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  1. Andrew Lee is of pacific decent can we get one close to that maybe?
  2. Yeah she's from the women's expansion as the name implies daughter of orginal Phoenix
  3. Love the new luchadors any plans for the other members of the Phoenix's love to see one for La Hija de Phoenix
  4. Hi I loved your old belts did you ever do one for the BHOTWG Japan title?
  5. Really digging these for HOF renders picks of the legends in their prime
  6. The Y has a trangle in the top is that removeable?
  7. Those are top class. Could I recommend a TV logo maybe Empire Wrestling as the name could look like the fraiser logo but the New York skyline, or maybe just the empire state building.
  8. I was gonna call it the Golden Tiger Army, so was thinking black and gold with a Tiger head as the center piece
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