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Posts posted by TakerNGN74

  1. The only thing that truly bothered me during the Sting vs. Triple H match was a line that was said on commentary that sounded a bit like this. "this isn't Starrcade this is Wrestlemania."


    I know that Vince probably told JBL to say the line but it's still dumb when the company for so long treated Sting like a big deal only to have JBL go out of his way to make Sting seem less important.


    Notice I didn't say Buried because you guys are using that word way out of context to the actual definition.

  2. Does anyone here listen to Aubrey Sitterson and his Straight Shoot youtube channel? I've listened to a few but most of the time I end up hating how much he defends WWE no matter what. At least that's the way I see it. Just wanted to know if anybody else has their own opinion of him and his show.


    I listen to his show weekly and yeah he is a WWE sympathizer but he has his reasons for it mainly that he used to work for them. So if he ever has a chance to go back to the company he probably doesn't want to damage that. He just seems to see the silver lining on everything and I actually find it refreshing even if he catches a lot of flack for it.

  3. Watched the Reigns / Lesnar / Heyman segment from last nights "RAW" and have to say, it was pretty good. Yes, this was because of Heyman, but I think Reigns handled himself just fine (even if the rumors are to be believed that he was being fed the lines) For anyone who watches Sons of Anarchy, I think he (Reings) came across very Jax Teller.


    Honestly, the fact that RAW was cancelled may be a blessing in disguise, and may give fans a chance to cool down on the Reigns Rumble win before they have to put him in front of a live audience again.


    The build-up to 'Mania is certainly going to be interesting with Reigns' shortcomings on the mic, and the heat he is getting. They need to somehow hide his promo flaws while trying to get some good reactions for him again. I think he has to be involved with the beloved babyfaces of the company (Bryan, Ziggler, Ambrose) to try and get the fans back on his side. Teaming with them, saving them from beatdowns etc.


    It's going to be a big challenge for the creative team and I am looking forward to seeing how everything unfolds.


    <removed due to spoilers>

  4. @Taker: Can't help but feel that match is the beginning of them turning Okada into The Guy. I'm thinking a year of tribulations for him, potentially capped off next year by meeting Nakamura, Tanahashi or AJ at Wrestle-Kingdom for redemption. He's already lost to Fale the day after Kingdom.


    I really hope you are right, I'm not saying it's a mistake to not have him win but I'm just shocked he didn't. I was also surprised that Ibushi didn't defeat Nakamura because I figured either Nak or Tanahashi would lose their title which did not happen.

  5. I absolutely HATED the way that JBL completely crapped on the Ascension, sure the people they were facing were no where near LOD or Demolition but the point was that they are going to be more dominate and for him to do what he did is going to ruin them for a lot of fans now.


    ^This, if the commentary team refuses to take their talent seriously then how in the hell am I supposed to? Granted I wasn't taking the Ascension seriously because they are for all intents and purposes the Legion of Demolition but with what JBL said the chance I had to take them seriously is now gone thanks to one stupid comment. I wonder if Vince told JBL to say that through a headset because if that's the case then it's even dumber and people should just stay down in NXT. I wouldn't mind it at all if NXT was moved to Monday's on the USA Network and RAW could be shown on the Network in NXT's place because it's gotten that bad.


    I try and remain positive and find the good in things but after this past Monday's show it's pretty hard to do so.

  6. I watched the GFW offering of Wrestle Kingdom 9 on Sunday night and I really enjoyed the show the Ibushi vs. Nakamura match was amazing I already have a match of the year candidate for 2015. Okada vs. Tanahashi was great as well although I question the decision of who won the match because if it was me I would have gone another way with it but I can't complain too much it was still a great match regardless of who won.
  7. So basically Seth Rollins is probably only in the match so Lesnar and Cena don't have to be the ones that take the pinfall.


    My other thought was Cena pins Rollins to win the title and Lesnar beats the snot out of him and Rollins cashes in MITB on Cena.


    I don't care what the reason is that Seth Rollins was put in the match, I'm just happy he is there because I don't need another Lesnar vs. Cena one on one match because it's happened way to much as of late for my liking.

  8. I really enjoyed last night's RAW but there was one glaring problem for me at the end which people have already mentioned. It's the fact that the Authority is back over stupid reasoning. I knew that as soon as that "Cena has the power to reinstate the authority" thing was added to the stipulation that it would eventually happen but the way they did it was beyond lazy.


    My guess is that they are doing it this way to have a reason to do a match between HHH and Sting at Mania with Sting coming out and being upset that his efforts at Survivor Series were for nothing. However it could have been handled a lot better. My hope is that this is only temporary and that the Authority will once again be dead after Wrestlemania but we shall see with this company it's like 2 steps forward 10 steps backward and last night was proof of that fact.

  9. To add to this Brock Lesnar MMA conversation, according to Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar wasn't healthy at any time in the UFC because of his diverticulitis.


    also According to Heyman Brock fought guys that were 100% when Brock himself again according to Heyman was only 50% because of his illness. Yet he still won the UFC Heavyweight Title and had an impressive run.


    It may not be that impressive when you look at the numbers but if Heyman is to be believed and Brock wasn't 100% at any time in his UFC career that's a scary thought. The man is a freak of nature.

  10. Was at RAW last night and I Really enjoyed it say what you will about the product right now but live shows are always an experience.


    I was a bit worried going into it because the product has been so bad as of late but I was pleasantly surprised from a live experience anyways.


    Of course smarks on twitter tried to ruin my experience somewhat but that's what the mute button is for and it definitely got used last night.


    I've seen Hogan before (way back in 97 when he was a heel with the NWO at a Nitro) but seeing him as a face in the red and yellow is completely different and it made me feel like a kid all over again.


    Rowdy Roddy Piper was a nice added bonus I've always enjoyed his work and enjoy it whenever he's on the show.

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I want them to bring back the youtube series "Are You Serious?". Josh obviously can't do it again, but they could get someone else to do it with Road Dogg. <p> </p><p> <strong>Oh, and bring back Puppet H!</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, they NEED to make this happen!</p>
  12. The Slammies were LOL worthy as usual. Superstar of the Year was hilarious.


    The best parts of the show were Miz & Mizdow, AJ putting over the NXT women, Steamboat (who needed Ziggler get the lame crowd to cheer him). Charlotte was a nice surprise but they ruined it having her lose to Natalya right before Takeover.


    This, It made absolutely no sense that they had Charlotte lose to Natalya prior to Thursday's Takeover R-Evolution because she has beaten her before. It made her look extremely weak and made me feel like I'm not supposed to take her seriously as a threat if WWE wont do it.

  13. Okay first off let me say this before I say anything. Most of you know me as someone who doesn't like CM Punk but now that I have gotten that out of the way I honestly wish him the best of luck in the MMA world. The guy seems happy and like he wants to be there to which I will say good for him. Also AJ Lee tweeted out a picture of Punk apparently signing his UFC contract so she's obviously happy for him which she should definitely be.


    Here is where I get a bit negative though but just hear me out. CM Punk kind of comes off as a hypocrite in all of this. Reason being that when he was in WWE he would always complain that a part timer was coming in and "taking his spot" which I definitely agree was happening, but isn't Punk doing the exact same thing? Former wrestler looking to do what Brock Lesnar did but I doubt it will have the same effect as it did with Brock. Again I hope I'm wrong and I hope he does well there I just find it a bit weird.


    Also I'm hoping that he gets mad at someone during one of his fights and grabs a microphone and sits down in the middle of the octagon to cut a promo. And will he use the name CM Punk by itself? Or will it be referred to as Phil "CM Punk" Brooks? Either way I look forward to seeing how things go for him.


    By the way has anyone noticed that since Punk signed his official contract with the UFC that there appears to be a lot of people that like MMA now all of a sudden? #BandWagonJumpers

  14. It was kind of a revelation to hear how many frickin' podcasts there are. How do people find the time to listen to all of them, watch all wrestling programming, and make thoughtful posts on fora. You honestly can't have any other hobbies if you do. :rolleyes:


    This, I co host a podcast (that's currently on hiatus) and listen to a few others but most of them aren't the mainstream ones that everyone seems to listen to. Yes I'll listen to Steve Austin's show here and there considering he's my favorite wrestler of all time but others I just don't bother with.


    As far as watching all wrestling programming, there was recently a NJPW Network that was launched that I would love to purchase but I can't realistically do it. I already have the WWE Network and that's enough as it is. If I were to get the NJPW network I would have to have no life what so ever which I can't do.


    It's great that we live in a world where wrestling is easily accessible but realistically there are only 24 hours in a day and not enough can be accomplished when people have school (possibly college) and work to worry about as well as social lives and the like. Just adding a bit to the conversation but I completely agree with Blackman on this issue.

  15. As for the 2015 fantasy scenario, I doubt Punk would have lasted that long. For several months before the Rumble he looked sluggish in the ring and like he was going through the motions outside of major PPV matches. Something looked off to me, I just had no idea who bad it was. He needed an extended break to recover and Vince/Trips were never going to allow that.


    Just my own opinions based on what I've read and seen with my own eyes, so take it all with a pinch of salt.


    I agree with the bolded statement completely, most of you people have stated that you know that I don't like CM Punk so take this for what it' worth but to me CM Punk's last good match I really liked was his match with Taker at Wrestlemania 29. Even when he came back at Payback 2013 in his hometown of Chicago and faced Jericho he seemed a bit off probably from the previous two months off so that's understandable. I forgave Punk for his match with Jericho at Payback (although I still enjoyed the match) because at the time I was still a fan of his.


    But then from that point forward all the way to the day he left the company (was fired according to him) he half assed every performance he was in from my personal observation and again at the time this was occurring I was still a fan of him but he just seemed off to me.


    I will say this as well, I always was wondering why he came in at number 1 in last years rumble and laid around in the ring for what was about a half hour it made me a bit upset but after hearing him say that he was injured I completely get why he did it and I can't fault him for it.


    I may not like the guy but I do agree with some of the stuff he said within the podcast. I will hold off further judgment on this issue until December 1st when I hear McMahon's side of the story on The Steve Austin Show if that is something that they are going to talk about on it and I imagine that it will be talked about.

  16. Listened to the entire thing last night and he just came off as a bitter lunatic. I agree wholeheartedly with what JackKnifed72 said He claims Money wasn't everything but pisses and moans about the money he didn't get for the first half of the podcast. His second point that JackKnifed also brought up "I don't want to bash WWE" well if you didn't want to do that then why did you spend so much time bashing them when you said you didn't want to?


    I used to be a CM Punk fan but I am not anymore, the guy is an idiot who thinks way too highly of himself when after he came back at Payback 2013 he did a half way job at best before "getting fired" in January. He claimed to still be the best in the world upon his return but the man who truly was the best in the world was Daniel Bryan and that's a fact.


    The one thing I did agree with Punk on was the entire Ryback thing and I saw what Ryback had to say on twitter but lets face it anything he (Ryback) says on Twitter can't be taken as face value because it almost always gets deleted immediately either by him or WWE.


    I don't care to ever see CM Punk wrestle ever again, the guy can stay home and sit on his couch and whine and complain about "what if" because I guarendamntee you that when his career is completely over (apparently now) and after he gets too old to come back he will regret not going back for a potential Wrestlemania main event. He probably would have been in Daniel Bryan's spot at Wrestlemania (The match with Triple H, and winning the title) had he not left but he couldn't suck it up and stick with the job.


    Good Riddance CM Punk I do not miss you and I no longer have an ounce of respect for you. Grow up you moron.

  17. Because Sting didn't want to sign with WWE 12 years ago? And they've got to use him for something, especially after that huge pop for the 2K15 reveal. It's better than another depressing Taker match.


    I'm perfectly aware that he didn't want to sign back then and I can't say that I blame him but him being there now is not at all interesting to me. The guy is 55 years old (56 by mania time) and in an era where WWE is trying to push this so called "Youth Movement" Sting seems very out of place.


    I understand he will probably only work with HHH at the Rumble and Taker at Mania but it's still a weird fit for me.

  18. A few thoughts on survivor series


    I completely understand the logic behind Nikki as diva's champion because if dirtsheets are to believed then AJ will be leaving. What I don't like is now we are perfectly positioned for another Nikki vs. Brie match this time with the title involved that I am not interested in what so ever.


    The main event was amazing probably the best Survivor Series elimination match I've seen since Survivor Series 2001 (13 years).


    I'm mixed on the ending, was it a cool moment yes but my main question was why now because to me this is happening 12 years too late at least.


    Either way I am looking forward to RAW tonight for the first time in a while.

  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">NXT Review:</span></strong><p> </p><p> <strong>Bayley vs Lynch</strong> - OK match. Too short for them to showcase their talent.</p><p> <strong>The Vaudevillians vs Lucha Loompas</strong> - A midget match is what you'd expect on Raw. The Vaudevillians made it semi-entertaining with airplane spins but a run-in from the Champs is what this feud needed to kick it into life.</p><p> <strong>Kevin Owens Promo</strong> - Echoed Balor's "Future of NXT" promo from last week but with a heelish vibe. Debut confirmed for the PPV!</p><p> <strong>Corbin vs Sampson</strong> - 22 seconds. Not his quickest win.</p><p> <strong>Bull vs Cutler</strong> - Bull got boos and "Corbin's better!" chants when he couldn't beat Corbin's squash time. I'd love to see Corbin hit his STO on Bull.</p><p> <strong>Kidd vs Parker</strong> - Solid match. Strange pairing. Were they trying to turn Kidd babyface?</p><p> <strong>Enzo & Cass vs Dawson & Wilder</strong> - OK squash match. The tag division is filling out nicely. The Ascension laid waste to both teams then cut a typically poor promo on Itami & Balor.</p><p> <strong>Closing Segment</strong> - Sami cut a heart-felt promo and called out Neville, asking for one more match. If he loses he's going to quit. Neville tried to talk him out of it but Sami got fired up and stuck to his guns. Regal made the match official for the clunkily titled <em>NXT Takeover: Our Evolution</em>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Verdict:</span></strong> A huge drop in quality from last week. This show was about giving as many wrestlers screen time as possible. I wish NXT were 15 minutes longer so they could pull it off better.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Kevin Owens 1st Promo: </strong><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qACQvOOyoHQ" rel="external nofollow"><strong>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qACQvOOyoHQ</strong></a></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If my WWE Logic or in this case NXT Logic serves me correctly they formatted this show with two squash matches to build to a match between Corbin and Dempsey for Takeover Evolution. I'm fine with it as long as Corbin wins. Corbin has a great look and although I haven't seen him wrestle for more than thirty seconds he doesn't need to in a company like WWE because he has the look they want. Bull Dempsey on the other hand is boring and looks like a scumbag that I just can't get behind. I see a better upside and a brighter future for Corbin where in a few years Dempsey will probably be somewhere else that's not WWE's main roster because I doubt he will get there.</p>
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