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mike b

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Everything posted by mike b

  1. Love vikings. So what did you all think of this seasons walking dead.
  2. So wwe lets Beth Phoenix go and signs this girl http://www.kayfabekickout.com/5/post/2013/03/wwe-signs-new-diva.html What do you all think.
  3. Jim Cornette on John Laurinitis Got to love Cornettes shoots http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfOkmoiZpvc Also his shoot on ECW(warning explicit language )
  4. Kikaida rocks dudes its so fake looking but heck its a 70s show and he rocks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhMaez9J7X4 here is a kamen rider show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEm1sQiqHsg they have a bunch of shows on you tube. Bet none of you have heard of the original captain planet lol. He is called rainbow man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYYE8MdJYXE
  5. Great walking dead mid season final.Cant wait for it to continue in feb. On a side note loved Stan Lee on coming book show he was great.
  6. World War Z Trailer well there it official trailer for world war z Looks interesting what do you all think
  7. WHAT, WAIT ...STAR WARS EPISODE 7:eek: And now i find out also that it will not be the Thrawn series (books) which took place directly after episode 6 and is considered part of the star wars cannon. That was a awesome series and would have made a great movie trilogy:mad:
  8. Going back even before 80s i think Poffo got his ideas from Nick Bockwinkle. Watch old tapes how Bockwinkle talks and acts he has that cocky im smarter then you act and does it very good.
  9. Thought you might like this Hart shoot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GXoBSHpX2M Lol Hart calling Bishoff a idiot. I never new Sandow took his gimmick from Lanny Poffo
  10. <p>Question.</p><p> </p><p> If as the WWE board of directors stated that in the Cena vs John Laurinaitis match that if any WWE superstar got involved that they would be fired, should not the Big Show be fired??</p><p> </p><p> He was after all hired back on Saturday just before the event and put back on the roster, making him an active superstar.</p><p> </p><p> Am i missing something here or are the WWE story writers blind and daff</p><p> </p><p> I am sure that i am not the only one who thought of this.</p><p> </p><p> Or am i blind and daff:p:p</p>
  11. Yupp coming in July Raw is going to 3 hours http://sports.yahoo.com/news/wwe-raw-expanding-3-hour-tv-show-fans-221300972--spt.html
  12. thought i would share this http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2012/0325/551023/
  13. REMEMBER what Adam stated that all mods are to be considered open sharing. But giving hive credit is a nice thing to do since he is a nice guy:)
  14. Loving this mod prague.Just wanted to let you know.I also merged it with another add on mod that is out and just loving it. You have created a great one sir.
  15. cool DJ knows his comics. And i thought i was the only one to have read that Superman graphic novel.
  16. there is 1 major villain who was in 1 comic a graphic novel from superman called last god of krypton. She is one powerful villain picture strength level of superman and the hulk combined and that's no joke. She threw Supes across the street with just a flick of her wrist. She was so powerful that superman new the only way to win was to kill her and he did by outsmarting her and getting her to fly into the sun. She also had the ability to influence men. If you get the chance look it up its called superman last god of krypton.
  17. YESSSSSSSSSS Thanks im a big D/C fan and red hood fan also. Cant wait for this one.
  18. <p>DJ is right and so is Adam.</p><p> </p><p> And i LOVE the 0900 verse for TEW so don't give up on this Marvel mod.</p>
  19. Actually in the comics Hawkeye is very well respected. Sort of marvels version of green arrow. And he is a good team leader and has led other teams besides the avengers. Will they portray him this way in the movie,i sure hope so. Here is a link to possible other villains being in the movie or having cameos leading into other avengers movie. Warning may contain possible spoilers on upcoming Avengers movie http://screenrant.com/avengers-movie-villains-rob-117445/
  20. Neverland Cant wait for this 4 part mini series on SYFY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRYgHPmHE28&feature=feedf
  21. Ok not to look stupid,ok ill look stupid but i must ask. What does IWC people stand for. I could say what i think but ill probably get a reprimand lol.
  22. Tell me you jest. Then again could very well be.Nash,Miz,Truth and we need one more.
  23. I don't know about the rest of you but i would kind of like to see Mark Henry as a monster heel champion. I think it is time.
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