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  1. SHOW #2 RATINGS Phil Vibert New GM Show Open (68) AMERICAN COBRAS OVER BART & BRETT BIGGINS (67) Travis Century Announces Balaal (66) DR LOVE OVER NICK BOOTH (54) Human Arsenal Vignette (68) RHINO UMAGA OVER ELLIOT THOMAS (57) Backstage Attack (80) TROY TORNADO OVER MARC SPEED (61) Ernest Youngman Promo (81) EDDIE & DOUG PEAK vs. RODRIGUEZ & BOONE NO CONTEST(66) SHOW RATING: 70 Brent's Notes: "I'm glad we finally seem to have all the pieces in place to do the DAVE reboot I've always wanted to do. We're being careful. There are a lot of fans that hold the original DAVE in such high regard that they'll hate anything that we do on principle, which I understand. But this figures to be enough of a departure from what TCW is to really draw those fans in, to show them that the spirit of the OG DAVE is alive and well, albeit under new management. It is all contingent on us being able to build a new generation of DAVE stars and not be reliant on the established familiar faces for too long as they are either older or pretty broken down. All told it was a successful week for TCW as a whole. I couldn't be happier with our new direction. The lead up to the PPV (Collison brand only) should be a lot of fun. And we've got a really cool announcement coming down the pike about the first COLLISION/RAMPAGE co promoted PPV I hope people will enjoy. If they do, we'll make it an annual thing."
  2. CGC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Dominic De Sousa vs Ricky DeColt (C) CGC WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Generation Z (C) vs Killer Karson & Mustafa The Executioner vs Johnny Yates & Steelheart vs The New Predators CGC CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Blockbuster vs Harvey Robbinfield (C) Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown Adrian Cote vs Skip Beau Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch Alistair Shufflebottom & Brett Fraser vs Chucky Dorrance & Kolkata Jai
  3. SHOW #2 Week Two March 2020 DANGER AND VIOLENCE EXTREME: RAMPAGE Shawn Doakes: “For the first time since the rebirth, DAVE is live and in New York City! And let me be the first to confirm the rumors, let me introduce you to our NEW GM, the man himself, Philly Vibs, Phil Vibert. Let’s go to the ring!” IN RING Dressed in a smart navy blue suit with an open collared white shirt, PHIL VIBERT climbs the ring steps and makes his way to the center of the ring with a microphone amidst an outpouring of love from the Manhattan Center fans. PHIL VIBERT “So, I guess you all heard the news.” The fans chant “WELCOME BACK! - WELCOME BACK! - WELCOME BACK!” PHIL VIBERT “I’M BACK!” “THANK YOU PHIL! - THANK YOU PHIL! - THANK YOU PHIL!” PHIL VIBERT “No. No. Please. I didn’t have anything to do with it. You did. TCW did. When an old friend gets a new lease on life and asks you to go burn it all down with him, you do it. And that’s why I’m here. DAVE meant everything to me. When it went away, I thought I was going to fade away too. But the business kept me alive. You people kept me alive, and I’ll be forever grateful to you for that. My way of paying you back will be pouring every ounce of myself into this version of DAVE and giving you, the fans, what you want. And I know what you want, so why wait? Let’s get hardcore!” As the crowd alternates between “THANK YOU PHIL” and “DAVE FOREVER” chants, TCW cameras show EDD STONE and FLYING JIMMY FOXX parking their rental car and rolling their suitcases through the backstage area. Shawn Doakes: “Eddy Stone and Jimmy Foxx? What? You can’t be serious. Keep your bags packed and don’t get too comfortable, boys. DAVE might not be a place you want to hang out for long.” QUENTIN QUEEN looks everywhere for his tag team partner. He checks the catering area. He peeks into every locker room. And he even sneaks into the new GM’s office to see if JEBIDIAH is in there. But, as he’s about to give up and goes outside to get some fresh air to clear his head, there, standing beside a massive pile of split logs, is the Amish Assassin, blowing up log after log with his splitting maul. QUENTIN QUEEN Jeez, Jeb, I’ve been looking all over the place for you. We might have a match scheduled tonight, but I don’t know. I couldn’t check in with Mr. Vibert before I knew where you were. What are you doing? JEBIDIAH Winter demands wood. My family must stay warm. QUENTIN QUEEN Yeah. Sure. Okay. Maybe look into a heat pump though? Have you heard of those? In the summer, they turn into air conditioners. JEBIDIAH Turn into air conditioners? Sounds like witchcraft. QUENTIN QUEEN Jeb, not everything you don’t understand is witchcraft. If we’re going to be teaming and traveling the world together you’re going to need to broaden your horizons a little bit. JEBIDIAH Broaden my horizons? QUENTIN QUEEN Yeah. JEBIDIAH Sounds like witchcraft. Danny Jillefski: “The Cobras are growing on me, Shawn. I’m not going to lie. They remind me of the Biggz Boyz fifteen years ago.” BART BIGGINS/BRETT BIGGINS vs. AMERICAN COBRAS Bart and Brett are as fluid a tag team as there has ever been and are as dangerous as ever with their double team attacks that seem to catch the Cobras off guard. Double dropkicks! Double backdrop! Monkey flip into a running lariat! But Britney Hollywood makes an astute observation at ringside and the Cobras gameplan changes and becomes more measured and ground based. After some rugged brawling and bashing, Bart Biggins finds himself trapped on the wrong side of the ring and in Marvel Malloy’s clutches. STF! STF! STF! And when Brett jumps the ropes and tries to break the hold before his brother taps, Malloy snatches him too and wrenches in the hold, getting him to submit instead, and squeezing until both he and his brother are down in the ring clutching their heads. AMERICAN COBRAS WIN BY SUBMISSION (13:40) Brittney Hollywood smiles as The Cobras survey the damage they’ve done to Bart and Brett before walking backward toward the entranceway. Shawn Doakes: “They might be young. They might be a bit green. But The American Cobras are a dangerous duo. And the Biggins Brothers found that out tonight.” INT CHURCH TRAVIS CENTURY stands with his eyes closed behind the lectern at the head of an empty and eerily lit church. He raises his arms to his sides and begins praying to someone who is not there. TRAVIS CENTURY Blessed is he who seeks the blood of his enemies in the name of vengeance. Blessed is he who acts in the name of chaos. And blessed is he who answers to no one. Pale one, we have assembled and await you. Your arrival will be welcomed with an offering of many unworthy souls; bring your appetite, for there will be many to feed upon. Century pulls an ornate dagger from under his robe and slices his palm, squeezing his own blood onto the pulpit before dropping to his knees and weeping. TRAVIS CENTURY Dragon, I offer you a servant, someone to do your work until you rise from your slumber. I offer you…. BALALL!!!! Danny Jillefski: “Who is this sinister looking beast, Balaal? And who is Travis Century talking to?” Shawn Doakes: “I don’t know, Danny. I feel like something’s off with Dr. Love lately, but I can’t put my finger on it. I’m just not feeling the love like I used to.” Danny Jillefski: “Might want to take that up with your wife, Doakes.” DANNY FONZARELLI vs. NICK BOOTH Nick Booth is a big man, but Danny Fonzarelli is too and has so much more experience; it’s a mismatch from the start. The Fonz takes Booth’s best shot, but won’t be picked up for a bodyslam, hits a series of clotheslines, and makes his way to the top rope. LOVEBOMB! 1,2… Not so fast. Nick Booth shows some resolve by kicking out, which frustrates Fonzarelli. Out of character a bit, Dr. Love grabs Booth by the hair and slams his head against the canvas four or five times before going back to the top rope and coming crashing down with a second LOVEBOMB! This time, the three count is just a formality. Danny Jillefski: “Umm. Dr. Love snapped there for a second, didn’t he? I mean, you saw that, right?” DANNY FONZARELLI WINS (6:28) INT TRAINING CENTER The dingy, dimly lit ju-jitsu dojo is filled with students encircling the action on the worn, duct taped mat. HUMAN ARSENAL is the center, holding court, twisting trainees into pretzels and laughing when he stretches them past the point of no return. He goes through them all, one after another, until they all are whimpering whining piles of nothing. HUMAN ARSENAL “I break arms. I break legs. And when I can, I break necks. My name is Human Arsenal. And if you see me standing across the ring from you, get right with your god, because you’re about to go meet him.” Danny Jillefski: “Look, if it’s all the same to you, I’m gonna get down behind the barricade while this guy is in the ring. He’s that dangerous. I think my headset cord will reach.” RHINO UMAGA vs. ELLIOT THOMAS Elliot Thomas does his best, rushing the massive Samoan right at the bell and laying in as many punches as he can get off, but with one huge backhand chop, Rhino Umaga blows the diminutive Thomas off of his feet. And it never gets any better. Shoulderblock. Double arm suplex. Diving suspended headbutt in the corner. 1…2…3. RHINO UMAGA WINS (4:03) Shawn Doakes: “Another win for the undefeated Rhino Umaga. It won’t be long before he’s in the conversation for a singles title here in DAVE. ” Danny Jillefski: “He’s a monster, Doakes! I can’t think of anyone on the roster that can stop him!” EDDIE PEAK and DOUG PEAK burst into REMMY SKYE’s locker room where he is meditating and begin beating him down, getting their revenge for Skye coming to MADMAN BOONE’s aid last week when Doug Peak debuted. It’s chaos; the Peaks toss him into the mirror which shatters and sends shards everywhere. They then start trashing the place, flipping chairs, stools, and everything not nailed down as Skye tries to pull himself together enough to fight back. Suddenly MADMAN enters the fray, swinging a baseball bat, which quickly sends the Peak Brothers on the run, nearly connecting with both of them as they scramble out the door. As backstage personnel and ring doctors tend to Skye, COTT Champion PABLO RODRIGUEZ sticks his head in to get a look. He surveys the situation and shakes his head before locking eyes with Madman Boone and nodding. Shawn Doakes: “This thing between Eddie Peak and Madman Boone is beyond personal. It has a lot of history behind it and I’m starting to think that it’ll only end when one of them knocks the other out of wrestling forever.” Danny Jillefski: “How does The Priest of Pain figure into this though? Is he going to replace Remmy Skye in tonight’s main event? Are we going to see the COTT Heavyweight Champion in a DAVE ring?” Danny Jillefski: “Something changed for Troy Tornado about four or five weeks ago. Something for the better.” Shawn Doakes: “It’s like everything clicked for him when he saved Zap Powerson from an attack after their big blowoff match. Since then, he’s been a different guy. He’s the Troy Tornado from ten years ago.” TROY TORNADO vs. MARC SPEED Troy Tornado looks to set the pace, but Marc Speed prefers a slower, more methodical approach to wrestling, so the early portion of this match is spent on the mat, with Speed twisting, torquing, and grinding out hold after hold. But when Tornado rallies it’s with a fever we haven’t seen from him since the Painful Procedure days. Head scissors! Springboard dropkick! Bronco Buster! Seth Whitehead tries to stick his nose in on behalf of his Shoot Club partner, but gets knocked off the apron by the hardcore ref Ryan Holland. Speed’s last gasp is battling back and blocking a superplex, but Tornado shoves him off the buckles and scores with a tremendous “Tornado Warning” (Blockbuster) that nets him the three count. TROY TORNADO WINS (11:32) Shawn Doakes: “Timing is everything, isn’t it? Troy Tornado might not have ever been ‘the guy’ in any company he’s been in. But here? In the new DAVE? The stars might be aligning. We might be witnessing something special.” ERNEST YOUNGMAN is near the merchandise area when a sheepish young fan walks up and asks for his autograph. He sneers at them and raises his hand, threatening the pre-teen with a backhand before the youngster runs away in terror. ERNEST YOUNGMAN Am I to blame for being as good a professional wrestler as I am? Am I to blame for being as smart about the business as I am? Am I to blame for being as marketable as I am? When people say the name Ernest Youngman, they are talking about a future world champion. Today it’s DAVE, tomorrow it’ll be TCW. Maybe someday it’ll be SWF or USPW. Who knows? I’m willing to bide my time, to go up the ladder rung by rung. But I won’t wait long. Greatness doesn’t have to wait. EY is the present and the future. EY is the reason people tune in to watch. Write that down. Shawn Doakes: “Eddie Peak’s mission to retire Madman Boone for good has spread its wings and taken a few other people along for the ride, for better or for worse. Like I said earlier, it’s beyond personal.” Danny Jillefski: “Remmy Skye learned a lesson about sticking his nose where it didn’t belong, didn’t he? He’s still picking glass out of his hair. And now it looks like Pablo Rodriguez is going to learn the same lesson. Being Madman’s friend is a recipe for disaster. Standing beside him is likely to see you end up in a bodybag.” Shawn Doakes: “I still can’t believe it. That’s the COTT Champion Pablo Rodriguez standing beside him tonight, Danny. He’s no slouch. Not by any means.” EDDIE PEAK & DOUG PEAK vs. MADMAN BOONE & PABLO RODRIGUEZ OG DAVE RULES The Peaks are brutality personified. It’s heavy taped fist punches, it’s gnarly black boot kicks, it’s clasped taped fingers axehandles. The Priest of Pain weathers a beating, fighting back admirably, but gets sucked under the wave of Eddie and Doug’s plan to cut off the ring and lay in the stiffest shots imaginable. The tag to Madman Boone is white hot and when he clears the ring with clotheslines and then rolls to the floor to grab a steel chair, the place erupts. Shawn Doakes: “Remember, in these OG DAVE Rules matches, there are no countouts and no disqualifications. That chair is perfectly legal.” Eddie sees Madman slide back into the ring with the chair and hollers for Doug to toss him one of his own. The two men have a monetary standoff before having a flat footed steel chair duel in the middle of the ring. Eddie crowns Boone with a wicked shot that bends the top of the chair slightly, but Madman lives up to his name and grins as a small trickle of blood runs from his hairline before hurling his chair into Eddie’s face flooring him. That’s when things go crazy. Pablo and Doug exchange punches on the floor near the mouth of the entranceway as Eddie and Madman’s fight sees them both tumble over the barricade and spill into the crowd. Doug Peak hits Rodriguez with a low blow and starts pulling apart the ring steps. But then… REMMY SKYE comes flying down to the ring, nails Doug with a bulldog onto the ring steps, and then drapes him over the barricade and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Danny Jillefski: “This is NUTS!” Remmy flies, destroying Doug Peak with a flying legdrop that folds the hardcore legend in two before rolling him back under the bottom rope where The Priest of Pain waits. Triple Jump Moonsault! FLATLINER! 1…2….WAIT! Referee Ryan Holland waves his arms and explains to the timekeeper that Pablo and Doug Peak are not the legal men in the match and, therefore, cannot be involved in the decision. While Remmy, Pablo, and Ryan Holland argue, standing over the semi-conscious Doug Peak, cameras follow Madman and Eddie’s brawl through the backstage area, to the parking area, and into the streets of New York City. Eddie throws Madman headfirst into the side of a dumpster as they rush up a half lit alleyway onto a corner near Times Square. Madman tackles Eddie and the two roll out into the street, stopping traffic. It is a brutal affair with both men taking a beating. Somehow Eddie gets the advantage and begins pulling up a manhole cover, raising it high over his head, trying to center it above Madman Boone. Shawn Doakes: “Someone stop him! That’ll kill Madman!” As he looks down, there’s a twinkle in Eddie’s eye. He knows what he’s about to do. And he likes it. Sirens blare as a half dozen police cruisers scream up onto the scene and the officers get out, hands on their undrawn sidearms, yelling for Eddie Peak to put the manhole cover down. He smiles a devilish smile, lets it fall from his grasp, and shrugs. Shawn Doakes: “If this is the new DAVE, pray for us all. Because we’re all in some serious, serious danger.” (c) DAVE 2020
  5. CGC Tag Team Title Match: Eric Tyler & Dan DaLay vs Soldiers of Fortune vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick Tavare Loring vs Howling Dog Katsu Curry Ciabatta vs Tempest Appleby
  6. TCW Presents: COLLISION Show #1 San Antonio, TX. Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out) TV RATING - 3.87 * Floyd Goldworthy Show Open (70) * MIGHTY MO OVER MEMPHIS PRESLEY (63) * DeColts Scouting Backstage (80) * Wolf Hawkins Promo (89) * SAMMY BACH OVER FREDDIE HUGGINS (74) * Greg Gauge Vignette (73) * DECOLT BOYS OVER BEHEMOTHS (74) * Nicky Champion Arrives (87) * Alicia Strong Challenges The Elite (75) * STEVE DECOLT OVER MATT HOCKING (69) * Jack Bruce Gets In Between DTP/Succession (80) * SUCCESSION OVER DIRT TRENCH POSSE (76) * Andrews Promo (88) * ANDREWS OVER GILMORE (81) SHOW GRADE: 84 Brent's Show Notes: "The interviews and promos on this show were very good. Surprising in fact. Jack Bruce being the COLLISION GM has continued to pay dividends, as he usually carries whoever he's working with to a good segment. Steve DeColt's match wasn't in the right spot on the show, reception wise; that's on me. I've also got a handful of guys who are pretty tired, so we'll be careful with how much work they're getting over the next couple of weeks. I'm going to pull them all off of the house show circuit to really try to maximize their time off. Big picture wise, the looting of SWF continues since their fall to Medium status. Some of their most important pieces have had their contracts come up at the worst possible time for the company. The latest, Rocky Golden, their figurehead, is looking for right around $300,000 a month in his next contract. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested, but with the contracts we've already laid out before knowing that Golden was going to be available, it'd be a massive financial mistake that I suspect I'd look back on with disgust as we moved down the road. My suspicion is that he'll end up in USPW. But maybe SWF backs up the armored car and just dumps a pile of cash at his feet. They might have to. I don't know if they can rebound without him."
  7. Show #1 Week One March 2020 TCW Presents: COLLISION Jason Azaria: “We are less than one week removed from ‘The War to Settle the Score’ and while scores were certainly settled, the rubble is still smoldering a bit here in TCW, Kyle.” Kyle Rhodes: “Two out of three titles were defended successfully; the tag team titles changed hands in a four way scramble and tonight, the new champions, Jack and Ricky DeColt make their first defense against the former champs, The Behemoths. I’m sure their manager Floyd Goldworthy has something up his sleeve to get the belts back onto his monsters. And guess what? He’s in the ring to kick off the show.” ******** IN RING The slippery FLOYD GOLDWORTHY rolls a toothpick around in his mouth and shakes his head as he waits for the crowd to stop booing him, KILLER SHARK, and TITAN. FLOYD GOLDWORTHY “Anyone who watched last Saturday’s PPV knows that my guys, Killer Shark and Titan, got screwed out of their titles, not by The DeColts, but by TCW, who put them in the four way scramble match to defend them. And, as the suits upstairs planned, their darlings, The DeColts, pinned one of the other teams and stole our belts. Well, you know what they say. The comeback is always bigger than the setback. And tonight, The Behemoths make their comeback. Be careful what you and your cronies wish for Brent Hill, because the most dangerous team in TCW is now out for blood.” ******* Jason Azaria: “There might not be a hotter wrestler in the world than Mighty Mo. But the King of Memphis has been on a little run too and seems to be coming into his own here in TCW.” Kyle Rhodes: “Yeah this ain’t Kansas anymore. Or Memphis. Or New York. Or wherever the sequined superman called home before. And good luck to him. I’ll bet he’s never seen a guy as big and as strong as Mo before.” MIGHTY MO vs. MEMPHIS PRESLEY Memphis Presley is all gyrations and dance moves as the match starts, but Mighty Mo quickly turns his dance floor into a house of pain, scoring with a sky high backdrop that nearly blocks out the ring lights. From there it is methodical, culminating with the Mighty one locking Memphis into his Mo-Town-Down (full nelson) and squeezing until the crooner passes out. MIGHTY MO WINS (4:02) ******** As one side of a split screen shows highlights from “The War to Settle the Score”, the other side features a live look inside The DeColts locker room as the three brothers sit in front of a laptop breaking down footage from The Behemoths’ title run in anticipation of tonight’s match. Jason Azaria: “The DeColts are, without a doubt, disciplined, dedicated students of the sweet science of professional wrestling. But how much will studying tendencies matter when you’re standing across the ring from almost eight hundred combined pounds of monster? I guess we’ll find out later on tonight.” ******** BACKSTAGE HALLWAY Intrepid reporter MARINA DEL REY spots WOLF HAWKINS walking into the building from the parking garage and rushes over with a cameraman to get his comments following his PPV loss to Aaron Andrews. WOLF HAWKINS “Yeah, I’ll talk, Marina. Because I’ve got a message to send. In this life when you cross someone, you better pray that you put them in the ground. Because the dead don’t come around looking for vengeance. Aaron Andrews, you might’ve beaten me up that ladder at ‘The War to Settle the Score’, but you didn’t end me. Big mistake. I’m still here, in the shadows. Waiting. Calculating. Watching. And you never know when the Wolf will get hungry again and go on the hunt.” ******* PRESHOW (DARK) HIGHLIGHTS: DARRYL DEVINE ducks BIG Z’s running lariat and slides behind him, hitting the Devine Dream Drop and getting the three count. DARRYL DEVINE TCW keeps anointing these new guys as ‘the future of the company’. And here I am, just winning matches and staying totally delicious. Where’s my big push? DAZZLING DAVE DIAMOND and BENNY BENSON aren’t a fluid tag team with experience, but they run rings around MAVERICK/RODERICK REMUS with their old school combination of speed and power, scoring the 1,2,3 after Benson’s “Airtime” top turnbuckle legdrop. The next generation of TCW is on display as ASH CAMPBELL uses a distraction from the leader of SUCCESSION, JAY CHORD, to sneak a roll of quarters into his fist and lay out BRADLEY BLAZE before hooking his leg and getting the pinfall victory. ******* Jason Azaria: “Sammy Bach’s a resilient guy. But the loss he took at the hands of Jay Chord at ‘The War to Settle the Score’ has all the makings of a career defining moment. Will it be the loss that starts his descent from the top of the card into oblivion? Or will it be the spark that reignites the flame of his passion for professional wrestling?” Kyle Rhodes: “That was so poetic. All I heard was ‘lost to Jay Chord’. Haha!” SAMMY BACH vs. FREDDIE HUGGINS Freddie Huggins has been on a bit of a slide of late and he has a lot of trouble with the resurgent Sammy Bach. Bach uses his myriad of suplex variations to toss Huggins all over the ring. But his first attempt at the “BoYB” (Cobra Clutch) is stymied by a distraction by his sexy sister and executive consultant LAURA HUGGINS who shakes what her mama gave her on the ring apron, completely drawing in the attention of referee RAY JOHNSON while Freddie flails on the mat. But his good luck doesn’t last. Within moments, Bach gains the upper hand again and locks in the “BoYB”, for good this time, making Huggins pass out. SAMMY BACH WINS (15:53) ******* Greg Gauge 371 Days as TV Champion And Counting ******* Kyle Rhodes: “I think it’s garbage that a team like The Behemoths, a team that held the tag belts for months, lost them without even being pinned. Tonight, those Canadian fools are going to get squashed and the belts will go back to where they truly belong, regardless of what Brent Hill wants.” Jason Azaria: “Jeez Kyle, tell us how you really feel. Do you and Goldworthy send each other Christmas cards?” THE DECOLT BOYS vs. THE BEHEMOTHS TCW WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH The Behemoths show every bit of their power in the early stages of this one. Powerslams! Headbutts! Double running shoulder tackles! And things don’t look great for the new tag team champions. But when there is a commotion in the crowd…. …and Randy and Zimmy, UNLEASHED, make their way down from the mezzanine through the fans, and take a seat at ringside, it slows the momentum of Floyd Goldworthy’s monsters just a bit. And that would be all it takes. Jack DeColt backdrops the massive Titan and then starts laying in powerful punches! He and the silky smooth Ricky begin tagging in and out like only brothers can, showing a wide array of double team moves before Jack somehow sneaks in behind Killer Shark while Titan tangles with Ricky. DECOLT DRIVER! (Straightjacket Drop) 1….2…3! Jason Azaria: “What we just saw was a solid and decisive defense for The DeColts…” Azaria trails off as an exasperated Floyd Goldworthy yells at his men to redeem themselves, ordering them back into the ring to attack Jack and Ricky, which they do with a vengeance. Attacking from behind, they dispatch Jack quickly and turn their attention to Ricky, pulling him under the bottom rope to the floor and setting him up for a double powerbomb through the announcer’s table. Unable to take it, Randy and Zimmy stand up, causing the crowd to explode which draws the attention of both Titan and Killer Shark. The moment of hesitation gives TCW security and staff time to get down the ramp to defuse the situation, before any further damage is done. Kyle Rhodes: “What was that? Do those guys even officially work here? Floyd Goldworthy is right. There IS a conspiracy against The Behemoths. And I’m going to get to the bottom of it.” ******* An older, mud covered, black pickup truck rumbles its way into the parking garage backstage, screeching to a halt near the talent entrance. NICKY CHAMPION climbs out of the cab and begins walking toward the backstage area when he is stopped by COLLISION GM JACK BRUCE. JACK BRUCE I’m pretty sure the contract you signed said you didn’t have to be at TV every week, Champ. What gives, man? Why are you here? NICKY CHAMPION I told you I’d be here as I was needed. And tonight, I feel as though I am needed. My friend, Aaron Andrews is going into battle having already been in a fight for his life only days ago. When you are my friend, you’re my friend forever; I’ll stand by you no matter the odds. And when Double A goes to war tonight, I’ll be by his side. I’ll make sure things are contested fairly. Jason Azaria: “Our Collision main event just got kicked up a notch. Not only are we getting World Champion Aaron Andrews versus Angry Gilmore one on one, but Nicky Champion is here, in Double A’s corner, to make sure things don’t go sideways. What a time to be a wrestling fan, Kyle!” ******* INTERVIEW SET MARINA DEL REY interviews ALICIA STRONG. MARINA DEL REY Alicia, you’re undefeated since joining the TCW roster, but as yet, you haven’t challenged for any titles. Where do you go from here? ALICIA STRONG I appreciate you asking me, Marina, because I’ve definitely got a plan for my TCW future. THE ELITE walk onto the set uninvited. EDDIE CHANDLER I’m sure you’re a sweet girl, Alicia. But you have no business wrestling men. It’s wrong, it’s unnatural, and personally, it offends me. And what’s more, you should absolutely empty your pretty little head of any thoughts of chasing a championship here in my company. NATE JOHNSON Yeah, honey. Maybe fetch us a couple of brewskis and make us a nice sandwich. ALICIA STRONG How about I skip the sandwiches, drink those beers myself, and kick the hell out of both of you? That sounds fun. EDDIE CHANDLER Sorry, little lady, but I don’t fight girls. ALICIA STRONG That’s good, because I’m a woman. And a badass one at that. Next week, whoever wants to be next, meet me in the ring. ******** Jason Azaria: “Steve DeColt is still working off the ring rust after his almost two year layoff. But I’ll go on record as saying that the guy still has it. It’s just a matter of time before he’s back at one hundred percent.” Kyle Rhodes: “Yeah, it’s still unclear to me what he was up to during that time. Or why he decided to come back to pro wrestling in the first place. Did he miss watching his brothers get slapped around by real men? Or did the Tim Horton’s he was managing finally come to their senses and give him the ‘a-boot?” Jason Azaria: “I see what you did there.” Kyle Rhodes: “I hate Canada.” STEVE DECOLT vs. MATT HOCKING Poor Matt Hocking. Steve DeColt comes out on fire and never lets up. The whole match feels like a highlight package with Steve DeColt looking like he did in his heyday. Even when Hocking seems to get on a roll late in the match, hitting his patented perfect dropkick, he runs into a “DeColt Thrust” (Double Handed Throat Thrust) that stops him cold. DeColt Stampede! Iron Claw! There’s nothing Hocking can do but tap out. STEVE DECOLT WINS (11:23) Jason Azaria: “I don't know about you fans, but I think Steve DeColt is back!” ******* The arrogant JACKPOT JORDAN and JAKE IDOL start pushing and shoving CHRIS FLYNN backstage, just being bullies, when ONE MAN ARMY spots his man getting treated rudely and gets in between them. ONE MAN ARMY Why don’t you two pieces of Succession trash move along before I red line and things go poorly for you? JAKE IDOL I don’t even know what that means, old man. ONE MAN ARMY It means I’m about three seconds away from slapping that look right off of your face, son. So get those boots moving. Or else. Jackpot Jordan gets right up in OMA’s face and things get really tense. A fight is on the cusp of breaking out when JACK BRUCE coolly walks up, flanked by TCW security, and diffuses the situation. JACK BRUCE Gentlemen. Here in TCW we don’t settle things in the locker room or the parking garage. We take them to the ring. And after the commercial break, that’s where I’ll expect you to be. Am I making myself clear? Good. Rock on! ******* ******* Jason Azaria: “One Man Army is doing his best to whip Chris Flynn into shape; a match against Jay Chord’s Succession boys is going to be a big test.” Kyle Rhodes: “Flynn’s definitely the weak link in the Dirt Trench Posse’s operation. He needs to shape up, fall in line, or prepare to be dishonorably discharged. Did you see how those guys were pushing him around?” Jason Azaria: “He just needs to find himself, Kyle. He’s got all the tools.” DIRT TRENCH POSSE vs. SUCCESSION Jordan and Idol show their cohesiveness right out of the gate and work over the inexperienced and seemingly overwhelmed Flynn with all sorts of power based double team moves, much to the delight of Jay Chord, who accompanied them to the ring. But when Flynn musters up a burst of energy and tags in the fresh One Man Army, the tables turn completely. The veteran runs the young team through a wrestling obstacle course, always one step ahead of them and barking at them to try and keep up! Snap suplex for Idol! Snap suplex for Jordan! A clothesline for both! Running knee lifts! The rally sees Chord sneak up onto the apron, trying to avoid detection by the referee and help his team. And when he seems only a second or two away from catching OMA unaware as Jordan and Idol keep the official busy… Jason Azaria: “Here come the reinforcements!” DOC HAMMOND marches down to the ring, immediately grabbing Chord by the legs and pulling him back down to the floor and balling him out, pointing a finger in his face and admonishing him for his lack of honor. Chord takes a swing at him! OMA comes through the ropes with a suicide dive! Flynn, left alone in the ring, gets blindsided by a double pump kick from Jordan and Idol that lays him out! 1,2,3! SUCCESSION WINS (12:36) Kyle Rhodes: “Usually this would be the part where I re-hashed how Chris Flynn’s inexperience and lack of talent was holding the Dirt Trench Posse back. But I’m getting word in my headset from the producers that Marina is backstage with the TCW World Heavyweight Champion! Let’s go to that now!” ******* AARON ANDREWS sits on the trainer’s table with his arm over his eyes, wincing as he gets his ribs taped in anticipation of his match which is up next. MARINA DEL REY drags a cameraman in and sticks the mic in Double A’s face. MARINA DEL REY I won’t waste your time, Double A; are you one hundred percent going into tonight’s main event against Angry Gilmore? AARON ANDREWS Who in this business is ever one hundred percent? I mean, look at me. I’m getting taped up. I’m in the trainer’s room. MARINA DEL REY Can you give us a number? A percentage? Where are you at? AARON ANDREWS I’ll tell you this, Marina. Aaron Andrews is ready for Angry Gilmore. More than ready. Am I banged up? Sure. Am I bruised? Of course. But is my will stronger than both of those things? Is my willingness to go as far as I need to go to win stronger? That’s where I’m one hundred percent. No one is willing to bleed, is willing to die, for TCW like I am. This place is in my veins. This title is part of me. And to get it, you’ll have to pry it from my cold, stiff fingers. ******* Jason Azaria: “Angry Gilmore took a bad bump at ‘The War to Settle the Score’, a bump that would’ve put most wrestlers on the shelf for a couple of weeks. But he told me earlier today that there was no way he wasn’t going to be in the ring with Aaron Andrews tonight. I think he’s crazy. ” Kyle Rhodes: “Crazy like a fox, J. Double A took an even worse beating than Gilmore did in his championship ladder match against Wolf Hawkins, so he’s ripe for the picking. Besides, it’s not every day you get a world title shot.” AARON ANDREWS vs. ANGRY GILMORE TCW WORLD TITLE MATCH This is a wrestling clinic. Aaron Andrews decides to engage Gilmore in a mat wrestling contest and the two roll around exchanging holds and showing world class technique for the first portion of the match. It is truly a sight to behold. As things progress both men show the residual wear from their respective pay per view matches, but as the minutes tick away, their adrenaline takes over. Release german suplex from Gilmore! Ripcord lariat from Andrews! Staredown! STALEMATE! Jason Azaria: “This is two of the best in our business showing the world what they have; this reminds me why I love pro wrestling!” Nicky Champion’s presence at ringside is a constant nuisance for Gilmore, even though he never gets involved. Gilmore’s having to keep a constant eye on him is distraction enough. It becomes obvious that his plan to finish the match is continuing to trap Double A in his armbar, which backfires, giving the champion the opportunity he needs. When the challenger tries to snatch his arm once again. Andrews uses his leverage advantage and rolls up Gilmore with a small package. 1….2….3! AARON ANDREWS WINS (21:19) Jason Azaria: “A brilliant counter from our World Champion, Kyle! What a match!” Kyle Rhodes: “A huge win for Double A, Azaria, but I can’t help but wonder how differently it might’ve gone down if Nicky Champion wasn’t lurking at ringside. In my opinion, his just being there may have cost Gilmore the World Championship.” (C) TCW COLLISION 2020
  8. Hey @Self. A few posts back (Might be more. I started re-reading from the start again) you mentioned using a spreadsheet as a long term booking planner that houses all of your storylines and the like in one place. I've always used a pen and notebook and was thinking about jumping into the modern era and doing something similar to what you do. Any chance you'd post an old screencap of something that won't spoil anything for us (me) to get a look at? Would love to see how you've got it formatted, etc. No worries if not. Figured it was worth asking.
  10. CGC Bubbleweight Title: Helen Wheels vs Black Sheep Dan DaLay & Eric Tyler vs Soldiers of Fortune (Schmozz finish to set up a rematch?) Jon Jetson vs Moose Mulder The Last Man Standing Rumble is coming. Who gets your vote from the roster below? Thumbs Up (Pick 3 CGC wrestlers you like, they will enter the Rumble later) Steve DeColt, Black Sheep, Dan DaLay Thumbs Down (Pick 3 CGC you don't like, they will enter the Rumble earlier... if at all) Alex DeColt, Barry Bowen, Maverick I think it might be fun to see Alex and Barry have to run the whole gamut of wrestlers only to end up in the ring near the end with Steve and Dan DaLay. Still loving this @Self. It's wonderful.
  11. I haven't fooled around with or changed the product. Yet. It might be a situation where it evolves over time or it might be something like the eras in the WWF/WWE where things kind of hard stop and a new approach is taken overnight. In a lot of ways, I think the current TCW product mirrors what the original AEW product was intended to be, which is why it interests me. You can tell stories and still have good matches without sacrificing either to the other one. I'm almost embarrassed to say that I've slowly become a sports entertainment guy, just based on production values involved and I love some of the crazier stuff that The E has put out over the last decade. But I cut my teeth on Golden Age stuff, was in college during the Monday Night Wars, and ate up any and all indie wrestling I could get my hands on online. Between all of that, and my affection for the first seven years or so of ROH, my influences are all over the place. Haha! I'm sure that'll come through within the first few shows. It's not MAW, although we'll maintain our relationship with them. And it's not FCW or NYCW either. Or maybe it is and you'll have to wait until the first show to find out. But it's not.
  12. Cage Match All-American Army (One Man Army, Valiant and Jack Giedroyc) vs Hollywood Uncensored (Hollywood Bret Starr, Mainstream Hernandez and Lenny Brown) Paul Huntingdon vs Sean McFly SWF World Tag Team The Awesomeness (Jefferson Stardust & Huey Cannonball) (c) vs Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) SWF North American Primus Allen (c) vs Steven Parker Lobster Warrior & ??? vs The Unleashed Bumfholes (Randy Unleashed & Zimmy Unleashed) Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight (Cage Match) Rocky Golden (c) vs Mikey Lau
  13. “All right, Brent. It sounds like you’re ready to go, doesn’t it?” asked Tony. “I think so,” Brent replied. “I approached the CEO with your ideas and rather than sign off on them himself, he brought them up at a shareholders meeting and I got the green light from them.” “That’s a surprise. Usually, a CEO will take credit for at least part of whatever they bring to the shareholders.” “Yeah, I’m guessing that he didn’t understand or agree with every change I wanted to make, so he passed the buck. Kick it up the ladder and then put some distance between himself and the ideas, just in case they don’t pan out.” “So what did they agree to?” said Tony. "The roster expansion, the expanded show slot, the new show? There was a lot of stuff on our wishlist.” “All of it.” “All of it? You’re kidding?” “Nope. They went for it all. Every request, big or small, all the bells and whistles, down to the last detail. I got it all.” “They couldn’t possibly have approved your acquiring a smaller company to use as like a second tier developmental brand. That was a big ask.” "Again, surprising, but they did. People are going to lose their minds when they hear the news. When we relaunch that company under our banner, it’s going to be big. I can feel it,” Brent said. “I’m so glad for you, Brent. For us actually. This is a big deal for you and I’m glad to have been a part of it.” “I still don’t know where it came from. But keep your phone close by. I’m sure I’ll have some stuff to run by you again soon.” “You’d better. I want updates.” “Sure thing, Tony. And thank you. For everything.” “Don’t mention it. And good luck with the rebrand.” “I’m sure it’ll go over like rover, Tony. The logo design ideas you gave me were top notch.”
  14. Jungle Lord & Robbie Retro vs Remo & Zeus Maxmillion Charger Siaki vs Morgan Malone Roderick Remus & Steven Parker vs The Domination (Avalanche & Chill) Paul Huntingdon vs Rocky Golden Bear Bekowski vs Joey Morgan Main Event: NETSTREAM Intercontinental Hollywood Bret Starr (c) vs One Man Army (BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? Yes.
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