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Posts posted by MrSelfDestruct

  1. but its fighting, why does his ego or anything matter at all? True MMA fans will like a fighter for their ability. You don't like him cuz you think he's a jerk (not you in particular), too bad. he's a damn good fighter.


    and i'll agree it was his fault. but also Dana's for booking such a lackluster card to begin with. Usually there are 3 decent fights in case of injury but this one, no. Siver vs. some nobody is what I didn't get. If he was facing nearly anyone else, the event may have survived, cuz itd have been the co main event

  2. And the "haters" will keep hating until he either redeems himself with a jaw-dropping performance or he gets knocked the f*** out and drops the title, bitter karma biting him on the ass. I hope he's proud of himself, everyone likes to be the first in everything. He has the honor of being the first big name p**** to duck a title defense (against someone many deem inferior) and completely cancel the card in the process! I wonder how the guys who were scheduled to fight on the Mid-card, under-card feel. A lot of those are making pennies at this point in their careers, many of them were looking forward to their fights to help with their financial situations at home. Hope this chump is happy with himself. Not saying that this would prevent Dana from re-signing him when his contract expires, but that negotiating process is going to be a long and stressful one for him with this on his track record.


    which he probably will, he has in literally just about every other fight he's had. and he's the first? are you forgetting Silva? He ducked the Sonnen rematch until Chael pissed him off. and how can you call a guy who fights (and quite well) for a living a p****? thats just idiotic. and im sure the fighters were payed something and had the fights pushed like a card up

  3. Jones already beat Machida anyways, so honestly I had no interest in that fight. And I guess I'm just a fan based on actual in-ring ability and thats why I like Jones, he's a wrecking ball. I don't care how he is as a person, I like how he fights. that's all.


    Everyone saying because hes the champion he gives MMA a bad name, well honestly, he brings it more interest with his fights, not his personality. If you wanna judge on personality he still isn't as bad as Spider or Tito. People just always like to hate the champ, haters gunna hate.

  4. Machida's not a current star. Few people actually like him because of his style and character.


    this is extremely hypocritical though. Jones had more reason to deny it, Machida did not. Machida had more time to prepare and everything and he turned it down. I don't see the backlash here

  5. I just find it kind of hypocritical because Machida "isn't as big star" no one complains when he has a whole month to prepare, when Jones had one week to change his entire gameplan.. The guy's the champion and I feel that gives him much more right to at least somewhat pick his opponents. Contenders should fight whoever, let alone the champion!
  6. It's nothing to do with earning a shot, it's an 11th hour replacement. And if that was the reason Jones' camp were giving (its not) then tough - it's not up to them to decide who has earned the shot.


    The champion should fight whoever he's told to fight by the promoter who pays his wages, just like every other fighter. The champion is supposed to be the guy who takes on all comers, any time, any place.


    If Sonnen is such an unworthy opponent, why not smash him to bits and make seven-figures for the privilege? Jones is all about money, right? He said not a week or so ago that he wan't interested in the Machida rematch because nobody wanted to see it so he wouldn't make as much money off it. Now he's happy to fight Machida in a few weeks time, but not an 85'er with no camp who apparently isn't good enough to deserve a shot anyway?


    I don't think he's scared, but I get what you're saying. He should take on all comers, I jsut don't understand the Sonnen choosing, I personally think they should do a tournament to figure out the contender, seeing as Jones has beaten most of the greater ones lately. And honestly I'm a major Sonnen fan, I'm just not shocked Jones shot it down

  7. I'm a massive fan of Thorn, Williams, and of course Danielson.


    I've backed Thorn since the Mordecai gimmick though. Just something about Fertig I like. I really hope he finds a job in TNA. I always bring him in as Serpent(the name he used in his tryout match with TNA) and Shelly Martinez as Desire in TEW. I always build a stable around them full of dark stuff with Thorn essentially being the devil.


    Williams is definitely a technician and a fine one at that. His mic skills are criminally underrated though. I was heartbroken when the rumored team of Williams, Magnus, and Desmond Wolfe(Nigel McGuinness) didn't come to fruition. Magnus and Williams were great together as British Invasion and Magnus and Wolfe were even better together as London Brawling.


    I'm a huge fan of Fertig too, lovvved the Seven gimmick in OVW, didn't mind the Thorn gimmick but I think they missed the chance with the Mordecai gimmick. I may just have to do that in my TEW game just have to get a real world mod! Is Williams retired or semi-active now or what?


    And Nigel has hep C now or was that a rumor? I know he announces for ROH now, but I never really researched the reasoning too much

  8. He's working in OVW now too. Pretty sure he's their champ. Doug Williams just got sent to OVW has head trainer.


    TNA's development talent are in GREAT hands.


    I remember an article in I think PWI like years ago naming people they thought would be big stars at WM 25 (this was right after like WM 20) naming Kevin Thorn, Williams, and Danielson amongst others. I haven't seen much of Williams, I assume he's a technician, I think i saw his match a Destination X

  9. When Robbie T debuted they tried to push him as a legit threat. He worked wonders as the British Invasion's body guard and he's fine in that role. The dude can do a bad ass spinning back kick(Booker T style) and he has a great look, but he's just not that good in the ring. He busts his ass though.


    Pretty sure that's why they stopped his push.


    well, I'd like to see them build up to it, put him against some better guys, work his skills and see how much he can really do. TNA used to do that alot, trying to push guys too fast, I can see him being a pretty big star in a few years depending on how he evolves

  10. I'm just going to say this for now...


    When fighters can pick and choose who they compete against and under what terms, things are going wrong.


    See: Boxing - a sport with clearly defined ranking systems that leave no doubt as to who is next in line for a particular belt, but where it's possible to pay that person to step aside so that the 'champion' can fight whoever he wants.


    With that said you can't force a man to work, whether his job is fighting or selling shoes. You can only deal with him afterwards. I'm going to be very interested to see how this affects the Jones/UFC relationship.


    why would he face Sonnen when he hasn't earned the shot?.. I get it yeah, hes the champion, but that doesn't mean he's ducking them. He's smashed everyone in his way, and he's offered someone who just lost at a LOWER weight and people give him crap. The whole Shgun-Texeira thing was ducking, this is not. The champion should fight someone worthy of the shot

  11. Triple H and Brock was boring.


    Jericho and Ziggler though? Phenomenal. I wish they had more time.


    Kofi & Truth vs Prime Time Players was pretty good. Titus has gotten so much better.




    Also, I can't believe Kevin Rudolf is only 29, the dude looks like he's in his 40's


    HHH and Brock was boring as hell.. I love how they dragged out H's Exit expecting a standing ovation or something.


    And Ziggler/Jericho, of course it was great, its Jericho, he can have a great match with anyone!


    And the I agree on the Kevin Rudolf comment lol, I loved how he got NO crowd reaction

  12. what about for that James Storm vs Bobby Roode rematch for B4G?


    I honestly thought Aries didn't have a chance in hell at the last 2 PPVs.


    We still might get Roode vs Storm at Bound For Glory, but then who wins the series?


    Styles or RVD because itd be a great matchup for Aries. and Storm gets screwed out of winning by Roode setting up the match.

  13. Ever heard of a changed finish? From what I heard they re-started the match after Roode went-over. You don't think they could have just made that quick throw together at the end?


    have you ever heard of internet rumors? I WATCHED the match, didnt hear about it. They both pinned eachother off a superplex, then restarted it, they had a false finish then Aries rolled him up for the win. Them having Roode win it back would make NO sense after this Aries push.

  14. So so glad to get Edgar out of the title picture. I gave 1 and 3 to Bendo and was too bored to pay proper attention in the final two rounds. It was so obvious it was going to be another close, frustrating decision, and there'd be more and more if Edgar held on to the belt again.


    I think he needs to get back to some 3 round fights just to break out of this cycle. Personally not finding it fun to watch anymore.


    I agree with this. Edgar doesn't have many decisive wins. ALthough Bendo kinda seemed like he was just coasting to win, it was probably because he didnt understand the rematch. For those saying Edgar deserves ANOTHER rematch get real. I'm surprised they could sell this one. He's 0-2 against the guy, just get over it and let Nate Diaz get his chance, that will be a better fight anyways

  15. He lost a close decision but he has won a few close decisions and he'll get another shot at the title in time.


    I think it will be good to get him out of 5 round fights. make him fight some guys who arent neccesarily in line for a shot jsut yet. Guida (as long as he doesnt fight like he did most recently), Cowboy, Lauzon.

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