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Tha Black Phenom

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Posts posted by Tha Black Phenom

  1. Sorry, but when both teams combine to get to triple digits (barely) going into the fourth quarter, it's not an enjoyable game. And I dislike the dunkfest that basketball has become. I couldn't watch the beginning of the game due to some other stuff I had to do for school, but when I was driving back, I envisioned a high(er) scoring game. Some guys couldn't hit open shots!


    I am a Pistons fan and when we played great D and won a championship everyone said it was boring. Game 7 has good D and BAD BAD BAD jump shooting but they call it a great game? I don't get it.


    Also the Lakers fans are real classy. Nice job making your city look bad.


    I wanted the Lakers to win cuz I hate the Celtics more. So I chose the lesser of 2 evils. Plus Kobe is the best player in the NBA right now.


    Come on now. Bad jump shooting, so what? Know why that was? Because of many things.


    Both teams were TIRED, they just looked flat-out tired playing. But despite that, they hustled harder than ever, powerful defense and contact all around the match. The announcers said it themselves, it was like a damn wrestling match. Rough contact action, they focused on defense and tried to make it work from all ends. You think with all that, they woulda had some high-scoring showdown? Hell no.


    That's why Kobe had a low FG percentage and why the Celtics really struggled in some parts. Gasol got murked at the rim so many times but he never gave up.


    To me, that was a great game. If anything, it would've been silly to believe the scores would go over 90. The defense had to be on point, and the Celtics brought it... apart from their presence on the glass, that's where they really choked and where they cost them. Kobe took advantage of that and made up for his lack of scoring to capture 15 rebounds. Artest did his part, Fisher did too and as a result we got our champs. Big props to Kobe, he can wave in magazine covers now with his whole hand. Five-time, baby.

  2. we should start a group


    Fans Against PG!


    ...yeah, good luck with that


    Is it just me or is this whole story line beginning to reek of WCW? People being fired in reality, people being fired in kayfabe, the fans not being completely sure the company isn't trying to run an elaborate work on everyone, stupid car stunts, bad acting, bad writing, etc.


    It must be just you. Even IF as many people appreciated an angle in WCW which caught one's eye, IWC or casual fan, and did something which we were intently waiting to find the outcome, it's a bit unfair since we know the result of those turds of storyline outcomes. The chapter isn't even closed on this one. And bad acting in a wrestling show... hardly noteworthy, now is it.


    Would you prefer the usual route of WWE booking either the 'predictable' storylines which aren't really predictable in reality because everyone in the IWC is gushing out loads of potential outcomes weeks in advance


    or the storylines WWE actually gets to slam a twist on to fool the audience, in which in turn some folks in the IWC will whine about because it's not what they expected/not their cup of tea?



    Some folks in the IWC are just unable to sit down, and appreciate what is given to them - fair enough if you don't like a lot of it. It's not like you have to or anything. Just don't throw everything the WWE throws our way away like used toys back in the toybox. And about these people I seen posting earlier that we're "trying to get back in the WWE" but because of recent events couldn't... if one guy - as awesome as he is, I got a lot of love for D to the B - deters you from keeping onto probably the hottest angle so far in the year, then you're not really trying to get back in. I mean hell, I see some people dismiss the angle 30 minutes into the show, of course I didn't expect otherwise though.


    That being said, I was disappointed that the locker room somewhat emptied to save Cena and chase off the NXT rookies as it just seemed a lazy throwback to the old WCW/ECW Invasion angle. I was hoping there'd be some reason as to why Cena, Punk & co were left to the wolves last week... pros froze backstage watching, heels felt Cena had it coming to him, Orton decided it "wasn't his fight", Mark Henry was busy eating muffins, whatever. Instead if just sticks out as a loophole in the story that creative weren't bothered about covering, which is a shame considering they pretty effectively signed Danielson out of the story.


    Beyond that, although vehicular assualts are hardly new ground in wrestling, it did leave a decent hook for the ppv and the continuation of the angle. Plus Barrett further sold himself as an effective leader of the group.


    This is another problem. People constantly comparing to things of the past. I must be one of the few who hasn't compared this to the Invasion angle, at all. It's something new, and different. I won't say the word 'exciting' yet, don't know where it takes us. But let's leave the old stuff out for once. Anything groundbreaking the WWE does forever on will be compared to some degree to X angle we saw back in our heyday. It's kinda unfair to them, to a certain extent you should see WWE has made full circle.

  3. the thing thats pissing me off is the lack of clear information


    Well mellow out there, TMZ. In case of firings, information is even lucky to arrive as much as a week later.


    hes also not the stereotypical wwe "big guy"


    That boat's sailed a long time ago, for the record. The only big guyson top really are WWE's prime main-eventers and to an extent, Swagger/Sheamus.


    I could think this is a work due to the timing but I wouldn't rule out it being legit either. The sad fact is while this angle has been huge so that a release seems shady, every single one of those rookies are expendable at the moment. They're no-names trying to make a name for themselves, cut them down to 7 and not many will notice. Well.. we and they will, but it certainly wouldn't be an equation modifier or anything.


    I hope it's not the case though. He certainly grew on me.

  4. Yeah, we've all gotten used to the creative team, we know what they're capable of(in the negative sense)... but heck, this is a magnificent sighting for once, so this time around let's be positive on this one. If they fail to capitalize on it, at least we'll remember that memorable segment, even if it'll be followed in our minds by what "could've been".


    I just saw (finally!) the show after missing Raw for three weeks and I have to say that indeed, the ending took me away. It felt so different and fresh, and I don't know what else I can say that hasn't been said but yeah pretty much, well done. Instead of judging on how I want it to go or how they should maintain things, I'll gamble and let it all in the creative team's hands, see where they're going with this. They thought it up, it's already that much.

  5. Huh? That was the most baffling "defense" of a player I've ever seen. He missed two free throws in a game the Magic absolutely had to win at the beginning of the series, was nowhere to be seen when Howard struggled, and "they got this far" is a poor response because they got ..yknow... FARTHER last year..


    Disagree on the Howard part. He dropped 20s at a few times, his season stats aren't baffling, only if lower than Turk.. he was "there" so to speak. Just not enough there. He is overpaid, inconsistent no doubt about it but he DID step up. He brought it, just not when they needed him the most(which is essentially what you said at the beginning).


    His role was largely overcompensated, they should've seen what role he had in the Raptors and Nets. He was the running boat but clearly neither of the teams went anywhere much. But he shouldn't be completely thrown to the wolves is what I'm saying. Abysmal signing as you said, the bad egg being more on the shoulders of the Magic higher-ups and what they prepped for him.

  6. I'll admit Carter didn't deliver when they most needed him but he did step up at times at least and it got them this far. During those games when Howard didn't do jack, he was there to pick up the scraps. It's just too bad he's fairly inconsistent, and true it is he doesn't deserve that much dough, but you know.. veterans at that age.. likely to be overpaid.
  7. The one game I had to watch in group with several people rooting for the Lakers and Stoudemire puts the lights out. Not my luck.


    It's pretty obvious Lakers in 5 is pushing it, the Celtics are in a different state of mind right now. I totally won't be surprised if they even take it, but my overall guess will be Lakers in 6 at the least.

  8. Cosby was good. I can't give it more than that because it never really sparked an interest in me too much.


    I felt they always had the same thing going on each show and got kind of boring.


    I think most episodes were fairly versatile, I guess it depends on the seasons... maybe. I loved the Cosby show, would probably watch it any day but if there's one thing I had against it... the filler episodes were god damn boring. Holy crap did they leave you with mixed expectations. One episode is hilarious, wants to keep you going for more, the next they have this.. silly family reunion full of old folks that reside in Nostalgia Mode about things we either don't have a clue about or things we possibly can't relate to.

  9. House... That 70's Show.. CSI: Miami.. The Big Bang Theory(sometimes).. Fresh Prince.. Simpsons. On and off with Scrubs. Pretty much come down to this. I've really been away from TV lately.


    Only show I stay consistent with is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

  10. I'm torn on the Daniel(son) stuff. I mean, sure it was great to see Cole get smacked around...but on the other hand, attacking an announcer? Really? Even if he deserved it...really? An announcer?.


    An announcer who's been lambasting you the whole ride along, I'd say why not. Most wrestlers kayfabe-wise have an 'attitude' and if one catches the announcers talking **** about them, can't rule out a mudhole stomping.


    Promo was exquisite.

  11. <p>Upper-midcarders make well into the six figures. Easily. Those who get five figures are <em>divas</em>, last I recall. It went like, main-eventers into the millions, rare cases between the ME/upper-mid mould get in the high 6 figures, then it's the midcarders who float around 100 to 300. Veteran midcarders will relatively have a bit higher, depending of course on who(Benoit was around 400K at one point, Christian pre-2005 too).</p><p> </p><p>

    Unless there's been a general paycut in everyone's salary in the last few years, and a hell of a paycut I'd have to add, six figures definitely isn't out of the realm for Swagger. He must be in the middle, at the least.</p>

  12. I like Vickie only when she steps out of the usual "EXCUSE MEEE" spiel. I get that the catchphrase generates heat and everything, but at a certain point... change the cassette. Which is somewhat what she did during her time with the trashy divas on SmackDown!, she remained as cunning and hateful as usual, without much of the EXCUSE ME banter. However that Raw, when she came back, it looked as if she had nothing but that in the tank. Glad it was a one-trick pony though, and if they consider bringing her back... let's go for diversity this time(which also means no heel sucking up to her in some long-running angle again).
  13. It's just not about the stuff they buy.


    It's about how they present themselves. They carry themselves like there the best people in the world. Let me tell you though...THERE NOT. I could tell you some stories about them but you would question why I still consider them family.


    Go ahead, we wanna be entertained. :cool:


    NBA Live 2010.


    Really. Really. Pisses. Me. Off.


    Mind expanding on this? Would like to hear opinions on it, my friend and I have this constant but friendly dispute between the NBA games(I have 2k9, he has Live 09), and when we both traded each other the games we were left with sour tastes in our mouths.

  14. A lot of those talents haven't been necessarily crafted by their coach, they could've well evolved themselves and have the coach adjust to it. And to pander to your point, you could just as well say Phil took a moderately solid player with crazy potential in Kobe and turned him into what he is today.


    But I'm also finished, indeed we can agree to disagree. We could instead talk about the ass-kicking the Cavaliers got handed tonight. I mean that was.. crazy. When Shaq's the top scorer, you know there's something wrong going on, lol

  15. If I remember right Rodman was a very good shooter, even would step back from time to time for the three, yes his free throw shooting wasn't the best (never hurt Shaq)


    Exactly my point. It could've hurt Shaq, in many ways, but Phil Jackson worked around it. I sure many can't forget the infamous Hack-a-Shaq tactic used numerous times on both Rodman and Shaq.


    I rather think Rodman was fairly inconsistent overall, in some games he shined but it wasn't his forte, evidently.


    Rodman was never asked to be a points guy, he was asked to be a goon pretty much, and his numbers in Chi town were actually some of the worst in his career besides the last two jokes of his career


    Again.. exactly.


    Kobe and Jordan never went to finals with out Phil, Lebron has


    Okay, that.. still doesn't change much from the original point. As well with the fact that LeBron barely got to the finals and got swept away with a broom.


    Having the most dominant players doesn't do it alone. You need the team and uncanny strategy around it, and the star power Jordan and LeBron were left with were far from favorable. Until Jackson did something 'bout it(for the Bulls).


    Lakers were a playoff team that went to the Conf. finals the year or two before, Phil just made them a champion, kind of like what Gruden did to Tampa or Ozzie to Chi. Sox


    he never took a bad teams and made them good (larry brown) he's always taken playoff teams and made them champions


    and Horry was already know for being a role player, and a clutch player at that


    I never said what Horry did or didn't do before. I'm saying that's where he was at during his tenure with the Lakers.. which is true. He could've flopped and went back down.


    Lakers WERE one of those "bad teams" when Phil came back. That's what I'm saying. Kobe wasn't always the top dog, and I'm not talking about Shaq's presence or anything. Phil came back and gave them another breath of life, because he can. Larry Brown did his thing and Phil did his too.

  16. He didn't need to develop superstars, what he rather did was give roles to the smaller players. He worked things around for everyone to drop their input and make their worth. Fisher became clutch, you had Horry and Fox doing their thing, in the Bulls it was Harper and Longley, who were sure as hell not great players on their own, but with what he did he made them look like more than decent starters. And THAT is a hell of a job in itself, just as much as your idealistic fairy tales of picking up X mediocre team with decent stars and pushing them to championship status. Really...


    Best example was Dennis Rodman. I mean holy ****, just knowing what the guy was about would make any coach pull their hair out. The man was a trainwreck if not for his amazing rebounding. Won DPOTY so many times, that's all well and good. But he sucked in jumpshots, he sucked in free throws, he sucked in close scoring for the most part and most importantly he sucked in attitude. Phil stuck to his guns though and worked with him to play to his strengths and hide/damper his weaknesses. Now, Jackson has his work cut out with Ron Artest, trying to keep that S.O.B. in place so he doesn't go pick a fight in the stands again. And yes, probably every coach has their dwindles and downsides but to work through them and gain championships is a whole nother thing.


    Developing superstars? protip: for the most part, superstars develop themselves. They either come into the game red hot, or they evolve in a sporadic tremendous way. But hell, without Jackson, Jordan and Kobe hadn't done or won squat. Kobe missed the playoffs and Jordan was the dominant player who could never reach the finals... kinda like LeBron. Even with decent or "good" coaches, they probably wouldn't have gone further, or maybe as much as one title, if anything. Jackson rather pulled a dynasty out of their asses.


    He modernized the triangle offense and ran with it. Other coaches tried to emulate him and fell flat on their faces. We can always ask the "what ifs" of if he poached a lesser team but we're never gonna find that out, nor would he have ever thought of doing it, and rightfully so.

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