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Everything posted by Eisen-verse

  1. Can I have an alt of Air Attack Weasel without his headband and a rocker look? I've just signed him as someone to work with my upcoming talent. That said, I've booked him as a "Metalhead". Thank you!
  2. I like the look of this guy. Who do you think he could play (as an alt render)? I'm looking at the SWF & not really sure if there's someone on the roster that this could be? Thoughts?
  3. <p>I just had to come in here and say...</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Awesome!</em></strong></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Can't wait to see what comes of this thread (as the last one has heavily populated my pictures folder).</p>
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Basmat01" data-cite="Basmat01" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sting was saved by RoboCop once.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sadly.... that's something I HAVE seen.</p>
  5. Oh yea!! "Beach Blast'!! Thank you. And yea, I saw it on netflix via the "Falls Count Anywhere" DVD. A really great watch!
  6. So, I know this isn't a WWE comment per se; however, I just saw it on a WWE produced DVD. That said, I just watched Sting vs. Cactus Jack in WCW's Starcade '92 (I believe) and wow! What a great match! I'll be honest, I didn't know Sting much before the 'crow version'. I came into WCW shortly before his transition (only really watched the WWF before that) and didn't really know the surfer sting all that well. Regardless though, I really loved the back-and-forth that they had! If you haven't seen it before, look it up! This is the kind of stuff we're missing in wrestling these days! Hunger, passion, a move-set that's more than a punch (even for a 'main event style')! Great stuff.
  7. So, I'll preface this by saying that I don't have cable SO I didn't see the rest of the show BUT Kane's return was awesome. I just watched it on youtube and the new mask really gives him a demonic feel that we haven't seen in some time. That said, I would have changed the outfit. To me, he'd be more menacing in clothes that aren't 'wrestling attire'. Something torn... like he's literally crawled himself out of a grave or something. That said, it's good to see 'monster' Kane is back.
  8. While I haven't watched TNA much lately, mostly because we don't have extended cable in my apartment right now, I did watch the main event from tonight with Storm/Angle via youtube. I don't really think we can go as far as to label Roode as the Jannetty of "Beer Money" just yet. I mean, If TNA is booking this right then it's bound to create a "tension storyline" with Roode and James eventually warring with one another over the belt. I mean, Hogan, who has a lot of sway right now, said in a recent interview that he thinks Roode would be a better 'heel champion' than a face. That said, I could see them billing a war between the two were Roode ultimately turns heel and then wins the title down the road. I guess we'll have to see where we go from here before we can decide on if Roode is the second-tier guy within the tandem (as I think you're putting it). Truthfully, this whole thing could really turn out to be a HUGE win for TNA in the long-run if booked right. We could be looking at TNA's Triple H/Rock feud. What I mean by that is a strong feud that eventually A) defines a company at that time in history and B) elevates both wrestlers to the point of being dual main eventers. Either way, I loved the quick superkick ending. Well played TNA.
  9. Watching the opening promo with Robert Roode and I'm getting a Shane Douglas (during his ECW days) vibe from his delivery/mannerisms. If he keeps this up then he's got a fan in me.
  10. While true, I think I read that Russo was no longer head of creative in TNA. If so, then there's a chance that this MAY not end up in the crapper. I wish I had cable so I could watch impact but I guess I'll just have to keep up with their youtube channel to see how this comes together.
  11. I must admit, I like TNA. Well, I like what TNA COULD be I guess. With that said; however, THIS is what makes me continually bash my head into the wall when it comes to their approach. At one time I liked Hardy (a LONG time ago) but I don't really see ANY reason to give him the belt once again. He made a mockery of the TNA Championship when he showed up 'high' (simply put, it's true) and after months of the company talking as if they were going to release him... All of a sudden, He's in-line for another shot? I don't get it. A REAL uprising is in need within TNA. Create the classic young vs. old storyline and have people like Roode, Styles, Joe, Aries, Morgan, etc. benefit. While it's true that Roode may need more fleshing out before the belt should be put around his waist, giving it to Hardy seems like a very stupid idea.
  12. I agree that it's a blatant Joker rip-off; however, I don't think it's anything like the Heath Ledger portrayal. Heaths' version was far more psychotic, more serial killer-esque, more darker in nature. Sting's version feels like a traditional Joker feel. The face paint is a definite rip-off but I don't think the character is (at least as it pertains to Ledger's approach)...
  13. So, let me preface this by saying that I haven't watched TNA in a bout 2 months as I haven't had TV for that time frame, BUT I'm loving the Joker-rip-off off for Sting. Is it original? No. Is he entertaining at it? Totally. Kudos to someone of Sting's stature for going 'outside the box' a little and not playing the same 'Legend' persona that everyone does at the end of their career (seeming like they can beat 20-somethings as if they were super-human). I have much respect for Sting for doing this. Also, I was loving me some Sting/Bischoff segments from this past episode. I really don't like Immortal, really at all, but the segment came over well. Cheers. E-V
  14. I wasn't able to watch the show but I did watch the clips online. That said, I'm really excited about the possibility of Triple H finally moving over to that of an Authority Figure. We all know his in-ring days, a 300+ calendar year, are well past him. Going forward, now, the WWE can start to re-brand the WWE with a NEW Authority Figure in place; someone to symbolize what Vince meant to the company for many decades. I know that he didn't grow up a McMahon BUT Triple H has put in his time, done his work, maneuvered his way politically, and is going to be, whether we like it or not, which I like it, a MAJOR figure in the company's future. I'm excited to see what comes of this! Cheers. E-V
  15. I love Punk but the Yankees thing finally setting John Cena off seemed really weak... Oh well. CM Punk/McMahon was great! Cheers. E-V
  16. I loved Vince in that last segment. I know that people are growing tired of the McMahons but I'm all for seeing them as much as possible. I mean, at least things are more interesting then.
  17. Agreed. Sadly, though, I would much rather see that kind of character from a younger guy (So we could have it fleshed out for quite some time). These days, though, wrestling has become rather 'friendly' and has stepped away from more dark-personas. For a joker-esque character to work, there would need to be a focus on more vile demeanor's. Cheers. E-V
  18. Okay, so, despite all of the craziness, and what I feel they could do 'better', I have to say that I am MORE of a TNA fan these days than the WWE. Case in point... Sure, there were moments where Sting wen't a little too far with the madness BUT there were also some great spots here as well. While I would like to see more time focused on other guys, I feel this segment came away pretty well. Is it just me or did Hogan's face look a little weird after the attack? I mean, like he's actually wearing some sort of mask. ha.
  19. I'm sorry to question but REALLY? Nash may not have been a well-versed technition BUT he is, far and away, better than Andy. On the mic... Nash wins. Power as a big man... Nash wins. Athleticism... Andy; I guess. Look... Nash wins. Honestly, from what I've seen of Andy, he seems like a botch-fest waiting to happen. Not to mention, I squirm whenever he opens his mouth... sadly. Cheers. E-V
  20. I don't see it with Andy. Yea, he's a big guy but he looks like a fumbling one at that... Cheers. E-V
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