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Posts posted by MrSelfDestruct

  1. AJ vs Joe vs Daniels vs Angle - Ladder Match


    i don't like the addition of Angle and Joe here. Ladder matches should have lighter guys in them, unless Angle and Joe are going to do all kinds of technical stuff on the ladder. I just think this would be a little better without those two in it. maybe finally end Styles and Daniels' feud

  2. Hmm... I actually felt just the opposite.


    I really liked the first 2 seasons, and thought Nathan was one of the most entertaining characters.


    To me, Rudy seemed like he was trying to hard to be another Nathan, and I thought that the third series was the worst of the bunch so far.


    Either way, still a really entertaining show, I'll keep on watching it.


    i like Nathan the best too. I see a British version of myself in him. I couldn't figure out wth pick&mix was though, and when i searched it it was pot seeds i was like wowww. then the episode where hes arrested popped up and i laughed my butt off

  3. Plus you know, Hernandez threatened Guerrero & Urbina while he was running Mexican America.


    i just think its a bad call personally. I like Chavo better as a heel, I'd say team him with someone you wouldn't really expect, Doug Williams comes to mind idk why. or maybe some guys higher up the card like The Pope and give the tag team division some new contenders.


    on a side note, im on TNA's website and they still have Flair and Morgan on their roster page.. I thought they were gone?

  4. If you saw the fight u might think differently. If Lombard didn't do enough to wint he fight, great, but Boesch did even less. It was a bad decision. You pickt he guy who won the fight. You don't go, "Oh well nothing happened in that round so I'm going to arbitrarily just pick a fighter". Lombard was dictating the pace of the fight and displaying better "octagon control". It was a poor, poor decision;


    I agree with this. And that's sad because I wanted Boetch to de-rail the hype train. and he literally didn't do a thing. He won the fight by defending.. I will never understand that. Neither were very aggressive, but Lombard was more so, and landed more significant strikes, even rocked him once. and got takedowns when he stuffed everything thrown at him.


    I was SHOCKED when they announced the score card. Idk if they were going off straight stats for that or what, but if you watch it, Lombard should have gotten the W

  5. well you can't really say they didn't deserve it. the last 3 fights were all rather lackluster. Kongo and Jordan dosie doed spinning eachother on the fence for three round.


    Lombard got robbed IMO, neither were very aggressive, but I felt Lombard did more. Regardless though, they didn't do much.


    Barao basically finally exposed Faber as being overrated. and everytime he'd push the fight it seemed like boxing because he'd push forward and Faber would wrap his arms up for a second and let go.


    Nobody really pushed to have a good night, the most exciting fight was the opening bout. I think he was jsut embarassed. The last 3 were like GSP drag out bouts, except no one took anyone down hardly at all. There was very little effective striking. I think he had the right to be upset. All in all it was the worst UFC card I've seen in a long time. Even the refs didnt seem too interested in having any sort of excitement and jsut kinda let the fighters lay on eachother.


    And with all that said I'm a huge MMA fan, and didn't expect much from this card, but it was even worse than expected :/

  6. Chavo is a severely underrated talent. I never understand where all the hate comes from when it comes to him. I don't think he should be main eventing, but the guy is a great talent. He can make people look far better than they are and he can make the most idiotic angles entertaining or at least he tries his best.


    I really think the never ending Hornswoggle angle really tarnished his name for the wrestling world because when he was ECW champ and what not, I remember the internet ranting and raving about how glad they were Chavo was finally getting his due.


    I know that was years ago, but the guy can still go. I'd love to see him help build up the X Division or even join the tag ranks. Just don't team with Hernandez. He's god awful.


    Also, I really hope all this Morgan stuff is a work and he's still in TNA.


    I didn't see anyone hating on him? he's great in the ring yeah, TNA just used to have a habit of pushing Midcard WWE guys like they're the stuff (ex Matt Hardy) and being WWE's ECW champ really isn't a big title IMO. just saying xD


    and didn't Morgan leave like a month or so ago?

  7. i agree yes he should get a decent push, but i just hope they don't play him up as some new main eventer, cuz i just don't find that believable and I don't think many would.


    I enjoy his in ring work though, and hope he's X-division based, he could bring some good matches. and yes, new creative seems to handle things better so it will be interesting to see.

  8. Chavo. Decent hand but not needed atm imho. Better talent within TNA and out there that are available. Probably slot into the Kid Kash role of putting over X guys and maybe also tag.


    they'll probably push him to the moon at first, which they tend to do with WWE's ex midcarders, and he'll kind of phase down to the midcard OR he will help train up some X-division guys and stick around there, which i'd prefer

  9. Think the ultimate X disappointing more because of the bad execution of the finish and Dutt's injury early in the match. But Ion winning was the right choice as you don't want someone "new" coming in just winning the belt and he was the most viable of the heels. They kinda telegraphed it with the Sorenson thing but not too much, didn't think the segment was in bad taste or anything. Now you will have Ion holding and the new guys that get signed chasing.


    Well, Dutt wasn't exactly new, but I agree he wouldn't have been the right choice. Talent-wise, I'd say he was though absolutely, mainly because his qualifying match was really great IMO. But I like Ion winning I just hope they don't jsut play up the Sorenson feud the entire time.




    Personally to me that is one of the best things current creative is doing. Suspension of disbelief is back. With for instance the worked shoot nature of the Joey Ryan thing I am now less convinced Morgan is gone and that he might be part of Aces and Eights for instance. Ah well I am confident current creative will give us something good or at least decent as long as they don't hire bad actresses.


    I agree, that main event had me feeling like a kid again because I was in disbelief. I just hope he doesn't turn heel and become the typical cheat to win champion, similar to Roode as of late. A champion should win clean MOST of the time, not all, but most. To at least show he deserves it.

  10. "One, two, three, four, here

    One, one, one, one

    Two, two, two, two

    Three, three, three, three

    Four, four, four, four

    Here, here, here, here

    One, two, three, four, here


    Up in WWE where the talent is fresh,

    There was one diva who could pass the test

    And now she's down by law and she's ready to play

    That's right y'all her name is AJ


    Never gets nervous when she skips to the beat

    She gives top notch service never weak on her feet

    A complete elite treat that can't be beat

    'Cause AJ never knew the agony of defeat, sing


    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    Aaaaa JAyyyaaaaa


    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!


    Uh, Yeah yeah yeah

    Uh, Yeah yeah yeah

    Uh, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!


    Uh, Yeah yeah yeah

    Uh, Yeah yeah yeah

    Uh, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!


    CM Punk, Daniel Bryan or Kane

    Doesn't matter who she's with cuz the girls insane

    So just kick off your shoes and relax your feet

    And just rock to the rhythms of Djthefunkchris's beat


    Yes, yes, y'all and just shake that butt

    Because AJ is gonna stir __it up, sing



    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    Aaaaa JAyyyaaaaa


    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!

    Kiss, kiss, Kiss kiss me!


    Up in WWE, where the talent is fresh,

    There was one diva who could pass the test

    And now she's down by law and she's ready to play

    That's right y'all her name is AJ


    Never gets nervous when she skips to the beat

    She gives top notch service never weak on her feet

    A complete elite treat that can't be beat

    'Cause AJ never knew the agony of defeat, sing


    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    AJ, I wanna kiss you

    Aaaaa JAyyyaaaaa


    Clap, clap, clap

    Clap, clap,

    Clap, clap, clap,

    Clap, clap


    Clap your hands

    Clap your hands

    Clap your hands







    ummm.. no. she's hot, but no

  11. Am I the only one that thinks they are playing up the Ion/Sorenson feud too much, having Ion win the title ironically whe Sorenson wished for it and won't be back for months, I think that could've gone a bit more tastefully, especially the way too short Ultimate X.


    but the main event was badass and believable. I hadnt been that excited at the end of a match in forever. I felt like a kid again

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