing into Kaz Hayashi who goes over the rope but stays up, but just as he stands up and holds onto the rope Lawler clatters him off the apron to eliminate him. Just as this happens Psychosis and Super Crazy team up and throw out Nova together. We see both Little Guido and Christopher Daniels on the other side of the ring on the apron both punching each other and trying to throw the other one out. Kid Kash jumps up to the top rope and hits a tactical drop-kick which sends Guido flying into Christopher Daniels and the momentum means both men fall off the apron and onto the floor! Kid Kash celebrates his double elimination in the ring but he takes his eye off the ball as Mikey Whipwreck from out of nowhere grabs onto Kash's trunks and dumps him out! Just as Whipwreck does this he turns round and gets a green mist from his former tag-team partner in ECW, Tajiri! Whipwreck is stunned and grabs onto his eyes unable to see anything, before the Japanese Buzzsaw hits him with several kicks before eliminating him over the ropes with a clothesline! Finlay smashes the apron in approval. We're down to our final 4, notes Tony, as the 4 respective men take a corner and face off against each other. Both of Juvi's stable-mates, Super Crazy and Psychosis of the MexiCruisers are still involved, as is Tajiri of Fit's Fight Club with Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor cheering him on at ring side... oh and of course our wildcard for this evening and the newest member of the WCW roster, 'Sexy' Brian Lawler! What a night it would be for him if he pulled off the victory on his first night Is he your pick Jerry? asks Arn. Jerry says he still can't believe Brian is even here tonight, he didn't tell text or call or anything! Juvi says it's typical WCW someone's Daddy getting them a job, man. Psychosis and Super Crazy nod in agreement and by proxy we see Tajiri and 'Sexy' Brian Lawler look to make some kind of defacto agreement on the fly, but then Psychosis and Super Crazy say something to 'Sexy' Brian Lawler and he seems to agree and holds his hands up. What's going on here? asks Tony. Super Crazy and Psychosis then both go for Tajiri at the same time, with 'Sexy' Brian Lawler initially looking on and letting them go for it. Tajiri being outnumbered here! says Arn. Tajiri hits several kicks but the two MexiCruisers have too much for him. Psychosis hits a hurricanrana, then Super Crazy hits a drop kick - which sends Tajiri over the top rope but just on the apron... and then finally 'Sexy Brian' Lawler clatters Tajiri off the apron sending him into Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor at ringside. And then there were 3! says Tony. 'Sexy' Brian Lawler smiles at Super Crazy and Psychosis who eye him up and then look at each other and nod. Juvi says Lawler has bitten off more than he can chew, man. They outsmarted him, man! Well I don't know if that was so smart from Lawler, says Arn, now it's them 2 guys against him, maybe he should'a teamed up with Tajiri to take them out first and- WCW Erik Watts Theme "Grid-Iron Train " (youtube.com) Wait a minute! says Tony. That's... that's David Flair! What's he doing here?! Flair stands at the top of the entrance way, as all 3 men in the ring look down towards him wondering what's happening. OH GOD! shouts Tony, as we see Erik Watts, Flair's tag team partner, the much bigger man than the Cruiserweights in the ring clatter into Super Crazy from behind. He then hits a big clothesline on Psychosis, as Super Crazy gets back up we see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler take advantage by throwing him over the top rope and out. Erik Watts lifts up Psychosis and hits a Chokeslam on him, before pulling him up and letting 'Sexy' Brian Lawler eliminate him! 'Sexy' Brian Lawler wins - (9.50) - (59 rated) --- Now wait a minute! says Tony. Could it be that The Sons of the South are in league with 'Sexy' Brian Lawler? Lawler gives a huge to Erik Watts, as David Flair slides into the ring and they have a big group hug. They are! They planned this! This is a scandal! Juvi flips off his head set and starts talking angrily in Spanish as Super Crazy and Psychosis retreat to the back in a fair amount of pain but also quite unhappy. Juvi calls them over and seems to say he'll deal with this. In the ring we see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler mock dancing. ----- As we return from advert break we get a quick preview for Friday Night Panic! where it's confirmed again we will see a Triangle Match to determine who will face Fit's Fight Club for a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Champions... the match will see Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda vs Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo vs The Harris Brothers! Also on Panic! will be Sabu, Bill Alfonso and The Extreme Alliance as we hear their list of demands as Sabu, who not recognised but is in possession of the WCW United States Championship, seems to hold a lot of leverage over Shane McMahon. DDP & Kanyon will team up against Lash LeRoux and Kwee Wee, plus Shane Helms will be in singles action, we have a Chavo Guerrero Jr sit down intervirew with Roddy Piper, plus we will hear from Dustin Rhodes following his heroic Ambulance match victory against Buff Bagwell at Mayhem ---- Match 7 / Main Event: Beat The Clock Challenge to be #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Booker T (with Sharmell) vs Jason Jett Booker T must beat 'Dr Death' Steve Williams' time of 38 seconds or the match will end in a draw WCW Jason Jett 2nd Theme - "Jason Jett Theme" (Rec.) (youtube.com) WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com) Stevie Ray comes out with Booker T and joins the announce desk for this one. Tony says it's great to have you here Stevie, but it has to be said, regardless of how this match goes you're not going to be out here long! Stevie says Booker knows what he has to do and he has faith that his brother can do it. If you're Jason Jett here tonight in the main event, it's a real opportunity says Arn, the kid's just gotta last 38 seconds and he gets a recorded draw on his record with a 4 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion in a main event of Nitro! The bell rings and Booker is immediately on Jason Jett. He clotheslines him, Jett gets back up and Booker T tries to get him in for a Book-End but Jett is still fresh and manages to counter out of it and get a punch in. Jett showing some real fight here! says Lawler. Booker looks frustrated but starts brawling with Jett before managing to nail him with a DDT. He pulls Jett to his feet and goes for the Book-End again, this time he hits it! He rushes to get the pin...1...2..OH BUT JETT has his foot on the rope! Booker was rushing there, Stevie! says Arn. If he'd taken an extra few seconds to pull him away from the rope he could've got the pin. Stevie mumbles I know man. Just 15 seconds left on the clock for Booker T! Booker gets back up and Jett is slowly getting to his feet, he's winded though and he holds his abs as he bends down. Could Booker go for the Scissor Kick?! gasps Tony. GET EM BOOK shouts Stevie Ray. Booker has Jett lined up for the Scissor Kick, he pauses slightly to ready himself and make sure his back is up for it as this move has caused him damage intermittently since he got hit by the car... he runs the ropes and HE NAILS HIM!! Booker goes for the pin! 1..2...BEEEEEEEEEEEEP NOOO!!!! shouts Stevie Ray. The ref counts the 3 but it doesn't matter as the 3 count came on the 39th second! Booker was 1 second away from equalling 'Dr Death's time but he's just fallen short. That brief pause, that uncertainty about whether he could deliver the Scissor Kick, that's what's cost him tonight says Tony. Booker T and Jason Jett ends in a draw - (0.39) - (70 rated) ---- As the broadcast goes off air we see Booker T looking devastated in the ring, with Sharmell comforting him as the announcers confirm the main event of WCW Fall Brawl will see the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall, put his title on the line against 'Dr Death' Steve Williams!!! Show Rating: 76 1.03 TV rating (780K viewers)
  11. I'll give Wheeler Yuta an outing as I don't think I've picked him yet
  12. Think I might’ve missed the deadline now 😂 If not: Danielson, Kingston and Mox Shida and Deeb Had my wedding so was super busy for a few weeks but should be more active now
  13. Francine facing up to 8 months on the shelf WCW talent, Francine, suffered a Torn Rotator Cuff in a multi-women dark match at this past Sunday's WCW Mayhem. It is reported that this was seen as a freak accident and not the fault of any of the other women in the match, but either way this will be a big blow to Francine who has recently begun her in-ring career as a wrestler in WCW. Whilst she was still just being used as an enhancement talent at this early stage it was thought that getting as much in-ring experience as possible was important to help her develop, but with the recovery time for her injury it is not thought that Francine will be seen in a WCW ring again until at least April of 2001.
  14. Apologies for going AWOL last week, was on my stag do in Budapest which featured a night out in fancy dress as Hulk Hogan 😅 Men's Singles - Bryan Danielson Women's Singles - Serena Deeb
  15. Women's Singles - Hikaru Shida Men's Trios - Danielson, Mox, Kingston
  16. WCW finally turning a profit under Shane McMahon? PPV buys information for WCW's Mayhem PPV are in and they secured 565K buys, although this is a slight drop off in the 567K buys they achieved for the last PPV, Bash at the Beach, sources in WCW are suggesting that Shane McMahon is content with WCW's current financial situation. It is rumoured that despite the big amount of signings and blossoming talent roster, WCW, thanks primarily due to increasing ticket sales and now running two TV shows a week thanks to the addition of WCW Friday Night Panic! are now actually making a month to month profit. Apparently in July they made a profit of around $669K and for August 2001 they look set to post profits of around $850K Whilst these figures are chicken-feed compared to the rumoured $9-$10M per month profit that WWF are posting, it is thought in WCW at the moment in time the biggest priority was just making a profit of any kind whilst are still in a transitional period of Shane's tenure as owner.
  17. Loose Kanyon?! An inside source in WCW has given further information about backstage events at WCW's recent Mayhem PPV in Baltimore, Maryland. Earlier today we reported that Hugh Morrus has been given 2 weeks gardening leave due to a fall-out over his booking - and now we're told that Chris Kanyon was also left angry at his booking at the event. It is not thought that Kanyon's tantrum was anywhere near the same level as Morrus' and we understand Kanyon will still be at Nitro on Wednesday, but it is thought that Shane McMahon is a lot more annoyed at Kanyon than he is with Morrus. Another source played down the anger from Shane's side and indicated Shane is more "disappointed" than angry at Kanyon. Shane and his inner circle backstage in WCW, which includes Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, JJ Dillon and Roddy Piper among others, all rate Kanyon quite highly both in the ring and on the mic, but Shane has reportedly come to the conclusion that Chris Kanyon is a bit of a "mark" for himself. Kanyon was really angry that he and DDP were booked to lose in a Dumpster Match against Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney of The Extreme Alliance and he believed that they shouldn't have been losing to those guys. One inside source said Kanyon's reaction was ridiculous, it was a gimmicky Dumpster match where neither he or DDP were pinned or submitted, both were booked strong given The Extreme Alliance had Axl Rotten interfering and what really made Kanyon look bad was that DDP was more than happy not to go over. Many within WCW are said to have the opinion that if Diamond Dallas Page, a bonafide modern WCW legend, 3 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, multiple World Tag Team Champion, U.S Champion, TV Champion can be a team-player and do a job to help put over some new talent in the company, then what does Kanyon have to complain about given his relative lack of star-power comparatively? Shane McMahon is said to have had some strong words with Kanyon regarding his petulant behaviour about it. Apparently this is not the first time that Kanyon has got annoyed at his booking, he reportedly got upset when he was booked to lose to Sabu on Nitro in a WCW FXtreme Television Champion qualifier match, even though he was booked strong in that with Shawn Stasiak interfering. It is not thought this will immediately have any impact on any potential plans, storylines or push for Kanyon, but Shane has warned Kanyon that if he keeps acting out like this then the only person preventing Kanyon from pushing on in WCW will be Kanyon himself. It is unclear how this will play out onscreen though it is quite fitting that the persona Kanyon is portraying on screen seems to have the same chip on his shoulder that Kanyon has off it.
  18. Huge Tantrum from Hugh Morrus?! Hugh Morrus has reportedly been given 2 weeks gardening leave from all WCW shows as a result of a fall-out with Shane McMahon and WCW officials as his frustration with his booking blew over following his loss to 'Dr Death' Steve Williams at WCW's Mayhem PPV this past Sunday. Hugh Morrus was said to be furious at how he has been booked recently and was visibly angry backstage both before and after his loss to the 41 year old veteran Williams. A source within WCW has indicated that Shane McMahon is more "baffled" than "angry" at Morrus who he sees as a useful worker albeit not exactly someone he intends to build the entire company round. Shane doesn't think he's particularly booked Hugh Morrus massively weakly for his status within the company and did not really understand why he reacted the way he did.
  19. WCW roster as of end of August 2001 WCW Male Roster: Air Paris, AJ Styles, Barry Windham, Billy Kidman, Blueberg, Blue Meanie, Booker T, Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Carl Ouellet Chavo Guerrero Jr, Christopher Daniels, Chuck Palumbo, Curt Hennig, Dave Taylor, David Flair, DDP, Disco Inferno, Djinni Parisi, Don Harris, 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes, Elix Skipper, Erik Watts, Evan Karagias, Fit Finlay, Hugh Morrus, Jamie Knoble, Jason Jett, Jimmy Yang, Johnny Stamboli, Juventud Guerrera, Kanyon, Kaz Hayashi, Kid Kash, Kid Romeo, Kwee Wee, La Parker. Lance Storm, Lash LeRoux, Little Guido, Mark Jindrak, Mike Awesome, Mike Rotunda, Mikey Whipwreck, Mike Sanders, Nova, Psychosis, Reno, Road Warrior Animal, Road Warrior Dog, Rob Van Dam, Ron Harris, Scott Hall, Sean O'Haire, Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, Shawn Stasiak, 'Dr Death' Steve Williams, Stevie Ray, Super Crazy, Tajiri, Terry Funk, Tony Mamaluke & Vampiro WCW Female Roster: Akira Hokuto, April Hunter, Cynthia Lynch, Dawn-Macaria, Francine, La Diabolica, Malia Hosaka, Meiko Satomura, Sharmell, Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson, Tylene Buck WCW Tag Teams: 3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore) Air Raid (Air Paris & AJ Styles) b.w.o - (Blue Meanie & Nova) Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda Buff Enuff (Buff Bagwell & Buff Daddy V) DDP & Kanyon Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) Mark Jindrak & Shawn Stasiak Sean 0'Haire & Chuck Palumbo Super Crazy & Psychosis The F.B.I (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) The Harris Twins (Don Harris & Ron Harris) The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) The Jung Dragons (Jimmy Yang & Kaz Hayashi) The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog Dog) The Sons of the South (Erik Watts & David Flair) Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) Stables: b.w.o (Blue Meanie, Nova & Blueberg) Fit's Fight Club (Fit Finlay, Dave Taylor & Tajiri) Team Canada (Lance Storm, Mike Awesome & Carl Oullet) The F.B.I (Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke & Johnny Stamboli) The MexiCruisers (Juventud Guerrera, Super Crazy & Psychosis) The Underworld ('The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria and 'The Hounds of Hades' Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) Managers: Dawn-Macaria managing Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon Don Callis managing Steve Corino 'Sinister' James Mitchell managing Akira Hokuto and Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo Jimmmy Hart managing 'Dr Death' Steve Williams Sharmell managing Booker T Stacy Keibler managing Shawn Stasiak Terry Taylor managing Malia Hosaka Torrie Wilson managing Billy Kidman Other: The Sandman is contracted to Scott Hall as his personal driver CEO/Owner: Shane McMahon Head of Talent Relations: Johnny Ace WCW Men's General Manager: Eric Bischoff WCW Women's General Manager: Sable FX Consultant Producer for Panic!: Joey Styles Announcers: Nitro: Arn Anderson Jerry 'The King' Lawler Tony Schiavone Panic!: Joey Styles Scott Hudson Stevie Ray PPVs: Jerry 'The King' Lawler Joey Styles Tony Schiavone Refs: Billy Silverman Charles Robinson Mickie Jay Nick Patrick Scott Armstrong Backroom/Road Agents/Interviewers: Dave Taylor Fit Finlay JJ Dillon Johnny Ace Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat Roddy Piper Terry Funk Terry Taylor
  20. WCW current champions as of end of August PPV 2001 WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Scott Hall The reign began on 22 July, 2001, Bash at the Beach PPV WCW United States Champion: There is no WCW United States Champion currently recognised by WCW WCW FXtreme Television Champion: Steve Corino The reign began on 22 July, 2001, Bash at the Beach PPV WCW World Cruiserweight Champion: Juventud Guerrera The reign began on 24 June, 2001, The Great American Bash PPV WCW World Women's Champion: Akira Hokuto The reign began on 24 June, 2001, The Great American Bash PPV WCW World Tag Team Champions: Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) The reign began on 26 August, 2001, Mayhem PPV
  21. Ongoing 2001 PPV predictions league table Scoring system: 1 point per correct match prediction Top 3 highest scoring at each PPV get bonus points of (3 points for 1st, 2 points for 2nd and 1 point for 3rd) Another strong showing for DHK who got 10 points and 3 bonus points in back to back PPVs. Nobby_McDonald with a good showing in his first time as he comes in 2nd place with 9 points and gets 2 bonus points to go with them. DGenerationMC and grock both get 8 points so share 3rd place and the 1 bonus point that comes with it, which helps DGenerationMC but their lead is dented down to 11 points now. A good effort with 7/11 for StanMiguel in his first showing, with 5 more PPVs in 2001 there's still time for Stan and everyone else to challenge DGenerationMC for the top spot at the end of the year!
  22. Seems a funny twist given how much he loves bringing in high flyers and luchadors in real life 😁
  23. Cheers Nobby glad you enjoyed it. So far, so good with Scott Hall. He gets penalised in every promo/match he takes part in due to his ongoing personal problems, but his performances are still main event level for us even with the penalties so it couldn't have gone much better so far. It was a risk to bring him in, let alone put the main belt on him, but I think weirdly in this scenario WCW/Shane and Scott Hall are both what the other needs at this moment in time. Still plenty of time for it to all end in tears, mind 😄
  24. WCW Mayhem 2001 Sunday 26 August 2001 40,000 crowd in Baltimore, Maryland Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Joey Styles --- Show opens up with Queens of the Stone Age's 'Feel Good Hit Of The Summer' Queens of the Stone Age-Feel Good Hit of the Summer (youtube.com) Tony, Jerry and Joey welcome fans to Mayhem LIVE FROM MARYLAND!! Joey Styles pipes in with how he's on the announce team as a representative of both FX and Friday Night Panic!, whilst Tony groans but gets excited as he says this is Jerry 'The King' Lawler's first PPV with WCW and 'The King' says he's excited to be here, Tony. We've got a big show for you tonight, says Tony The Big Show's here?! asks Jerry No, says Tony, but we do have a Giant card tonight, our main event tonight sees long-time friends battle for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in a Steel Cage, with the champion Scott Hall going up against Curt Hennig. Joey styles pipes in and adds you'll also see Rob Van Dam attempt to defend his WCW United States Championship against THE SUICIDAL, HOMICIDAL, GENOCIDAL, DEATH DEFYING SABU IN A LADDER MATCH! That's right Joey says Tony, and there's plenty more, with a Triangle match for the fate of the WCW World Tag Team Championship, Akira Hokuto defends her WCW World Women's Championship against long-time international rival La Diabolica, we've got Booker T and The Sandman going head to head in a Parking Lot Brawl, Steve Corino defending his WCW FXtreme Television Championship against the returning Disco Inferno, a grudge match Two out of Three Falls match between Juventud and Chavo Guerrero Jr to decide the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship and many more, but as you can see our opening match tonight is an AMBULANCE MATCH!!! We see an Ambulance with full sirens make it's way into the entrance way. ---- Match 1: Buff Bagwell vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes in an Ambulance match The announcers hype up how this match came about after Dustin Rhodes returned when Buff Bagwell was giving a speech disrespecting the history of WCW including legends like Dustin's father and WCW Hall of Famer, Dusty Rhodes. This led to a tag-team match the next week where Buff Bagwell and his tag team partner and heavy Buff Daddy V put Dusty Rhodes in the hospital. Dusty only agreed not to sue Buff Bagwell and WCW if Dustin Rhodes could have the chance to avenge him at Mayhem and now we find ourselves with an Ambulance match! If you're not aware folks at home the only way to win an Ambulance match is to dump your opponent in the back of the ambulance and close the door. As you would probably expect this means there are no count-outs, no disqualifications and no pinfalls in this match. WCW Buff Bagwell 4th Theme Song - "Buff Daddy" (With Tron) (youtube.com) Buff Bagwell coming out without Buff Daddy V tonight as given the nature of this match if he was out here it would be a defacto handicap match, says Tony Schiavone. Oh I'm sure with it being no disqualification rules we'll see that big fella at some point! says Jerry Lawler. Buff Bagwell heads to the ring where he waits for Rhodes OFFICIAL AEW ENTRANCE THEME | "THE NATURAL" DUSTIN RHODES (youtube.com) Dustin Rhodes comes out in street clothes and immediately charges to the ring, slides in and the bell is rung. Buff Bagwell starts out on top getting a slight advantage when Dustin slid into the ring but eventually they start brawling together all guns blazing. As the match goes on they start fighting on the outside of the ring slamming each other into the barricades and gradually making their way to the ramp. It looks like Dustin Rhodes just has the edge and he's about to attempt a Cross Rhodes half-way up the entrance ramp when Buff Daddy V starts walking out just as Jerry Lawler predicted earlier. Dustin stops what he's doing and charges over to start fighting Buff Daddy V. He gets a lot of shots in but Buff Daddy V won't go down and they're still grappling when Buff Bagwell gets back up on his feet and now it is essentially a 2-on-1 handicap match. With the extra support of Buff Daddy V, Buff Bagwell gets right back on top of Dustin and Buff Bagwell manages to hit a DDT to Dustin on the steel ramp which looks to have done some damage. After this he then gets Buff Daddy V to lunge down and sit on Dustin Rhodes with an aggressive fall which has Dustin absolutely howling and rolling around in pain. Bagwell and Buff Daddy V then realise this is the chance to both grab Dustin and dump him in the Ambulance. The two of them lift up Dustin's limp body after stamping on him a few more times and they drag him to the outside of the Ambulance. Buff Daddy V opens the Ambulance, they throw Dustin in but just as they go to shut the door... Dusty Rhodes - The Pursuit 2 (By: Steve Martin) (NWA Pro Wrestling Entrance Theme 1987-1988) (youtube.com) It's Dusty Rhodes! shouts Tony, as Jerry Lawler shouts "HE'S HERE! THE AMERICAN DREAM IS HERE IN BALTIMORE!" Dusty Rhodes comes out as a shocked Buffy Daddy V and Buff Bagwell look on in surprise. Dusty Rhodes starts fighting Buff Daddy V and it's a big brawl of a fight, with Dusty Rhodes eventually taking Buff Daddy V through the entrance and out of view of the crowd to the back. He's discharged from the hospital and now he's discharged Buff Daddy V from this match! says Lawler. By this point Dustin is back on his feet and in the surprise of what just happens Bagwell loses a lot of momentum. Dustin Rhodes hits him with a low-blow, which is all legal, then he hits a Cross Rhodes onto Bagwell on the steel entrance ramp. He then picks him up, dumps him into the Ambulance and goes to shut the door, but Bagwell manages to fight back and prevent the door from being shut. The door opens back up and Buff looks ready to fight but Dustin Rhodes hits him with a massive head-butt which causes Buff to go flying back down into the Ambulance and then a slightly dazed Dustin Rhodes shuts the door to win the match. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes wins via shutting Bagwell in the Ambulance - (9.33) - (64 rated) Dusty Rhodes then comes back out of the entrance ramp to a big pop and then he gets in the driver's seat of the Ambulance and drives the Ambulance away with Bagwell in the back! I hope Bagwell has medical insurance Tony, remarks Jerry Lawler. ------- Shane McMahon cuts a promo where he hypes up WCW Mayhem Volume 2, the sequel video game to WCW Mayhem, that will be released in exactly 12 months. As a sneak peak for the game Shane McMahon confirms that not only will every member of the roster competing tonight be in the game as a playable character, but the game will also feature WCW Hall of Fame legends, such as Dusty Rhodes, Ole Anderson, Harley Race, Lou Thesz, Antonio Inoki and Eddie Graham Shane also confirms that every match stipulation on tonight will be involved in the game, so in the game you will be able to play Ambulance matches, Dumpster matches, Cage matches, 2 out of 3 Falls matches, Parking Lot Brawls, Ladder matches and many more! Shane McMahon promo - (93 rated) ---------- In the back we see Shannon Moore walking down a corridor when suddenly the lights are dimmed. Shannon Moore screams. When the lights come back on Vampiro is force feeding him Faygo, Moore is choking slightly and then becomes covered in Faygo all over his face. Vampiro speaks to the camera saying Billy Kidman has awoken a monster. The lights go back out and when they come back on both Vampiro and Shannon Moore are gone Freestyle segment with Vampiro & Shannon Moore - (52 rated) ----- Match 2: Hugh Morrus vs 'Dr Death' Steve Williams (with Jimmy Hart) Well disturbing scenes backstage there with Vampiro, but erm, next up tonight we have Hugh Morrus and 'Dr Death' Steve Williams facing off in a grudge match says Tony. 'Dr Death', that's my pick says Jerry Lawler. Hugh Morrus of course not to be under-estimated, adds Tony, although of course he under-estimated Steve Williams this past week on Nitro, stipulating he would wrestle him here tonight if 'Dr Death' could win a handicap match against The Harris Brothers which Steve Williams wasted little time in doing so. Hugh Morrus WCW Theme "Xtra Large" (youtube.com) AJPW - "Dr. Death" Steve Williams' Theme - I Love It Loud (youtube.com) This match is more of a brawl than a wrestling match. Morrus starts the match looking a bit apprehensive but still goes in full throttle from the start, unlike most matches he's in his strength and power is matched by the experienced Steve Williams who rebuffs his initial aggressive attempts to assert control in the match. Williams and Morrus go toe to toe for much of the match. There's not really much separating them with both men frustrating the other. The match comes to a close when Hugh Morrus has Williams down in position for a Moonsault, but Williams manages to dodge the Moonsault by rolling out the way. Morrus stumbles to his feet then gets a massive Clothesline from Williams. 'Dr Death' then hits a Doctor Bomb when Morrus eventually gets back to his feet to get the win. 'Dr Death' Steve Williams wins via pinfall - (7.05) - (61 rated) ---- 'Real Talk with Roddy' interview with Curt Hennig Piper asks Curt Hennig if this is the biggest match of his life Hennig says he came back to WCW to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship... tonight he gets his chance to make that dream a reality. So yes, it his the biggest match of his life. Piper asks Hennig if the Steel Cage adds pressure to the night. It's never easy wrestling in a Steel Cage, but also, without any inteference there's no excuse for Hennig, if he loses then Scott Hall is simply the better man. Hennig says he understands that but he's taught Scott Hall everything he's ever known - and Hennig says this isn't Scott Hall in his prime. This isn't the Scott Hall of 1995... this is the Scott Hall of 2001, he might be on top, but he's past his prime now Piper says Scott Hall and many others would say perhaps you're past your prime and past your best too, Curt, what do you say to that? Hennig says he still feels like he's on top of his game and at the peak of his craft... what will be will be but he believes tonight he can win the big one Freestyle segment with Roddy Piper and Curt Hennig - (68 rated) ------- Match 3: DDP & Kanyon vs The Extreme Alliance (Tommy Dreamer & Balls Mahoney) in a Dumpster Match Before the match we get a preview package showing how this feud has developed in the last few weeks and months with DDP and Kanyon often involved in issues with The Extreme Alliance. ECW Classic/Original Theme Song (youtube.com) Dreamer comes out with a barbed wire baseball bat through the crowd with Balls Mahoney who has a steel chair. Kanyon (youtube.com) WCW Diamond Dallas Page 4th Theme Song - "Self High Five (Intro Cut)" (With Tron) (youtube.com) DDP and Kanyon then come out armed with a litany of weapons of their own with Kanyon carrying a garbage can full of weapons. This match is 10 minutes of pure mayhem with weapons and fighting throughout the crowd facing part of the arena, outside of the ring, in the crowd and eventually towards the end of the match the fighting comes to a conclusion at the top of the ramp where the Dumpster is. The end of the match comes when Kanyon hits a huge spear on Balls Mahoney on the ramp into a barricade. Kanyon then manages to drag Balls towards the Dumpster, where Dreamer and DDP are going at it. DDP hits a Diamond Cutter on Tommy Dreamer. DDP throws Dreamer in the Dumpster and they've just got to get Mahoney in there before they close the Dumpster and win the match. DDP and Kanyon are hoisting up Mahoney when Axl Rotten with a chair is seen running up the ramp having jumped the barricade. Joey Styles is cheering him on at the commentary desk when Axl Rotten starts nailing Kanyon and DDP with the chair shots as their backs are turned to him as they try to hoist Balls into the Dumpster. Kanyon and DDP get taken out by these chair shots and eventually Dreamer gets out of the Dumpster and hits a DDT on Kanyon. Dreamer then wields his barbed wire baseball bat and stands at the entrance ramp daring anyone to stop what's happening. Shane can be seen coming out but is held back by backroom staff from getting himself hurt. Axl and Balls hit a Double Suplex on DDP which gets him in the Dumpster. They then get some kicks in on the downed Kanyon, throw him into the Dumpster and then shut the Dumpster to win the match. The Extreme Alliance (Tommy Dreamer & Balls Mahoney) win the Dumpster match - (9.54) Well, I think that ended up more as a handicap match in the end, Joey says Tony Schiavone. Joey Styles says The Extreme Alliance stuck together, where was the locker-room unity from WCW in helping their guys? It was 3 against 80 and The Extreme Alliance still won, that just shows that nobody cares about DDP & Kanyon round these parts! ----- Billy Kidman is in the back getting prepared for his match, with his manager Torrie Wilson by his side. Shane Helms comes into shot. Shane says he knows Kidman didn't want to team with him and he knows Kidman beat him and told him to leave him alone, he respects that, but Shane says he's willing to let bygones be bygones and wants Kidman to know he's got Kidman and Torrie's back tonight if Vampiro tries to do anything too messed up. Kidman gets hot and says he can look after himself and his fiancée all by himself, Vampiro is no threat to him, he'll beat Vampiro tonight and show Helms and the whole of WCW that he's the future of this company! Kidman tells Helms under no circumstances does he want Helms to come to help him or Torrie tonight! Freestyle segment with Billy Kidman, Torrie Wilson and Shane Helms - (54 rated) ---- Match 4: Billy Kidman (with Torrie Wilson) vs Vampiro WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) (youtube.com) WCW Vampiro Theme (youtube.com) This match gets about 10 minutes. It starts off with Kidman using his high-flying spots and superior speed to get an advantage on Vampiro early doors and it works as Vampiro doesn't have an answer to it. The commentators mention he's a bit rusty wrestling at the top level with the world watching on PPV maybe, coming back from barely competing and a bad injury, maybe he's not on top form tonight. As the match goes on Vampiro does get back in the match and get some offence in on Kidman. The finish of the match comes when Vampiro tries to get his finish and hit The Nail in the Coffin on Kidman, but Kidman counters out of it and hits a huge drop kick on Vampiro which takes him out. Billy Kidman goes up planning to hit the Shooting Star Press. But just as he's about to hit it Torrie starts screaming manically at ringside. Kidman looks over and Torrie Wilson's leg is being attacked from under the ring apron. Kidman looks like he's about to climb down from the apron but Vampiro manages to grab Kidman from the top rope and he hits an extended version of the Nail in the Coffin after grabbing Kidman from the top rope. Vampiro smashes Kidman into the canvas with this and then gets the pin. Vampiro wins via pinfall - (10.12) - (62 rated) Well folks, Tony says, I think Kidman might have had that match won there as he was about to execute his trademark Shooting Star Press, but there was some kind of distraction on Torrie Wilson. I'm not sure what happened there. If he wasn't at the announce desk I might've thought it was Jerry under there says Joey Styles Twiztid - We Don't Die - Freek Show (youtube.com) Suddenly the music that keeps playing during the Vampiro attacks comes on and the lights go out, we hear Torrie Wilson screaming. When the lights come back on we see Kidman still down in the ring. Torrie Wilson is cowering in the corner of the ring as Vampiro stands there with a bottle of Faygo, a manic look in his eyes and he's standing with another Juggalo. Who's that?! asks Jerry Lawler. Is that.... is that Evan Karagias? asks Tony. Vampiro and the other Juggalo eye up Torrie who looks scared. Vampiro kicks Kidman out of the ring who falls to the floor. This looks very bad for Torrie Wilson here folks, says Tony Schiavone. The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com) Wait a minute, says Tony. I... I don't know who this is... A masked Green superhero, The Hurricane, is seen at the top of the entrance ramp in a cape... he comes running down the ramp and slides into the ring. He instantly clotheslines the other Juggalo, then hits a big punch on Vampiro knocking him down. The other Juggalo gets up and The Hurricane then clotheslines him out of the ring. Vampiro has stood back up and stares down at him. The Hurricane indicates for Vampiro to come and try him but now that the number's game is at his disadvantage Vampiro rolls out of the ring and leaves. Torrie Wilson looks terrified but The Hurricane gives her his hand and helps her get up, she looks pleased. Kidman manages to roll into the ring and looks very confused at The Hurricane, at first he seems annoyed but Torrie gives him a hug and then raises The Hurricane's hand into the sky as Vampiro and the other Juggalo leave the arena. Freestyle segment with Vampiro, Torrie Wilson, ?????, The Hurricane and Billy Kidman - (58 rated) ------ We see Scott Hall and The Sandman arrive in the parking lot, but Scott Hall is not being driven in his Bentley. Instead he's in a massive Limo driven by The Sandman instead. The Sandman parks up and Scott Hall says be careful, Jimmy, this is a rental! Meanwhile, in the back we see Booker T preparing for his match later tonight. Curt Hennig comes in and wishes him luck. His brother Stevie Ray and Sharmell are also there helping him prepare. Freestyle segment with Scott Hall, The Sandman, Booker T, Curt Hennig and Stevie Ray - (93 rated) ----- Match 5: Juventud Guerrera (c) vs Chavo Guerrero Jr for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship in a 2 out of 3 Falls match Before the match we see a package showing how we've got to this point. We see the feud between these two that's spread over the last few months involving the MexiCruisers, as well as Juvi's sneaky win at the last PPV and Chavo getting the pinfall over Juvi in a Lumberjack match a few weeks ago. WCW Chavo Guerrero Last Theme (youtube.com) WCW Juventud Guerrera 2nd Theme Song - "Summer Nights In Spain" (With 2nd Tron) (youtube.com) This match starts of a little tense but eventually ends up being a highly technical and high-flying affair with both guys showing what they can do and going all out to be the match of the night to showcase the Cruiserweight division. The first fall comes when Chavo capitalises on a mistake by Juvi when he goes for a 450 from the top rope and Chavo gets out of the way. Chavo hits the Gory Bomb on Juvi and gets the first pinfall. Juvi looks fairly shellshocked by this as he's been beaten fair and square and if this was a normal match he'd have already lost the title. As the match goes on Chavo dominates Juvi and tries to get the 2nd pinfall to get the title, but when Chavo has Juvi in the Gory Bomb again Juvi manages to counter it and scores a quick roll-up, without holding onto the ropes Juvi manages to get a surprise pinfall out of nothing to level things up. Chavo is riled up after this and the final fall of the match sees both men get more and more desperate to try and secure the win. The finish comes when Chavo has hit The 3 Amigos and goes up to the top rope to try a flying elbow from the top rope, but when he does so he lands on the canvas as Juvi manages to dodge it. Juvi then drop-kicks Chavo into the turnbuckle, before hitting a Juvi Driver and getting the win. Juventud Guerrera retains his title with a 2-1 victory (10.41) - (68 rated) After what was a fantastic match which sees Juvi keep his title he offers to shake Chavo Guerrero Jr's hand before Chavo leaves the ring. Chavo thinks about it but then refuses and walks off furious and disappointed at having failed to get back the title. ---- Disco Inferno promo Disco Inferno cuts a promo saying he's not just a page in the chapter of Steve Corino's WCW run. Disco says he's a bonafide WCW World Television Champion and whilst it may be the FXtreme Television Championship now, he's come back to WCW to show the world that DISCO IS FOREVER!!!! Disco Inferno promo - (56 rated) ---- JJ Dillon with the WCW United States Champion, Rob Van Dam (with Bill Alfonso) JJ asks RVD how he is preparing for tonight RVD says you can't prepare for a man like Sabu. RVD says he's gone to war against Sabu many times in ECW. He does not under-estimate Sabu. But perhaps Sabu has under-estimated him, perhaps Sabu has forgotten that Rob Van Dam is the heaviest hitter, the fastest, quickest and despite Sabu's moniker it is RVD who is the most death-defying man in wrestling today! Alfonso excitedly blows his whistle / The camera cuts to a pre-recorded Sabu promo Sabu says that he wasn't surprised when WCW came back on air and Rob Van Dam got a contract and he didn't. Sabu says that whilst Rob Van Dam isn't a better wrestler than him, isn't a better entertainer than him, can't beat him in a fair or unfair fight, in both WCW and the WWF it's not about what you can do but what you look like. Sabu says that he knows Rob Van Dam looks like a action movie star, like Jean Claude Van Damme who's name he ripped off! Sabu says that unlike RVD, Sabu knows that he just looks like the guy who Jean Claude Van Damme beats up at the end of the movie. Sabu says guys that look like me don't get the big money contract offers from the top companies. But that's okay, because guys like me are more willing to fight for and take what we know we deserve! Sabu says tonight he will win the WCW United States Championship from Rob Van Dam and sure, maybe if Shane McMahon then wants to give him and the rest of The Extreme Alliance a contract offer he'll think about it, but if not, hell maybe I'll go to Xtreme Pro Wrestling and defend the title against New Jack in a Death Match, maybe I'll go back to Japan and defend it there, perhaps I'll go to Mexico... maybe I'll take this title to the WWF and dump it in the trash live on television! Maybe, I'll wake the world up to the HOMICIDAL...SUICIDAL...GENICIDAL... DEATH-DEFYING SABUUU!!!!! Freestyle segment with Rob Van Dam and Sabu - (83 rated) ---- Match 6: Booker T vs The Sandman in a Parking Lot Brawl Well folks it's now time for our Parking Lot Brawl match between the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T and The Sandman. Promo package showing the ongoing rivarly between Booker T and The Sandman as well as Scott Hall's involvement. Tony says our own Jerry Lawler fought in the first ever Parking Lot Brawl match back in 1988 against Eddie Gilbert, Lawler says he's still got aches and pains from this match even now! Joey Styles hypes up this being a hardcore match and therefore Sandman's territory. Tony clarifies the only way to win is via pinfall, submission or knock-out. WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com) Sandman Theme (youtube.com) This match takes place in the parking lot in a corner of loads of cars with the big rental limo that Sandman drove Scott Hall in on show in the background. The match is hard hitting with both guys slamming each other into cars, onto the car bonnets and the concrete parking lot floor. The Sandman has a Kendo stick which he intermittently uses to smash Booker with and Booker generally is up for the fight and at one point even uses a wrench to smash Sandman in the face which busts him open. The two brawl in the parking lot for over 10 minutes with a variety of hard hitting moves. The match comes to a close when Booker T makes a move for the rental limo which a bleeding Sandman tries to protect given his employer Scott Hall wouldn't be happy if anything happened to it. Booker and Sandman eventually end up fighting on top of the limo. The two are quite precariously placed on the top of the limo's bonnet, Sandman tries to DDT Booker T into the front window, seemingly getting so wound up he stops caring about if the car gets damaged. But Booker T manages to counter and prevent Sandman from doing this, Booker T pulls out the wrench from earlier again and smashes Sandman again. Sandman's blood pours down all over the white limo making it look like a crime scene. Booker T eventually manages to get Sandman right on top of the limo's giant roof. Booker T then gets The Sandman up for the Book-End and he hits it! OH MY GOD!!! screams Joey Styles and Tony Schiavone in joint unison. The slightly modified Book-End sends Sandman smashing through the roof of the car. The referee checks up on him as Booker T awkwardly holds himself up on the part of the roof/bonnet that hasn't completely caved in. HE'S KNOCKED OUT shouts the referee. Booker T wins via knock-out - (13.25) - (76 rated) Jerry Lawler remarks that he doesn't think the rental company are going to be too happy with Scott Hall for this. Forget that, says Tony, both the limo and the driver are a write-off! It looks like the world champion will be walking into the main event tonight! ------ Tag Team Promo We see a set of 3 pre-recorded promos First up we see Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda cut a promo about the legacy of tag team wrestling in this business and how they hope to do their legacy and the legacy of tag team wrestling proud by winning the WCW World Tag Team Championship for the first time together. We then see Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) who cut a promo about how tonight they will cement themselves at the top of the WCW roster by winning championship gold and taking the belts home to Canada. Finally, we see The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Dog) who say as a team they have the least experience out of the 3 teams tonight but they've got the most heart, the most tag team championships between them and together they are unstoppable!! Freestyle segment with Windham & Rotunda, Team Canada and The Nu Road Warriors - (62 rated) -- Match 7: Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Disco Inferno for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship in a regular match WCW Disco Inferno 1st Theme(With Custom Tron) (youtube.com) ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com) Before the match Don Callis and Steve Corino cut a quick promo dissing Disco Inferno who's waiting for Corino in the ring. In his first match back in WCW, Disco Inferno is hyped to impress and he brings a lot of energy which catches Corino off guard. Disco goes for the kill early on but Steve Corino manages to counter his attempt at a Chartbuster. As the match goes on Disco Inferno tires a bit and Steve Corino comes into his own with his strikes, technical holds and superior mat wrestling. The finish comes when Steve Corino manages to hit an Old School Expulsion to get the victory. Steve Corino retains via pinfall - (9.01) - (61 rated) After the match Steve Corino mocks Disco Inferno by putting his foot on his chest as he holds his title up in victory. The fans boo as Don Callis laughs and does a mocking dance --- Backstage we see Sable and Eric Bischoff arguing in Shane McMahon's office Bischoff says he doesn't think that Sable should go out there once again to announce and commentate on the women's match. Bischoff says he doesn't care about women's wrestling but it's clear that Sable is trying to make herself the centrepiece. He says he would never sit on commentary for a match as the General Manager as he's not the star. That's some Vince Russo mark s*** he says. Sable gets flustered and isn't happy about it. Sable says Eric can't keep talking to her like this. Bischoff says he can do whatever he likes and there's nothing she can do about it. Sable says you might live to regret messing with me. Bischoff looks annoyed at being threatened. Freestyle segment with Sable and Eric Bischoff - (62 rated) ---- Match 8: Akira Hokuto (c) (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) vs La Diabolica for the WCW World Women's Championship Sable comes out to announce the two wrestlers but seems to have taken Bischoff's criticism to heart and doesn't sit on commentary for the match La Bamba (youtube.com) Akira Hokuto 4th - Pacific Zone (WCW Official Theme) (youtube.com) Jerry Lawler says Bischoff has a lot to answer for, he convinced Sable not to sit at the announce desk with us?! I need to speak to HR about this! This match gets just under 10 minutes with both women keen to show off their unique and varying styles of women's wrestling. La Diabolica wows the audience with some impressive lucha moves but Akira Hokuto's super strikes and submission holds seems to help her out with James Mitchell barking instructions to her at various points. The match comes to a conclusion when La Diabolica has Hokuto in a Gory Bomb, but Hokuto counters and gets out of it by putting La Diabolica in a Chokehold sleeper. Hokuto uses all her might and eventually the referee calls it as La Diabolica is out! Akira Hokuto retains via submission - (8.31) - (35 rated) ------ JJ Dillon interview with WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall JJ Dillon says to Scott Hall it seems like things have gone against you tonight. We've heard that The Sandman has left the building assisted tonight, your rental limo is a write-off and now you will soon defend your title against Curt Hennig in a Steel Cage match. Scott Hall says things have gone against me my whole life, JJ. But that's okay, because life's not fair and neither am I. Good times don't last, but Bad Guys do. Curt, I'll see you tonight in the Cage, brother, I know your boy's in the front row tonight so let me address him directly. Joe, your in the prime of your life, 21, soon to be 22, I'm proud to have seen you grow from a boy to a man... I heard you were disappointed in your Daddy, Joe, that if you wanted to become a professional wrestler you wouldn't try to emulate your father because he's never won a championship at the top level... well, Joe, let me tell you something... tonight I will show you what a top level professional wrestling champion looks like, and trust me it sure ain't your Dad! Freestyle segment with Scott Hall and JJ Dillon - (78 rated) ----- Match 9: Rob Van Dam (c) (with Bill Alfonso) vs Sabu for the WCW United States Championship in a Ladder match Well folks, says Tony, as you can see at ringside there's a lot of ladders out here now and right at the top of the ring elevated from high up in the sky of the building, dangling below the Steel Cage you can see the WCW United States Championship. The only way to win the match you are about to see is to get onto a ladder and retrieve that belt! Joey Styles says if folks at home have never seen a Sabu and Rob Van Dam match they're in for a real treat! Jerry Lawler says he never watched Extremely Crappy Wrestling but he thinks this match here could be an Extremely Interesting Wrestling match! ECW Classic/Original Theme Song (youtube.com) Sabu comes in through the crowd to the ECW theme, Joey Styles mentions how he's got himself a big opportunity given he's not even a member of the WCW roster but he could win the biggest belt outside of the World championship tonight. WWE Rob Van Dam 1st Theme "Van Daminator" (HQ) (youtube.com) This match winds up being an extremely violet and personal match. From start to finish RVD and Sabu are going at it hammer and tong with both men desperate to get the win over the other. Throughout the match they hit each other with the Ladder, as well as chairs and later in the match Tables get introduced to the affair. It's a great match with both guys putting in a great performance, especially RVD. The finish of the match comes towards the end after RVD has just hit a Conchairto on Sabu in the corner. Bill Alfonso is seemingly screaming at RVD to go the top of the ladder and get back his WCW United States Championship but RVD seems to want to do more damage to Sabu. There's a stack of tables set up just outside the ring towards the entrance way and RVD drags Sabu and lays him across so he's lying face up at the top of the stack of tables. RVD looks at Sabu and then looks at the ladder. What's he thinking here?! asks Tony Schiavone Lawler says Van Dam needs to get his game-face on here! Just climb the ladder and get the belt, win the match, this no good son of a gun won't get that U.S Title and take it out to Timbuctoo or wherever he said he was planning on going. RVD climbs the ladder and looks towards the belt, then back to Sabu. Shane McMahon comes out the top of the ramp and shouts at RVD to just grab the damn title. This seems to annoy Van Dam who at first looks up at the title but then comes over to the side of the ladder so that he could leap off and crush Sabu through the tables. I think Van Dam would rather end Sabu's career here than win that title! says Tony in disbelief. Sabu seems to stir a bit, Bill Alfonso quickly rushes over. I think Alfonso is going to hold Sabu in place here! says Lawler excitedly. Rob Van Dam looks at Shane, down at Sabu, and then he launches the Five Star Frog Splash, BUT AT THE LAST SECOND ALFONSO PULLS SABU TO SAFETY!!! Van Dam comes crashing down through the tables taking the full force of the load himself and afterwards he seems to be part knocked out, part in pain holding his right ankle. OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD screams Joey Styles. Shane McMahon at the top of the apron can't believe what has happened. Alfonso helps Sabu get into the ring. Shane McMahon seems to see what has happened and comes rushing down. Alfonso grabs a chair and as Sabu slowly climbs up the ladder towards the title Shane rushes down. Alfonso hits him with a chair once, but Shane parries it, then he manages to punch Alfonso in the face knocking him down. Shane frantically gets into the ring... but it's too late!!! SABU HAS THE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSIP!!! shouts Joey Styles in jubilation, as Lawler and Schiavone sit in stunned disbelief at what just happened. Sabu wins via retrieving the belt - (15.13) - (83 rated) Sabu comes down from the ladder with the belt. Shane McMahon is in his face looking angry at what just happened. Shane points down to Bill Alfonso as if to say what's going on here?! Sabu holds up the title and points to the sky. We can see RVD on the outside with referees and officials helping him. He looks in a bad way and is still holding his ankle in a lot of pain. Sabu gets out of the ring, he helps Alfonso up and then they leave through the crowd, but just before they do so, Sabu looks back at Shane McMahon, holds the WCW United States Championship and blows Shane McMahon a kiss goodbye. IS THAT GOODBYE TO THE WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP FOR GOOD?!?! asks Tony Schiavone in sheer horror. ----- The Hounds of Hades promo We see Dawn-Macaria and The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) Dawn-Macaria says it has come to their attention that in WCW there is a Fugitive of Elysium, or Heaven as you mere mortals would call it. There is a man who has escaped the realm of Hades, who has escaped The Underworld. The Hounds of Hades do not take kindly to this and the Fugitive of Heaven will meet his fate and brought back to The Darkness much sooner than he knows. Freestyle segment with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria & The Hounds of Hades (51 rated) ---- Match 10: The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Dog) (c) vs Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda vs Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) in a Tornado Triangle tag-team match for the WCW World Tag Team Championship The commentators highlight how this match came apart after two 15 minute time limit draws couldn't find a number 1 contender out of Wyndham & Rotunda or Team Canada. This of course disadvantages The Nu Road Warriors who don't even need to be pinned or submitted to lose this match. Carl Ouellet we are told is banned from ringside as given it is a tornado match if he was out here it would effectively give Team Canada an extra member. Barry Windham 9th WCW Theme 'Road To Glory (Underscore)' (youtube.com) Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com) Road Warriors Theme Song (youtube.com) This match has the unlucky job of following what many fans in the arena and watching at home thought was the best match of the Shane McMahon era of WCW so far in Van Dam vs Sabu in the Ladder match which had the shocking finish of Bill Alfonso turning on Rob Van Dam to help give Sabu the win. The match starts off a bit slow, trying to calm the crowd a bit as the 6 guys all find their way into the match. As the match goes on it gets a bit more chaotic with the 6 guys all getting their spots in here and there. The match comes to a close when both of The Nu Road Warriors have been taken out of the match for a bit and it's left to Barry Windham & Lance Storm fighting it out. Both men are determined to get the win for their side at the 3rd time of asking. Lance Storm eventually gets the better of Windham and he has Windham in the Maple Leaf submission and it looks like Windham might well tap when Road Warrior Dog breaks it up. Animal gets in the ring not too long after this and after they throw Windham out of the ring it looks like The Nu Road Warriors will hit the Doomsday Device on Lance Storm, but due to what seems like a bit of miscommunication they mess it up and fail to hit Storm. Mike Awesome then dashes into the ring and hits a huge clothesline on Animal, then kicks Animal out of the ring. Rotunda comes into the ring but Lance Storm hits a quick German Suplex on him which takes him out of it. Lance Storm then hits a Super-Kick on Road Warrior Dog who then goes into the direction of Mike Awesome who hits an Awesome Bomb! Animal tries to get back in the ring but Lance Storm defends the ring against both him and then Windham who tries to get in to the ring too as Mike Awesome gets the 1-2-3 count! Team Canada wins the title via pinfall - (8.12) - (61 rated) We've got new champions! says Tony Schiavone in the aftermath I think that came down to a lack of experience in teaming together, says Lawler. It looked like the Nu Road Warriors had the win but that miscommunication on the Doomsday Device has well it's led to their own Doom! The Nu Road Warriors take in the loss, with Dog looking dejected still laying on the mat and Animal looking frustrated. Windham and Rotunda look exhausted and defeated as Storm and Awesome celebrate with Carl Ouellet who comes out to join them. ---- Before the main event we get an extensive package running over Curt Hennig and Scott Hall's shared history in the AWA, WCW, with short clipped interviews of various wrestlers, ex-wrestlers, Shane McMahon as well as Curt Hennig's son Joe who says he'll be in the front row hoping his Dad can win the big one tonight. Preview Package of Hall/Hennig - (69 rated) ---- Match 11 / Main Event: Scott Hall (c) vs Curt Hennig in a Steel Cage match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship We see the Steel Cage gradually lowered as Tony Schiavone explains that the only way to win this match is via pinfall, submission or escaping the cage. Curt Hennig 2nd WCW Theme Alternate Version (youtube.com) Curt Hennig comes out to a decent pop. Before going into the cage we see him hug his son Joe Hennig at ringside. ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com) Scott Hall comes out walking with the Big Gold Belt as the commentators draw attention to the fact that The Sandman, his driver, got written-off earlier in the show by Booker T, who also took out the rental limo he had for tonight. Scott Hall gets into the ring and stares down Curt Hennig. This match gets about 15 minutes of time with the emphasis being on the story-telling and psychology of the rivalry and history with Hennig and Hall. There are other matches on the card that were more violent or more exciting, but this match is the most dramatic of the night with the main focus being on Hall/Hennig and whether Hennig can get the job done. As the match goes on both men end up busted open on their face and bleeding a bit. The finish of the match comes when Curt Hennig gets an opening and manages to hit a Perflect Plex on Scott Hall. After he's hit it though he doesn't pin Hall, but makes his way to his feet and to the door of the cage, asking for the ref to unlock the door. The door is about to be opened when Scott Hall, gradually making his way to his feet in a lot of pain shouts at Hennig calling him a coward and that a real champion would pin or submit him. There seems like there is maybe 1 or 2 seconds for Hennig to get out of the door before Hall can get to him, but frustrated and angry and wound up by Hall, Hennig relents and rushes back to Hall and hits him with a drop-kick. He then starts beating down on Hall, kicking him as he's on the ground, stomping him. Then he waits for Hall to get to his feet, seeming like he might go for another Perfect Plex and pin him this time. Hall stumbles to his feet and Hennig grabs him, he sets him up for the Perfect Plex and looks like he will get him up, but he struggles to get Hall up for a second time and eventually Hall counters using his height and weight to stop himself from getting hit with the move again. Hall capitalises by nailing Hennig with a punch, then he sets him up for the Razor's Edge! He hits the Razor's Edge and Hennig lies in a bloody mess on the floor of the ring. Hall smiles, Hennig looks up seeming to expect the pin, Hall thinks about it, but then shrugs as if to say he's not worth it... Hall makes his way to the door and demands the ref open the door. Curt Hennig tries to struggle to his feet, Hall looks over at him and laughs, taunts him to get up and try and stop him. The ref opens the door. Hennig just about stumbles up but he's almost crawling to his feet. Hall toys with Hennig, laughing at him as a bloody Hennig desperately tries to make his way to stop Hall from leaving the cage. Hennig throws himself whilst still crawling onto Hall's feet, trying to grab onto his boot but Hall stomps down on Hennig's shoulder and he recoils in pain. Hall then triumphantly leaves the cage amid much booing from the crowd. Scott Hall retains via escaping the cage - (14.23) - (73 rated) We see a disappointed but potentially proud look on Joe Hennig's face at ringside as the commentators confirm Scott Hall has retained his WCW World Heavyweight Championship. A bloodied and defeated Hennig looks distraught at the outcome in the ring. Hall holds up the Big Gold Belt with a big grin on his face. Jerry Lawler says that was a great cage match and you've got to give Hall credit tonight he did this by himself without inside interference, he got in Curt Hennig's head, Hennig seemingly had the match won but wanted to try and win it "the right way". He wasn't ruthless enough, Tony! Tony says no and conveys real disappointment for Curt Hennig having lost. ------ Show Rating: 78 1.13 rating (565K buys)
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