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Tha Black Phenom

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Posts posted by Tha Black Phenom

  1. Yes, it was different. Trips was traded back a show or two after, and there was actually an exchange for him, whereas this just seemed like a swerve train for the sake of it. Pretty much like a Russorific move as I'd definitely see him pull something of the sort if he was upon the reigns. Like I said, I am sort of happy so that we won't see Orton and Cena duel for the thousandth time but they could've just as well used the picks differently. There's like three or four upper-midcarders who went through the supplemental draft, would've been a decent surprise if Drew, Kofi or Sheamus was announced on TV.


    But overall, I am pleased with the draft. Not so pleased that Raw is stacked with up-and-coming heels, one of them is bound to get the cold shoulder, and out of them I dislike Miz and Swagger. But I know Miz is here to stay and Punk is rumored to be bouncing soon so I'm not very optimistic on that point. SD!'s roster is looking sweet though.

  2. The only real big loss here was Del Rio, IMO. I mean.. Rey has a year tops left in the tank, Orton is on a hot streak with his face run no matter what we may think about it - Big Show is very malleable as a superstar but so is Kane so he could do the trick and there's a good upper-midcard forefront to support things too in Cody/Drew/Barrett. That said, one of them may switch places in the supplemental draft so I can't speak too much.


    Mark Henry, it's failed before.. but things can always be different.

  3. The playoffs are underway and this place ain't booming.


    Gotta say I appreicate Paul for stepping up his game and playing like a champ. D-Rose as always is off the chain but I'm afraid he's gonna start to get superstar treatment like the others. With the way he drives up to the basket so often, it may be the case.


    Speaking of questionable calls... poor Nuggets. Everyone and their mother saw that was a bad call.

  4. Well, the reason I don't care much for Matt Cross is I go by the idea that it's not what you can do, but how you do it.


    I can enjoy high flying matches. But I like them when they are fluid matches with context and a flow to them. I've never seen Matt Cross do much of that... he always comes off as a guy whose just trying to get on the highlight reel.


    Much like our resident John Morrison.

  5. Yeah I didn't really like that, I mean Dolph was standing right next to Morrison even though they were about to fight each other. It's crazy that they showed Goldust with out his outfit on, but I doubt most fans/kids would even notice it.


    Breaking kayfabe shows the degree of the situation, IMO. Yeah, they were about to fight but really.. time and a place.


    This was so sudden. I woke up, tuned into the stream and the first thing I see are applauds for Edge. I wondered what for and as I heard the commentators it smacked me.

  6. The Rock wasn't as hot opening the show and it showed, it seemed he was struggling to get the crowd going. The ending of the main event was way too predictable for my taste. Wrestlemania's Main event, a World title match, should never, never have a tainted finish like that, it made me sick to my stomach. Not even if it would lead to Rock vs. Cena one year later which is utter nonsense.


    Would it make more sense to book The Rock in a throwaway PPV like Extreme Rules to nip up the feud and have Cena return to his usual antics thereafter? They're clearly selling this match huge. And rightfully so, this has been a dream match for half a decade. They may not necessarily build it up properly but if they do, with the level of Cena/Rock's mic skills, talent and star power it could be one of the biggest main-events in Mania history.


    People are still throwing their toys out of the pram because they have to wait one year, and it's funny to watch.

  7. H and Taker probably just winged that before their match, being that we haven't seen such a chair shot in a long time, they figured finally doing one would make more of a statement or something. When something's used more sparingly, you could say it gains value...


    but I agree with the rest. It's not like it's needed either. but whatever.


    DJ I also agree with your post. Part of me also sometimes manages to watch it like a casual fan, it's a bit 50-50 overall but I can still spot things the way we do too. The mind is curious and diverse. Also I brought my friend at WrestleMania in the movies who hasn't seen wrestling in a long time, he absolutely enjoyed it too so I guess that helped me see things in perspective. His favorite moment was the stunner on Booker T, he's even been talking all about it today. However, he sat through the Snoop Dogg segment and other lackluster segments while I went to the order food so I may still have more positive recollection of the PPV than him :p

  8. I concede that my dislike of the Rock may sway my judgement, but I don't see how you can objectively say that Cena and the Miz ended up with more or even the same level of heat that they had going into the match after the Rock's involvement. In fact, I can barely see how you can say that the match itself had any heat at all.


    Miz (again, who I don't enjoy) was nonetheless doing an amazing job as champion and being the sniveling heel that you wanted to see get his. Cena (while never the full crowd favorite) at least had the role of being the would-be toppler. However, once the Rock became involved, it became Cena vs. the Rock. The Miz became a complete afterthought, and any face heat that Cena had up to that point was immediately sucked dry by the Rock.


    Aside from covering up whatever perceived lack of progress Miz/Cena had made, I don't see what benefit Rock's involvement had to either of the other participants in the angle with him. Remember, it's about elevating everyone involved, not just one (part-time) wrestler at the expense of everyone else. I can say that Cena is primed for a big angle, but without turning him heel, I don't see what benefit it will be for him.


    And they were elevated, in their own fashion. Things aren't all black and white, it is about elevation.. but it's not necessarily about benefitting everyone and making sure everyone goes home with 10+ points overness or something.


    I'm not talking about the match itself, the match wasn't all that(Cena looked off last night) but everyone had their role inserted and it worked off well. Cena has a bone to pick, Miz retained in opportunistic heel fashion at the biggest stage of all. Even if Miz was an afterthought, they tried to salvage it by having Rock stomp on him too. But afterthought or not, in the grand scheme of things, it didn't hurt him all that much. Stuff like the video package helped set the stage and allow people to see where Miz has gotten today, shoddy win or not.


    Nothing was sucked dry by The Rock since everyone is now awaiting for Cena's rebuttal, and if you took close attention to the angle, there's been a good fan contrast taking sides which is even more cemented after the ending. If anything, The Rock is keeping things interesting. Cena has dozens of ways to go from this, ball's in his court and how things continue will determine on whatever "heat" was sucked off or not.


    However, here's the problems (I had few issues with the match quality overall) - for one, I did not enjoy the Attitude Era at all, so having Rock and Austin on the show did nothing for me. In fact, I really have never liked the Rock, so I don't even get the nostalgia rub from him. I feel like the Attitude Era stars being injected into the show undermined the strong performances that the regular roster has been giving for months by immediately sucking the heat away from the actual roster.


    I didn't see that at all, I mean sure Rock and Austin stood out in their own ways, and even there that depends on your own perception, but sucking the heat out.. I definitely didn't see it. The actual roster had their range to shine, Miz was prestiged with an amazing video package, Cody got his time to shine, Del Rio looked good, even if he was the opener. I'm not a fan of Swagger, but I enjoyed him last night probably more than ever before. It might be really you seeing it that way if the involvement of those guys sticks out so sorely to you.


    The payoff point I'll concede, but even that depends on how open-minded you are. Ask yourself how long things are "supposed" to be a certain way for the remainder of sports-entertainment's time :o (and essentially barring moments like we've seen)

  10. Now I hope Rock goes back to Hollywood where he belongs cuz he is a no good sellout ******* who doesn't belong in a WWE ring with people who actually CARE about the fans and the other boys in the back.


    lmao, people are still on about that, shocking.



    Yeah sab, didn't feel most of the backstage stuff. Even the Rock/PeeWee segment made me feel queasy. Though "froot loop troop" is a term I may keep for future reference.

  11. Ok so I watched Wrestlemania and liked things and hated other things. My #1 biggest gripe was the fact that they had a terrible match order. Why begin the show with the Smackdown Title? They made Edge look like he was much better than ADR. To me it sets up Christian vs Del Rio while Edge looks completely dominant. 3 guys tried to take out Edge and nobody layed a hand on ADR. Christian did help keep Brodus off Edge but still.



    Taker vs HHH was good but dragged on a lot with nothing happening. I wanted Taker to sit up like he used to do at that point where HHH had his forehead on the turnbuckle and was asking himself what he had to do. They were really selling the brutality of the match and HHH was trying to come across as battling himself about whether or not he should just kill him or not. He sorta sold being remorseful and merciful on Taker. I hated that after the match they wasted so much time doing nothing. They should have just cut to the back. The amount of time wasted in this match could have been a Bryan vs Sheamus match probably.


    The SD World title match kicked off because WWE these days always kick off the PPV with a high-profile match to get the fans in the groove. It's a smart tactic, it makes people care about the match from the get-go and sets a nice standard for the event.


    Agreed, I loved the story told during the NHB match. But after the match, they didn't.. completely waste time doing "nothing", though I see where you're coming from. But there was obviously something unnerving in the air about Taker's condition, if Taker is fine then that was some legit and really spot on selling but part of me is guessing he was hurt. Have there been any updates on that so far? All I've heard is lower back injuries or something...

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