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The Final Countdown

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Posts posted by The Final Countdown

  1. That's not even close to what I said.


    I refer to ALL internet wrestling fans as nerds.


    The point I was making is that the lack of a tag division is only really important to net fans (or nerds), it doesn't affect the E in any significant way, so they have no reason to change it.


    So wanting a tag division doesn't make you a nerd...hanging out on these boards and checking wrestling news sites does.

    Ahh, OK. I can get behind that. I thought you were being derogatory, but you weren't, really. And yeah, you're right, it's not vital for WWE to establish a strong tag division. Just something many people (myself included) think would make their product a bit more interesting.


    But hey, who needs a tag division when you can have a movie character blow up R-Truth? :D

  2. How does the loss make AJ look bad? Do you really think people will care less about AJ Styles now that he lost the title?

    The fact that RVD had just wrestled a rather lengthy match with Hardy, and should theoretically be weakened heading into his 2nd match of the night. Will people care about AJ less? No, probably not. I still think it made him look sorta weak.

  3. Not nonsensical, critical. At least not as far as I'm concerned. I feel exactly the same way. I don't mind RVD winning the title, but winning it with no build up makes no sense to me. I know, I know, "shock value" and all that. But I just feel like it would've been better for the company long term if they had actually spent some time building up towards RVD winning the title. I'm with you on how it makes Styles look, too.
  4. At Lockdown tonight from what I've read they got 3,000 paid or close to it like 2700. I'm hoping that something fun happens, blood, cool spot, something although Pope is the most over face in the company right now he's not winning tonight.

    So...the majority of the arena will be blacked out still? :p


    (The Family Arena can seat 10,000, for those who may not be familiar with it.)


    Still, that's pretty good attendance for TNA I would imagine. I would have liked to go myself, but I don't feel like going alone, and the only friend who might've been willing to go is coming off of major surgery. Boo!

  5. Weird for some reason I always thought you were from England.:o Not sure why but I just did.


    Anyway back on topic, if they are not willing to give him the mega bucks he is going to be asking for. I think he very well could end up on a big market team like the Dodgers or the Mets. Who knows I may be way off on this but I just have a feeling.

    Well, there do seem to be a lot of people from England on these boards. Diary writers, especially, seem to skew English. Or maybe that's just my imagination.


    If Albert HAS to leave, I'd certainly love to see him in Dodger blue. But given the current state of their ownership, that's probably nothing more than a pipe dream.

  6. Countdown you're from St. Louis? Ya learn somethin new every day. I'm fairly certain he stays, he's got a ton of respect for everything to do with St. Louis baseball and I think as long as he gets paid he's staying.

    Not originally from St. Louis; I was born in Simi Valley, California (same city as the Weaver brothers, which is where my older brother played little league ball with Jeff.) Moved out here when I was a kid. So, I retain my Dodger loyalties, but I do like the Cardinals as well.


    I definitely think Albert would like to stay; it's just a matter of are they going to be willing to pay up. I was skeptical up until recently, but I think the money they just gave to Holliday was a good sign.

  7. Albert's three run blast tonight had him pass Eddie Matthews with 371 home runs the most by any player in his first ten seasons in the big leagues. Pujols has a good shot at being the first player to be at 400 home runs the same year he becomes eligible for the Hall of Fame. I'm not a home run guy but thats pretty damn impressive.

    So...29 HRs the rest of the season? I'd say that's pretty much a lock unless he misses considerable time with injury.

  8. I'm afraid I've to back track slightly here...I'm reading a full and detailed report from the recent SHIMMER tapings and apparently RVT looked pretty good in her matches. I guess talent, much like beauty, is often in the eye of the beholder in the wrestling world.

    Well put...

    *cough*Super Dragon*cough*


    I guess I no longer need to flip back and forth between Raw and Impact, if the Thursday Impact replay is back for good. Good thing, too, because TNA is just filled with things that have had me reaching for the remote in recent weeks. But that's better saved for the TNA topic, I suppose.

  9. Razor Ramon WAS Tony Montana from the film "Scarface"

    I just watched this movie for the first time a month or two ago (sacrilege, I know), and you are 100% correct. It actually made it kind of hard for me to focus on the movie, because I kept waiting for Tony to bust out a Razor's Edge. :D


    On Orlando Jordan: I'm not offended, but I don't care about him at all, either, and I don't see Orlando and his "bizarre" behavior bringing anything of value to TNA.


    On The Pope: Not offended at all, and hadn't even really thought about him in an overly religious context until it was brought up in this topic.

  10. Really? Is the Orlando Jordan stuff that bad? Sure, it seems like an exercise is pointlessness thus far, the skits don't go anywhere and aren't directed at a specific target or to hype up a PPV event... but they're only a minute or two long. Relatively harmless. People are quitting Impact because of that? Personally I find the mass screen time for the ol' WCW brigade far more repelling.

    Ditto. The Orlando Jordan stuff is stupid, but at least it doesn't eat up a ton of time.

  11. I do like Barrett. My Danielson markdom aside, Barrett is the guy I've been most impressed with. I'm with you on Otunga, too: I just don't see it. The guy comes across okay in pre-taped vignettes, but I haven't been impressed with any of his "live" promos (I didn't see much of his stuff on Raw, as I was flipping back and forth quite a bit, so he may have looked better there.) And he's pretty dreadful in the ring from what I've seen.
  12. I know they won't, just because the entire world wants it. But, I'd like Bryan to win, and, when Cole has to congratulate him, Bryan takes him down and gives him the good old elbow to the head combo.

    I really wish you hadn't said that. Because now, I'm going to keep envisioning Danielson giving Cole the MMA elbows, and everything he actually does on NXT will seem boring by comparison. :D

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