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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. So with RVD's latest interview in the Sun it seems he is quite open to returning full time or at least more interested then before now that his wife has beat her illness. Although RVD is setting quite steep demands I think TNA could provide them. Ad to that the outside possibility of Jeff Hardy joining TNA would have a main 6 of AJ Styles, Daniels, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, RVD, Jeff Hardy with Lashley, Wolfe, Morgan and Hernandez as close to main event status. Even if they only get RVD that is still a stellar top of the card imho.' It would also provide extra imputus for keeping current E watchers or former wrestling watchers to keep tuning in to TNA if they start watching because of Hogan. Much like when Hall and Nash arrived. Now all they need is a stellar storyline and they are golden. Even without a stellar storyline but just keeping the good form they have been showing of late they could really see growth.
  2. I know I have already hit my limit but since I has been a while could you please do a tap out title for NOTBW?
  3. Get well soon mate and no hurries health before hobby imho
  4. Its just a nromal horse mate those are his ears if was a horn would be more to the front. Maybe its a donkey seeing as the elephant is next to him. (republicans and democrats)
  5. Good find man did my best and couldnt get without a wrestler wearing it and that was hard enough. Up close it ehm meh tough altough the idea of belt in shape of USA is good.
  6. Hope this one is good for ya. http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/FlairUSTitle.jpg
  7. Oops forgot already have thw tcw womens belt prolly made by you too hehe so nvm. If any one wants it let me know and ill post it.
  8. Forgot TCW womens title if possible. Good luck with the back log and Bryan Holmes vs Flash 1+2 was epic! lol
  9. Nope titles where most important so reiterating the request.
  10. Modern Version Of the USPW National Title as I have resurected it(Midcard moved TV title to low level). Plus TCW Hard Hitting champion (resurected Hardcore but for Brawling/Puroso instead of Hardcore, Midcard level Minimum Weight Middleweight.)Don´t know if you do trophies too but a TCW Man of the Moment and TCW Ruler of the Rumble would be great. PS Nice work on NYCW so far btw im reading.
  11. I know and own all the Asterix comics and love them. I think hes a reference to both at the same time. Come on Asterix + Optimus! This guy rocks someone push him already! Comradebot I am looking at you! lol
  12. Back on the transformer mien fortres minimus vs fortres maximus the big city autobot. I know Fortres Minimus was mentioned before but not as this reference.
  13. Probably because I am Dutch I know the answer to this. Zeeland is one of the provinces of the Netherlands seeing as a Dutch guy "found" the place he called it Nieuw Zeeland. Nieuw = New in Dutch. Same as the English changing the name of New Amsterdam to New York. There is not an old York or Amsterdam just an original York and Amsterdam.
  14. Dammit I got my bots mixed up ok just to make it complete Snarl who was the stegosaurus.
  15. LOL I was getting the same feeling. Don´t think this one had been posted yet altough it is pretty obvious: Optimus (Optimus prime in the classic transformers cartoon, just look at his mask!) PS Lazorbeak love the nickname as I owned all the dinobots except that one, man it was rare. bit off topic. What was first tough the British calling Australia Oz or Oz the fictional world as featured in the wizard of Oz?
  16. yeah sorry its respect, edited it thanks for pointing out my oversight.
  17. Under 25 always a young lion, over 25 need certain respect not to be one, over 30 never one. If I remember correctly
  18. Only active in Japan you can set it to be active in other parts of the world. The system if in effect as a default only raising certain product settings to above medium wil negate it I know Entertainment is one of them can´t out of the top of my head remember the others.
  19. Not sure about the Leper one but Ziggy Stardust + Jefferson Airplane/Starship = Jefferson Stardust
  20. Speaking of clowns theres two clown colour comentaters in the US and their bios and names remind me of a certain insane clown posse, who like wrestling a lot too (mainly backyard). Sorry forgot the names but they are there.
  21. I really like the reference the o0ther way tough. Taken from the game and surfuced in real life! Rhino Umaga, Big angry Samoan with a spike, and corner spear in his arsenal who can wrestle but no mike skills. The one formaly known as Rosey Big angry samoan who cant wrestle or has mike skills but has similar moves. Someone at the E is playing this game I am sure of it.
  22. I really love the Waldorf and Statler one hehe once I find any others I will post them to bad you beat me to those two.
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