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Everything posted by Astil

  1. He was bigger than Christian in WWE when Christian came over.
  2. I like how Wolfe vs. Pope feels like a ME match in the opening. Makes me think they'll push both.
  3. Vintage Matt Morgan! Vintage I say! EDIT: Wow this crowd is behind Morgan!
  4. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was a good impersonation . Burke has always been entertaining, all the way back to his ECW days.
  5. This is WWE Divariffic... EDIT: Well... that was a ... rushed finish
  6. No. No that's not, if we're talking about the same person.
  7. If I may, I think it was supposed to be a shock finish, as Joe was kind of winning the match more often than not iirc.
  8. Here's what I have to say about this show, and it's not from my mouth, but from Orange-kun's (my long time lady for those not privy): "When we saw them live they were good, but on tv they looked like a high school show. They look all grown up now." All grown up. Nice way of summing it up. Love generation me, and will always love MCMG. Liked angry Dudley's Liked Desmond v. Joe. Loved the Angle and AJ showdown. Subtle. Nice. Disliked Flair on commentary. I like the idea of the mystery opponent being Paul London and the BIG name being RVD or Mr. Anderson.
  9. Like I said, little text change. Quick easy, not too good looking, bam. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/SWFUnifiedChampion.jpg
  10. I think everyone should say that design and everything is up to up. Damn man.
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