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Everything posted by Eisen-verse

  1. Wow! These are absolutely beautiful! Great work!
  2. Thank you! I knew, if I wanted to go back down the SWF road, I would need to tackle it a bit differently. The roster is different as we know & the company is currently at a crossroads: build up or fall behind. There are so many stories there to tell. I've decided to go with a backstage first-person account story. My user character is Jerry Eisen as he attempts to steer the SWF back in the right direction. Meanwhile, Richard Eisen is "losing it" and is obsessed with returning to the top but, in turn, has turned even more mean & vile than in the past (as he sees his power slipping). The project will still have SWF.com stories, Powerhousenews.com news, and the addition of Jerry Eisen's account at times. With that, there will be a 360 story told. I'm really excited about that!
  3. http://i952.photobucket.com/albums/ae6/World_WAR/SINS_zpsc5iw7t6f.jpg http://i952.photobucket.com/albums/ae6/World_WAR/SINS2_zps6d8kkrby.jpg He ruled the industry for decades. Burned bridges. Ran others out of business. Made enemies. Blacklisted many. … Became the most hated man in professional wrestling. Now it lies on his son’s shoulders to save his father’s empire. This is the story of the Supreme Wrestling Federation and how one attempts to overcome the sins of the father.
  4. YAY! Thank you for doing this. I'm excited to use it.
  5. http://i952.photobucket.com/albums/ae6/World_WAR/SWF_zpslabvvuyg.jpg ... What would YOU do to return to the top?
  6. Love this, ICE! I'd probably keep the mask on him; however, it gives me a long term idea about possibly losing the mask. Good call!
  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="brat99" data-cite="brat99" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34905" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Glad you like them. The tag team pics is something I had been kicking around in my head for a while now and finally just decided to see how they came out and judge feedback to see if anyone would want to use them. Captain Atomic is one I did not too long ago to kind of "heel" him up, but I ended up liking it so much myself that it's now his default pic for me.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The tag pictures is a great idea!</p>
  8. And THEN some, Asa! Thank you for bringing this vision to life with your alt. This is the first time I think I have a gimmick for KC Glenn that I'm actually excited to book. Absolutely LOVE these as well! The Phoenix alt made me chuckle a bit. Also, love that Forthdyke-Hume is championing the great Blackwell.
  9. Could I possibly get an alt render of KC Glenn as a crazy-a$$ southerner (ala Briscoe Brothers). I'm not really looking for anything to do with the confederate flag; however, something that makes him look like a "Good Ole' Boy." Granted, he'll be a heel in this role. Thank you!
  10. Could I possibly have two alt renders? http://i952.photobucket.com/albums/ae6/World_WAR/MISC/Mike%20Maniac_alt1_zpsfua5sxwy.jpg I was hoping to the wrestler above with a Hannibal-esque bite mask on his face. http://i952.photobucket.com/albums/ae6/World_WAR/MISC/Jason%20Kantor_zpstmhsulji.jpg With a dark suit on (possibly black with a red tie)?
  11. Thank you for stepping up and taking care of this, Anderz. I agree, there has been a need to "change things up" in this regard (as it's become rather stale in the DOTM department). I look forward to what you do with this & will be an avid voter each month.
  12. <p>Could I possibly get this guy...</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/LAX_Wrestling/media/CVFP_HispanicMale_023_zpseafoaznk.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj520/LAX_Wrestling/CVFP_HispanicMale_023_zpseafoaznk.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> With a Dia de Los Muertos look to him. Something along the lines of these...</p><p> </p><p> <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a1/c1/0e/a1c10e030f8146fbd8c7e255ddf57b3a.jpg" rel="external nofollow">PIC#1</a></p><p> <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7f/63/47/7f634740bb03d676805cfc0125796193.jpg" rel="external nofollow">PIC#2</a></p><p> <a href="http://cdn2-www.craveonline.com/assets/uploads/2012/10/file_198119_0_halloweencostume.jpg" rel="external nofollow">PIC#3</a></p><p> </p><p> Thank you!</p>
  13. I understand entirely, K-Nection. Truly, I do. It was not an easy decision to take a step back and say "Honestly, look at what you're doing here... are you really engaged?" After a week of it mulling in the back of my head, I came to realize that writing LAX Wrestling became somewhat of a job for me. It's a great concept, and had some awesome characters, but I found that my 'connection' to lucha-styled wrestling (which came from my summer watching Lucha Underground) had waned and my overall interest in the project as a whole felt rather forced. With working 55+ hours a week as a teacher, being a father for the first time, and attempting to get some semblance of sleep amongst all of that, I found myself to be very blunt with myself. Do I continue with something that feels forced? What am I really benefiting from by doing that (as I'm often writing during my lunch break at school -- versus doing something else like relaxing or grading). I'll admit, and have much of my writing career here, I'm a creature of inspiration. Now, do I start and stop a lot? Over my time here, you could say that. I do have; however, a 2 year project with SWF and a 14 month project with the original WAR. If you ask me, I believe those projects have shown that if I can really "connect" with my writing, I'm willing to keep it going for quite some time. WAR presents a form of wrestling that interests me (and always has). It's not a niche product really. It's a tougher brand with a respect for the sport & aggressive competition. I always tend to find myself searching for that in the real world (and never really finding it). If I had more time on my hands, I would even entertain TCW (the only company I have not booked) but I know that I don't have the time to devote to SO much TV/PPV time a month (in-game). Honestly, I apologize to anyone who feels slighted by this movement. It's not like I don't care or don't realize your feelings on the matter. I mean, truthfully, why would a writer EVER want to piss off their readers? You're pretty much setting yourself up to write in a vacuum after that. That's not my intention. All I can say is, I WANT to continue to contribute to the GDS world; however, need to do so with a company/brand/story that truly pulls me in or else I'll ultimately fade off into nothingness. <hr color="black">Those of you who would be interested in a WAR project (possibly creating characters for it), visit the survey link below in which to leave behind your thoughts. There's a clear cut vision to the company; however, I'm one who's very open to great thinkers coming together. WAR SURVEY
  14. With WAR being a possibility down the line here, I'm leaning toward doing the same thing once again by having a created roster. It makes things more 'interesting' when it comes to having 'originals' that are unique to the cornellverse. Unlike LAX Wrestling though, there really isn't a 'niche' I'm looking for in wrestling talent this time around (which opens things up). Plus, I'm thinking of opening up submissions with female wrestlers too (allowing you to create one male and one female). The roster is small; so, I don't expect there to be much more than 15 male wrestlers and maybe around 4-5 female wrestlers. I bring this up because I want to know if anyone would be interested in doing this kind of idea once again. Yes, some may feel 'burned' due to LAX Wrestling and that's totally okay with me (as in that I understand and wouldn't hold it against anyone). If there isn't as great of a showing this time around then I'll just fill the remaining spots of the roster in with existing wrestlers. I'm thinking I'll follow the same submission process as before. That said, I may make it a little tougher on the company (as I feel our roster was SO talented in LAX Wrestling... Which made it harder to believe these wrestlers 'weren't discovered already'. I'll see how that goes though). I've created a poll to see what your thoughts are on WAR... CLICK HERE
  15. Okay. Tech question. Can I get a virus from downloading from sendspace (or if the file is fine I should be okay)?
  16. I tried to download the Thunderverse this morning; however, upon doing so, it said that the file may be malicious. Has anyone else seen that? I'd love to look at the database again; however, don't want to run the risk of bogging my computer down with any viruses.
  17. I expected some sense of a response like this, to be honest. I get the feeling about the LAX Wrestling thing and I must say that I was not "thinking of another project" when I created that one. That was my focus. I was watching a lot of Lucha Underground and had copious amounts of time through the night (as I had night duty with my boy). I wanted to do something new for me and that's why I created a whole new roster. I truly enjoyed to see what people created. I don't see my posts as grandstanding. Why? This is a "diary preview and question" thread; so, I tend to write out my thoughts to see what others think? I use it as a way to put my thoughts on paper/internet and talk it through with those who've liked my projects before. So, since I've done it a few times, am I supposed to not reach out and ask my readers what they think? It's not to grandstand or promote myself. It's to ask what others think and if they'd be interested. I guess I've rubbed people the wrong way over the years or something. Am I perfect? Not at all. I'm just a guy who likes to write and uses GDS as my place to do so. I'm a creature of inspiration and, if I don't feel inspired, I look to find something that does. That's what happened with my SWF projects (I found my niche). I don't expect everyone to "love me" or my work. I also don't expect for everyone to always think I'm doing something "great." We're all human beings and, in doing so, we have opinions/feelings about anything that comes up before us. I guess, for me, I'm just wondering why, whenever I attempt to do something, I tend to get a blowback from at least a person or two? It's not a normal blowback though. It's like actual annoyance... anger... dismissive... Whenever I start a project, I end up with a number of people who rate my projects super low (1 star) straight out of the gate. It's not the worst thing in the world but it's still something that makes a creative writer think... "Is this where I want to spend my time... If people are turned off by me straight out of the gate?" Sorry if I went over the top here. This is just something I've been thinking for a while and, normally, it just slides off. That said, after a busy/tough/overwhelming week of teaching, I felt my openness to be somewhat low.
  18. To those who read my work, I have to say that I'm toying with an itch these days. There was a company I once ran called Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR). It was one of my favorite projects that I ran back a few years ago. That version was ran by J.K. Stallings Jr. who was looking to get back into the industry and take down Richard Eisen/TommyCornell. It was a fun project filled with Nemesis, Troy Tornado, Chris Caulfield, James Prudence, etc. In recent weeks, I've started to think about the kind of wrestling company that I'd like to watch in the real world. It has a very specific look and feel. It allows for characters but focuses on the reality on their hatred for one another (not so gimmicky). It also lets any style walk in and give it a go & praises those who can actually "go" between the ropes (but still gives room for stories). More or less, it's one of THE most demanding styles as you A) need to be able to "go" in the ring, B) need to be able to "entertain" and "act", and C) have to have a good enough "look" to make people want to follow you. It's like the ultimate action movie wrestling approach. With the WAR name, I wouldn't return to JK running the place. That doesn't seem fitting with my vision. Instead, it would be a low regional (high small) company run by Buddy Garner (who now wants to stay stateside and set up a company in the city for which he lives... Vegas). There would be the usual suspects making their way in (that often get used with a company this size). That said, my plan would be to create a full-360 feel of their character/intentions/motivations. This would be rather easy given the small size of the roster. I may even have a former MMA buddy of Buddy Garner come in and be part of the company as a wrestler? Not sure. I love what I've done with LAX Wrestling (and what you all have added to it). I feel, my problem is that I only have small window to devote to my writing. This drives me to really analyze (when I'm not able to write) what I really want to work with/write for/promote. So, I'm torn at this current point. I feel the WAR product I'm looking to use could really jive well with my own perspective on what makes "good wrestling." Also, I have a very distinct visual style that I'm looking to use with the company (which only furthers the brand in my mind). I don't believe there's a new TEW game on the horizon any time soon; so, my plan would be to create a long-term game with this product in mind (as it goes well with, as I said, my personal choice of wrestling style/brand). My previous version, while different than this one, went for a good year+ by its end.
  19. Vincente Romero is a 39 year old wrestler in Mexico who once wrestled as a grim reaper character called "Del Muerto." Up until now, I don't believe I have found an alt render of this character out there? I was wondering if someone could create a grim reaper-esque look for Vincente Romero. With the mask, you don't necessarily HAVE to use Romero as the base render but a lightweight sized guy who could pass as him under the mask. My hope is to utilize this iconic lucha libre character in an upcoming LAX Wrestling event.
  20. Thank you BOTH for your hard work! This made me even MORE excited to bring him into LAX Wrestling. In the end, I chose the Dudley-esque look without the glasses. I feel it fits his persona pretty well (with what I had in mind).
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