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Posts posted by MrSelfDestruct

  1. "One, two, three, four, here

    One, one, one, one

    Two, two, two, two

    Three, three, three, three

    Four, four, four, four

    Here, here, here, here

    One, two, three, four, here


    Up in WWE where the talent is fresh,

    There was one diva who could pass the test

    And now she's down by law and she's ready to play

    That's right y'all her name is AJ


    Never gets nervous when she skips to the beat

    She gives top notch service never weak on her feet

    A complete elite treat that can't be beat

    'Cause AJ never knew the agony of defeat, sing


    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    Aaaaa JAyyyaaaaa


    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!


    Uh, Yeah yeah yeah

    Uh, Yeah yeah yeah

    Uh, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!


    Uh, Yeah yeah yeah

    Uh, Yeah yeah yeah

    Uh, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!


    CM Punk, Daniel Bryan or Kane

    Doesn't matter who she's with cuz the girls insane

    So just kick off your shoes and relax your feet

    And just rock to the rhythms of Djthefunkchris's beat


    Yes, yes, y'all and just shake that butt

    Because AJ is gonna stir __it up, sing



    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    Aaaaa JAyyyaaaaa


    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!


    Up in WWE, where the talent is fresh,

    There was one diva who could pass the test

    And now she's down by law and she's ready to play

    That's right y'all her name is AJ


    Never gets nervous when she skips to the beat

    She gives top notch service never weak on her feet

    A complete elite treat that can't be beat

    'Cause AJ never knew the agony of defeat, sing


    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    Aaaaa JAyyyaaaaa


    Clap, clap, clap

    Clap, clap,

    Clap, clap, clap,

    Clap, clap


    Clap your hands

    Clap your hands

    Clap your hands







    ummm.. no. she's hot, but no

  2. Am I the only one that thinks they are playing up the Ion/Sorenson feud too much, having Ion win the title ironically whe Sorenson wished for it and won't be back for months, I think that could've gone a bit more tastefully, especially the way too short Ultimate X.


    but the main event was badass and believable. I hadnt been that excited at the end of a match in forever. I felt like a kid again

  3. How're they gonna get themselves over?




    "I'm the best in the world!"


    "NO! I'm the best in the world!"


    "I'm straight edge!"







    AJ made this feud watchable. When it comes PPV time, they'll do their thing in the ring. Week to week though, they'd fall way short without her.


    if that's the case why are they the main eventers? theres always new ways to mix up feuds rather than using some sex appeal crap. it's really not a soap opera.

  4. ROFL.




    Wrestlers that came from ROH: 3


    Yeap. That's most, alright.


    Btw? 2 of those 3, you're whining about what they're doing.


    The other? Can't quit doing dumb stuff long enough to get on tv.


    yeah, I'm whining about it, because it's ridiculous theyre being used to get some other generic diva over, rather than getting themselves over. well I guess theyre getting over, just in a pointless way

  5. "All the same NXT guys"




    Seriously. Come on now. Just go watch some ROH and mark out to the next guy that gets fake kicked so hard he back flips.


    hey, at least they can wrestle, unlike half the guys I've seen tonight. actually, most of them can IF they had the chance to do so! I like the entertainment aspect, but it shouldnt be the focus of the show it should still be wrestling. and it's on TV so the people don't get the chance to show their skill

  6. It's called character development.


    You want 4 hours of non stop wrestling with a bunch of no name guys nobody cares about because they're all exactly the same, go watch ROH.


    I don't mind some segments. but I like decent wrestling. but then again this is Sports Entertainment crap. Character development, of all the same NXT guys yet they job out decent wrestlers like Jack Swagger and Drew McIntyre. I just don't get it

  7. you mean AJ? shes one of the best things going around on RAW Lately.


    yes, her. its pathetic how theyre making her famous by having her make out with 2 guys within 3 minutes of eachother. I remember when wrestling had tasteful interviews, decent matches (more than a minute long) and the "best thing going" was not some girl ho-ing herself out to get famous. it was the build up of feuds between actually good wrestlers, not focusing on some girl


    like i said, i wanna watch wrestling, and not a soap opera. and hey look another 1 minute match with a glorified jobber.

  8. not neccesarily humurous, but a little funny. Bryant wins the first round and gets his jaw broken by a jab. ending the fight between rounds.



    - Fletcher 'The Drummer' Merman vs. Wally 'The Giant' Bryant

    - From player-controlled event 'SFC 6: Defiance' (from the save game 'STORM')

    - Created 15 June 2011


    >Another match is about to begin; Fletcher 'The Drummer' Merman takes on Wally 'The Giant' Bryant in the SFC Heavyweight division.

    >If this match lives up to the pre-fight expectations then we're about to see some fireworks.

    >The fight begins!

    >Merman avoids a jab.

    >They both meet with strikes, but neither does any damage.

    >Bryant slips out of the way of a flurry of punches.

    >An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything.

    >In close proximity from the strikes they threw, they fall into a messy clinch.

    >Bryant hits Merman with some short strikes to the side of the head while grappling.

    >Bryant tries to wrestle Merman backward and up against the cage.

    >Bryant achieves it, pinning Merman to the cage.

    >Breathing very hard, Wally Bryant is looking ragged.

    >Merman eats a short right uppercut that rocks him.

    >Showing how good he can be at controlling opponents, Bryant keeps Merman stuck against the cage for over sixty seconds.

    >Bryant attempts to wrestle Merman to the ground.

    >Bryant has the takedown, using the fact that Merman was pressed against the cage to his advantage.

    >The takedown leaves Merman seated with his back pressed against the cage.

    >From the looks of things, I don't think Wally Bryant has much energy left.

    >Not liking his options, Bryant looks to get a better position over Merman.

    >Merman keeps Bryant close in, not letting the mount happen.

    >Merman hits Bryant with a few weak strikes to the back.

    >Not liking his options, Bryant looks to get a better position over Merman.

    >Bryant isn't able to mount Merman this time around.

    >Merman hits some weak punches to the upper back, but they're more out of frustration than anything.

    >We pass the halfway mark of this round.

    >Bryant begins trying to get himself into a more dominant position.

    >He finds himself unable to get the mount on this attempt.

    >The gas tank looks empty on Wally Bryant.

    >Merman hits several frustrated punches to the back, but they're not going to do any damage.

    >The clock runs down as Merman is being smothered against the cage wall by Bryant.

    >Bryant looks to get a more dominant position by pushing Merman from a seated position onto his back.

    >He finds himself unable to get the mount on this attempt.

    >Merman hits some weak punches to the upper back, but they're more out of frustration than anything.

    >With no progress being made, the referee separates the two fighters.

    >Merman looks to move in and stand in the pocket.

    >Standing his ground, Bryant looks happy to engage Merman in the pocket.

    >Bryant gets tagged with a crisp jab.

    >Merman hits a nice crisp left jab.

    >From the looks of it, that shot may have smashed the jaw of Bryant.

    >We're into the final minute of the round.

    >From the pocket, Merman connects on Bryant with a stiff jab.

    >A left jab misses, giving Merman the chance to hit back with a crisp left.

    >Merman throws a left jab but Bryant uses good head movement to make sure it slips by.

    >Time expires and we come to the end of round one.

    >I have to give that round to Bryant, but only a 10-9.

    >Bryant slumps back on his stool, and can be heard dejectedly telling his corner that his jaw has been broken.

    >In comes the towel! Bryant won't be coming back for another round, his corner aren't going to risk it!

    >The winner, by TKO due to corner stoppage; Fletcher Merman!

    >Official Result: Fletcher 'The Drummer' Merman defeats Wally 'The Giant' Bryant (TKO (Corner Stoppage) in 10:00 of round 1). The match was rated as being Poor.

  9. Roger Gracie is going to be making his Strikeforce debut on the televised portion of the May 15th Showtime card. Roger was the legit p4p best grappler in the world a couple of years back. He's been taking time off due to the birth of his kid, but is now back at it and ready to commit to MMA full time.


    Also, this is the best (MMA) GIF ever.




    ...or maybe this.




    what the eff, why is he beating on girls?

  10. A bit disappointed at the lack of finishes, but hey.


    Very dissapointed in big nog, my favorite fighter. I guess Velasquez IS fo real. But so quick. :(


    The other fights on the other hand lasted for hours and weren't all that excitiing. But then again, I sometimes skipped a couple of minutes. Oh well.


    yeah me too, nearly all the fights went to the third round, the only true dominant finish was Cain. Nearly every fight someone had a chance to finish it but didnt, i thought Bonnar should have been finished a few times.


    As for Lytle, that took skill, but Foster was doing very well before that. and Cro Cop, well i boo his performance

  11. Been a while since I've seen that. Yeah, Faber should have probably tried -looking- at his opponent when he was throwing it. He looked like a goofball just blindly throwing an elbow and then getting dropped.


    it just looked like he got pissed was how i always thought of it lol

  12. imma repost this so it doesnt get lost


    am i the only one here that thinks faber doesn't deserve a title shot already?

    he comes off TWO losses to Mike Brown, and gets one win. i personally dont think thats enough IMO, i think they need to start building up some new Featherweight stars.

  13. My logic is fine... Rampage is the more experienced and skilled fighter. Rashad is developing really well, and he's finally starting to come into his own, however he still hasn't learned how to deal with getting hit. His immediate reaction is to regress back to his wrestling, and that's going to get him eaten by Rampage. There's no place in this fight that Rashad has an advantage, aside from maybe quickness. Rashad won't take Rampage down, don't believe me? Check out Rampage's fight with Dan Henderson, and you'll learn quite a bit about Jackson's wrestling.


    You can't judge how good or bad a fighter is by their wins. Jardine is considered a solid fighter in the light heavies, and he's always a dark horse. He's a lot like Brad Blackburn, he'll beat guys he isn't expected to beat, and then lose to guys he should steamroll. Jardine is game whenever he's facing a top opponent.


    By your own logic I could say "Oh yeah? Well Rampage beat Chuck twice, and KO'd him faster in the UFC." The fact is: Just because X beats Y doesn't mean X beats Z. Styles make fights, and Rashad's style is pretty much tailor made to lose to Rampage. Doesn't mean he won't win, but technically Rampage is a superior fighter.


    Also by your logic I could point out that if anyone should be criticized for going to decisions it should be Rashad considering he was classified as a "blanket" for laying on top of people early in his career. He went to a decision with Bisping, who got destroyed by Henderson, who Rampage beat by dominant decision... See how your logic doesn't work very well when it's turned around.


    I respect and appreciate the fact that you like Rashad. He's one of my favorites too.. But from an unbiased perspective, he should really have no chance at beating Rampage when their resumes are shown side by side... Again...


    As Matt Serra, Gabriel Gonzaga, and a heap of underdogs have shown us: anything can happen in a fight.


    i said IMO. i just think Rashad takes it plain and simple. it was a two sentence post, i didnt go in depth about how they were a few years ago like you did, i was speaking of their recent performances. and rashad isnt even a favorite of mine, i just think he takes this fight

  14. I want to see Rashad beat Rampage. That being said, Rampage will take it pretty easily, which sucks because it would be a real shame to see him get a title shot, beat Machida, and then spend the next few years defending the title as little as possible, and making films. Plus that would have been a really stupid fight for the UFC to put on in the first place... Rashad is working his way back to a title shot, why throw him the middleweight champion who's already stated he won't fight the current champ? Rashad, in his current form, has even less for Silva than he had for Machida.


    i really don't understand your logic here.. IMO Rashad is a better fighter, Rampage took Jardine to a decision, but Jardine did pretty good. That said, Rashad is better than Jardine. I think Rashad could shut Rampage's big mouth finally

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