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Tha Black Phenom

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Posts posted by Tha Black Phenom

  1. Punk would be the perfect choice to win the Rumble in some way, there's many main-eventers he hasn't faced yet and he's already reached the top of the food chain in the past.


    Kofi would be the perfect "upper-midcard-megapush" Rumble winner. It seems that role has been reclused to MITB wins though. They can def do it again, it's just a matter of when. Since Rey, the Rumble winners have all been established main-eventers.


    And am I the only one who's slightly gutted about the fact they threw away a monumental match such as Jericho/Taker on SD? I'm the only one around which has that irking me a bit but I don't mind now. When there were those Jericho/Taker at SummerSlam rumors in the spring, I was ecstatic. But oh well, a feud between them would still be top-notch.

  2. Ehh, I agree with you on the overall post and the gist of your logic, but there's still some things in there I can't nod. Proclaiming Sheamus' past as two 'solid' feuds... maybe so, but they were easily forgettable tbh. Compared to a US title reign - yes, very monotone but Kofi was still fairly showcased, defending his title quite a lot building up his overness a tad, he was one of those midcarders ready to take the next step. Sheamus never had that, but I'm not one to shoot down this instant push of his. I like it, and I wanna see where it goes.


    I honestly think this is all circumstantial. There's literally no one credible on the Raw roster to face Cena right now except DX.. or Randy Orton, who've faced 78 times and is now in the process of making Kingston. So while picking Kofi over Sheamus seems a bit hypocritical as you've said, there's no doubt the Raw booking... and the smarks' minds were backed into a corner here.


    BUT, I figured smarks would be more open to this since it's not exactly like it's the first time it's happened. The Lesnar effect is lost on people I guess. And heck, even in recent memory Vladimir Kozlov got a megapush towards the World title, but too bad he fizzled out. You're right, some smarks are the ficklest it's astonishing. Not just about this, about everything. They label almost everything predictable... which annoys me, "predictable" is not to be confused with "logical booking". And if the booking was illogical, they'd complain anyway. :(


    tl;dr I agree with you, all circumstances, go Sheamus, etc.

  3. Well, close-minded smarks that is.


    I mean yeah, there are those guys who won't let anything pass and want the booking as they see fit and will throw the "predictable!" moniker onto at least one match or angle per show, but I would think the sensed smarks for the most part are quite open-minded. Guess it depends on one's POV, in this day and age we're our own crowd, with many smarky diversified opinions and whatnot.


    I'm far from being Sheamus' biggest fan but I do enjoy this because I wonder where this will go(and partly because I hate Miz/Swagger :p). And where this will take Sheamus. This being a completely fresh match-up, are they actually gonna do something with Cena, instead of the generic heel title challenger angle? Will Sheamus really benefit from it? Any other superstars will come into the fray(without being inserted into the title match that is)? Many questions, which can lead to interesting outcomes.

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