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Posts posted by MrSelfDestruct

  1. Funny thing. we've been talking about John Cena in the last posts of this thread and I just saw a news on a Portuguese Wrestling Forum that says that there might be some tension between Cena and Vince because Cena feels he has been neglected over the last year. Are you kidding me??? The guy constantly main events and he feels neglected? Jesus Christ! It seems like the company is doing what they can to please him. Pathetic...


    dude, it's a rumor, get your facts straight before you get your panties in a bunch.


    I get hating a guy's character but chill out, seriously. You sound like a little kid, you don't even know if it's true

  2. I love Reigns, Yoko, and Umaga, but the Anoai family is far from the greatest wrestling family...




    I mean the ENTIRE samoan family. Rikishi, The Rock, Umaga, etc.


    All the big names in that family compared to Owen, Bret, Stu, and I guess if you count Davey Boy. (seeing as none of the others really did anything in the US)


    I guess I should say greatest family in American wrestling IMO. my apoligies. I would definitely put the quantity of the family over the Harts, seeing as there have been many great wrestlers.



    Men hate Cena because they aren't Cena. They don't have the look. They don't have the charisma. They are just average joes behind a keyboard, or attending an event with their wife and child (who is cheering on Cena) and that jealously leads to "Cena sucks! He can't wrestle! He is the worst of all time! Boo!"




    I've hated Cena since they had him become this patriot. It has been overplayed and he has always been overrated to me. I get its about entertainment, but the guy has never entertained me. He is the nameless, faceless babyface who can't say whatever they want, so he says the exact same thing about everyone he feuds with and panders to the crowd. That said, I loved him as the edgy rapper, he could be creative and say more than 'Murica, Hustle, Loyalty, Respect. So I guess I can't blame the boring gimmick on him, but he could find a way to be more creative and not act like the smug, d-bag the gimmick makes him seem to be.


    Guy has always been overrated to me as well mainly because I am more about in ring work, so it's always frustrated me to see him go over my personal favorite who I find both better on the mic and in-ring, Chris Jericho, whom I feel bad for and feel he's never gotten that long title run he deserves, yet Cena has? Never understood that. I do not like Cena's ring work, and I won't be the guy to say he has 5 moves, its more like 6 (jk). He is just very repetitive about things. He's not very technical and that's always bothered me as someone who LOVES guys like Benoit, Guerrero, Jericho, Punk, Bryan, etc. I've never understood the big whoop about the guy, but he makes them money.


    You can assume why people hate him and make yourself look silly, but nearly everyone hates him for a different reason. Mine is because I have always felt there is someone better for the job and he beats them 9/10 and it gets aggravating to see guys who are phenomenal in the ring and may not be great on the mic playing second fiddle to him. Take guys like Daniel Bryan and CM Punk, this PG/Cena era has two of the greatest in-ring workers ever being held back because they get beat out by Cena simply because kids love Cena and they are scared to pass the torch. Either one of them could play the boring patriot angle (since it's pretty easy) AND put on a great show in the ring through improvisation and creativity in the ring rather than the typical "Brawl, 5-Knuckle Shuffle, STF, AA" pattern of Cena.

  4. Makhai, I agree with what you say for the most part and haven't like Cena since the beginning of all this, but you can't blame him for doing what he's told.. I highly doubt he's telling them "Yeah send me out there so I can do the same thing over and over again."


    until the WWE sees the downside to pandering to the youngins, he will be the same. I doubt they'd let him change character even if he wanted, just because they are so scared of losing a little cash as if they don't make enough.

  5. Reigns has the best spear since Rhino (GORE! GORE! GORE!), that's gotta count for something


    Also all of the shield are 27 or so years old so by the time they are all 30 they should be amazing talents. The amount Reigns has improved is borderline insane but it may be in part to the protective booking and pairing him with who were the two best in ring talents developmental had to offer. He doesn't need to do much but the stuff that he does do is impressive and solid for the most part.


    nothing will ever beat the feeling you'd get when Rhino hit the gore! GORE! GORRRE! I recall one in the invasion angle where Rock sold it better than I'd maybe ever seen. it happens at 4:35 ish.



    but with that said. Reigns does have one hell of a spear!

  6. I would love to see BJ Penn at lightweight again but I'd want him to get one favorable fight before he faces anyone that good. But then again I wouldn't mind seeing BJ vs. Nate. I'm not sure if they're friends or not. I'm actually watching TUF 5 on my DVR right now. They're replaying that season on FUEL TV, soon to be Fox Sports 2.


    I'm amazed he didn't retired after Rory embarassed him honestly. He did not look any better than a punching bag in that fight. If he bounces back I'd def like to see him in there with some younger guys to give them a chance

  7. ^

    I agree with this. Pettis or Melendez IMO. But seeing as Aldo is a beast, hard to bet against him.


    and don't get me wrong, I like Gray and I think of anyone with that record, he has the best reasoning for it. He didn't drop much in rankings even after losing to Edgar, but then his fight with Guida was just bizarre.. I think if anything that dropped him more than the Edgar loss.


    Guess I jsut didn't notice how lacking the LW division was for contenders right now. All Aldo possibly moving up is guna do is create two lackluster divisions it seems.

  8. I think he believes he could have turned it up a bit more. He seemed a little bit concerned about his cardio. I also want to add that Gilbert did much better than Edgar or Nate did, but mainly because he's a bit more well-rounded than those two.


    But I always wonder why does Melendez have so much trouble with Thomson?


    Thompson is badass in his own right. After rocking Diaz when he was mocking him the whole fight I ws impressed. Thompson is no slouch, and I think he's closer than Grant (who even as a pretty hardcore fan, he does not ring any bells or have any big wins to me) or Maynard (who has the 1-1-1 going right now.

  9. I honestly think that fight deserves a rematch much more than Edgar did, but Gil seems humble enough to work his way back up, and I respect that. Will be interesting to see whats next. They're claiming giving the next shot to the winner of Grant/Maynard, and in that case I just say give it to Gil..
  10. wow this thread is dead lately. What did everyone think of the Melendez/Bendo fight? I thought it was razor-thin, but had to agree with Chael and Brian in saying that Gil took the first and third, and maybe the second. I was alittle surprised to see Bendo won, but it was still so close it's not a robbery
  11. No, it wasn't. When it was introduced, the top worker (specifically the top heel) carried it and since it was featured on what was considered the A show, a case can be made for it being more highly regarded than the Smackdown (WWE) title.


    It's been second tier for the last few years perhaps, but that isn't 'always'.


    well yeah, thats what I meant. When Trips was awarded it back in the day, it quickly beat out the WWE title. but it seems the Smackdown title is never as serious

  12. What a crappy Wrestlemania. Makes me want to puke. Oh and btw I didn't even watch it from the Official WWE.com stream since it didn't work. At all. During the event.


    Punk vs. Taker would be the only match I'd recommend watching. Everything else just sucked, the two main event were the worst in a decade or so, seriously.. I'm done buying PPV's that won't even work.


    I'm just so disappointed.


    agreed. Cena/Rock was just garbage to me. Way too much attempted drama, it was just repetitive.


    Counters finisher, hits signature move, hits finisher, kickout.


    Like 8 rock bottoms couldn't win it, but two AA's does. even the fans didn't want Cena to win, but there is the WWE again, swinging from his nuts.


    And Dolph not cashing in made the shitty WHW title match seem even worse.


    and the guy who has been called the new "Mr. Mania" (since HBK;) and my favorite wrestler of all time, loses to some dancing nobody...

  13. Completely incorrect. He can lay there until he's called out for the next round if he wants, unless the ref instructs him otherwise... which he didn't. Troy should have waved it off at the bell if he was going by his "You're not saved by the bell" statement. Otherwise he should have communicated with the fighter, which he did not.




    Even Awad himself was shocked the ref didn't tell him what to do. I think he would have won the fight had it continued like it should have IMO.

  14. Various alts I did over the past few weeks, more EXODUS guys, you know me!


    Masao Tsubachi (Blonde w/ and w/o goatee)





    Masao Tsubachi (Dark Eagle II)



    Hyotaru (as All-Star Hyotaru)


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