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Tha Black Phenom

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Posts posted by Tha Black Phenom

  1. Regards that spoiler:



    Yea, the same thing has happend once before and we saw how it worked out then.


    Yeah... with an injury. Again, we only see things this way now because Bryan hasn't been built up yet. In three months, when he starts to look legit against the top stars, opinions may differ. People also said Miz and RVD would lose the briefcase.


    There were several atleast partially blown spots. I'm not one that gets into things like this but there were for sure some awkward moments in this one and some bad landings and some blown spots. I'm not trying to be 'that guy" but lets not get TOO caught up in the hype. This was the best pro wrestling match I've seen in a long long long long time but it wasn't five stars. Four and a half? Sure I'll go there but five stars is perfect and this wasn't perfect.


    I loved it and it was great but there were several moments that took me out of it atleast briefly. Every match has them I'm not saying it was bad or it was anyone's fault.


    It's not just the match that's taken into account. It's everything. The angle leading to it, the effort put into it all. The crowd reaction is an important factor. Safe to say the angle provided some of the best TV the past few years had to offer. It all culminated with a match hosting a red-hot crowd, the match being given a succulent amount of time, all to end with a relatively clean finish, which is already iconic enough to have Cena pinned clean :p


    It deserves it, IMO. You know which matches got four and a half stars? HHH/Taker at Mania 27. And a bunch of noteworthy matches in the past few years that stood out, but not that much. Stuff like the triple threat at WMXX, Orton/Foley at Backlash, HBK/Shelton on Raw and more. HBK vs. Angle at WM21 almost made it. But when you look at it on an overall perspective, Punk vs. Cena ****s on all of them.

  2. A quadruple main-event takes a sliver of grandeur away from each of the matches simultaneously. Not to mention it's slightly(but not too much) farfetched that two people among Austin, Rock, Taker and Trips would challenge for a title at this point in their careers.. I would bet on one of them at the most but they all seem at "that" point.


    Nevermind the fact that Cena "earning" his spot to have that choice seems weird already, but having Cena choose The Rock over a title match would have to mean he'd have to start painting himself in the same light legends do, with the whole "I've done everything there is to do" mentality. 'Till now he's still a hungry title rogue.


    Unless Rocky screws him over in a title match, but then it becomes all redundant because the match-up makes [well, maintains] itself.

  3. Haha! Damn! I am taken aback in so many ways, masterful PPV. Have a hard time settling down...




    But on a side note, I don't think Bryan will cash in and fail. Fact of the matter is, the main-event spotlight needs new babyfaces, other than Cena, Orton, Rey and Kane. Only reason you see him failing now is because he hasn't been built up yet. Just like people saw The Miz losing because he's been dwarfed on a few occasions(while still climbing the figurative ladder.. no pun intended).


    The rest of the year may be magical, with the building up of DB all the way to the fallout of the WWE title situation... and soon as next year comes in, we're gonna go overdrive with The Rock/Cena hype towards Mania. Good time to be a fan, I feel.

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What's confusing is, I know Triple H has one, but every show I've been to all the other wrestlers drive in rental cars.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheEdgeOfReason" data-cite="TheEdgeOfReason" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>randy does have his own but iirc. He used to road with Santino. Smackdown run a different schedule to Raw anyways don't they so they wouldn't be travelling together, I think. Why Rey wouldn't be up there though is puzzling.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I know Big Show has one as well. And there's a chance Rey may have his own too. I think it's something a lot of veterans eventually get their paws on, to slightly prolong their career span.</p><p> </p><p> Essentially going with dvdWarrior's thoughts about Del Rio and the MITB - though I still think he has the greater chance of winning it, I sorta hope Riley gets the rub. Honestly, I'm grown weary of the upper-midcard scenes on both brands crammed with up-and-coming ****y coward heels, who seem they have to rely on Cena/Orton/Rey and al just to get by. (Then you have the older folk like Truth and Christian turning heel.. which doesn't help) They have to pull the trigger on some babyface at some point, and if it's not gonna be John Morrison or Kofi Kingston, well...</p>
  5. As Miz (and Seth Meyers) would say... really? You're going to go all the way with that? Really?




    The WWE can't just build Punk up like this and let him go. With the momentum he has and the buzz he's been generating, Punk could conceivably become the next Rock/Hogan/Austin-type "face of the industry" kind of guy.


    It just looks like this is a case of optimism vs. pessimism in terms of the WWE capitalizing on this and how. Whatever the case, IWC is suggesting all the possible outcomes in the book left and right, which may cheapen the end result if it's one of the original ones... but heck that's what we do I suppose. Personally, I just can't wait for the conclusion however it's gonna be.


    I love Punk to bits as well but I actually dare think it wouldn't be the worst thing if he leaves for a period of time. Momentum's hot on him, there's a chance it might stick until he returns. Could be hard to envision, but IMO it's possible depending on how the WWE situates itself once he's gone. Dividends will be paid once he returns. But I'd think Vince would've even offered him a Taker-time off kind of deal, at least I would've.

  6. and, I've spent at minimum of a thousand dollars on TNA in the last few years. So yeah, I've supported them with my money.


    Then technically, it shouldn't bug you if you look at it this way. You know you've invested and supported the company in different areas; there's a chance Aries just said that to rile up the fans who literally haven't supported TNA in squat - and just flawlessly tune in month in and month out without giving a dime. I'm sure everyone knows there are different profits other than PPVs. Then again, that may be still of a buggy thought for those who've been fairly unfortunate financally for ages, but eh..

  7. Wich makes confusion grow on my hand...why would vince let him shoot knowing that we will leave? That will only bring heat on vince as many will say and think: Vince...once again screwing up with a talented guy.


    Besides, what's the point on creating controversy if CM Punk won't be there so the WWE can cash on the buzz genereated? I don't know...i don't buy it! I don't buy Punk leaving... Maybe i'm wrong...but i hope i'm not...:eek:


    Punk will be back. There's no rush, the WWE can let him leave.. Punk's probably let them know he has no intention of going to TNA, of course ROH is doubtful but even there he must be making/promised good money in the WWE, and upon his return. I think Punker mostly has the intention of taking a well-deserved break.



    As for Cena, I agree on certain points. Yes, he doesn't have as much natural talent as the cream of the crop, and I'd dare say for a while he was a tad overrated in the ring, half of his "great matches" I didn't really perceive as(except Cena/Umaga and Cena/HBK(at Mania... not the 1-hour fest). His psychology was still dreadful most of the time. However, what he took to get to where he is.. mostly Cena's doing. Not just the workrate but he's overwhemingly confident on the mic, enough to make ad-libbed promos on a consistent basis, according to Orton. Indeed, the merch selling isn't entirely Cena's doing either, what with WWE treating him like a walking billboard after all, milking it for all it's worth right now. All that said though, I still don't think a lot of people could fill Cena's shoes. You have to at least give him that.



    As for my personal fantasy booking, my simple idea was to get The Rock involved rather than Vince(though of course Vince could pass around for a sec). Rock overhearing the comments, gets in between the two, possibly takes Cena's side reluctantly while Punk fires back about Rock himself leaving the business seven years ago, and getting in his face as to why. :D

  8. Answers in bold again.


    It sure is something to defend him with because you assume the fans will latch on to anything hyped on the same level as Cena, which isn't the case and the WWE have failed numerous times in the past of getting things or superstars over who were given a great deal of attention. Cena is a one of a kind opportunity that loads of superstars out there dream to achieve half of, and it takes more than a lot to get there.


    I never said none could be at Cena's level, but "a lot of people" is pushing it as well. Not a lot of people could carry the same dedication he has, which is a big part of Cena's stigma. By the same token, I'd ask you to prove the opposite, which you can't either.

  9. Fun Fact: CM Punk has not been World Champion since he dropped the title at HIAC 2009 to Undertaker, after an infamous incident where Taker told him he needed to dress more appropriately since he was a World Champ, and representing WWE.


    After that, CM Punk formed the SES which would be epically buried by Big Show.


    another fun fact: Big Show buried Jack Swagger and put him back in the midcard.


    2 fun facts that are unrelated, but at least it seems ADR has survived Big Show.


    Pretty sure that dress code story was a hoax. But yeah, Punk's been on a terrible decline since his title loss.


    I'm not gonna quote, or i'd have a lot of responses to do. Cena and Orton are not on the same ship. Orton is actually talented, while Cena is a product of people's stupidity. Yes, the majority of pop culture is built upon ignorance. Regardless of it, Cena and Orton are not irreplaceable! No one is! They don't need to keep guys like CM Punk down the drain just because they need worker A or B to stay on top. It's ridiculous to assume that. Vince doesn't need that, the E doesn't need that! It happens because Vince wants to! He could EASILY find more talented guys to replace Cena! Those guys would be better or at least at the same level than Cena. I can agree that not everyone would be successful on getting at that level, but a lot of people would pull it off. And i mean a lot, not just one or two! So please don't you guys tell me that CENA has to be there, or Orton has to be there, or even Punk has to be there! No one has to necessarily be there because no one is untouchable. The wwe existed before Cena and will keep existing after him.


    Finding someone who could do it better than Cena is already a stretch, but flat-out replacing Cena is a no-no. You can't replace what is booming, and Cena has been booming for years like a.. well, a goldmine. They need to keep Orton and Cena on top, especially with all the veterans who peace'd out recently. "A lot of people would pull it off" sounds so naive, you act like Cena's current status is a dime a dozen which is just laughable. As much as I dislike Cena's character, there's no denying he had that something special which allowed him to transcend the main-event scene. The WWE will exist after him, big draws like that won't keep popping up like lottery tickets though.

    If i was a kid or a pure mark, i'd love the guy.


    Well there you go.


    Occasional fans, or regular mark fans will eat nearly everything thrown at them.


    That's what you wanna believe bro. Plenty of things the WWE have pushed with considerable hype only for said angle/superstar to fall flat on its face.


    So...i'd love to see him achieving more...but he hasn't been treated as a bastard, as some seem to think.


    He's just been treated questionably lately, rather than overall. It's to note nearly all of those accomplishments date to like two years ago minimum. Ever since he lost the belt to Taker, he's been dwindling around the upper-midcard scene, just being "that guy" in "that position".

  10. This reminds me of something that just irritates me for no reason. In a regular match without a countout finish, the ref counts a slow, normal count. But in matches like that where guys intentionally get counted out, the ref counts fast as ****. I understand why it's done (no one wants to sit through a slow count when they know the outcome) but it's just one of those pro wrestling tropes that annoys me.


    You could justify that into the notion that the ref himself doesn't feel like messing around if someone is walking away from the ring. The further you are from the ring, the faster he's gonna count. Well.. if you're intentionally away.

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