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Tha Black Phenom

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Posts posted by Tha Black Phenom

  1. He's not coming back because nobody cares. If the plan was for him to come back all along then as I said before shouldn't they be dropping hints to it? Its not like they "fired" Cena. Its not like the fans are going to remember "oh yeah four months ago he beat up Michael Cole one week and was part of Nexus".


    I like DB a lot but if anybody thinks he's going to ride in on some white horse and just save the day and be a huge babyface part of this Nexus angle its just silly. As I said before if this was all part of their storyline even if he was fired.


    Even if he was fired and they said "we'll bring you back in a few months" and the writers full intend on revealing Miz and Cole behind this. My question is why wouldn't they drop hints? What earthly good would it do them to quietly fire him on a website, not mention him a single time for three or four months and then bring him back after he spent all of two nights on RAW in his entire life anyway.


    Simple, because the target to that attempt would be the IWC. Drop a few hints and they've basically given it away.


    I'm not saying there's a high possibility he'll come back, but it just as makes sense if they haven't been dropping hints. If they brought him back, they wouldn't necessarily have him ride out on a white horse like you say, there's many other ways to do it. They can do it ala Matt Hardy, rambunctious attacking in the crowd making people guessing, sort of a reveal without the complete reveal. They can just bring him out and just... well, advertise what's going on. I mean hell, they did it with Bret Hart/Montreal Screwjob and... did it pay off? Doesn't look like it did stupendously, but they showed they can pull off the effort of milking something with enough attention to it, even if it goes as back as 12 years ago. And before you say anything, I'm not comparing the situations themselves. I know the screwjob is infinitely bigger than what we have here but I'm just talking about how WWE can take something and attempt to make people care about it.


    Without putting Daniel Bryan too much on a pedestal, I don't think his overness should be labeled as him "spending at most two nights on Raw", because he's been the focus of NXT for a short while, and even on his incredible losing streak they found ways to keep him in the spotlight somehow. If Justin Gabriel or Heath Slater had gotten fired instead, I'd totally agree with this, but I solemnly believe there is to invest within DB.


    That's not to say I expect him to return though.


    Are you really going to take a guy that you're pushing into the main event and feud him with Daniel Bryan? The Daniel Bryan feud thing worked six months ago but since then Miz has upped his game and has gotten a bigger and bigger push each week. The guy might wind up being revealed as the master mind pushing him to the main event (otherwise what is the point at all). If you're not going to push the leader of Nexus as a main eventer then whats the point and why not just have Wade Barrett lead them? The point is to give someone that isn't quite a main eventer that last bit of momentum. Whoever it is has a built in feud with John Cena.


    The feud doesn't have to be solely between them to begin with, Miz can still ruffle feathers with the champ in the meantime. Could have DB prevent him from cashing in, even as far as fighting for it and [obviously] losing. Hypothetically, if the two were to feud, with enough airtime and effort it could elevate them both at once. Nothing suggests this would "keep Miz down", just becuase he's facing off Bryan. I still believe in the hot midcard feud WWE can invest in SO much that it keeps neither man down and both of them come out looking like winners afterwards.


    I realize I can be speaking in fairy tale language but nothing completely prevents this to my recollection, and I just heavily doubt it would tear down anything done with the Miz. It could halt Miz's momentum, sure, but it's not like he couldn't pick up and go off from that, which assumedly he would anyway. Guaranteed MITB holder. After what I've seen with Jack Swagger's acension to the World title, IMO, Miz is fair game to anything.

  2. Strange question, but did Cryme Tyme and Deuce & Domino get to feud? I've been watching a ton of OVW stuff of Deuce & Domino and I love them even more now than I did before. So much so that I've been going around going "OOOHH!!"


    Then again, that feud seems like it's too good for WWE when they can't even keep a real tag division together.


    No, but the only thing they did was having Cryme Tyme steal D&D's car and roll it with divas backstage after D&D beat them. Was a nice touch and it made Cryme Tyme relevant again.

  3. <p>I used to hate Randy Orton with a passion. 04 face Orton totally turned me off(the stuttering, ****y grin, sex-symbol hype) and I disliked him all the way up until 2007. Then the punts to the head started... something started there and I could see it in the corner of my eye. The gimmick evolved and I grew into liking him again. Once his mannerisms became akin to a cold calculating killer in the ring, I thought he'd find his stride and would replace Triple H as that dominating #1 heel who squashes everyone to piss off the fans. But instead the Legacy stable bull**** started, making Orton look like a piss poor coward, and it didn't help I'm no fan of Cody and DiBiase.</p><p> </p><p>

    As of now I enjoy his face-tweenerish run, and I hope they build expand on it. Make him a bigger face than he is, have him get a run with the title as a face and he could maybe serve as proponent for a Cena heel turn down the line. Both sell crazy merchandise as it is, and would whatever their disposition becomes.</p>

  4. Here's my question on the whole team Cena thing ... why Khali? Bret Hart, I understand, the Nexus cost him a job. Edge and Jericho make sense, due to earlier that evening (so Cena wasn't working as hard as he'd have you believe.) Morrison has been beaten from pillar to post for weeks by the crew, so he makes sense. Even as a stretch, Truth coached Otunga, so he makes some sense, albeit not a whole lot.


    That leaves out Mark Henry who was beaten by the Nexus, and almost killed by Wade. Yoshi Tatsu who was decimated by the Nexus. Or, I dunno, maybe Evan Bourne, who was the first to run to Cena's aid when they started "fighting back" and was abused for it. I don't recall ever seeing Khali in the same frame as any Nexus member, and can't for the life of me figure out why he's there, unless they're mirroring. Like Cena to Barrett, Morrison to Gabriel, Edge to Sheffield, etc. Just think there's a better choice than the Punjabi Playboy.


    It helps show that the whole roster has a gripe against them, not just those who've had an interaction with them. And in a big assembly team Khali is the perfect role. Since he's a monster he can be made looking weak, and then powerful the very next second. A nice sidekick to hype things off.


    Nearly everyone else has likely other plans. I strongly believe Bourne will challenge for the US title, Henry would look so weak being revealed part of the team after being beaten by Barrett mere minutes before.



    And maybe that pushing off thing would've been too extreme... for Khali. Who knows what degree of bumps the big fella can take, lol.

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheEdgeOfReason" data-cite="TheEdgeOfReason" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Me too. He's an extremely repetitive heel imo.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Repetitive? Well, I could understand 'drawn out', but it should be admitted Trips went to good lengths to keep his heel heat alive during his run by going in different directions. Many of the angles he was involved in induced genuine heel material. Simple problem was that while his run was good, indeed, we had enough and a change was needed. Fans wanted so much to cheer him but they never really could either. Then, DX happened and...</p><p> </p><p> let's face it, he hasn't done wonders as a face. Only times he's been remotely interesting is when he entered Comeback God Mode and returned to hand a walloping to Orton with his Zeus sledgehammer. He is a much much better heel and I think it'd be cool if he came back to his roots.</p><p> </p><p> The only thing here is should he return heel, he should stay astray from the 2003-04 formula(and he probably would); being the center of attention #1 heel that represents the apex of the brand itself. Because Triple H knows how it's time for the other heels to shine. Miz and Sheamus most namely.</p>
  6. I'm not saying anybody has to love Kane or Miz, I'm saying anyone who says "oh I won't watch the show any more someone NEW is being pushed" needs to stop being such a smark.


    And his chin mannerism leaves you "dry" and "apathetic"? Whaaa?


    Yes... so what?


    I'm talking about these things many oh so like about him but as for me, they leave me dry. I hate his schtick and his style, like if he's forcing it. I will concede he's improving, that's something I can't ignore, besides I couldn't stand him even more in the beginning with his Chick Magnet gimmick. Either way, the way he does things annoy me. But I know he's here to stay(his multiple World titles are probably imminent), and I know I'll have to get used to him.


    Kane though... boo-yah.

  7. <p>I'd watch anyone over Cena, but The Miz ain't one of them. His Narm-tistic mic skills and some of his mannerisms such as leaning his chin forwards leave me dry and apathetic. I appreciate him when he mocks other wrestlers though, he can do it mildly well.</p><p> </p><p>

    At least he stopped the "Really? REALLY? REALLY?" crap because that got on my nerves more than anything, ever.</p>

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Two" data-cite="The Two" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I remember reading a couple of weeks ago that they planned to get rid of one of the cases pretty quickly because the writers couldn't handle having more than one case in play (one could question why you'd even create two then, but whatever), but that is just taking the piss. That case didn't even make it to the end of the show, it was in play for less than an hour.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The way I see it, if they hadn't done this they would've probably ended up doing the oh-so suggested move of doing it at WrestleMania, which IMO would've felt... wrong(unless the retaining champion has held the title for <em>months</em> on end or something). Pulling this off in a throw-away PPV like this one doesn't irk me as much.</p>
  9. Of course NY needs James. They all need James and James to an extent doesn't really need anybody. He could march into almost any team and make them relevant(not necessarily enough for a title, but relevant as an upper-tier contender). Just as well, Cleveland need James too and they damn sure got their bite of him.


    Media = marketing or vice versa and marketing does the job in putting the spotlight on a player. March into a big city team and you'll get it made. And the fact that those things happened before LeBron was born is exactly the point; a revitalization is needed in the franchise and if LeBron brought that, he would reach iconic levels. The spotlight would be damn near blinding him. I think his legacy would've been solid in either club, NY or Cleveland, but things weren't to be. And now it just looks like he'll be a part of the "Big 3".

  10. Yeah, the Kozlov push was gotten dead and rotten for a while now. World title program with Triple H which resulted in a dreadful match at SurSer, small program with Taker and they completely soured on him afterwards. Sent to ECW, drowned there and where he is now. It's a shame because I would've liked him as a headliner.


    As for the Nexus, I think it's better the way they appear, instead of looking flashy or marketable. The attention should be on the assaults they do, and the black shirts with the uniform logo makes them come across as more... cultish. I like.


    And unless you saw last week's replay, Cena actually did what you suggested [somewhat], taking out one of the Nexus last week in brutal fashion, to make it 6 vs. 1 instead of 7.

  11. Agreed, I don't wanna imagine what goes through the next big free agent's mind if the Cavs offer him a deal. Seriously. Way of sealing your own fate, Gilb.


    They made the Finals pretty easily. They killed the Wizards 4 to 0, stomped the Nets 4 to 2. They then fell down 0-2 to the Pistons only to rebound and stomp them the next four games. They lost to the Spurs because the Spurs were by far the much better team.The next year they added more talent with out losing much. Then the year after that they added Mo Williams while only losing Damon Jones and Joe Smith! Each year the Cavs have put better talent around James and each year they get great regular season results and not so great post season results.


    I meant moreso in the semi-finals, that they struggled. Maybe barely wasn't the right word, yeah. Pistons were starting hot until they completely shut down, allowing them to reach the finals.


    It took them a great player to do that, and while LeBron doesn't have a ring on his finger, carrying a less-than-suitable team to the finals on his shoulders deserves its rep.


    Lebron is a good player but not all that he is hyped out to be, I mean the media keeps saying he's a future legend and blah blah blah. I'm still waiting for him to come through in the play off and before this guy even is in the szme breath a Jordan win three titles and if he done win one with Mami he dont have his little excuse of not having a team around him. Truth is James chokes in the playoffs and quites when he feels the game is over watch game 2 5 7 of the series agianst Bosten he QUITE plan and simple until he can prove himself to me he's not in my top ten.


    1) There was no Game 7.

    2) Game 6, he scored a triple-double on his way out. You call that quitting?

    3) Game 2, he made 24 and granted they weren't strong numbers but he still did his job. Celtics were just on-point that night.


    I don't get where this BS comes from. Just say he quit Game 5 and your point would hold some credence.

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