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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Nice recap of Impact that I agree on for a high degee: http://www.pwinsider.com/article/45754/looking-at-a-making-a-big-and-bloody-splash-edition-of-tna-impact.html?p=1
  2. Hmm the poll wasn't adressed to anyone specificly and had a direct link on both the RAW and Impact recap and one of its own. If you are arguing that the TNA fans are more IWC and more passionate then you could be right. Still its a big difference from other polls on the same site with a TNA vs WWE scenario.
  3. On the Hogan used to much part I would have sped up the Sting, RVD and him bit and removed Bubba. Him being involved wasn't so bad. Yes it took away from the RVD debut but it helped cement Sting's heel turn. RVD is the big time Smark babyface, Hogan atm is the big time Mark babyface and he beat down both. Would have also removed the backstage segment with Brook and Hogans girlfriend and the Hogan with Bubba and Hebner bit. Would have used that to build up the Jarrett vs Beer Money deal a bit more which felt a bit rushed. Does would be the only changes I would have made if I wanted to do what TNA was intending storyline etc wise.
  4. We are in agreement there but of the things TNA are doing the majority are not that bad. The Sting heel turn is good, the Anderson/Angle storyline is good, the two mentor programs have their flaws but are somewhat interesting especially for marks, Dinero and Wolf getting a lot of exposure is good, The Band storyline while not my cup of tea hasn't been extremely bad. I was more saying I would prefer 1 good thing 2 mediocre thing and 2 bad things then 4 mediocre things and 1 bad thing. If you catch my drift. Also fully agree with the rest of your points. Poll on PWI atm btw: TNA IMPACT - What did you think of the show? (1344 votes) Excellent - 454 votes (33.8%) Good - 505 votes (37.6%) Average - 128 votes (9.5%) Fair - 65 votes (4.8%) Poor - 110 votes (8.2%) Didn't watch it. - 82 votes (6.1%) WWE RAW - What did you think of the show? (1277 votes) Excellent - 108 votes (8.5%) Good - 188 votes (14.7%) Average - 415 votes (32.5%) Fair - 171 votes (13.4%) Poor - 171 votes (13.4%) Didn't watch it. - 224 votes (17.5%) Read into it what you will.
  5. A Chris Jericho Jr. is still a lot better then most on the roster imo.
  6. Yep I get the whole different tastes for different people but sometimes people tend to go overboard with the negativity in my opinion. Also sometimes the lines seem to get blurred between what people want personally and what they think would be best for TNA to do as there is a big difference there. I am not calling out anyone in particular its just a general observation.
  7. At least that doesn't get boring lol. Sorry too easy and I will stop. Still wrestlemania is shaping up to be a good card, better then last years. At least 2 matches I really care for. RVD!
  8. Hmm nice dichotomy here sometimes. We don't want the predictable stale boring storylines of the E but when TNA does unexpected things its also bad. I agree TNA is maybe doing too much unexpected things but at least they are actually DOING something! Oh and on the Abyss hater, first off the power ring was done a bit overboard beyond symbolism but is in essence still a symbolism also expect Hogan to tell him that in the future. Abyss =not Mankind ffs. He is a Kane/Mankind/Chriss Parks mix which makes him an unique personality in the wrestling world. Much more unique then 80 percent of the competitions roster. Just as the Pope =not the Rock he just also refers to himself in the third person and cuts great promo's, for the rest he is a unique character. Am I saying TNA was/is perfect hells no! Was this a good and entertaining show! Hell yes. Was it flawed in some places? Yeps. Was it way better then boring same old RAW? The only show better atm is Smackdown because of the higher amount of wrestling and the better personalities and logic on the show. Still its not as exciting too me.
  9. Nah you just have very different tastes. I liked this Impact a hell of a lot better then the two before it for instance.
  10. He got into a program with TNA's second/third biggest known mainstream name. Who has a boatload of heat of a heel turn right of the bat. If I am RVD I am happy. With Angle and AJ occupied and Hogan being a face this is great for him. Now the execution could have been better but it was good for what it was.
  11. Think that Joe is probably getting some rest after working through a lot of nagging injuries last year. And he will hopefully come back as lean and mean as he was in the beginning of his TNA career. Overall I really enjoyed the show just some minor flaws here and there but generally very well done. RVD! RVD! RVD! RVD!
  12. So its: Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Even Bourne. Am I the only one having a hard time picking a winner. Only Cristian has been pushed out of these guys lately the rest where midcard Jobbers or Kane. Has Vince finally realized Christian is good enough for a world title run?
  13. Is it me or does it look like Kofi will be off the Mania card while not so long ago being touted as a breakout star? Or will he just steal the intercontinental title of McIntyre in a squash? For the record: This is not a bash just an observation.
  14. Yeah you need to get VIP status for guaranteed entry you can do this via e-mail or something similar. One of the TNA die hard fans explained it on the podcast I posted a while back. Its In park vip first, then out of park vip, then in park, then out of park. Thats how the whole pissed off bubba army thing started on the 4th as they where out of park vip's so and because of the high turnout of in park vip's they didn't all get in which Bubba had rpomised.
  15. Sure but then just as Justy said why suddenly let everyone know who will open the show. The Bret Hart thing was debatable this not so much. So who is going to give the little company that should another shot? On the Wrestlemania card it looks quite good. I expect HHH to be added somewhere prolly vs Sheamus no1 contender or something. Orton vs one or both or triple threat of Legacy a bathroom break eh I mean divas match lol. Punk vs Mysterio looks to be on the books as well. So that would make 10 right?
  16. Lol be glad he didn't go carney that stuff is evil and not understandable.
  17. Yeah isn't Edge's fav growing up also the Warrior? I guess its more an age then a talent thing lol. Oh btw for those that don't know. wanker = someone who pleasures himself a lot. the two finger salute = up yours = up your sphincter. Tried to keep it PG.
  18. http://www.fanhouse.com/2010/03/05/chat-live-with-tna-star-desmond-wolfe-on-monday-4pm-et Live chat with Desmond Wolfe just started for those interested. Finished now. Was all in character, somewhat entertaining not revealing at all.
  19. Well kinda as the sources saying Hogan thought Bill would come in or some sort could be very unreliable plus in the full interview Bill said the classic never say never. And with Bisch and Vinny Ru onboard a work is never out of the possibilities.
  20. Lol TWA has always been my fav for a name change as well. And if they ever are going to do it now is the time. Or just ad the w as in TNAW presents Impact etc.
  21. I agree with Lazor, but this is becoming a rebook wcw thread guys so lets not go there. In short Goldberg can possibly be useful for TNA but only if handled very very well and if he doesn't cost too much and his heart is in it. Since 2 and 3 are very unlikely and 1 is very hard to do it wouldn't be a smart move even if he is willing to return to the ring.
  22. I would go for option 2 as it seems to also be a dig to how stories get released etc and TNA where not too happy that Spike confirmed the rumor that Hogan had started.
  23. Thing with golberg is what do you do with him? If ,and that is a big if, TNA signs him he probably will be on a light schedule. In order to be an attraction he needs to be Goldberg eg a very dominant wrestler. And then he needs to lose to someone. Once that is done you need to a) follow up on the one that won and b) either release him or build him up again. Also age is a big factor in that he doesn't have any long term value and while Goldberg is still a big name TNA now has enough big names from the past and if Jeff comes back present as well. So for a short run with him beating other old guys and then having a high profile loss to say Morgan, sure why not depending on the cost. Otherwise don't bother.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheOutsiderScottHall#p/u Some of his older stuff is here.
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