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Posts posted by MrSelfDestruct

  1. A couple thoughts.


    1. Happy RVD won, Zema just seemed too green for me. He's entertaining but just mehh.


    2. Why in the hell was Roode vs Storm not a co-main event? Makes no sense at all


    3. Yay, Morgan is back, maybe he'll get as high up the roster as he deserves to be.


    4. Why is the knockouts match after all these great matches?

  2. .

    Petecrimson, let me ask you this question, what would you have UFC do? Make the Aldo/Edgar fight a non title fight? The number 1 contender got hurt, so they replaced him with a proven main event guy in Edgar. What would be your solution that is so much better than this one? You think it would be better for Aldo to wait? Because MMA fans just got done crying all about Jones and what he decided to do rather than defend the title against a guy who just lost.


    I do think it'd be better to wait, I didnt do the whole Jones backlash. Hell give Frankie a single FW fight and I'd support this. But its his first fight at the weight, so it could be hit or miss. He wins hes a 1-2 champ (not 4-0 as Daffanka said, Bendo beat him good the first time and Maynard nearly beat him too before the rematch)


    But that wont make them money waiting, so they are doing it now, which I understand. I agree that Frankie could be a force at 145, but let him prove that beforehand

  3. This is not pro-wrestling. It's not about illusions, it's about reality. If Edgar beats Aldo, than he proves he's the superior fighter who holds major wins in the sport. This is what gives the belt credibility. Not winning streaks, or momentum, or overness. Who you did you beat? How did you beat them? When it's all said and done, that's all that people will remember.


    Not neccesarily, who wants a champion who is 1-2 in their past 3 fights? That does not look good for business. bottom line. The only way it does at all, is if he goes in there and dominates, proving himself worthy, but knowing Edgar that won't happen.

  4. You are not grasping the concept of prizefighting: beat the fighters who've beat other really good fighters. For example: Frankie Edgar beat Gray Maynard, who beat Nate Diaz, Jim Miller, Kenny Florian, and Roger Huerta. Frankie beat BJ Penn twice: who beat Diego Sanchez, Matt Hughes, Sean Sherk, Jens Pulver, Caol Uno, Matt Serra, Takanori Gomi, Kenny Florian and Joe Stevenson...


    That means Edgar is accomplished, because he has those guys, as well as Sean Sherk, Spencer Fisher(not the current shopworn one) and Jim Miller, who beat all the guys they did to get where they were.


    Who has Erik Koch beat, that he can say is accomplished more than ONE of those guys, nonetheless all of them? Rafael Assuncao? Thus he doesn't warrant that fight. This is a business predicated on the scalps on your mantle. Erik Koch, or anybody else in FW division doesn't have 1/2 as many, combined.



    P.S. Denis Siver is the #6 FW right now. You're making my point.


    Not really. Siver dropped weight and has a streak going now at a lower weight. thats the only guy Cerrone has beaten worth anything towards your claim. One top 10 fighter who is now at a lower weight beats out JDS, Aldo, and Cruz's streaks where they were given no easy fights? thats what you're saying, and that just makes no sense.


    I'm not saying Koch is better moneywise. Edgar is the biggest for a cashcow performance, BUT they could pick someone who has earned the shot at that weight. Edgar is a good fighter, he just got picked on popularity alone. I have no doubts Edgar could be the #1 contender at FW someday, he has a lot of heart. But to throw him in now is kind of silly.


    He wins, the title scene looks weak. Having had your champion just lose to someone on a 2-fight loss streak, regardless of closeness of the fight, still losses..

  5. .

    Hell, based solely on resume: Donald Cerrone is more accomplished than Junior Dos Santos, Jose Aldo, either flyweight, AND Dominic Cruz. That's how deep 155 is... Leo Santos can't even get a UFC deal... is better than Eric Koch. That should tell you a lot about 145lbs.


    except that Cerrone got massively outclassed by Diaz. and who big has he beaten?.. his biggest win is over Siver or Gullard (which he almost lost to begin with) those are not top 10 names

  6. If he's the best guy at the weight class with the most quality wins and is miles better than anything around him... He can cut in line... Because that's how fighting works. Randy Couture did it all the time, he didn't finish many fights either. I bet you wouldn't say the same about him.


    He can cut in line because he's more popular. not because of his skill level. especially not at 145 where he has never even shown it.how is he the best at that weight if hes never BEEN at that weight? its all popularity. And thats where Couture and Lesnar come in. Bad example.


    Fighting shouldn't work like "oh hes more popular and hasnt done crap at that weight but give him a shot" it should be given to those who have earned it. but sadly its all about money. And Edgar was the most popular available. thats it

  7. This is why I hate MMA fans... 5-0 against average opposition (Wiedman) GIVE THAT GUY A SHOT! Erik Koch decisions JOHNATHAN FREAKIN' BROOKINS! And he's totally the best contender ever... (P.S. Only credible fighter he's fought against, he got beat by) Frankie Edgar goes 1-1-2 (to be fair) against the #2 LWs in the best division in MMA.... WHAT A BUM! WIN SOME FIGHTS YOU BUM!


    Frankie Edgar is the toughest test of Jose Aldo's career, and Frankie is the most commercially successful fighter he's ever faced. What is the problem here? Slam-dunk matchmaking.


    Did you even read what I wrote? I didn't say oh give some guy that beat a TUF disaster a shot, hes the best contender. Pick someone who has EARNED it. By winning their fights.

    Yes Edgar is going to be his biggest test but he has not earned it. Let someone who has strung together a few wins decisively get the shot. This is also why I didnt support the Chael oppuritunity at Jones. (Which i'm a huge Chael fan btw) He was just shown up by someone a a lower weight.


    I'm not saying Frankie is a bad fighter at all, I'm just saying let him drop down and beat a few contenders before just throwing him in there for his 3rd title match in a row. Its his first fight at that weight so he hasnt proven anything at that weight. I'm not just swinging from his nuts like you. Read what I wrote before you claim I'm some average fan saying "win some fights you suck" I'm saying prove yourself at that weight and decisively win and earn the shot you are given

  8. Sir, I did watch the fight. It was good. Did you?? Because I felt both guys were trying to finish but couldn't which led to a very good fight. Was it fight of the year? No. But it was a good championship fight where both guys brought their best. IT deserves more respect than you're giving it.


    My point in the first place is that of all the dudes to take issue with, Edgar should be at the bottom. With his quality of fights and his quality of opponents I just don't know how a knowledgeable fan of the sport can be anything but respectful about this guy. I gotta pay for these events, I've never felt anything but confident that I'm about to see a great main event if he's in it.


    Whatever opinions are opinions in the end. I love watching him fight and have all the respect in the world for him.


    yeah i actually did watch it and no one tried to finish anything the entire fight. I respect fighters, but that jsut was not a good fight and IMO it is highly overrated. Each fighter had one good round and then the other three nothing big happened at all. That does not make it a good fight.

  9. Well those decisions have been heart-stopping, amazingly heroic performances. Why you gotta crap on Frankie?!?! Of all the UFC fighter in th world to crap on...


    did you even watch the last fight with Henderson.. that was not heart-stopping. and with that said I actually don't mind decisions, I just think a guy should aim to finish. thats why I don't like GSP either.


    Edgar just doesnt deserve the shot. hes 1-2-1 in his last few fights. I respect him as a fighter and like that he stepped up, but they could have taken someone who isn't debuting in the weight class and have earned a shot

  10. ECW wasn't about blood and gore. That's just the only thing people seem to remember. ECW had great high flying matches with people like Rey Mysterio. Great technical matches with people like Lance Storm. And just plain great matches period like the long standing feud between RVD and Jerry Lynn. Their best champion was Tazz, the suplex machine.


    Yes, there was chairs and tables and ladders and a REALLY f'ing annoying guy in New Jack who would do stupid crap like use a staple gun. But that isn't what ECW stood for. It stood for great wrestling, no matter the style.


    I agree, it had a wonderful mix of things, but it was ALOT more realistic and violent than WWE or WCW. thats what I remember rather than hardcore, blood, and guts. The storylines were realistic and people werent put with cheesy gimmicks other than comedic ones. It was edgy. WWE's version was nothing like the original at all.

  11. Would you buy Playboy and then stop showing naked ladies? Would you then say, we've got a great product here without the need for female genitals?


    Things didn't end well for the Puritans folks, lets not make the same mistake twice.


    I agree it wasnt the ECW we all grew to love. but a third brand isn't such a bad idea (that is if WWE can stick to the brands for once) guys who get somewhat overlooked like Christian and Swagger were perfect.

  12. Anyway away from the UFC 151 saga.. Anyone see Bellator 135-pound champion Eduardo Dantas getting knocked out by Tyson Nam in Brazil.


    Bellator got to be kicking themselves right about now. It's one thing having your champion lose in a non-title fight in your own promotion (M'Pumbu) but to have your champion lose in an other organization has got to hurt.


    To make matters worse for Bellator, It looks like Tyson Nam is UFC bound.


    I was rather shocked to see Wiuff dispatched of, especially so quickly and viciously. Me and my buddies were thinking Wiuff was gunna smash through Veh, and then he gets clocked, and it was so fast it almost looked like an early stoppage, but when they slowed it down he was cold cocked. Maybe M'Pumbu will defend after all lol

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