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Everything posted by Zeel1

  1. Personally, I think he should lose the eyeliner..he hasn't incorporated religion or darkness into his gimmick for quite some time, so it seems a little silly to still be using it. It's one of those things where you don't really notice that it's eyeliner, and yet..it still makes them look weird. A bit of a "I can't put my finger on it, but this guy looks a tad off" deal.
  2. Nice. Thanks for these too, Kam, keep up the good work!
  3. Awesome! That really looks great. I was going to request that the full name stay on the logo, but it may have been better that it wasn't, 'cause now I can do the name change to the later thought up, and much cooler, Aerial Assault Wrestling!
  4. I'd like to request a TCW Total Wrestling banner, if it's not too much trouble?
  5. Aw what, that Wolverine rip-off? Ain't no way I'd have him beat American ****ing Elemental..
  6. The promotion name is Aerial Action Wrestling, and I actually made a logo, but I was wondering if you would mind "glitz"ing it up just a bit? http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j213/Zeel1/AAW.jpg Not too many changes, just kinda brightened, a bit more colorful, so it fits in with the other logos a little better. It came out a lot drearier then I was aiming for..
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