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Tha Black Phenom

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Posts posted by Tha Black Phenom

  1. Cena annoys me when he's doing his cutesy, usually not funny, comedy. There are also times where he tries too hard to be serious, and it just feels phoney. But then, there are times where he's serious without being over-the-top with it, and it works really well. Perfect example: the promo on Rock last Monday. I thought that was really good. If we got that Cena on a regular basis, I'd be thrilled.


    As for his matches, he'll never be one of my favorite guys to watch, but I don't think he's half as bad as some people make him out to be. He's had too many really good matches for me to consider him a bad in-ring performer.


    I agree word for word. And that's part of the problem. We all left Raw on a high saying we wish Cena would be more like that. But we all know the answer.. he won't be. Soon as Mania ends, win or lose he'll be right back to his happy-go-lucky Captain America demeanor. That's why I never liked Cena, but I've respected him for years now and always will. It's just always the "status quo is God" issue with him/creative team. Summer 2006 was the period I was most enthused with him, only for everything to go back to normal after.

  2. A loss for either guy won't matter. If Cena loses to the Rock then he lost to a guy who came in 100% and was one of the most over wrestlers of all time. If Rock loses to Cena it's because he was rusty. Both guys have a cop out and can demand a rematch basically.


    A win for either won't elevate them and a loss for either won't bring them down either. It's a wash. This match is about making money and I think they will make more than on any other Wrestlemania.


    Personally I want Rock to win. I think he might win too. I could see it going either way really.




    Unrelated, but I hope Punk compares Jericho to Chris Brown this monday.:p

  3. I have been a wrestling fan, since I was 4 in 1985, and for different reasons I respect ALL wrestlers.

    But, The Rock is the only one that left wrestling for Hollywood, and I'm happy for him. At the same time, I think that Dwayne Johnson is a sell-out due to him turning his back on his Wrestling fans. So I have to agree with everything that John Cena is saying about The Rock. I haven't liked Cena's gimmick for a while, but they are fixing parts of Cena, and I'm def. liking where its going. And for the people who chant "Cena Sucks", it reminds me when Rocky Maivia first started.

    Rocky Maivia used to be a babyface wearing his little feathery attire, smiling at the crowd, and after a while, everyone started hating him. It's the same thing thats going on with John Cena. At least the crowd only chants "Cena Sucks", lol the crowd used to chant "Die Rocky Die" and carry in signs of the same type. So at least Cena hasen't been hated as much as the Rock was.

    Vince McMahon gave The Rock the microphone and let him speak his mind, and the crowd warmed back up to him. That is what they need to do to Cena. Quit having Cena doing PG, and reading scripts, and let him work his own promos.


    Umm.. they have been letting Cena work his own promos. For years. When Orton stepped up and talked against The Rock, he said just that. Cena has been ad-libbing for years, most of what you see is from him. And I find the "Cena Sucks" comparison with Rocky Maivia to be a bit trite - the latter was only a matter of weeks/months, and on a much smaller scale. The Cena Sucks thing has been going on for years, and there's next to nothing that's changed it. They've had Cena go up against guys like Kevin Federline and unlikeable heels like Khali to get the fans to cheer him again, which they do.. once that's over with it's right back to the booing. Only now could there possibly be a shift in balance, but it's been more or less heavy on Cena's side. Though to note overall, I see what you mean when you make the comparison.


    I can't see any benefit with Rocky jobbing to Cena.


    The crowd will hate it (and I can't think of anything worse for the 'E than the crowd furiously booing the result of the main event of your biggest event of the year), it won't win over anyone that already hates Cena, and by giving Cena the win right out of the gate, you put a big dent in any benefits to bringing the Rock back later on if the rumours of him being booked for more matches in the future are true.


    If I'm booking it, Rock wins clean in Miami, Cena suffers a huge crisis of confidence as a result - you can then spend the next year building him back up, perhaps with a feud against a heel who's good at the psychological side of things and can work that angle via promos (Jericho, perhaps?), culminating in a return match at the next 'Mania, where Cena avenges the loss. After that, I'd probably leave it at 1-1 - I can't see any advantage to dragging the feud out any longer. If Rocky's booked for another match after that, give him a 'loser retires' match against HHH.


    There's a few things to be re-checked here. First, the crowd will hate it? Do you remember where the show is being held? It's Rock's hometown. I think the rest goes without saying.


    Two, you're giving way too much importance to the result. I think a lot of people do, and it leads them astray. There's not gonna be any "big dent" in anything. And I don't think it thoroughly matters who gets or doesn't get won over. If Cena wins.. Cena wins. Rock isn't gonna look any worse than he does. He can still return mere months later and look like King S**t. Because it's Cena we're talking about, not Kofi Kingston. If Rock wins, a lot of people are gonna go home happy, that's it. In fact, it might really be 50/50 depending on what Rock's stance will be during this culminating angle.

  4. The way they've used Sheamus as of late has indeed made him look massively underwhelming, you would think if he's the Rumble winner AND going for the B-show's major title, they'd at least try to spice it up a bit. Instead they expect us to still care about the Big Show, well... suit themselves, I say.


    I sort of kept thinking Taker should've faced someone else 'till now, but honestly.. HIAC, it sells itself. I never thought they'd jump that hurdle but.. heck. On a rare occasion, I went on twitter the other day while HIAC was trending and from the way it looks, it's gonna get a lot of viewers, casual or defunct, sucked in. It's not even about the streak or Taker's opponent anymore to them, it's all about that structure and the fact both of them are pioneers of that match type.

  5. How is Undertaker "keeping it fresh"?


    He's been doing the same thing for years. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve respect. I'm saying that respect shouldn't make him impervious to negativity.


    I respect Undertaker a lot. That heel run he had when he was basically commanding respect? That's one of my favorite storylines period. The last "new thing" he's done was add Hell's Gate to his move set and that was years ago.


    Also, Shawn Michaels is a horrible example of someone who should be respected Phenom. You mentioned how Triple H's career is marred by the politics, but who was there to teach him all the political ways? HBK. They both held a lot of people down and put themselves and their friends over everyone else.


    I love Shawn Michaels. I'm glad that he's become a better person, but if you're going to cite Triple H's past, then Michaels shouldn't be exempt.


    Well, maybe I assumed too much and reside from that crowd of people who let such things go. I mean hell, most of us Canadians got over the HBK/Bret stuff, even long before Bret made amends with them. Coulda fooled me. /shrug



    I wasn't exactly looking for a veteran off the top of my head with a clean career, HHH's case is more continuous and somewhat proportionally more controversial, but at least it's shaping up the point I wanted to make about Taker.

  6. The anti-Cena stuff started off with a VERY small minority. So that's a load of crap.


    But when it started, Cena didn't deserve half the accolades he deserves today. He was just a WWE champion climbing the ranks who had to prove himself. On the other vein, someone like Triple H... a certified Hall of Famer, would he get some crap flung at him, no one would probably say a word. Because his career has been riddled with polarized opinions. Someone like Taker has that special something, and it's largely known that he generates unprecedented respect from behind the curtains just like within the WWE fanbase.


    Say, if HBK was still wrestling, and he was out there cutting a promo, I'd bet a bottom dollar all the detractors in the crowd calling him out would get told to shut up too. It may sound trite but it is what it is; at some point, if your status within your profession speaks for itself things like that are gonna happen.

  7. Two sides of that story. To me it looked like Miz was all set up and Truth missed the target.


    Well either way, it supposedly got a verbal lashing backstage from the H-man. Unless that was further reported as not legit.


    To be fair Sheamus also wasn't on RAW this week.


    is it issues or are they just not booking their Royal Rumble winner? :confused: unreal if that's the case



    EDIT: So apparently mania 29 will be in NJ. I knew they weren't gonna go with Toronto. so much for holding my breath /shrug

  8. I don't know what to feel about R-Truth. He is funny, but at the same time he's so.. goofy. In the bad kind. There's a few good lines he's said in the past that he doesn't roll with, instead he keeps bringing back that spiders stuff which.. is meh. But man, when he was with Miz, on a Raw he retorted to one of Miz's lines with "Ninja, please!" It was so sudden I freakin' lost it. I'd say he's hit and miss.


    But this Raw was gooood. So many things just clicked right, it's like Punk isn't even the highlight of the show anymore. Intense promo from Hunter and Shawn, I knew they'd do something worth remembering.


    After seeing last night's RAW I honestly do thing they will be turning Cena heel and it will be horrible, a total failure that makes Austin's heel turn during the invasion angle look genius.


    He's been inching closer and closer to that full breaking point for weeks and then instead of having him snap and become this beast annihilating everyone.....he steals his only friend's girl then nearly punches him while he's in a neck/back brace. It's another example of WWE seeing a problem then seeing the perfect solution to fix it....then going the completely opposite direction.


    I don't think it ever looked Cena was gonna get to that point unless you were just exaggerating for point's sake. For what it's worth, I actually liked seeing him do something/almost do something dishonest for once. Headlines headlines, Cena is human after all. Love it. I'm even concerned with what they're gonna do with Eve cause clearly the crowd isn't gonna have any of it. Also felt sorry for Zack haha

  9. The PG era sucked simply because they worked hard at shoving it down our throats. They wanted to make the transition look crystal clear and they ran with the PG ball pretty steep. Then eventually they let up but some things still seemed wonky, I'd say lately indeed they have been on a rise, some aspects they're doing now are well welcomed, like giving attention to several angles at once on Raw, along with the array of talent we're seeing on the cusp of filling the headlining spots.


    Many things they could've done on those PG days, they didn't do, if not that then there were bad things they focused on... I remember Raw being so riddled with advertisements, and the guest hosts added even more to the detriment. So yeah, they're long ways ahead than what they used to be.

  10. What's interesting about Jericho is that despite his unchanged look he doesn't seem to emulate as much his 2008 gimmick(still has shades of it which is fine), and rather seems to be more himself than anything else. Not that I disliked his 08 gimmick but I thought it got really played out by the end of his run. Kinda looks like he'll be a hybrid between the conscious respectable heel and the whiny jackass heel he was in 02.


    Another spot I liked very much was at the beginning of the 6-pack challenge - everyone rushing on Jericho. For his "Chris Jericho wannabe" comments. I bet you Jericho himself pushed for that little spot.


    I don't think HBK will come back, but I'm rather pleasantly surprised theyre kicking HHH/Taker into high gear so early. Even if it still wasn't my ideal match.

  11. I was watching the Randy Savage DVD the other day and I noticed that he did something that you hardly ever see today in the WWE or TNA. He taunted the fans during his match and whenever he was outside of the ring.


    Austin Aries does it from time to time in TNA but it is something that you hardly ever see in the big two or at least I have not noticed it. Maybe it does happen and I just do not realize it. I know babyfaces still do it, I am talking about heels. I think the direct interaction with the crowd is a great way to get heat.


    It seems to work well on the indy scene so why not bring it back to the big two.


    It still happens, but in spades. You'll have guys like Miz and Jericho who done it a few times, Cody, heel Orton, that small pack of guys who always do their best to stand out. Overall though, it is becoming somewhat of a lost art. Those are the only names that come to mind really, and maybe I'm even reaching there.



    But it does make sense why it's this way too. It works well on the indy scene because that's most of the wrestler's arsenal. Being in a grittier small-scale atmosphere, the wrestlers will try to do anything to get the small crowd's attention, and most of that comes down to crowd pandering. In the big two, an average fan amongst the much larger crowd could enjoy the whole show without that extra(and the glamorous 'entertainment' approach) and they know it. Still, it would be a nice touch to use.

  12. <p>The match itself wasn't that great but it invoked some serious emotion among many who watched it. There was a spot or two in there where I seriously thought the streak was gonna end. at least much more so than on HBK's bouts, but those matches were all-around marginally better of course.</p><p> </p><p>

    Those who are more apathetic to WWE programming probably watched the HHH/Taker match and dubbed it a finisher fest or a clunky match-up, etc. wouldn't blame them.</p>

  13. Am I the only one that thinks the idea of a 45 year old dude who looks his age shouldn't be treated as an unstoppable force of nature? I don't see why it's not a better story to have a guy like Wade Barrett just destroy the Undertaker for two months straight only to have Undertaker somehow pull out a win at WM rather than "I respect you, brother," for what, the 5th straight year?


    Heh, I more or less agree. Not so much on about the age part, though I see where you're coming from. But when you've seen it all w/ the likes of Hogan, Taker and etc tearing the house down for so long.. and thinking about it, Kane's not that far off, and he's on another of his dominant rides in his career.


    To me it's never been just about a young heel ending the streak, rather simply about a young heel trying to finish it - something that, indeed, we haven't seen in three years. Hey, the HBK episodes were fun, then came Trips and technically even before that, we had two consecutive Streak vs. Title bouts. It has been a while, just seeing a heel having the odds stacked against him and trying to go for the jugular, trying to show the world he can handle the mindgames. And that even sounds like it's up Miz's palette as ever since he lost the title, he's always been on about everyone undermining him. But heck, what's done is done.

  14. Well it was on the tenative WM 28 card on Gerweck that I read and its the only match that makes sense at this point for Taker. Taker has wrestled Kane numerous times twice at Mania and a lot over the years. Taker and Trips haven't wrestled that much outside of their two matches at WM 17 and 27.


    Yeah the matchup is relatively fresher but on paper, how predictable would it look.. unless Trips went a step further and put his career on the line... oh wait. K, maybe if Trips turns heel then it's all good.


    Besides, with the heap ton of momentum Kane has built up this year, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to go down that road one last time. Not that I'm expecting it to be Kane though.


    What The Funk?.. I'm enjoying Brodus' gimmick, but does anyone else find it odd that Michael Cole, the " Heel " announcer who dislikes anything to do with any Face characters, and he likes the whole Funk thing? He also still seems to be calling Daniel Bryan a dork, despite the obvious heel turning thing.


    Funk = goofy. Cole likes goofy. :p

  15. Confirmed by who? If Kane/Taker is considered overkill, then HHH/Taker must be slaughterhouse status cause I still don't see the point in that rematch other than this "can't face anyone bigger" mentality which came out of nowhere. That match-up was mostly fabricated by the IWC's consensus since Mania 27 ended, I'd hate to think they actually gave into the idea.


    A theory I read about Jericho not winning(was suggested elsewhere).. that his End of the World hype was intentionally supposed to be a bust to liken it to the false end-of-world theories, ala Y2K & 2012. That would somehow be plausible, though I guess it depends on what he says tonight.

  16. There's always out of left field opponents. Del Rio and Christian are on the sidelines right now among other guys.


    Anyway, Rumble... talk about some wires crossed. I could go so far into the average smark What Could Have Been? wagon of thoughts with a Jericho win.


    Some parts of the Rumble felt underwhelming, but again they did a good job using what they had. They probably should've had Kane come out instead of Show, if anything.

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