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Posts posted by Zeel1

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hyde Hill" data-cite="Hyde Hill" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Do they by chance need an accent on the positive TNA recapper? lolz.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nah, they have a TNA recapper..</p><p> </p><p> ...and she's delightfully insane. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Seriously, every week it's one of the most random things I ever read. Her recap style is just a total non-stop nonsequitor, and I can barely understand what's going on in the shows, and yet..I love it.</p>
  2. I'm already a fan, Zeel. Seriously, I used to be way into that site about a year ago, no idea why I even tuned off honestly. I think they sported twice as much interesting photoshopped images back then. Good material, will read.


    As I said before, I've been a fan of that site for a really long time, so it's so cool that I'm now writing SD! and PPV recaps. It's so cool that he thinks they're good enough, because I haven't even done that many. Seriously - I did four recaps in November of 2008, then stopped doing them until this month. Sean asked for people to apply in his WM recap, to quote-on-quote "save this f*cking website already", and I thought "Well, hey, I used to do recaps for a forum I go to, and everyone there liked them, why not try?" So I applied, and then eventually did a recap of the April 9th SD!, if just to get back into the swing of writing them. Sent that to Carless on an impulse, and he used it, which just absolutely shocked the hell out of me.

  3. My recap of SmackDown! has finally be posted on TWF.com. I swear, I don't know why it takes as long as it does after being sent. I mean, I sent it in at 3 PM yesterday, (I get the files of the show hours before it airs, and recap it from there to make sure I'm never late) just so he can ass around and not post it 'till Saturday anyway.. :p


    Anyway, same little disclaimer I gave for the Extreme Rules recap: Not suited for children - which is kind of amusing, considering I'm only 16 myself..I make recaps that I'm not old enough to read! - but it's all in jest, no offense meant to anyone.



  4. Heya guys. I made a topic in the Dog Pound a few weeks back about how thewrestlingfan.com's Sean Carless was posting my SD recaps. Dunno how many of you have heard of it, but personally I love the site, and have been visiting it for about three years now, and love the chance to be a part of it.


    Anyway, a little while ago he posted my recap of Extreme Rules. If you want to read it, it's right here: http://www.thewrestlingfan.com/extremerules2010.html


    I feel I should note: for those that don't know, it's not exactly a kid friendly site, and my recap is, well, let's just say it fits in there. I don't mean any offense in anything that I say, it's all purely in jest. Thought I should point that out.

  5. surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. Smackdown will move to the SyFy channel starting in October which means that WWE NXT will be cancelled. This is according to rajahwwf.com. What does everyone thing about this?


    I don't know if "canceled" is the right word..I never thought NXT would be going on year round like RAW and SmackDown, as much as it would have actual seasons. Once all the rookies are eliminated and a winner is declared, the season will be over. SmackDown! moving to SyFy in October tells me that Season 1 will go on 'till about that time..which, I must say, is a lot longer then I thought one season would last. But yeah, SD'll replace it when Season 1 ends, and presumebly Season 2 will start sometime next year, maybe on a differant network. Atleast I hope so, I like NXT.

  6. While a Christian myself, I really don't see why Dinero would offend people too much. Perhaps a little edgy, sure, but downright blasphemous? I don't think so.


    Maybe if he took it a little further then he does, I wouldn't like it as much as I do. I mean, he doesn't mention God or Jesus, or carry around bibles. (Atleast, I haven't heard or seen him do so.) Honestly, the only things all that religious about him is his name, and the way he dresses. Sort of like how the only things that have been religious about Christopher Daniels for the last five or so years was his nickname and his theme song.


    It looked like it could be bad when he first debuted as a heel, (always more dangerous for these kinda things..) and played up the "Corrupt Street Preacher" aspect more then he does currently, but right now, he's harmless.


    But now, having said that, I don't really find anything that happens in wrestling as all that offensive, even if I'd have problems with it in real life. For example, when I was younger I got mad at my Dad quite a few times for making racist jokes, and yet in '06 I rooted for Cryme Tyme. Maybe if I saw an actual money-grubbing street preacher on the sidewalk, I'd take issue with him, I don't know.

  7. what happened to Piper vs. McMahon did it just become Bret Hart vs. McMahon? They decide to hold the match off and reserve it for McMahon's annual 'Mania involvement next year?


    I..don't think it was ever going to be Piper/McMahon. What gave you that idea?


    Piper challenged him once months ago, but it was turned down, and they haven't mentioned it since, nor has Piper appeared since.

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Daffanka" data-cite="Daffanka" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Bischoff being a jerk boss is fine except he inserts himself into every angle and the people he abuse never get comeuppance.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm guessing you didn't see the head-shaving on the last show? That sure seemed like some comeuppance to me. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  9. Jesus Christ, don't interpretate all so damn literally. The rest of the post was the most important and no one talked about that! XD Of course i know they won't be closing the doors tomorrow or next year,etc etc...that was an ironic matter of speaking...but the rest of the post is correct! Turner would keep feeding WCW...but eventually he would have to pull the plug unless he wanted to ask for a morgadge on his house. LOL. So even if the merger did not happen, WCW would be out of business nowadays and some guys who entirely blamed the merger back then, will have no excusses for failing now, wheter that failure includes goign out of business or simply not overcoming WWE . That's my point!


    ..Unless AOL buys Panda Energy. :p

  10. Petey Williams? - Standard "midcarder with nothing to do gets released" here, I think.

    Matt Bentley? - Contract expired.

    Elix Skipper? - See Williams. Also, he's a lot older then he looks, which may have had something to do with it.

    Sonjay Dutt? - Contract dispute, apparantly.

    Sabu? - Left to work for WWE..remember? :p

    Diamond Dallas Page? - Retired from active competition.

    Jimmy Rave? - See Williams.

    Chris Harris? - Some reports say that his storyline complaining about his exposure was based on reality.

    Brother Runt? - See Williams.

    Jerry Lynn? - Career winding down, asked for release.



    Also, TNA, for a very long time, has had a very overstacked roster. This was especially true back when they were only one hour long. Aside from DDP and Sabu, that could've also been a factor in the releases.

  11. John Heder was f'n excellent as a host. He played a great character and was one of the few hosts wo actually added something to the show. He was a legit heel and got legit heel heat


    I mean...when he referenced Lane Kiffin obliviously ...awesome.


    Agreed, and I thought Don Johnson did pretty well too. Up there on the list of top hosts.


    Could have seriously done without the main event, but y'know..

  12. Thats my thing where did these extra two million viewers come from, hell even RAW had its highest rating since Summerslam. So really where did three million viewers come from and thats not counting the Fiesta Bowl.


    I think a big part of it has to do with people skipping back and forth. I know I was doing quite a bit of that once RAW came on. The only segment I actually watched in full from start-to-finish was Bret Hart's opening segment.

  13. Yeah there are way to many people in that group. And I love how they are supposed to all be non-Americans yet Homicide is announced as being from NYC and if Kevin Nash is in it well he is an American as well.


    Yes I agree that Bashir is a lot better then people give him credit for. I just think that TNA and WWF are both guilty of not knowning what the heck to do with him.


    Yeah the other women interviews in TNA like Crystal, Leticia, Goldylocks were all good looking but their skills and reactions as interviewers was really lacking. Where as like you said, Lauren just seems to be better.


    Well, I could see WWE not having much for him, he's one of the skinnier dudes out there, and with no Cruiserweight division, his role as a manager was probably the best thing they could've done for him. But they had to phaze out managers as well..TNA, however, has less excuses.


    I agree with you on World Elite's additions being contridictions, but frankly, when World Elite first came up, I kinda hoped it wouldn't just end up being yet another anti-America team. World Elite, to me, signified them as being the best represenators of all countries, which would've atleast been a little more unique. So I was a bit dissapointed when they ended up just going "ohay, America sux, kaithxbai".

  14. Yeah I could see Kiyoshi or Bashir going. And you know what? It really would not be all that big of a loss as neither one of them is really doing anything. In fact the whole World Elite stable is kind of stale to me.


    And I sure hope we have not seen the last of Lauren. She is by far the best interview girl that TNA has ever had.


    And this has to do with nothing but:


    I do have to say that Christy Hemme is looking really good as of late.


    Haven't seen much of Kiyoshi, but Bashir/Daivari has always seemed better to me then he's ever credited with. I was glad to see him get an X-Division title reign last year, and then saddened to see his role lightened the way it has. My only issue with the World Elite as a whole, is that there's just so damned many members in it. Young, Bashir, Kiyoshi, Williams, Magnus, Terry, Homicide and now Kevin Nash, apparantly. That many guys just isn't neccessary, and that makes it easy for them to lose their individuality, like so many nWo midcarders did.


    I agree with the liking of Lauren. Maybe it's just because she sells abuse very well, which I find to be a great trait with interviewers. She shows a lot more personality, and seems far less stiff then most female interviewers.

  15. Wow...Sheamus as WWE Champion. Didn't see that one coming..WWE trying to make him into the new Lesnar? I don't expect it to last long, (Main Eventing WrestleMania within his first year?!) but then I most certainly didn't expect it to start in the first place. Not the biggest fan of Sheamus, but I think a good reason for that is that he's only had about one match in the WWE that lasted longer then 7 minutes before this one, and that would've been the Benjamin one. (Two if you count the Battle Royal, maybe.) I'll be interested in watching this Cena/Sheamus match to see how well he goes when given what I'd presume to be over ten minutes.


    But I have to say, this is, if nothing else, a daring decision by the WWE. Sheamus has not gotten very big reactions throughout his title campaign, atleast I don't think so, so giving him the belt right now is a pretty damned gutsy move..


    Again, not Sheamus' biggest fan, but I approve of WWE's strive to make new stars, and so far, TLC is telling me it's a very legit effort. If doing that means megapushing some untested talent, I'm all for it.

  16. Wait a minute, what is Daniels's gimmick right now?


    Well, at the moment, he's kinda doing what Chris Harris was doing before he left, complaining about being held down and not being given as many oppurtunities as Styles. In his first few months back, he didn't exactly have a gimmick, he acted like a regular dude. Honestly, Daniels hasn't done his "Evil Preacher" shtick that he was apparantly doing in the EWR days, since I've started watching. (in 2006)

  17. I can't describe what it is, but I don't know if he quite... has the look?


    Personally, I think he should lose the eyeliner..he hasn't incorporated religion or darkness into his gimmick for quite some time, so it seems a little silly to still be using it. It's one of those things where you don't really notice that it's eyeliner, and yet..it still makes them look weird. A bit of a "I can't put my finger on it, but this guy looks a tad off" deal.

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