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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Hmm saw plenty of near falls in it they just did the old WWE I do my finisher but to tired to cover trick more.
  2. Lol Even Rocco and Sal aka Phi Delta Slam aka MEM Security aka Foley security are back, Foley reminding people he can kick but if he wants too = good. Nasty Boys taking up time = bad even if funny. Raven didn't get an entrance at all and this being a nu1 contenders match = dam. It being a squash is fine but a couple o more dominating spots would have been better. Pope rocks on the mic and given the crowd response Jordan is not long for this TNA world hehe, man is he flat especially in comparison. Pope vs Wolfe was much as the women's match showing promise of a great match and then a flash finish. Wolfe made to look weaker and D'Inero elevated but think they lost more overness overall then gained. Edit: Almost Forgot Val Venis was lol. And since they where going to revisit the BP anyways was no problem although Angelina joining as well or instead would have been better.
  3. As I have read he is always watching the shows from the audience although normally he stays of cam.
  4. Yeah Michaels and Undertaker really need to rebuild thier finishers too right? Right? And come one WWE sure as hell is worried. Bret returning plus the 2 ppv caliber match ups. Sure just a normal RAW sure. If I was WWE I would ignore and deny as long as possible as well but the facts just don't follow. If Cena wasn't otherwise engaged already they would have saved his rematch vs Sheamus I am sure. PS please excuse me if I am becoming too markish as I am finally getting to see the show.
  5. Lol I had forgotten that see how uninspiring that tune is lol. BTW get on camera or close to any talent?
  6. Like Hamada's new T-Shirt although I prefer the robe. The backstage attacks is where it started getting too messy and convoluted imho. Hamada tweaked leg but still toughened it out good on her. I got two words for ya Divas.... Suck It! lolz. Should have done this match second then Tara vs ODB third so that it was unopposed.
  7. Running commentary from me if ppl don't mind. Krystal + Lashley: good promo, Halle berry looks, heel turn to face AJ. Beautifull People: no Love unfortunately but sends strong non PG message and was better done then the ECW version imho. Motorcade stuff nice to make it all seem extra important and who is the mystery man? Prolly Bischoff or upcoming surprise. Flair! And he goes into AJ's room? Hall has gained weight again but was still cool Hey Yo = mark out waltman was ok. The Hogan promo: Cool entrance with the quasi NWO tune(, should have done same type of tune for Hardy but prolly no time,) and really milking the crowd response imho not so much the bad hip. All Day in the back ok nice snafu but can be forgiven. Other snafu that hasn't been commented on is Hall saying growing up watching Hogan wrestling is impossible as they are close to the same age. 51 - 56. On the note of them not needing to be there to make the same statement I actually liked it better this way as it also gives you the visual and it works better in a direct confrentation way then just empty promises plus they still have some name value. Bisschoff is still great on the mic and Sting is back in the rafters. TNAManiacs, Earn your spot, learning from mistakes, changing everything for the better in the upcoming time. Good message that came across loud and clear. PS Dixie in an interview she already gave is promising more surprises to come even in the field of signings. Sry can't remember where I read it but it was a good source imho or wouldn't type it here.
  8. Womens match was on its way to being good till the flash flash pinfall. And title change why?
  9. Ok finally getting to watch this. That was not their normal Steel Asylum setup or quality, yes it is normally red with a dome on top but normally its a lot more stable etc. It really seemed thrown together last minute and the Asylum matches I have seen before have been much better in terms of presentation, length and match quality. DQ in a cage yeah bs can't say more then that. Still Jeff Hardy!!!!! Don't like the tune though or the toned down haircut etc as that is/was part of his allure. For a good/normal Asylum match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QXXaXLuOLM Also X-Divison does not equate to spot monkey! Ill give you Red but the rest in that match have shown they can have a very good match . 8 People with so little time was a bad idea though.
  10. Agreed they could have handled it better but also a lot worse. Instant title contender -> IWC gripes about ex wwe guy getting insta push. Just a cameo or teasers -> no one believes he has signed. Promo-> not his strong suit. This way he can elevate the whole X-Division and it plays to his skills and after that can move on to better things. Haven't a lot of people been clamoring for more X-Division and for them to elevate it? What better way then to Have Jeff Freaking Hardy in it? What ever your personal opinions on him as a performer/personal life he is a big name no doubt about it, actually the biggest available relevant name they could get. (not counting Rock, Austin and Lesnar here.) Is TNA taking a risk with his court date looming yes. Could Jeff be more happier in TNA with a lighter schedule and more lifestyle freedom yes. Could one part of that lifestyle have bad consequences? Yes. Would being in TNA increase the chance of that happening? No imho as Jeff will be Jeff and the heavier schedule puts more stress on him leading to worse choices in that category which balances out the lighter amount of control. Dude is a big name period, crowd reaction + merchandise + match/feud approval all top notch. Are the TNA fans sick of seeing him again? Hell No. Different Jeff, different TNA, different and more fans.
  11. Just saw RAW and have to say it was a good show if they keep this up ill be following more religiously again and not just highlights and ppv's. Agreed Danielson should be called up asap although I think Smackdown would be a better place for him then RAW. BTW anyone else think Sheamus's music and whole entrance is very underwhelming and that Morgan's Big Boot is much better? Edit Except the Maryse Bella match ew that was a trainwreck wouldn't they be better served to have them play strip poker? Oh wait lol.
  12. In the end I just hope wrestling wins as I am not, repeat not anti wwe at all. I just prefer TNA. Ok Ill stop for now as I can type about wrestling till the cows come home. I will be back once I have seen both shows so be warned hehe.
  13. Hell I am often both annoyed and entertained but rather that then yawning/sitting on my hands.
  14. I am not making excuses just clarifying my choice. Both have their faults in other areas but unfortunately those are the choices given at the moment and TNA entertains me more as there is at least always something going on. Often it is too much but I am of the rather too much then to little school as the E really hammers things over and over across all their shows mainly with recaps etc. Recaps are fine for ppv but a last week on this show and what happened on the other show rewinds all the time together with stomp, punch, stomp, punch wrestling I would chose Russo ADHD booking. If they could always book like between No Surrender and Final Resolution (removing the odd snafu here and there) and tone it down a bit I would be one happy camper.
  15. As Bigpapa knows I agree on that point completely (,I just don't think trimming the roster is the only or even most effective solution,) but I much rather watch 3 hours crammed into 2 with occasional good matches then 1 hour stretched into 2 with rare good matches like the E feels for me most of the time.
  16. Lol don't go overboard but to fire: Rob Terry Jesse Neal Kiyoshi Lacey Von Erich To Fade Out and then fire/Backstage/Rare appearances: Stevie Richards Raven Kevin Nash Scott Steiner Team 3D Rhino Jeff Jarrett Mick Foley Sting All the recent surprises except Jeff Hardy. Bring In definitely and "possible": Kennedy RVD
  17. Correct and for that they need more guys that can go and put them over that top. With Lashley, AJ, Joe, Daniels, Angle, Abyss, Steiner otherwise engaged there wasn't much for Morgan or Hernandez to do other then the wrecking crew. Only option would have been Nash or against each other. Come to think of it going after World Elite could have been smarter booking but not much better. And they where on tv each episode with promos and matches and won the feud in the end. Only gripe was they should have been more dominant but it did elevate Dinero and Suicide by association imho. Still compare this to +- two years ago. Prince Justice Brotherhood, Black Reign (out of shape) and Rellik (thats killer spelled backwards) anyone?
  18. Actually it is 49 and that is including Tag Teams as singles and the Knock Out's + Foley and Jarret and Sharkey. Still to many yeah but with some fat cutting and fading out very solvable and still room for effective signings.
  19. Still Jeff FR*KN Hardy!! If his court date pans out and if he is on top of his game would be Ace. At least Kennedy and RVD are still free agents. Plus how would I react I heard that Mothra and The Joker would show up?
  20. I was entertained cmdrsam no worries it made the agony lighter hehe.
  21. Let's hope that the effective jobbing/putting over by the right guys for the right guys begins!
  22. I agree with the follow up and better use of time but less workers does not equete better use of time. Makes it easier to focus on some guys sure as you are forced to. But at the same time restricts your options. But that is a separate discussion. I would fire everyone without a potential use and effectively use up the usefulness of the over guys. The underscored part is where they fail generally but not in the case of 3D imho. So no RVD? Damn!
  23. 3D have helped elevate Both Beer Money and British Invasion they are doing their job just fine. Was it a downstep for Morgan and Hernandez sure but they didn't have any other Main Event, Upper Midcard talent for them to fight at that time.
  24. Dude I would have faded out 3D but just firing them? No. Name Value, always a threat even if lose all the time, experience, decent promos. Semi Active sure, fade out over time sure, outright fire no.
  25. Aye fits with the bald guy stuff and instantly gets his heat back plus he would have been tired clobbering backstage for his match against Dinero. lol
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