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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. According to the reports he is still on contract but until his court date he will not be used so that he can focus 100 percent on that. The days leading up to them signing him there was a strong indication that the case would be thrown out outright but that didn't happen. So in the meantime enjoy the ride and wait for RVD to show up as I think that possibility is getting stronger reading and listening between the lines. BTW anyone know Hardy's next court date? Edit PS: Seems Lashley is "legit" gone as he has been removed from the roster page now. Kong is staying though (, for now,) as Hogan, Bubba and she cleared the air but she is still miffed about the pay structure as well it is reported. Still great to see her stay tb we (as fans, followers etc) lost Flash though.
  2. Well he is an interesting addition to say the least and has potential/foundation or whatever you want to call it to be a good/great hand. Let's see what he does in TNA but so far the promo's have been decent but not great and the matches kinda bland. Anderson does have his fans/supporters though and he is a decent addition imho. For the rest about Foley/Austin etc I think what was meant that they reached the hight of their fame and nailed their gimmick when they where an overblown version of themselves or a part of themselves. That's why I was really beginning to dig face champ AJ as he was playing an overblown version of himself and now he is playing the exact opposite. On Anderson's character he shows some potential mainly in some of his E promo's and his online stuff but he doesn't nail it yet. For the rest discussing Foley and Austing and The Rock let's move it to the WWE thread they need a lot more postings are they are at half of this thread lolz. TNA may not always be great but at least they give you something to talk about good and bad lolz.
  3. Attendance for the UK part of the Tour from 411 mania quoting the WO: - Here are the attendance figures for TNA's recent International tour: * 1.16 – Dublin: 2,500 (Sell Out) * 1.17 – Dublin: 2,500 (Sell Out) * 1.20 – Manchester: 5,000 * 1.21 – Birmingham: 4,000 * 1.22 – Glasgow: 4,100 * 1.24 – London: 8,100 (All-Time Company Attendance Record) Credit: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter Paris was apparently 2.500 (after being cancelled the first time, I couldn't attend on the new date, grrr,) and Glasgow was 1.500. Pretty decent all-round imho and showing growth from the last time they went to the UK. Edit: On Impact this week pretty decent show apart from the ending, agree they need to work on the formatting which has always been their problem. Stuffing too much in in too little time and in the wrong order. The storylines themselves are pretty good though atm as they are at least unpredictable for the most part and the predictable ones are being executed well. Still a bit less old folks on my tv would still be nice, they where so getting it post BFG and now this. PS Rating was a 1.2 rounded up so a big drop from last week. (Relatively)
  4. Bisschoff (, but sometimes makes "good" executive decisions,) is a heel and so are waltman and hall, Hogan is caught in the middle and mainly a face, so is Nash but he is more a heel but not sticking up for Hall and walt as he doesn't agree with their actions and he wants to remain employed. It's really not that hard sometimes but it is confusing if you don't watch regularly and that is a problem if you want to attract new viewers. Jarrett is a face again after the whole lawyer thing which was prolly used to make up for the mistake during the live show where Jarrett outfaced Hogan when it was supposed to be the other-way around.
  5. It will prolly be the same bar the ECW Champion will be retooled to a new belt and the branding and format will change. Not so much the roster apart from any true star power (Christian, Hardy, Kane) holding the belt will probably be absent. "Trainers" like Goldust, Regal, Finley etc can be easily explained away storyline wise.
  6. Nope as International/Intercontinental etc isn't associated with world as closely, other name could have been (North) American. But that is assuming you want to use it as a midcard/uppermidcard title open to all styles/weights. What time slot is RAW EST? As if I was TNA I would preempt them by an hour.
  7. Yep International would have been a much better name for it.
  8. Giving away free tickets is standard practice, the E still does it as well. 3.8 of 5 is not near full but decently attended lol. 5-10 k on TNA house shows no way that is happening anytime soon. Actual house show numbers vary A lot 300 - 1500. Latest house show numbers and merch sales compared to last year are (way) up though according too various sources. Right now they need to focus on getting on monday live each week. Then move the ppv's out of the zone again. Then either go on the road or have a home stadium (paid) for Impact. In the meantime House shows are more advertisement in themselves then an avenue of income. TNA in TEW terms is Cult with a strong fanbase in the UK.
  9. It is because a Monday night war draws in more "casual" fans and results into higher ratings period. Because of the excitement it brings etc and because Monday = wrestling night. Also TNA can not be squashed as long as Bob Carter doesn't want it to be squashed. PS RVD can still go just watch his matches in Europe from last year if you can find them.
  10. RVD on TNA in an interview with Slam Sports: Now that his wife is cancer free and he has had a chance to recover from being burnt out from the WWE schedule, RVD isn't as adamant about returning to a national stage. He has been a buzz on the Internet about the possibility of going to TNA, to the point where WWE locked him out of his WWE.com profile because they thought he had signed with the company. He hasn't agreed to anything yet. "I have some interest right now. For the longest time I have been saying no thanks, and recently it turned into a maybe. Now with the spotlight on TNA with Hogan being there, as much as people were talking about it before people are talking about it three times as much now. There is a lot of optimism in the air, maybe something will work out." If this works out they can churn out as many Impacts as last one and I won't care lol.
  11. Finally got around to watching Impact. Most that needed to be said has been said but I don't like the fact that the ramp is still leading all the way to the ring. Does it look kinda nice? Sure but it really limits the amount of high flying dives to the outside of the ring (, a kinda TNA trademark) plus brawling on the outside and anything that limits the move sets is bad imho. This combined with the fact that it looks like the crowd barriers are now closer to the ring is really limiting in an unnecessary way imho. And I actually noticed the "Crucial Crew" not being there as the crowd was really flat in the front row.
  12. Yeah it kinda depends on the topic. I think an official Indy and non US promotions thread would have been handier as ROH news is kinda slow in comparison or isn't watched/discussed by as many.
  13. WTF!!! Both Kong and Melissa/Alissa no freaking way! They where two of the best if not the best knockouts! Edit; Still it isn't up on PWI yet and I hope they can be talked into staying.
  14. Cool would mean he got good money from the DVD then even though it was just matches and TNA could use the Horseman moniker.
  15. Yeah but if WCW trademarked the gimmick later on in it's history which would be likely for Bisschoff to do when they where using the Horsemen it would belong to the WWE now.
  16. Agreed although it will take a lot of work to overcome what they do next thrusday. Semi - Spoiler (Highlight to read) : Seems they are serious in pushing Jordon. But Jordon beating Burke and then Burke beating AJ next show?? Looks a lot like what they did with Wolf. This type of booking results in zero sum or even negative sum overness longterm.
  17. And that mainstream press coverage has resulted in what? The WWE seeming a more legitimite company? No. Wrestling/Sports Entertainment becoming cool or at least accepted again? No. Higher ppv buyrates or ratings? (bare number wise not income wise.) No. Less time for all those midcarders to grow into at least upper midcarders? Yes. If getting mainstream press is the goal that is fine, but if it doesn't bring any results at all it is not serving its purpose. As an aside you know what got a lot of mainstream press? David Arquette and Katie Vick lolz.
  18. Actually ODB has been toughing out a burst implant the last couple of weeks and that is probably why she was checking her pulse if everything was ok. The thing she threw out of the ring was indeed a filling as to make both breasts the same size and resulted in them possibly shortening the match. And yes I hope this program stops and hope they build up Flash vs Tara.
  19. And he misquoted Hogan on the IGN interview as I reread it after this came up. He just said smart marks in general only constitute a certain percentage of the crowd he wasn't specifically referring to them but more to the internet wrestling board smarks and in that I have to agree with Hogan. Maybe those hundreds walked out during the Impact taping and he was misquoted that would seem more realistic given the spoilers. PS I consider us guys here "educated smart marks" and that is another category.
  20. On the video he sounds more reasonable then the excerpts have made it sound. I get the whole no cursing etc part and that is not a problem and the help tell the story is understandable but you just can't tell a crowd who to like or dislike or what to say or not to say. Having said that sometimes the Impact crowd really ads to the show but they sometimes detract from it as well, but in all I liked the greater interaction feel it had/has instead of the generic WWE stuff. Wonder what they will do once they become a paying crowd though (,if ever,) as then TNA has no/less right to instruct them. Edit: Agree with the post above me. Was typed at the same time. And wonder if the Crucial crew statement is legit, seems so though.
  21. On a side note it is funny that they are calling it that as TNA has already previously used that monniker for a Jarrett win in their early Orlando stages.
  22. Yeah but the only way to salvage the roster short of brining in talent is to develop them more. How do you develop them more? By putting them out more. Without the guest hosts maybe the midcard etc would have had more time to develop and "The Gap" wouldn't be as huge. Hell I am more of a Smackdown fan anyways within WWE (,till the Taker return,) but I am just pissed because RAW could and should be lots better. I know as more of a TNA fan people might think I want the WWE to do bad but I am first and foremost a wrestling fan. I seriously don't care what the company name is as long as I enjoy the product. If TNA does well it will be a boon for all wrestling fans as VKM does better under competition. What about fan loyalty etc you may ask? I am loyal to the product I enjoy more this isn't competitive sports or something like that.
  23. Guest hosts need to stop asap even the good ones for two big reasons: Continuity and taking away time and attention/focus from the actually contracted talent. It's not helping in the ratings anymore so plz E stop it. There are more reasons but those are my main gripes.
  24. Yep also a reason why I didn't like the AJ heel turn he should be the hero for a long time (In wrestling time) and they should throw heels and other faces at him. That would solidify him as the face of TNA and as a real champ a lot more then having broken down Flair by his side. Edit: Why they are listening to Russo or going down this route I don't know he is still the head writer though although not the top dog. Could be Hogan is looking more at talent atm and Biscchoff more at production leaving Russo more time and power to do the stories.
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