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Everything posted by Stennick

  1. I have been aware of it since you started doing the event logos for it after you said you don't like to/want to do event logos I was like "hmmmm somethings up" then you mentioned you were thinking about starting an OCW diary but yes I'll be watching it
  2. Its a cool name too. Obviously likely couldn't be done in the States due to it likely being owned by He-Man but cool name and mask for sure.
  3. Its really kind of you to give everyone an update and this is one of my favorite things going on in TEW right now but go enjoy your game man. All work and no play and what not. Looking forward to you returning and eventually seeing some of the iconic characters from 77 re done.
  4. Something I have neglected to mention before but something I think is awesome is how many times you'll post two, three or four versions of the same character all different. I love The Rev mostly because he was one of the first non canon guys I liked in the 97 verse. Great job as always!
  5. I have at the very least the demo version of every TEW game ever released. If you're looking for a particular year let me know.
  6. I'm looking forward to checking this out that list of changes is pretty incredible.
  7. I was ready to call Pepper my favorite of the bunch and its close but I think Peggy Sue edges her doubt. All of them are really well done and Rhonda certainly looks her character but Peggy and Pepper are so fun and so 70's in their own way.
  8. My cousin and myself were obsessed with the 87 Turtles cartoon and when the movie came out it was like a religious experience for us. (even if the farm scenes kind of drag that film down for a 8 year old kid and were likely put there to placate adults with expanding on the April/Casey relationship). I think I prefered the Secret to the Ooze and I disliked Turtles 3 all together. I enjoyed the 2007 movies and the last two movies as well so I'm looking forward to this.
  9. I for some reason thought you started at Z and were working backwards. I think its due to things like seeing Steve Austin before I saw Stan Hanson. So does that mean that A-S would have been completed when you reach T?
  10. Are the logos for new promotions added or just some more variants?
  11. Marv Brody is awesome as every 70's journey man wrestler ever. Jerry Marone is without a doubt the start of this batch though I love that to the point where I have some ideas for him.
  12. Nice to see those Sterling James Keenan cuts I might have maybe seen the green background one but I don't remember the other one at all. Great job as always.
  13. I thought these might be right up your alley. You're great at reimagining workers from around this time so I figured you'd enjoy Will's awesome work here.
  14. Request: SWF Golden Dreams The event takes place in 1977 and I've grown to really love Kam's era accurate style for lack of a better term. I included the original logo that Kam did. If you could do something just a tiny bit more fancy than the Slamfest logo but with a golden font reading "Golden Dreams" and put it on the black background of the black and white SWF logo and then possibly incorporate that SWF logo into it in a small way that'd be awesome. Again I'm not looking for much just something slightly different than the version I'm using but still capturing that late 70's vibe.
  15. Man I love this style you're using here. I love the facial expressions so many of these you can see the character all over them. Well done.
  16. Roman is great and he's been great in this role. I personally think the peak was Elmination Chamber and the end of the Bloodline has been drawn out a bit too much since then but Roman's been great. The Judgment Day have been every bit as good. For my own personal taste I wish there were booking the babyfaces a bit better. I don't feel like Sami and KO have kept their WM momentum. Cody's been pretty great though.
  17. I do not watch a ton of WWE these days but it seems like every Roman match ends in interference. I'm not exactly knocking that approach and I'm not saying every big match DOES end that way but I feel like there is some validity in the statement. I just remember when it was the nWo and every match ending in interference people were kind of tired of it. The overall storyline is great and Roman has won clean and lose clean in some big matches especially recently but Wrestlemania ending in interference and this match ending in interference and the Sami Zayne match ending in interference. I appreciate the character work and the progression of the storyline but these finishes just aren't doing it for me. I'd rather Roman win clean. I know its likely an unpopular opinion.
  18. My god man that Lord Humungous and then the Glory and Commando are amazing. Very well done. I have a few more here that could use some love. I think this may be the bottom of my stash. On a side note didn't you mention previously that this pic pack has something like 18K pictures or something in that realm? Or am I mis remembering? 1 - The original ECWA Super 8. The back row is Ravishing Ronny. He debuted in 1990 he started working in ECWA in around 93 and stayed there for the rest of the decade. I did not see a date of birth on Cagematch for him. Sadly Ronny took his own life in 2012. Ace Darling and Devon Storm are after him in the back row. Then Inferno Kid and Cheetah Master are after that rounding out the back row. The front row is Reckless Youth, Lance (Simon) Diamond and Billy Kidman. 2. Rip Sawyer. He went by Sid Garrison doing enhancement matches in the WWF. 3. Ace Darling going by Mikd Miraldo in the WWF as enhancement 4. Adam Armstrong (left) Adam debuts in 2013I could not find a birthday for Adam he's Brian's brother in law and Brian Hardy (son of Barry Hardy on the right). Brian was born in July of 1990 and he debuts in 2009. Together they form a tag team known as the Baltimore Blondes. 5. Chris Hawn - Chris Hawn or Hahn was a WWE enhancement talent. He debuts in 1989 I do not know his birthday. He stayed working enhancement talent with the WWE/F until the late 90's. 6 - John Cena 7 - Los Cadets Espacio - Discovery (left back) , Venum, Super Nova are in the back with Ludxor in front. 8 - Kenny Hendrix - WWF enhancement talent he debuts in 1993 I do not have a date of birth for him.
  19. The DREAMWEAVERS! They have been one of my favorite tag teams since the first time I saw them in the original iteration of the game. These guys were on my short list of guys I hoped to see re done.
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