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Everything posted by Eisen-verse

  1. I didn't see the PPV, however, I've given it a read on PWInsider. Here are some thoughts of my own: 1) Scott Steiner beats Bobby Lashley? Yet, Bobby beat Samoa Joe last month... And then, Samoa Joe gets a title shot? If you were going to put Lashley over Joe... Then, theoretically based upon wrestling tradition, you would think that Lashley would go over Steiner. I've never been a big fan of Steiner, then again I don't like Lashley either, however, it just seemed a little odd. 2) I hear the Wolfe/Angle match was simply amazing... Which is awesome to hear! I really like the character that they have going for Wolfe thus far & it's smart to put him into a campaign with Angle straight out of the gate. This way, a guy who hasn't been seen much at all by mainstream wrestling fans gets a strong rub from a former champion. Also, it appears that TNA did something very special with this match... Well, maybe more so the performers than TNA itself.... however, They made a "new star" even though he lost the match! That's a major feat if you ask me! Lets just hope that they continue to develop him right and don't have him lose to Bobby Lashley next month or something. ha. 3) Good to see AJ Styles retain the title. I, along with many of you, feel that TNA really needs to bank on their own stars. Sure, using former WWE talent is smart to generate potential viewers who don't already consider themselves a "TNA Fan"... However, in the long run, TNA Has to develop their own identity if they ever want to truly compete with the WWE. (And I'm not saying... Outright challenge the Global power... But, at least to register some sense of a divide with wrestling fans). If they are able to develop their own identity through and through.... Push homegrown talent just as much as the WWE outcasts... Then there's a good chance that they could be a strong player in the future. 4) I think I remember hearing that Kevin Nash stole the "Global Championship" (formerly Legends Title) during the PPV due to a decree set by Hulk Hogan. If you ask me, what I would love to see is for TNA to drop the title all together. "The Legends" title would seem intersting IF it were competed within a division of "Legends"... ALSO... That that title was only defended maybe 3-4 times a year (as a special championship). However, with who has been able to grab it as of late... It's just another title thrown into the mix. With that being said, With a Tag Title... A women's title... X Division Title... ANd the Heavyweight Title.... I say either A) Drop the belt and hype the X Division title up yet again... or B) Keep the title, cement it as the next step from the Heavyweight title (Ie: IC Title), and then risk the possibility of de-valueing the X-Division Title due to another title being placed above it. ------------------------ Overall, It seemed like a great show. Sadly, I don't get to watch TNA all that much at this point since I work every thursday night (and don't have TiVo yet). So, most of my information comes from what I read. However, I would LOVE for TNA to pick up the ball and keep on running with it. The WWE has become too predictable... too "Showy" if you ask me.... I want a company that will give me ACTUAL Pro Wrestling... Where in-ring action is just as important as anything out of it... And characters flow in with a unique tone instead of everyone using the same "I'm a bad ass" mentality. Hats off to TNA. Hopefully they can continue to move forward.
  2. OMG, ReapeR. In most cases I would say such and such title looks amazing but wow! This one just looks beautiful. Work of art in a way. Bravo!
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kamchatka" data-cite="Kamchatka" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22790" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A possible remake of the "modern" AWA logo from Seb's GDSverse.<p> I'd never been happy how the original came out and was close to XWA in style.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/awa3.jpg</span><span>http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/awa4.jpg</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Holy Sh*t, KAM.</p><p> </p><p> This is absolutely amazing man.... wow...</p>
  4. WOW.... I love this! Makes me want WCW to come back using this logo. hah.
  5. Love this render, ReaP. While, I'm sure you used the old school WWF hardcore look as a backdrop, it's very unique looking for a Cornellverse company. Anarchy wrapped up in a title belt. Again, You continue to create great title renders. I honestly swing by here a couple times a day to see if you have anything new up. Keep up the great work.
  6. Again, thank you for the new alt's, KAM. They're going to be put to good use within my diary for a long time coming. Can't wait to get these up and running. Cheers.
  7. I quite like the original PSW logo, however, I was wondering if I could score a new Logo and Banner for my PSW diary, Kam? Love your work. More or less it would be cool to see Steel Lettering, if possible, due to the company being Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Colors? Black is always good... However, other than that, I'm open to whatever you'd like to put together. All in all, Just thought I'd see if it was possible. Thanks in advance!
  8. No need to work on those, ReapeR! Since I started my PSW diary, That's the only game I'm running right now. Sometime down the line I may put something up for some new PSW title belts when the time comes, however, right now... I'm perfectly content. Keep up the great work!
  9. <p>Just wanted to stop by and say that you're doing amazing work Kamchatka! </p><p> </p><p> It's fun to swing by here and see what you've put forth.</p><p> </p><p> Keep it up!! <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Cheers.</p>
  10. wow, that was quick! Thanks Reaper!! I really appreciate it as I have an idea for both titles (especially the "Chaos" title which will be used very very soon and made a special championship). Thanks again though! Looks perfect!
  11. Hey ReaP, I know you're not taking requests anymore, however, I didn't know if this would be a request as so much a slight edit? I was hoping to get these two titles you rendered for the SWF with the X-WA logo instead? http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SWFChaos.jpg http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SWFUprising.jpg I wanted to utilize them in my X-WA diary, however, couldn't edit them myself as I'm nowhere near editing stuff like this! If you're unable to then I totally understand! Thank you in advance! My X-WA Diary: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=39232
  12. wow, Kam! Honestly, My hat is off to you... Simply amazing work.
  13. Hell yea Kamchatka! Love, love, love the Blitzkrieg Logo. Great stuff. Thank you again for your work!
  14. Oh, doesn't really matter! Whatever is easy for you. All in all, I was looking for something to use as an updated USPW World Championship! Thanks Reap!
  15. Could someone possibly put the USPW logo on this belt http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/WWFWingedEagle.jpg Doesn't need to be ReapeR as I know he's super busy and have a lot to do, however, if someone knows how to edit belts then I'm wondering if they could? Only because I don't have the ability to do so (or else I wouldn't bother anyone). ha
  16. Holy... Censor me quickly. Beautiful championship, ReapeR!
  17. That's great ReapeR that you're heading home! This kind of stuff can wait... Family, Friends, Life should take your main focus! Great to hear none the less though! Thank you for your service!
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