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Everything posted by ShadowedFlames

  1. Season Eleven Omega Standings: After 15 of 23 rounds 1. Rebecca Solomon: 12-3, 11:17.750. Current OVR + 3.36, XP + 1005.09 2. Terra Harding: 12-3, 10:46.167. Current OVR + 3.36, XP + 1005.09 3. Jun Onoo: 11-4, 8:12.909. Current OVR + 2.71, XP + 945.97 4. “Dirty” John Murdoch: 11-4, 11:12.000. Current OVR + 2.71, XP + 945.97 5. Nora Blackfield: 10-5, 13:15.100. Current OVR + 2.06, XP + 886.85 6. Sakura Uematsu: 9-6, 9:59.889. Current OVR + 1.41, XP + 827.72 7. Dan Lewis: 9-6, 10:41.333. Current OVR + 1.41, XP + 827.72 8. Rhys Caddell: 9-6, 11:29.444. Current OVR + 1.41, XP + 827.72 9. D.J. Calypso: 8-7, 8:19.500. Current OVR + 0.77, XP + 768.60 10. Jimmy Anarchy: 8-7, 9:21.750. Current OVR + 0.77, XP + 768.60 11. Apollo Stone: 8-7, 9:48.375. Current OVR + 0.77, XP + 768.60 12. Sin: 7-8, 10:46.286. Current OVR + 0.12, XP + 709.48 13. Otto von Schwarz: 7-8, 13:39.000. Current OVR + 0.12, XP + 709.48 14. Kyler den Boen: 7-8, 13:38.857. Current OVR + 0.12, XP + 709.48 15. Vaea: 6-9, 9:23.167. Current OVR - 0.53, XP + 650.35 16. Selene Luneweaver: 6-9, 10:05.500. Current OVR - 0.53, XP + 650.35 17. The Siberian Nightmare: 6-9, 12:38.500. Current OVR - 0.53, XP + 650.35 18. Vladimir Chavinski: 6-9, 12:40.667. Current OVR - 0.53, XP + 650.35 19. Devil’s Delight: 5-10, 7:05.600. Current OVR - 1.18, XP + 591.23 20. El Tornado: 5-10, 7:39.000. Current OVR - 1.18, XP + 591.23 21. Elyssa Anderson: 5-10, 8:32.600. Current OVR - 1.18, XP + 591.23 22. Joslin Baroni: 5-10, 10:29.600. Current OVR - 1.18, XP + 591.23 23. Sven Ulafsson: 4-11, 11:24.000. Current OVR - 1.83, XP + 532.11 24. Lord Robert Abernathy: 4-11, 11:36.750. Current OVR - 1.83, XP + 532.11 Shadowed’s Notes: I mentioned in the last Omega update that Joslin Baroni should have a better record. That continues to be true as she had three wins taken from her by folks kicking out of an 850+ Chance to Finish in the second trimester. To be fair, she did have one of her own finishers kicked out of as well, so a lot of people kicking out of finishers in the Omega Division this season. With eight matches remaining, if she doesn’t win four of them I will be surprised. By all rights she should be in the 9- to 10-win range at this moment. Solomon beat Harding in the second round of the rotation, and has kept doing her thing as Harding has stumbled in the second trimester. The former Devil’s Angel has lost to Vladimir Chavinski (round 4), Rhys Caddell (round 5), and to her sister, Devil’s Delight (round 9). Harding lost to Solomon in round 2, then Nora Blackfield (round 14) and Jimmy Anarchy (round 15). The latter was the third-to-last match run before this update was penned. The top five feature two technical wrestlers (Solomon and N. Blackfield), a daredevil aerialist (Harding), a hulking brute (Onoo), and an old-school cheating heel (Murdoch). Speaking of Murdoch, it should be noted that he actually won a match with a Fireball. Yes, the ref was down when he used it, but recovered to count the pinfall. I marked out a little in my recliner when I saw the result. Realistically, it’s the top five who are looking to win the division. With eight matches remaining each, it’s an acceptable stretch to move that to the folks at 9 wins at the moment, but not much lower than that. BIGGEST SURPRISES: Terra Harding, Jun Onoo, Sin. Terra has been surprisingly consistent for a high-flyer, and does not have the OVR advantage that Sterling Silver did in Omega when she won the division. Onoo has been on a tear this off-season, and I had him solidly at 6 or 7 wins at this point. Sin is the biggest surprise to me, as I expected her to be in the four-to-five-win category. Seven is a pleasant surprise, and I think a lot of that can be attributed to a slight tweak in her finisher, where her double-arm DDT finisher was reimagined to be done with the opponent kneeling and thus opening it up to more people being at risk of being hit with it. BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENTS: Selene Luneweaver, Vaea, Elyssa Anderson. Selene should have been doing decently—she’s a flier like Terra—but she’s had a hard time getting started in matches. With Delta’s ruleset, that’s usually disaster. Vaea feels like he should be doing better—a big, brutish Samoan savage, how can that go wrong?!—but yet the results have skewed in the opposite direction. Anderson is supposed to be a cruiserweight, but has been on the wrong end of beatdowns several times this offseason. Hers may be a stat set that gets respecced next offseason like Devil’s Delight did. Longest match of the Omega Division: 32:34 in Round 8. Otto von Schwarz def. Kyler den Boen. Shortest match: 3:38 in Round 9. Devil’s Delight upsets her big sister Rebecca Solomon.
  2. I have it written up, but I spent the weekend either napping or hyper-focused on FF7 Rebirth and trying to finish a near-100% run. (At 107 hours and counting as I’m knocking out side content now.) Posting this to make myself publicly accountable; Omega update will be posted after work tonight.
  3. Been slowly puttering away at Omega rounds, in another night or two I should be to the point where I’m ready for another update as I’ll be 2/3 complete. At least, that is the hope. Work currently has me mentally run ragged so at night my attention span for League stuff is a bit low. I’ve been barely able to get two rounds of Omega stuff done the last two nights when normally four or five in the norm. This is what happens when you’re down half your staff and for two days you were the only person in a 4-person unit who was actually at work due to a myriad of reasons.
  4. THE LEAGUE, FOURTH INTERLUDE PART ONE: HAMMER TO FALL The Aerie School of Professional Wrestling—Bel Air, Maryland April 22, 2024, 1:41 p.m. local time “Time!” Both students in the ring stepped back to their respective corners as I climbed up onto the apron and stepped between the ropes. “Mister Garcia, nice recovery and improvisation. If I was a casual watcher I’d never have expected it. Mister Russell, good on you for being ready to work around it. That’s all for today; same time next week?” Both young men nodded and left the ring as I remained in the center of it, looking around. The gym was emptier than normal, as the nice spring weather had most people out enjoying the outdoors. Plus things had slowed down a little since The League had begun, and I knew I was to blame for that. What was planned to be a two, maybe three season stint is about to start its fifth season in a month or so as things seemed to just continue to fall The League’s way. The YouTube deal, along with other sponsorships, actually had The League decently in the black. I wasn’t about to stop that momentum knowing that this was really the last dance for this idea under my banner. In a few hours, the Omega Division crew would descend on The Aerie, and we’d have another round or maybe two of matches as the postseason continued. But my mind wasn’t on what was impending. It wasn’t even on the sudden twists that week fourteen had taken, denying Nocturne and Kichi Hida promotion berths when they seemed to have things under control earlier in the season. No. My attention was turned to the top part of The League, and more specifically, the two-time League Champion. Here was a man whose bruised ego could smother The League and doom it to perish for good. That interview he was on this morning did The League no favors in the positive media department. Last I checked, telling someone you watched a man die in Reno went out of fashion with the late Johnny Cash. Fates alone only knew what sort of twisted individuals would be watching The League now, hoping to see that happen before their very eyes. Yes. I have that little faith in humanity as a whole. This was a situation I was going to have to be careful with. Templeton had put me in a bad spot, and any number of reactions would be devastating for the perception of The League. A hasty reaction would do none of us any good. Not for the first time in the last few months, my mind wandered to another idea, hare-brained as it was. If Templeton only respects force…why not give it to him? No. I promised Tori when Carnage shut down for good that I was done. I was done chasing the glory, the spotlight. There were any number of folks who relied on me now to be their mentor, to guide them into the same realm that I had been a part of for over twenty years now. One of them had even made a name for herself in the Delta Division. My in-ring days were done, and I had no regrets. My body was on auto-pilot as the two students I had just dismissed left the locker room and left the building. I was alone in a gym, three wrestling rings set up, one surrounded by an old-school steel cage. Everything I could ever want I had within a quarter-mile of me. This school, The League, a friend and kindred spirit, my wife, and our two children. A far cry from the “working poor” life I endured growing up not even a mile from this spot. Any further ruminations were interrupted by my right-hand-woman entering The Aerie. Marriage and reclaiming her motherhood had done Amelia a world of favors. The brooding, taciturn woman who was our twentieth member of The League in Season Seven was gone, replaced by a woman who lived for her daughter and her hubby. If I hadn’t witnessed the turnaround myself I’d never have believed it. It’s the look on her face that strikes me a worrisome as she comes to within speaking range. “Will, we’ve got a problem.” “Look, Amelia, I told you. I’ve got ninety-nine pro—” “I’m being serious, Will. I sent you a link on your phone. Go grab it and take a look.” For Amelia to interrupt an attempt at humor…that’s not good. Leaving the ring, I jogged back to my office, grabbing my cell phone off the desk. Several missed emails, a voicemail from an unknown number, and finally the link Amelia had mentioned. A few quick taps on the screen brought the video embedded in the article into motion. “Yes, Steve, I’m standing outside a hotel here in Newark, New Jersey, and the scene behind me, as you can tell, is unsettled at best. Authorities state that hotel employees were asked to deliver a meal to one of the guests in the hotel, and when no one answered, management went inside to find one person unconscious with multiple bruises, and blood splattered throughout the room. “Authorities state that 29-year-old William Stennick was rushed to the hospital, and treated for multiple contusions of the face and a grade-3 concussion. He is in serious but stable condition. “Newark police currently are investigating the crime, and have refused further comment at this time as they attempt to track down persons of interest.” The normal outro and transition by the newscasters went unheard as Amelia walked into Will’s office. She was first to speak. “How many knew he was in Newark preparing for a flight west?” “I certainly didn’t. You may have been the only one since you helped set up transportation, right?” “Yeah. He had been complaining of headaches recently so I offered to set the flights up as a favor to him. Let him get home and have time to recover before next season. But Will…that sounds like someone deliberately assaulted him.” “It does, yes.” “…are you thinking what I’m—” “Not a word, Amelia.” “But—” “Not. Another. Word. If you’re going to trust me on only one thing ever, do it now. Head home, talk in person to Terry. All of us in the inner circle—you, Tori, and I—need to discuss things with him in person. Let him pick a place and time and let us know. I’ll explain then.” She nodded, spinning on her heels and taking off like a shot out of The Aerie. The last time I had seen that look on her face, it was when a gang had beaten her to within a hair’s breadth of her life. She knew I was worried, and had good reason to be. This wasn’t some random act of violence. No…this was sent as a message, specifically to those of us in The League. The fact that most of the damage was focused on the head instead of the body screamed it to me. Most people wouldn’t know the name William Stennick. He wanted it that way. Most people around here knew him by the name he’d borne to the ring both in Japan and in The League, and now I was going to have to do some creative division manipulation once again. Grade-3 concussions were no joke, and I wanted to give him all the time he needed to recover. The Beta Division could get by for a season without The Mastodon, especially given the alternative was losing him permanently due to rushing him back. Biting back an expletive, I sat down at my computer and started looking at the layout of the divisions. I was going to need a few backup plans ready just in case this ended up being the first of a wave of injuries this off-season. \___(^)___/ Annie’s Playground, Bel Air, Maryland April 22, 2024, 4:18 p.m. “You said you needed to see all of us in person, Will?” “I did, Terry. Thanks, and thanks for thinking of this spot so we can let the kids play while we handle business away from possible prying ears.” “Do I need to—” “No. You’re the one I actually want most in this conversation.” “Will, you’re starting to scare me.” “Hon, I’m sorry,” I replied, turning to look at my wife. “But this situation may be getting out of hand and I want to try to get ahead of it before we lose everything.” “It can’t be that bad, can it?” I shifted my gaze, going between Tori and Terry to her left. “Remember the situation with the Callonis?” Tori paled a bit and I saw Terry’s shoulders tense up. Amelia didn’t understand the question but saw that it had affected her husband, and turned to me. “Before your time here, Amelia. Long story short, sometime around 2011, an Italian mob group tried to blackmail me, they alienated my then-wife from me, got her pregnant, and then after their leader was killed by the police while trying to off me, she had a mental break and ended her own life immediately after the divorce was decreed, there in the courtroom. All of that could be traced back to one Italian family of criminals who thought that by blackmailing me, they could make a bunch of money betting on professional wrestling.” “And you survived all of this?” “Barely. Tori was the one who had to mentally and emotionally stitch me together. Physically, aside from a flak jacket bruise, I was fine. And somewhere in the midst of all of that, the first six seasons of The League were run, too. I didn’t have a choice but to survive.” “So how does all of that link to this?” “I’ll answer that, dear,” Terry chimed in as he squeezed Amelia’s hand. “What Will is very carefully not saying is that he suspects a certain someone’s friends, of Italian origin, to be behind the beatdown that The Mastodon received in his hotel room.” I knew my face scrunched at hearing it out loud from someone other than me, and I’m fairly certain my face lightened a shade or two as well. Thankfully, Amelia didn’t seem to notice. “So why isn’t he saying it?” “You never know who might be listening, or where. That’s why he wanted us to meet somewhere public. Less chance of someone overhearing, and in public there’s less chance of someone trying to make a spectacle of things. It doesn’t hurt to be overcautious. Will knows that from experience. Plus this way he can say with a clean conscience that those words never left his lips.” An uneasy silence settled over the four. A few yards away, Melody was playing ring-around-the-rosy with Elyssa, while Will II tottered along near them. All three were within sight of the elder Will and Tori, the latter of whom never took her eyes off the children. The silence was broken a few moments later by Amelia again. “So now what?” “Now we start shoring up our defenses. It may be too late to simply get rid of his manager; that’s a ticket to mutually assured destruction. Same if we do anything to him. But we can prevent The League as a whole from falling under their crosshairs. If we can direct them down certain paths, ones that we’ve prepared and are ready for, we’ll be in fine shape to prevent further problems and maybe even counterattack as well.” “And how do we do that?” Something must have shown on my face as Terry and Tori both glared at me. My wife spoke first. “No. You said you were done. You have a family now!” “She’s right, Will. You can’t think only about yourself. Elyssa, Will, and Tori are going to be affected by this.” “I know this. But y’all are not aware of the entire story.” That’s when I grabbed my phone and played the voicemail from the unknown number. A stunned silence followed the minute-long voicemail, finally broken by Tori. “So…that’s it? They’re determined to come after you physically?” “It sounds like it.” Tori let out a most-unladylike exclamation. Terry, ever the professional, added, “We have to presume they’re going to be serious about this. We also have to presume that both the local and county police are compromised. We may have to go to the state level, even the feds.” The words sat sourly in my stomach as I heard them. This would be the certain doom of The League. No one would want to stick around after this. Maybe he had already won. But, perhaps there was hope yet... “Or...fine, we still go to higher-ups, Terry. But we play a stalling tactic. We work on agitating them enough that they slip and make a mistake. And then we execute the Rook’s Gambit to perfection.” “Will, no!” “Tori. Love, please, listen. They won’t bite any other way. It has to be me. Otherwise, they come after you and the kids to get to me and I will be cold and stiff in the ground before that happens!” Another long, uncomfortable silence followed before Tori spoke. “You haven’t even wrestled in four years in a competitive match. You’d be no match for him!” My shoulders shook in a silent chuckle, and Amelia caught sight of it and laughed. “You have something up your sleeve, don’t you, Will?” “I do. It’s high time I cashed in a few favors. And you forget, hon...what do we collectively own here in town? Would y'all mind giving me a minute or two alone? Go ahead and round up the little ones, I’ll treat for ice cream at the Arctic Circle. I have a phone call or two to make.” The group split up—with Tori looking worriedly at me—as I pulled my phone out of a pocket and dialed a phone number from memory. Five seconds later… “Wilson.” “Thirteen years ago, I did your department a professional favor, as a personal one to my then-fiancee. I never planned to cash this marker in, not after what it cost Elyssa…but I have to now.” A pause, then the male voice responded. “It’s about damn time, Mr. Prydor. We’ll be in touch tomorrow. Expect us.” The call dropped without further warning, and I heaved a sigh. That was one part. Once again, I dialed a number from memory, since it was one of about four dozen numbers I did not want leaked to the public if anything ever happened to my phone. One ring became two, became three before the call connected, to a different voice. “Start talking, it’s your quarter.” “It’s Will. I need you to spread the word around on the quiet. I need everyone—all five divisions, with one lone exception—to whip me back into fighting shape over the next couple of months. You’re essentially the locker room leader here, that’s why I’m coming to you.” “Finally going to do something about the top dog, boss?” “Gonna try. This has gone on too long with me turning the other cheek.” “All right. Better late than never.” “I know. Believe me, I’m kicking myself over it.” “I’ll spread the word. See ya soon, boss.” That call disconnected without fanfare as well. The dice were cast. The opposition wanted to bring out their big guns, and threaten my family? It was time that turnabout became fair play. For when the opposition decided to take action, they’d find that nothing they had expected would be the same. They wouldn’t find someone reeling and trying to react to the unexpected. They would find a fully-prepared and willing-to-fight William Prydor waiting. I may not carry the moniker of The Phoenix any longer, but the same heart still beat in my chest. The same will still burned in my chest. And those who made the mistake of threatening my heart, my very reason for life? They would soon come to regret it. For I would see it done. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- And now, the behind-the-curtain portion of this post. There were some changes to the expected divisions, given the pending returns of Daniel Simmons to Gamma and Erick Gibson to Delta that were not accounted for in the closing weeks of Season Eleven. The addition of Simmons to Gamma meant that Lance Heartilly, who finished sixth in the division, was sent back to Delta to make room for Simmons to return, and Gibson’s return (essentially in place of Sterling Silver) combined with Heartilly’s added drop to Delta meant that Nocturne was also bumped out of Delta due to the glut of PCs in the division. With the sudden hospitalization of The Mastodon, Nocturne gets that spot back as things open up from Beta and trickle down. The current division structure looks like this, with around a month of the off-season remaining: ALPHA DIVISION Nuclear Templeton (defending champion) George Mastachas Brandy McDonald Brian Blackfield Jean-Paul Ouilette Mel O’Hallister Lucas Molina (promoted from Beta) Christian Priest (promoted from Beta) BETA DIVISION De’siree Mitchell (relegated from Alpha) Reverend Johnny Gross Yoshii Nakamatsu Billy Norris Angela Wassermann Pulsar (avoids relegation due to this event) Monty Dhillon (promoted from Gamma) Diego Rodriguez (promoted from Gamma) GAMMA DIVISION Blood River (relegated from Gamma) Kichi Hida Indigo Rose Big Scott Weathers Daniel Simmons (returning from bereavement) Lance Heartilly (retains Gamma position due to this event) Rock Sheridan (promoted from Delta) Leon de Ramos (promoted from Delta) DELTA DIVISION Markus Clay (relegated from Gamma) Terrance Stevens (relegated from Gamma) Nocturne (keeps her spot in Delta as result of this event) Diamond Scott Stevens Mickey Steele George Stevens Erick Gibson (returning from averting hostile takeover of company)
  5. I’ve never made it canon, but what the heck. I’ll allow it; each division champion gets a medium-size trophy for winning the division each season…though they have to give it back the following season for the next champion. The League is not made of money, costs have to be cut somewhere!
  6. Rule and Stat Changes/Balancing, Season Twelve Edition While I am not a perfectionist by any means, I still like to keep an eye on the stats and how it affects game behavior, and try to head off anything that looks like it’s not going to work as I had thought/intended it to. Normally, these are minor things, but this season a few more significant changes are coming that will take effect from Season Twelve onwards, so I wanted to address them here as this current off-season begins, so that the remainder of the off-season can be spent on world-building and mental recharging on my end to prepare for our fifth season under this format. Change to the Omega Division: Character Growth It was suggested that perhaps those characters toiling away in Omega need something to give them a chance of remaining on the main roster should they make it. If they’ve been in Omega for four seasons, finally make it to Delta, only to have the next lowest character in the division sport a 475 OVR and two seasons’ worth of stat upgrades, they aren’t going to have a good time. At the same point, they are going through a 23-match gauntlet to even make it to the main roster. They should get something for all the work they’re putting in. This made sense to me; the biggest issue was how I can get this information onto my master spreadsheet and not break everything else in the process. Then we worry about balancing for characters to ensure that Omega Division grads are not immediately better than established Delta veterans/folks dropping from Gamma that season. Of course, me being me, I can’t make it a simple, flat “gain N XP per win, Y XP per loss.” I have to incorporate things similar to how I do the main roster. I’m strange like that and I freely admit it. So the actual formulas I’m using are a slightly modified version of what I use for the main roster. It’s the same time factor and everything, with a few key differences: 1) all matches are treated as if they were ** bouts (since usually I fly right by the results screen and I’ve yet to figure out a way to see a match rating if I close it the first time), 2) the factors for division are weaker than Delta and the final results are also cut by 80% to account for nearly double the length of a standard League season, and 3) the match length is the average match length of every bout run in that season’s Omega Division. Using the current status of the Omega Division, which is roughly one-third complete, the leaders at 7-1 would currently walk out with 2.17 OVR points and 571.40 XP. The poor guy at the bottom of the standings, at 1-7, would lose 1.70 OVR and only gain 216.74 XP presently. As a rough estimate, triple those to determine the haul for the season—for the leaders, that’s 6.51 OVR and 1,714.20 XP. By comparison, George Stevens in Season Eleven gained 2,694.45 XP but lost 6.88 OVR. (More on that second part shortly because I know some of you are reading that and are thinking “WTF?!”) I think that’s a fair assessment for Omega folks. They won’t get as much XP as a bottom finisher in Delta, but might gain extra OVR to give them a chance against more established wrestlers. As always, I reserve the right to tinker with these figures between seasons to get them to line up with the concepts in my head, but for now I am satisfied with how this setup works. Change to the Main Roster: New Overall Growth formula Over in the rules thread, I had documented a trial I did with a new idea I was looking to use for the OVR formula, and after some extra thought and observation over the second half of Season Eleven, I decided it was time to make the change. I did also elect to make this change retroactive, so it affects every match from Season 8 until the present as well. As a result, most of the roster will have seen their OVRs drop, in some cases rather significantly. This is an attempt to avoid OVRs reaching absurd, overpowered levels too early. I admit I had also thought that a flat reduction of 100 OVR across the board in addition to this change may also work (in effect making the starting baseline 300 OVR instead of 400), but that seemed too much to do at the same time as making this sweeping change. Let’s see what a season or two does first and then we’ll re-visit the blanket “drop everyone by 100 OVR” idea. This ties into the next topic as well… Change for entirety of The League: New High-level Signature moves maximum Finish rate The main thing I wanted to emphasize this off-season is that signature moves should matter. You have some moves in the default database that have a better chance of finishing a bout than a character’s signatures (looking at you, Western Brainbuster Suplex), and in come cases that chance becomes zero because the defender’s OVR is too high. (Read as, “absurdly overpowered so early.”) In looking through the default database, yeah, most signatures cap around the 250/25% mark. But this is The League, and I’m not about to send characters here out into the C-Verse in general. So I can play a bit with what’s expected. With that said, a rule change is being made that High-level signature moves can now be improved up to a 300/30% finish rate. The cost will remain the same, 75 XP per one percent improvement. This change is being made in an attempt to give high level signatures a bit more utility in actually being able to end matches against the more popular wrestlers in The League, especially when combined with the nerfing of the OVR gain formula. Change for all main roster characters: Updates to body health and the “wear-and-tear” mechanic. For the last five seasons, the idea was that for every season you were on the main roster without a rest, the amount of damage you’d sustain when a body part changes color from green to anything else would increase by 1% compounded every season. With the advent of the medical rest and surgery check at the end of a season, I decided I needed to “personalize” this for each character. Now, a character’s wear-and-tear penalty is based on how much missing health a character has entering the season. This figure is determined by adding 2% of the missing arms and legs health, and 0.5% of the missing head and body health (as those two areas are far more susceptible to damage). For a more concrete example, I present The Mastodon’s outlook entering Season Twelve: Head damage: 16.15. 16.15 * 0.5% (0.005) = 0.08075 Body Damage: 0.36. 0.36 * 0.5% (0.005) = 0.0018. Arms and Legs: No damage suffered. 0.08075 + 0.0018 = 0.08255. Thus, The Mastodon’s limb damage calculations (“minor damage to head,” etc.) would be 8.25% more damaging than someone who has not suffered any damage during their career. (Comparison—for the head, this would be 0.22 damage for Mastodon versus 0.20 normally for a “minor damage” note. It’s small, but adds up quickly. Double that value for “moderate damage”, and double it again for “major damage” and you’ll see how quick those 0.2’s and 0.8’s add up!) Surgeries on a particular body part simply increase the factor by 1.3 times. So again in Mastodon’s case as an example, that 0.22 would become 0.28 if one surgery was done. A second brings it to 0.37, and a third inflicts more than double the base rate. Something to be wary of to ensure 100% limb health if it’s dropped a fair bit, for you players reading this! An additional change is that this wear-and-tear also affects how much a wrestler recovers in a week where a body part that’s suffered damage earlier in the season takes no notable damage. As a rule of thumb, it takes roughly two weeks without notable damage to recover from one week of “minor damage.” (This factor is doubled for legs given the prevalence of leg injuries in professional wrestling.) A season of rest would drop Mastodon’s wear-and-tear down to roughly 3.32% extra damage instead of 8.25%, as an example. The idea of this is to ensure more GMPC cycling through the main roster for variety and also to allow PCs, who have the ability to pay XP to rest instead of missing seasons, to be able to compete more quickly in higher divisions/challenge for the League Championship.
  7. So...we got back from Newark, New Jersey at 12:35 AM this (Saturday) morning. I've managed six hours of interrupted sleep, but the show was finished being written on Friday afternoon while I was at work. So the heck with it, it's getting posted today since I'm awake enough to do formatting and all the usual pizazz I do with the show manually. Please note that the first of the offseason posts will immediately follow this one, and for those who keep studious tabs on their character it will also explain the drastic changes in one particular stat that you may immediately notice. THE LEAGUE: SEASON ELEVEN, WEEK FOURTEEN SEASON FINALE DELTA DIVISION (7) Scott Stevens (5-8, OVR 443)* vs. (8) George Stevens (2-11, OVR 420) With a few matches on the card not having any implications on the standings, the decision was made to use those matches as a “pre-show” of sorts to get the audience ready for the matches that did matter later in the show. The first of these preliminary matches was the second clash in The League between the Stevens brothers. It looked typical to your average "older brother beating up on the younger brother” scenario, as Scott was never really in danger and hit his piledriver on the second attempt. While a disappointing season for the Stevens family in general, Scott has shown in his second season in this run of The League that he can be a threat on any given week, and it would be a fool’s errand to write him off in Season Twelve. One can only hope for a noted improvement next season from George. Scott Stevens (6-8) def. George Stevens (2-12) via Pinfall (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 7:34. Rating: ** Changes for Scott Stevens: OVR + 3.38, XP + 483.63, no notable damage Changes for George Stevens: OVR + 0.38, XP + 120.91, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (z-8) Terrance Stevens (1-12, OVR 496) vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (6-7, OVR 518)* Barely avoiding a squash by the slightest of margins, Stevens was never in this one. Weathers controlled most of the match, allowed Stevens some offense to get his hopes up, and then quickly dashed them with a DDT leading into the sleeper hold for the finish. Weathers ends the season with an even record, and Terrance drops to Delta to be the “other” Stevens in the division where the Stevens brothers currently compete. Big Scott Weathers (7-7) def. Terrance Stevens (1-13) via Submission (Welcome to Dreamland) in 7:04. Rating: ** Changes for Big Scott Weathers: OVR + 3.35, XP + 555.90, no notable damage Changes for Terrance Stevens: OVR + 0.38, XP + 138.98, no notable damage) BETA DIVISION (5) Billy Norris (6-7, OVR 540) vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (8-5, OVR 543)* This match, while competitive, seemed a step slower than normal for the men involved in it. Perhaps it was because they knew they had nothing to fight for, and so decided to tone it down a notch or two with it being so early on the card. Regardless, this was the most competitive match on the card so far, with Norris having to constantly avoid DEVASTATION Knees from Nakamatsu whilst trying to get his own offense going. The last thirty seconds saw Norris counter one of Yoshii’s knees with a dropkick, land a running dropkick to a still-seated Yoshii, and fluidly chain that into the Down Under Disaster, which caught Nakamatsu flush. The pin was academic after that, and Norris also improves to an even record on the season. Billy Norris (7-7) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (8-6) via Pinfall (Down Under Disaster) in 10:00. Rating: ** Changes for Billy Norris: OVR + 3.50, XP + 630.24, no notable damage Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu: OVR + 0.40, XP + 157.56, minor damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (2) George Mastachas (8-5, OVR 561)* vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (6-7, OVR 595) The last of the “pre-show” matches, this was placed in this spot to get the audiences, both in-person and watching on YouTube, fully amped up for the remainder of show where there were higher stakes in the matches to come. For reasons known only to him, Blackfield seemed off his game in this match. He was slow to get started, eventually found a fair bit of offense, including spending some time working over the legs of Mastachas, but by then it was too late. A running Samoan drop did nothing for Mastachas, but the follow-up Wrath of Zeus did. Mastachas ends his season on a high note, while Blackfield now has to spend the off-season figuring out what went so horribly wrong in his first season in the top flight. George Mastachas (9-5) def. Brian Blackfield (6-8) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 16:13. Rating: ** Changes for George Mastachas: OVR + 3.81, XP + 731.68, no notable damage Changes for Brian Blackfield: OVR + 0.43, XP + 182.92, minor damage to head and body DELTA DIVISION (3) Diamond (8-5, OVR 513)* vs. (4) Leon de Ramos (8-5, OVR 437) The stakes for this match in the Delta Division were simple: lose, and be eliminated completely from the promotion picture. While not exciting, this was still a closer match than many had expected it to be. Leon took an early lead, which Diamond took offense to and stormed back to make it fairly even approaching the seven-minute point. Then de Ramos let off a flurry of offense that stunned Diamond, and a Marvelocity led right into the Lisbon Prayer. That prayer was indeed answered, and de Ramos eliminates Diamond from promotion contention, and sets himself up nicely! Leon de Ramos (9-5) def. Diamond (8-6) via Pinfall (Lisbon Prayer) in 8:15. Rating: ** Changes for Leon de Ramos: OVR + 3.41, XP + 483.96, no notable damage Changes for Diamond: OVR + 0.39, XP + 120.99, minor damage to head DELTA DIVISION (2) Rock Sheridan (8-5, OVR 440)* vs. (6) Mickey Steele (6-7, OVR 431) Much like the previous match, the stakes are similar for Rock: lose, and be eliminated. Except here, if Rock wins, he clinches a promotion spot and still has a shot at the division title. The first match this evening to actually be worthy of the Match of the Night, this was close throughout. Neither man really got a significant advantage over the other for most of the eight minutes this match took. Note how the author said “most.” Steele seemed to lose all momentum when a Steele Scissor was missed, and Sheridan pounced on the opening with Welcome to Tacoma followed promptly by a Grit City Lariat. The cover, the count, and three seconds later, Rock Sheridan had punched a ticket into the Beta Division! The question remained…who would be joining him? Rock Sheridan (9-5) def. Mickey Steele (6-8) via Pinfall (Grit City Lariat) in 7:55. Rating: *** Changes for Rock Sheridan: OVR + 4.53, XP + 524.12, no notable damage Changes for Mickey Steele: OVR + 1.14, XP + 131.03, minor damage to head DELTA DIVISION (1) Nocturne (9-4, OVR 464)* vs. (z-5) Sterling Silver (6-7, OVR 476) This is the one scenario Nocturne did not want to see happen. What started as an 87.5% chance was now a coin-flip. She had to win to achieve promotion as the Delta Division champion. A loss, and she loses tiebreakers to both Sheridan and de Ramos. This was a sprint, and from the start Nocturne seemed rattled as she let the match play out at a pace more suited to Silver than to herself. However, she fought back, at one point attempting her Path of Decay with no success. Silver shifted the momentum in her favor, took Nocturne down with a second rope dropkick, and then went to the ropes for a springboard senton. She landed right on Nocturne’s face, but didn’t immediately realize this as she went for the cover, and got three. As Silver stood up, it was then that she realized she had missed the landing and legitimately knocked Nocturne out. The show was stopped for a few minutes before Nocturne came to and walked out of the ring under her own power, but the damage was done. In a stunning turn of events, the Delta Division leader coming in to week fourteen, who had a one-in-eight chance of missing promotion, will not promote out of the Delta Division barring injuries to others above her! Sterling Silver (7-7) def. Nocturne (9-5) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 7:40. Rating: ** Changes for Sterling Silver: OVR + 3.38, XP + 483.68, no notable damage Changes for Nocturne: OVR + 0.38, XP + 120.92, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (3) Diego Rodriguez (8-5, OVR 548)* vs. (6) Markus Clay (4-9, OVR 497) These two did their best to bring the crowd back after the ending of the previous match, as this ended up being a Match of the Night contender. Rodriguez struggled early to handle the speed of Clay, as the South African practically ran circles around the Spaniard. However, Rodriguez would slowly bring his technical game into the mix, slowing Clay down and leaving him vulnerable to more and more holds as Rodriguez continued to apply pressure. It took just under ten minutes for Rodriguez to land the Prelude to Dissonance, but instead of going for one of his patented finishers, Diego instead applied an STF, grinding his forearm into the bridge of Clay’s nose. Clay would be forced to tap, not being anywhere near the ropes, and in doing so eliminate Indigo Rose from promotion contention. In fact, the Rose/Dhillon match would become meaningless to the transfer positions, and would now serve solely as a vehicle for Monty Dhillon’s final hurdle on the path to perfection! Diego Rodriguez (9-5) def. Markus Clay (4-10) via Submission (STF) in 10:41. Rating: *** Changes for Diego Rodriguez: OVR + 4.71, XP + 604.39, minor damage to head Changes for Markus Clay: OVR + 1.19, XP + 151.10, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (2) Kichi Hida (8-5, OVR 498)* vs. (7) Lance Heartilly (4-9, OVR 466) Both wrestlers looked intense as the bell sounded to get this ultimate decider in the Gamma Division underway. Heartilly seemed to surprise Hida with his early offense, and Hida found no counters until nearly three minutes into the contest. It’d take her almost as long to get any sort of sustained offense going, meanwhile Heartilly continued to wear down Hida and keep within range of her limbs to limit her devastating strikes. This left Heartilly susceptible to a Scrambler Headbutt, and Hida looked like she may be able to turn things around as she connected with Bumper Kars. However, a high knee attempt was thwarted into a screw legwhip, and from there the figure four was applied. Hida tried forcing a way to the ropes only for Heartilly to dead-weight himself and make that impossible. She tried to roll it over, only for Lance to match her momentum and bring it right back to him on the giving end. She finally had no choice but to tap, and Lance Heartilly manages to save himself at the literal last possible moment while gifting the promotion to Diego Rodriguez in this Match of the Night contender! Lance Heartilly (5-9) def. Kichi Hida (8-6) via Submission (Hellacious Leglock) in 15:29. Rating: *** Changes for Lance Heartilly: OVR + 5.03, XP + 607.26, no notable damage Changes for Kichi Hida: OVR + 1.27, XP + 151.81, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (4) Indigo Rose (8-5, OVR 532) vs. (y-1) Monty Dhillon (13-0, OVR 570)* Somewhere in the vast, faceless audience that is the Internet, the anxiety spikes of one Croquemitaine could be physically felt by other viewers as this sentence unfolds, and the camera shifts to the commentary area overlooking the three-ring setup in The Aerie. Bob Sinclair: With all the transfer spots settled, now it’s time for the one match in the division everyone’s been looking forward to. Frankie Garnett: I fail to see why, Bob. Rose had nothing to show for her previous match against Monty this season. Why should this be any different? She’s eliminated from promotion contention, she’s not being relegated, she literally has nothing to fight for. Bob Sinclair: Except for personal pride and playing the spoiler, Frankie. Besides, you know the old axiom about a fighter who has nothing to lose, right? Frankie Garnett: Yeah. But I’d expect that from someone like Monty. Not a five-foot-nothing, one-hundred-and-nothing pound wisp of a woman! Bob Sinclair: And I for one will laugh when she ties you in a knot, Frankie. We’re about to find out if Indigo Rose has the mother of all upsets in her as the bell sounds to get the final Gamma Division clash of Season Eleven underway! Bob Sinclair: I realize it’s early, but Rose did not need that mistake already. She’s basically needing to wrestle a perfect match here. Frankie Garnett: Which is why she’s going to lose, Bob. No one can wrestle a perfect match against Dhillon, with maybe the exceptions of Nuclear and Christian Priest. Bob Sinclair: And I’m going to presume it’s too much to ask for you to remain unbiased. Frankie Garnett: I rather like keeping all my limbs intact and my bones unbroken, thank you! Bob Sinclair: Rose with an opening here, can she take advantage? Frankie Garnett: Probably not. If she does she’s going to need to work quick, before Monty can recover. Frankie Garnett: Told ya! Bob Sinclair: And Dhillon was quick to get out of that pin! Frankie Garnett: You think that move is going to beat Dhillon, after a perfect season to date? No way, Bob! Rose is going to need to make him tap, and I’m not sure she can get her finishing hold applied to him! Bob Sinclair: That almost did the trick though! Frankie Garnett: She didn’t have it on tight, Bob. You saw how easily Dhillon escaped when he put his mind to it. Bob Sinclair: That might be because of the obvious size difference, Frankie. Frankie Garnett: That just proves my point further! Bob Sinclair: And Dhillon is violently twisting back and forth, further wrenching the shoulder and elbow joints! Frankie Garnett: He can taste it, he knows…there it is! Rose gives it up! Bob Sinclair: The longest undefeated singles streak in The League continues into the Beta Division now, as Monty Dhillon completes just the second perfect season in League history! Frankie Garnett: I’m not sure Beta Division is ready for The Hammer, Bob. Bob Sinclair: “The Hammer?” That’s what you’re going with, Frankie? Frankie Garnett: Hey, it fits him given how much he enjoys hammering away at his opponents! Bob Sinclair: …hmmm. Monty Dhillon (14-0) def. Indigo Rose (8-6) via Submission (Blockade Lock) in 17:56. Rating: *** Changes for Monty Dhillon: OVR + 5.20, XP + 723.72, minor damage to head Changes for Indigo Rose: OVR + 1.31, XP + 267.18, minor damage to head This was the Match of the Night (2 [1 this season] for Monty Dhillon, 4 [2 this season] for Indigo Rose) BETA DIVISION (7) Pulsar (4-9, OVR 505)* vs. (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (9-4, OVR 540) The Right Reverend came into the match with a goal in mind, a plan on how to achieve it, and no intent on letting anyone tell him otherwise. Pulsar never really stood a chance as Gross blitzed through him in what amounts to a sprint in the Beta Division at under ten minutes. The loss ensures Pulsar will be demoted to the Gamma Division, thanks to Angela Wassermann’s tiebreaker over him, while Gross now sits back waits to see who, if anyone, chokes in the top two of the division. Reverend Johnny Gross (10-4) def. Pulsar (4-10) via Submission (Come to Jesus) in 9:58. Rating: ** Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross: OVR + 3.50, XP + 630.22, no notable damage Changes for Pulsar: OVR + 0.40, XP + 157.55, no notable damage BETA DIVISION (6) Angela Wassermann (4-9, OVR 500) vs. (2) Christian Priest (10-3, OVR 618)* With Wassermann now safe, her intentions shift from survival to playing the spoiler. If Priest wins, he promotes. If he loses, he’s eliminated. Sounds simple enough, right? Priest certainly though so as he pushed his way to a squash victory. To her credit, Wassermann did not tap out when she was locked in Martyrdom. No, Priest got her to her feet when she refused to yield and immediately rendered his Judgement on the former MMA champion, and that one kept her down for much longer than the three seconds he needed. This was never in doubt, and Christian Priest secures a berth in the Alpha Division, as foretold earlier this week by Pastor Abe Richards. The only remaining question left in the Beta Division is who would be joining him? Christian Priest (11-3) def. Angela Wassermann (4-10) via Pinfall (Judgement) in 10:42. Rating: ** Changes for Christian Priest: OVR + 3.54, XP + 630.68, no notable damage Changes for Angela Wassermann: OVR + 0.4, XP + 157.67, minor damage to head BETA DIVISION (z-8) Blood River (1-12, OVR 512) vs. (1) Lucas Molina (10-3, OVR 519)* The stage is set. Molina wins, and he’s in as the Beta Division champion and has a berth to the top flight. Take a loss, and have no doubt that it would be a massive upset loss, and Gross gets in based on tiebreakers. In this Match of the Night contender, Molina looked for certain to be on cruise control in the opening four minutes. It was when River thwarted an attempt at the Puerto Rico Legsweep that things started to go in favor of the representative of the Fellowship of Yzgtx’fl. A couple of moves using the ropes for added damage really put River back into this one with a chance at scoring the biggest upset of the entire season. Then Molina hit a DDT which busted River open (to no one’s surprise), both the Patillas Leglock and Humacao Armlock got applied with no submissions, and Molina seemed to think the end was near. A San Juan Buster attempt went for naught, and River attempted to land a spear…only for Molina to move, and the ref got hit with it instead. What followed was River hitting a few moves off the ropes, the last of which was a slingshot senton that got a visual pinfall while the ref was still out, and one last move off the ropes, with a slingshot legdrop. That one got nothing but canvas, and Molina was quick to apply the Molina Bodylock as the ref finally came to. By the time he saw River caught in the hold, River was out cold, and the ref called for the bell. Molina wins via technical submission, claims the Beta Division title, and moves up into the Alpha Division! Lucas Molina (11-3) def. Blood River (1-13) via Submission (Molina Bodylock) in 13:38. Rating: *** Changes for Lucas Molina: OVR + 4.91, XP + 685.22, no notable damage Changes for Blood River: OVR + 1.24, XP + 171.30, minor damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (y-1) Nuclear Templeton (11-2, OVR 583)* vs. (5) Mel O'Hallister (6-7, OVR 559) Templeton appeared to be angrier than normal as this match started, and O’Hallister was made to suffer for it. Nuclear was never in any real danger, though he did take some solid shots from O’Hallister, but ultimately this was one final lesson to be served on the League roster as Nuclear even made it a point to release the Radiation Leak just before Mel would have tapped just to deliver further damage. The Armageddon Lariat put an end to the proceedings, and as Templeton scared the official out of the ring Nuclear stared into one of the cameras and could clearly be heard shouting “I am your Champion! Why am I not in the main event like a champion should be?!” Thankfully for the cameraman, Nuclear did not resort to violence, but it was near enough that the cameraman needed to go backstage between matches, allegedly to change his pants. Nuclear Templeton (12-2) def. Mel O'Hallister (6-8) via Pinfall (Armageddon Lariat) in 15:00. Rating: ** Changes for Nuclear Templeton: OVR + 3.75, XP + 730.80, minor damage to head Changes for Mel O'Hallister: OVR + 0.43, XP + 182.70, minor damage to head and body ALPHA DIVISION LAST ONE STANDING MATCH (6) The Mastodon (5-8, OVR 552)* vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (7-6, OVR 548) A coin flip backstage led to this match being the semi-main after the previous match ended. Nothing would be locked in after this one, but it would make the math that much clearer for the main event. This was a Match of the Night contender, with neither competitor getting a distinct advantage over the other until about eleven minutes deep. Mastodon got busted open by Brandy off a DDT, and she would continue to apply the pressure as she looked to get him into range for either of her finishers (preferably the bulldog choke in a match like this). Right as she was on the verge of starting to consider that as a viable offensive move, Mastodon began to power back, his strikes and power game completely throwing Brandy off her game. She managed to avoid one Rampage, but the second home struck true and kept McDonald down for a full count of ten. It was now up to the main event to determine what Mastodon’s fate would be… The Mastodon (6-8) def. Brandy McDonald (7-7) via Last One Standing (Rampage) in 15:50. Rating: *** Changes for The Mastodon: OVR + 5.81, XP + 792.35, minor damage to head Changes for Brandy McDonald: OVR + 1.66, XP + 198.09, moderate damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (7) Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-8, OVR 543) vs. (z-8) De'siree Mitchell (4-9, OVR 523)* The final match of Season Eleven. De’siree Mitchell had nothing to lose. Jean-Paul Ouilette had everything to gain. It seemed unorthodox to have a relegation-deciding match as the main event, but the audience in The Aerie were as loud for this as they were for any other main event held here, even if it paled a bit in comparison to the previous match or two. Mitchell had the power advantage in this one, which she used to her advantage early as she tried to bully Ouilette around the squared circle. To his credit, Ouilette seemed to gesture to Cecile Corine to not get involved during a brief pause in Mitchell’s offense, when Mitchell was occupied with the ref. Having missed the communication, Mitchell continued to wrestle with one eye on the outside, and this split attention span opened the door for him to get back into this one. A couple minutes’ worth of offense later, Ouilette had gotten things back to a level playing field…and then he ran away with the rest of the match. Mitchell only managed a few more token attacks before Ouilette unleashed a sudden Le Petit Mort that kept Mitchell down for three. Four people end in the Alpha Division at 6-8, and due to tiebreakers, it is The Mastodon who is the odd one out as he is demoted to Beta! Jean-Paul Ouilette (6-8) def. De'siree Mitchell (4-10) via Pinfall (Le Petit Mort) in 14:42. Rating: ** Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette: OVR + 3.74, XP + 730.58, minor damage to head Changes for De'siree Mitchell: OVR + 0.42, XP + 182.65, moderate damage to head /\/\/\/\/\/\ FINAL SEASON ELEVEN STANDINGS x – clinched promotion y – clinched division title z – clinched relegation ALPHA DIVISION y-1. Nuclear Templeton: 12-2, ATV 17:43, (AMR 2.500), OVR 586.41 2. George Mastachas: 9-5, ATV 14:47, (AMR 2.286), OVR 564.58 3. Brandy McDonald: 7-7, ATV 15:03, (AMR 2.429), OVR 549.30 4. Brian Blackfield: 6-8, ATV 19:39, (AMR 2.286), OVR 595.16 5. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 6-8, ATV 18:27, (AMR 2.214), OVR 547.16 6. Mel O'Hallister: 6-8, ATV 16:46, (AMR 2.714), OVR 559.19 z-7. The Mastodon: 6-8, ATV 16:21, (AMR 2.857), OVR 557.57 z-8. De'siree Mitchell: 4-10, ATV 13:53, (AMR 2.714), OVR 523.37 Please refer to the show above for detailed information on the tiebreaker to determine the 4th through 7th positions. BETA DIVISION y-1. Lucas Molina: 11-3, ATV 14:09 (AMR 2.500), OVR 523.99 x-2. Christian Priest: 11-3, ATV 14:37 (AMR 2.500), OVR 621.50 3. Reverend Johnny Gross: 10-4, ATV 11:52 (AMR 2.286), OVR 543.22 4. Yoshii Nakamatsu: 8-6, ATV 11:36 (AMR 2.214), OVR 543.79 5. Billy Norris: 7-7, ATV 9:54 (AMR 2.714), OVR 543.85 6. Angela Wassermann: 4-10, ATV 13:15 (AMR 2.286), OVR 500.15 z-7. Pulsar: 4-10, ATV 8:48 (AMR 2.643), OVR 505.43 z-8. Blood River: 1-13, ATV 10:39 (AMR 2.286), OVR 513.47 Molina wins the division title due to better victory time over Priest. Wassermann wins tiebreaker via season sweep of Pulsar. GAMMA DIVISION y-1. Monty Dhillon: 14-0, ATV 9:53, (AMR 2.143), OVR 575.48 x-2. Diego Rodriguez: 9-5, ATV 11:37, (AMR 2.643), OVR 552.72 3. Kichi Hida: 8-6, ATV 10:50, (AMR 2.429), OVR 498.77 4. Indigo Rose: 8-6, ATV 17:03, (AMR 2.357), OVR 532.81 5. Big Scott Weathers: 7-7, ATV 12:13, (AMR 2.214), OVR 521.49 6. Lance Heartilly: 5-9, ATV 14:54, (AMR 2.143), OVR 470.98 z-7. Markus Clay: 4-10, ATV 9:54, (AMR 2.286), OVR 498.26 z-8. Terrance Stevens: 1-13, ATV 10:48, (AMR 2.357), OVR 496.49 Hida wins the tiebreaker due to better victory time over Rose. DELTA DIVISION y-1. Rock Sheridan: 9-5, ATV 9:29 (AMR 2.714), OVR 444.96 x-2. Leon de Ramos: 9-5, ATV 11:52 (AMR 2.357), OVR 440.25 3. Nocturne: 9-5, ATV 11:24 (AMR 2.000), OVR 463.96 4. Diamond: 8-6, ATV 9:15 (AMR 2.357), OVR 513.50 z-5. Sterling Silver: 7-7, ATV 9:34 (AMR 2.429), OVR 479.25 6. Scott Stevens: 6-8, ATV 8:34 (AMR 2.143), OVR 446.24 7. Mickey Steele: 6-8, ATV 8:34 (AMR 2.500), OVR 431.64 8. George Stevens: 2-12, ATV 10:35 (AMR 2.643), OVR 419.89 Please refer to the show above for more details on how the three-way tie for the division lead was broken. Scott Stevens wins the tiebreaker due to better victory time over Steele. PREDICTION STANDINGS (Reminder: The official scores will have the lowest two weeks dropped at the end of the season, and are ranked below accordingly.) 1. Eternal Phoenix: 137 (Total Score: 154. This week: 11. Drop Weeks: 2 and 13 [8 / 9]) 2. Croquemitaine: 130 (Total Score: 147. This week: 10. Drop Weeks: 1 and 4 [8 / 9]) 3. Derek B: 121 (Total Score: 131. This week: 11. Drop Weeks: 1 and 2 [4 / 6]) 4. SeanMcG: 92 (Total Score: 92. This week: 13. Drop Weeks: 9 and 10 [0 / 0]) 5. Jman2k3: 70 (Total Score: 70. This week: 0. Drop Weeks: 6 and 11 [0 / 0]) THE LEAGUE IS NOW ON ITS TRADITIONAL OFF-SEASON BREAK. OMEGA DIVISION UPDATES, INJURY REPORTS, AND OTHER SUCH NARRATIVES WILL OCCUR INTERMITTENTLY DURING THE BREAK WHILE I MENTALLY RECHARGE MY BATTERIES BY FOCUSING ATTENTION ON OTHER PROJECTS. THE FIRST OF THESE ADDITIONAL POSTS WILL FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS SHOW. SEASON TWELVE OF THE LEAGUE CAN BE EXPECTED TO START IN LATE MAY TO EARLY JUNE 2024.
  8. I now have PMs from all players. I’ve shut the PC down for the evening, so the one match I had not run yet will be done after work tomorrow. This means there’s a chance the show goes up Saturday anyway, since by tomorrow all the matches will be run and all that’s left is the writing part.
  9. In light of my schedule being a bit…messed up this week (I have an all-day training starting early Wednesday morning that’s going to take away some of my normal Tuesday night League time, plus the previously-documented concert on Friday I am providing taxi service for), plus the sheer anticipation of wanting to know what the heck is going to happen next, I’m actually going to get started on week 14 matches as soon as I finish this post. All of the initial edits (including the one PM I received yesterday) are entered in both my spreadsheet and my game database. So as soon as I get my Word document set up, I’ll be jumping right into it. At the time I type this, I can run 11 make that 13 15 out of the 16 matches on the card following an additional PM (or two), which will provide a massive boost to productivity for me this week. Also, the whole post I literally made this past week on how match order is determined is being disregarded. With so many transfer spots still in flux, I am invoking executive privileges, as is my right as the guy who runs this thing, and will manually be determining match order for the season finale.
  10. CLINCH SIMULATION REPORTING After Season Eleven, Week Thirteen: one week remains POSSIBLE SCENARIOS REMAINING PER DIVISION: 16 AUTHOR’S NOTE: With only 16 scenarios per division, it’s much easier for me to see exactly what will happen. Therefore, for this week’s summary, tiebreakers are taken into effect for projections. ALPHA DIVISION—LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP Nuclear Templeton has clinched the League Championship. He’s up three matches with one to go. What else needs to be said? ALPHA DIVISION--RELEGATION All four matches are relevant to the race, even if it does not appear so at first On further review by League Chief Statistician Amelia Hall, the George Mastachas/Brian Blackfield match does not affect the final outcomes, just possibly how they math out (as Mel and Blackfield both have enough tiebreakers to stay ahead even if they finish at 6-8; they can affect the tiebreakers that follow simply by order of elimination). The other three matches have greater significance, even if one person is simply trying to improve her position in the off chance that a injury grants her a stay of leave. BY THE NUMBERS: De’siree Mitchell: 100% chance of relegation. (8 scenarios in 7th place, 8 scenarios in 8th place) Jean-Paul Ouilette: 62.5% chance of relegation (2 scenarios in 7th place, 8 scenarios in 8th place) The Mastodon: 37.5% chance of relegation (6 scenarios in 7th place) RELEVANT SCENARIOS (presented as: Winners of each match = Seventh & Eighth place finishers) Nuclear + Ouilette + Mastodon + Mastachas/Blackfield = The Mastodon (6-8) & De’siree Mitchell (4-10) O'Hallister + Ouilette + Mastodon + Mastachas/Blackfield = Jean-Paul Ouilette (6-8) & De’siree Mitchell (4-10) Nuclear + Mitchell + Mastodon + Mastachas/Blackfield = De’siree Mitchell (5-9) & Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-9) O'Hallister + Mitchell + Mastodon + Mastachas/Blackfield = De’siree Mitchell (5-9) & Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-9) Nuclear + Ouilette + Brandy + Mastachas/Blackfield = The Mastodon (5-9) & De’siree Mitchell (4-10) O'Hallister + Ouilette + Brandy + Mastachas/Blackfield = The Mastodon (5-9) & De’siree Mitchell (4-10) Nuclear + Mitchell + Brandy + Mastachas/Blackfield = De’siree Mitchell (5-9) & Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-9) O'Hallister + Mitchell + Brandy + Mastachas/Blackfield = De’siree Mitchell (5-9) & Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-9) BETA DIVISION—PROMOTION TO ALPHA The wins by Christian Priest and Reverend Johnny Gross have turned the Beta Division promotion race on its ear. Any of the top three can not only promote, but walk away with the division title to boot. Reverend Gross wins the three-way tiebreaker via average victory time (13:56 versus Molina’s 17:22, and Priest’s 31:45), and wins individual tiebreakers against both Molina and Priest (also by victory time). Molina has the victory time tiebreaker over Priest. (Side note from the author: Maybe this is why EP wanted Molina/Priest II this season to be European Rules again…?) BY THE NUMBERS: Lucas Molina: 87.5% chance of promotion. (10 scenarios in 1st place, 4 scenarios in 2nd place) Christian Priest: 75% chance of promotion (4 scenarios in 1st place, 8 scenarios in 2nd place) Reverend Johnny Gross: 37.5% chance of promotion (2 scenarios in 1st place, 4 scenarios in 2nd place) BETA DIVISION--RELEGATION This one is simple. Pulsar must win and Angela Wassermann must lose if the luchador wants to remain in the Beta Division. She has the tiebreaker via season sweep. Also, only three matches are relevant in this division this week. Norris vs. Nakamatsu is irrelevant in the general order of the standings this week. BY THE NUMBERS: Blood River: has already clinched relegation (8th place) Pulsar: 75% chance of relegation (12 scenarios in 7th place) Angela Wassermann: 25% chance of relegation (4 scenarios in 7th place) RELEVANT SCENARIOS (presented as: Winners of each match = Top two / Bottom two) Pulsar + Wassermann + River + Yoshii/Norris = Molina & Priest / Pulsar & River Gross + Wassermann + River + Yoshii/Norris = Gross & Molina / Pulsar & River Pulsar + Priest + River + Yoshii/Norris = Priest & Molina / Wassermann & River Gross + Priest + River + Yoshii/Norris = Priest & Gross / Pulsar & River Pulsar + Wassermann + Molina + Yoshii/Norris = Molina & Priest / Pulsar & River Gross + Wassermann + Molina + Yoshii/Norris = Molina & Gross / Pulsar & River Pulsar + Priest + Molina + Yoshii/Norris = Molina & Priest / Wassermann & River Gross + Priest + Molina + Yoshii/Norris = Molina & Priest / Pulsar & River GAMMA DIVISION—PROMOTION TO BETA Three people vying for one position, while Monty Dhillon looks for perfection. Week Fourteen promises to be an interesting one at the top of the Gamma Division, with one wrestler looking to actively spoil Dhillon’s bid at perfection to keep herself just barely in the promotion hunt… BY THE NUMBERS: Kichi Hida: 62.5% chance of promoting (10 scenarios in 2nd place) Diego Rodriguez: 25% chance of promoting (4 scenarios in 2nd place) Indigo Rose: 12.5% chance of promoting (2 scenarios in 2nd place) GAMMA DIVISION--RELEGATION Lance Heartilly must win, and have Markus Clay lose, to avoid relegation. That’s as simple as the author can make it. Note that the Stevens/Weathers match is not relevant as Terrance is already locked into last place, and Big Scott Weathers cannot promote or relegate from the division. Which means there are realistically speaking only eight scenarios to calculate in this division, not sixteen. However, to be uniform across the board the figures present are considering all sixteen scenarios. BY THE NUMBERS: Lance Heartilly: 75% chance of relegation (12 scenarios in 7th place) Markus Clay: 25% chance of relegation (4 scenarios in 7th place) RELEVANT SCENARIOS (presented as: Winners of each match = Second Place / Seventh Place) Rodriguez + Hida + Rose + Stevens/Weathers = Kichi Hida / Lance Heartilly Clay + Hida + Rose + Stevens/Weathers = Kichi Hida / Lance Heartilly Rodriguez + Heartilly + Rose + Stevens/Weathers = Diego Rodriguez / Markus Clay Clay + Heartilly + Rose + Stevens/Weathers = Indigo Rose / Lance Heartilly Rodriguez + Hida + Dhillon + Stevens/Weathers = Kichi Hida / Lance Heartilly Clay + Hida + Dhillon + Stevens/Weathers = Kichi Hida / Lance Heartilly Rodriguez + Heartilly + Dhillon + Stevens/Weathers = Diego Rodriguez / Markus Clay Clay + Heartilly + Dhillon + Stevens/Weathers = Kichi Hida / Lance Heartilly DELTA DIVISION—PROMOTION TO GAMMA Last week’s outcomes have resulted in a mad rush for the season finale. Four people competing for two spots. One match (the second Stevens Civil War) is irrelevant to the overall standings, as both Stevens brothers are locked into the bottom half of the field. So once again, there are realistically only eight scenarios to look at, but figures presented will factor in the full sixteen. BY THE NUMBERS: Nocturne: 87.5% chance of promoting (12 scenarios in 1st place, 2 scenarios in 2nd place) Rock Sheridan: 50% chance of promoting (2 scenarios in 1st place, 6 scenarios in 2nd place) Leon de Ramos: 37.5% chance of promoting (2 scenarios in 1st place, 4 scenarios in 2nd place) Diamond: 25% chance of promoting (4 scenarios in 2nd place) DELTA DIVISION--RELEGATION Last week’s results unfortunately have spelled doom for Sterling Silver. She’s unable to catch Leon de Ramos for the fourth position, and as such is being sent back to Omega in what was ultimately a highly competitive Delta Division in Season Eleven. She now has some serious thinking to do on whether her career needs to continue after all of the concussions and knee injuries she’s suffered over the years. The remainder of the bottom four are all primary/secondary PCs and thus are safe from relegation at this time. RELEVANT SCENARIOS (presented as: Winners of each match = Top two) Rock + Nocturne + Diamond + either Stevens = Nocturne (10-4) & Rock Sheridan (9-5) Steele + Nocturne + Diamond + either Stevens = Nocturne (10-4) & Diamond (9-5) Rock + Silver + Diamond + either Stevens = Nocturne (9-5) & Rock Sheridan (9-5) Steele + Silver + Diamond + either Stevens = Nocturne (9-5) & Diamond (9-5) Rock + Nocturne + de Ramos + either Stevens = Nocturne (10-4) & Rock Sheridan (9-5) Steele + Nocturne + de Ramos + either Stevens = Nocturne (10-4) & Leon de Ramos (9-5) Rock + Silver + de Ramos + either Stevens = Rock Sheridan (9-5) & Leon de Ramos (9-5) Steele + Silver + de Ramos + either Stevens = Leon de Ramos (9-5) & Nocturne (9-5)
  11. THE LEAGUE: SEASON ELEVEN, WEEK THIRTEEN DELTA DIVISION (7) Mickey Steele (5-7, OVR 427) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (5-7, OVR 442)* While not up to the levels of some opening matches this season, this was at least competitive. It could also be argued that Roxy Rose directly led to Steele securing the win here, even if her interference came a good two minutes before the final bell. She distracted Stevens, preventing a shoulder breaker, and Steele would press the advantage from that. He’d only need to be on defense for a limited time before bringing out the Mickey Finn and catching Stevens unaware with it, leading to the pinfall victory. Mickey Steele (6-7) def. Scott Stevens (5-8) via Pinfall (Mickey Finn) in 10:24. Rating: ** Changes for Mickey Steele: OVR + 3.52, XP + 387.99, no notable damage Changes for Scott Stevens: OVR + 0.40, XP + 121.25, minor damage to head DELTA DIVISION SUBMISSION MATCH (6) Sterling Silver (5-7, OVR 470)* vs. (8) George Stevens (2-10, OVR 417) Frankie Garnett: Well, if it’s any consolation at least we’re getting this one out of the way early, Bob. Bob Sinclair: Given both wrestlers’ lack of submission skills, this is either going to be a struggle or something that takes twenty minutes. Frankie Garnett: Or both… Bob Sinclair: In any event, Sterling Silver is the one on the hot seat here. She needs a win to maintain any chance of remaining on the main roster next season. Frankie Garnett: Well, given how susceptible George is to submissions based on the past season, Bob, she might have an easier time of it than most. Bob Sinclair: We’ll find out soon enough as the bell sounds and this one is underway! Frankie Garnett: That’s…not how that’s supposed to work. Bob Sinclair: Beg your pardon? Frankie Garnett: It’s Silver who is supposed to move out of the way of the larger man, not the other way around! Frankie Garnett: Why? He did nothing wrong! Bob Sinclair: He pushed Silver off the turnbuckles, Frankie, and in plain view of the ref. That’s plenty wrong! Frankie Garnett: No, he was trying to get rid of a bug that was crawling on Silver! Bob Sinclair: Are you even listening to yourself right now, Frankie? Frankie Garnett: No, should I be? Bob Sinclair: (sighs in exasperation) Frankie Garnett: To be fair, if someone his size was standing on my back I’d want to give up, too! Frankie Garnett: …the heck kind of submission is that? Bob Sinclair: Almost looks like she’s trying to use her legs to effect a form of a sleeper. Frankie Garnett: Doesn’t look that effective. Bob Sinclair: Against a guy Stevens’s size, Frankie, using the most powerful muscles on your body isn’t a bad idea. Bob Sinclair: …I have to say, that’s a new one. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a wrestler hold the choke slam after impact to try to literally choke someone out after impact! Frankie Garnett: And somehow Silver manages to fight free of it. This can’t go on much longer, Bob. Something’s going to have to give at some point! Frankie Garnett: …Uh, Bob, are we allowed to even air this? Bob Sinclair: Yes, Frankie. Frankie Garnett: Then you describe what’s happening. Bob Sinclair: Off the hip attack, Silver’s draped Stevens’ neck over the bottom rope, and applied a head-scissors while hanging down beside the apron. I can’t tell from this angle, but it looks like she’s trying to either cut off the circulation to the brain or cut off air to his lungs at the same time! Frankie Garnett: Whichever it was, it must have work as Stevens is weakly tapping! Bob Sinclair: And so ends probably one of the more unorthodox submission matches we’ve seen in The League in the last year and change, Frankie! Frankie Garnett: I’ll give them both points for creativity, but if I never see either of these two in a submission match again it’ll be too soon! Bob Sinclair: Such are the fickle whims of Fate, Frankie… Sterling Silver (6-7) def. George Stevens (2-11) via Submission (force submission) in 16:13. Rating: **** Changes for Sterling Silver: OVR + 6.35, XP + 669.08, minor damage to body Changes for George Stevens: OVR + 2.13, XP + 193.82, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body This was the Match of the Night (5 [2 this season] for Sterling Silver, 3 [3 this season] for George Stevens) (No. That is not a typo. I‘m at a loss to figure out how this ended up at four stars!) DELTA DIVISION (4) Leon de Ramos (7-5, OVR 434)* vs. (1) Nocturne (9-3, OVR 464) This match did not flow very well, and looked rather disjointed throughout—a sharp contrast to the previous match. Nocturne did not seem to be firing on all cylinders this week, and de Ramos made sure to take advantage of this. It only took two attempts to lock in the Iberian Twist, and Nocturne was forced to tap after only a few seconds in the hold. Nocturne’s chances of winning the division take a hit, and in the same breath Leon dooms Sterling Silver to another stint in the Omega Division…not to mention that Leon now has a way into promotion via tiebreakers next week! Leon de Ramos (8-5) def. Nocturne (9-4) via Submission (Iberian Twist) in 13:44. Rating: * Changes for Leon de Ramos: OVR + 2.46, XP + 446.04, no notable damage Changes for Nocturne: OVR -0.41, XP + 111.51, minor damage to head DELTA DIVISION (2) Rock Sheridan (8-4, OVR 440)* vs. (3) Diamond (7-5, OVR 510) With the previous match’s results, this one takes on more meaning. Diamond seemed to sense this and took the fight immediately to Sheridan, not allowing the giant to get any offense in for a couple of minutes. By the time he managed to assert himself, Diamond had enough of a head-start that a few aerial maneuvers put Sheridan at risk for at least two of Diamond’s finishers. In the end, it would be the Florentine that did the trick, as she altered the maneuver slightly to put Sheridan in a more vertical position while the hold was applied, and the big man couldn’t find a way out. Both of the leaders fall this week, which means it is going to be absolute chaos in the season finale to determine who advances out of the Delta Division! Diamond (8-5) def. Rock Sheridan (8-5) via Submission (Florentine) in 7:38. Rating: ** Changes for Diamond: OVR + 3.38, XP + 483.66, no notable damage Changes for Rock Sheridan: OVR + 0.38, XP + 120.92, no notable damage GAMMA DIVISION (6) Markus Clay (4-8, OVR 497)* vs. (3) Kichi Hida (7-5, OVR 494) Clay simply didn’t seem to have a solution for Hida and her plethora of signature moves. Sure, he managed to thwart Eternal Violence a few times, but in what was arguably the spot of the night, Hida countered a top rope cross body from Clay into a UFO Spin Elbow—her third of the night—and Clay seemed to have no counter to the elbow in general as after a total of five hits with it, Hida finally got the pin on Clay. She continues to put the pressure on Rodriguez, who still needs a win to clinch promotion. Kichi Hida (8-5) def. Markus Clay (4-9) via Pinfall (UFO Spin Elbow) in 11:30. Rating: ** Changes for Kichi Hida: OVR + 3.58, XP + 558.35, no notable damage Changes for Markus Clay: OVR + 0.41, XP + 139.59, moderate damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (z-8) Terrance Stevens (1-11, OVR 496) vs. (4) Indigo Rose (7-5, OVR 528)* Terrance Stevens let this one get away from him. He had Rose vulnerable ten minutes in, but was unable to hit his superkick on a handful of occasions. Rose, who was still feeling the effects of last week’s blockbuster match, managed to work her way back into the contest, and in what would be another contender for spot of the night (if that was an actual thing), pulled out the win. She would duck under a Maple Leaf Meltdown attempt, using the chance to pull Stevens down and lock in an STF. Terrance would be unable to reach the ropes, and Rose would get a win that she was not expecting after the opening ten minutes! Indigo Rose (8-5) def. Terrance Stevens (1-12) via Submission (STF) in 13:41. Rating: ** Changes for Indigo Rose: OVR + 3.68, XP + 559.55, moderate damage to head Changes for Terrance Stevens: OVR + 0.42, XP + 139.89, minor damage to head BETA DIVISION (5) Billy Norris (6-6, OVR 538)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (3-9, OVR 494) Show of hands. Did anyone have these two marked down as having a Match of the Night contender, behind only Silver/G. Stevens for the actual Match of the Night? Wassermann had an early advantage, but Norris and his speedy offense got him back in the fight quickly. A couple of missed higher-risk moves let Wassermann get back into it, and she promptly began to try to take Norris’ head off with roundhouse kicks. Norris would avoid all of them, hit a Boomerang DDT, and would look for the Down Under Disaster...only to miss as Wassermann ducked out of the way. Norris got back to his feet, and this time walked right into a spinning right roundhouse kick that kept him down for three. Wassermann gets a much-needed victory, though her struggles are not over yet as she’s still in danger of dropping to Gamma! Angela Wassermann (4-9) def. Billy Norris (6-7) via Pinfall (Wassermann Spinning Roundhouse Kick) in 14:45. Rating: **** Changes for Angela Wassermann: OVR + 6.23, XP + 738.74, moderate damage to head Changes for Billy Norris: OVR + 2.09, XP + 184.68, minor damage to head BETA DIVISION (z-8) Blood River (1-11, OVR 512) vs. (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (8-4, OVR 536)* River squandered a hot opening three minutes by letting Gross fight his way back into the contest. That was really all the Right Reverend needed given the courses that their respective seasons have taken. After the initial couple of minutes, Gross never let off the gas, electing instead to utilize a brainbuster to put River down for three and keep his slim hopes of promoting back to the Alpha Division alive. Reverend Johnny Gross (9-4) def. Blood River (1-12) via Pinfall (western brainbuster suplex) in 8:50. Rating: ** Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross: OVR + 3.44, XP + 629.51, no notable damage Changes for Blood River: OVR + 0.39, XP + 157.38, no notable damage BETA DIVISION (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5, OVR 538)* vs. (6) Pulsar (4-8, OVR 504) Nakamatsu had to come from behind to take this one. Pulsar gave him everything he could handle and then some…but when Pulsar missed one springboard move too many, the Japanese grappler took full advantage of that, battering the luchador down until an Emperor’s Fall could finally connect (after six tries). The loss puts Pulsar into seventh in the division at the moment, as loses the tiebreaker to Wassermann…which means that in the season finale he’s the one at greatest risk of dropping a division! Yoshii Nakamatsu (8-5) def. Pulsar (4-9) via Pinfall (Emperor’s Fall) in 14:31. Rating: *** Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu: OVR + 4.97, XP + 685.81, minor damage to head and body Changes for Pulsar: OVR + 1.25, XP + 171.45, major damage to head GAMMA DIVISION TABLES MATCH (y-1) Monty Dhillon (12-0, OVR 567)* vs. (7) Lance Heartilly (4-8, OVR 465) To be perfectly honest, Lance’s best chance to win this match involved some sort of cosmic happenstance where Monty Dhillon spontaneously combusted. By the time Heartilly got enough offense in to be meaningful, Dhillon had had enough and simply drilled Lance with an implant DDT through the table to move to 13-0. No Mountie costume required this time. Only one hurdle remains for Monty, while Lance still has a chance to get out of the relegation zone. He just can’t do it alone anymore at this juncture. Monty Dhillon (13-0) def. Lance Heartilly (4-9) via Table Break (implant DDT) in 9:04. Rating: ** Changes for Monty Dhillon: OVR + 3.57, XP + 557.00, no notable damage Changes for Lance Heartilly: OVR + 0.62, XP + 139.25, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (5) Big Scott Weathers (5-7, OVR 513) vs. (2) Diego Rodriguez (8-4, OVR 547)* This match had implications on the upper half of the Gamma Division. A Diego win, and he controls his fate entering next week. If Weathers won, it would be Kichi Hida who instead had control based on the various tiebreakers. Weathers spent the opening three minutes looking very much like he was going to play the role of spoiler quite well, but a missed elbow drop let Diego back into the contest, and it would be Rodriguez who controlled the next five minutes of offense. The match then degenerated into short bursts of offense from each wrestler, with Weathers being the first to try to submit his opponent. Rodriguez had the sleeper scouted, though, and would get Weathers into position for both of his submission finishers, only for Weathers to get to the ropes. On the reset, Weathers went to the eyes and then immediately hit a Blackout, dimming Rodriguez’s lights long enough for the ref to get to three, and just that quickly we have chaos in the upper half of the Gamma Division as well! Big Scott Weathers (6-7) def. Diego Rodriguez (8-5) via Pinfall (Blackout) in 17:31. Rating: *** Changes for Big Scott Weathers: OVR + 5.17, XP + 608.47, minor damage to head Changes for Diego Rodriguez: OVR + 1.30, XP + 152.12, minor damage to head and body ALPHA DIVISION (8) De'siree Mitchell (3-9, OVR 519) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (7-5, OVR 547)* This week’s block of Alpha Division action begins with De’siree Mitchell trying to save off relegation as she faces the Season Eight champion. McDonald really had nothing to fight for, as she was safe from relegation and had no chance at winning the League Championship, and it showed in the slow start she had to this match. Mitchell came out with guns blazing, and by the midway point of this match Mitchell was ready to crank it into high gear. That’s when McDonald fought back, hitting a pair of Detox neckbreakers and putting Mitchell on defense for a moment. But Mitchell would fight back from that, and on her first attempt land the All Out Blitz for a massive, and some would say upset, win! De'siree Mitchell (4-9) def. Brandy McDonald (7-6) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 14:41. Rating: ** Changes for De'siree Mitchell: OVR + 3.73, XP + 730.57, minor damage to head Changes for Brandy McDonald: OVR + 0.42, XP + 182.64, minor damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (2) George Mastachas (8-4, OVR 560) vs. (6) Mel O'Hallister (5-7, OVR 555)* This was a rather ho-hum type of match, where Mastachas attempted to pull out his power game but ran headlong into an Irish underdog who simply didn’t know when to stop fighting. Mastachas had no real solution for Mel’s offense this week, and O’Hallister quickly hit the Dream to secure the win when he could. Mastachas is still at risk of dropping to third next week, as Brandy can still pass him, while O’Hallister can breathe a little easier knowing his road is finally free of the relegation zone. Mel O'Hallister (6-7) def. George Mastachas (8-5) via Pinfall (Dream of the Emerald Isle) in 15:39. Rating: ** Changes for Mel O'Hallister: OVR + 3.78, XP + 731.27, minor damage to head Changes for George Mastachas: OVR + 0.43, XP + 182.82, major damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (4) Brian Blackfield (5-7, OVR 589)* vs. (7) The Mastodon (5-7, OVR 550) This was a surprisingly close match throughout. For a good while, neither man could get any discernible advantage over the other, and as the fifteen-minute point of the contest passed the fans were still waiting for the first big move to come from either man. Blackfield would attempt it with the Tartan Effect…several times…but Mastodon had the move well-scouted and thwarted every attempt. After the fourth attempt by Blackfield, Mastodon feigned Cull the Weak, only to blast Blackfield with a Rampage. The author is sure y’all know what comes next, right? Enter The Juggernaut. Thirty seconds of building his own momentum up led directly into the Highland’s Wrath, because Mastodon was simply too big for the destroyer, and that led to the prompt submission victory while the adrenaline was in full force. This match was more like the Blackfield matches in the Beta and Gamma Divisions, and ends much the same as many of those did—with Blackfield standing victorious after an adrenaline rush. The win also ensures that Brian Blackfield will have a second crack at the Alpha Division next season. Brian Blackfield (6-7) def. The Mastodon (5-8) via Submission (Highland’s Wrath) in 22:12. Rating: *** Changes for Brian Blackfield: OVR + 5.48, XP + 797.32, minor damage to head Changes for The Mastodon: OVR + 1.38, XP + 199.33, minor damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-7, OVR 543) vs. (y-1) Nuclear Templeton (10-2, OVR 579)* Nuclear looked like he was going to have this one wrapped up in under ten minutes, as Ouilette simply could not get any offense going. When Ouilette managed to thwart a Tactical Nuke, it finally gave him the chance to make a comeback. But only a chance; Nuclear was still far too fresh and Ouilette was too far gone for it to have made any difference. Just to add insult to injury, Tony Mortis found a way to interfere with Ouilette, as if that was needed, and Nuclear pounced on the opportunity to lock in the Radiation Leak for the submission victory as soon as the ref was done ejecting Mortis from the ringside area. Nuclear Templeton (11-2) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-8) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 17:15. Rating: ** Changes for Nuclear Templeton: OVR + 3.86, XP + 585.94, minor damage to head Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette: OVR + 0.44, XP + 183.11, moderate damage to head BETA DIVISION EUROPEAN RULES MATCH (1) Lucas Molina (10-2, OVR 519)* vs. (2) Christian Priest (9-3, OVR 612) For some reason, it just does not seem like these two men have any chemistry in the ring as opponents. This European Rules match went into the tenth round when most everyone watching wanted it done by the seventh. Priest controlled most of the first five rounds, Molina the sixth and seventh, and Priest the eighth. Despite Molina not really putting a dent in Priest’s health reserves, he was still racking up damage to various limbs along the way, while Priest focused most of his efforts on the head and back of his opponent. As the most exciting bits of the match happened in the ninth round and later, we're just going to skip right to that part. In the ninth round, Priest seemed finally ready to move in for the kill, as just a bit past halfway into the ninth he got Martyrdom locked in, and Molina had no choice but to tap, he was nowhere near the ropes. The rest of the ninth round went without incident, as Molina simply tried to survive until the bell. The tenth round had barely started when Priest went low, drawing the official’s ire. But the tactic was effective, as Molina stayed down for three. Christian Priest, in the span of about forty-five minutes, has made things very interesting in the Beta Division for the season finale as he backs up the words of Pastor Abe Richards from earlier this week! Christian Priest (10-3) def. Lucas Molina (10-3), two falls to none, in 45:26. Rating: ** Fall 1: Priest via submission (Martyrdom), 43:41 Fall 2: Priest via pinfall (low blow), 45:26 Changes for Christian Priest: OVR + 5.97, XP + 652.35, minor damage to head, arms, and legs Changes for Lucas Molina: OVR -0.11, XP + 163.09, major damage to head, moderate damage to body /\/\/\/\/\/\ STANDINGS AFTER WEEK THIRTEEN x – clinched promotion y – clinched division title z – clinched relegation ALPHA DIVISION y-1. Nuclear Templeton: 11-2, ATV 17:58, (AMR 2.538), OVR 582.66 2. George Mastachas: 8-5, ATV 14:37, (AMR 2.308), OVR 560.77 3. Brandy McDonald: 7-6, ATV 15:03, (AMR 2.385), OVR 547.64 4. Brian Blackfield: 6-7, ATV 19:39, (AMR 2.308), OVR 594.73 5. Mel O'Hallister: 6-7, ATV 16:46, (AMR 2.769), OVR 558.76 6. The Mastodon: 5-8, ATV 16:27, (AMR 2.846), OVR 551.76 7. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 5-8, ATV 19:12, (AMR 2.231), OVR 543.42 z-8. De'siree Mitchell: 4-9, ATV 13:53, (AMR 2.769), OVR 522.95 6-7: broken by simple H2H 5-8: broken by victory time against opponent BETA DIVISION 1. Lucas Molina: 10-3, ATV 14:12 (AMR 2.462), OVR 519.08 2. Christian Priest: 10-3, ATV 15:01 (AMR 2.538), OVR 617.96 3. Reverend Johnny Gross: 9-4, ATV 12:05 (AMR 2.308), OVR 539.72 4. Yoshii Nakamatsu: 8-5, ATV 11:36 (AMR 2.231), OVR 543.39 5. Billy Norris: 6-7, ATV 9:53 (AMR 2.769), OVR 540.35 6. Angela Wassermann: 4-9, ATV 13:15 (AMR 2.308), OVR 499.75 7. Pulsar: 4-9, ATV 8:48 (AMR 2.692), OVR 505.03 z-8. Blood River: 1-12, ATV 10:39 (AMR 2.231), OVR 512.23 10-3: broken via victory time against opponent 4-9: broken by simple H2H GAMMA DIVISION y-1. Monty Dhillon: 13-0, ATV 9:15, (AMR 2.077), OVR 570.28 2. Kichi Hida: 8-5, ATV 10:50, (AMR 2.385), OVR 497.50 3. Diego Rodriguez: 8-5, ATV 11:43, (AMR 2.615), OVR 548.01 4. Indigo Rose: 8-5, ATV 17:03, (AMR 2.308), OVR 531.50 5. Big Scott Weathers: 6-7, ATV 13:04, (AMR 2.231), OVR 518.14 6. Markus Clay: 4-9, ATV 9:54, (AMR 2.231), OVR 497.07 7. Lance Heartilly: 4-9, ATV 14:45, (AMR 2.077), OVR 465.95 z-8. Terrance Stevens: 1-12, ATV 10:48, (AMR 2.385), OVR 496.11 8-5: All ties are broken in order via average victory times over opponent(s) 4-9: Broken via victory time over opponent DELTA DIVISION 1. Nocturne: 9-4, ATV 11:24 (AMR 2.000), OVR 463.58 2. Rock Sheridan: 8-5, ATV 9:41 (AMR 2.692), OVR 440.43 3. Diamond: 8-5, ATV 9:15 (AMR 2.385), OVR 513.11 4. Leon de Ramos: 8-5, ATV 12:19 (AMR 2.385), OVR 436.84 z-5. Sterling Silver: 6-7, ATV 9:52 (AMR 2.462), OVR 475.87 6. Mickey Steele: 6-7, ATV 8:34 (AMR 2.462), OVR 430.50 7. Scott Stevens: 5-8, ATV 8:46 (AMR 2.154), OVR 442.86 8. George Stevens: 2-11, ATV 10:35 (AMR 2.692), OVR 419.51 8-5: First broken by combined H2H, then by simple H2H 6-7: Broken via victory time over opponent PREDICTION STANDINGS (Reminder: The official scores will have the lowest two weeks dropped at the end of the season, and are ranked below accordingly.) 1. Eternal Phoenix: 126 (Total Score: 143. This week: 9. Drop Weeks: 2 and 13 [8 / 9]) 2. Croquemitaine: 120 (Total Score: 137. This week: 10. Drop Weeks: 1 and 4 [8 / 9]) 3. Derek B: 110 (Total Score: 120. This week: 8. Drop Weeks: 1 and 2 [4 / 6]) 4. SeanMcG: 79 (Total Score: 79. This week: 11. Drop Weeks: 9 and 10 [0 / 0]) 5. Jman2k3: 70 (Total Score: 70. This week: 0. Drop Weeks: 6 and 11 [0 / 0]) * Eternal Phoenix clinches the prediction contest with an 11 or higher next week. * Croquemitaine can win the prediction contest with a perfect 16 and Eternal Phoenix scoring 9 or less. (This would make it 136 for Croquemitaine to EP’s 135.) It’s also possible for tiebreakers to determine a winner, but for a clear victory this is the only path. WEEK FOURTEEN CARD The * in each pairing denotes the winner of the previous match this season ALPHA DIVISION (y-1) Nuclear Templeton (11-2, OVR 583)* vs. (5) Mel O'Hallister (6-7, OVR 559) [Career: Mel O'Hallister, 3 - 2] (2) George Mastachas (8-5, OVR 561)* vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (6-7, OVR 595) [Career: George Mastachas, 1 - 0] LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (6) The Mastodon (5-8, OVR 552)* vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (7-6, OVR 548) [Career: The Mastodon, 4 – 3. Career in Last One Standing matches: Mastodon 1 – 2.] (7) Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-8, OVR 543) vs. (z-8) De'siree Mitchell (4-9, OVR 523)* [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 1 - 0] BETA DIVISION (6) Angela Wassermann (4-9, OVR 500) vs. (2) Christian Priest (10-3, OVR 618)* [Career: Christian Priest, 1 - 0] (5) Billy Norris (6-7, OVR 540) vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (8-5, OVR 543)* [Career: Billy Norris, 2 - 1] (7) Pulsar (4-9, OVR 505)* vs. (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (9-4, OVR 540) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 1] (z-8) Blood River (1-12, OVR 512) vs. (1) Lucas Molina (10-3, OVR 519)* [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 - 0] GAMMA DIVISION (4) Indigo Rose (8-5, OVR 532) vs. (y-1) Monty Dhillon (13-0, OVR 570)* [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0] (3) Diego Rodriguez (8-5, OVR 548)* vs. (6) Markus Clay (4-9, OVR 497) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 3 - 0] (z-8) Terrance Stevens (1-12, OVR 496) vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (6-7, OVR 518)* [Career: Big Scott Weathers, 1 - 0] (2) Kichi Hida (8-5, OVR 498)* vs. (7) Lance Heartilly (4-9, OVR 466) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 1] DELTA DIVISION (3) Diamond (8-5, OVR 513)* vs. (4) Leon de Ramos (8-5, OVR 437) [Career: Diamond, 1 - 0] (1) Nocturne (9-4, OVR 464)* vs. (z-5) Sterling Silver (6-7, OVR 476) [Career: Nocturne, 1 - 0] (2) Rock Sheridan (8-5, OVR 440)* vs. (6) Mickey Steele (6-7, OVR 431) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 1 - 0] (7) Scott Stevens (5-8, OVR 443)* vs. (8) George Stevens (2-11, OVR 420) [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 - 0] TRAINING AND PREDICTION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2024 AT 11:59 PM EASTERN US!
  12. BEHIND THE CURTAIN: HOW THE WEEKLY MATCH ORDER IS DETERMINED The order for League matches is not something I manually enter every week. As with a lot of things, the process is automated by my master spreadsheet, and has a formula attached to it. For the sake of examples, I will use the schedule from this week (Season 11, Week 13). Step 1: For a baseline, start with the combined OVR of both wrestlers. Step 2: Now the minor modifiers begin to be added up. We’ll start with division positioning. This applies only to the second half of a season. A wrestler gains anywhere from 1 to 8 points additional to the rating if they are in the top four of a division. 1 point for 4th, 3 points for 3rd, 5 points for 2nd, and 8 points for division leaders. Step 3: If a match is a gimmick/specialty match, add 2 points. Step 4: Apply divisional modifiers. Delta = 1, Gamma = 3, Beta = 7, Alpha = 15. Step 5: The final modifier. Give 5 points for every win each competitor has on the season. Step 6: Now you add everything up, then put things in order. Lowest points go earlier in the card! So if this were only a three-match card, Dhillon/Lance would open, JPO/Nuclear would be the second, and the Molina/Priest bout would be the main. With the actual card being 16 matches, I can confirm that European Rules is the main, JPO/Nuclear is second, and Monty/Lance actually just past the halfway point of the card (right before Weathers v Diego). As is normal, all the Delta matches start the show. But that’s an example of how the match order is determined every week!
  13. So despite nearly falling asleep at the computer a couple of times yesterday, I managed to get all of the matches run that I could. 10 out of 16 are done, two more (at least) are happening tonight. Current clubhouse leader for MOTN is a 4-star bout in the upper half of The League. In addition, I’ve started my final clinch simulation post summary, which I’ll post immediately after the show on Saturday. I won’t say anything else about it lest I give away potential spoilers, but the plan for the final week is to be exact with chances and who can move divisions, since at that point I’ll have tiebreakers to look at.
  14. Quick note for folks: Nuclear’s current stats and XP are incorrect. The intern who was supposed to update that after Nuclear’s training last week has disappeared and is yet to be found. He was supposedly last seen talking with a man in a black suit. ….Out of kayfabe post: Derek sent me his training Thursday evening and when I went in Friday to update things I totally spaced on putting it in the Excel spreadsheet. I’ll fix that error, and the informational post, when I go in for first edits and possibly some matches tonight after work. EDIT: This has been fixed. For the record, here's how it should have looked without me needing to edit and fix things--you know, if I had some semblance of intelligence. 😛 (Bold areas are what's been changed.)
  15. CLINCH SIMULATION REPORTING After Season Eleven, Week Twelve: Two weeks remaining POSSIBLE SCENARIOS REMAINING PER DIVISION: 256 AUTHOR’S NOTE: When I mention “tied for second” or “tied for seventh”, I mean any scenarios where whomever wins/loses the tiebreaker would be in second or seventh place in the standings, respectively. As an example: if the bottom of a division had 5-9, 5-9, 5-9, 1-13 for positions five through eight, all those 5-9 records would be considered “tied for seventh” and thus at risk of relegation depending on who lost the tiebreakers, even though the common parlance is “tied for fifth” as that’s the highest one could reach. On the upper half, a look of 9-5, 9-5, 9-5. 6-8 would have the top three positions technically “tied for second” in my outlooks below, even if whoever lost the tiebreakers would not be promoted. Keep this in mind especially for Delta Division, as the drop to Omega happens from fifth-place on down for GMPCs and tertiary PCs. ALPHA DIVISION—LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP Nuclear Templeton has clinched the League Championship. ALPHA DIVISION--RELEGATION De’siree Mitchell is guaranteed at least a share of the worst record. She needs a lot of people ahead of her to lose everything to stand a chance of surviving in the Alpha Division, but those odds are unlikely at best. It’s the logjam at 5-7 that we need to look at to determine who might be safe, though in all likelihood that analysis may be better done next week when a slightly clearer picture for the second relegation spot can be seen. BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse): The author will be going more into detail for those wrestlers who are most likely to fall into the promotion/relegation zone, since they are the ones most likely to be relevant at this stage of the season. De’siree Mitchell (3-9): 256 scenarios (100%) ……Remaining matches: Brandy McDonald, Jean-Paul Ouilette …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Mastodon (season sweep), beats Blackfield (victory time), beats O’Hallister (victory time), pending (currently winning) against Ouilette. The Mastodon (5-7): 118 scenarios (46.094%) ……Remaining matches: Brian Blackfield, Brandy McDonald (last one standing) …………Tiebreakers: Beats Mitchell (season sweep), pending (currently losing) against Blackfield, loses to O’Hallister (season sweep), beats Ouilette (victory time) Brian Blackfield (5-7): 118 scenarios (46.094%) ……Remaining matches: The Mastodon, George Mastachas …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Mitchell (victory time), pending (currently winning) against Mastodon, loses to Ouilette (victory time), beats O’Hallister (season sweep) Mel O’Hallister (5-7): 112 scenarios (43.750%) ……Remaining matches: George Mastachas, Nuclear Templeton …………Tiebreakers: loses to Mitchell (victory time), beats Mastodon (season sweep), loses to Blackfield (season sweep), loses to Ouilette (season sweep) Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-7): 112 scenarios (43.750%) ……Remaining matches: Nuclear Templeton, De’siree Mitchell …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently losing) against Mitchell, loses to Mastodon (victory time), beats Blackfield (victory time), beats O’Hallister (season sweep) Relegation-Clinching Scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen: Mitchell loss: De’siree Mitchell is relegated. The second spot will likely be determined in the final week given the four-way tie at present. BETA DIVISION—PROMOTION TO ALPHA It’s now a two-man race with a dark horse. Molina has already clinched a share of a top-two record in the Beta Division. However, he is not safe thanks to the tiebreaker against Gross. Only a win gives him the guarantee, and it would clinch the Beta Division title in the process. Priest still has to watch behind him for Gross, whom he also loses a tiebreaker to. Nakamatsu, however, loses tiebreakers against everyone ahead of him and as such, his 5% mathematical chance is nullified; he is eliminated from promotion contention. BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better): Lucas Molina (10-2): 256 scenarios (100%) ……Remaining Matches: Christian Priest (European), Blood River …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently winning) against Priest, loses to Gross (victory time), beats Nakamatsu (season sweep) Christian Priest (9-3): 240 scenarios (93.750%) ……Remaining Matches: Lucas Molina (European), Angela Wassermann …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently losing) against Molina, loses to Gross (victory time), beats Nakamatsu (victory time) Reverend Johnny Gross (8-4): 88 scenarios 34.375%) ……Remaining Matches: Blood River, Pulsar …………Tiebreakers: Beats Molina (victory time), beats Priest (victory time), beats Nakamatsu (season sweep) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5): 12 scenarios (4.688%)* ……Remaining Matches: Pulsar, Billy Norris …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Molina (season sweep), loses to Priest (victory time), loses to Gross (season sweep) *………………Because Nakamatsu can win no tiebreakers (as shown above), he is eliminated from promotion contention.* Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen: Gross loss: Lucas Molina clinches promotion. A Molina win (in addition to the Gross loss) would clinch the division title for Lucas Molina. Priest win AND Gross loss: Both Lucas Molina and Christian Priest clinch promotion (as both would be two up on Gross with one remaining) BETA DIVISION--RELEGATION Blood River’s loss officially claims the first relegation spot. BY THE NUMBERS: Blood River (1-11): Has clinched relegation to Gamma. ……Remaining Matches: Yoshii Nakamatsu, Lucas Molina Angela Wassermann (3-9): 240 scenarios (93.75%) ……Remaining Matches: Billy Norris, Christian Priest …………Tiebreakers: beats Pulsar (season sweep) Pulsar (4-8): 80 scenarios (31.250%) ……Remaining Matches: Yoshii Nakamatsu, Billy Norris …………Tiebreakers: loses to Wassermann (season sweep) Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen: Wassermann loss OR Pulsar win: Angela Wassermann is relegated. GAMMA DIVISION—PROMOTION Indigo Rose’s minor upset against Diego Rodriguez breathes a little bit of life into the race for the second promotion spot. Yes, Diego still is the heavy favorite to move on, but Hida and Rose now have a shot of overtaking him record-wise for the second spot without needing tiebreakers. Of the two, Hida has the easier road—she doesn’t have a match against Monty Dhillon upcoming, while Rose does in Week Fourteen. BY THE NUMBERS: Monty Dhillon (12-0): Clinched the Gamma Division title in Week Eleven. ……Remaining Matches: Lance Heartilly (tables), Indigo Rose Diego Rodriguez (8-4): 228 scenarios (89.063%) ……Remaining Matches: Big Scott Weathers, Markus Clay …………Tiebreakers: loses to Hida (victory time), beats Rose (victory time) Kichi Hida (7-5): 72 scenarios (28.125%) ……Remaining Matches: Markus Clay, Lance Heartilly …………Tiebreakers: Beats Rodriguez (victory time), beats Rose (victory time), holds three-way tiebreaker (average victory time) Indigo Rose (7-5): 72 scenarios (28.125%) ……Remaining Matches: Terrance Stevens, Monty Dhillon …………Tiebreakers: loses to Rodriguez (victory time), loses to Hida (victory time) Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Thirteen: Rodriguez win AND Hida loss: Diego Rodirguez claims the second promotion spot. Since he beats Rose in the tiebreakers, Diego only has to worry about Hida. A second match of separation with only one week left would seal the deal for him to move up alongside Dhillon. GAMMA DIVISION--RELEGATION Terrance Stevens is locked in for relegation, and it's still more likely that Lance Heartilly is going with him based on the current state of tiebreakers. BY THE NUMBERS: Terrance Stevens (1-10): Has clinched relegation. …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Heartilly (season sweep), loses to Clay (victory time). Lance Heartilly (3-8): 172 scenarios (67.188%) ……Remaining Matches: Markus Clay, Monty Dhillon (tables), Kichi Hida …………Tiebreakers: Beats Stevens (season sweep), Pending (currently losing) to Clay, loses to Weathers (season sweep) Markus Clay (4-7): 172 scenarios (67.188%) ……Remaining Matches: Lance Heartilly, Kichi Hida, Diego Rodriguez …………Tiebreakers: beats Stevens (victory time), pending (currently winning) to Heartilly, beats Weathers (victory time) Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: Clay win: Lance Heartilly is relegated in the second spot. Others technically at risk: Big Scott Weathers (5-6): 44 scenarios (17.188%) DELTA DIVISION—PROMOTION Kind of like elsewhere, the current leader has clinched a share of the top two records in the Delta Division. Though this does not guarantee promotion, it is a gigantic step forward in her chances. As far as the author can tell, the only way Nocturne does not promote is if Sheridan finishes 10-4, and Nocturne and de Ramos (only) are tied at 9-5. She would lose head-to-head against Leon and thus fall to third place. However, this is napkin math calculated while at work and should not be taken as canon as of this time. BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better): Nocturne (9-3): 256 scenarios (100%) ……Remaining Matches: Leon de Ramos, Sterling Silver …………Tiebreakers: Beats Sheridan (season sweep), beats Diamond (season sweep), pending (currently losing) against de Ramos. Would win potential four-way tiebreaker. Rock Sheridan (8-4): 224 scenarios (87.500%) ……Remaining Matches: Diamond, Mickey Steele …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Nocturne (season sweep), pending (currently winning) against Diamond, beats de Ramos (season sweep) Diamond (7-5): 96 scenarios (37.500%) ……Remaining Matches: Rock Sheridan, Leon de Ramos …………Tiebreakers: Lose to Nocturne (season sweep), pending (currently losing) against Sheridan, pending (currently winning) against de Ramos. Leon de Ramos (7-5): 16 scenarios (6.250%) ……Remaining Matches: Nocturne, Diamond …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently winning) against Nocturne, loses to Sheridan (season sweep), pending (currently losing) against Diamond. Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: Nocturne win: Nocturne clinches the Delta Division title (as she has the tiebreaker over Sheridan). Sheridan win: Rock Sheridan clinches promotion. DELTA DIVISION—RELEGATION Sterling Silver’s main roster tenure is on life support. She is already guaranteed a share of the bottom four records in the division. She needs to have Leon drop to 7-7 and maybe even then it will not be enough, but it is a possibility. BY THE NUMBERS: Sterling Silver (5-7): 256 scenarios (100%) ……Remaining Matches: George Stevens (submission), Nocturne …………Tiebreakers: Beats Leon (season sweep), loses to Diamond (season sweep), beats Scott (victory time) Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: Silver loss: Sterling Silver is relegated back to Omega for a second time.
  16. THE LEAGUE: SEASON ELEVEN, WEEK TWELVE DELTA DIVISION (4) Leon de Ramos (6-5, OVR 430)* vs. (8) George Stevens (2-9, OVR 416) A good match to start the night, this one had both men get their share of time on the offensive. While Stevens would utilize his power to try to batter de Ramos into unconsciousness, Leon would utilize his technical game to keep Stevens honest. It would be de Ramos who would manage to chain enough offense together in a shorter timeframe to surprise Stevens with an Iberian Twist, actually managing to get it locked in on the first attempt. The submission came soon after, and de Ramos ensures that the absolute worst he can finish in his rookie season is an even 7-7. Leon de Ramos (7-5) def. George Stevens (2-10) via Submission (Iberian Twist) in 11:52. Rating: *** Changes for Leon de Ramos: OVR + 4.79, XP + 526.17, minor damage to head Changes for George Stevens: OVR + 1.21, XP + 131.54, no notable damage DELTA DIVISION (7) Mickey Steele (4-7, OVR 422) vs. (5) Sterling Silver (5-6, OVR 468)* Second straight Match of the Night contender from the Delta Division to start the show. Steele looked like he might be going for a sub-three-minute win until Silver managed to avoid a Steele Scissor and bring her speed into the contest. To his credit, Steele managed to mostly keep up with Silver’s speed despite being a noticeable step or two slower. Silver nearly got three off a springboard splash, but as she went to the top a few moments later for her 450, Roxy Rose pushed Silver off the turnbuckles while the ref’s back was turned. Steele would not squander the opportunity, hitting Silver with a variety of strikes before landing (on his third attempt) the Mickey Finn. This kept the veteran luchadora down for three, and Steele scores a minor upset in what could arguable be the biggest victory of his season! Mickey Steele (5-7) def. Sterling Silver (5-7) via Pinfall (Mickey Finn) in 11:40. Rating: *** Changes for Mickey Steele: OVR + 4.78, XP + 420.85, minor damage to head Changes for Sterling Silver: OVR + 1.21, XP + 131.52, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body DELTA DIVISION (2) Rock Sheridan (7-4, OVR 435)* vs. (6) Scott Stevens (5-6, OVR 441) A shorter Match of the Night contender, this one seemed notable for one sequence about five minutes deep in the contest. Stevens had just missed a spinning elbow blow, and Sheridan retaliated with a Tacoma Choke Slam that landed flush…only for Stevens to kick out at one. Rock looked furious as he waited for Stevens to stand, and fired off a roundhouse right to the body that never landed as Stevens stepped into the giant’s reach and delivered a Toxic Sting…and then looked just as surprised when Sheridan kicked out of that at one as well. The match would continue in a back-and-forth manner for another three minutes before Sheridan landed a second choke slam that this time kept Stevens down for three, but only barely. A good match condensed into nine minutes, and Sheridan continues to keep the pressure on the young division leader! Rock Sheridan (8-4) def. Scott Stevens (5-7) via Pinfall (Tacoma Choke Slam) in 9:08. Rating: *** Changes for Rock Sheridan: OVR + 4.61, XP + 524.75, minor damage to head Changes for Scott Stevens: OVR + 1.16, XP + 131.19, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (6) Markus Clay (4-7, OVR 495)* vs. (7) Lance Heartilly (3-8, OVR 460) Another Match of the Night contender, and a serious one at that. To be perfectly fair in the reporting, Markus Clay didn’t lose this match as much as simply not trying to win it. By about nine minutes in, he had Heartilly in danger of the Johannesburg Express, yet Clay seemed to utilize every other high-risk move he knew except his finisher. A springboard splash got two, a springboard rana followed by an Arabian press got two, but at no point did Clay go to the top with the express purpose of going for his patented moonsault. Heartilly took enough advantage of the misses Clay eventually racked up to apply his arm breaker twice, and by then Clay was ripe for the picking. A single attempt at the figure four was all that Heartilly needed, and he got the submission victory he desperately needed. However, Clay would still have the tiebreaker by a good six minutes, so Lance can’t relax just yet. There’s still work to be done if he wants to remain in Gamma next season… Lance Heartilly (4-8) def. Markus Clay (4-8) via Submission (Hellacious Leglock) in 17:28. Rating: *** Changes for Lance Heartilly: OVR + 5.16, XP + 608.45, minor damage to head and body Changes for Markus Clay: OVR + 1.30, XP + 152.11, no notable damage GAMMA DIVISION HARDCORE MATCH (z-8) Terrance Stevens (1-10, OVR 494) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (6-5, OVR 488)* This was very easily the second-best match of the night. Yes, even at four stars. No, I did not typo that. Terrance put up even more of a fight than anyone, especially Kichi Hida, expected. He came out from his corner swinging at the opening bell, looking to out-do Hida at her own game of a violence blitz. The tide started to turn in favor of Hida at three minutes in, after she dodged a Canuckle Shuffle, and starting landing Bumper Kars seemingly at will. Hida would hit a few of her trademarks, but fought back after a Scrambler Headbutt to go back on the offensive. Stevens would control the next two minutes, including a thwarting of a Glory in Violence, but Hida’s second attempt at it would connect. While she would give up the offensive once or twice more, that moment basically spelled the beginning of the end for Stevens…or so he would let you think. You see, Hida did manage to land Eternal Violence, and that should have been it, right? Except that in the process, she busted Stevens open. The raging bull in Stevens came out as he was back on his feet in an instant, looking for a spinning elbow blow that Hida avoided…and then landed Eternal Violence a second time. Stevens was not getting up after that, and Hida emerges with a victory that, on basically any other night, would have been the Match of the Night! Kichi Hida (7-5) def. Terrance Stevens (1-11) via Pinfall (Eternal Violence) in 12:45. Rating: **** Changes for Kichi Hida: OVR + 6.06, XP + 652.21, moderate damage to head Changes for Terrance Stevens: OVR + 2.04, XP + 163.05, major damage to head For those interested, I’ve included the full PBP of this match below for your reading enjoyment. BETA DIVISION (7) Pulsar (3-8, OVR 499)* vs. (8) Blood River (1-10, OVR 511) Another sprint of a Match of the Night contender. If not for a two-minute period where River managed some actual, serious offense this would have been all Pulsar, as he ran circles around the alleged cultist. River managed some decent speed offense, the most notable being a flying inverted rana that nearly landed Pulsar on the top of his head. However, Pulsar was a step ahead of his opponent for longer, and a tree of woe dropkick led right into the Zodiac Implosion, just to ensure that River would stay down for three. Pulsar gets a much-needed win, and the season sweep over River. As River cannot pass both Wassermann and Pulsar, it is now official—Blood River is being sent back to the Gamma Division after three seasons in Beta. Pulsar (4-8) def. Blood River (1-11) via Pinfall (Zodiac Implosion) in 8:58. Rating: *** Changes for Pulsar: OVR + 4.60, XP + 682.06, no notable damage Changes for Blood River: OVR + 1.16, XP + 170.52, minor damage to head and body DELTA DIVISION (1) Nocturne (8-3, OVR 461)* vs. (3) Diamond (7-4, OVR 509) A normally-rated average bout seemed rather lackluster in comparison to the first six matches on the card. Not to say that the match wasn’t competitive, it was just a little more one-sided than anything else seen so far tonight. In what some will write off as a fluke, but others—especially those in charge of The Aerie—would see as a smart move, Nocturne would allow herself to be put in position for the Jawjacker, only to avoid the kick and immediately lock in the Midnight Solstice before Diamond could recover. The submission came after, and Nocturne continues to keep ahead of the pack in the Delta Division, maintaining a one-match lead with two weeks remaining! Nocturne (9-3) def. Diamond (7-5) via Submission (Midnight Solstice) in 9:07. Rating: ** Changes for Nocturne: OVR + 3.46, XP + 484.38, no notable damage Changes for Diamond: OVR + 0.39, XP + 121.09, minor damage to head BETA DIVISION (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (7-4, OVR 533)* vs. (6) Angela Wassermann (3-8, OVR 493) The Right Reverend seemed to be in a furor as the bell rang to start his match this week. Whether it was due to the events of last week (which seemed likely) or the fact that he thought Wassermann to be beneath him (also likely), the end result was the same. He’d eat some offense from Wassermann, but was never in danger of any of Wassermann’s big moves as he doesn’t even need the dragon sleeper to get the victory. A full nelson legsweep is all that he would require, earning only his seventh one-fall victory via pinfall (compared to his eighteen submission victories). Reverend Johnny Gross (8-4) def. Angela Wassermann (3-9) via Pinfall (full nelson legsweep) in 9:29. Rating: ** Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross: OVR + 3.47, XP + 629.92, no notable damage Changes for Angela Wassermann: OVR + 0.39, XP + 157.48, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION EUROPEAN RULES MATCH (2) Diego Rodriguez (8-3, OVR 542)* vs. (4) Indigo Rose (6-5, OVR 515) Bob Sinclair: Up next is a match I have personally been waiting for all season, Frankie. Frankie Garnett: Oh, so this is the part of the show where I can take a break and you can geek out over technical wrestling? ???: That actually sounds like a good idea to me, Frankie. Both Frankie and Bob turn to their right, as the camera pans out to show League Commissioner/Owner Will Prydor taking a seat at the commentary desk to Frankie’s right. Frankie Garnett: You’re kidding, right? This is some late April Fools gag? Will Prydor: No, Frankie. Being fully honest. I know these technical matches aren’t your thing, and this could go a good half-hour or longer. So I was throwing it out there, one-time offer. If you wanted to vacate the desk for a bit, Bob and I can handle things. It’ll let you get a call in to Lisa as well, I know it’s been a little bit since you chatted with your niece. Frankie Garnett: I…you know, I think I’ll take you up on that, just to check in on my niece. Thanks, Will. Will Prydor: De nada. Give my regards to the family, if you would. Frankie nods as he takes off his headset and vacates the announcers’ desk, leaving Bob and Will alone. Bob Sinclair: So is there another reason you’re out here, Will? Will Prydor: Possibly, but let’s not get into that now, Bob. This promises to be a match that I want to see up close and personal. Bob Sinclair: You have a pick? Will Prydor: Now you know I cannot be showing favorites, Bob. Not in my position. Bob Sinclair: I will circle back to that statement, Will, as both competitors are in the ring, and the first round is about to begin! Will Prydor: You’d think a “feeling out” period wouldn’t be needed with the history these two have against each other, but that’s basically what that opening round was. Rodriguez controlled that round pretty soundly, too. Bob Sinclair: Indeed. But Will, circling back to your statement about being unable to have favorites… Will Prydor: You’re going to ask about Nocturne, aren’t you? Bob Sinclair: Primarily, yes. But I was also going to ask about the Solomon sisters, too. Will Prydor: Nocturne is the top pupil in my wrestling school, Bob. All I did was encourage her to take a trial contract with The League and go through the Omega Division on her own. Everything she’s done there, and here in the Delta Division, is solely on her own merits. As she is technically still enrolled at The Aerie for another month or two, I am willing to give her advice on how to train, how to expand her technical arsenal in broad terms, while my second-in-charge focuses more on the speedier offense that both she and Devil’s Delight like to utilize. At no time during my interactions with them do upcoming League opponents or “scouting” ever come to be discussed. Bob Sinclair: And where do the Solomon sisters fall into that? Will Prydor: We’ll save that discussion for the next break between rounds, Bob. Will Prydor: That round was more to Rose’s liking. Both grapplers are back to even footing going into round three. Bob Sinclair: So, as you were saying before, the Solomons. Are they students of yours now two despite being professionals for several years? Will Prydor: Not in the truest definition, Bob. Tell me, how familiar are you with baseball? Bob Sinclair: I still keep tabs on the St. Louis Redbirds, for what that’s worth. Will Prydor: All right. Then you’re familiar with the context of a “rehab stint,” then? Bob Sinclair: Ah. I get it, but for our overseas viewers who may not be familiar with the sport, explain it to them. Will Prydor: So a rehab stint in baseball is, at its simplest, designed for a major league player who is coming off of injury to slowly work their way back into facing top major-league-level talent. They’ll play games in the minor leagues, with teams that are affiliated with the team they are signed to, and work their way back to full game shape that way. Translating that to The League, both Solomon sisters have come to me to work off the ring rust and shore up the skills that have degraded over the years due to choices in their life. The upside is that Rebecca Solomon, whom you may know as Devil’s Angel, was recently given the green light to try to restart her own career after it was believed to be over. So now during my normal school hours Rebecca is largely working with me on her cardio and technical skills, and Jessica—Devil’s Delight—is working with my second to get her wings back under her. In a sense, they are rehabbing themselves back to as close to a form as they were prior to their entire lives going haywire. While they are doing that, they are also going through the Omega Division for more actual competition. Bob Sinclair: And during said Omega Division action, they fare solely on their own knowledge and skills. Will Prydor: Exactly. As it should be. Bob Sinclair: Things are starting to heat up in this match, Will. Will Prydor: Three rounds in, that’s about the time I expected before some of the actual serious holds came in to play. Rose looks like something in her neck may be starting to bother her, and I’m sure Rodriguez has seen this. Bob Sinclair: He most certainly has, Will, especially knowing that he’s got a Harmony of Dissonance lined up just waiting for the right moment to put Rose in it. Bob Sinclair: Rodriguez barely gets the hold applied before the bell rings to signal the end of the round! Will Prydor: I’m going to go ahead and say it, Bob. Indigo Rose was saved by the bell there. If Diego had put that on ten seconds earlier, he would have netted the first fall in this contest right there. Bob Sinclair: The other thing to ask, will Rose be ready for the start of round five? Will Prydor: She doesn’t have a choice. She has to be, or else she’s going to be down a fall real quick, Bob! Will Prydor: Well. That puts a new spin on things, too. Bob Sinclair: Both wrestlers being lacerated? Will Prydor: Indeed. The longer this match goes, the more likely it is that the ref eventually calls it off due to blood loss. I almost think that we’re going to see a little more aggression from both sides, either to focus on those lacerations or to try to get their two falls in before their opponent can make them bleed worse. Bob Sinclair: I have to say from my time here at the desk, Will, that the blood situation may actually give Rose an advantage. She doesn’t need to get the Vite d’Indaco applied on the larger Diego now. She can work on the head and with another Blood From a Rose or two, it’s a completely different match! Will Prydor: Exactly my point. This brings a new wrinkle into the gameplan for both wrestlers. This sixth round is going to show pretty much where we stand moving forward. Bob Sinclair: Twelve seconds! Can Rose hold on for that long? Will Prydor: Great ring positioning by Diego, Rose is fully in the center of the ring. Just a few more seconds… Bob Sinclair: And there’s the bell to end the round! Round six was heavily in favor of Diego, and Rose is starting to look battered in there, Will. Will Prydor: In addition to the laceration and the neck pain that seems to have been exacerbated over the last round or two, now she looks like she’s favoring her back and her left leg. The right arm may be following soon. She needs to find a fall, and fast, Bob. Otherwise she may be dissected so thoroughly that she could be throwing away her chances of success in the rest of this season! Bob Sinclair: Will there be enough time? Will Prydor: He’s about two feet from the ropes, Bob. As long as he doesn’t go astray, he might be able to pull them to the ropes to force a break…wait! Look at that! Bob Sinclair: Yeah, I clearly saw Rose gritting her teeth as if bracing herself before she arched herself even more. Extra pressure on the neck and legs of Diego— Will Prydor: He tapped! He just couldn’t make it to the ropes! First fall to Indigo Rose, and she desperately needed that! Bob Sinclair: Less than thirty seconds left in the round, Rose has scored the first fall…is there a way for her to get a second here, Will? Will Prydor: I doubt it, but I’ve been wrong before, Bob. Bob Sinclair: Round seven in the books, Rose has the first fall. Will, do you think she goes on to win this? Will Prydor: While I cannot rule out that possibility, Bob, allow me to look at this from Diego’s viewpoint. Sure, you’re down a fall and the ref has been watching you carefully for signs of blood loss. But look at how much pain you’ve inflicted on Rose so far. Basically, every part of her body is in pain somewhere—neck, back, left leg, right arm. You manage to weaken any of those further, you effectively take away her ability to fully apply the Vite d’Indaco, her best weapon. He’s still in this match, Bob. But he needs to even this up fast before it gets away from him. Will Prydor: And there are no ropes nearby to save him, Bob! This could be the match right here! Bob Sinclair: Rose is barely able to keep the pressure she wants on Diego, and I do not see her being able to arch up further for more pressure at this point. Five seconds left in the round, Diego might make it…two, one, and the round is over! Rose drops the hold, looking frustrated as maybe another five seconds is all she needed to put this one away! Will Prydor: Both wrestlers have been saved by the bell in this one now, Bob. Rose has suffered more damage, but she’s still up a fall and Diego’s maybe two of three more solid blows to the head from having the ref stop this one. I think the next round is the last one, Bob. Something’s going to have to give here and I think the next five minutes are going to be the breaking point. Will Prydor: This has got to do it, Bob. He’s in the center, and she is screaming in pain herself as she arches up as far as her injured back will take her! Bob Sinclair: Diego is trying to crawl on his elbows towards the ropes, but the blood loss is taking its toll as well…wait, is he out?! Will Prydor: I think he is, Bob…and so does the official as he calls for the bell! Indigo Rose pulls off the slight upset of Diego Rodriguez in what has to be one of the best matches I have seen in my life, Bob! Bob Sinclair: It certainly was a great match, Will. This is what I was hoping to see from these two, an epic encounter and I for one am glad I showed up to work today! Frankie Garnett: Man, am I glad I caught the back half of this! Will Prydor: Frankie, when did you get back here? Frankie Garnett: I was sitting off to the side there since about the start of round five. Lisa wasn’t feeling well and needed to rest after her treatment earlier today, so I came back into the gym. You know, Will, if all technical matches had the element of bloodletting in it, I’d enjoy them more! Will Prydor: Frankie the Barbaric, folks. Frankie Garnett: …can I trademark that? Will Prydor: I’ll allow it. Bob, may I have the floor for one last thing here while the ring crew replaces the canvas with a clean one for the remainder of our card tonight? Bob Sinclair: You’re the boss, Will. Who are we to stop you? Will Prydor: Thank you. (takes a moment to gather his thoughts as the camera zooms in on him) There’s someone in the locker room who seems to think I’m denying him his spot. Allegedly. That same someone seems to think, allegedly, that just because you’re the League Champion, it means that you should be the feature attraction even if other names are more marketable and draw in more money that is used to increase the pay of everyone on the roster. To that alleged person, I say this: you know where my office is. You have issues, you come to me directly. Bring as many of your sharp-dressed, allegedly Italian friends that you want with you. But believe me when I say this: if you come to my office, and you’re looking to start a fistfight…well, I may be retired from in-ring competition for two or three years, but that does not necessarily mean that I haven’t forgotten how to handle my business. If you come looking for a fight…you’re going to get one. This flightless bird, as I have been dubbed, doesn’t need to fly after all. He just needs to snap an ankle. Bob, Frankie, thanks for letting me intrude on y’all’s jobs here. I’ll get out of your hair now. For the rest of you folks watching on YouTube, I apologize for the next two minutes of ads—we have bills to pay here, too—and we’ll be right back for some action in the Alpha Division when we return! Indigo Rose (7-5) def. Diego Rodriguez (8-4), two falls to none, in 42:56. Rating: *****, Match of the Year Candidate Changes for Indigo Rose: OVR + 12.70, XP + 882.60, major damage to head, moderate damage to body and legs, minor damage to arms Changes for Diego Rodriguez: OVR + 4.49, XP + 306.90, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body and legs This was the Match of the Night (3 [1 this season] for Indigo Rose, 4 [1 this season] for Diego Rodriguez), and is the presumptive Match of the Season for Season Eleven. ALPHA DIVISION (8) De'siree Mitchell (3-8, OVR 518) vs. (2) George Mastachas (7-4, OVR 555)* So. How do you go out and follow that match? That’s the position Mastachas and Mitchell found themselves in. To their credit, they had a decent, competitive bout that was received decently as a cool-down match after the barnburner that had finished just minutes before. In this one, there was no blood, but just a sense of inevitability. Mitchell could not sustain the early advantage she had jumped out to, and the now-former League Champion made her pay for it. A Wrath of Zeus left zero doubt about the outcome of this one, as Mitchell’s chances in the Alpha Division are on life support! George Mastachas (8-4) def. De'siree Mitchell (3-9) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 15:28. Rating: *** Changes for George Mastachas: OVR + 5.03, XP + 792.06, minor damage to head Changes for De'siree Mitchell: OVR + 1.27, XP + 198.02, minor damage to head BETA DIVISION (1) Lucas Molina (9-2, OVR 514)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4, OVR 537) To be fair, this one could have been over at the twelve-minute point. Molina had Yoshii set up for any number of holds, but Nakamatsu kept finding ways to avoid the Maunabo Crab. After the third attempt to apply the hold failed, Nakamatsu fought his way back into the contest, even breaking out his submission signature, the Divine Wind, to wear Molina down. But Yoshii was never going to be able to out-do a technical master on the mat, and Molina made sure of that by finally getting the Crab applied on the eighth try. Yoshii had to tap, and with that basically sees his chance at promotion pass by until next season. Lucas Molina (10-2) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5) via Submission (Maunabo Crab) in 20:57. Rating: *** Changes for Lucas Molina: OVR + 5.40, XP + 690.16, minor damage to head Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu: OVR + 1.36, XP + 172.54, minor damage to head and legs ALPHA DIVISION (3) Brandy McDonald (6-5, OVR 544) vs. (4) Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-6, OVR 543)* If not for two or three minutes of sustained Ouilette offense, this would have been as close as one could get to a squash in the top flight. Brandy controlled the vast majority of this (despite interference from Cecile Corine some five minutes into the contest), though Ouilette’s offense did allow him at one point to attempt a Fleur de Lis (and miss badly). In the end, Ouilette’s poor form in recent weeks continues, as he drops one he really needed to ensure his position is safe next season, while McDonald keeps up pretenses in the hopes of making a big run next season at the League Championship. Brandy McDonald (7-5) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-7) via Pinfall (Brandy with a Twist) in 12:51. Rating: ** Changes for Brandy McDonald: OVR + 3.64, XP + 729.25, no notable damage Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette: OVR + 0.41, XP + 145.85, minor damage to head and body GAMMA DIVISION (y-1) Monty Dhillon (11-0, OVR 563)* vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (5-6, OVR 513) Everything that was said in the previous Alpha Division match? Yeah, basically the same thing applies here, except that there was no manager to run interference. Weathers had just barely gotten Dhillon to the point where Weathers could unleash some of his better power moves, only to walk right into an Empire Bomb and the quick pinfall. The overwhelming favorite makes it 12 in a row, and only two hurdles remain in his path! Monty Dhillon (12-0) def. Big Scott Weathers (5-7) via Pinfall (Empire Bomb) in 10:54. Rating: ** Changes for Monty Dhillon: OVR + 3.55, XP + 558.02, no notable damage Changes for Big Scott Weathers: OVR + 0.40, XP + 139.50, minor damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (4) Mel O'Hallister (5-6, OVR 554) vs. (6) Brian Blackfield (4-7, OVR 584)* If The Juggernaut ever needed a win, it was here and now. However, nothing came easy for either man in this Match of the Night contender. Blackfield got out to an early, and decisive lead—he was looking for Tartan Effects before O’Hallister was even thinking beyond side headlocks, for crying out loud—but the sheer stubbornness of O’Hallister kept him in this match for a lot longer than many would have expected. Eventually O’Hallister had Blackfield open for perhaps the Irish Clover, but on this night it would be The Juggernaut who would not be denied the submission victory. It took four or five attempts but Blackfield eventually locked in the Highland’s Wrath, and finishes the season sweep over O’Hallister. The win may have single-handedly salvaged his chance for staying in the Alpha Division next season. Brian Blackfield (5-7) def. Mel O'Hallister (5-7) via Submission (Highland’s Wrath) in 18:55. Rating: *** Changes for Brian Blackfield: OVR + 5.26, XP + 794.76, minor damage to head Changes for Mel O'Hallister: OVR + 1.33, XP + 198.69, minor damage to head and body ALPHA DIVISION (7) The Mastodon (4-7, OVR 545) vs. (y-1) Nuclear Templeton (10-1, OVR 578)* Templeton came to the ring with the League Championship belt in hand, his attitude turned up to eleven. On commentary, Bob Sinclair noted that the last time Templeton had won the League Championship, the very next week he lost his match. Frankie Garnett implored Bob to keep it down, he didn’t want to get on the wrong side of Tony Mortis at ringside. It would turn out that Bob would actually call this one pretty much as it happened. Templeton had some solid offense in, including a Radiation Spike near the end of the match, but when Mastodon countered a strong charging forearm with Cull the Weak, that swung the match completely in Mastodon’s favor. The Rampage came about a minute later, and Mastodon scores the upset win over the newly-crowned League Champion! The Mastodon (5-7) def. Nuclear Templeton (10-2) via Pinfall (Rampage) in 15:05. Rating: *** Changes for The Mastodon: OVR + 5.01, XP + 791.77, minor damage to head Changes for Nuclear Templeton: OVR + 1.26, XP + 197.94, moderate damage to head BETA DIVISION (2) Christian Priest (8-3, OVR 607)* vs. (5) Billy Norris (6-5, OVR 537) The main event of the evening was mostly one-sided, but it was entertaining enough in its brevity to rate well with the fans in attendance. Norris was able to avoid several hard shots from priest, and some of the larger man’s big moves, but Priest was simply too powerful and too much on this night. It took three attempts to land Judgement, but it eventually connected with Priest still largely unscathed, and Priest has all but assured himself a spot in the Alpha Division next season, as he prepares for what is likely to be a division-deciding clash next week with Lucas Molina in European Rules…. Christian Priest (9-3) def. Billy Norris (6-6) via Pinfall (Judgement) in 7:27. Rating: *** Changes for Christian Priest: OVR + 4.50, XP + 681.04, no notable damage Changes for Billy Norris: OVR + 1.14, XP + 170.26, minor damage to head /\/\/\/\/\/\ STANDINGS AFTER WEEK TWELVE x – clinched promotion y – clinched division title z – clinched relegation ALPHA DIVISION y-1. Nuclear Templeton: 10-2, ATV 18:02, (AMR 2.583), OVR 578.80 2. George Mastachas: 8-4, ATV 14:37, (AMR 2.333), OVR 560.34 3. Brandy McDonald: 7-5, ATV 15:03, (AMR 2.417), OVR 547.22 4. Brian Blackfield: 5-7, ATV 19:08, (AMR 2.250), OVR 589.25 5. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 5-7, ATV 19:12, (AMR 2.250), OVR 542.98 6. Mel O'Hallister: 5-7, ATV 17:00, (AMR 2.833), OVR 554.98 7. The Mastodon: 5-7, ATV 16:27, (AMR 2.833), OVR 550.38 8. De'siree Mitchell: 3-9, ATV 13:37, (AMR 2.833), OVR 519.22 The 5-7 logjam is broken as follows: …Blackfield has the best combined record against the others at 5-7. He is 4-1 versus Ouilette’s 4-2, O’Hallister’s 2-4, and Mastodon’s 1-4. ……Of the three remaining, Ouilette (3-1) has a better combined record against O’Hallister (2-2) and Mastodon (1-3). ………O’Hallister then has tiebreaker due to a season sweep of Mastodon. BETA DIVISION 1. Lucas Molina: 10-2, ATV 14:12 (AMR 2.500), OVR 519.19 2. Christian Priest: 9-3, ATV 11:38 (AMR 2.583), OVR 611.99 3. Reverend Johnny Gross: 8-4, ATV 12:29 (AMR 2.333), OVR 536.28 4. Yoshii Nakamatsu: 7-5, ATV 11:11 (AMR 2.167), OVR 538.42 5. Billy Norris: 6-6, ATV 9:53 (AMR 2.667), OVR 538.26 6. Pulsar: 4-8, ATV 8:48 (AMR 2.667), OVR 503.78 7. Angela Wassermann: 3-9, ATV 12:45 (AMR 2.167), OVR 493.52 z-8. Blood River: 1-11, ATV 10:39 (AMR 2.250), OVR 511.84 GAMMA DIVISION y-1. Monty Dhillon: 12-0, ATV 9:16, (AMR 2.083), OVR 566.71 2. Diego Rodriguez: 8-4, ATV 11:43, (AMR 2.583), OVR 546.71 3. Kichi Hida: 7-5, ATV 10:44, (AMR 2.417), OVR 493.92 4. Indigo Rose: 7-5, ATV 17:32, (AMR 2.333), OVR 527.82 5. Big Scott Weathers: 5-7, ATV 12:11, (AMR 2.167), OVR 512.97 6. Markus Clay: 4-8, ATV 9:54, (AMR 2.250), OVR 496.66 7. Lance Heartilly: 4-8, ATV 14:45, (AMR 2.083), OVR 465.33 z-8. Terrance Stevens: 1-11, ATV 10:48, (AMR 2.417), OVR 495.69 Both ties in this division are broken by victory time over the opponent. DELTA DIVISION 1. Nocturne: 9-3, ATV 11:24 (AMR 2.083), OVR 463.99 2. Rock Sheridan: 8-4, ATV 9:41 (AMR 2.750), OVR 440.05 3. Diamond: 7-5, ATV 9:29 (AMR 2.417), OVR 509.73 4. Leon de Ramos: 7-5, ATV 12:07 (AMR 2.500), OVR 434.38 5. Scott Stevens: 5-7, ATV 8:46 (AMR 2.167), OVR 442.46 6. Sterling Silver: 5-7, ATV 8:36 (AMR 2.333), OVR 469.52 7. Mickey Steele: 5-7, ATV 8:12 (AMR 2.500), OVR 426.98 8. George Stevens: 2-10, ATV 10:35 (AMR 2.583), OVR 417.38 7-5 is broken by simple H2H 5-7: S. Stevens has the better combined H2H record, then Silver has the better victory time over Steele PREDICTION STANDINGS (Reminder: The official scores will have the lowest two weeks dropped at the end of the season, and are ranked below accordingly.) 1. Eternal Phoenix: 116 (Total Score: 134. This week: 12. Drop Weeks: 2 and 4 [8 / 10]) 2. Croquemitaine: 110 (Total Score: 127. This week: 13. Drop Weeks: 1 and 4 [8 / 9]) 3. Derek B: 102 (Total Score: 112. This week: 7. Drop Weeks: 1 and 2 [4 / 6]) 4. Jman2k3: 70 (Total Score: 70. This week: 0. Drop Weeks: 6 and 11 [0 / 0]) 5. SeanMcG: 68 (Total Score: 68. This week: 0. Drop Weeks: 9 and 10 [0 / 0]) WEEK THIRTEEN CARD The * in each pairing denotes the winner of the previous match this season ALPHA DIVISION (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-7, OVR 543) vs. (y-1) Nuclear Templeton (10-2, OVR 579)* [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 1 - 0] (4) Brian Blackfield (5-7, OVR 589)* vs. (7) The Mastodon (5-7, OVR 550) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 1 - 0] (2) George Mastachas (8-4, OVR 560) vs. (6) Mel O'Hallister (5-7, OVR 555)* [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 2] (8) De'siree Mitchell (3-9, OVR 519) vs. (3) Brandy McDonald (7-5, OVR 547)* [Career: Brandy McDonald, 5 - 2] BETA DIVISION EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (1) Lucas Molina (10-2, OVR 519)* vs. (2) Christian Priest (9-3, OVR 612) [Career: Christian Priest, 3 – 2. European Rules Records: Priest 2 – 0, Molina 0 – 1.] (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-5, OVR 538)* vs. (6) Pulsar (4-8, OVR 504) [Career: Yoshii Nakamatsu, 3 - 0] (z-8) Blood River (1-11, OVR 512) vs. (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (8-4, OVR 536)* [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 1] (5) Billy Norris (6-6, OVR 538)* vs. (7) Angela Wassermann (3-9, OVR 494) [Career: Billy Norris, 6 - 1] GAMMA DIVISION (5) Big Scott Weathers (5-7, OVR 513) vs. (2) Diego Rodriguez (8-4, OVR 547)* [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 1 - 0] TABLES MATCH: (y-1) Monty Dhillon (12-0, OVR 567)* vs. (7) Lance Heartilly (4-8, OVR 465) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 2 – 1. Tables Records: Dhillon 1 – 1.] (z-8) Terrance Stevens (1-11, OVR 496) vs. (4) Indigo Rose (7-5, OVR 528)* [Career: Indigo Rose, 3 - 2] (6) Markus Clay (4-8, OVR 497)* vs. (3) Kichi Hida (7-5, OVR 494) [Career: Markus Clay, 1 - 0] DELTA DIVISION (2) Rock Sheridan (8-4, OVR 440)* vs. (3) Diamond (7-5, OVR 510) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 1 - 0] (4) Leon de Ramos (7-5, OVR 434)* vs. (1) Nocturne (9-3, OVR 464) [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0] SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Sterling Silver (5-7, OVR 470)* vs. (8) George Stevens (2-10, OVR 417) [Career: Sterling Silver, 1 – 0. Submission Match records: Stevens 0 – 1.] (7) Mickey Steele (5-7, OVR 427) vs. (5) Scott Stevens (5-7, OVR 442)* [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 - 0] TRAINING AND PREDICTION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024 AT 11:59 PM EASTERN US! (A REMINDER TO THOSE OUTSIDE THE US, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS IS NOW IN EFFECT HERE SO THE EASTERN US IS TREATED AS UTC-4, NOT THE USUAL UTC-5. PLEASE CALIBRATE YOUR TIMEPIECES ACCORDINGLY!)
  17. Show is being posted tomorrow due to errands needing to be done this morning during my usual “put final touches on writing the show” time. Sorry, folks. This whole “adulting” thing comes first.
  18. Highlighting this to save for another time as a reminder to myself that I need to pull a Will Prydor promo out of hibernation at some point to respond to this, maybe during the offseason. Though I will at some point actually discuss the way the card is structured and how the match order is done at some point before the end of the season as that's another "behind the curtain" peek that might be enlightening for those who care. Anyhow, on to the real reason for this post.... CLINCH SIMULATION REPORTING After Season Eleven, Week Eleven: Three weeks remaining POSSIBLE SCENARIOS REMAINING PER DIVISION: 4096 AUTHOR’S NOTE: When I mention “tied for second” or “tied for seventh”, I mean any scenarios where whomever wins/loses the tiebreaker would be in second or seventh place in the standings, respectively. As an example: if the bottom of a division had 5-9, 5-9, 5-9, 1-13 for positions five through eight, all those 5-9 records would be considered “tied for seventh” and thus at risk of relegation depending on who lost the tiebreakers, even though the common parlance is “tied for fifth” as that’s the highest one could reach. On the upper half, a look of 9-5, 9-5, 9-5. 6-8 would have the top three positions technically “tied for second” in my outlooks below, even if whoever lost the tiebreakers would not be promoted. Keep this in mind especially for Delta Division, as the drop to Omega happens from fifth-place on down for GMPCs and tertiary PCs. ALPHA DIVISION—LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP Nuclear Templeton has clinched the League Championship. With a three-match lead plus the tiebreaker in hand with three weeks remaining, there is no way that he can fall to second place. This means that George Mastachas’ 1.563% chance of equaling Nuclear’s win total is in vain anyway. The attention in the Alpha Division now shifts to the bottom of the division, and who’s being relegated back to Beta. ALPHA DIVISION--RELEGATION Going by the numbers, six people can still be at risk for relegation (and indeed, 20 scenarios exist where third place on back have to resort to tiebreakers to determine who fills the bottom two positions). It’s still most likely that a clear bottom two will emerge, or that a tiebreaker is what will decide seventh place, likely between some combination of De’siree Mitchell, The Mastodon, and Brian Blackfield. BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse): The author will be going more into detail for those wrestlers who are most likely to fall into the promotion/relegation zone, since they are the ones most likely to be relevant at this stage of the season. De’siree Mitchell (3-8): 3,885 scenarios (94.849%) ……Remaining matches: George Mastachas, Brandy McDonald, Jean-Paul Ouilette …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Mastodon (season sweep), beats Blackfield (victory time) The Mastodon (4-7): 2,538 scenarios (61.963%) ……Remaining matches: Nuclear Templeton, Brian Blackfield, Brandy McDonald (last one standing) …………Tiebreakers: Beats Mitchell (season sweep), pending (currently losing) against Blackfield Brian Blackfield (4-7): 2,532 scenarios (61.816%) ……Remaining matches: Mel O’Hallister, The Mastodon, George Mastachas …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Mitchell (victory time), pending (currently winning) against Mastodon Relegation-Clinching Scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: None yet. The Mitchell tiebreaker against Blackfield is the primary reason nothing can be determined yet. And while they are not listed above, Mitchell also holds the tiebreakers over O’Hallister and Ouilette. There are a lot of moving parts to account for, and as such there is no guaranteed way for Mitchell to lock in relegation this week. Others technically at risk: Mel O’Hallister (5-6): 889 scenarios (21.704%) Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-6): 858 scenarios (20.947%) Brandy McDonald (6-5): 208 scenarios (5.078%) BETA DIVISION—PROMOTION TO ALPHA The late surge by Christian Priest has made the Beta Division effectively a two-man race with three others having long shots to fight their way in. Those wanting chaos are encouraged to root for one of the 68 ways that five people can be in contention for two spots, as everyone from Billy Norris and forward are mathematically still in contention. BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better): Lucas Molina (9-2): 3,960 scenarios (96.680%) ……Remaining Matches: Yoshii Nakamatsu, Christian Priest (European), Blood River …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently winning) against Priest, loses to Gross (victory time), pending (currently winning) against Nakamatsu Christian Priest (8-3): 3,344 scenarios (81.641%) ……Remaining Matches: Billy Norris, Lucas Molina (European), Angela Wassermann …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently losing) against Molina, loses to Gross (victory time), beats Nakamatsu (victory time) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4): 1,424 scenarios (34.766%) ……Remaining Matches: Lucas Molina, Pulsar, Billy Norris …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently losing) against Molina, loses to Priest (victory time), loses to Gross (season sweep) Reverend Johnny Gross (7-4): 1,348 scenarios (32.910%) ……Remaining Matches: Angela Wassermann, Blood River, Pulsar …………Tiebreakers: Beats Molina (victory time), beats Priest (victory time), beats Nakamatsu (season sweep) Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: None. It is likely that the week thirteen European Rules match between Molina and Priest will change this. Others technically in the hunt: Billy Norris (6-5): 432 scenarios (10.547%) BETA DIVISION--RELEGATION One spot is already claimed* by Blood River. The question becomes who takes the second spot? While four people could technically be fighting for two safe spots, we all know it’s likely to be down to Pulsar and Wassermann to determine the second relegation spot, though the author’s spreadsheet has alerted him to one incredulous chain of events that could happen… BY THE NUMBERS: Blood River (1-10): Apparently, my sheet shows that he has about a 1-in-250 chance (16 scenarios, 0.390%) to avoid relegation. He needs the following to happen to make that a reality: River and Gross both win in week 12; Norris, Nakamatsu, and River win in week 13; and finally Gross, Priest, and River win in week 14. Any deviance in those eight matches specifically, and River is relegated. But the possibility does exist according to my spreadsheet, and it deserves to be documented for posterity here even though I am already mentally checking him off as being relegated. ……Remaining Matches: Pulsar, Yoshii Nakamatsu, Lucas Molina …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently losing) against Pulsar, beats Wassermann (victory time) Angela Wassermann (3-8): 2,736 scenarios (66.797%) ……Remaining Matches: Reverend Johnny Gross, Billy Norris, Christian Priest …………Tiebreakers: Loses to River (victory time), beats Pulsar (season sweep) Pulsar (3-8): 2,720 scenarios (66.406%) ……Remaining Matches: Blood River, Yoshii Nakamatsu, Billy Norris …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently winning) against River, loses to Wassermann (season sweep) Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: River loss OR Wassermann win: Blood River is relegated. The second spot will not be determined for at least another week. Others technically at risk: Billy Norris (6-5): 16 scenarios (0.390%) GAMMA DIVISION—PROMOTION It’s a race for the second spot, and unlike some past seasons this one also appears to be wrapped up as well. Kichi Hida needs a lot to go right for her to overtake Diego Rodriguez for the second transfer spot, though Indigo Rose has a very slightly better chance of doing so. The bigger news to watch in the upper half of the standings is whether Monty Dhillon can complete a 14-0 season of his own; he’s only three matches away from it. BY THE NUMBERS: Monty Dhillon (11-0): Clinched the Gamma Division title in Week Eleven. ……Remaining Matches: Big Scott Weathers, Lance Heartilly (tables), Indigo Rose Diego Rodriguez (8-3): 3,920 scenarios (95.703%) ……Remaining Matches: Indigo Rose (European), Big Scott Weathers, Markus Clay …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Dhillon (season sweep), loses to Hida (victory time), pending (currently winning) against Rose. Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: Rodriguez win AND Hida loss: Diego Rodriguez clinches second promotion spot. Others technically in the hunt: Indigo Rose (6-5): 608 scenarios (14.844%) Kichi Hida (6-5): 400 scenarios (9.766%) Big Scott Weathers (5-6): 84 scenarios (2.051%) GAMMA DIVISION--RELEGATION Terrance Stevens is locked in for relegation, and odds are that Lance Heartilly is going with him. Only one other has any sort of remotely serious chance, while there exists three scenarios where everyone from Kichi Hida on back have to rely on tiebreakers to determine the second relegation spot. BY THE NUMBERS: Terrance Stevens (1-10): Has clinched relegation. …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Heartilly (season sweep), loses to Clay (victory time). Lance Heartilly (3-8): 3,440 scenarios (83.984%) ……Remaining Matches: Markus Clay, Monty Dhillon (tables), Kichi Hida …………Tiebreakers: Beats Stevens (season sweep), Pending (currently behind) to Clay, loses to Weathers (season sweep) Markus Clay (4-7): 1,520 scenarios (37.109%) ……Remaining Matches: Lance Heartilly, Kichi Hida, Diego Rodriguez …………Tiebreakers: beats Stevens (victory time), pending (currently ahead) to Heartilly, beats Weathers (victory time) Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: Clay win: Lance Heartilly is relegated. Others technically at risk: Big Scott Weathers (5-6): 256 scenarios (6.250%) Kichi Hida (6-5): 56 scenarios (1.367%) Indigo Rose (6-5): 14 scenarios (0.342%) Maximum Chaos: The six-way logjam for two relegation spots As previously mentioned, three scenarios exist for this to take place. The exact sequence of the remaining twelve matches for each scenario are as follows, with the winners for each week being shown: Scenario 1: Dhillon/Stevens/Lance/Diego + Stevens/Clay/Weathers/Lance + Clay/Lance/Dhillon/Stevens Scenario 2: Weathers/Stevens/Lance/Diego + Stevens/Clay/Diego/Lance + Clay/Lance/Dhillon/Stevens Scenario 3: Dhillon/Stevens/Lance/Diego + Stevens/Clay/Diego/Lance + Clay/Lance/Dhillon/Weathers Any of these three scenarios wind up with Heartilly, Clay, Weathers, Hida, and Rose all tied at 6-8, at which time tiebreakers would be employed. DELTA DIVISION—PROMOTION While not as wild as the Gamma Division, there exists ten scenarios where six people would be mathematically eligible for two promotion spots. As it stands, however, the heavy odds are on two out of the current top three, with Leon de Ramos being a dark horse and the others being longshots at best. BY THE NUMBERS (scenarios existing where a wrestler is tied for second or better): Nocturne (8-3): 3,840 scenarios (93.750%) ……Remaining Matches: Diamond, Leon de Ramos, Sterling Silver …………Tiebreakers: Beats Sheridan (season sweep), pending (currently winning) against Diamond, pending (currently losing) against de Ramos. Rock Sheridan (7-4): 2,672 scenarios (65.234%) ……Remaining Matches: Scott Stevens, Diamond, Mickey Steele …………Tiebreakers: Loses to Nocturne (season sweep), pending (currently winning) against Diamond, beats de Ramos (season sweep) Diamond (7-4): 2,592 scenarios (63.281%) ……Remaining Matches: Nocturne, Rock Sheridan, Leon de Ramos …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently losing) against Nocturne, pending (currently losing) against Sheridan, pending (currently winning) against de Ramos. Leon de Ramos (6-5): 1,008 scenarios (24.609%) ……Remaining Matches: George Stevens, Nocturne, Diamond …………Tiebreakers: Pending (currently winning) against Nocturne, loses to Sheridan (season sweep), pending (currently losing) against Diamond. Promotion-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: Nocturne win AND Sheridan loss: Nocturne clinches promotion. Also clinches the Delta Division title if de Ramos also loses. Others technically in the hunt: Scott Stevens (5-6): 168 scenarios (4.102%) Sterling Silver (5-6): 136 scenarios (3.320%) DELTA DIVISION—RELEGATION I touched on this earlier today, but here's the full write-up I had prepared. Technically speaking, the only people at risk of relegation back to Omega are Sterling Silver and Nocturne (GMPCs), and Rock Sheridan (EP’s third character). Everyone else is either a first or second PC, which are currently safe by the bylaws of The League (because we don’t have an abundance of other people wanting to join The League). Otherwise, George Stevens would be relegated, Mickey Steele is all but assured of a spot in the bottom half, and Scott Stevens would also likely be in trouble. According to the bylaws, however, only the following people would be at risk: BY THE NUMBERS: Sterling Silver (5-6): 3,712 scenarios (90.625%) ……Remaining Matches: Mickey Steele, George Stevens (submission), Nocturne …………Tiebreakers: Beats Leon (season sweep), loses to Rock (season sweep), loses to Diamond (season sweep), beats Scott (victory time) Relegation-clinching scenarios that can happen in Week Twelve: None. There needs to be a bit more separation between Silver and Scott Stevens to make relegation into Omega a threat at this time. Others technically at risk: Rock Sheridan (7-5): 659 scenarios (16.089%) Nocturne (8-4): 117 scenarios (2.856%)
  19. I will address this further tonight (I have the updated Clinch Simulation report to post and I meant to do that yesterday), but Leon (and Mickey, and George Stevens) is safe unless we get like three or four new handlers who want to join The League. As those are only secondary characters, they’re safe as the rules say 2 per handler is fine unless there’s too many handlers for not enough spots. PC wise, technically only Rock would be at risk, as he is EP’s third character (Hida and Molina are 1-2, and Joslin Baroni in Omega is 4). But given Rock’s position right now that may be a moot point.
  20. ALERT! ALERT! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! The League has its second-ever 5* MOTYC regular season match! And this one is well deserved. Now I have to go make up a match summary for what I thought was going to be the MOTN before this, which was a four-star affair. But there's your teaser of what's to come this week.
  21. Work vacation is over, back on the usual schedule this week. Initial edits tonight, most of the matches run tomorrow unless I get a wild hair and decide to cram everything into one evening tonight. PROGRAMMING NOTE: Astute readers may have already noticed this in the Table of Contents. The Week Fourteen show will be posted on Sunday, April 21 instead of the usual Saturday morning post I make. The reason for this is that on the 19th (Friday), I’m serving as the transportation (solely) for my roommate to attend a Sabaton concert in Newark, New Jersey that evening. …Yes, I know that it’s *technically* a Judas Priest concert but he’s only going because of Sabaton. Anyway, I’m expecting to be out late that Friday, and will spend most of Saturday trying to get myself in order, so the plan is to push the show back to the second half of the weekend. This is in addition to a mandatory work training on Wednesday that my supervisor and I have to attend and I’ve been drafted into being the transportation there as well. So that’s going to be a busy driving week for me. Whee!!!
  22. THE LEAGUE: SEASON ELEVEN, WEEK ELEVEN DELTA DIVISION FIRST BLOOD MATCH (2) Rock Sheridan (6-4, OVR 431)* vs. (4) Leon de Ramos (6-4, OVR 429) Leon knew coming in that he was an underdog. A technical wrestler in a first blood match is usually a recipe for disaster. So it should come as no surprise that Rock used his power and size to end this one quickly, a massive knee to the forehead being the final move of the match some seven minutes in. Sheridan maintains his spot on the second promotion place out of Delta, and once again the pressure is on young Nocturne to keep pace with the giant! Rock Sheridan (7-4) def. Leon de Ramos (6-5) via First Blood (running knee drop) in 7:03. Rating: ** Changes for Rock Sheridan: OVR + 4.02, XP + 483.38, no notable damage Changes for Leon de Ramos: OVR + 0.83, XP + 120.85, no notable damage DELTA DIVISION (1) Nocturne (7-3, OVR 457) vs. (7) Mickey Steele (4-6, OVR 422)* A more competitive match than the opener, though just as dull in the eyes of some viewers. In addition to an extremely rare sighting of a Path to Decay attempt (which failed), the one bright spot from the match was watching Nocturne go for a flying forearm, only to be caught in midair with a Steele Scissor. Unfortunately for the detective, he would not be able to connect with his lone shot at the Mickey Finn. It took Nocturne three tries and an accidental ref bump) to finally apply her submission, and avenge her loss to Steele earlier in the season while keeping herself ahead of Sheridan and company in the race for the division crown. Nocturne (8-3) def. Mickey Steele (4-7) via Submission (Midnight Solstice) in 12:54. Rating: ** Changes for Nocturne: OVR + 3.65, XP + 486.19, minor damage to head Changes for Mickey Steele: OVR + 0.41, XP + 121.55, minor damage to head DELTA DIVISION (6) Scott Stevens (4-6, OVR 438) vs. (5) Sterling Silver (5-5, OVR 468)* Silver had a tough time getting any traction to get started, and by the time she managed to get a little momentum on her side it was too little, too late. It took Stevens a pair of piledrivers to finish the job, as Silver barely got a foot on the ropes to break the pin attempt after the first one landed. But the second one left no doubt, and The Scorpion scores a minor upset, likely damning Silver to relegation back to Omega in what is already a very crowded Delta Division. Scott Stevens (5-6) def. Sterling Silver (5-6) via Pinfall (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 11:08. Rating: ** Changes for Scott Stevens: OVR + 3.56, XP + 485.34, minor damage to head Changes for Sterling Silver: OVR + 0.40, XP + 121.34, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body DELTA DIVISION (8) George Stevens (2-8, OVR 415) vs. (3) Diamond (6-4, OVR 505)* Delta saved their best match for last, though it could be argued that it was because of the brevity of the contest. Stevens was largely unable to bring his power game to the mix, and capitalized more on Diamond’s mistakes than anything. The problem of utilizing almost solely counteroffensive maneuvers would be his undoing, though, as Diamond got on the attack one time too many and landed a cutter for her efforts, and the victory. She’s not out of the promotion race yet either, as she stays right on Sheridan’s heels in an attempt to go back into the Gamma Division. Diamond (7-4) def. George Stevens (2-9) via Pinfall (24 Karat Kiss) in 7:09. Rating: *** Changes for Diamond: OVR + 4.48, XP + 523.72, no notable damage Changes for George Stevens: OVR + 1.13, XP + 130.93, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (6) Big Scott Weathers (4-6, OVR 509)* vs. (7) Lance Heartilly (3-7, OVR 460) Not a terribly exciting start to Gamma Division action this week, either. Lance had an early advantage, but kind of squandered it away when he was unable to chain any sustained offense together for long. Weathers had no such issues, and used his experience to hit Heartilly below the belt twice without the ref ever seeing it. The second one would be enough, as Weathers claims an important tiebreaker in the push to avoid relegation; Heartilly needs to win out at this point without a single Weathers loss to push Weathers into danger of dropping into Delta! Big Scott Weathers (5-6) def. Lance Heartilly (3-8) via Pinfall (low blow) in 14:15. Rating: ** Changes for Big Scott Weathers: OVR + 3.71, XP + 559.87, minor damage to head Changes for Lance Heartilly: OVR + 0.42, XP + 139.97, no notable damage GAMMA DIVISION (4) Indigo Rose (5-5, OVR 510)* vs. (5) Markus Clay (4-6, OVR 494) The first true Match of the Night contender, Rose nearly let this one get away from her. She had control for most of the opening part of the contest, but seemed to hesitate a bit in the middle section which allowed Clay to get himself up to speed. Not even a pair of Blood From a Roses seemed to slow Clay down. It was not until he went for a springboard senton and missed that Rose finally had the opening she had failed to capitalize on three times earlier in the contest. The Vite d’Indaco was finally applied, Clay was forced to tap, and the win all but assures Rose that she will be spending Season Twelve in the Gamma Division once again. Indigo Rose (6-5) def. Markus Clay (4-7) via Submission (Vite d’Indaco) in 13:18. Rating: *** Changes for Indigo Rose: OVR + 4.89, XP + 605.95, minor damage to head Changes for Markus Clay: OVR + 1.23, XP + 151.49, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (2) Diego Rodriguez (7-3, OVR 537)* vs. (8) Terrance Stevens (1-9, OVR 492) This was really two matches rolled up into one. In the first one, Rodriguez could muster limited offense, seeming to flounder as Stevens went about his business. But Stevens got a bit too lackadaisical in his approach, and that opened the door for Rodriguez to finally get back in the contest. The second match of this two-part-that-is-really-a-single-part match was Rodriguez rolling out all of the classic technical hits he’s known for. While Stevens knew to avoid a stump puller, he left himself vulnerable to a Discordant Melody, and that is what earned Rodriguez the victory in this Match of the Night contender. The loss, combined with the Weathers win earlier on, confirms that Terrance Stevens is being relegated to the Delta Division for Season Twelve, and is the first person to “earn” the dreaded z next to their ranking in the weekly summary. Diego Rodriguez (8-3) def. Terrance Stevens (1-10) via Submission (Discordant Melody) in 18:11. Rating: *** Changes for Diego Rodriguez: OVR + 5.21, XP + 608.87, moderate damage to head Changes for Terrance Stevens: OVR + 1.32, XP + 152.22, minor damage to head BETA DIVISION (1) Lucas Molina (8-2, OVR 510)* vs. (7) Pulsar (3-7, OVR 499) Molina stumbled a bit last week in his quest for the Beta Division crown, but that did not seem to affect him this week. A rather clinical dissection of Pulsar, broken up by patches of lucha-flavored offense, was the course of events here. Pulsar did kick out of a San Juan Buster, to Molina’s surprise, but there was no escaping the Molina Bodylock when it got applied. Lucas corrects course after last week’s misstep, and continues to be on pace to earn the division title as he, and a lot of others, look now to tonight’s main event… Lucas Molina (9-2) def. Pulsar (3-8) via Submission (Molina Bodylock) in 14:27. Rating: ** Changes for Lucas Molina: OVR + 3.72, XP + 633.02, no notable damage Changes for Pulsar: OVR + 0.42, XP + 158.25, minor damage to head and legs BETA DIVISION (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (6-4, OVR 534)* vs. (6) Angela Wassermann (3-7, OVR 493) This one, while not a squash, was never in doubt. Nakamatsu was on point throughout, and was never in any real danger against Wassermann. The rarely-seen Nakamatsu Driver made an appearance here to seal the victory, and Yoshii remains in the hunt for promotion. He becomes yet another interested observer in tonight’s main event, while Wassermann finds that whatever cushion she had from the bottom of the Beta Division may have just gone out the window. Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4) def. Angela Wassermann (3-8) via Pinfall (Nakamatsu Driver) in 9:00. Rating: ** Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu: OVR + 3.45, XP + 629.62, no notable damage Changes for Angela Wassermann: OVR + 0.39, XP + 157.40, moderate damage to head BETA DIVISION HARDCORE MATCH (5) Billy Norris (5-5, OVR 532)* vs. (8) Blood River (1-9, OVR 510) As normal, a League Hardcore match simply meant “both wrestlers can use eye pokes, questionable tactics, and not be chastised for it” instead of the more traditional weapons-and-plunder showcase. While River should have been more in his element here, he simply could not keep up with Norris on this night. Sure, both men got their share of offense in and sure, this ended up being a sprint of a Match of the Night contender, but this match ended up very decisively in favor of Norris. River could only miss so much high-risk offense before he was made to pay for it, and Norris made sure he did in fact pay for it by capping it off with a Bonzer Splash. Billy Norris (6-5) def. Blood River (1-10) via Pinfall (Bonzer Splash) in 9:50. Rating: *** Changes for Billy Norris: OVR + 4.66, XP + 682.65, no notable damage Changes for Blood River: OVR + 1.18, XP + 170.66, minor damage to head GAMMA DIVISION (3) Kichi Hida (6-4, OVR 487) vs. (1) Monty Dhillon (10-0, OVR 560)* Many pundits saw this as the last major hurdle for Dhillon to clear on his path to perfection. Which, to be fair, is a valid point—entering this season the career series was tied at two wins apiece. The first ninety seconds were all Hida on offense, as she looked to cut down Monty in a hurry. Dhillon’s experience against her allowed him to ride out the early storm and by four minutes into the contest, Dhillon looked to have things well in hand. Hida would fight back, a barrage of stiff strikes putting Monty in a bit of trouble, but the momentum was clearly on the side of the Canadian this week. A 1346 chained into a Blockade Lock did the trick, and Monty is three wins away from running the table as he claims the Gamma Division title in the process! Monty Dhillon (11-0) def. Kichi Hida (6-5) via Submission (Blockade Lock) in 9:21. Rating: ** Changes for Monty Dhillon: OVR + 3.47, XP + 557.16, minor damage to head Changes for Kichi Hida: OVR + 0.39, XP + 139.29, minor damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (6) The Mastodon (4-6, OVR 544) vs. (5) Mel O'Hallister (4-6, OVR 547)* Bob Sinclair: It’s time now for our opening match in the Alpha Division this week, and this a match of two men who had such great expectations for the season, and simply failed to live up to them. Frankie Garnett: It’s tough competition in the Alpha Division, Bob. Both of these men just ran headlong into a walking time bomb that is Nuclear Templeton, and a chaser of George Mastachas did them no favors either. Bob Sinclair: Regardless, there’s still plenty to fight for here, as a win would give a little bit of clearance from the relegation zone, and a chance to maybe breathe easier next week. Frankie Garnett: See, Bob, this is why I love the end of a season. All of the drama and moving parts, makes things interesting! Bob Sinclair: And not the fact that you don’t have to work for a little while? Frankie Garnett: Well, there’s that too. Bob Sinclair: Regardless, both men look ready, and we are under way in the Alpha Division for Week Eleven! Frankie Garnett: Bob, I’ve been meaning to ask this for a while now. Bob Sinclair: Go ahead… Frankie Garnett: How does O’Hallister have such a hard head? I expect that traditionally from the Samoan dynasty in wrestling, but Mel’s quite clearly Irish. Bob Sinclair: Have you ever tried to tell an Irish man to do something he didn’t want to, Frankie? Frankie Garnett: Well, yeah, but that’s just being stubborn, not thick-skulled. Bob Sinclair: Apparently O’Hallister never got that memo. Frankie Garnett: …I know they say that 90% of this game is half mental but that puts a whole new spin on things! Bob Sinclair: …And Mel just responded by saying something we cannot repeat on YouTube due to our sponsors. Frankie Garnett: Bob, I didn’t think it was possible to place a head in that particular spot! Bob Sinclair: Right, moving on before Frankie gets us in trouble with the sponsors instead…. Bob Sinclair: Mastodon’s feeling a good bit of momentum here, Frankie. One or two more hard shots like that and it could be Rampage time. Frankie Garnett: And it doesn’t matter how hard O’Hallister’s head is, the neck is quite vulnerable! Bob Sinclair: I have a feeling that this referee is not going ot make O’Hallister’s Christmas card list this year, Frankie. Frankie Garnett: Bold of you to presume he celebrates Christmas, Bob. Bob Sinclair: Come again? Frankie Garnett: Yeah, turns out O’Hallister adheres more to Norse Paganism. Bob Sinclair: And just how did you learn that? Frankie Garnett: Heard him talking about it backstage to someone. Bob Sinclair: Well I’ll be… Frankie Garnett: Oh, this just got interesting! Bob Sinclair: And if I did not know better, I’d swear that Mel purposefully smacked the official with his elbow. He and the official have been at odds all evening! Frankie Garnett: …oh, this is clever! The impact of that drop onto the ringside mats, not as forgiving as in the ring. Mastodon’s not getting an adrenaline rush from that, and Mel thinks he can just wait out the count! Bob Sinclair: Folks, if looks could kill, Mastodon would have won this one by forfeit after Mel was spontaneously set ablaze by the official. But as the count reaches six, Mastodon is finally starting to show some signs of life, though he’s barely moving at the count of seven! Frankie Garnett: He’s not gonna make it, Bob. Mel’s going to steal one here and I am all for it! Bob Sinclair: There’s eight…Mastodon to one knee as the count reaches nine…and ten! This one is over, O’Hallister steals a win by countout! Frankie Garnett: A win is a win, Bob, and I’m sure O’Hallister is going to sleep with a clean conscience tonight! That plan may have just saved his Alpha Division hopes for another season! Bob Sinclair: Regardless, folks, we’ll be right back after some obligatory ads to pay the bills—I know, boo ads—but we’ll be back shortly! Mel O'Hallister (5-6) def. The Mastodon (4-7) via Countout (Dream of the Emerald Isle) in 22:22. Rating: **** Changes for Mel O'Hallister: OVR + 6.31, XP + 1008.79, moderate damage to head Changes for The Mastodon: OVR + 1.76, XP + 364.70, major damage to head, minor damage to body This was the Match of the Night (8 [2 this season] for Mel O'Hallister, 9 [3 this season] for The Mastodon) ALPHA DIVISION (1) Nuclear Templeton (9-1, OVR 572)* vs. (7) De'siree Mitchell (3-7, OVR 517) A win here, plus a Mastachas loss, gives Templeton his second League Championship. Mitchell was looking to play spoiler as well as to slightly improve her chances of avoiding relegation. This was a solid Match of the Night contender, that could have ended suddenly on multiple occasions. Mitchell seemed to be fighting with a hint of desperation in her attacks, being more aggressive than viewers are used to seeing. However, Nuclear seemed to take it in stride, and didn’t even panic when Mitchell set up the All Out Blitz, instead countering it by letting her run face-first into the sole of his boot. It was less than a minute later that Nuclear connected with the lariat, and his part for the week is done. If Mastachas falls to Brandy McDonald in the next match, Templeton clinches the League Championship! Nuclear Templeton (10-1) def. De'siree Mitchell (3-8) via Pinfall (Armageddon Lariat) in 17:54. Rating: *** Changes for Nuclear Templeton: OVR + 5.19, XP + 793.96, minor damage to head Changes for De'siree Mitchell: OVR + 1.31, XP + 198.49, minor damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (4) Brandy McDonald (5-5, OVR 540) vs. (2) George Mastachas (7-3, OVR 555)* All of the pressure was on Mastachas here, given the stakes in this match. Unlike last season, when he thrived under the pressure, he collapsed this time out. In what was just barely above a squash, the Season Eight Champion had her way with the Season Ten Champion, and this match was never in doubt from about five minutes in. McDonalld applied her bulldog choke just before the twelve-minute mark, and Mastachas tried to get to the ropes to force the break, only to pass out six inches from them. McDonald wins by technical submission, and as a result Nuclear Templeton is the first person in League history to win more than one League Championship! Brandy McDonald (6-5) def. George Mastachas (7-4) via Submission (Hair of the Dog) in 12:17. Rating: ** Changes for Brandy McDonald: OVR + 3.61, XP + 728.84, no notable damage Changes for George Mastachas: OVR + 0.41, XP + 182.21, minor damage to head ALPHA DIVISION (3) Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-5, OVR 541)* vs. (8) Brian Blackfield (3-7, OVR 578) The penultimate match of the evening was a Match of the Night contender and deservedly so. Blackfield looked like he had this one locked up about eight minutes in, but was unable to find a combination to keep Ouilette down. The Frenchman would storm back, a flurry of offense that had Blackfield reeling for a couple of minutes before Blackfield used a blindside high knee to send Ouilette to ringside. The few seconds this bought Blackfield to regain his composure would be vital, as Ouilette found his offense largely countered by Brian at this point, even with Cecile Corine running interference to give Ouilette the offensive a couple of times. A Tartan Effect yielded a very long two, but a follow-up Destroyer did the job. Blackfield finally gets another win in the Alpha Division, but has it come too late to help him avoid relegation? Brian Blackfield (4-7) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-6) via Pinfall (Scotland Destroyer) in 23:38. Rating: *** Changes for Brian Blackfield: OVR + 5.58, XP + 798.43, moderate damage to head Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette: OVR + 1.41, XP + 159.69, major damage to head BETA DIVISION (2) Reverend Johnny Gross (7-3, OVR 532)* vs. (3) Christian Priest (7-3, OVR 602) Trivia question: without looking back, what was the last match to main event that either 1) was not in the Alpha Division, or 2) featured Brian Blackfield? The answer: Season 10, Week 13—Priest vs. Molina in European Rules. Priest gets to break the Alpha Division’s stranglehold on the main event again, as the highly-anticipated rematch with Reverend Gross got underway to a raucous crowd ready to find out if their first match was just a fluke given how Tag Team Turmoil went. For the opening third, it looked like their first encounter was no fluke. Gross was all business as he looked to efficiently dismantle Priest in preparation for the dragon sleeper. The founder of the First Church would fight back, forcing Gross on the defensive, over the next several minutes, and by the fourteen-minute mark both men were ripe for the taking. Gross delivered a Sermon on the Mount, only getting a two out of the deal, but was then driven outside by a strong charging forearm from Priest. The Right Reverend collected his composure and went back into the ring, only to be sent out by the same maneuver again less than a minute later. On commentary, Frankie Garnett wondered if Priest was just trying to keep Gross away due to some nagging injury or the like. The conspiracy only got stronger as for a third time Priest sent Gross out of the ring. This time Gross looked furious, and as he came back into the ring Priest showed that he was playing the long game as he went low on Gross to get a two count, and then delivered his Judgement. A few seconds later, Priest avenged his loss from earlier in the season. While Priest would move into second in the division, Gross would have the tiebreaker on Priest if it came to it at the end of the season… Christian Priest (8-3) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (7-4) via Pinfall (Judgement) in 18:04. Rating: *** Changes for Christian Priest: OVR + 5.20, XP + 688.21, minor damage to head and body Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross: OVR + 1.31, XP + 172.05, moderate damage to head /\/\/\/\/\/\ STANDINGS AFTER WEEK ELEVEN x – clinched promotion y – clinched division title z – clinched relegation ALPHA DIVISION y-1. Nuclear Templeton: 10-1, ATV 18:02, (AMR 2.545), OVR 577.54 2. George Mastachas: 7-4, ATV 14:29, (AMR 2.273), OVR 555.31 3. Brandy McDonald: 6-5, ATV 15:25, (AMR 2.455), OVR 543.58 4. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 5-6, ATV 19:12, (AMR 2.273), OVR 542.57 4. Mel O'Hallister: 5-6, ATV 17:00, (AMR 2.818), OVR 553.65 6. Brian Blackfield: 4-7, ATV 19:12, (AMR 2.182), OVR 583.99 7. The Mastodon: 4-7, ATV 16:47, (AMR 2.818), OVR 545.37 8. De'siree Mitchell: 3-8, ATV 13:37, (AMR 2.818), OVR 517.95 *As Nuclear holds the tiebreaker over Mastachas, he has clinched the League Championship despite the fact that both men can still finish at 10-4. Both ties in this division are broken by simple H2H. BETA DIVISION 1. Lucas Molina: 9-2, ATV 13:27 (AMR 2.455), OVR 513.79 2. Christian Priest: 8-3, ATV 12:09 (AMR 2.545), OVR 607.49 3. Reverend Johnny Gross: 7-4, ATV 12:55 (AMR 2.364), OVR 532.81 4. Yoshii Nakamatsu: 7-4, ATV 11:11 (AMR 2.091), OVR 537.06 5. Billy Norris: 6-5, ATV 9:53 (AMR 2.636), OVR 537.12 6. Angela Wassermann: 3-8, ATV 12:45 (AMR 2.182), OVR 493.13 7. Pulsar: 3-8, ATV 8:44 (AMR 2.636), OVR 499.18 8. Blood River: 1-10, ATV 10:39 (AMR 2.182), OVR 510.68 *Blood River clinches relegation with: Loss OR Wassermann win. River has lost the tiebreaker against Wassermann (season sweep), and the one against Pulsar is still pending. A Wassermann win, or a River loss, ensures that River cannot pass Wassermann for sixth in the standings, and thus would be relegated. Both ties in this division are broken by simple H2H. GAMMA DIVISION y-1. Monty Dhillon: 11-0, ATV 9:07, (AMR 2.091), OVR 563.16 2. Diego Rodriguez: 8-3, ATV 11:43, (AMR 2.273), OVR 542.22 3. Kichi Hida: 6-5, ATV 10:24, (AMR 2.273), OVR 487.86 4. Indigo Rose: 6-5, ATV 13:18, (AMR 2.000), OVR 515.12 5. Big Scott Weathers: 5-6, ATV 12:11, (AMR 2.182), OVR 512.57 6. Markus Clay: 4-7, ATV 9:54, (AMR 2.182), OVR 495.36 7. Lance Heartilly: 3-8, ATV 13:50, (AMR 2.000), OVR 460.17 z-8. Terrance Stevens: 1-10, ATV 10:48, (AMR 2.273), OVR 493.65 *Dhillon holds the tiebreaker over Rodriguez (season sweep). Thus he wins the Gamma Division title despite the fact that both men can still finish 11-3. *Diego Rodriguez clinches promotion with: Win AND Hida loss. If Diego beats Rose next week, he sweeps the season against her and eliminates Rose from contention. But he loses the tiebreaker to Hida. A win plus a Hida loss puts Kichi three behind with two to go, thus clinching the promotion spot for Diego. *Terrance Stevens loses tiebreakers to both Markus Clay and Lance Heartilly, and as such can finish no better than 7th in the division. Thus, he is relegated. *Lance Heartilly clinches relegation with: Loss. Heartilly vs. Clay II is next week. Clay won the first one. If Markus wins again, he’s two plus a tiebreaker up on Lance with two to go, which means Lance is going right back to Delta. The time mark to consider is 11:10—Lance needs to win under that or he still loses the tiebreaker and is still in danger. The one tie in this division is broken due to faster victory time over their opponent. DELTA DIVISION 1. Nocturne: 8-3, ATV 11:41 (AMR 2.091), OVR 460.53 2. Rock Sheridan: 7-4, ATV 9:45 (AMR 2.727), OVR 435.44 3. Diamond: 7-4, ATV 9:29 (AMR 2.455), OVR 509.34 4. Leon de Ramos: 6-5, ATV 12:10 (AMR 2.455), OVR 429.59 5. Sterling Silver: 5-6, ATV 8:36 (AMR 2.273), OVR 468.31 6. Scott Stevens: 5-6, ATV 8:46 (AMR 2.091), OVR 441.30 7. Mickey Steele: 4-7, ATV 7:20 (AMR 2.455), OVR 422.20 8. George Stevens: 2-9, ATV 10:35 (AMR 2.545), OVR 416.17 7-4 is broken by simple H2H 5-6 is broken by faster victory time over their opponent. PREDICTION STANDINGS (Reminder: The official scores will have the lowest two weeks dropped at the end of the season, and are ranked below accordingly.) 1. Eternal Phoenix: 104 (Total Score: 122. This week: 12. Drop Weeks: 2 and 4 [8 / 10]) 2. Croquemitaine: 97 (Total Score: 114. This week: 12. Drop Weeks: 1 and 4 [8 / 9]) 3. Derek B: 95 (Total Score: 105. This week: 15 (!). Drop Weeks: 1 and 2 [4 / 6]) 4. Jman2k3: 70 (Total Score: 70. This week: 0. Drop Weeks: 6 and 11 [0 / 0]) 5. SeanMcG: 68 (Total Score: 68. This week: 0. Drop Weeks: 9 and 10 [0 / 0]) WEEK TWELVE CARD The * in each pairing denotes the winner of the previous match this season ALPHA DIVISION (7) The Mastodon (4-7, OVR 545) vs. (y-1) Nuclear Templeton (10-1, OVR 578)* [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 5 - 2] (4) Mel O'Hallister (5-6, OVR 554) vs. (6) Brian Blackfield (4-7, OVR 584)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 1 - 0] (3) Brandy McDonald (6-5, OVR 544) vs. (4) Jean-Paul Ouilette (5-6, OVR 543)* [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 1 - 0] (8) De'siree Mitchell (3-8, OVR 518) vs. (2) George Mastachas (7-4, OVR 555)* [Career: George Mastachas, 5 - 2] BETA DIVISION (2) Christian Priest (8-3, OVR 607)* vs. (5) Billy Norris (6-5, OVR 537) [Career: Christian Priest, 1 - 0] (1) Lucas Molina (9-2, OVR 514)* vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (7-4, OVR 537) [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 - 0] (3) Reverend Johnny Gross (7-4, OVR 533)* vs. (6) Angela Wassermann (3-8, OVR 493) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 3 - 0] (7) Pulsar (3-8, OVR 499)* vs. (8) Blood River (1-10, OVR 511) [Career: Pulsar, 3 - 0] GAMMA DIVISION (y-1) Monty Dhillon (11-0, OVR 563)* vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (5-6, OVR 513) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0] EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (2) Diego Rodriguez (8-3, OVR 542)* vs. (4) Indigo Rose (6-5, OVR 515) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 3 – 2. European Rules Records: Diego 1 – 0, Rose 0 – 1.] HARDCORE MATCH: (z-8) Terrance Stevens (1-10, OVR 494) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (6-5, OVR 488)* [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 – 0. Hardcore Records: Stevens 1 – 1, Hida 1 – 1.] (6) Markus Clay (4-7, OVR 495)* vs. (7) Lance Heartilly (3-8, OVR 460) [Career: Markus Clay, 1 - 0] DELTA DIVISION (1) Nocturne (8-3, OVR 461)* vs. (3) Diamond (7-4, OVR 509) [Career: Nocturne, 1 - 0] (2) Rock Sheridan (7-4, OVR 435)* vs. (6) Scott Stevens (5-6, OVR 441) [Career: Rock Sheridan, 1 - 0] (7) Mickey Steele (4-7, OVR 422) vs. (5) Sterling Silver (5-6, OVR 468)* [Career: Sterling Silver, 1 - 0] (4) Leon de Ramos (6-5, OVR 430)* vs. (8) George Stevens (2-9, OVR 416) [Career: Leon de Ramos, 1 - 0] TRAINING AND PREDICTION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2024 AT 11:59 PM EASTERN US! (A REMINDER TO THOSE OUTSIDE THE US, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS IS NOW IN EFFECT HERE SO THE EASTERN US IS TREATED AS UTC-4, NOT THE USUAL UTC-5. PLEASE CALIBRATE YOUR TIMEPIECES ACCORDINGLY!)
  23. CLINCH SIMULATION REPORTING After Season Eleven, Week Ten: Four weeks remaining POSSIBLE SCENARIOS REMAINING PER DIVISION: 65,536 AUTHOR’S NOTE: When I mention “tied for second” or “tied for seventh”, I mean any scenarios where whomever wins/loses the tiebreaker would be in second or seventh place in the standings, respectively. As an example: if the bottom of a division had 5-9, 5-9, 5-9, 1-13 for positions five through eight, all those 5-9 records would be considered “tied for seventh” and thus at risk of relegation depending on who lost the tiebreakers, even though the common parlance is “tied for fifth” as that’s the highest one could reach. On the upper half, a look of 9-5, 9-5, 9-5. 6-8 would have the top three positions technically “tied for second” in my outlooks below, even if whoever lost the tiebreakers would not be promoted. Keep this in mind especially for Delta Division, as the drop to Omega happens from fifth-place on down for GMPCs. I will attempt, when all possible tiebreakers are known, to mention them in the narratives. ALPHA DIVISION—LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP It is going to take a minor miracle for Nuclear Templeton to lose the League Championship. He has the tiebreaker over George Mastachas, and the only other people who could even catch him (if he were to lose the next four matches, and the respective people win all their remaining ones) are Jean-Paul Ouilette and Brandy McDonald. Even then, both wrestlers have less than a 1% chance to tie for the division lead at 9-5. (Ouilette has 352 scenarios, or 0.537%, while McDonald has 224 scenarios, or 0.342%). Templeton has the best record, or tied for it, in 96.484% of scenarios, and in 85.1% of scenarios he's the outright winner without tiebreakers. Mastachas has a slight chance of winning as the outright best record, which is likely his best chance. But for all intents and purposes, viewers may as well get used to Templeton carrying around the League Championship for the second time next season. BY THE NUMBERS: Nuclear Templeton: Share of Best Record in 63,232 scenarios (96.484%), Outright Best Record (no ties) in 55,776 scenarios (85.107%) George Mastachas: Share of Best Record in 9,472 Scenarios (14.453%), Outright Best Record (no ties) in 2,304 scenarios (3.516%) Jean-Paul Ouilette: Share of Best Record in 352 scenarios (0.537%) Brandy McDonald: Share of Best Record in 224 scenarios (0.342%) ALPHA DIVISION--RELEGATION There exist three scenarios where George Mastachas has a share of seventh place in the Alpha Division. Ouilette and McDonald each have a 10% chance of being relegation bait. But it’s truly the bottom half of the order we need to be looking at. De’siree Mitchell has the worst chances, with The Mastodon and Brian Blackfield just slightly better. Mel O’Hallister’s chances of dropping are roughly half those of the other three, but it’s not guaranteed safety by any means. BY THE NUMBERS (Scenarios where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse): De’siree Mitchell: 47,880 scenarios (73.059%) Brian Blackfield: 45,778 scenarios (69.852%) The Mastodon: 45,778 scenarios (69.852%) Mel O’Hallister: 22,324 scenarios (34.064%) Brandy McDonald: 6,706 scenarios (10.233%) Jean-Paul Ouilette: 6,706 scenarios (10.233%) George Mastachas: 3 scenarios (0.005%) BETA DIVISION—PROMOTION TO ALPHA Five men can mathematically promote to Alpha. Three of them have better-than-even odds of finishing tied for second or better. The bottom three are eliminated from promotion contention. Of those still alive in the hunt, Lucas Molina is the clear favorite with over 90% odds to finish tied for second or better. The two men tied at 7-3 also sport over 60% chances of finishing in a position to compete for promotion, and it gets smaller from there, down to Billy Norris’ sub-7% chances. BY THE NUMBERS (Scenarios where wrestler is tied for second or better): Lucas Molina: 60,014 scenarios (91.574%) Reverend Johnny Gross: 42,266 scenarios (64.493%) Christian Priest: 41,530 scenarios (63.370%) Yoshii Nakamatsu: 16,828 scenarios (25.677%) Billy Norris: 4,318 scenarios (6.589%) BETA DIVISIVION--RELEGATION Much like Alpha, everyone but the division leader is mathematically capable of dropping. And also like in Alpha, at least one of those scenarios ranks below 1%. Blood River is all but assured of dropping into Gamma, though the author will wait for next week to make the calculus a little easier on himself. Pulsar and Angela Wassermann come next, and then it’s a giant leap to the next person at risk (Billy Norris). Again, the author will wait for next week to really dive into the calculus, as 4,096 scenarios is a lot easier to parse through than 65,536. BY THE NUMBERS (Scenarios where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse): Blood River: 64,800 scenarios (98.877%) Angela Wassermann: 42,352 scenarios (64.624%) Pulsar: 41,936 scenarios (63.989%) Billy Norris: 4,864 scenarios (7.422%) Yoshii Nakamatsu: 1,088 scenarios (1.660%) Reverend Johnny Gross: 20 scenarios (0.031%) Christian Priest: 16 scenarios (0.024%) GAMMA DIVISION—PROMOTION At this point, we’re looking for the second promotion spot. It’s been documented elsewhere that Dhillon needs either to win or lose to Hida in 9:16 or longer to clinch promotion. So for the sake of argument, we’re going to assume that he’s promoting, likely as the division champion, and we’re moving on down the order. By those terms, Diego Rodriguez is a better-than-80% chance of earning the second spot, Kichi Hida is roughly a 1-in-3 chance, and then it plummets from there. This division also has 64 scenarios where Lance Heartilly, currently in seventh, can tie for second at 7-7. There are also four scenarios where seven people can be tied for second or better. So there are lots of options still open this week, and expect a lot of these to be gone come next week. BY THE NUMBERS (Scenarios where wrestler is tied for second or better): Monty Dhillon: 65,536 scenarios (100%) Diego Rodriguez: 54,120 scenarios (82.581%) Kichi Hida: 22,370 scenarios (34.134%) Indigo Rose: 8,244 scenarios (12.579%) Markus Clay: 2,058 scenarios (3.140%) Big Scott Weathers: 1,444 scenarios (2.203%) Lance Heartilly: 64 scenarios (0.098%) GAMMA DIVISION--RELEGATION Terrance Stevens is practically guaranteed to drop at this point. Lance Heartilly, nearly so. The rest decrease in probability quickly, though the wrinkle still exists with the return of Daniel Simmons to Gamma and Erick Gibson to Delta, which would fluctuate how many positions actually drop. But for the sake of this discussion, the figures will cover the standard bottom two positions dropping. BY THE NUMBERS (Scenarios where wrestler is tied for seventh or worse): Terrance Stevens: 65,408 scenarios (99.805%) Lance Heartilly: 47,488 scenarios (72.461%) Big Scott Weathers: 20,456 scenarios (31.213%) Markus Clay: 20,376 scenarios (30.091%) Indigo Rose: 4,818 scenarios (7.352%) Kichi Hida: 916scenarios (1.398%) Diego Rodriguez: 9 scenarios (0.014%) DELTA DIVISION—PROMOTION Four wrestlers aiming for two positions is the most likely scenario. Naturally, the current division leader has the advantage, and as long as she handles her business Nocturne will find her way into Gamma after two seasons. Behind her, a League Original and two rookies are vying for the second position, with Rock Sheridan having only the thinnest of margins. Only one person is eliminated from contention, though the remaining chances are grim at best. 24 scenarios also exist where seven people are mathematically eligible for 2 spots, for the chaos-loving people. BY THE NUMBERS (Scenarios where wrestler is tied for second or better): Nocturne: 56,196 scenarios (85.748%) Rock Sheridan: 34,940 scenarios (53.250%) Diamond: 34,898 scenarios (53.250%) Leon de Ramos: 34,898 scenarios (53.250%) Sterling Silver: 12,072 scenarios (18.420%) Mickey Steele: 2,776 scenarios (4.236%) Scott Stevens: 2,292 scenarios (3.497%) DELTA DIVISION—RELEGATION With four people at risk (If they’re GMPCs—the author has yet to make a decision on third/fourth PCs), everyone in Delta is at some risk of falling into a tie for fifth or worse. As such, it should be noted that the probabilities for this section are going to be unusually high given, well, there are four positions in the standings that this simulation accounts for. BY THE NUMBERS (Scenarios where wrestler is tied for fifth or worse): George Stevens: 65,536 scenarios (100%) Scott Stevens: 61,464 scenarios (93.787%) Mickey Steele: 61,364 scenarios (93.634%) Sterling Silver: 47,340 scenarios (72.235%) Rock Sheridan: 34,940 scenarios (53.314%) Diamond: 34,898 scenarios (53.250%) Leon de Ramos: 34,898 scenarios (53.250%) Nocturne: 6,860 scenarios (10.468%)
  24. With 11 out of 16 matches run… Clubhouse leader is a 4-star match in the upper half of The League, running 22 minutes. The runner up is also in the upper half, a 3-star that’s over 23 minutes. Normally, as were four weeks out from the end of the season, I’d be starting to put together the clinch scenarios writeup, where all four remaining weeks are simulated to give approximate odds for a wrestler promoting or relegating. My time off from work has this on hold for a week because my record-keeping laptop causes Excel to crash when I use this clinch simulator on it (it doesn’t like calculating 65,536 rows at a time, apparently). If I can get it to run on my game PC, I’ll try to get a write up done before the weekend; otherwise the first one will come next week when I go back to work and have the higher-powered work computer to do the heavy lifting. EDIT: Never mind, the sheet decided to start working (slowly) on my record laptop. New post coming shortly!
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