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Tha Black Phenom

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Posts posted by Tha Black Phenom

  1. All I gotta say to Dan Butthurt is: cry moar.


    Betrayal this, cowardly that, selfishness this. Put a pipe on it, will you. This isn't about the state of the "hard-working" team they represent, but about what LeBron James wants to do with his life and his career. And granted, yes I found it extremely tacky to watch this... wide live conference to announce his decision like Mr. Big Shot, but all this sell-out talk is clearly over the top. LeBron hasn't betrayed anyone or been cowardly. He's just opportunistic and had a platter of choices before him. Sorry if LeBron single-handedly raised your economy which you just lost[or anything], but y'know... tough. Mike Brown barely did ****, if anyone's cup needs to be pissed in, it's his.


    It was indeed narcissistic schtick from LeBron's part, clearly didn't need all the hype and promotion but heck... he may not have a ring on his finger, but for consolation prize's sake he's the back-to-back MVP who has the title at his fingertips. Not that it justifies anything but part of it had to be expected. Now, this quote:


    In the meantime, I want to make one statement to you tonight:




    You can take it to the bank.


    If you thought we were motivated before tonight to bring the hardware to Cleveland, I can tell you that this shameful display of selfishness and betrayal by one of our very own has shifted our "motivation" to previously unknown and previously never experienced levels.


    Someone needs to save that somewhere. Even if they do get/keep solid star power, if they flop in cardinal fashion it'll be a sweet personal taste for me to see.

  2. Heyman has made it clear a number of times he doesnt have the love for the business anymore. Heyman should just stay clear of TNA he seems to be living a pretty good life without having much to do with wrestling. He shouldnt join them just for the cash he should find his love for wrestling again and is willing to give a 100% commitment. Joining them for the wrong reasons could be a disaster


    Gotta love folk being able to enter other people's minds.


    Heyman was a financial putz but a great wrestling mind. Those are fairly different avenues.

  3. I appreciate Hell's Kitchen too. Is it just me or does anyone feel like eating while watching the show everytime it airs? Like, even when I'm not hungry :p


    I've really laid off television as a whole, but I've gotten into it a bit more recently and I've really let a lot of shows off, to my personal dismay. I don't watch Friends or That 70s Show anymore, don't 'occasionally' watch Seinfeld anymore, I'm pretty much stuck on CSI stuff, sports updates(World Cup, NBA), occasional Simpsons and House.


    Holy balls, it seems those reality shows have really taken a dive over time... competition shows to dream-land shows, such as A Shot at Love With Average Bisexuals and A Date With Whoever's Hot at the Moment.


    Sigh.. guess I can just sift through the summer and look forward to September. New seasons of Always Sunny and House, I'll be locked onto my TV then. :cool: Also, need to watch the new Futurama episodes...

  4. It could depend of what the stakes were. Like, how many resigned? How many changed camps? How many were lock-ins to the eyes of many and such, although granted the lineup is near doubly in size, maybe a certain factor could've put things in perspective. I wouldn't know though, haven't been aware of that draft.
  5. Yeah, there are always really bad names, but whenever I see one I always think of ways the WWE could work around it in the future. Dolph Ziggler is probably a better example; the uproar was one for the ages. And I was part of it. But really, it's easy to visualize. Eli Cottonwood? Scrap the last name and make him a bumbling one-name giant. Then there's McGee, Showtime, Titus somewhat fits for a muscle-bound black guy. Husky Harris, sounds lame but at least they got the alliteration down. Lucky Cannon... yeah I'm out.


    As for dropping the ball on Ziggler, I don't know. It could be that they set him aside to push other up-and-comers, maybe. From what I last saw, they used Christian to put him over and they have that little thing with Vickie Guerrero that hopefully would lead him to the Intercontinental title, other than that I don't know.

  6. exactly


    PG means keep it simple, no?


    those just dont seem very marketable to me


    Nothing ever seems marketable to you in the beginning. There's an uproar every time a former TNA/indy superstar is signed because they get given some Joe Blow American name that could pass as an accountant's name. But further in time, they build up the name. And then you forget about it.


    Just like Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger, if McGillicutty manages to stay in the game, his name might catch on some way or another. He might be permanently dubbed "McGee" down the line with some city slick gimmick or something.

  7. I wanted a PS3 for so long. I've been a Sony man through and through since the beginning. First console ever was a PS1 and I've kept my PS2 for five years, up to this year.


    But I got a 360 in a weird twist of fate. Never looked back or regretted it since then.


    WWE All Stars. Opinions?


    Liking it. Sounds like some sort of unrealistic Street Fighter arcade-type of fighting that it will take a bit of getting used to, but could play off well. We'll just have to wait and see what it gives though, could just as well be a disaster.


    (Never played any of those games. Starts new conversation)


    Anyone play the Grand Theft Auto series?


    Played San Andreas for a fair while. Thoroughly enjoyed it, yet I never finished the game. Now I'm in the midst of playing GTA IV which I also enjoy, even though the premise is quite different. I'm a fan of the amount of realism and what it brings to the table. I'm not even halfway through though, hah.


    And hearing the Ricky Gervais/Katt Williams stand-ups are an awesome way to pass the time.

  8. They should've said Barrett took a beating from x amount of wrestlers for actions of The Nexus. Because he's the 'leader' he gets the punishment.


    That's something that would make more sense if they showed on TV than off-camera though.


    Wrestlers have always had visa problems I guess. I remember when I went to my first house show and Kennedy/Umaga couldn't appear because of visa problems. God, was I devastated.

  9. With the WWE now having an agreement with youtube to show most of their shows in full, I attempted to watch NXT on it, however youtube claimed the video is not available. Wasnt sure if it was just me, so i'm asking if anyone else seems to have a problem with WWE's youtube videos.


    Could it be the fact you don't reside in the United States? Because they said it'd be US-only.

  10. As I said before, both teams were tired. You'll realize almost every possession in the 2nd half, the team with possession of the ball - moreso the Lakers - carefully took the rebound and paused before strolling down the court. Even when the Lakers trailed by 6-10 they were doing it, there was barely any fast break playing. The idea was to focus on the defense and use time, Lakers capitalized in the rebounding and the Celtics caused really forced shots, even for Kobe which was a plus for them.
  11. <p>IMO, it was a great move having them apologize. Because the attack at the end of the show made them look much more cunning. They were hinting during that apology that they would stop their shenanigans and change their tune, then in ruthless fashion they go right back to their antics at the end of the show, reaching to a climax by assaulting the chairman.</p><p> </p><p>

    If there was no apology, they would've just came in the show, either say nothing or talk trash/call someone out in the ring, and pull this at the end of the show - yeah, problem is we've seen that for two weeks already. Would've gotten cringingly redundant. The apology puts things in another aspect; either they're conflicted, or in-between the segments they issued an even bigger agenda for themselves which they will address next week, etc.</p><p> </p><p>

    And I also love Sheamus. I thought we'd see the beginning of something great when he first won the title.</p>

  12. Well, that was confusing as hell... I just rewound the end over and over, to try and understand what happened... Vince admitted to being behind the Nexus... they're all in a good mood, then they're not... then they are... then they're not... then they beat up Vince... Clusterf^(K.... ??????? What did I miss that explains that....?


    Well clearly they never were in a good mood so that explains a good part of it. I'm sure they always wanted to attack Vince from the get-go. Maybe what he said just sinked it in.

  13. On recent memory, it had to be Jericho winning at the Scramble. I saw the match through some puny 320x240 screen stream and I marked enough to wake up the whole neighbourhood.


    Live, it would have to be when I assisted at the Breaking Point PPV and saw the awesome - overdone, but awesome - ending of Punk making Taker 'submit'. At first, there was a wide reaction of "WTF" but about a minute later everything clicked into our heads and I just loved it. Teddy's serious face was the icing on the cake.

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