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Everything posted by Eisen-verse

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GatorBait19" data-cite="GatorBait19" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have been waiting for this. I really thought when they hyped him to the moon a couple years ago it was going to happen, then they stuck him and James Storm together (another wrestler I love)</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The promo was golden in my eyes; a great way to sell Bobby Rude as a blue-collar worker feeling he's being held down by manipulative men (Hogan and Bischoff). If booked right, and given proper ability to talk, I honestly see a lot of promise in the guy. Out of ALL the guys in Fortune, AJ Styles included, I foresee Rude has having the highest ceiling. I know that may annoy some, as AJ is the 'prodigal son', but Rude is a strong wrestler who can bring something more on the mic (where AJ fails slightly).</p>
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="angeldelayette" data-cite="angeldelayette" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Mmmmm...Velvet Sky in a towel...*Drools*</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I forgot what website I was on and, for a brief second, looked to 'like' this... </p><p> </p><p> <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">EDIT:</span></strong> Wait a minute. Why did Eric Bischoff and Hogan seem pissed about those two guys fighting for their spot in Immortal; as if the network booked it? In case I was sleeping at the time, hazy and what not, didn't Bischoff book that match with the same conditions right before it started?</p>
  3. Great promo from Robert Roode to open iMPACT. Honestly, this guy, if booked right, could be a star for TNA.
  4. You do raise a good point though. While I agree with the move, from a brand-perspective for Smackdown, it could have been done in a month or two; building the match up in which to make it seems worthy of a victory. Cheers. E-V
  5. I heard about Christian dropping the title; however, to be honest, I understand what the WWE is doing here. They moved Orton for a reason; so he could become the John Cena-figure of Smackdown (so says WWE officials within; from wrestlezone.com). In that case, it's entirely smart and, in no way, has anything to do with Orton flipping out or anything; actually quite the opposite (as he's quickly become a locker room leader on the show I guess). Would I have liked to see him hold onto the title for longer (Christian)? Sure. Did it make sense to give him a run, banking on the Shawn Michaels - "Boyhood dream" scenario? Definitely. Do I HATE the WWE for making the switch? No. I guess, sadly, my 'hopes and dreams' for the WWE have fallen by the wayside long ago. I'd LOVE for all decisions to make sense from a wrestling standpoint but, in all reality, they don't necessarily care about making sure their storylines are the greatest of all-time. While it would drive sales, possibly, in the end, they are looking to further their brand. At the end of the day, Randy Orton = marketable to a larger audience; is going to be the face of smackdown for, at least, the next year. Christian = a serviceable upper-midcarder who can put on a great match; not entirely a person to turn into a 'star' as he's already had his time before the audience (probably best to bring in new names, faces, that we don't have a good decade's worth of experience with). Cheers. E-V
  6. Honestly, this was a poor draft for the WWE but, in my mind, not how you may think.... To me, the whole thing seemed really interesting, as in years past; however, failed to seem as grandiose as previous years. I mean, really? We get a match and all of a sudden it's worth two picks; as if from nowhere? In reality, shouldn't the main event carry more picks than other matches? Also, shouldn't there have been more of a wide-range of matches to pick who goes where? I mean, a bunch of singles matches just made it feel rather blahzay. From what I've read on the internet wrestling sites, the show felt just as it's been reported to be; Rushed. Edge retires so they feel like they have to shake things up. That's great, I'm all for that! At least, if you're going to do something like this, make it entertaining; or, at the very least, worth watching. ha. Meh. I've learned to have low expectations with wrestling programs these days...
  7. 100% agree with you here. For awhile there, I was constantly pining for new storylines that hadn't been done before; however, came to realize that it was damn near impossible. The only way it IS is by thinking outside the box and going a route more like a movie/TV-show drama (Which it seems TNA is trying). Once I took a step back and realized this, watching wrestling was far more comfortable. Sure, things seem rather uninspired lately; however, that could just be me growing older and falling out of the 'mystique' of Pro Wrestling. Cheers. E-V
  8. True. I suppose, though, at least to me, before he looked a lot like Billy Gunn; a fact that always made him feel like a re-hash to me. That said, he looks rather generic now but, maybe, they'll give him some other additions (ie: facial hair, etc.) that eventually makes him look more unique.
  9. The WWE moving away, at least slightly, from an overtly childish product? I would think that one of their superstars smoking at ringside wouldn't be all that "Family Friendly". ha. Either way, while shocking, I hope this is a slight sign of what may be coming...
  10. Yea. The whole water bottle thing was pretty weird too... had no reasoning really.
  11. When it comes to the whole 'cast-off' scenario with TNA bringing in old faces, recently fired WWE wrestlers, and those who are seen as Bischoff/Hogan cronies, I continually come to this... As long as I'm entertained; I don't really care WHO TNA hires. That's what it comes down to for me. It's true, they're often seen as 'WWE-lite' to some; however, I've come to think that their production re-branding has ALREADY set them apart from McMahon's product. Honestly, between the two, I value TNA's production value, the way they shoot, their visual filter, and the way they utilize their surroundings well, as far more interesting than the WWE's tried-and-true method. In the end, It doesn't really bother me who they bring on; as long as it's though out, well-developed, and interesting from a storyline perspective. Now, just picking up someone like Shelton Benjamin tomorrow and saying 'hey, look, you use to see him on the WWE and now he's here', is simply not enough. IF he comes in with a storyline of his own, a new viewpoint of sorts, and shot in their fashion, then I think it's entirely okay.
  12. Yea, I thought it may be because he isn't all that 'strong' in the ring but, I guess, look at what Goldberg did with a pretty limited move-set. As you said, if booked right, a guy of Terry's size could really have his pitfalls masked by the sheer power of his game. I do like the idea of Flair at his side; however, in most cases, whenever Flair is around, especially in a managing standpoint, others don't seem to really exist. Maybe it's because Flair is MORE about his own legacy; even while trying to put over another? I'd love to see him as a silent heel. Truthfully, at least with the way they've kind of killed Abyss's credibility as an evil force in the past, I think they could have someone FAR more menacing in Terry becoming a silent powerhouse than Abyss could be right now. No need for him to be anything but who he is... Just book him in a way where he looks unstoppable and wahla... Instant Main Event Monster on your hands!
  13. Let me preface this by saying that I'm more of a cruiserweight, modern-wrestling, fan; however,... How can TNA continue to subdue Rob Terry as an unstoppable singles force? I mean, come on! ha. His look, the kind of demeanor he can play (does a pretty good pissed off look), could be absolute gold for them but it seems like don't really care to create him into a monster heel of sorts. I was never a huge Batista fan... BUT... His immense look made you think of him as an absolute juggernaut. With Terry, they could have the same thing really; start him off as a bruising heel who goes on a streak of destruction (doesn't even need to be Win's really). He could think he's being 'overlooked' and ultimately destroys others until someone takes notice (a la typical monster heel move). In the end, you'd have a major force that could, possibly, collide with Sting down the line. At that point, have Terry win, Sting puts up a good fight, but in the end you have a NEW Main Event Powerhouse after months of destroying others & then ultimately getting the rub from Sting. Just seems odd to me that he continues to be booked in, somewhat of, a weak manner. Cheers. E-V
  14. Maybe it's just me but... I actually find it quite off-putting that the WWE is trying to strip away the 'wrestling' name to their product. I mean, I get it from a business stand-point. I know how this will help them within the states from a perceptual basis; however, I find it to be slightly sad from an actual wrestling fan. To me, the WWE, whether we like it or not, is the gold standard amongst the industry. Now, trying to distance themselves from wrestling tradition, becoming so entertainment based that they won't even mutter the dreaded word 'Wrestling', even in press releases, makes me rather fearful for the future of the industry as a whole. It's going from a beloved craft, something that was rather cool to watch, to now a thing of blandness. I know people will say that TNA has been doing this too, making impact FAR less wrestling than segments, but I still find myself firmly stepping over into their camp. Why? Despite doing a new production approach, making it seem more covert 'reality TV' like, at least they stand proudly as a WRESTLING company. Plus, with HBK gone, HHH on a limited schedule, Taker as well, I'm not really all that interested in ANY of their talent (That said, I like Miz and punk; don't get me wrong). I guess maybe this is just a rant of a man growing older; sad to see the thing he came to love turning into a shell of it's former self. Meh. Cheers. E-V
  15. I actually don't mind the winter/BP stuff. Is it amazing? Nah. Will I turn the station? Probably not. I at least have somewhat of an intrigue on where this goes from here; how TNA is going to explain this all.
  16. Just watched iMPACT and i've got to say that I was thoroughly entertained. I really like Bully Ray; however, funny enough, his match with Daniels felt like, in TEW terms, that they don't really 'click'. It wasn't a bad bout by any means but felt a little awkward. Outside of that, I really loved the whole Kennedy thing (which is saying a lot since I'm not really a fan at all). The "network" thing is already seeming a little weird to be honest. If Bischoff/Hogan took over then why are they, all of a sudden, cronies for the network? Also, why would the network add stipulations to a match that's going to be shown on PPV? Just seems a little weird. That said, it didn't bother me enough to deter me from enjoying the show. Good stuff. Cheers. E-V
  17. Could be good though? If he wrestles at Summerslam then the next night the Rock is gone... again. In this case, while I don't expect him to be on RAW any more than once a month, this way we have him for much longer? Cheers. E-V
  18. Sin Cara's debut was pretty great; short and sweet. That said, Sheamus? That's who he comes out to attack? I'm really hoping there's more to that than just 'hey, I'm coming out to attack you'. If so, something more that is, then that'd be pretty interesting. If not, then a, somewhat, boring way to bring in a major-player. Cheers. E-V
  19. From wrestlezone.com Thoughts? I, honestly, feel like TNA should officially cut ties with the man but, from a purely creative standpoint, the characters that often resonate are those who feel entirely realistic to the real person. That said, I don't think I could ever buy into cheering for Hardy. In a way, I'm a traditionalist and really care for the craft in general. With Hardy, he's done enough to prove that he doesn't really care about Pro Wrestling anymore. He may, underneath it all, but he's too drugged out to even realize what he's doing to himself I'm sure.
  20. This is what I was thinking recently as well. To me, it seems really weird to have both shows seeing how they are, theoretically, the same show.
  21. I've always been drawn to Madison Rayne. Sure, she's insanely attractive but that's not just it; she's a pretty strong in-ring performer as well! Would love to see her get some ground over time.
  22. The only thing I can think of is that there's still a stigma placed upon professional wrestling in the U.S. While things have changed quite a bit, I think the attitude era, while great for wrestling fans, ultimately made them look rather foolish from a mainstream perspective. To transition into being known as an entertainment company, they hope to transition into more of a fixture of the mainstream public. When they say 'you're just rasslers' they can come back and tout how they're more of an entertainment company than the 'rassling' people grew up to laugh at. It's more marketable to be an entertainment company. Also, there's more room for a longer tenure as well I would guess. Just my thought. Cheers. E-V
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