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Everything posted by Eisen-verse

  1. I've found this funny as well. I mean, the WWE pulls in pretty good ratings, sells out arenas across the country, and is about to put on a spectacle that will draw some 75,000 people and YET the mainstream media still treats it in a back-handed fashion. Sure, it may be MORE mainstream than it has in the past but there is still that stigma I feel. Honestly, I felt when the WWE changed their product to 'sports entertainment', instead of pretending to be a sport, should have been enough to strip away the naysayers. Now, they were no longer trying to seem as a legit form of combat but rather admitting their theatrical ways in a tongue and cheek fashion. Just seems odd.
  2. Amen. Selfishly, I wish he would have stuck around; however, in reality, pro wrestling has become somewhat of a launching pad for people to cross-over into mainstream entertainers (see: Hogan, the Rock, Austin (to an extent), Triple H (to a smaller extent), etc.). That said, damn... It was great to see him back. I just re-watched the video again and still had goosebumps; especially as his music first started and you could literally see the entire arena going into a tizzy!
  3. My wife and I tuned into raw, as it was my pay-off for watching the bachelor before, and all I have to say is wow... We both marked out like hell (as she loves the Rock; would probably forget I was even there if the Rock walked into the room. ha). It was all just so surreal. I mean, goosebumps are one thing but I found myself just laughing to myself at times like a mad-man; seriously acting as if I were 15 all over again. 2 things though... 1) Damn. Dwayne has bulked up bigger than we've ever seen him before. Between that, and the aged face, it was almost weird to see the man outside of a movie screen. 2) While the whole "Never leaving" thing was appealing, I don't expect to see him stay much, if at all, past Wrestlemania. This is simply a money-feud between Cena & The Rock; culminating at WM 27. I mean, I would LOVE to see him stay past then, as he's insanely talented and extremely fun to watch, but I just don't see him really becoming a consistent figure in the WWE ever again. In the end, while the Cena/Rock thing is golden, part of me was hoping we would get a HHH/Rock scenario at Wrestlemania. Yea, I know, overplayed, and not all that shocking, but their feud single-handedly made both of them stars back in the late 90's/early 2000's. That was THE feud for quite some time. All in all, great work WWE for pulling this one off.
  4. Tonight's Impact was actually a pretty good show; for the most part. I like the Kennedy/Hardy stuff (which is saying a lot seeing how I don't like either really), the Jarrett/Karen stuff was pretty solid from a building storyline perspective (hoping they are doing all of this in which to enrage Kurt Angle more; creating a real-life scenario storyline), and the ending was pretty solid. Immortal may have been a good idea on paper but it really failed to do anything for me. In all honesty, as we've said many of times, TNA is on the cusp of something really great (given how they shoot, display, and perpetuate their product from a production standpoint) but just need something to really get them there. It's impossible but I wish TNA could simply take a step back, completely stop what they're doing now, wipe our minds free of what we've seen for a bit, and completely overhaul their roster; creating factions that actually carry their own weight. I don't mean that to sound harsh; I just really feel like some changes need to come. In a somewhat related note, really.... Scott Steiner is back? Really?
  5. The WWE should give Dolph Ziggler the 'Fame-asser' and just get it over with....
  6. Here's one that KAM put together for me the first time around: http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m565/DOA_Cornellverse/Logos/DOAbanner.jpg I hope that helps!
  7. Agreed. I wasn't buying the whole "I'm Eric Bischoff and I'm a good guy" schtick he was doing after he was first brought in. Sure, he had some weasel tendencies but not enough to really be the 'Easy-E' character i've come to love. To be honest, If I were creating my own wrestling promotion and needed an authority figure at the helm, I would hire Eric in a split second to play that very smug, obnoxious, persona that he's come to perfect. Made TNA interesting to see him back in that realm. That said, they could have hired a better actor to play the lawyer during their little spat. Eric owned him.
  8. My 2nd 'Okay' for the night.... (While watching TNA)... Seriously... TNA is a boat-full of absolute insanity; and not in the good way. Is this how they plan on stick around? Putting together shows, storylines, pairings, promos, like this? THIS is their approach? They have SO MUCH talent and yet... wow. I find myself watching this show with my hand almost always on the remote; ready to turn. I wish, not saying that I'm an amazing booker by any means (my TEW games prove that I am not from a grade-wise); however, I would love to theoretically take over TNA and start them off fresh.... Take away all of the crap and get down to a show that can be interesting to watch. I get that they're trying to take wrestling at a new view (utilizing a unique look that sets them apart from the WWE), and for that I say they are doing a great job; however, from an actual product standpoint (characters, alliances, storylines, etc)... They continue to drop the ball week in and week out. It's so sad to see the Wrestling industry as it is now. I would call it a 'shell' of it's former self but I don't think there is even a hint of the 'shell' left (between WWE and TNA).
  9. Okay... Flair/Foley promo was weird, awkward, and annoying; to be honest.
  10. I disagree with that point. Sure, he lost to Orton a few seconds later but that doesn't hinder his victory over Cena in the slightest. Orton's finisher is known for being an 'out of nowhere' kind of manuever. So, others have fallen in the same manner. The fact that he pinned Cena cleanly gives him a strong rub even if Orton does put him down seconds later. Just my thought though.
  11. Nexus goes over clean!! wow. That was pretty cool to see. Also, I marked out pretty hard with Justin Gabriel (my favorite of the group) defeated John Cena. I know this won't really lead to a great singles push (just by beating Cena in this way) BUT it was cool to see.
  12. I agree with AJ as a heel. I really would love to see him play the role well but there's something missing. Maybe it's just the fact that, regardless of what he says, I like the guy? I mean, maybe they haven't done enough to really make him disliked? Then again, I'm afraid I would probably cheer for anything he did realistically. ha. As for Fortune, I honestly 100% think this has been botched for the most part. Sure, some will label it as me being a 'smark' but doesn't it feel like this faction was half-assed created under the radar? Plus, Flair has truly become a 'crazy old man' at this point, so, the faction just seems alittle weird. Not to mention, if they really are a group based upon 'taking over TNA' then don't you think they would help their own-guy, can't remember his name for the life of me right now, defeat the Pope in the Title tourney? Seemed a little weird that they wouldn't go 'all in' to get their guy the title. That way, they really do look like they're trying to 'take over'. As for Dixie, I agree she shouldn't be on TV as the only thing she's really good for is a 'Wow, she looks good for her age' kind of comment. ha.
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Why did they have all faces advance into the semi-finals? I just thought that was dumb. I mean I know the Pope is big for them but really Matt Morgan (as much as I dislike him) probably should have won that match.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">Not to mention, the ending looked pretty botched; just made both of them look bad in my mind. </span></p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Final Countdown" data-cite="The Final Countdown" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If this EV2.0 stuff is going to lead to Tommy Dreamer headlining Impact(s), I am not a fan.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">Agreed. I loved ECW but this storyline feels really, really, bland already. Plus, Dreamer shouldn't be headlining anything at this point; to be honest. I'm all for 'telling a story' but really? </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> Also, it may be a small thing BUT AJ Styles should have come out last in the Main Event & not Dreamer. While Tommy is a 'legend of hardcore', AJ Styles is THE cornerstone of TNA. They should treat him as such. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> Side note, I loved AJ's promo tonight. </span></p>
  15. I agree with you here. Wade is someone who really has an aura to him; even early in his career. A great delivery and a calm, and cool, demeanor. Gabriel has the look, and the athleticism, to be a strong midcarder (as you said). However, outside of that, they all seem pretty bland to me actually. That said, with more development, they could all be good characters. Then again, the WWE doesn't really produce characters much anymore. Sure, you have some characters but I miss the days where everyone had a specific gimmick (vs. bad ass).
  16. So.... Cole is turning heel it seems. I'd love to see/hear it. I'm more of a fan for the traditional face and heel commentating team. More variety that way in conversation.
  17. Yea, from that standpoint I get ya. They do need to do something with the group now that a big loss like that has happened. I, for one, wouldn't mind to see someone lose tonight so that way some fat 'is trimmed'. That way they could say, next week, that we are 'new and improved' since losing our dead weight. Maybe, in the end, those who are cut from the group could 'see the light' and join Daniel Bryant in which to feud with those who are still in nexus? Then again, if they go that route, then I'm afraid that the group will dwindle in the backround as the storyline won't be as important as Cena vs. nexus. Either way, something needs to evolve just for the sake of the storyline in general. That being said, a simple loss won't 'kill the group'. It does call, though, for a shift within the fray.
  18. Sheamus is his own 'beast'. Honestly, I don't think he should have been booked the way he has thus far either. It seems more realistic to have a group of youngsters, ones who are the first class of this NXT show, to look like they are a little 'green' even post-show (NXT). Again, yes, a win last night would have been great in which to push them to the forefront but I don't think it was needed really. All it takes is a show like tonight, where they end up defeating alot of the WWE as they are, to make them look like legit contenders again. I guess, what I'm saying is, them losing at the PPV is not the end of the world for nexus. Yes, this storyline needs to go somewhere now that they have lost; however, I'm holding my thoughts about the matter until after I've seen where they're taking it. A loss could be better for them all together; from a storyline perspective as it may evolve the story all together.
  19. Just one loss doesn't make them look weak. Honestly, what does everyone think that losing at the PPV was the worst thing ever for the nexus? They're a team of rookie's who have made themselves known by attacking people like cowards (as a pack of wrestlers). They're going to lose. Sure, a win would have really put them over the hump; however, I don't think they are 'pointless' at this point.
  20. I'm glad that they have EY back to being a comedic character. I didn't really buy the whole "I'm with the band" thing that TNA tried to run with. There was no real connection between them what so ever and then, all of a sudden, he's part of the 'famous' Hall/Nash/Waltman trio? Seems a little weird. Plus, he's better off (EY) as a comedic character right now as he's actually entertaining in that manner. ha.
  21. 100% agree with you here. Yes, It's cool to see WWE castaways make a potential impact on the industry with TNA; however, at some point, I really just want to see new characters. We've been force-fed the same names, and faces, for the last 10 years and I, for one, would love to see Styles vs. Lethal. Bring that 'next wave' into the fold right now. Also, I agree with the X-Division needing to be re-invented. It could be a great asset for them; however, as we all know, fans have been saying that for years.
  22. Really? I actually quite like Wade Barrett. Honestly, I would rather that the WWE not add someone else to be the 'leader of NeXus'. Why? I think it suits Barrett pretty well (both in storyline and in his ability). They are easily creating a new superstar by having him be the, far and away, leader of the group. In a way, I wouldn't mind seeing Barrett flexing his power even more within the group; however, that would limit the growth of the rest of the team. Either way, I really hope they stick with Barrett as the unrivaled leader of the group. It creates an aura for the guy (which is pretty powerful seeing how he's a newbie to the WWE and still carries a good feel straight away). As for the whole 'turning' thing. I don't know if it's really going to happen to be honest. Why? The WWE doesn't really do stuff like this much anymore. The days of turning someone face or heel simply for more storylines are done and gone. I mean, look at Orton's turn as an example. It was less about them wanting to change things up and more about them no longer being able to ignore the fans cheering for him. With that said, of those who've been listed as potential 'turners'... These are my thoughts on the matter: 1) Bret Hart: Some seem to think that Bret is going to turn on the WWE in which to 'stick it to McMahon'. While I wouldn't put it past the WWE to do something as stupid as that, I just don't see it happening. The reason it's so powerful that he's back is because he was pretty much 'left for dead' after a henious assault by nexus on a previous RAW. I mean, they slammed a car into his limo and simulated a destructive car crash in which to 'mow him over'. Now, he will be their leader? I don't see it. 2) John Cena: Call me crazy but I don't EVER see Cena turning. Why would they? Sure, he gets mixed reactions all the time but he IS the face of the company. He does interviews outside of company programming, and a new movie coming out where he plays a man looking to redeem himself, so, why would they turn him now? Cena will be like a Hogan figure. He'll be a babyface forever and will only turn if, for some reason, his act has become so stale that he can no longer generate interest outside of the Wrestling industry. 3) Edge or Jericho: Realistically, this is the most possibly scenario but I don't see it happening. Sure, they may seem a little rigid while working with the babyfaces within the team; however, their 'turn around and fight' thing on RAW was a symbol that they are pro-WWE. Well, at least Pro-getting back at nexus. Their hatred for the group (nexus) will keep them in-line; at least until after the bell is rung. While not original, I wouldn't mind seeing this outcome. That said, I'd like to see a youngster be the one who pulls the 'Hogan' moment; maybe the Miz?
  23. As wrestling fans, We're always going to tear apart what we don't like more so than hype the things that we do. With a weekly TV show, It's going to be tough to keep things interesting for everyone (as people of all ages, and smark levels will be watching). With that said, This is my perception of TNA right now (in small bullets): 1) I can't stand Beer Money. Yes, I know, they are suppose to be one of the top 'company made' teams on the roster but they just seem blah to me; maybe it's the name? I guess I'm just not a huge fan. 2) The ECW reunion thing is.... meh. Not terrible but not amazing I guess. What do you expect though, really? I loved ECW; more so than any other company at the time. With that said, ECW has been gone for quite some time now. It's best to move on and focus on developing a new tone than jumping on an old one. 3) I don't see why Samoa Joe isn't getting more focus? He seems to have been pushed aside alittle lately. 4) RVD as Champ is pretty cool; as I've always been a fan of his. It makes for some great matches down the line (ie: ones we haven't seen before, or, for awhile). 5) Jay Lethal is great. I'm excited to see where he goes from here. 6) I wish Desmond Wolfe was booked differently. How so? I wish he was more like the 'Stric Lee Bizness' character I created in my XWA project. In a sense, more of a 'contract killer' type that's quiet, cold, and calculating versus a whiny baby. ha.
  24. <span style="font-family:Tahoma;">I just don't see them turning John Cena heel for this scenario in the slightest. There really would be no gain, and if anything, it would hurt Cena's brand; something the WWE doesn't want for business. To me, Cena is much like Hogan before his nWo run: A guy who always wrestles as a babyface. </span>
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