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Posts posted by MrSelfDestruct

  1. I still think its dumb WWE is forcing him to retire two doctors cleared him. To hell with safety concerns.


    I doubt they are forcing him and honestly even if they are, in their positioin with the Benoit situation I don't think they have a choice. The guy started wrestling so young and hes wrestled at a higher pace conisistently than just about anyone. In his 16 year career I guarentee hes faced more concussions than Cena.. why? because the guy is the best at what he does and puts his heart into it and happens to be very good and knows how to excite the fans despite his obvious limiations in size.. sound familiar?


    You only have one brain, and he can't just tone it down and hope not to get another one and see how many before he gets hurt permanently, he may ALREADY end up with some damage if pro football and concussions have shown us anything. I'd bet my left nut Benoit had CTE, and I'm sorry it scares me to even think about that happening again. I respect this man for knowing when to give it up before he can't have the potential of getting better.

  2. Jericho was blown up within 5 minutes on raw. I don't think I want to see him in an hour long match


    to be fair he is 40+ and was the second longest person in the rumble though and he looked fresh nearly that whole time.


    and @BHK


    Styles was in contact with TNA and Karl Anderson was the only other one who actually made it to a written contract, neither signed obviously. TNA had some good talent that now they know can use as because some said earlier TNA is no longer on WWE radar. If they ever really were honestly, cuz lets be honest did they ever get even close? I say that and I liked TNA


    Not really stranged they hired a huge free agent when theyre missing most of the big name roster and they have a lot of older guys anyways

  3. Cruz has beaten Mighty Mouse.


    As far as Cruz being the #1 p4p, I said if he could stay healthy. I wouldn't say he squeaked by Dillashaw. Only rounds I though TJ won was the 4th and 5th. He couldn't touch Cruz. He was the aggressor, but in no way was he controlling the fight. Cruz took him down every time he shot it, and slipped away from nearly every exchange unscathed.


    Bones is no doubt the best right now. He, Cruz and Johnson are all on the same plane of making the top contenders look like scrubs. Only Dodson came close to dethroning Mighty Mouse, and he got slaughtered in the rematch. Only Gus has come close to beating Bones, and Bones still won that pretty easily I thought.


    Conor is about to be the GOAT though! Lol


    Squeaked as in even the round he won were close. Yes he beat Mighty Mouse like 4 years ago lol


    Idk I put Jones on a different level because he fought already established competition and finished them and hasn't shown much weakness.. I mean Mighty Mouse and Cruz are fast, but they don't do a lot of damage and not to mention they are fighting guys in still developing divisions, nobody is all that proven as an ELITE bantamweight/flyweight.They really need to build some stars in these divisions.. Yes Cruz knocked out Mizugaki, but that's not how he going to fight title fights. That's all I mean. They control the fight but to claim dominance is odd when mainly what they do is focus on not getting hit, but if you cant follow that up with anything significant I see you as a point fighter.


    Can't wait for Bones to smash Cormier lol, and I honestly have doubts for Conor vs RDA. I think RDA is a new breed these days looks untouchable. The issue is one guy got there by decimating victories and vast improvement, and the other got there via running his mouth and got one big win. I mean I love McGregor but I think they may have jumped the gun here, should have had him fight Frankie first

  4. I think you're jumping the gun on that a bit.. Same argument could be made for Mighty Mouse with that logic. Guy is so good he makes good fighters look bad, but to be fair he doesnt have the level of competition. Dom had two fights in recent years doesnt need to be p4p king, not to mention he isn't, Jones is and IMO always will be. Guy has never come close to losing, and I LOVE Dom. If he gets 2 title defences this year he may be in that discussion. not to mention he barely squeaked by Dillashaw, I had him winning 1,2, and 3
  5. Dwayne doesn't have to kiss Vince's butt. When you've made someone close to a billion dollars and helped him establish his own movie studio, you kinda get some benefit of doubt. And that's even assuming he put in a word for Roman (which I doubt). Besides, Roman fits Vince's preferred body type to a T, comes from a respected family in the business, and has a smoldering charisma that appeals to the female segment of the audience (the segment they're actively trying to grow right now - how many bleach blond fitness models have been called up of late?). Add to that the fact that the established "top guys" can't stay healthy for long stretches (or are part-time) and yeah, you make the best of a non-ideal situation. I should note that similar complaints were made about one Rocky Maivia after his transformation.




    Ziggler would need to be built. He's too good as a plucky underdog babyface who makes anyone look good. They don't have anyone else who can do that (Neville is close but not quite). Also, his entire moveset is borrowed. From the Fameasser to the superkick to the snap DDT. That would need to change as well. He's not considered 'new' to the audience in his current form.


    Barrett can't stay healthy. He's injured RIGHT NOW but because he's integral to the League of Nations, he can't take time off. Look at the match from a few weeks ago where the league fought, I think it was the Lucha Dragons and the Usos. How much ring time did Barrett get? NONE. He was never tagged in. There's a reason for that. When his 'Bad News' schtick had him red hot, he got hurt and cooled off.


    Can't explain Wyatt though. He would seem perfect since he has an established stable behind him. Maybe they don't fit within the Authority storyline (Bray Wyatt cannot be controlled).


    Daniel Bryan is beat up. His body can't handle the rigors of being a full time wrestler (even part time is questionable unless he makes major changes to his moveset and in-ring style). CM Punk wouldn't toe the company line. He wasn't an a-hole backstage, he just wouldn't go for the stuff they were shoveling at him. He's an IWC darling for good reason and a stark contrast to Cena. Punk wanted his storylines to make sense and that's akin to heresy in WWE.


    The thing that's being missed here is WWE is not about wrestling and hasn't been for years. Just like Google isn't about web searching and hasn't been for years. They use wrestling as a front for what they really want to be: a formidable creator of content across all platforms. Hell, read their prospectus! They want to create characters for licensing purposes to sell merchandise and create new properties and franchises (like The Marine). Basically, they want to be Marvel, only with real humans as the basis for characters.


    That's precisely why they ignore the IWC, by and large. Hardcore wrestling fans don't buy merchandise in nearly the same volume as casual fans (or "sheeple" as you call them). You see this in all areas of entertainment, whether you realize it or not. Why does it seem like every "blockbuster" movie has to be PG or PG-13 in theaters yet when it's released on DVD/Blu-ray, it's "unrated" (and often well into the R range)? How much Gable/Jordan merch do you own? That's the only thing these people (meaning, the suits whispering into Vince's ear) understand. Who's moving units? Hell, I don't think they're going to do anything with her but I own every piece of Asuka merchandise they sell (both t-shirts and the mask). I just add that to the Sasha Banks, Charlotte, Bayley, Emma (pre-call up), Lucha Dragons, and Samoa Joe stuff.


    I can agree with you on some things but you have to come to grips with something: WWE is not targeting you. You, as a hardcore wrestling fan, who demands storylines make sense in a real way, are not their primary audience. If you don't buy merchandise, they don't give a flip what you think (your dollars = your vote in a manner of speaking). Go back in this thread a few years. I WAS YOU. I raged about how useless the divas division was and what would happen if they actually got some real wrestlers. Well, it took some years but here we are. And now, I'm deathly afraid that they're going to put a divas title match on the Wrestlemania card. Think about it for a second. What have divas matches at Mania been, traditionally of late? Bathroom breaks. If a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear it, does it make a sound? More specifically, if a 5-star divas match happens at Mania and everyone's on the throne, will it get the credit it deserves?


    Oh my god may copy this just to explain to some people why they dont understand the business and why certain guy who can wrestle but can't entertain cannot thrive in WWE as it isn't wrestling, its entertainment. Seriously perfectly put lol

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