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Tha Black Phenom

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Posts posted by Tha Black Phenom

  1. That's an actual match-up and angle i thought of, Triple H turning on Shawn with reason that he's been lame enough to shake hands with the devil. And how he didn't let it bother him at the beginning, but as weeks went by, he got more and more disgruntled at the decision. Bret somehow makes another appearance and that's around where Trips speaks off his mind(or lets off his 'words' in the ring)
  2. Yeah Michaels and Undertaker really need to rebuild thier finishers too right? Right?


    And come one WWE sure as hell is worried. Bret returning plus the 2 ppv caliber match ups. Sure just a normal RAW sure. If I was WWE I would ignore and deny as long as possible as well but the facts just don't follow. If Cena wasn't otherwise engaged already they would have saved his rematch vs Sheamus I am sure.


    PS please excuse me if I am becoming too markish as I am finally getting to see the show.


    Not really, since Michaels/Taker wasn't Near Falls land.


    And I honestly think all the things they sprinkled onto last night's show was simply to make up for the fact Cena wasn't there last night. He's a sizeable factor into the ratings. The blow-off matches were inevitable anyway, whatnot with the long road to the Rumble. With Jericho's status on Raw in jeopardy, they couldn't keep that up for long.

  3. Who knows what number the show did. Probably somewhere in the 1.4 region at best. I doubt the 'war' is on and judging by RAW this week, I really hope it wasn't an example of the WWE 'trying' or raising their game. I craved a Bret Hart comeback around the time of Backlash a few years ago when Benoit was facing HBK and thought that was probably the most opportune time if he were ever to step into a WWE return. Now that it's finally happened... it felt so empty and lacking.


    Although the Monday Night War 'hype' will be gone, hopefully next week will see better on both counts.


    They definitely weren't trying that. I don't think the WWE tried to up their game at all. The Bret appearance was just to put a cherry on the show, and it was something somewhat overdue(at least it happened while Bret is still able to walk). It was funny to see people think that Raw last night was drab and "as usual" when... to be honest, that was the point. They don't give a rat's ass about TNA, so why should they go out of their way to make a really special memorable show with fireworks and the like?


    I think this is another case of smarks putting too much hype into this thing(by this, I mean Jan 4th). TNA was gonna pull all the stops, but hardly from WWE's part. It was just a regular night to them, and rightfully so.


    I saw a good portion of this show however, mostly the main-event which I loved. But after this match, AJ and Angle better start re-building their finishers and whatnot. :\

  4. I love the Abraham Washington Show, it's the only show where the guest can have a chance at getting his character and personality across(especially in this day and age of generic personas), even though Abe himself sometimes is a bit over-the-top. Case in point... the last ECW show, I thought he'd never shut up about Tiger Woods. -_-


    But this new tag team is quickly growing on me, and a good deal of that is thanks to that talkshow. Especially how they dissed poor Tony.

  5. It's a shame, indeed. But it's something which won't go away anytime soon. Even these days, the WWE make it specifically so we don't rely on reports, coming up with random swerves every now and then, which I like for the most part. Because of that, reports have dwindled a tad today. Just a few years ago, they had reports shelling out of which Mania matches were pegged to happen when we were only around Armageddon-Rumble season, who was pegged to win the Rumble, even crucial future feuds such as "X is penciled to work a program with Y". I've always found that irking me and really steered clear off it. At least now, it's toned down a bit. You see some of that here and there, but not as much. Now, the buzz is pretty much only who Taker's gonna face at Mania, and maybe potential Mania main-events although they need to get rid of that too.
  6. I think there's a serious difference between main-event status and just being featured in main-events... if you seriously consider Kofi and Legacy as main-event status, then your criteria window must be pretty damn wide.


    I think we're talking purely straight legit main-eventers here, not hotshots in ECW. Of course they have no problem building top dogs on ECW, that's what the brand is for...


    So the list should come down to Jeff and Punk. Morrison is almost there.

  7. God damn it. The guy isn't over, he's been here for a couple of months, and while he impressed me, he didn't impress me enough to even win the US title, let alone the WWE ****ing championship. Just....just awful. Why not give that match to DiBiase? Or Rhodes? Or Kingston? Guys who have proved they are good, have gotten over, and have proven they're far more reliable?


    because neither of those guys fit the kind of monster push that has been given sheamus.


    The ONLY thing that irks me about this is how sheamus came about, being trips' favorite partner. not that it bothers me personally, but people are gonna talk about this...


    but the move itself? I don't approve, nor disapprove. i'm just waiting to see the results of this. It interests me, however...

  8. In my opinion, Cena/HBK had the better match at Mania 23, but that's just me.


    As for Cena, the only thing I dislike about him now is his character. This generic babyface who is at the forefront no less, of WWE's flagship show... I don't like it. I can do with it. But I'll always wish for a change or so. The obvious reason me and many others don't like it is because we grew up with more than that. Those kids are stuck with him though, so not much damage there. I get the every-kid's-hero stigma here, but would it hurt that much to give him a little.. something? I mean, just last month. Cena had a promo with DX backstage, hyping up their triple threat. Cena made a comment about them beating each other all the time and the Bella Twins were shown in disgust.. his reaction was funny. Why can't there be more simple things like that, just here and there to highlight his funny persona? Because they're definitely trying to pass off John Cena as a funny guy. There's just no... substance, he's just seen as a walking billboard and occasionally, SuperCena who hypes his own matches more than commentators.


    Before anyone follows, yes I am obviously berating the creative team for this, and not Cena himself. (somehow, someone always needs to follow up with stating that) Cena himself, I don't... well... I still don't like him, but I don't hate him either.

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