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Posts posted by D-Lyrium

  1. Yeah the arena looked packed on Impact last night. Is anyone else growing tired of James Storm losing to Roode? He loses to him every other week it seems.


    Also that was my first time seeing Mark Haskins. He seems decent. How come he is never used (or so it seems)? Has he ever gone by any other name?


    He's a young British guy, was in a very decent tag team in several British indies. I think TNA discovered him on their European tour last year.

  2. Yeah baby, how much of a huge deal did we make TNA look? :p


    I have to wonder how many of those tickets were actually paid for, but given that it's England I'd assume most of them. Any pro wrestling show over here will sell, because we've got bugger all else. Hopefully it will add weight to my one-man Twitter campaign to make Gabe Sapolsky bring DG:USA to England. ¬_¬

  3. That was actually really, really good. ¬_¬ I dunno why I automatically assumed otherwise, but... yeah. I liked it a lot actually. Kinda reminded me of a punkier, less German, Caliban. Although not really. But sort of. A bit.


    In other news: Went to see Turisas in Bristol the other day. ****ing immense. Cthonic were ok too (never heard of them before. They fail at pronouncing their own band name though; who're theh-cuh-tonic? I know it's supposed to be unpronouncable by sane humans, but surely cuh-thonic makes more sense?).


    The only downside was Kiuas' new vocalist having visa issues, so Mikko took over vocal duties (with Teemu doing the growls as usual). Now, all credit to them for pressing on and not pulling out of the gig, but there really is a reason Mikko isn't the vocalist. ¬_¬ Kinda sucked, as Kiuas are a band I really like but I haven't heard the new guy yet (Ilja quit after recording their latest album). So.. yeah.


    But Turisas more than made up for it. They did, like, every awesome song they have. Five Hundred and One is amazing live. Obviously they did Stand Up and Fight, as well as Hunting Pirates and The March of the Varangian Guard from the new album (plus another one I didn't recognise). They did To Holmgard and Beyond to 'warm us up' (apparently they haven't heard of central heating in Brighton, so not sweating their balls off was new to them on this tour). Fields of Gold, and One More. They also did Rasputin AND Battle Metal (wasn't expecting BOTH...!)


    It was the kind of setlist that left me and my mate wondering which songs they DIDN'T do. We couldn't think of any worth mentioning. ¬_¬

  4. Very well put. Roddy/Davey was a better match, but Steen and Generico told a fantastic story. That was one of the greatest feuds I've ever seen, and the ending was perfect.


    Maybe I'll post more on the show later, but for now, I'm drained. I definitely got my $7.50's worth...and then some.


    Yeah, so definitely worth the money. I feel like I used to feel the day after Wrestlemania when I was a kid. ¬_¬ As you could probably tell by the insanely cobbled-together post above that I kept editing during the show. ¬_¬.


    I wasn't able to follow Raven/Dreamer back in ECW, but now I've seen Steenerico, I'm kinda ok with that... And that was definitely the way to handle the tricky situation where your main event isn't your title match... pretend you have nothing to do with it and it's not part of your official card. That way, as far as the card is concerned, the title match is the main event so your title's prestige remains unblemished, but the fans get a fantastic main event spectacle too. Not that Davey/Rod wasn't a fantastic main event spectacle, but if they'd done it the other way around, it would just've been weird.


    Honestly Richards and Strong just got insanely silly towards the end; they kicked out of WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too much.


    You think THEY kicked out of too much? Steen and Generico pretty much killed every finish ever used in the history of wrestling. :p I could buy kicking out of the Brainbustah! if it was JUST the Brainbustah! But by that point, he'd pretty much kicked out of everything else as well.


    As I said in my initial post (though I wasn't clear on which one), there was only one false-finish in the title match that actually had me going, and that was Davey's SSP after booting Truth Martini off the apron. But in context with the story (of the match, and the feud), it makes sense for Davey to kick out of more stuff than you'd normally expect.


    Since 1234 mentioned having trouble with GFL at the top of the show, I thought I'd post this blurb I saw on the Observer website:



    ROH crashed the site. That's actually kind of awesome. Well, it's awesome as long as GFL is prepared for that possibility in the future. And I will note that once I got the stream up & running, it ran perfectly for the entire show.


    The only trouble I had was during the Women of Honor match (plus a bit of choppyness during Dutt/Edwards). The rest of the time it was absolutely fine. And the quality, while obviously not fantastic, was good enough to ignore and forget you're watching a streaming internet feed. And now they've got a HD stream up (which is included in the price if you've already bought the event), which is fantastic. So you really can't argue with that.


    I'll definitely be ordering the next one, that's for sure. Just slightly miffed that I can't watch the TV shows. :(



    Edit: Actually, come to think of it, it was a bit of a theme last night... kicking out of finishers, I mean. Didn't Daizee kick out of the Royal Butterfly AND the first of Del Rey's Piledrivers, too?

  5. Unlike you guys, I'm from the UK and have had no problems ordering and watching my first RoH iPPV (my first wrestling PPV since WM19, in fact :o). There was a small hickup during DaizeeKong vs. SerenaDelRey, but let's face it... they picked the right match to screw up. ¬_¬


    The opener (The All Night Express vs. Cole/O'Reilly) was pretty awesome, some great spots. Great way to open.


    Cabana/TJP was excellent fun but way too short (or at least, way too abrupt. I was just getting into it, and it finished out of nowhere).


    The wimminz match was ok. But like I said... technical difficulties.


    Dutt/Edwards... meh. I don't mind Dutt, but Edwards is boring as all hell. I don't care how many times he's been injured and fought through it, I'd rather he didn't bother. ¬_¬ Not a bad match, though, considering it was the very definition of filler.


    But hey... they've played Dragonforce - Through The Fire And Flames twice now during intervals, so.... that's a win. Oh, and TWGTT are officially part of RoH full-time. Big win! Especially if the Kings keep the belts for a bit. Kings vs. Haas/Benjamin... mmmmmm...


    Second half is about to start.

    Edit: GAH, they're playing the damn Steenerico hype video AGAIN. It's a fantastic video, but this is the THIRD time during the PPV. The second time being RIGHT BEFORE THE INTERVAL. Is that really necessary?


    As far as predictions go... Daniels of course. Steen has to win, in my book. The Briscoes will win the six-man since hopefully they won't win the belts any time soon (nothing wrong with them in general, but Kings vs. WGTT >>>>> Briscoes vs WGTT for me personally).


    And I don't really care who wins the title match as long as it's not Roderick ****ing Strong.


    Edit: Spoiler-free, but Daniels is classy as all hell. "**** TNA!" chant starts during his entrance, and he silences it by starting an "RoH!" chant over the top of it. Everyone should be as awesome as Christopher Daniels. It was a decent match, too.


    More spoiler-freeness: KoW vs. Briscoe Family was a VERY fun match. Enjoyed that immensely. Fantastic.


    Who's Truth Martini, and why does he suck so very much?


    Edit #5000: That's the first time for AGES I've been sucked into a false-finish. :-o This isn't a bad match...




    I take it alllll back about Roderick Strong. That was pretty awesome actually.


    As for the main event...




    As a match, it was meh. It was weird. To begin with I thought I was going to be massively disappointed. But as an event, a story, a spectacle.... maybe one of the best things I've seen in a wrestling ring. Epic feud, epic finale. Loved it, when all was said and done. Although any time either man lose a match again, they're going to look silly considering the amount of insane stuff they kicked out of tonight.

  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sabataged" data-cite="sabataged" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Its not the best... I would rate it like a 7 out of 10. The greatest series finale I ever seen was on Six Feet Under.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Surely Buffy has to win Best Series Finale?</p>
  7. One of those A7X gigs is near my house. I hope to hell I'm working that night. Or I could just... you know... go somewhere else. :p


    A7X ****ing suck. I went to Iron Maiden and they were "supporting". The sucked. Luckily their set ended early because a fan collapsed in the front row. Probably of boredom. Luckily Within Temptation were also there, so we had Lauryn Harris followed by Sharon den Adel, so it wasn't all bad ¬_¬ Then of course Maiden, who were awwwwesome.

  8. Weee, first in line. Edit: Damn, second. :p


    I'd love a logo for Rocky Mountain Wrestling. Kind of an Adam Pearce-era RoH product, based either in Montana, Idaho, Alberta or BC (haven't decided yet, but the idea is that it's a Can-Am promotion that promotes on both sides of the border).


    My original idea for a logo was to have the letters RMW looking all jagged and 'rocky', forming a mountainscape silhouette (might be a bit hard for the R, maybe slant it so that the rounded bit points upwards slightly?), and behind it have the American and Canadian flags. Not sure if that'd work, though. Have a play and see what you come up with. :D Something... mountain-like. The mountains should definately be prominent. Have I mentioned mountains?


    As for colours... black, grey, red, white, blue... I dunno. Black lettering with a 'snow cap' in white at the top would be cool, possibly... Not sure for the background though, red I guess.

  9. Yeah, the difference between actually CREATING a belt, and re-colouring an existing one is... vast.


    It's sort of like the difference between 'colouring between the lines' of a black and white drawing and actually drawing something from scratch. I'll definately keep working at creating belts myself, but I can't see anything coming forth any time soon. Especially given the epic failure of my last attempt at that. :D The actual process of recolouring (at least, the process I used) is quite fiddly but very simple. Compared to what ReapeR and co. are doing, it's nothing at all really, just a matter of selecting all the bits you want to be gold (which was REALLY fun on the World belt, with all the little golden countries! :| Especially with a bloody Netbook trackpad...) and applying a gold-effect gradient (or silver, or whatever colour), with some fiddling around with the layer settings. Probably the most time consuming bit (other than the world title's globe) was the silver ring around the Canadian belt. Glad you like them though.


    I also noticed that the world title was shinier than the others, but I think it's because it starts off quite shiny in the first place. And, as the World Title belt, it deserves to be!

  10. So, nobody actually *wanted* these, but I always thought it wierd how Canadian GOLDEN Combat had a silver tag team title. So I wanted a gold one. In a rash break from form I've decided to be a bit constructive and try to do stuff myself for once. Whaddya know, it sort of worked...




    This lead to the other titles looking a bit flat in comparison. So I shined 'em up a bit too:





    Not a bad start... Main credit still goes to the original artists though (ReapeR probably), since all I did as a relatively simple edit.

  11. Grimlock, Slag, and Sludge were the original Dinobots. And Grimlock was easily the best one.


    Me Grimlock, greatest warrior! *hits nearby inanimate object to emphasise point*




    I'm not so sure... Adam would have been prime age to have been a massive Paul Roma mark back in the day when WWF Superstars was must watch TV on Sky ;)


    And I think that the majority of event names are ample evidence that Adam's a fan of cheesy rock and cheesy tv. Infact it's fair comment to say he probably went down his album list when creating the random event names...


    Exactly. Cheesy rock + from England = Saxon ;)


    Plus the video for The Power and the Glory has the band running around some castle ruins dressed as camp Ghostbusters. Win.

  12. I also noticed two random event names are "Anything Goes" and "Live and Let Die"....both of these are the titles for Guns N' Roses songs.


    Hopefully you know this, but Live And Let Die was a James Bond film, and the title song from it was a Paul McCartney song which GnR covered (very well, admittedly).


    APW has an event titled "OzFest".......like the rock festivals, which is actually spelled "OzzFest".


    Because the festival is named after and created by Ozzy Osbourne, whereas the APW event is named after the British slang term for Australia, Oz.


    They have an event titled "Master of Puppets" like the Metallica song (also covered by Dream Theater)


    Since you mentioned the Dream Theater cover you might as well mention the Apocalyptica one :D


    Also, WLW has an event called "Power & Glory". I pray to God it is not a reference to the very bad 1991 WWF tag team composed of Hercules Hernandez and Paul Roma....:eek:


    More likely to be the Saxon song ;)


    To be honest, most of these so-called 'references' are just popular terms or phrases, or generic names that have been used over and over again, and people are just searching IMDB and Wikipedia and claiming anything that turns up a result to be a 'reference'.


    When you try and claim that 'When Hell Freezes Over' is a reference to the Eagles album, or "Reckless Abandon" is a reference to an episode of Charmed (!!!) that point become quite clear :p

  13. I saw the question in another post about the Bunfholes, and renaming Zimmy. So I got curious, and googled it (which means Viacom now knows my name), and found out it's short for Zimmerman, which is Bob Dylan's real last name. Coincidence? Probably, but I thought I'd share. :D


    There was (possibly still is?) also an Internet wrestling journalist that goes by the name of CRZ (Christopher Robin Zimmerman), who provided one of the reporting styles selectable in EWR. Whether that's his real name, or stolen from Winnie The Pooh and Bob Dylan, I dunno, but there you go... :p

  14. Some Football references;


    To start with Adam your a Birmingham fan? Solihull Wanderers(or maybe a Wolves fan:D).


    Joey Beuchamp played for Oxford and West Ham I think.


    Ruud van Anger - Van Nistelrooy

    Franke De Pain - De Boer

    Louis Figo Manico -Luis Figo

    Chris Everton - The Club Everton

    Davey Celtic - Celtic


    not football but Carl Edwards ' repeat offender' from whereelse but Liverpool.


    Proberly more.


    Also Gabriela Ortega, a Mexican valet. A portmanteu (nice word ¬_¬) of Gabriel Batistuta and Ariel Ortega, two famous Argentine footballers.

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