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Everything posted by Eisen-verse

  1. I'm looking forward to the draft tonight! I'll be home watching the Badger game; so, I'll actually be an active participant on chat as well. Hopefully we can pull in as many owners as possible (as, in previous years, I feel that we had some who 'gave up' halfway through the year).
  2. Don't forget to set your keepers for the ESPN league!
  3. Great! I just realized I was using the wrong log-in. I'm set and ready to go. Also, Friday night looks good for me too (the draft).
  4. Has the keeper league invites been sent out yet? If so, I haven't received mine yet.
  5. You didn't send the emails out yet, right?
  6. If there is, I'd love to be part of it again.
  7. I just watched Impact Wrestling from last night and, for the most part, was pretty entertained by what they did. Here are some notes that come to mind... 1) Al Snow is in better shape than Mr. Anderson Seriously, how can that be? I mean, I've never really been an Anderson fan. For too long, he's felt like someone who didn't really know his 'true identity'; instead being a fusion (not very good at it either) of the Rock & Austin. That said, you would think a guy who's still active would be in better shape than he is? I mean, Al Snow came out, looked great (physically and in the ring), and gave a great little performance. 2) The ECW revival is great but I hope it's done now Do I believe that TNA needs their own vibe (and not piggy back on others)? Yes. They've done the ECW thing before; however, I understand their reasoning in this case. You go BACK to ECW's back yard for a show and it's best to bring those fans what they want to see. I mean, the fans were really into their match; so, who am I to say it was a bad idea? In the end though, I hope, from here, the ECW 'good feeling' goes away (and I was an ECW fan back in the day). Maybe, to give the heels their due, EC3 and his band of guys could wipe them from the company; injuring all but Bubba. This would put some heat on them and show that TNA is more focused on their up-and-coming stars. 3) Find a way to keep TNA in NYC This is obvious. The NYC fans are ten times more interesting than the Florida-vacation fans. If not NYC, as it's been done before, focus your operations in a place like Chicago? They could, possibly, get the same reaction there. That, or Philadelphia. 4) Bobby Lashley is impressive; bet the farm on Bobby Roode I'm buying into Lashley as an unstoppable beast in TNA. The dude has the look, the skill-set, and the legitimacy to say "I"m going to kick your a$$". With all of that said though, and I think we may be heading toward it now, it's best to bet the farm on Bobby Roode. That's REALLY where TNA has a chance to stay relevant. He has a Shane Douglas vibe to me (minus the laughing; c*cky smirk that Douglas did so well); the hard-talking, worked-up, student of 'wrestling' thing. Seriously, you put him on the mic... Have him rip MVP/Lashley... have him rip 'other competitors' (companies)... Hell, as a face, have him even tip TNA for falling apart as it has... Give him an edge... Have him to be "Truth sayer" in TNA (if not in all of wrestling) and you've got yourself someone who could really sell tickets/buys.
  8. <p>Truthfully, I think the easiest thing to do (and I didn't think of this the first time around) is just to drop the 'minimum popularity' aspect of Arcadia. This way, I can drop it from a "C" to a "D+" and feel more comfortable with the position of the company.</p><p> </p><p> I feel, especially with a new company, that you shouldn't have your popularity any higher than your 'top stars'. So, essentially, if your most over workers are at a "D+" then that's where you should cap the company as well. I'm sure, adding Vibert could produce a C- in popularity (excitement of his return to the US; adding some extra popularity) to the mix.</p>
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jhd1" data-cite="jhd1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Why not just setup an Arcadia 2? A smaller network with lower requirements.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Good idea, my friend. Is there a way to connect the two stations though? I'd hate to essentially 'out grow' Arcadia 2 without any chance to jump to the flagship TV network (at a medium size in the US).</p>
  10. <p>I'm excited about rebooting Deadly Overloaded Action; however, am running into a problem with the newest version of TEW. In previous versions, I think there wasn't a clear "popularity level needed" for a given network. With the Arcadia network, where DOA was originally linked up with in previous versions, the minimum popularity is a "C". This feels a little too high for comfort given that my most over workers are D+'s (and the product is leaning toward popularity over performance).</p><p> </p><p> I thought about 'breaking away' for Arcadia; however, that feels weird to me (in a way). Plus, I don't want to sign with a really low network as I would have no room to 'grow' (as I'd have to stay with that network for the duration of the project). In turn though, a "C" may be hard to work with as my shows may not produce anything higher than that (or even get to that maybe). </p><p> </p><p> I could, also, have the company be a stand-alone and have no TV affiliation. While this could work (as it would let me set my popularity as I want), this also feels rather weird as Deadly Overloaded Action (in its two previous installments) were about a wrestling company owned by an American TV network. In a way, it would be moving drastically away from the original story.</p><p> </p><p> Hmm. Once again, just another thing that makes you have to decide what you want to do in the grand scheme of things: defy the original story of the company (possibly gutting its impact in the process) or try to play by the game popularity rules and possibly fail.</p><p> </p><p> I thought about, as a counter-idea, using DaVE; as the two have some similarities. That said, my 30 year old self isn't as interested in hardcore wrestling as my early to mid 20's self. I used to LOVE to write these 'very dark' companies; however, have fallen away from that as I've grown up. I guess, in some sense, I'd be comfortable with hardcore at 'medium' but that would be against, once again, the default rules. Grrr...</p>
  11. I've been kicking the can down the road lately and warming up to the idea of a rebooted Deadly Overloaded Action. There would be no connection to prior attempts. In reality, outside of a character or two, the project would be new in a lot of ways; characters, storylines, leadership, etc. The product would still be cult-modern leaning; however, would be developed in a way that I could still book big men as well. I would like to use people like Findlay (feeling I didn't get to really book his personality as far as I would have liked in my SWF project) and Hell's Bouncer (Kane-like figure). DOA would remain with Arcadia, led by Jensen Tarver (as before), and run as the #4 sized company in America. The scenario would be that, while he thought of running with a wrestling program in the past, he never really pulled the trigger. Now, in 2014, he's done that and he sought out a 'big man' booker to give the show an initial burst of excitement. That booker is Phil Vibert. I've done 2 different approaches to the DOA in the past and that, at first, scared me. That was until I thought this through. There was a Greed version... a Victor Page version... and now a Vibert version. Truthfully, from one to the next, the shows/characters/storylines were booked very different with each booker in charge. This would be no different with Vibert. A new take... a new approach. The weekly TV show (1 HOUR) and a PPV every 3 months (after 12 episodes) is the kind of schedule that seems most conducive to my busy schedule. I want something that I can 'itch the creative aspect' without devoting much time/thought to it. More or less, there will be depth but I won't obsess as I once did before. The early roster is influx but I'm looking to work with people like Hernandez (cult render that was done), Akima (Ice's great render with the tribal tattoo; Tazz like), Greg Black (allowing him to be a 'serious fighter' for once versus a comedic guy), Tank (Goldberg'esque kind of figure), Steven Parker ('Mr. Wrestling' in a sense; promoted by Eric Tyler), Sam Sparrow (Crazy bird guy who brings a stuffed bird to the ring for which he feels is alive; Al Snow/Head scenario) etc. There's many names I have in mind but I want to limit it down to a choice number of guys. I'm probably a ways away from really fleshing everything out; however, that's where I've been leaning in the last week or so. I dabbled into the T-Verse and loved it; however, found it quite mountainous to get to know such a great mod in the time I have allotted. With DOA, I know who I want to work with & the vibe of the game world. So, yea, I thought this would be the best place to 'think out loud' in a way.
  12. I'm sure this isn't possible but is there a way to have this prop pack with PNG files? I use GIMP 2.0 for all of my alt stuff and, sadly, it won't load the files that you have here in my program. If you can't, or that's too much to ask, then I totally understand. I just thought I'd ask!
  13. Thank you, guys! If I were to ever go with DOA, It would most certainly be a re-boot; fitting it into the current status of the cornellverse (2014). This would mean some new characters, some old, and an overall 'new start'. I'm not sure if I'd be willing to re-boot the whole thing though (energy; ie: re-booking in a way that is totally different than the original approach). Part of me likes the idea though (as it was my creation -- the company that is). It's me; my own venture. That's always fun. I guess I'd have to see. I'll keep everyone in the loop though (if and when I would start a new project -- DOA or otherwise).
  14. I would LOVE to take advantage of this (if you decide to post it at a later date)!
  15. It's less 'giving up' and more embracing reality. I enjoyed the theory of LAX Wrestling; however, booking the first show was a daunting affair. I couldn't get behind the characters like I thought I could and, before I knew it, I felt like I was just spinning my wheels for the sake of spinning them (as if, I can't survive without a TEW Dynasty in my life). Deadly Overloaded Action is relatively the same product. While the original was 'key' on modern, I'm thinking of dropping that down to 'medium' or 'heavy' in the new version (if I went that route). I've come to realize that booking 'niche products' can be really hard. I tend to do better when the product is wide-open (allowing for big men, small fliers, technitions, etc.). I've come to realize that I like booking big brawler types and the original 'key modern' approach doesn't allow for that really.
  16. I thought that but part of the reason I'm running with DOA is there's already logo/belts available. That makes it much easier.
  17. I don't know where else to post this; so, I apologize if this isn't 'the right location for such'. That said, after a lengthy thought process, I've decided that I will no longer pursue LAX Wrestling as a project. I know that I did a lot of work leading up to the point; however, as I continued to flesh out the company, I felt like it would eventually falter (I just had a feeling). I don't want to just start a project in which to have it fail right away as that's something I have, thankfully, grown out of with age (WAR & SWF being too examples of this). That said, I would like to think that there's a project out there left to do in whatever free time I have available. I know that I will never be able to write the kind of depth that I once did. I also know that I won't be able to update my projects as much I did in the past as well (most likely only getting to it when I really have time; which could be a month in between shows if it had to be that way). I feel, at this point, that readers would still be okay with a project if they knew it was going to be a slow-burner. I know that waiting a month isn't ideal and, in some cases, may cause you to forget what's been happening. I think I could construct a few ways to remedy that (ie: possibly having a 'storyline section' of the dynasty where there's a brief synopsis of what storylines are running at that time). This is where I'm starting to think aloud... I've recently contemplated resurrecting Deadly Overloaded Action. I had fun with the product and it posed a great challenge (being #4 in the US being the 'Big Three'). I don't know if it would be under the same manner as before (owned by a TV Network) or if I would take some liberties with the company itself. Part of me wants to just re-boot the entire thing with a new background, new owner, new wrestlers and have it stand on its own. However, there's also part of me that is afraid of the dissonance that would follow with doing such a thing (anyone who read my previous attempts may feel it's weird to see DOA in a different form than they once saw). Then again, time may alleviate the last issue. If I kept it with Arcadia, I would most likely still re-boot the series. It would start at 'day one'; voiding out the '1st season approach' that we put up before. In the new version, there wouldn't be 'seasons' per se. It would be more about being a wrestling company who just happens to be owned by a TV network (as if TNA was bought out by Spike or something). With the latter approach, I have even considered going back 'into the well' of sorts and possibly having John Greed or Victor Page as the headbooker. If this were the case, at least with Greed, it would be John Greed as the cornellverse has created up until now (not the injured, drugged out, loser-face). Again, I don't know if this would feel weird to others to see (envisioning DOA, much like it was, but in a different way -- Cornellverse 13 or 14). I guess, I wanted to let you know that LAX Wrestling isn't going to happen. That said, I also wanted to talk about what others might think about a potential DOA return, possible change of backstory, and/or the whole thing. (Again, sorry if this isn't where this is supposed to go).
  18. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj520/LAX_Wrestling/MISC/Hype_zps6dd4309e.png</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><em>Let the games begin...</em></span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p>
  19. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><A HREF="</p><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1993244#post1993244" rel="external nofollow">http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1993244#post1993244"><IMG</a> SRC="<a href="http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj520/LAX_Wrestling/Logos/LAXCOMING_zps0f99dda2.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj520/LAX_Wrestling/Logos/LAXCOMING_zps0f99dda2.jpg"</a> alt="Logo"></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:right;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div style="text-align:center;"><div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>Click the image above and join the hype for Los Angeles Xtreme Wrestling!</strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div></div></blockquote></div><p></p>
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dpoolez" data-cite="dpoolez" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Maybe they should've taken up Paul Heyman's offer several years back and just given him full control of the promotion.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I wonder what would have actually happened to TNA if Heyman had been given such control in TNA. Instead, Bischoff and Hogan came in and now, leading out of that era, it looks like the company is struggling to stay alive. Hindsight is always 20-20 but there's a lot that went on since Hogan/Bischoff that have really pulled this ship downward.</p><p> </p><p> Would Heyman have done anything better? Was TNA destined to flounder and eventually die off (regardless of who came along -- the WWE is just too powerful to challenge)? As a wrestling fan, I wish it would have gone the Heyman way.</p>
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